[cello-cvs] CVS cello/cl-ftgl

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Fri Apr 11 09:22:59 UTC 2008

Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv7403/cl-ftgl

Modified Files:
	cl-ftgl.lisp cl-ftgl.lpr 
Log Message:

--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp	2007/02/02 20:11:02	1.17
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp	2008/04/11 09:22:58	1.18
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
-;;; $Header: /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp,v 1.17 2007/02/02 20:11:02 ktilton Exp $
+;;; $Header: /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lisp,v 1.18 2008/04/11 09:22:58 ktilton Exp $
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
   (pushnew :cl-ftgl *features*))
 (defpackage #:cl-ftgl
   (:nicknames #:ftgl)
-  (:use #:common-lisp #:cffi #:kt-opengl)
+  (:use #:common-lisp #:cffi #:kt-opengl #:utils-kt #:cells #:cl-freetype)
   (:export #:ftgl 
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
+    #:ftgl-filetype
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
+    #:ftgl-ft-face
@@ -57,73 +59,87 @@
 ;;; NOTE: Must build the ftgl-int/FTGLFromC.cpp glue library.
 (define-foreign-library FTGL
   (:darwin "libfgc.dylib")
-  (:windows (:or "/0dev/user/dynlib/ftgl_dynamic_MTD_d.dll")))
+  (:windows (:or "ftgl_dynamic_MTD_d.dll")))
+(inspect (cffi::get-foreign-library 'FTGL))
+(probe-file (ukt:exe-dll "ftgl_dynamic_MTD_d"))
 ;;(use-foreign-library FTGL) - frgo: This leads to problems on OS X !!!
 ;; -> Use function cl-ftgl-init !
 (defparameter *gui-style-default-face*
-  #-cffi-features:darwin 'sylfaen
+  #-cffi-features:darwin "STIXGeneral" ;; "Sylfaen"
   #+cffi-features:darwin "Helvetica")
 (defparameter *gui-style-button-face*
-  #-cffi-features:darwin 'sylfaen
+  #-cffi-features:darwin "STIXGeneral" ;; "Sylfaen"
   #+cffi-features:darwin "Helvetica")
 (defparameter *ftgl-loaded-p* nil)
 (defparameter *ftgl-fonts-loaded* nil)
 (defparameter *ftgl-ogl* nil)
-(defparameter *ftgl-font-pathnames-list*
-  #+cffi-features:windows
-  (list
-    (make-pathname
-      :directory
-        '(:absolute "Windows" "fonts")))
+(defparameter *ftgl-font-dirs* nil)
-  #+cffi-features:darwin
-  (list
-    (make-pathname
-      :directory
+(defun ftgl-font-directories ()
+  (or *ftgl-font-dirs*
+    (setf *ftgl-font-dirs*
+      #+cffi-features:windows
+      (list (font-path)
+        (make-pathname
+         :directory
+         '(:absolute "Windows" "fonts")))
+      #+cffi-features:darwin
+      (list
+       (make-pathname
+        :directory
         '(:absolute "System" "Library" "Fonts"))
-    (make-pathname
-      :directory
+       (make-pathname
+        :directory
         '(:absolute "Library" "Fonts"))
-    (make-pathname
-      :directory
-     '(:relative "~" "Library" "Fonts")))
-  #+(and cffi-features:unix (not cffi-features:darwin))
-  (list
-    (make-pathname
-      :directory
-        '(:absolute "usr" "share" "truetype")))
-  )
+       (make-pathname
+        :directory
+        '(:relative "~" "Library" "Fonts")))
+      #+(and cffi-features:unix (not cffi-features:darwin))
+      (list
+       (make-pathname
+        :directory
+        '(:absolute "usr" "share" "truetype"))))))
 (defparameter *ftgl-font-types-list* ;; list of font types
-                                     ;; (font filename endings)
+  ;; (font filename endings)
   '("dfont" "ttf")
   #+(or cffi-features:windows (and cffi-features:unix (not cffi-features:darwin)))
-  '("ttf")
+  '("ttf" "otf"))
 (defun find-font-file (font)
-  (loop named pn-loop for pathname in *ftgl-font-pathnames-list*
-    do
-      (loop for ending in *ftgl-font-types-list*
-	do
-	  (let ((pn (merge-pathnames (make-pathname
-		   		       :name (string (ftgl-face font))
-				       :type ending)
-				       pathname)))
-	    (if (probe-file pn)
-	      (progn
-	        ;;(format t "~%*** FIND-FONT-FILE: Result = ~A~%" pn)
-	        (return-from pn-loop pn)))))))
+  (trc nil "find.font.file> seeks" (ftgl-face font) :n (ftgl-font-directories))
+  (or
+   (loop for dir in (ftgl-font-directories)
+       thereis (loop for ending in *ftgl-font-types-list*
+                   thereis (probe-file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname
+                                                         :name (string (ftgl-face font))
+                                                         :type ending)
+                                         dir))))
+   (loop initially (trc "find.font.file cant find any of"
+                     (loop for ending in *ftgl-font-types-list*
+                         collecting (make-pathname
+                                     :name (string (ftgl-face font))
+                                     :type ending)))
+       for dir in (ftgl-font-directories) do
+         (loop for f in (directory dir)
+             when (and (string-equal (pathname-type f) "TTF")
+                    (string-equal (pathname-name f) (string (ftgl-face font))))
+             do (trc "...does see" (namestring f))))))
+(probe-file "C:\\0Algebra\\TYExtender\\font\\Sylfaen.ttf")
 (defun ftgl-format (font control-string &rest args)
   (ftgl-render font (apply 'format nil control-string args)))
@@ -185,8 +201,15 @@
 (defun cl-ftgl-reset ()
 #-(or mcl macosx)  
   (setq *ftgl-loaded-p* nil) 
+  #+noway (loop for (nil . font) in *ftgl-fonts-loaded*
+      do (fgc-free (ftgl-ifont font)))
   (setq *ftgl-fonts-loaded* nil))
+  (mgk:wands-clear)
+  (cl-ftgl-reset))
 (defmacro dbgftgl (tag &body body)
   (declare (ignorable tag))
@@ -204,33 +227,40 @@
-  (let ((sylfaen (ftgl-font-ensure :texture |ArialHB| 24 96)))
+  (let ((sylfaen (ftgl-font-ensure :texture '|ArialHB| 24 96)))
     (print (list "ArialHB ascender" (ftgl-get-ascender sylfaen)))
     (print (list "ArialHB descender" (ftgl-get-descender sylfaen)))
     (print (list "ArialHB hello world length" (ftgl-string-length sylfaen "Hello world")))
     (print (list "ArialHB disp font" (ftgl-get-display-font sylfaen)))
 (defun cl-ftgl-init ()
+  (initialize-ft)
   (unless *ftgl-loaded-p*
     (assert (setq *ftgl-loaded-p* (use-foreign-library FTGL)))
     (format *debug-io* "~%*** CL-FTGL-INIT: Loaded: ~S~%"
+(loop for (fspec . f) in *ftgl-fonts-loaded*
+      do (print (list fspec f)))
 (defun ftgl-font-ensure (type face size target-res &optional (depth 0))
   (let* ((fspec (list type face size target-res depth))
          (match (cdr (assoc fspec *ftgl-fonts-loaded* :test 'equal))))
-    #+shh (if match
-        (cells::trc "ftgl-font-ensure finds match" fspec (ftgl-ifont match))
-      (cells::trc "ftgl-font-ensure NO match"  fspec ))
+    #+shhh (if match
+        (progn (cells::trc "ftgl-font-ensure finds match" fspec (ftgl-ifont match)))
+      (cells::trc "ftgl-font-ensure NO match"  fspec :in #+shhh (loop for (fspec nil) in *ftgl-fonts-loaded*
+                                                             collecting fspec)))
     (or match
       (let ((f (apply 'ftgl-make fspec)))
         (push (cons fspec f) *ftgl-fonts-loaded*)
-        (cells::trc nil "ftgl-font-ensure new font spec ifont" fspec (ftgl-ifont f))
+        ;; (cells::trc "ftgl-font-ensure allocating!!!!!!!!!!! new font spec ifont" fspec (ftgl-ifont f))
 (defun ftgl-make (type face size target-res &optional (depth 0))
   ;;(print (list "ftgl-make entry" type face size))
   (funcall (ecase type
              (:bitmap 'make-ftgl-bitmap)
              (:pixmap 'make-ftgl-pixmap)
@@ -252,6 +282,8 @@
   face size target-res depth
   descender ascender 
   (widths (make-array 256 :initial-element nil))
+  ft-face
+  filetype
   (ifont nil))
@@ -303,22 +335,36 @@
       (ff:unload-foreign-library dll)
+(dolist (dll (ff:list-all-foreign-libraries))
+  (when t ;(search "free" (pathname-name dll) :test 'string-equal)
+    (print `(foreign library ,dll))))
 (defun ftgl-get-ascender (font)
   (cells::trc nil "ftgl-get-ascender" (ftgl-ifont font))
   (dbgftgl :ftgl-get-ascender
-   (or (ftgl-ascender font)
-     (setf (ftgl-ascender font)
-       (fgc-ascender (ftgl-get-metrics-font font))))))
+    (or (ftgl-ascender font)
+      (setf (ftgl-ascender font)
+        (eko (nil "ftgl.get.ascender" font)
+          (let ((mf (ftgl-get-metrics-font font))) ; also loads face
+            (if (string-equal (ftgl-face font) "math2___")
+                (ftgl-size font)
+              #+yeahyeah (round (ft:ft-glyphslotrec/metrics/hori-bearing/y
+                        (ft:load-glyph (ftgl-ft-face font) 0 3)) 96)
+              (fgc-ascender mf))))))))
 (defun ftgl-get-descender (font)
   (cells:trc nil "ftgl-get-descender" (ftgl-ifont font))
   (dbgftgl :ftgl-get-descender
    (or (ftgl-descender font)
      (setf (ftgl-descender font)
-       (fgc-descender (ftgl-get-metrics-font font))))))
+       (eko (nil "ftgl.get.descender" font)
+         (if (string-equal (ftgl-face font) "math2___")
+             (round (ftgl-size font) -2)
+           (fgc-descender (ftgl-get-metrics-font font))))))))
 (defun ftgl-height (f)
   (cells:trc nil "ftgl-height" (ftgl-ifont f))
@@ -335,8 +381,9 @@
      ;; (print (list "FTGL-GET-DISPLAY-FONT sees" (ftgl-ready font)))
      (Unless (ftgl-ready font)
-       ; (when *ogl-listing-p*
-       ;   (cells::c-break "bad time #1 for sizing? ~a ~a" *ogl-listing-p* font))
+       (cells:trc "ftgl-get-display-font" (ftgl-face font) (ftgl-size font)(ftgl-ifont font))
+        (when *ogl-listing-p*
+          (cells::c-break "bad time #1 for sizing? ~a ~a" *ogl-listing-p* (cons (ftgl-face font)(ftgl-size font))(ftgl-ifont font)))
        (setf (ftgl-ready font) t)
        (typecase font
@@ -346,7 +393,7 @@
                    (fgc-build-glyphs cf)
                    (cells:trc nil "ftgl-get-display-font> glyphs built OK for" font)))
-          #+no (fgc-set-face-size cf (ftgl-size font) (ftgl-target-res font)))
+          #+fails (fgc-set-face-size cf (ftgl-size font) (ftgl-target-res font)))
           #+no (fgc-set-face-size cf (ftgl-size font) (ftgl-target-res font)))))
      (glec :ftgl-get-display-font)
@@ -357,16 +404,32 @@
     (setf (ftgl-ifont font) (ftgl-font-make font))))
 (defun ftgl-font-make (font)
-  (let ((path (find-font-file font)))
-    (if path
-        (let* ((fpath (namestring path))
-               (f (fgc-font-make font fpath)))
-          (if f
-              (progn
-                (fgc-set-face-size f (ftgl-size font) (ftgl-target-res font))
-                f)
-	      (error "cannot load ~a font ~a" (type-of font) fpath)))
-	(error "Font not found: ~a" path))))
+  (eko (nil "made cpp FTGL font ~a" (ftgl-face font)(ftgl-size font))
+    (bif (path (find-font-file font))
+      (let ((fpath (namestring path)))
+        (bif (f (fgc-font-make font fpath))
+          (progn
+            (prog1
+                (setf (ftgl-ft-face font) (ft:get-new-face (namestring path)))
+              ;(trc "making!!!!!!!!!!!! afce!!!!!!" (ftgl-face font))
+              (assert (ftgl-ft-face font)))
+            (ft:set-char-size (ftgl-ft-face font) (ft:to-ft (ftgl-size font)) (ftgl-target-res font))
+            #+shhh (loop with size = (ft:ft-facerec/size (ftgl-ft-face font))
+                       for (k m) on (list :x-ppem (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/x-ppem size)
+                                      :y-ppem (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/y-ppem size)
+                                      :x-scale (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/x-scale size)
+                                      :y-scale (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/y-scale size)
+                                      :ascender (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/ascender size)
+                                      :descender (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/descender size)
+                                      :height (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/height size)
+                                      :max-advance (ft:ft-sizerec/metrics/max-advance size)) by #'cddr
+                       do (print (list k (ft:from-ft m))))
+            (setf (ftgl-filetype font) (intern (up$ (pathname-type path)) :keyword))
+            (fgc-set-face-size f (ftgl-size font) (ftgl-target-res font))
+            f)
+          (error "cannot load ~a font ~a" (type-of font) fpath)))
+      (error "Font not found: ~a" path))))
 (defmethod ftgl-render (font s)
   (assert font)
@@ -374,11 +437,11 @@
   (dbgfont font :ftgl-render)
   (dbgftgl :ftgl-render
    (when font
-     (let ((df (ftgl-get-display-font font)))
-       (cells:trc nil "ftgl-render ing" df s (ftgl-face font) (ftgl-size font))
-       (if df
-           (fgc-render df s)
-         (break "whoa, no display font for ~a" font))))))
+     (fgc-render (ftgl-get-metrics-font font) s))))
+(defmethod ftgl-render :before ((font ftgl-extruded) s)
+  (declare (ignorable s))
+  (ftgl-get-display-font font))
 (defmethod ftgl-render :before ((font ftgl-texture) s)
   (declare (ignorable s))
@@ -400,7 +463,7 @@
   (fgc-bitmap-make fpath))
 (defmethod fgc-font-make ((font ftgl-texture) fpath)
-  (format *debug-io* "~%*** FGC-FONT-MAKE: fpath = ~A~%" fpath)
+  (format *debug-io* "~%*** FGC-FONT-MAKE: texture fpath = ~A~%" fpath)
   (fgc-texture-make fpath))
 (defmethod fgc-font-make ((font ftgl-extruded) fpath)
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lpr	2007/02/02 20:11:03	1.11
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cl-ftgl/cl-ftgl.lpr	2008/04/11 09:22:58	1.12
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;; -*- lisp-version: "8.0 [Windows] (Jan 22, 2007 8:01)"; cg: "1.81"; -*-
+;; -*- lisp-version: "8.1 [Windows] (Jan 2, 2008 9:44)"; cg: ""; -*-
 (in-package :cg-user)
@@ -17,64 +17,72 @@
   :main-form nil
   :compilation-unit t
   :verbose nil
-  :runtime-modules '(:cg-dde-utils :cg.base :cg.bitmap-pane
-                     :cg.bitmap-pane.clipboard :cg.bitmap-stream
-                     :cg.button :cg.caret :cg.check-box :cg.choice-list
-                     :cg.choose-printer :cg.clipboard
-                     :cg.clipboard-stack :cg.clipboard.pixmap
-                     :cg.color-dialog :cg.combo-box :cg.common-control
-                     :cg.comtab :cg.cursor-pixmap :cg.curve
-                     :cg.dialog-item :cg.directory-dialog
-                     :cg.directory-dialog-os :cg.drag-and-drop
-                     :cg.drag-and-drop-image :cg.drawable
-                     :cg.drawable.clipboard :cg.dropping-outline
-                     :cg.edit-in-place :cg.editable-text
-                     :cg.file-dialog :cg.fill-texture
-                     :cg.find-string-dialog :cg.font-dialog
-                     :cg.gesture-emulation :cg.get-pixmap
-                     :cg.get-position :cg.graphics-context
-                     :cg.grid-widget :cg.grid-widget.drag-and-drop
-                     :cg.group-box :cg.header-control :cg.hotspot
-                     :cg.html-dialog :cg.html-widget :cg.icon
-                     :cg.icon-pixmap :cg.ie :cg.item-list
-                     :cg.keyboard-shortcuts :cg.lamp :cg.lettered-menu
-                     :cg.lisp-edit-pane :cg.lisp-text :cg.lisp-widget
-                     :cg.list-view :cg.mci :cg.menu :cg.menu.tooltip
-                     :cg.message-dialog :cg.multi-line-editable-text
-                     :cg.multi-line-lisp-text :cg.multi-picture-button
-                     :cg.multi-picture-button.drag-and-drop
-                     :cg.multi-picture-button.tooltip :cg.ocx
-                     :cg.os-widget :cg.os-window :cg.outline
-                     :cg.outline.drag-and-drop
-                     :cg.outline.edit-in-place :cg.palette
-                     :cg.paren-matching :cg.picture-widget
-                     :cg.picture-widget.palette :cg.pixmap
-                     :cg.pixmap-widget :cg.pixmap.file-io
-                     :cg.pixmap.printing :cg.pixmap.rotate :cg.printing
-                     :cg.progress-indicator :cg.project-window
-                     :cg.property :cg.radio-button :cg.rich-edit
-                     :cg.rich-edit-pane :cg.rich-edit-pane.clipboard
-                     :cg.rich-edit-pane.printing :cg.sample-file-menu
-                     :cg.scaling-stream :cg.scroll-bar
-                     :cg.scroll-bar-mixin :cg.selected-object
-                     :cg.shortcut-menu :cg.static-text :cg.status-bar
-                     :cg.string-dialog :cg.tab-control
-                     :cg.template-string :cg.text-edit-pane
-                     :cg.text-edit-pane.file-io :cg.text-edit-pane.mark
-                     :cg.text-or-combo :cg.text-widget :cg.timer
-                     :cg.toggling-widget :cg.toolbar :cg.tooltip
-                     :cg.trackbar :cg.tray :cg.up-down-control
-                     :cg.utility-dialog :cg.web-browser
-                     :cg.web-browser.dde :cg.wrap-string
-                     :cg.yes-no-list :cg.yes-no-string :dde)
+  :runtime-modules (list :cg-dde-utils :cg.base :cg.bitmap-pane
+                         :cg.bitmap-pane.clipboard :cg.bitmap-stream
+                         :cg.button :cg.caret :cg.check-box
+                         :cg.choice-list :cg.choose-printer
+                         :cg.clipboard :cg.clipboard-stack
+                         :cg.clipboard.pixmap :cg.color-dialog
+                         :cg.combo-box :cg.common-control :cg.comtab
+                         :cg.cursor-pixmap :cg.curve :cg.dialog-item
+                         :cg.directory-dialog :cg.directory-dialog-os
+                         :cg.drag-and-drop :cg.drag-and-drop-image
+                         :cg.drawable :cg.drawable.clipboard
+                         :cg.dropping-outline :cg.edit-in-place
+                         :cg.editable-text :cg.file-dialog
+                         :cg.fill-texture :cg.find-string-dialog
+                         :cg.font-dialog :cg.gesture-emulation
+                         :cg.get-pixmap :cg.get-position
+                         :cg.graphics-context :cg.grid-widget
+                         :cg.grid-widget.drag-and-drop :cg.group-box
+                         :cg.header-control :cg.hotspot :cg.html-dialog
+                         :cg.html-widget :cg.icon :cg.icon-pixmap
+                         :cg.ie :cg.item-list :cg.keyboard-shortcuts
+                         :cg.lamp :cg.lettered-menu :cg.lisp-edit-pane
+                         :cg.lisp-text :cg.lisp-widget :cg.list-view
+                         :cg.mci :cg.menu :cg.menu.tooltip
+                         :cg.message-dialog
+                         :cg.multi-line-editable-text
+                         :cg.multi-line-lisp-text
+                         :cg.multi-picture-button
+                         :cg.multi-picture-button.drag-and-drop
+                         :cg.multi-picture-button.tooltip :cg.ocx
+                         :cg.os-widget :cg.os-window :cg.outline
+                         :cg.outline.drag-and-drop
+                         :cg.outline.edit-in-place :cg.palette
+                         :cg.paren-matching :cg.picture-widget
+                         :cg.picture-widget.palette :cg.pixmap
+                         :cg.pixmap-widget :cg.pixmap.file-io
+                         :cg.pixmap.printing :cg.pixmap.rotate
+                         :cg.printing :cg.progress-indicator
+                         :cg.project-window :cg.property
+                         :cg.radio-button :cg.rich-edit
+                         :cg.rich-edit-pane
+                         :cg.rich-edit-pane.clipboard
+                         :cg.rich-edit-pane.printing
+                         :cg.sample-file-menu :cg.scaling-stream
+                         :cg.scroll-bar :cg.scroll-bar-mixin
+                         :cg.selected-object :cg.shortcut-menu
+                         :cg.static-text :cg.status-bar
+                         :cg.string-dialog :cg.tab-control
+                         :cg.template-string :cg.text-edit-pane
+                         :cg.text-edit-pane.file-io
+                         :cg.text-edit-pane.mark :cg.text-or-combo
+                         :cg.text-widget :cg.timer :cg.toggling-widget
+                         :cg.toolbar :cg.tooltip :cg.trackbar :cg.tray
+                         :cg.up-down-control :cg.utility-dialog
+                         :cg.web-browser :cg.web-browser.dde
+                         :cg.wrap-string :cg.yes-no-list
+                         :cg.yes-no-string :dde)
   :splash-file-module (make-instance 'build-module :name "")
   :icon-file-module (make-instance 'build-module :name "")
-  :include-flags '(:compiler :top-level :local-name-info)
-  :build-flags '(:allow-debug :purify)
+  :include-flags (list :compiler :top-level :local-name-info)
+  :build-flags (list :allow-debug :purify)
   :autoload-warning t
   :full-recompile-for-runtime-conditionalizations nil
+  :include-manifest-file-for-visual-styles t
   :default-command-line-arguments "+cx +t \"Initializing\""
-  :additional-build-lisp-image-arguments '(:read-init-files nil)
+  :additional-build-lisp-image-arguments (list :read-init-files nil)
   :old-space-size 256000
   :new-space-size 6144
   :runtime-build-option :standard

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