[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp cell-cultures/cells/family.lisp cell-cultures/cells/integrity.lisp cell-cultures/cells/md-slot-value.lisp cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp cell-cultures/cells/propagate.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Wed Jul 7 01:25:41 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/cells
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4446/cells

Modified Files:
	cells.lisp family.lisp integrity.lisp md-slot-value.lisp 
	md-utilities.lisp propagate.lisp 
Log Message:

Date: Tue Jul  6 18:25:40 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp:1.3 cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp:1.4
--- cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp:1.3	Sun Jul  4 11:59:41 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/cells.lisp	Tue Jul  6 18:25:40 2004
@@ -38,15 +38,13 @@
 (defparameter *c-debug* nil)
 (defun cell-reset ()
-  (setf *count* nil
-    *stop* nil
-    *dbg* nil
-    *trcdepth* 0
-    *c-prop-depth* 0
-    *data-pulse-id* 0
-    *data-pulses* nil
-    *unfinished-business* nil
-    )
+  (utils-kt-reset)
+  (setf 
+   *c-debug* nil
+   *c-prop-depth* 0
+   *data-pulse-id* 0
+   *data-pulses* nil
+   *unfinished-business* nil)
   (trc nil "------ cell reset ----------------------------"))
 (defun c-stop (&optional why)

Index: cell-cultures/cells/family.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/family.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cells/family.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cells/family.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 11:38:36 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/family.lisp	Tue Jul  6 18:25:40 2004
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@
   (when (find-if 'zerop new-kids :key 'adopt-ct)
     (dolist (k new-kids)
+      (trc nil "kids change sees new kid" self k)
       (unless (member k old-kids)       
         (if (eql :nascent (md-state k))

Index: cell-cultures/cells/integrity.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/integrity.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cells/integrity.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cells/integrity.lisp:1.2	Sun Jul  4 11:59:41 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/integrity.lisp	Tue Jul  6 18:25:40 2004
@@ -102,20 +102,25 @@
           (count-it :ufb-wasted))
 (defun finish-business (&aux task some-output setfs (setf-ct 0))
   (declare (ignorable setfs))
-    start ;---------------------------------
-    (setf task (cdr (fifo-pop (ufb-queue :user-notify))))
-    (when task
-      (trc nil "finish-business notifying--------------------------")
-      (funcall task)
-      (go start))
+    notify-users
+    ;--- notify users ------------------------------
+    (let ((user-q-item (fifo-pop (ufb-queue :user-notify))))
+       (when user-q-item
+         (destructuring-bind (defer-info . task) user-q-item
+           (declare (ignorable defer-info))
+           (trc nil "finbiz notifying users of cell" (car defer-info))
+           (funcall task)
+           (go notify-users))))
     (setf some-output nil)
-    next-output ;--------------------------
+    next-output
+    ;--- do c-output-slot-name -----------------------
     (setf task (cdr (fifo-pop (ufb-queue :output))))
@@ -125,8 +130,9 @@
       (funcall task)
       (go next-output))
-      (go start)))
+      (go notify-users)))
+    ; --- do deferred setfs ------------------------
     (setf task (fifo-pop (ufb-queue :setf)))
     (when task
       (incf setf-ct)
@@ -139,4 +145,4 @@
             (push c setfs)
             (data-pulse-next (list :finbiz c new-value))
             (funcall task-fn))))
-      (go start))))
+      (go notify-users))))

Index: cell-cultures/cells/md-slot-value.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cells/md-slot-value.lisp:1.2	Sun Jul  4 11:59:41 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/md-slot-value.lisp	Tue Jul  6 18:25:40 2004
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 (defun c-value-ensure-current (c)
   (count-it :c-value-ensure-current)
+  (trc nil "c-value-ensure-current>" c)
    ((c-inputp c))
    ((c-currentp c))
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
     (c-calculate-and-set c))
    (t (c-pulse-update c :valid-uninfluenced)))
+  ;;(unless (cmdead c)
   (when (c-unboundp c)
     (error 'unbound-cell :instance (c-model c) :name (c-slot-name c)))
@@ -64,34 +66,37 @@
       (c-useds c))))
 (defun c-calculate-and-set (c)
-  (when (c-stopped)
-    (princ #\.)
-    (return-from c-calculate-and-set))
-  (when (find c *c-calculators*) ;; circularity
-    (trc "c-calculate-and-set breaking on circularity" c)
-    (c-break ;; break is problem when testing cells on some CLs
-     "cell ~a midst askers: ~a" c *c-calculators*))
-  (count-it :c-calculate-and-set)
-  ;;;  (count-it :c-calculate-and-set (type-of (c-model c))) ;; (c-slot-name c))
-  (cd-usage-clear-all c)
-  (let ((raw-value
-         (progn
-           (let ((*c-calculators* (cons c *c-calculators*)))
-             (trc nil "c-calculate-and-set> just added to *c-calculators*:"
-               *c-calculators*)
-             (c-assert (c-model c))
-             (funcall (cr-rule c) c)))))
+  (flet ((body ()
+           (when (c-stopped)
+      (princ #\.)
+      (return-from c-calculate-and-set))
-    (when (and *c-debug* (typep raw-value 'cell))
-      (c-break "new value for cell ~s is itself a cell: ~s. probably nested (c? ... (c? ))"
-        c raw-value))
+    (when (find c *c-calculators*) ;; circularity
+      (trc "c-calculate-and-set breaking on circularity" c)
+      (c-break ;; break is problem when testing cells on some CLs
+       "cell ~a midst askers: ~a" c *c-calculators*))
-    (c-unlink-unused c)
-    (md-slot-value-assume c raw-value)))
+    (count-it :c-calculate-and-set)
+    ;;;  (count-it :c-calculate-and-set (type-of (c-model c))) ;; (c-slot-name c))
+    (cd-usage-clear-all c)
+    (let ((raw-value
+           (progn
+             (let ((*c-calculators* (cons c *c-calculators*)))
+               (trc nil "c-calculate-and-set> just added to *c-calculators*:"
+                 *c-calculators*)
+               (c-assert (c-model c))
+               (funcall (cr-rule c) c)))))
+      (progn ;; unless (cmdead c) ;; eg, rule includes (nsib), then parent decides (c-model c) is no more
+        (when (and *c-debug* (typep raw-value 'cell))
+          (c-break "new value for cell ~s is itself a cell: ~s. probably nested (c? ... (c? ))"
+            c raw-value))
+        (c-unlink-unused c)
+        (md-slot-value-assume c raw-value)))))
+    (if nil ;; *dbg*
+        (ukt::wtrc (0 100 "calcnset" c) (body))(body))))

Index: cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp:1.1	Sat Jun 26 11:38:36 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/md-utilities.lisp	Tue Jul  6 18:25:40 2004
@@ -63,8 +63,9 @@
   (trc nil "not-to-be cleared 2 fm-parent, eternal-rest" self))
 (defmethod not-to-be ((self model-object))
-  (trc nil "not to be!!!" self)
-  (unless (md-untouchable self)
+  (trc self "not to be!!!" self)
+  (if (md-untouchable self)
+      (trc "not-to-be not quiescing untouchable" self)
     (md-quiesce self)))
 (defmethod md-untouchable (self) ;; would be t for closed-stream under acl
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
 (defun md-quiesce (self)
-  (trc nil "md-quiesce doing" self)
+  (trc nil "md-quiesce doing" self (type-of self))
   (md-map-cells self nil (lambda (c)
                            (trc nil "quiescing" c)
                            (c-assert (not (find c *c-calculators*)))

Index: cell-cultures/cells/propagate.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/cells/propagate.lisp:1.2 cell-cultures/cells/propagate.lisp:1.3
--- cell-cultures/cells/propagate.lisp:1.2	Sun Jul  4 11:59:41 2004
+++ cell-cultures/cells/propagate.lisp	Tue Jul  6 18:25:40 2004
@@ -63,9 +63,14 @@
       (let ((*causation* causation))
         (trc nil "c-propagate-to-users > notifying users of" c)
         (dolist (user (c-users c))
-          (trc user "c-propagate-to-users> *data-pulse-id*, user, c:" *data-pulse-id* user c)
-          (when (c-user-cares user)
-            (c-value-ensure-current user)))))))
+          (bwhen (dead (catch :mdead
+                         (trc nil "c-propagate-to-users> *data-pulse-id*, user, c:" *data-pulse-id* user c)
+                         (when (c-user-cares user)
+                           (c-value-ensure-current user))))
+            (when (eq dead (c-model c))
+              (trc nil "!!! aborting further user prop of dead" dead)
+              (return-from c-propagate-to-users))
+            (trc nil "!!! continuing user prop following: user => dead" user dead)))))))
 (defun c-user-cares (c)
   (not (or (c-currentp c)
@@ -139,13 +144,13 @@
       (not (c-optimized-away-p c)) ;; the other way above condition can be met
     (mdead (c-model c))))
-(defmethod cmdead :around (c)
+(defmethod cmdead :around (c )
   (when (call-next-method)
     (break "still reaching dead cells ~a" c)))
 (defun mdead (m) 
   (when (eq :eternal-rest (md-state m))
-    (break "still reaching dead instances ~a" m)))
+    (throw :mdead m)))
 (defmacro def-c-output (slotname
                       (&optional (self-arg 'self) (new-varg 'new-value)

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