[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/celtic/listbox.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/window.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/button.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/callback.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lpr cell-cultures/celtic/demos.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/frame.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/menu.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/scrolling.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/textual.lisp cell-cultures/celtic/widget-item.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sat Jul 17 14:02:24 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/celtic
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19012/celtic

Modified Files:
	button.lisp callback.lisp celtic.lisp celtic.lpr demos.lisp 
	frame.lisp menu.lisp scrolling.lisp textual.lisp 
Added Files:
	listbox.lisp window.lisp 
Log Message:

Date: Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/button.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/button.lisp:1.5 cell-cultures/celtic/button.lisp:1.6
--- cell-cultures/celtic/button.lisp:1.5	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/button.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
     -font	-foreground	-highlightbackground	-highlightcolor
     -highlightthickness -image -justify -padx -pady -relief -repeatdelay
     -repeatinterval -takefocus -text -textvariable -underline  -wraplength
-    (-command nil)
-    -compound -default -height -overrelief -state -width))
+    -command -compound -default -height -overrelief -state -width))
 (def-widget checkbutton ()
@@ -41,16 +40,19 @@
     -highlightthickness -image -justify -padx
     -pady -relief -takefocus -text
     -textvariable -underline -wraplength
-    (-command nil)
-    -height -indicatoron -offrelief -offvalue -onvalue 
+    -command -height -indicatoron -offrelief -offvalue -onvalue 
     -overrelief -selectcolor -selectimage -state -tristateimage 
     -tristatevalue (-tk-variable -variable) -width)
-      :command  (lambda (self)
-                  (setf (^md-value) (not (^md-value))))))
+      :md-value (c-in nil)
+      :command (c? (tk-callback self 'toggle
+                     (lambda (self id &rest args)
+                       (declare (ignore id args))
+                       (eko ("toggling" self)
+                         (setf (^md-value) (not (^md-value)))))))))
 (def-c-output .md-value ((self checkbutton))
-  (tk-format "set ~a ~a"
+  (tk-send self "set ~a ~a"
     (down$ (md-name self))
     (if new-value 1 0)))
@@ -62,14 +64,15 @@
     -highlightthickness -image -justify -padx
     -pady -relief -takefocus -text
     -textvariable -underline -wraplength
-    (-command nil)
-    -height -indicatoron -offrelief -value 
+    -command -height -indicatoron -offrelief -value 
     -overrelief -selectcolor -selectimage -state -tristateimage 
     -tristatevalue (-tk-variable -variable) -width)
-      :command  (lambda (self)
-                  (setf (selection (upper self selector))
-                    (value self)))))
+      :command (c? (tk-callback self 'radio-set
+                     (lambda (self id &rest args)
+                       (declare (ignore id args))
+                       (setf (selection (upper self selector))
+                         (value self)))))))
 (def-widget scale ()
@@ -77,23 +80,26 @@
     -font -foreground -highlightbackground -highlightcolor
     -highlightthickness -orient -relief -repeatdelay
     -repeatinterval -takefocus -troughcolor
-    -bigincrement (-command nil) -digits -from
+    -bigincrement -command -digits -from
     (-tk-label -label) (-tk-length -length) -resolution
     -showvalue -sliderlength -sliderrelief
     -state -tickinterval -to (-tk-variable -variable) -width)
       :md-value (c-in nil)
-      :command (lambda (self)
-                  (setf (^md-value) (tk-eval (format nil "~a get" (^path)))))))
+      :command (c? (tk-callback self 'radio-set
+                     (lambda (self id &rest args)
+                       (declare (ignore id))
+                       (eko ("scale now" self)
+                         (setf (^md-value) (car args))))))))
 (def-c-output .md-value ((self scale))
   (when new-value
     (if (listp new-value)
-        (tk-format "set ~a {~{~a~^ ~}}" (^path) new-value)
-      (tk-format "~a set ~a" (^path) new-value))))
+        (tk-send self "set ~a {~{~a~^ ~}}" (^path) new-value)
+      (tk-send self "~a set ~a" (^path) new-value))))
 (def-widget spinbox ()
-  ()
+  ((initial-value :initarg :initial-value :initform nil :accessor initial-value))
   (-activebackground -background -borderwidth -cursor
     -exportselection -font -foreground -highlightbackground
     -highlightcolor -highlightthickness -insertbackground -insertborderwidth
@@ -103,20 +109,30 @@
     -buttonbackground -buttoncursor -buttondownrelief
-    (-command nil) -disabledbackground -disabledforeground
+    -command -disabledbackground -disabledforeground
     (-spinbox-format -format) -from -invalidcommand -increment
     -readonlybackground -state -to -validate
     -validatecommand (-tk-values -values) -width -wrap)
       :md-value (c-in nil)
-      :command (lambda (self)
-                  (setf (^md-value)
-                    (eko ("spinbox value now" self)
-                      (tk-eval-list (format nil "~a get" (^path))))))))
+      :command (c? (format nil 
+                       "puts {callback ~s %s %d}"
+                     (register-callback self 'cmd
+                       (lambda (self id &rest args)
+                         (destructuring-bind (new-value up-down) args
+                           (setf (^md-value)
+                             (eko ("spinbox value now" self id :up-down up-down)
+                               (down$ new-value)
+                               #+not (tk-eval-list self (format nil "~a get" (^path))))))))))))
 (def-c-output .md-value ((self spinbox))
   (when new-value
+    (trc "spinbox value" (type-of new-value) new-value)
     (if (listp new-value)
-        (tk-format "set ~a {~{~a~^ ~}}" (^path) new-value)
-      (tk-format "~a set ~a" (^path) new-value))))
+        (tk-send self "set ~a {~{~a~^ ~}}" (^path) new-value)
+      (tk-send self "~a set ~s" (^path) new-value))))
+(def-c-output initial-value ((self spinbox))
+  (when new-value
+    (setf (^md-value) new-value)))

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/callback.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/callback.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/celtic/callback.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/celtic/callback.lisp:1.1	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/callback.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -19,21 +19,20 @@
-(in-package :celtic)
-(defparameter *callbacks* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(in-package :celtic)
 (defun register-callback (self callback-id fun)
   (let ((id (intern (string-upcase
                      (format nil "~a.~a" (path self) callback-id)))))
-    (assert (not (gethash id *callbacks*)))
+    (assert (not (gethash id (callbacks .tkw))))
     (trc "registering callback" self :id id)
-    (setf (gethash id *callbacks*) (cons fun self))
+    (setf (gethash id (callbacks .tkw)) (cons fun self))
-(defun dispatch-callback (callback)
+(defun dispatch-callback (window callback)
   (destructuring-bind (callback-id &rest callback-args) callback
-    (let ((func-self (gethash callback-id *callbacks*)))
+    (let ((func-self (gethash callback-id (callbacks window))))
       ;(format t "sym:~S fun:~A~%" sym func-self)
       (when (not func-self)
@@ -44,75 +43,52 @@
                    (declare (ignore func-self))
                    (format t "~&known callback key ~a, type ~a, pkg ~a"
                      key (type-of key)(when (typep key 'symbol) (symbol-package key))))
-          *callbacks*))
+          (callbacks window)))
       (when (car func-self)
-        (apply (car func-self) (cdr func-self) callback-args)))))
+        (apply (car func-self) (cdr func-self) callback callback-args)))))
 (defun after (self time func)
   "Usage: (after self <time> <func>)) ...after <time> msec call function <func>"
-  (register-callback self "after" func)
-  (tk-format "after ~a {puts -nonewline {(\"~A\") };flush stdout}"
-    time (widget-callback-id self "after")))
+  (tk-send self "after ~a {puts {callback ~a}}"
+    time (register-callback self 'after func)))
-(defmethod tk-eval (form$)
-  (car (tk-eval-list form$)))
+(defun tk-eval (self form$)
+  (car (tk-eval-list self form$)))
 (defun peek-char-no-hang (stream)
-  (let ((c (read-char-no-hang stream nil :eof)))
-    (unless (eql c :eof)
-      (unread-char c stream)
-      c)))
-(defun tk-eval-list (form$)
-  ;
-  ; clear stdin
-  ;
-  (trc "attempting peek")
-  (loop while (peek-char-no-hang *w*)
-        do (trc "got peek")
-        (if (eql #\( (peek-char t *w*))
-            (let ((msg (read *w*)))
-              (trc "tk-eval-list > buffer not empty" msg)
-              (when (eql 'callback (first msg))
-                (dispatch-callback (rest msg))))
-             (c-break "tk-eval-list error 1: ~a" (read-line *w*))))
-  (trc "done peek")
-  ;
-  ; now evaluate form$ in Tk
-  ;
-  (tk-send
-   (format nil "puts -nonewline {(};puts -nonewline [~a];puts {)};flush stdout" 
-     form$))
-  ;
-  ; retrieve result
-  ;
-  (if (eql #\( (peek-char t *w* nil nil))
-      (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
-        (trc "!!! got left parens" form$)
-        (set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\)))
-        (set-macro-character #\{
-          #'(lambda (s c1)
-              (declare (ignore c1))
-              (read-delimited-list #\} s t)))
-        (return-from tk-eval-list (eko ("left par read") (read *w*))))
-    (if (peek-char t *w* nil nil)
-      (c-break "tk-eval-list error 2: ~a" (read-line *w*))
-      (trc "looks like wish exited"))))
-(def-c-output command ((self widget))
-  (when (and new-value (^command-is-callback))
-    (configure self "-command"
-      (format nil
-          "puts {(callback ~a)};flush stdout; list" ;; list cuz Tk feeds args to some 
-                                             ; widgets' commands and list will consume syntax
-        (register-callback self "command" new-value)))))
+  (and (listen stream) (peek-char t stream)))
+(defun tk-eval-list (self form$)
+  (let* ((id (copy-symbol 'eval-list))
+         result
+         (full-id (register-callback self id
+                    (lambda (self id &rest args)
+                      (trc "tk-eval-list" self id args)
+                      (setf result args)))))
+    (tk-send self
+      (format nil 
+          "puts -nonewline {callback ~a };puts [~a]" full-id form$))
+    (tk-listen .tkw full-id)
+    result))
 (def-c-output bindings () ;;; (w widget) event fun)
   (loop for binding in new-value
         for name = (create-name)
         do (destructuring-bind (event . fn) binding
              (declare (ignorable event))
-             (tk-format "bind ~a ~a {puts {(callback ~a)};flush stdout}"
+             (tk-send self "bind ~a ~a {puts {callback ~a}}"
                (^path) event (register-callback self name fn)))))
+(defun tk-callback (self id-suffix fn &optional command)
+  (format nil 
+      (or command
+        (if (tk-command-is-passed-args self)
+            "puts -nonewline {callback ~s }; puts"
+          "puts {callback ~s}"))
+    (register-callback self id-suffix fn)))
+(defmethod tk-command-is-passed-args ((other t)) nil)
+(defmethod tk-command-is-passed-args ((self scale)) 1)

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lisp:1.5 cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lisp:1.6
--- cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lisp:1.5	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -35,10 +35,8 @@
   "execute program with args a list containing the arguments passed to the program
    if wt is non-nil, the function will wait for the execution of the program to return.
    returns a two way stream connected to stdin/stdout of the program"
-  (let ((fullstring program))
-    (dolist (a args)
-      (setf fullstring (concatenate 'string fullstring " " a)))
+  (declare (ignorable args))
+  (let ((fullstring (format nil "~a~{~^ ~a~}" program args)))
     #+:cmupty (let ((proc (run-program program args :input t :output t :wait wt :pty :stream :error :output)))
                 (unless proc
                   (error "Cannot create process."))
@@ -75,36 +73,6 @@
-;;; global var for holding the communication stream
-(defvar *w* nil)
-;;; verbosity of debug messages, if true, then all communication
-;;; with tk is echoed to stdout
-(defparameter *debug-tk* nil)
-;;; start wish and set *w*
-(defun tk-start ()
-  (setf *w* (do-execute "wish" '("-name" "Visual Apropos"))))
-(defun tk-format (fmt$ &rest args)
-  (tk-send (apply 'format nil fmt$ args)))
-(defun tk-send (text)
-  "send a string to wish"
-  (when t ;(search "font-face" text) ;; *debug-tk*
-    (format t "~&tk-send> ~A~%" text)
-    (force-output))
-  (format *w* "~A~%" text)
-  (force-output *w*))
-;;; wrapper around read-line to compensate for slight differences between lisp versions
-(defun tk-read ()
-  (let ((c (read-line *w* nil nil)))
-    ;; (trc "tk-read> " c)
-    #+:lispworks (setf c (string-right-trim '(#\Newline #\Return #\Linefeed) c))
-    c))
 (defun convert(from to)
   (close (do-execute "convert" (list from to) t)))
@@ -112,6 +80,8 @@
 ;; incremental counter to create unique numbers
 (let ((counter 1))
+  (defun tk-names-reset()
+    (setf counter 1))
   (defun get-counter()
     (incf counter)))
@@ -120,31 +90,59 @@
   (format nil "w~A" (get-counter)))
 ;;;; main event loop, runs until stream is closed by wish (wish exited) or
-;;;; the variable *exit-mainloop* is set
+;;;; the variable *exit-tk-listen* is set
-(defvar *exit-mainloop* nil)
+(defvar *exit-tk-listen* nil)
-(defvar *tk-root*)
+(defun tk-listen (window &optional exit-callback-id &aux (wish (wish window)))
+  (let ((*exit-tk-listen* nil)
+        (*read-eval* nil)    ;;safety against malicious clients
+        (*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
+    (set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\)))
+    (set-macro-character #\{
+      #'(lambda (s c1)
+          (declare (ignore c1))
+          (read-delimited-list #\} s t)))
-(defun mainloop()
-  (trc nil "mainloop !!! *w* is" *w*)
-  (let ((*exit-mainloop* nil)
-        (*read-eval* nil))    ;;safety against malicious clients
-      (let ((msg (read-preserving-whitespace *w* nil nil)))
-        (when (null msg) (return))
-        (if (consp msg)
-            (progn
-              (assert (eql 'callback (first msg)))
-              (trc "mainloop dispatching callback" msg)
-              (dispatch-callback (rest msg)))
-          (let ((emsg (read-line *w* nil nil)))
-            (trc "error msg:" msg emsg)))
-        (when *exit-mainloop*
-          (tk-send "exit")
-          (return))))))
+      (let ((msg$ (read-line #+not read-preserving-whitespace wish nil nil)))
+        (when (null msg$)
+          (return))
+        (trc "tk-listen> read:" msg$)
+        (loop with start = 0
+            and state = 'init
+            and func and self and callback-id and args
+            for (msg start-next) = (multiple-value-list
+                                    (read-from-string msg$ nil nil :start start))
+            while msg
+            do (setf start start-next)
+              (ecase state
+                (init 
+                 (case msg
+                   (callback (setf state 'get-callback-id))
+                   (otherwise (c-break "TKERR> " msg$))))
+                (get-callback-id
+                 (assert msg)
+                 (let ((callback-info (gethash msg (callbacks window))))
+                   (assert callback-info () "No callback with ID ~a" msg)
+                   (setf callback-id msg
+                     func (car callback-info)
+                     self (cdr callback-info)
+                     state 'get-args)))
+                (get-args
+                 (pushnew msg args)))
+              finally
+              (setf args (nreverse args))
+              (apply func self callback-id args)
+              (cond
+               (*exit-tk-listen*
+                (tk-send window "exit")
+                (return))
+               ((And exit-callback-id ;; play it safe
+                  (or (trc "comparing callback id" callback-id exit-callback-id
+                    (eql callback-id exit-callback-id))
+                  (eql callback-id exit-callback-id)))
+                (return-from tk-listen))))))))
 ;; create pathname from master widget <master> and widget name <name>
 (defun create-path (master name)
@@ -154,22 +152,17 @@
     (format nil "~A.~A" master-path name)))
 (defgeneric grid-columnconfigure (w c o v))
-(defmethod grid-columnconfigure (widget column option value)
-  (tk-format "grid columnconfigure ~a ~a -~a {~a}" (path widget) column option value))
+(defmethod grid-columnconfigure (self column option value)
+  (tk-send self "grid columnconfigure ~a ~a -~a {~a}" (path self) column option value))
 (defgeneric grid-rowconfigure (w r o v))
-(defmethod grid-rowconfigure (widget row option value)
-  (tk-format "grid rowconfigure ~a ~a -~a {~a}" (path widget) row option value))
+(defmethod grid-rowconfigure (self row option value)
+  (tk-send self "grid rowconfigure ~a ~a -~a {~a}" (path self) row option value))
 (defgeneric grid-configure (w o v))
-(defmethod grid-configure (widget option value)
-  (tk-format "grid configure ~a -~a {~a}" (path widget) option value))
+(defmethod grid-configure (self option value)
+  (tk-send self "grid configure ~a -~a {~a}" (path self) option value))
-(defun tk-test (fn)
-  (let ((*debug-tk* nil)
-        (*callbacks* (make-hash-table)))
-    (cell-reset)
-    (tk-start)
-    (let ((*tk-root* (funcall fn)))
-      (mainloop))))

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lpr
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lpr:1.4 cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lpr:1.5
--- cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lpr:1.4	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/celtic.lpr	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; -*- lisp-version: "6.2 [Windows] (May 12, 2004 22:13)"; common-graphics: "1.389."; -*-
+;; -*- lisp-version: "6.2 [Windows] (Jul 16, 2004 8:32)"; common-graphics: "1.389."; -*-
 (in-package :common-graphics-user)
@@ -8,14 +8,16 @@
   :application-type (intern "Standard EXE" (find-package :keyword))
   :modules (list (make-instance 'module :name "celtic.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "widget-item.lisp")
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "window.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "frame.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "canvas.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "textual.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "button.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "menu.lisp")
                  (make-instance 'module :name "scrolling.lisp")
-                 (make-instance 'module :name "demos.lisp")
-                 (make-instance 'module :name "callback.lisp"))
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "callback.lisp")
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "listbox.lisp")
+                 (make-instance 'module :name "demos.lisp"))
   :projects (list (make-instance 'project-module :name
   :libraries nil

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/demos.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/demos.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/celtic/demos.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/celtic/demos.lisp:1.1	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/demos.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -21,32 +21,165 @@
 (in-package :celtic)
-(defun font-view ()
+(defun tk-test (root-class)
+  (cell-reset)
+  (tk-names-reset)
+  (tk-listen (make-be root-class)))
+(defun mk-font-view ()
   (make-be 'font-view))
-(defmodel font-view (frame-stack)
-  ((symbols :initarg :symbols :initform nil :accessor symbols)
-   (sub-symbol :initarg :sub-symbol :initform nil :accessor sub-symbol))
+(defmodel all (window)
+  ()
-    :md-value (c? (let ((ff (eko ("fview ff") (tk-eval-list "font families"))))
-                    (assert (consp ff))
-                    ff))
-    :pady 2 :padx 4
-    :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill both -expand 1 -anchor nw")
-    :kids  (c? (list
-                (mk-spinbox :md-name :font-face
-                  :md-value (c-in (car (^md-value)))
-                 :tk-values (c? (md-value .parent)))
-                (mk-scale :md-name :font-size
-                  :md-value (c-in 14)
-                  :tk-label "Font Size"
-                  :from 7 :to 24 
-                  :orient 'horizontal)
-                (mk-label :text "Four score and seven years ago today"
-                  :wraplength 600
-                  :font (c? (list ;; format nil "{{~{~a~^ ~}} ~a}" ;; eg, {{wp greek century} 24}
-                              (md-value (fm^ :font-face))
-                              (md-value (fm^ :font-size)))))))))
+      :kids (c? (list
+                 (demo-all-menubar)
+                 (mk-frame-stack
+                  :layout (pack-self)
+                  :kids (c? (list
+                             (mk-frame-row
+                              :kids (c? (list
+                                         (mk-button :text "Press Me"
+                                           :layout nil
+                                           :command (tk-callback self 'hello 
+                                                      (lambda (self key &rest args)
+                                                        (trc "hello world" self key args))))
+                                         (mk-entry :text "Enter Me"
+                                           :layout nil))))
+                             (mk-frame-row
+                              :kids (c? (list
+                                         (mk-checkbutton :md-name :check-me
+                                           :text "check Me"
+                                           :md-value (c-in t)
+                                           :layout nil)
+                                         (mk-radiobutton :text "yes"
+                                           :value 'yes
+                                           :layout nil)
+                                         (mk-radiobutton :text "no"
+                                           :value 'no
+                                           :layout nil))))
+                             (mk-scale :md-name :font-size
+                               :md-value (c-in 14)
+                               :tk-label "Font Size"
+                               :from 7 :to 24 
+                               :orient 'horizontal)
+                             (mk-scrolled-list
+                              :list-height 6
+                              :layout nil ;;(pack-layout? "-side left -fill x -expand 1")
+                              :list-item-keys (list-all-packages)
+                              :list-item-factory (lambda (pkg)
+                                                   (make-instance 'listbox-item
+                                                     :md-value pkg
+                                                     :item-text (down$ (package-name pkg)))))
+                             (mk-spinbox
+                              :initial-value (c? (without-c-dependency
+                                                  (when (^tk-values)
+                                                    "celtic")))
+                              :tk-values (mapcar 'down$
+                                           (mapcar 'package-name
+                                             (list-all-packages))))
+                             (mk-spinbox
+                              :initial-value (c? (down$ (car (^tk-values))))
+                              :tk-values (c? (tk-eval-list self "font families")))
+                             )))))))
+(defun demo-all-menubar ()
+  (mk-menubar
+   :kids (c? (list
+              (mk-menu-entry-cascade
+               :label "File"
+               :kids (c? (list
+                          (mk-menu
+                           :kids (c? (list
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "New"
+                                        :command "exit")
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Open"
+                                        :command "exit")
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Close"
+                                        :command "exit")
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-separator)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Quit"
+                                        :state (c? (if (md-value (fm^ :check-me))
+                                                       'normal 'disabled))
+                                        :command "exit")))))))
+              (mk-menu-entry-cascade
+               :label "Edit"
+               :kids (c? (list
+                          (mk-menu
+                           :kids (c? (list
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Undo"
+                                        :command (tk-callback .tkw 'undo
+                                                   (lambda (self id &rest args)
+                                                     (trc "edit menu undo" self id args))))
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-separator)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Cut"
+                                        :command "exit")
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Copy"
+                                        :command "exit")
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Paste"
+                                        :command "exit")
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Clear"
+                                        :command "exit")
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-separator)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-radiobutton
+                                       :label "Times" :value "times"
+                                       :tk-variable "fontface"
+                                       :command nil)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-radiobutton
+                                       :label "Courier" :value "courier"
+                                       :tk-variable "fontface"
+                                       :command nil)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-radiobutton
+                                       :label "Helvetica" :value "helvetica"
+                                       :tk-variable "fontface"
+                                       :command nil)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-separator)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-cascade
+                                       :label "Font Size"
+                                       :menu (c? (path (kid1 self)))
+                                       :kids (c? (list
+                                                  (mk-menu
+                                                   :kids (c? (list
+                                                              (mk-menu-entry-radiobutton
+                                                               :label "9" :value 9
+                                                               :tk-variable "fontsize"
+                                                               :command nil)
+                                                              (mk-menu-entry-radiobutton
+                                                               :label "12" :value 12
+                                                               :tk-variable "fontsize"
+                                                               :command nil)
+                                                              (mk-menu-entry-radiobutton
+                                                               :label "14" :value 14
+                                                               :tk-variable "fontsize"
+                                                               :command nil)))))))
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-separator)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-checkbutton :label "Italic"
+                                        :command nil)
+                                      (mk-menu-entry-checkbutton :label "Bold"
+                                        :command nil)
+                                      ))))))))))
+(defmodel font-view (window)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+      :title$ "Font View"
+    :kids  (c? (list (mk-frame-stack
+                      :md-value (c? (tk-eval-list self "font families"))
+                      :pady 2 :padx 4
+                      :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill both -expand 1 -anchor nw")
+                      :kids (c?(list
+                                (mk-spinbox :md-name :font-face
+                                  :md-value (c-in (car (^md-value)))
+                                  :tk-values (c? (md-value .parent)))
+                                (mk-scale :md-name :font-size
+                                  :md-value (c-in 14)
+                                  :tk-label "Font Size"
+                                  :from 7 :to 24 
+                                  :orient 'horizontal)
+                                (mk-label :text "Four score and seven years ago today"
+                                  :wraplength 600
+                                  :font (c? (list ;; format nil "{{~{~a~^ ~}} ~a}" ;; eg, {{wp greek century} 24}
+                                             (md-value (fm^ :font-face))
+                                             (md-value (fm^ :font-size))))))))))))
 (defun font-view-2 ()
   (make-be 'font-view-2))
@@ -57,3 +190,33 @@
       :orient 'vertical
     :kids  (c? (loop repeat 2
                      collecting (make-instance 'font-view)))))
+;;; ---- toplevel --------------------------------
+(defmodel tl-popper (frame-stack)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+    :pady 2 :padx 4
+    :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill both -expand 1 -anchor nw")
+    :kids  (c? (list
+                (mk-button :text "Open"
+                 :underline 0
+                 :command (lambda (self)
+                            (declare (ignore self))
+                            (make-be 'file-open)))))))
+(defmodel file-open (toplevel)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+    :md-value (c? (directory "\\windows\\fonts\\*.ttf"))
+    :pady 2 :padx 4
+    :kids  (c? (list
+                (mk-spinbox :md-name :font-face
+                  :md-value (c-in (car (^md-value)))
+                 :tk-values (c? (mapcar 'pathname-name (md-value .parent))))
+                (mk-button :text "Open"
+                 :underline 0
+                 :command (lambda (self)
+                            (tk-send self "destroy ~a" (path (upper self toplevel)))
+                            (not-to-be (upper self toplevel))))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/frame.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/frame.lisp:1.5 cell-cultures/celtic/frame.lisp:1.6
--- cell-cultures/celtic/frame.lisp:1.5	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/frame.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 (def-c-output kids-layout ()
   (when new-value
-    (tk-send new-value)))
+    (tk-send self new-value)))
 (defmodel row-mixin (inline-mixin)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 (def-c-output selection ()
   (when new-value
-    (tk-format "set ~a ~a"
+    (tk-send self "set ~a ~a"
       (down$ (tk-variable self))
       (down$ (md-name new-value)))))
@@ -113,33 +113,4 @@
 (defmodel labelframe-row (row-mixin labelframe-selector)())
 (defun mk-labelframe-row (&rest init-args)
   (apply 'make-instance 'labelframe-row init-args))
-;---- panedwindow -----------------------------------
-(def-widget panedwindow (:std-factory nil)
-  ()
-  (-background -borderwidth -cursor -height
-    -orient -relief -width
-    -handlepad
-    -handlesize
-    -opaqueresize
-    -sashcursor
-    -sashpad
-    -sashrelief
-    -sashwidth
-    -showhandle)
-  (:default-initargs
-      :layout nil))
-(defmethod make-tk-instance ((self panedwindow))
-  (tk-format "panedwindow ~a -orient ~(~a~)"
-    (^path) (or (orient self) "vertical"))
-  (tk-format "pack ~a -expand yes -fill both" (^path)))
-(defmethod parent-path ((self panedwindow)) (^path))
-(defmethod md-awaken :after ((self panedwindow))
-  (with-integrity (:panedwindow :finalize self)
-    (loop for k in (^kids)
-          do (tk-format "~a add ~a" (^path) (path k)))))

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/menu.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/menu.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/celtic/menu.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/celtic/menu.lisp:1.3	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/menu.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -21,64 +21,151 @@
 (in-package :celtic)
-(def-widget menu ()
-  ()
+#| do list
+initialize check/radio entries to non-nil
+mirror check/radios into app model
+dynamic add/remove
+(def-widget menu (:std-factory nil)
+  ((label :initarg :label :initform nil :accessor label))
   (-activebackground -activeborderwidth -activeforeground -background
     -borderwidth -cursor -disabledforeground -font
     -foreground -relief -takefocus
     -postcommand -selectcolor -tearoff -tearoffcommand
-    -title (-tk-type -type)))
+    (-title nil) (-tk-type -type)))
+(defmethod make-tk-instance ((self menu))
+  (trc "make-tk-instance menu" self :parent .parent (type-of .parent)
+    :grandpar (fm-parent .parent) (type-of (fm-parent .parent)))
+  (tk-send self (format nil "menu ~a -tearoff 0" (^path))))
+;;; --- menu bars -----------------------------------
+(defmodel menubar (menu)())
+(defun mk-menubar (&rest inits) (apply 'make-instance 'menubar inits))
+(defmethod make-tk-instance ((self menubar))
+  (tk-send self (format nil "menu ~a -tearoff 0 -type menubar" (^path)))
+  (tk-send self (format nil ". configure -menu ~a" (^path))))
+;;; --- menu entries ------------------------------------
+(defmodel menu-entry (tk-object)
+  ((index :initarg :index :accessor index
+     :initform (c? (kid-no self)))
+   (entry-type :cell nil :initarg :entry-type :accessor entry-type :initform nil
+     :documentation "Command, cascade, radiobutton, checkbutton, or separator"))
+  (:documentation "e.g, New, Open, Save in a File menu"))
+(defmethod parent-path ((self menu-entry))
+  (path .parent))
+(defmethod not-to-be :after ((self menu-entry))
+  (trc nil "whacking menu-entry" self)
+  (tk-send self "~a delete ~a" (path .parent) (index self)))
+(defmethod configure ((self menu-entry) option value)
+  (assert (>= (index self) 0) () "cannot configure menu-entry until instantiated and index decided")
+  (tk-send self "~A entryconfigure ~a ~(~a~) {~a}"
+    (path .parent) (index self) option (tk-down$ value)))
+(defmacro def-menu-entry (class
+                          (&optional (superclasses '(menu-entry)))
+                          (&rest std-slots)
+                          (&rest tk-options)
+                          &rest defclass-options
+                          &aux (std-factory t))
+  (multiple-value-bind (slots outputs)
+          (loop for tk-option-def in tk-options
+              for slot-name = (intern (de- (if (atom tk-option-def)
+                                               tk-option-def (car tk-option-def))))
+              collecting `(,slot-name :initform nil
+				      :initarg ,(intern (string slot-name) :keyword)
+				      :accessor ,slot-name)
+              into slot-defs
+              when (or (atom tk-option-def)
+                     (cadr tk-option-def))
+              collecting `(def-c-output ,slot-name ((self ,class))
+                            (when new-value
+                              (configure self ,(string (if (atom tk-option-def)
+                                                           tk-option-def (cadr tk-option-def)))
+                                new-value)))
+              into outputs
+              finally (return (values slot-defs outputs)))
+        `(progn
+           (defmodel ,class (, at superclasses)
+             (,@(append std-slots slots))
+             , at defclass-options)
+           (defun ,(intern (format nil "MK-~a" class)) (&rest inits)
+             (apply 'make-instance ',class inits))
+           ,(when std-factory
+              `(defmethod make-tk-instance ((self ,class))
+                 (tk-send self
+                   (format nil "~(~a~) add ~(~a~)"
+                     (path .parent)(entry-type self)))))
+           , at outputs)))
-(def-widget menubutton ()
+(def-menu-entry menu-entry-separator ()
-  (-activebackground -activeforeground -anchor -background
-    -bitmap -borderwidth -cursor -disabledforeground
-    -font -foreground -highlightbackground -highlightcolor
-    -highlightthickness -image -justify -padx
-    -pady -relief -takefocus -text
-    -textvariable -underline -wraplength
-    -compound -direction -height -indicatoron
-    (-tk-menu -menu) -state -width))
-(def-widget listbox ()
-  ()
-  (-activestyle -background -borderwidth -cursor
-    -disabledforeground -exportselection -font -foreground
-    -height -highlightbackground -highlightcolor -highlightthickness
-    -relief -selectbackground -selectborderwidth -selectforeground
-    -setgrid -state -takefocus -width
-    -xscrollcommand -yscrollcommand
-    -listvariable -selectmode)
+  (-columnbreak)
-      :bindings (c? (when (selector self)
-                      (list (cons "<<ListboxSelect>>"
-                              (lambda (self)
-                                (setf (selection (selector self))
-                                  (car (listbox-get-selection self))))))))))
-(defmodel listbox-item (tk-object)
-  ((item-text :initarg :item-text :accessor item-text
-     :initform (c? (format nil "~a" (^md-value))))))
-(defmethod make-tk-instance ((self listbox-item))
-  (tk-format "~A insert end ~s"
-    (path .parent)
-    (^item-text)))
-(def-c-output .kids ((self listbox))
-  (when old-value
-    (tk-format "~A delete ~a ~a"
-      (^path)
-      0 (1- (length old-value)))))
-(defmethod listbox-get-selection ((l listbox))
-  (tk-send
-   (format nil "puts -nonewline {(};puts -nonewline [~a curselection];puts {)};flush stdout" 
-     (path l)))
-  (read *w*))
+      :entry-type 'separator))
+(def-menu-entry menu-entry-usable ()
+  ()
+  (-activebackground -activeforeground -accelerator -background
+    -bitmap -columnbreak
+    -compound -font -foreground -hidemargin
+    -image -label -state -underline))
+(def-menu-entry menu-entry-cascade ((family menu-entry-usable))
+  ()
+  (-menu)
+  (:default-initargs
+      :menu (c? (path (kid1 self)))
+    :entry-type 'cascade))
+(tk-send self (format nil "~A add cascade -label {~A} -menu ~a"
+                (path (nearest .parent widget)) (^label) (^path)))
+(def-menu-entry menu-entry-command ((menu-entry-usable))
+  ()
+  (-command)
+  (:default-initargs
+      :entry-type 'command))
+(def-menu-entry menu-entry-button ((menu-entry-command))
+  ()
+  ((-tk-variable -variable) -selectcolor -selectimage -indicatoron))
+(def-menu-entry menu-entry-checkbutton ((menu-entry-button))
+  ()
+  (-offvalue -onvalue)
+  (:default-initargs
+      :entry-type 'checkbutton))
+(def-menu-entry menu-entry-radiobutton ((menu-entry-button))
+  ()
+  (-value)
+  (:default-initargs
+      :entry-type 'radiobutton))
+;;;(def-widget menubutton (:std-factory nil) ;; abstract class
+;;;  ((label :initarg :label :initform nil :accessor label))
+;;;  (-activebackground -activeforeground -anchor -background
+;;;    -bitmap -borderwidth -cursor -disabledforeground
+;;;    -font -foreground -highlightbackground -highlightcolor
+;;;    -highlightthickness -image -justify -padx
+;;;    -pady -relief -takefocus -text
+;;;    -textvariable -underline -wraplength
+;;;    -compound -direction -height -indicatoron
+;;;    (-tk-menu -menu) -state -width))

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/scrolling.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/scrolling.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/celtic/scrolling.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/celtic/scrolling.lisp:1.3	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/scrolling.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     -takefocus -troughcolor
     -activerelief -command -elementborderwidth -width))
-(defmodel scrolled-list (frame-row)
+(defmodel scrolled-list (frame-selector)
   ((list-item-keys :initarg :list-item-keys :accessor list-item-keys :initform nil)
    (list-item-factory :initarg :list-item-factory :accessor list-item-factory :initform nil)
    (list-height :initarg :list-height :accessor list-height :initform nil))
@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
                                          (format nil "~a set" (path (nsib))))))
                  (mk-scrollbar :md-name :vscroll
                      :layout (c? (format nil "pack ~a -side right -fill y" (^path)))
-                     :command (c? (format nil "~a yview" (path (psib))))
-                     :command-is-callback nil)))))
+                     :command (c? (format nil "~a yview" (path (psib)))))))))
 (defun mk-scrolled-list (&rest inits)
   (apply 'make-instance 'scrolled-list inits))

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/textual.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/textual.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/celtic/textual.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/celtic/textual.lisp:1.3	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/textual.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
     -invalidcommand -readonlybackground -show -state 
     -validate -validatecommand -width)
-      :textvariable (c? (md-name self))))
+      :textvariable (c? (^path))))
 (def-c-output text ((self entry))
   (when new-value
-    (tk-format "set ~a ~s"
+    (tk-send self "set ~a ~s"
       (down$ (textvariable self))

Index: cell-cultures/celtic/widget-item.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/celtic/widget-item.lisp:1.6 cell-cultures/celtic/widget-item.lisp:1.7
--- cell-cultures/celtic/widget-item.lisp:1.6	Thu Jul  8 20:53:05 2004
+++ cell-cultures/celtic/widget-item.lisp	Sat Jul 17 07:02:23 2004
@@ -39,42 +39,43 @@
                      (parent-path (fm-parent self))
                      (name self))))
    (layout :reader layout :initarg :layout
-     :initform (c? (format nil "pack ~a" (path self))))
+     :initform nil #+not (pack-self))
    (enabled :reader enabled :initarg :enabled :initform t)
-   (command-is-callback :reader command-is-callback :initarg :command-is-callback
-     :initform t)
    (bindings :reader bindings :initarg :bindings :initform nil)
    (selector :reader selector :initarg :selector
      :initform (c? (upper self selector))))
       :md-name (create-name)))
+(defun pack-self ()
+  (c? (format nil "pack ~a" (path self))))
 (defmethod not-to-be :after ((self widget))
   (trc "not-to-be tk-forgetting true widget" self)
-  (tk-format "pack forget ~a" (^path))
-  (tk-format "destroy ~a" (^path)))
+  (tk-send self "pack forget ~a" (^path))
+  (tk-send self "destroy ~a" (^path)))
 (defmethod parent-path ((nada null)) "")
 (defmethod parent-path ((self t)) (^path))
 (defmethod configure ((self widget) option value)
-  (tk-format "~A configure ~(~a~) ~a" (path self) option (tk-format-value value)))
+  (tk-send self "~A configure ~(~a~) ~a" (path self) option (tk-send-value value)))
-(defmethod tk-format-value ((s string))
-  (format nil "{~a}" s))
+(defmethod tk-send-value ((s string))
+  (format nil "~s" #+not "{~a}" s))
-(defmethod tk-format-value (other)
+(defmethod tk-send-value (other)
   (format nil "~a" other))
-(defmethod tk-format-value ((s symbol))
+(defmethod tk-send-value ((s symbol))
   (down$ s))
-(defmethod tk-format-value ((values list))
-  (format nil "{~{~a~^ ~}}" (mapcar 'tk-format-value values)))
+(defmethod tk-send-value ((values list))
+  (format nil "{~{~a~^ ~}}" (mapcar 'tk-send-value values)))
 (def-c-output layout ((self widget))
   (when (and new-value (not (typep .parent 'panedwindow)))
-    (tk-send new-value)))
+    (tk-send self new-value)))
 (defun de- (sym)
   (remove #\- (symbol-name sym) :end 1))
@@ -111,7 +112,8 @@
            ,(when std-factory
               `(defmethod make-tk-instance ((self ,class))
                  (trc nil "!!! tk-creating" self)
-                 (tk-format ,(format nil "~(~a~) ~~a" class) (path self))))
+                 (setf (gethash (^path) (dictionary .tkw)) self)
+                 (tk-send self ,(format nil "~(~a~) ~~a" class) (path self))))
            , at outputs)))
@@ -139,16 +141,16 @@
 (defmethod not-to-be :after ((self item))
   (trc nil "whacking item" self)
-  (tk-format "~a delete ~a" (path (upper self widget)) (id-no self)))
+  (tk-send self "~a delete ~a" (path (upper self widget)) (id-no self)))
 (defmethod make-tk-instance :after ((self item))
-  (setf (id-no self) (let ((msg (tk-read)))
+  (setf (id-no self) (let ((msg (tk-read self)))
                        (trc "created item" self :id msg)
                        (read-from-string msg))))
 (defmethod configure ((self item) option value)
   (assert (id-no self) () "cannot configure item until instantiated and id obtained")
-  (tk-format "~A itemconfigure ~a ~a {~a}" (path .parent) (id-no self) option value))
+  (tk-send self "~A itemconfigure ~a ~a {~a}" (path .parent) (id-no self) option value))
 (defmacro def-item (class (&rest tk-options))
   (multiple-value-bind (slots outputs)
@@ -174,12 +176,12 @@
        (defun ,(intern (conc$ "MK-" (symbol-name class))) (&rest inits)
          (apply 'make-instance ',class inits))
        (defmethod make-tk-instance ((self ,class))
-         (tk-format "puts [~a create ~a ~{ ~a~}]"
+         (tk-send self "puts [~a create ~a ~{ ~a~}]"
            (path .parent) ,(down$ class) (coords self)))
        , at outputs)))
 (def-c-output coords ()
   (when (and (id-no self) new-value)
-    (tk-format "~a coords ~a ~{ ~a~}"
+    (tk-send self "~a coords ~a ~{ ~a~}"
       (path .parent) (id-no self) new-value)))

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