[cello-cvs] CVS cello

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Sat Oct 28 18:22:43 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv3711

Modified Files:
	cello.asd control.lisp ctl-markbox.lisp ctl-toggle.lisp 
	ix-layer-expand.lisp ix-polygon.lisp ix-togl.lisp 
Log Message:
Cello rizing.

--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cello.asd	2006/08/26 16:04:46	1.5
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/cello.asd	2006/10/28 18:22:43	1.6
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
    (:file "image")
    (:file "ix-opengl")
    (:file "ix-canvas")
-   (:file "ix-family")
    (:file "font")
    (:file "ix-grid")
    (:file "mouse-click")
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/control.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.6
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/control.lisp	2006/10/28 18:22:43	1.7
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 (in-package :cello)
+(export! control enabled ^enabled)
 (defmd control ()
   (title$ (c? (format nil "~:(~a~)" ;; this is just a poor default-- really s.b. supplied by form author
                 (string-downcase (substitute #\space #\- (string (md-name self)))))))
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-markbox.lisp	2006/10/17 21:30:08	1.8
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-markbox.lisp	2006/10/28 18:22:43	1.9
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   (defmethod ix-layer-expand ((self (eql :x-mark)) &rest args)
-    `(ix-render-x-mark ,(car args) l-box)))
+    `(ix-render-x-mark ,(car args) l-box ,(cadr args))))
 (defmodel ct-mark-box (ct-toggle ix-view)
   ((kb-selector :cell nil :initarg :kb-selector :initform nil :reader kb-selector)
@@ -35,23 +35,22 @@
                    (:in 4)
                  +light-gray+ ;;;(if (^enabled) +white+ +gray+)
-                 (:frame-3d :edge-sunken
-                      :thickness 4)
+                 (:frame-3d :edge-sunken :thickness 4)
                  (:out 4)
                  (:x-mark (^md-value)))))
-(defun ix-render-x-mark (do-p lbox)
+(defun ix-render-x-mark (do-p lbox &optional thickness &aux (thick (or thickness (/ (r-width lbox) 4))))
   (when do-p
-    (let* ((thick (/ (r-width lbox) 4))
+    (let* (
            (br (- (r-right lbox) thick)) ;; /// bogus use of thick to inset "x"
            (bl (+ (r-left lbox) thick))
            (bt (+ (r-top lbox) (downs thick)))
            (bb (+ (r-bottom lbox) (ups thick)))
       (with-matrix ()
-        (gl-line-width (max 2 (log2scr thick)))
+        (gl-line-width (log2scr thick))
         (gl-disable gl_texture_2d)
         (with-gl-begun (gl_lines)
           (gl-vertex3f bl bt 0)(gl-vertex3f br bb 0)
@@ -68,8 +67,8 @@
     :enabled t
     :md-value (c? (find (associated-value self) (md-value (^radio))))
     :ct-action (lambda (self event)
-                     (radio-item-to-md-value self event (^radio)))))
+                     (with-c-change :ct-radio-item
+                       (radio-item-to-md-value self event (^radio))))))
 (defun radio-item-to-md-value (self event radio)
@@ -87,10 +86,14 @@
 (defmodel ct-radio-button (ct-mark-box ct-radio-item) ())
 (defmodel ct-text-radio-item ( ct-radio-item ct-text)())
-(defmodel ct-radio (ix-inline)
-  ()
-  (:default-initargs
-      :md-value (c-in nil)))
+(defmd ct-radio (ix-inline)
+  on-change
+  :md-value (c-in nil))
+(defobserver .md-value ((self ct-radio)) ;; /// should every control have this?
+  (when (^on-change)
+    (trcx nil radio-value-observer self new-value old-value old-value-boundp)
+    (funcall (^on-change) self new-value old-value old-value-boundp)))
 (defmodel ct-radio-row (ct-radio)
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-toggle.lisp	2006/10/17 21:30:08	1.6
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-toggle.lisp	2006/10/28 18:22:43	1.7
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
    :md-value (c-in nil) ;;; closed by default
    :poly-style :fill
    :pre-layer (c? (with-layers 
+                      (:poly-mode gl_front_and_back gl_fill)
                     (:rgba (if (^hilited)
                                +green+ +black+))))
    :vertices (c? (if (md-value self)
@@ -145,6 +146,27 @@
                      '((4 . -2) (9 . -7) (4 . -12))))
    :ll 0 :lt 0 :lr (u96ths 15) :lb (downs (u96ths 15))))
+(export! a-twister)
+(defmacro a-twister ((label component-args initial-open &rest twister-args) twisted-widget)
+  `(a-stack (, at component-args)
+        (a-row ()
+          (make-kid 'ct-twister
+            :md-name :show-contents
+            :md-value (c-in ,initial-open)
+            :visible (c? (^enabled))
+            , at twister-args)
+          ,(if (stringp label)
+               `(make-kid 'ix-text
+                 :text$ ,label
+                 :style-id :button)
+             label)) ;; actually should be a form to build a widget
+        (a-stack (:collapsed (c? (let ((tw (fm^ :show-contents)))
+                                   (assert (eq .parent (fm-parent (fm-parent tw))))
+                                   (not (md-value tw)))))
+          ,twisted-widget)))
+#| vestigial?
 (defmacro mk-twisted (twisted-name (label-class &rest label-args)
                                  (twisted-class &rest twisted-args))
@@ -193,3 +215,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-layer-expand.lisp	2006/10/17 21:30:08	1.8
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-layer-expand.lisp	2006/10/28 18:22:43	1.9
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
              `(gl-disable ,gl))))
 (defmethod ix-layer-expand ((self (eql :poly-mode)) &rest args)
-  `(gl-polygon-mode ,(car args),(cadr args)))
+  `(gl-polygon-mode ,(car args) ,(cadr args)))
 (defmethod ix-layer-expand ((self (eql :nice-lines)) &rest args)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
      (gl-enable gl_blend)
      (gl-blend-func gl_src_alpha gl_one_minus_src_alpha)
      ,(when args
-        `(gl-line-width ,(car args)))))
+        `(gl-line-width ,(or (car args) 1)))))
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-polygon.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.4
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-polygon.lisp	2006/10/28 18:22:43	1.5
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
         (with-matrix (nil)
           (gl-line-width  (poly-thickness self))
-          (with-gl-begun (gl_line_loop)
+          (gl-polygon-mode gl_front_and_back gl_fill)
+          (with-gl-begun (gl_triangles)
             (dolist (v vs)
               (gl-vertex3f (v2-h v) (v2-v v) 0)))
           (ogl::glec :f3d))))))
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp	2006/10/17 21:30:08	1.13
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp	2006/10/28 18:22:43	1.14
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
      (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (ctk::xbe-x xe)
                               (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))) ; trigger mouseview recalc
-     (setf (mouse-down-evt self) (eko ("mousedown!!!" (ctk::xbe button xe))
+     (setf (mouse-down-evt self) (eko (nil "mousedown!!!" (ctk::xbe button xe))
                                     :modifiers (keyboard-modifiers .tkw)
                                     :where (mouse-pos self)

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