[cello-devel] Trying to get Cello working on FreeBSD(ACL)

oyvin-cello at oyvins.net oyvin-cello at oyvins.net
Fri Apr 23 10:18:47 UTC 2004

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Have anybody managed to load fonts using Linux or Freebsd with cl-opengl?

I have managed to load:

* asdf
* uffi
* cells
* cl-opengl
* cellocore (well, I shouldn't need this for the example below, but i loads

but, the nehe14-demo crashes and gives:

| CL-USER(3): (ogl::lesson-14)
| "loading open GL/GLU" 
| ("loading GLUT" 
| #p"//usr/home/oyvin/programmering/lisp/cello/dvl/dynlib/libglut.so"
|  #p"//usr/home/oyvin/programmering/lisp/cello/dvl/dynlib/libglut.so") 
| ; Foreign loading 
| /usr/home/oyvin/programmering/lisp/cello/dvl/dynlib/libglut.so.
| glut state 2 0
| "about to initialize" 
| "glut initialised"freeglut font 0x00000003 not found

and the lisp quits.

Do I need to set any specific env-variables or something?

I have tried to make a simpler version of the nehe-example provided, replacing
the original matrix with a sphere (glut-wire-sphere), and that seems to work
flawlessly (yeah).


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