[cello-devel] Display Lists promising

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Sun Apr 25 11:49:38 UTC 2004

Frank Goenninger wrote:

>Yeah Kenny - I am always eager to hear what's going 
>on with the speed week and how long that week will 
>actually be ;-)
They usually are a week. I have a feeling it will take a few days 
ironing out all the problems I am seeing with display lists, but then at 
that point we should be up around 20fps on a very dense window, and 
Speed Weeks stop when performance is that good.

>Display Lists definitely is the way to go. Any OpenGL 
>app I've seen so far that needs the speed makes 
>heavy use of it (Mechanical CAD stuff).
OK, thx for the confirmation.


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