[cells-cvs] CVS update: cell-cultures/clyde/visual-apropos/visual-apropos.lisp

Kenny Tilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sun Jul 4 18:59:45 UTC 2004

Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cell-cultures/clyde/visual-apropos
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5472/clyde/visual-apropos

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Date: Sun Jul  4 11:59:45 2004
Author: ktilton

Index: cell-cultures/clyde/visual-apropos/visual-apropos.lisp
diff -u cell-cultures/clyde/visual-apropos/visual-apropos.lisp:1.1 cell-cultures/clyde/visual-apropos/visual-apropos.lisp:1.2
--- cell-cultures/clyde/visual-apropos/visual-apropos.lisp:1.1	Sun Jun 27 16:52:25 2004
+++ cell-cultures/clyde/visual-apropos/visual-apropos.lisp	Sun Jul  4 11:59:45 2004
@@ -21,12 +21,7 @@
 #| do list
-why some symbols show without classification?
-close up list of symbols for gaps
-add "String" with underscore for symbol entry
-make symbol entry also a pop-up
-get packages pop-up working and honored
-make symbol list into proper listbox
+at least show search in entry
@@ -40,97 +35,224 @@
 (defun vis-apropos ()
   (make-be 'visual-apropos
-    :sub-symbol 'thread))
+    :sub-symbol 'padding))
-(defmodel visual-apropos (frame)
+(defmodel visual-apropos (frame-stack)
   ((symbols :initarg :symbols :initform nil :accessor symbols)
    (sub-symbol :initarg :sub-symbol :initform nil :accessor sub-symbol))
-      :layout (layout-stack)
     :symbols (c? (apropos-list (^sub-symbol)))
+    :pady 2
+    :padx 4
+    :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill both -expand 1 -anchor nw")
     :kids  (c? (list
-                (frame-row ()
-                  (frame-stack ()
-                    (exported-only)
-                    (package-searching))
-                  (show-which-symbols))
+                (frame-row
+                 :padx 8
+                 :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill x")
+                 :kids (c? (list
+                            (frame-stack
+                             :kids (c? (list
+                                        (checkbutton :md-name :exported-only
+                                          :text "Exported Only"
+                                          :underline 1
+                                          :md-value (c-in nil)
+                                          :command (lambda (self)
+                                                     (setf (^md-value) (not (^md-value)))))
+                                        (show-which-symbols))))
+                            (package-filtering))))
+                (label :text (c? (format nil "Symbols containing ~a"
+                                  (sub-symbol .parent)))
+                  :underline 4)
 (defun search-for-symbol ()
-  (frame-row ()
-    (label :text "String:"
-      :underline 4)
-    (entry :md-name :search-string
-      :text (c? (symbol-name (md-value (upper self visual-apropos)))))
-    (button :text "Search"
-      :underline 0
-      :command (lambda (self)
-                 (setf (md-value (upper self visual-apropos))
-                   (md-value (fm^ :search-string)))))))
-(defun exported-only ()
-  (checkbutton :md-name :exported-only
-    :text "Show Exported Symbols Only"
-    :md-value (c-in nil)
-    :command (lambda (self)
-               (setf (^md-value) (not (^md-value))))))
-(defun package-searching ()
-  (labelframe :text "Package(s) to Search"
-    :layout (layout-row)
-    :kids (c? (list
-               (checkbutton :md-name :all-pkgs
-                 :text "All"
-                 :md-value (c-in t)
+  (frame-row
+   :relief 'ridge
+   :padx 8
+   :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill x -anchor nw")
+   :kids-layout (c? (format nil
+                        "pack ~a -side left; pack ~a -side left -expand 1 -fill x; pack ~a -side right"
+                      (path (kid1 self))
+                      (path (second (^kids)))
+                      (path (third (^kids)))))
+   :kids (c? (list (label :text "String:"
+                     :underline 4)
+               (entry :md-name :search-string
+                 :text (c? (symbol-name (sub-symbol (upper self visual-apropos))))
+                 :width 64)
+               (button :text "Search"
+                 :underline 0
                  :command (lambda (self)
-                            (setf (^md-value) (not (^md-value)))))
-               (label :text "FNYI: Package pop-up menu")))))
+                            (setf (md-value (upper self visual-apropos))
+                              (md-value (fm^ :search-string)))))))))
+; --- symbol package filtering -------------------------------
+(defun package-filtering ()
+  (labelframe-row
+   :text " Package(s) to Search "
+   :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill x -expand 1")
+   :kids (c? (list
+              (checkbutton :md-name :all-pkgs
+                :text "All"
+                :underline 1
+                :md-value (c-in t)
+                :command (lambda (self)
+                           (setf (^md-value) (not (^md-value)))))
+              (scrolled-list
+               :md-name :in-package
+               :list-height 4
+               :layout (pack-layout? "-side left -fill x -expand 1")
+               :enabled (c? (not (md-value (psib))))
+               :list-items (c? (loop for p in (list-all-packages)
+                                   collecting (make-instance 'listbox-item
+                                                :md-value p
+                                                :item-text (down$ (package-name p))))))))))
+; --- symbol binding filtering ---------------------------------------
 (defun show-which-symbols ()
    :md-name :which-symbols
-   :text "Show"
+   :text " With bindings "
    :tk-variable 'which-symbols
    :layout (c? (format nil "pack ~a -side {left}~:{; grid ~a -column ~d -row ~d -sticky w~}"
                  (path self) (mapcar (lambda (k)
                                        (list (path k)(floor (kid-no k) 2)
                                          (mod (kid-no k) 2)))
-   :initial-selection (c? (fm-other :all))
-   :selection (c-in nil)
+   :selection (c-in :any)
    :kids (c? (flet ((rb (n)
                       (radiobutton :md-name n
                         :text (string-capitalize (string n))
                         :tk-variable (tk-variable self)
                         :value n
-                        :layout nil :underline 0)))
-               (list (rb :all)(rb :functions)(rb :variables)(rb :classes))))))
+                        :layout nil
+                        :underline 0)))
+               (list (rb :any)(rb :functions)(rb :variables)(rb :classes))))))
 (defun symbol-list ()
-  (canvas :md-name :symbol-list
-    :kids (c? (let ((root (upper self visual-apropos)))
-                (loop for symbol in (symbols root)
-                    for n upfrom 0
-                    when (va-show-symbol-p self symbol)
-                      collect
-                      (make-instance 'symbol-indicator$
-                        :anchor "nw"
-                        :md-value symbol
-                        :coords (list 10 (* n 20))))))))
+  (frame-stack :md-name :symbol-list
+    :layout (pack-layout? "-side top -expand 1 -fill both")
+    :width 64
+    :background 'red
+    :kids (c? (list
+               (frame-row
+                :md-name :sym-sort
+                :md-value (c-in nil)
+                :relief 'groove
+                :layout (pack-layout? "-side top -fill x -anchor w")
+                :kids (c? (flet ((va-button (&rest args)
+                                   (apply 'make-instance 'va-sorter args)))
+                            (list
+                             (va-button :layout nil
+                               :md-name :sym-sym :text "Symbol Name" :width 28)
+                             (va-button :layout nil :padx 10
+                               :text "Package"
+                               :sort-string-fn 'package-name)
+                             (va-button :layout nil :text "Function")
+                             (va-button :layout nil :text "Setf"
+                               :sort-string-fn (lambda (fn)
+                                                 (if fn "x" "")))
+                             (va-button :layout nil :text "Var" :padx 5)
+                             (va-button :layout nil :text "Class")
+                             (va-button :layout nil :text "Exp")))))
+               (scrolled-list
+                :layout (pack-layout? "-side top -expand 1 -fill both")
+                :width 64
+                :list-height nil
+                :background 'white
+                :md-value (c? (let ((root (upper self visual-apropos)))
+                                (loop for s in (symbols root)
+                                    for n upfrom 0
+                                    when (va-show-symbol-p self s)
+                                      collect
+                                      (list
+                                       (symbol-name s)
+                                       (symbol-package s)
+                                       (cond
+                                        ((special-operator-p s) "special")
+                                        ((macro-function s) "macro")
+                                        ((fboundp s)
+                                         (if (typep (fdefinition s) 'generic-function)
+                                             "gf" "func"))
+                                        (t ""))
+                                       (fboundp `(setf ,s))
+                                       (when (boundp s)
+                                         (if (constantp s) "con" "var"))
+                                       (find-class s nil)
+                                       (exported-p s)))))
+                :list-items (c? (let ((sorter (let ((ss (fm^ :sym-sort)))
+                                                (or (md-value (fm^ :sym-sort))
+                                                  (kid1 ss)))))
+                                  (sort (loop for si in (^md-value)
+                                            collect (make-instance 'va-symbol-info
+                                                      :md-value si))
+                                    (sort-button-predicate sorter)
+                                    :key (sort-button-key sorter)))))))))
+(defmodel sort-button (button)
+  ((sort-button-predicate :initarg :sort-button-predicate :accessor sort-button-predicate
+     :initform #'string<)
+   (sort-button-key :initarg :sort-button-key :accessor sort-button-key
+     :initform #'identity)))
+(defmodel va-sorter (sort-button)
+  ((sort-string-fn :initform 'string :initarg :sort-string-fn :accessor sort-string-fn))
+  (:default-initargs
+      :command (lambda (self)
+                 (let* ((ss (fm^ :sym-sort)))
+                   (if (eq self (or (md-value ss) (kid1 ss)))
+                       (setf (sort-button-predicate self)
+                         (if (eq (sort-button-predicate self) 'string<)
+                             'string> 'string<))
+                     (setf (md-value ss) self))))
+      :sort-button-predicate (c-in 'string<)
+      :sort-button-key (c? (lambda (si)
+                             (funcall (^sort-string-fn)
+                               (elt (md-value si) (kid-no self)))))))
+(defmodel va-symbol-info (listbox-item)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs
+      :item-text (c? (destructuring-bind (sname pkg fn setf var class exp)
+                         (^md-value)
+                       (format nil "~(~a~) ~27,T~(~a~) ~36,T~a ~43,T~a ~46,T~a ~52,T~a ~57,T~a"
+                           (if (< (length sname) 26)
+                               sname
+                             (conc$ (left$ sname 22) "..."))
+                           (down$ (let ((nn (car (package-nicknames pkg))))
+                                    (if (plusp (length nn))
+                                        nn
+                                      (package-name pkg))))
+                           (or fn "")
+                           (if setf "x" "")
+                           (or var "")
+                           (if class "x" "")
+                           (if exp "x" ""))))))
+(defun exported-p (symbol)
+  (eq :external (symbol-status symbol)))
 (defun va-show-symbol-p (self symbol)
   (when (md-value (fm^ :exported-only))
-    (unless (eq :external (symbol-status symbol))
+    (unless (exported-p symbol)
       (return-from va-show-symbol-p nil)))
-  (let ((rb (selection (fm^ :which-symbols))))
-    (when rb ;; not during initialization since echo of init-sel deferred (FIX)
-      (unless (ecase (md-name rb)
-                (:all t)
+  (let ((which (selection (fm^ :which-symbols))))
+    (unless (ecase which
+                (:any t)
                 (:functions (fboundp symbol))
                 (:classes (find-class symbol nil))
                 (:variables (boundp symbol)))
-        (return-from va-show-symbol-p nil))))
+        (return-from va-show-symbol-p nil)))
+  (unless (or (md-value (fm^ :all-pkgs))
+            (bIf (sel (selection (fm^ :in-package)))
+              (eq (symbol-package symbol)
+                (md-value (elt (list-items (fm^ :in-package)) sel)))
+              t))
+    (return-from va-show-symbol-p nil))
 (defun symbol-status (sym)

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