[cello-devel] PortaCello4: Faster, Lispier, and Noisier Than Ever

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Sat May 8 17:45:31 UTC 2004

Viola!: ftp://common-lisp.net/pub/project/cello/

Faster: 400% so. All dislay lists all the time.
Lispier: destudlified
Noisier: OpenAL

Next step <tee-hee> is OS X. I am forming a posse to bring OS X in under 
the Cello umbrella. I will be taking the easy way out and using either 
Lispworks or MCL, probably MCL since I hear that does wonderful things 
with frameworks (understandable given the Mac heritage).

The good news is that probably the only thing the posse will need to do 
is help me figure out frameworks and "life with OS X" in general. The 
bad news is that I need to drop off my iBook for service since Apple 
builds crap, so there will be a short delay (a week?) before we actually 
get started.

Anyone interested in helping can watch cello-devel for my cries of 
anguish, and I will likely cross-post to comp.sys.mac.programmer.help.

Should I decide to plop for a new system, anybody want to weigh in on 
the great G5 desktop vs 17" Powerbook question? I /have/ become fond of 
working on a laptop. But how noisy are the suckers? My Dell is pretty 
quiet unless something gets the CPU up to 100% for five seconds, then 
the turbo noise drowns out Slim Shady. I hate fan noise. I see the G5 
claiming low noise thru multiple small fans, plus I can put the desktop 
behind something to muffle the noise. Any experience reports welcome.


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