From ktilton at Sun Jun 15 17:05:13 2008 From: ktilton at (ktilton) Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 13:05:13 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [cello-cvs] CVS cello/cl-freetype Message-ID: <> Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv21009/cl-freetype Log Message: Directory /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype added to the repository From ktilton at Sun Jun 15 17:07:02 2008 From: ktilton at (ktilton) Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 13:07:02 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [cello-cvs] CVS cello/cl-freetype Message-ID: <> Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv21245/cl-freetype Added Files: cl-freetype.asd cl-freetype.lisp cl-freetype.lpr cl-rsrc.lisp ft-defs.lisp ft-functions.lisp ft-test.lisp Log Message: Unfinished (a bit) Lisp freetype hack by Yusuke Shinyama, no guarantees on the spelling --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-freetype.asd 2008/06/15 17:07:02 NONE +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-freetype.asd 2008/06/15 17:07:02 1.1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;; cl-freetype.asd (in-package :asdf) (defsystem cl-freetype :name "cl-freetype" :author "Yusuke Shinyama " :version "0.1" :depends-on (:cffi-extender :cl-rsrc) :serial t :components ((:file "cl-freetype") (:file "ft-defs") (:file "ft-functions"))) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-freetype.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 NONE +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-freetype.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 1.1 ;;; cl-freetype ;;; (defpackage #:cl-freetype (:nicknames #:ft) (:use #:common-lisp #:ffx #:cffi-uffi-compat #:cl-rsrc) (:export #:*freetype-dynamic-lib-path* #:*default-face* #:*face-registry* ;; these should be moved to somewhere else. #:get-lisp-object #:with-lisp-pointer #:initialize-ft #:done-ft #:with-ft-face #:get-new-face #:with-ft-memory-face #:get-new-memory-face #:done-face #:set-char-size #:set-pixel-sizes #:get-char-index #:get-kerning #:load-glyph #:load-char #:render-glyph #:get-first-char #:get-next-char #:get-postscript-name #:get-face-spec #:get-face-by-spec #:get-face #:ft-glyph-format/none #:ft-glyph-format/composite #:ft-glyph-format/bitmap #:ft-glyph-format/outline #:ft-glyph-format/plotter #:ft-encoding/none #:ft-encoding/ms-symbol #:ft-encoding/unicode #:ft-encoding/sjis #:ft-encoding/gb2312 #:ft-encoding/big5 #:ft-encoding/wansung #:ft-encoding/johab #:ft-encoding/ms-sjis #:ft-encoding/ms-gb2312 #:ft-encoding/ms-big5 #:ft-encoding/ms-wansung #:ft-encoding/ms-johab #:ft-encoding/adobe-standard #:ft-encoding/adobe-expert #:ft-encoding/adobe-custom #:ft-encoding/adobe-latin-1 #:ft-encoding/old-latin-2 #:ft-encoding/apple-roman #:ft-render-mode/normal #:ft-render-mode/mono #:ft-render-mode/light #:ft-render-mode/lcd #:ft-render-mode/lcd-v #:ft-render-mode/max #:ft-pixel-mode/none #:ft-pixel-mode/mono #:ft-pixel-mode/grays #:ft-pixel-mode/gray2 #:ft-pixel-mode/gray4 #:ft-pixel-mode/lcd #:ft-pixel-mode/lcd-v #:ft-outline/none #:ft-outline/owner #:ft-outline/even-odd-fill #:ft-outline/reverse-fill #:ft-outline/ignore-dropouts #:ft-get-tag #:ft-curve-tag/on #:ft-curve-tag/conic #:ft-curve-tag/cubic #:ft-kerning/default #:ft-kerning/unfitted #:ft-kerning/unscaled #:ft-face-flag/scalable #:ft-face-flag/fixed-sizes #:ft-face-flag/fixed-width #:ft-face-flag/sfnt #:ft-face-flag/horizontal #:ft-face-flag/vertical #:ft-face-flag/kerning #:ft-face-flag/fast-glyphs #:ft-face-flag/multiple-masters #:ft-face-flag/glyph-names #:ft-face-flag/external-stream #:ft-load/default #:ft-load/no-scale #:ft-load/no-hinting #:ft-load/render #:ft-load/no-bitmap #:ft-load/vertical-layout #:ft-load/force-autohint #:ft-load/crop-bitmap #:ft-load/pedantic #:ft-load/ignore-global-advance-width #:ft-load/no-recurse #:ft-load/ignore-transform #:ft-load/monochrome #:ft-load/linear-design #:ft-load/sbits-only #:ft-load/no-autohint #:ft-has-kerning #:ft-is-scalable #:from-ft #:to-ft #:ft-vector #:ft-vector/y #:ft-vector/x #:ft-bbox #:ft-bbox/xmin #:ft-bbox/ymin #:ft-bbox/xmax #:ft-bbox/ymax #:ft-generic #:ft-generic/data #:ft-generic/finalizer #:ft-bitmap-size #:ft-bitmap-size/width #:ft-bitmap-size/height #:ft-bitmap-size/size #:ft-bitmap-size/x-ppem #:ft-bitmap-size/y-ppem #:ft-glyph-metrics #:ft-glyph-metrics/width #:ft-glyph-metrics/height #:ft-glyph-metrics/vert-advance #:ft-glyph-metrics/vert-bearing/y #:ft-glyph-metrics/vert-bearing/x #:ft-glyph-metrics/hori-advance #:ft-glyph-metrics/hori-bearing/y #:ft-glyph-metrics/hori-bearing/x #:ft-sizerec #:ft-sizerec/metrics/x-scale #:ft-sizerec/metrics/y-scale #:ft-sizerec/metrics/x-ppem #:ft-sizerec/metrics/y-ppem #:ft-sizerec/metrics/ascender #:ft-sizerec/metrics/descender #:ft-sizerec/metrics/height #:ft-sizerec/metrics/max-advance #:ft-charmaprec #:ft-charmaprec/face #:ft-charmaprec/encoding #:ft-charmaprec/platform-id #:ft-charmaprec/encoding-id #:ft-bitmap #:ft-bitmap/n-contours #:ft-bitmap/contours #:ft-bitmap/n-points #:ft-bitmap/tags #:ft-bitmap/points #:ft-bitmap/flags #:ft-facerec/num-faces #:ft-facerec/face-index #:ft-facerec/face-flags #:ft-facerec/style-flags #:ft-facerec/num-glyphs #:ft-facerec/family-name #:ft-facerec/style-name #:ft-facerec/num-charmaps #:ft-facerec/charmaps #:ft-facerec/units-per-em #:ft-facerec/ascender #:ft-facerec/descender #:ft-facerec/height #:ft-facerec/max-advance-width #:ft-facerec/max-advance-height #:ft-facerec/bbox/ymin #:ft-facerec/bbox/ymax #:ft-facerec/bbox/xmin #:ft-facerec/bbox/xmax #:ft-facerec/size #:ft-facerec/charmap #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/width #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/height #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/vert-advance #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/vert-bearing/y #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/vert-bearing/x #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/hori-advance #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/hori-bearing/y #:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/hori-bearing/x #:ft-glyphslotrec/advance/x #:ft-glyphslotrec/advance/y #:ft-glyphslotrec/format #:ft-glyphslotrec/bitmap-top #:ft-glyphslotrec/bitmap-left #:ft-glyphslotrec/bitmap/rows #:ft-glyphslotrec/bitmap/width #:ft-glyphslotrec/bitmap/pitch #:ft-glyphslotrec/bitmap/pixel-mode #:ft-glyphslotrec/bitmap/buffer #:ft-glyphslotrec/outline/flags #:ft-glyphslotrec/outline/tags #:ft-glyphslotrec/outline/n-points #:ft-glyphslotrec/outline/points #:ft-glyphslotrec/outline/n-contours #:ft-glyphslotrec/outline/contours )) (in-package :cl-freetype) (defparameter *freetype-dynamic-lib-path* #+(or mswindows win32) #p"/windows/system32/freetype6.dll" #+(or darwin macosx) #p"/usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.dylib" ) (defparameter *default-face* :courier) (defparameter *face-registry* #+(or win32 mswindows) '((:helvetica :file #p"/windows/fonts/arial.ttf") (:helvetica-bold :file #p"/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf") (:helvetica-italic :file #p"/windows/fonts/ariali.ttf") (:helvetica-bold-italic :file #p"/windows/fonts/arialbi.ttf") (:courier :file #p"/windows/fonts/cour.ttf") (:courier-bold :file #p"/windows/fonts/courbd.ttf") (:courier-italic :file #p"/windows/fonts/couri.ttf") (:courier-bold-italic :file #p"/windows/fonts/courbi.ttf") (:times :file #p"/windows/fonts/times.ttf") (:times-bold :file #p"/windows/fonts/timesbd.ttf") (:times-italic :file #p"/windows/fonts/timesi.ttf") (:times-bold-italic :file #p"/windows/fonts/timesbi.ttf") (:symbol :file #p"/windows/fonts/symbol.ttf") ) #+(or darwin macosx) '((:helvetica :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.dfont" "Helvetica") (:helvetica-bold :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.dfont" "Helvetica Bold") (:courier :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Courier.dfont" "Courier") (:courier-bold :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Courier.dfont" "Courier Bold") (:times :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Times.dfont" "Times") (:times-bold :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Times.dfont" "Times Bold") (:times-italic :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Times.dfont" "Times Italic") (:times-bold-italic :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Times.dfont" "Times Bold Italic") (:symbol :rsrc #p"/System/Library/Fonts/Symbol.dfont" "Symbol") (:zapf-dingbats :rsrc #P"/System/Library/Fonts/ZapfDingbats.dfont" "Zapf Dingbats") ) ) ; strint32: ; Converts 4-char string into 32bit int. ; ex. (strint32 "abcd") -> ((('a'*256)+'b')*256)+'c')*256+'d' (defmacro strint32 (str) (assert (= (length str) 4)) (reduce (lambda (r c) (logior (* 256 r) (char-code c))) str :initial-value 0)) ; def-struct-rec: ; ; This allows you to define a struct within another struct: ; (def-struct-rec :point (x :int) (y :int)) ; (def-struct-rec :rect (topleft :point) (bottomright :point)) ; ; You can access fields as follows: ; (point/x point1) ; (rect/topleft/x rect1) ; ; NOTICE: you should use this macro for *all* structs ; which can be recursively included in other structs. ; (eval-when (compile load eval) (defvar *recursive-structs* nil)) (defmacro def-struct-rec (typename &rest decls) (declare (special *recursive-structs*)) (labels ((expand1 (prefix decl) (let* ((fname (if prefix (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name prefix) "/" (symbol-name (car decl)))) (car decl))) (ftype (cadr decl)) (struct1 (assoc ftype *recursive-structs*))) (if struct1 (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (d) (expand1 fname d)) (cdr struct1))) (list (list fname ftype)))))) (let* ((expanded (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (d) (expand1 nil d)) decls))) (accessors (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (d) (let* ((slotname (car d)) (funcname (intern (concatenate 'string (string-left-trim ":" (symbol-name typename)) "/" (symbol-name slotname)))) ) `((defun ,funcname (struct) (get-slot-value struct (quote ,typename) (quote ,slotname))) (defun (setf ,funcname) (value struct) (setf (get-slot-value struct (quote ,typename) (quote ,slotname)) value)) ) )) expanded))) ) (push (cons typename expanded) *recursive-structs*) `(progn (def-struct ,typename , at expanded) , at accessors)))) ; Utility to carry lisp objects within callbacks. ; ; usage: ; (ff-defun-callable :cdecl :void mycallback ((* :void) mydata) ; (get-lisp-object mydata)) ; ; (with-lisp-pointer (mydata (make-my-lisp-object)) ; (register-callback (ff-register-callable 'mycallback)) ; (some-foreign-function mydata) ; ) ; (defvar *working-objects* (make-hash-table)) (defun get-lisp-object (objid) (gethash (pointer-address objid) *working-objects*)) (defun deregister-lisp-object (objid) (remhash (pointer-address objid) *working-objects*)) (defun register-lisp-object (objid object) (assert (not (gethash (pointer-address objid) *working-objects*))) (setf (gethash (pointer-address objid) *working-objects*) object)) (defmacro with-lisp-pointer ((var form) &body body) `(with-foreign-object (,var :int) (register-lisp-object ,var ,form) , at body (deregister-lisp-object ,var)) ) ;; Face manager ;; (defun get-face-spec (face-name) (let ((p (or (assoc face-name *face-registry*) (assoc *default-face* *face-registry*)))) (format t "get-face-spec: ~a~%" p) (when (not p) (error "Face not found: ~a" face-name)) (case (cadr p) (:file (list :face-file (caddr p))) (:rsrc (destructuring-bind (rsrc-path rsrc-name) (cddr p) (list :face-data (with-rsrc-fork (resfork rsrc-path) (or (get-resource-by-name resfork "sfnt" rsrc-name) (error "Not found: ~a in ~a" rsrc-name rsrc-path)))))) (else (error "Illegal face-spec: ~a" p)) [27 lines skipped] --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-freetype.lpr 2008/06/15 17:07:02 NONE +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-freetype.lpr 2008/06/15 17:07:02 1.1 [121 lines skipped] --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-rsrc.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 NONE +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/cl-rsrc.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 1.1 [306 lines skipped] --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/ft-defs.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 NONE +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/ft-defs.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 1.1 [723 lines skipped] --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/ft-functions.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 NONE +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/ft-functions.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 1.1 [864 lines skipped] --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/ft-test.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 NONE +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-freetype/ft-test.lisp 2008/06/15 17:07:02 1.1 [1048 lines skipped] From ktilton at Mon Jun 16 12:39:26 2008 From: ktilton at (ktilton) Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:39:26 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [cello-cvs] CVS cello Message-ID: <> Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9119 Modified Files: cello-magick.lisp cello-window.lisp control.lisp ctl-selectable.lisp ctl-toggle.lisp focus-navigation.lisp focus-utilities.lisp focus.lisp image.lisp ix-styled.lisp ix-text.lisp ix-togl.lisp lighting.lisp mouse-click.lisp window-utilities.lisp wm-mouse.lisp Log Message: nothing special --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cello-magick.lisp 2007/02/02 20:11:00 1.7 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cello-magick.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.8 @@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ (ogl::glec :snapshot) (record-frame recording pixels columns rows)))) +(export! ix-image-file) + (defmd ix-image-file (ix-view) (:documentation "Quick way to drop a view of a binary JPG, PNG, GIF, etc into a Cello window") image-path --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cello-window.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:46 1.8 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cello-window.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.9 @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ :lb (c-in (scr2log -800)) ;; :tick-count (c-in (os-tickcount)) :event-handler 'cello-window-event-handler + :registry? t )) (defmethod path ((self cello-window)) ".") --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/control.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:46 1.10 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/control.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.11 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ |# (in-package :cello) -(export! control enabled ^enabled ct-action-lambda +(export! control enabled ^enabled ct-action-lambda sound ^sound tool-tip tool-tip-show? click-evt ^click-evt ^mouse-over? mouse-over?) (defmd control () @@ -26,12 +26,11 @@ (ct-action nil :cell nil) sound click-repeat-p - #+hunh? (click-repeat-event (c? (bwhen (c (^click-evt)) - (let ((age (f-sensitivity :age (0.1) - (click-age c )))) - (when (> age 0.5) age))))) + (mouse-up-handler nil :documentation "Menus use this") (click-evt (c-in nil)) + (double-click-evt (c-in nil)) + (double-click-action (c-in nil)) (click-tolerance (mkv2 0 0) :cell nil) (key-evt nil :cell :ephemeral) (enabled t) @@ -49,6 +48,17 @@ (defmethod user-errors (other) (declare (ignore other))) +(defmethod do-double-click ((self control) ) + (b-when a (^double-click-action) + (trc "control sees defmethod" self a) + (funcall a self) + t)) ;; ie, handled + +(export! control-trigger) +(defun control-trigger (self &key even-if-disabled) + (when (or even-if-disabled (^enabled)) + (funcall (ct-action self) self nil))) + (defmethod tool-tip-show? (other) (declare (ignore other)) nil) @@ -65,12 +75,6 @@ (defmethod kb-selector (other) (declare (ignore other)) nil) -(defobserver click-repeat-event () - (with-integrity (:change :obs-click-repeat-event) - (when new-value - (bwhen (f (ct-action self)) - (funcall f self (os-event (^click-evt))))))) ;; /// make fresh event with new time - (defmethod enabled (other)(assert other) nil) (defmethod do-cello-keydown ((self control) k event) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-selectable.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:47 1.5 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-selectable.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.6 @@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ (defmd ct-selector-ex (ct-selector) ;; mixin at any node containing ct.selectable.ex's (selected-key (c-in nil)) - :selection (c? (let (sel) + :selection (c? (ekx new-seletcion!!!!!! + let (sel) (bwhen (skey (^selected-key)) - ;(trc "sel rule runs" self skey .cache) + (trc "sel rule runs" self skey .cache) (fm-traverse self (lambda (node) (when (typep node 'ct-selectable-ex) @@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ (defmd ct-selectable-ex (control) (selected-key (c-in nil)) (selectedp (c? (bwhen (selector (ct-selector self)) - ;;(trc "selectable-ex selectedp sees" (selection selector)) + (trc "selectable-ex selectedp sees" self (^value) selector (selected-key selector) (selection selector)) (bwhen (skey (selected-key selector)) (eql (^selected-key) skey))))) :ct-action 'ct-selectable-ex-act) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-toggle.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:47 1.12 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-toggle.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.13 @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ :transition-fn 'ctfsm-transition-fn :ct-action (ct-action-lambda - (trc "twister ct-action" self event) + ;(trc "twister ct-action" self event) (with-integrity (:change :ctfsm-action) (let ((newv (funcall (transition-fn self) self (value self) (states self)))) (ct-fsm-assume-value self newv)))))) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/focus-navigation.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:47 1.3 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/focus-navigation.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.4 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ;_____________________ N a v i g a t i o n ____________________ ; (defun focus-navigate (old new &optional leave-old) - #+xxx (trc "focus-navigate > old, new" old new) + #+x42 (trc "focus-navigate > old, new" old new) ;; (c-assert new) ;; 990810kt i don't remember if we navigate to nil (should tho) /// (when (eql old new) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/focus-utilities.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:47 1.6 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/focus-utilities.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.7 @@ -38,20 +38,26 @@ (focus-find-first self) (focus-find-first self :tab-stop-only nil))) +(export! focus-on) + (defmethod focus-on (self &optional focuser) (c-assert (or self focuser)) #+xxx (trc "focus.on self, focuser" self focuser .focuser (focus-state .focuser)) ;; (break "focus.on self, focuser") (setf (focus (or focuser .focuser)) self)) -(defmethod focus-gain (self) - (declare (ignore self))) - -(defmethod focus-lose (self new-focus) - (if self - (focus-lose (fm-parent self) new-focus) - t) ;; means "yielded" - ) +(defgeneric focus-gain (self) + (:method (self) (declare (ignore self))) + (:method ((self focus)) (setf (^focused-on) t))) + +(defgeneric focus-lose (self new-focus) + (:method (self new-focus) (if self + (focus-lose (fm-parent self) new-focus) + t)) + (:method :around ((self focus) new-focus) + (declare (ignore new-focus)) + (when (call-next-method) + (setf (^focused-on) nil)))) ;________________________________ I d l i n g _______________________ ; --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/focus.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:47 1.7 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/focus.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.8 @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ ;;; also got FFComposite rule deciding it was active if any kid was -arrange for Focuser to process clicks and keys first, then mebbe dump into dvk, do-click/do-double-click +arrange for Focuser to process clicks and keys first, then mebbe dump into dvk, bottom up from focus/imageunder -arrange for Controller to process clicks first, then mebbe dump into do-click/do-double-click +arrange for Controller to process clicks first, then mebbe dump into bottom up from focus/imageunder add finalization for radio button (look at others, see if ICR can ne de-celled @@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ (focus-gain new-focus)) (call-next-method))) +(export! focused-on ^focused-on) + (defmodel focus () ((focus-thickness :cell nil :initarg :focus-thickness :initform (u96ths 3) @@ -111,7 +113,9 @@ (defgeneric focus-handle-keysym (self keysym) (:method :around (self keysym) - (unless (call-next-method) + (progn ;; unless + (call-next-method) + ;; (trc "unhandled so parent?" .parent) (when .parent (focus-handle-keysym .parent keysym)))) (:method (self keysym) (declare (ignore self keysym)) nil)) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/image.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:47 1.19 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/image.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.20 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ recording (snapshot-pathnamer nil :cell nil) (snapshot-release-id :initarg :snapshot-release-id - :initform (c-in nil) :accessor snapshot-release-id) + :initform nil #+please (c-in nil) :accessor snapshot-release-id) ps3 ; persistence ; cached calculations @@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ :fm-parent *parent* :kids (c? (the-kids , at dd-kids)))) +(export! ix-kid-sized) (defmodel ix-kid-sized (geo-kid-sized ix-family)()) (defmodel ix-inline (geo-inline ix-view)()) (defobserver .kids ((self ix-inline)) @@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ (dbg-awake-num ap 'lb) ) #+nope (unless (>= (lb ap) (lt ap)) ;; this happens normally as structures get "collapsed" etc - (inspect ap) + (error 'x-systemfatal :app-func 'dbg-awake :error-text "Bottom less than top: self, lT, height, lB" :other-data (list ap (lt ap) (l-height ap) (lb ap)))) (call-next-method)) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-styled.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:48 1.8 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-styled.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:20 1.9 @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ `(call-with-styles (list , at custom-styles) (lambda () , at body))) (defun call-with-styles (styles styled-fn) + (setf *styles* styles) ;; need when showing off from repl (let ((*styles* styles)) (funcall styled-fn))) @@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ ;; until 2008-03-30 this next was only done for extruded case above (ix-string-width self (display-text$ self))) ;; ugh. make better. subclass must have display-text$ +(export! ix-string-width) (defun ix-string-width (self string) (c-assert (s-canvas) () "~a not contained by any canvas" self) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-text.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:48 1.12 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-text.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:21 1.13 @@ -138,6 +138,18 @@ (defun find-menu (id) (fm-find-one *menus* id :must-find t :skip-tree nil :global-search nil :test #'cells::true-that)) +(defun make-string-tool-tip (self s) + (make-kid 'ix-text + :inset 3 + :style-id :label + :pre-layer (with-layers + +yellow+ + :fill + (:frame-3d :edge-raised + :thickness 2) + +black+) + :text$ s)) + (defmd tool-tip (ix-stack) :visible (c? (^kids)) :kids (c? (the-kids @@ -145,16 +157,10 @@ (when (tool-tip-show? v) (typecase (tool-tip v) (null) - (string (make-kid 'ix-text - :inset 3 - :style-id :label - :pre-layer (with-layers +yellow+ :fill - (:frame-3d :edge-raised - :thickness 2) - +black+) - :text$ (tool-tip v))) + (string + (make-string-tool-tip self (tool-tip v))) (t (funcall (tool-tip v) self v))))))) - + ; ; tedious geometry stuff to keep tool tip ; visible yet not eclipsed by mouse pointer @@ -165,9 +171,10 @@ ((^visible) .retog. (or fixed (setf fixed - (if (> (+ 16 (v2-h mp) (l-width self)) (lr .og.)) - (px-maintain-pr (- (v2-h mp) 16)) - (+ 16 (v2-h mp)))))) + (let ((pref (+ 6 (v2-h mp)))) + (if (> (+ pref (l-width self)) (lr .og.)) ;; don't sail off to right of togl + (px-maintain-pr (lr .og.) #+hunh? (- (v2-h mp) 16)) + pref))))) (t (setf fixed nil)))))) :py (let (fixed) (c? (bwhen (mp (mouse-pos .og.)) @@ -176,5 +183,5 @@ .retog. (or fixed (setf fixed (min (- (lt .og.)(l-height self)) - (py-maintain-pb (v2-v mp)))))) + (+ 6 (py-maintain-pb (v2-v mp))))))) (t (setf fixed nil))))))) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:49 1.18 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:21 1.19 @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ (without-c-dependency (find-ix-under self pos))))))) (:documentation "Mixin to have mouse view tracked in a subtree of the window, mostly so other GUI layout can depend on -the sub-tree layout without creating a cyclic dependency, as would happen if the whole window were watched.")) +the sub-tree layout without creating a cyclic dependency, as would happen iof the whole window were watched.")) (defmd ix-togl (mouse-view-tracker #+not focuser ogl-lit-scene control ogl-shared-resource-tender togl ix-view) (redisplayp nil :cell nil) @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ (mouse-up-evt (c-in nil) :cell :ephemeral) (mouse-down-evt (c-in nil) :cell :ephemeral) - ;; FNYI (double-click? (c-in nil)) + (double-click-evt (c-in nil) :cell :ephemeral) (tick-count (c-in nil)) (tick-fine (c-in nil)) @@ -75,7 +75,14 @@ :cb-destroy (lambda (self) ;(trc "IX-TOGL being destoyed!!!!!!!!!!" self) (setf (togl-ptr self) nil) ;; new 2007-04-13 to avoid togl.c line 1039 crash closing window - (setf cells::*c-debug* t))) + ;; bad idea to do it this way, gotta get *istack* bound first: (setf cells::*c-debug* t) + )) + +(defmethod ctk::do-on-double-click-1 :before ((self ix-togl) &rest args) + (trc "IX-togl do-on-double-click-1 before" self (mouse-control self)) + (bif (mi (mouse-control self)) + (do-double-click mi ) + (do-double-click self ))) ;;;(defobserver mouse-pos ((self ix-togl)) ;;; #+nah (when new-value @@ -125,26 +132,29 @@ (:KeyPress ) (:KeyRelease ) (:ButtonPress - (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (ctk::xbe-x xe) - (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))) ; trigger mouseview recalc - (setf (mouse-down-evt self) (eko (nil "mousedown!!!" (ctk::xbe button xe)) - (make-os-event - :modifiers (keyboard-modifiers .tkw) - :where (mouse-pos self) - :realtime (now) - :c-event xe))) - (when (eql 3 (ctk::xbe button xe)) - (when (^mouse-view) - (inspect (^mouse-view))))) + (case (xbe-button xe) + (1 (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (xbe-x xe) + (- (xbe-y xe)))) ; trigger mouseview recalc + (setf (mouse-down-evt self) (eko (nil "mousedown!!!" (ctk::xbe button xe)) + (make-os-event + :modifiers (keyboard-modifiers .tkw) + :where (mouse-pos self) + :realtime (now) + :c-event xe)))) + (3 (when (^mouse-view) + (inspect (^mouse-view)))))) + (:ButtonRelease - (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (ctk::xbe-x xe) - (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))) ; trigger mouseview recalc - (setf (mouse-up-evt self) (eko (nil "mouse up!!!") - (make-os-event - :modifiers (keyboard-modifiers .tkw) - :where (mouse-pos self) - :realtime (now) - :c-event xe)))) + (case (xbe-button xe) + (1 (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (ctk::xbe-x xe) + (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))) ; trigger mouseview recalc + (with-metrics (nil nil "mouse up evt") + (setf (mouse-up-evt self) (eko (nil "mouse up!!!") + (make-os-event + :modifiers (keyboard-modifiers .tkw) + :where (mouse-pos self) + :realtime (now) + :c-event xe))))))) (:MotionNotify (trc nil "setting mouse pos!!!!" (ctk::xbe-x xe) (- (ctk::xbe-y xe))) @@ -186,7 +196,6 @@ (dolist (light new-value) (md-awaken light))) - (defmethod ogl-node-window ((self ix-togl)) self) @@ -248,7 +257,7 @@ (defobserver mouse-down-evt (self m-down) .retog. (when m-down - #+xxx (trcx mousedown self m-down (mouse-control self)) + #+x (trcx mousedown self m-down (mouse-control self)) (bwhen (clickee (mouse-control self)) (trc nil "mousedown clickee, clickw" clickee self) (mk-part :click (mouse-click) ;; wow, a free-floating part --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/lighting.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:50 1.9 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/lighting.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:21 1.10 @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ (ix-render-light self)))) (loop for light in (fixed-lighting self) do (ix-render-light light)) - (when (and (not lights) (emergency-lighting self)) + (when (not lights) (dolist (e-light (emergency-lighting self)) (ix-render-light e-light))))) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/mouse-click.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:50 1.9 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/mouse-click.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:24 1.10 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ (mouse-pos (click-window self))))))) (clicked :reader clicked - :initform (c? (trc nil "clicked?> typeof clickw" (click-window self) (type-of (click-window self))) + :initform (c? ;(trc "clicked?> typeof clickw" (click-window self) (type-of (click-window self))) (when (typep (click-window self) 'model) (trc nil "clicked?> asking clickcompleted") (bwhen (up (^click-completed)) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/window-utilities.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:50 1.10 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/window-utilities.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:24 1.11 @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ ;-------------------- double click ----------------------------------- -(defmethod do-double-click :around (self os-event &rest iargs &key &allow-other-keys) +(defmethod do-double-click :around (self) (when self (or (call-next-method) - (apply #'do-double-click (fm-parent self) os-event iargs)))) + (do-double-click (fm-parent self))))) -(defmethod do-double-click (self os-event &key) +(defmethod do-double-click (self) (declare (ignorable self os-event)) ;;(trc "*** No special do-double-click for ix-view, event:" self osEvent) nil) --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/wm-mouse.lisp 2006/11/04 20:56:30 1.6 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/wm-mouse.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:24 1.7 @@ -16,21 +16,6 @@ (in-package :cello) -(defmethod do-click :around (self os-event) - (declare (ignorable os-event)) - (when self - (or (call-next-method) - (do-click (fm-parent self) os-event)))) - -(defmethod do-click (self os-event) - (declare (ignorable self os-event)) - nil) - -; -; ------------ double click --------------------------------------- -; - - (defstruct (os-event (:conc-name nil)) modifiers From ktilton at Mon Jun 16 12:39:26 2008 From: ktilton at (ktilton) Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:39:26 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [cello-cvs] CVS cello/cl-ftgl Message-ID: <> Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9119/cl-ftgl Modified Files: cl-ftgl.lisp Log Message: nothing special --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp 2008/04/11 09:22:58 1.18 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:26 1.19 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ ;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS ;;; IN THE SOFTWARE. -;;; $Header: /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp,v 1.18 2008/04/11 09:22:58 ktilton Exp $ +;;; $Header: /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp,v 1.19 2008/06/16 12:39:26 ktilton Exp $ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) (pushnew :cl-ftgl *features*)) @@ -83,32 +83,47 @@ (defparameter *ftgl-ogl* nil) (defparameter *ftgl-font-dirs* nil) +(defparameter *ftgl-application-font-paths* nil) + +(export! ftgl-application-font-paths) + +(defun ftgl-application-font-paths () + (assert (loop for p in *ftgl-application-font-paths* + always (probe-file p))) + *ftgl-application-font-paths*) + +(defun (setf ftgl-application-font-paths) (paths) + (setf *ftgl-application-font-paths* paths)) (defun ftgl-font-directories () (or *ftgl-font-dirs* (setf *ftgl-font-dirs* #+cffi-features:windows - (list (font-path) + (append (ftgl-application-font-paths) + (list (make-pathname + :directory + '(:absolute "Windows" "fonts")))) + #+cffi-features:darwin + (append + (ftgl-application-font-paths) + (list (make-pathname :directory - '(:absolute "Windows" "fonts"))) - #+cffi-features:darwin - (list - (make-pathname - :directory - '(:absolute "System" "Library" "Fonts")) - (make-pathname - :directory - '(:absolute "Library" "Fonts")) - (make-pathname - :directory - '(:relative "~" "Library" "Fonts"))) + '(:absolute "System" "Library" "Fonts")) + (make-pathname + :directory + '(:absolute "Library" "Fonts")) + (make-pathname + :directory + '(:relative "~" "Library" "Fonts")))) #+(and cffi-features:unix (not cffi-features:darwin)) - (list - (make-pathname - :directory - '(:absolute "usr" "share" "truetype")))))) + (append + (ftgl-application-font-paths) + (list + (make-pathname + :directory + '(:absolute "usr" "share" "truetype"))))))) (defparameter *ftgl-font-types-list* ;; list of font types ;; (font filename endings) @@ -213,14 +228,14 @@ (defmacro dbgftgl (tag &body body) (declare (ignorable tag)) `(progn - #+nahhh (unless (boundp '*gl-begun*) + #+nahhh (unless (boundp 'ogl::*gl-begun*) (assert (zerop (glgeterror)))) (progn ;; cells:wtrc (0 100 "dbgftgl" ,tag) (ftgl-assert-opengl-context) - (unless (boundp '*gl-begun*) (glec :dbgftgl-entry)) + (unless (boundp 'ogl::*gl-begun*) (glec :dbgftgl-entry)) (prog1 (progn , at body) - (unless (boundp '*gl-begun*) + (unless (boundp 'ogl::*gl-begun*) (progn (glec :dbgftgl-post-body))))))) @@ -447,6 +462,10 @@ (declare (ignorable s)) (dbgfont font :ftgl-render-before) + (if (boundp 'ogl::*gl-begun*) + (break "gl begun OK?" font) + (trc nil "cool" s)) + (dbgftgl :ftgl-render (gl-enable gl_texture_2d) (gl-enable gl_blend) From ktilton at Mon Jun 16 12:39:26 2008 From: ktilton at (ktilton) Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:39:26 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [cello-cvs] CVS cello/cl-magick Message-ID: <> Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-magick In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9119/cl-magick Modified Files: wand-image.lisp Log Message: nothing special --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-magick/wand-image.lisp 2008/04/11 09:23:02 1.11 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-magick/wand-image.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:26 1.12 @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ for pixel-offset fixnum = (the fixnum (+ 3 (* pixel-col bytes-per-pixel))) when (> 96 ;; rough guess at how to detect: can't always get perfect alpha w eraser: /= 255 (eltuc pixels (the fixnum pixel-offset))) - do (cells:trc "image alpha already converted. I see non-255" + do #+shhh (cells:trc "image alpha already converted. I see non-255" (image-path self) (eltuc pixels (the fixnum pixel-offset)) :at-col pixel-col) (return-from detect-converted t))) From ktilton at Mon Jun 16 12:39:27 2008 From: ktilton at (ktilton) Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:39:27 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [cello-cvs] CVS cello/kt-opengl Message-ID: <> Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/kt-opengl In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9119/kt-opengl Modified Files: ogl-macros.lisp Log Message: nothing special --- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/kt-opengl/ogl-macros.lisp 2008/04/11 09:23:07 1.12 +++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/kt-opengl/ogl-macros.lisp 2008/06/16 12:39:26 1.13 @@ -115,13 +115,8 @@ (gl-end)) (glec :with-gl-begun-exit))) -(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest syms) &body body) - `(let ,(loop for sym in syms - collecting `(,sym (gensym))) - , at body)) - (defmacro with-gl-translation ((dxf dyf &optional (dzf 0)) &body body) - (with-gensyms (dx dy dz) + (let ((dx (gensym))(dy (gensym))(dz (gensym))) `(let ((,dx ,dxf)(,dy ,dyf)(,dz ,dzf)) (gl-translatef ,dx ,dy ,dz) (prog1