[cello-cvs] CVS cello

ktilton ktilton at common-lisp.net
Fri Oct 13 05:57:27 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv1625

Modified Files:
	control.lisp ctl-toggle.lisp image.lisp ix-opengl.lisp 
	ix-polygon.lisp ix-text.lisp ix-togl.lisp mouse-click.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/control.lisp	2006/10/02 02:59:18	1.5
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/control.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.6
@@ -16,34 +16,25 @@
 (in-package :cello)
-(defmodel control ()
-  (
-   (title$ :initarg :title$ :accessor title$
-     :initform (c? (format nil "~:(~a~)" ;; this is just a poor default-- really s.b. supplied by form author
-                     (string-downcase (substitute #\space #\- (string (md-name self)))))))
-   (ct-action :cell nil :initarg :ct-action :initform nil :reader ct-action)
-   (click-repeat-p :initarg :click-repeat-p :initform nil :reader click-repeat-p)
-   (click-repeat-event :initarg :click-repeat-event
-     :accessor click-repeat-event
-     :initform (c? (bwhen (c (^click-evt))
-                     (let ((age (f-sensitivity :age (0.1)
-                                  (click-age c ))))
-                       (when (> age 0.5) age)))))
-   (mouse-up-handler :initform nil :initarg mouse-up-handler :accessor mouse-up-handler
-     :documentation "Menus use this")
-   (click-evt :initform (c-in nil) :initarg :click-evt :accessor click-evt)
-   (click-tolerance :cell nil :initform (mkv2 0 0)
-     :unchanged-if 'v2=
-     :initarg :click-tolerance :reader click-tolerance)
-   (key-evt :cell :ephemeral :initform nil :initarg :key-evt :accessor key-evt)
-   (enabled :initform t :initarg :enabled :accessor enabled)
-   (hilited :initform (c? (bwhen (click (^click-evt))
-                              (click-over click)))
-            :initarg :hilited :accessor hilited)
-   (kb-selector :cell nil :initarg :kb-selector :initform nil :reader kb-selector)
-   )
-  (:default-initargs
-      :gl-name (c? (incf (gl-name-highest .w.)))))
+(defmd control ()
+  (title$ (c? (format nil "~:(~a~)" ;; this is just a poor default-- really s.b. supplied by form author
+                (string-downcase (substitute #\space #\- (string (md-name self)))))))
+  (ct-action nil :cell nil)
+  click-repeat-p
+  (click-repeat-event (c? (bwhen (c (^click-evt))
+                            (let ((age (f-sensitivity :age (0.1)
+                                         (click-age c ))))
+                              (when (> age 0.5) age)))))
+  (mouse-up-handler nil :documentation "Menus use this")
+  (click-evt (c-in nil))
+  (click-tolerance (mkv2 0 0) :cell nil)
+  (key-evt nil :cell :ephemeral)
+  (enabled t)
+  (hilited (c? (bwhen (click (^click-evt))
+                 (trc nil "got click!" click)
+                 (click-over click))))
+  (kb-selector nil :cell nil)
+  :gl-name (c? (incf (gl-name-highest .w.))))
 (defobserver click-repeat-event ()
   (with-integrity (:change :obs-click-repeat-event)
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-toggle.lisp	2006/10/02 02:59:18	1.4
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ctl-toggle.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.5
@@ -33,48 +33,55 @@
                  :fill (:rgba (^text-color)))))
-(defmodel ct-button (control ix-text) ;; same inheritance, but otherwise unrelated to CTText
-  ((inset :unchanged-if 'v2= :initform (mkv2 (upts 4) (upts 4)))
-   (depressed :initarg :depressed :reader depressed :initform (c? (^hilited))))
-  (:default-initargs
-      :title$ (c? (string-capitalize (md-name self)))
-      :text$ (c? (^title$))
-    :clipped t
-    :justify-hz :center
-    :justify-vt :center
-    :style-id :button
-    :skin (c? (skin .w.))
-    :text-color (c? (if (^depressed)
-                        +dk-gray+ +white+))
-    :pre-layer  (c? (let* ((thick (min (u96ths 4) (* 0.08 (l-width self))))
-                                            (defl (if (clo::^depressed) (downs (/ thick 3)) 0))
-                                            (push-in (if (clo::^depressed) (xlout (* .5 thick)) 0)))
-                                       (declare (ignorable thick defl))
-                                       (trc nil "ctbutton" thick defl)
-                                       (with-layers
-                                           (:v3f (/ defl 2) defl push-in)
-                                         +white+
-                                         :on
-                                         (:frame-3d :edge-raised
-                                           :thickness thick
-                                           :texturing (list (clo::^skin)))
-                                         (:rgba (^text-color))
-                                         )))
-    #+old (c? (let* ((thick (min (u96ths 4) (* 0.08 (l-width self))))
-                           (defl (if (^depressed) (downs (/ thick 3)) 0))
-                           (push-in (if (^depressed) (xlout (* .5 thick)) 0)))
-                      (declare (ignorable thick defl))
-                      (trc nil "ctbutton" thick defl)
+(defmd ct-button (control ix-text) ;; same inheritance, but otherwise unrelated to CTText
+  (md-value (c-in nil) :cell :ephemeral)
+  (inset (mkv2 (upts 4) (upts 4)) :unchanged-if 'v2=)
+  (depressed (c? (^hilited)))
+  :ct-action (lambda (self event)
+               (declare (ignore event))
+               (with-c-change :button-press
+                 .retog.
+                 (setf (^md-value) t)))
+  :title$ (c? (string-capitalize (md-name self)))
+  :text$ (c? (^title$))
+  :clipped t
+  :justify-hz :center
+  :justify-vt :center
+  :style-id :button
+  :skin (c? (skin .w.))
+  :text-color (c? (cond
+                   ((not (^enabled)) +red+)
+                   ((^depressed) +dk-gray+)
+                   (t +white+)))
+  :pre-layer  (c? (let* ((thick (min (u96ths 4) (* 0.08 (l-width self))))
+                         (defl (if (clo::^depressed) (downs (/ thick 3)) 0))
+                         (push-in (if (clo::^depressed) (xlout (* .5 thick)) 0)))
+                    (declare (ignorable thick defl))
+                    (trc nil "ctbutton" thick defl)
+                    (with-layers
+                        (:v3f (/ defl 2) defl push-in)
-                      (with-layers
-                          (:v3f (/ defl 2) defl push-in)
-                        +lt-gray+
-                        :on
-                        (:frame-3d :edge-raised
-                          :thickness thick)
-                        (:rgba (^text-color)))))))
+                      +white+
+                      :on
+                      (:frame-3d :edge-raised
+                        :thickness thick
+                        :texturing (list (clo::^skin)))
+                      (:rgba (^text-color))
+                      )))
+  #+old (c? (let* ((thick (min (u96ths 4) (* 0.08 (l-width self))))
+                   (defl (if (^depressed) (downs (/ thick 3)) 0))
+                   (push-in (if (^depressed) (xlout (* .5 thick)) 0)))
+              (declare (ignorable thick defl))
+              (trc nil "ctbutton" thick defl)
+              (with-layers
+                  (:v3f (/ defl 2) defl push-in)
+                +lt-gray+
+                :on
+                (:frame-3d :edge-raised
+                  :thickness thick)
+                (:rgba (^text-color))))))
 (defmacro ct-button-ex ((text command) &rest initargs)
   `(make-instance 'ct-button
@@ -105,8 +112,9 @@
    :ct-action (lambda (self event)
                     (declare (ignorable event))
-                    (let ((newv (funcall (transition-fn self) (md-value self) (states self))))
-                      (ct-fsm-assume-value self newv)))))
+                    (with-integrity (:change :ctfsm-action)
+                      (let ((newv (funcall (transition-fn self) (md-value self) (states self))))
+                        (ct-fsm-assume-value self newv))))))
 (defmethod ct-fsm-assume-value (self new-value)
   (setf (md-value self) new-value))
@@ -119,40 +127,35 @@
    :states '(nil t)))
 (defmodel ct-twister (ct-toggle ix-polygon) ;; convert to IMBitmapMulti??
-; For twist-down control to open/close details
+  ;
+  ; For twist-down control to open/close details
+  ;
    :md-value (c-in nil) ;;; closed by default
    :poly-style :fill
-   :pre-layer (c? (with-layers (:rgba (if (^hilited)
-                                          +black+ +gray+))))
+   :pre-layer (c? (with-layers 
+                    (:rgba (if (^hilited)
+                               +green+ +black+))))
    :vertices (c? (if (md-value self)
-                     (u-cvt '((2 . 4) (7 . 9) (12 . 4)) :96ths)
-                     (u-cvt '((4 . 2) (9 . 7) (4 . 12)) :96ths)
-                     #+big '((0 . 5) (14 . 5) (7 . 12))
-                     #+big '((5 . 0) (12 . 7) (5 . 14))
-                     ))
+                     '((2 . -4) (7 . -9) (12 . -4))
+                     '((4 . -2) (9 . -7) (4 . -12))))
    :ll 0 :lt 0 :lr (u96ths 15) :lb (downs (u96ths 15))))
 (defmacro mk-twisted (twisted-name (label-class &rest label-args)
                                  (twisted-class &rest twisted-args))
-  `(mk-part :twisted-group (ix-zero-tl)
+  `(make-kid :twisted-group (ix-zero-tl)
       :showkids (c-in nil)
       :ll (c? (geo-kid-wrap self 'pl))
       :lr (c? (geo-kid-wrap self 'pr))
-      :kid-factory (lambda (self kid-value)
-                    (declare (ignore self kid-value)))
       :kids (c? (let ((thetree self))
                    ;; (trc "making all parts of tree for" (md-value self) rethinker)
-                    (mk-part :header (ix-kid-sized)
+                    (mk-part 'ix-kid-sized
                        :ll (u96ths -20) :px 0
                        :kids (c? (packed-flat!
                                    (mk-part :opener (ct-twister)
@@ -172,19 +175,19 @@
 (defmacro mk-twisted-part (twisted-name (label$ &rest label-args)
-  `(mk-part :twisted-group (ix-zero-tl)
-     :showkids (c-in nil)
+  `(make-kid 'ix-zero-tl
+     :showkids (c-in nil) ;; /// parameterize
      :ll (c? (geo-kid-wrap self 'pl))
      :lr (c? (geo-kid-wrap self 'pr))
-     :kid-factory #'null
      :kids (c? (the-kids
-                (mk-part :header (ix-kid-sized)
+                (make-kid 'ix-kid-sized
                   :ll (u96ths -20) :px 0
                   :kids (c? (packed-flat!
-                             (mk-part :opener (ct-twister)
+                             (make-kid 'ct-twister
                                :py (u96ths 2)
                                :px (c? (px-maintain-pr (u96ths -3))))
-                             (mk-part ,twisted-name (ix-text)
+                             (make-kid 'ix-text
+                               :md-name ',twisted-name
                                , at label-args
                                :text$ ,label$))))
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/image.lisp	2006/10/02 02:59:18	1.13
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/image.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.14
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
       :initform (c? (or .cache (^showkids)))
       :reader kids-ever-shown)))
+(defmodel ix-zero-tl (geo-zero-tl ix-family)())
+(defmodel ix-kid-sized (geo-kid-sized ix-family)())
 (defmodel ix-inline (geo-inline ix-view)())
 (defmodel ix-inline-lazy (geo-inline-lazy ix-view)())
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-opengl.lisp	2006/10/02 02:59:18	1.7
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-opengl.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.8
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 (define-symbol-macro .og.
     (or (ogl-context self)
-      (setf (ogl-context self) (upper self ctk::togl))))
+      (setf (ogl-context self) (nearest self ctk::togl))))
 (define-symbol-macro .ogc. (togl-ptr .og.))
 (define-symbol-macro .retog. (when .ogc. (togl-post-redisplay .ogc.)))
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-polygon.lisp	2006/06/26 17:05:20	1.3
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-polygon.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.4
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
                     (append (mapcar #'g2d (vertices self))
                             (nreverse (mapcar #'sym2d (vertices self))))
                   (mapcar #'g2d (vertices self)))))
         (with-matrix (nil)
-          (ix-render-layer (fore-color self) nil)
-          (gl-line-width (poly-thickness self))
-          (with-gl-begun (gl_lines)
+          (gl-line-width  (poly-thickness self))
+          (with-gl-begun (gl_line_loop)
             (dolist (v vs)
               (gl-vertex3f (v2-h v) (v2-v v) 0)))
           (ogl::glec :f3d))))))
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-text.lisp	2006/10/02 02:59:18	1.9
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-text.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.10
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 (eval-when (compile load eval)
-  (export '(ix-paint inset)))
+  (export '(ix-paint inset ix-text ix-styled ix-view)))
 (defmodel ix-text (ix-styled ix-view)
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp	2006/10/02 02:59:18	1.11
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.12
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
      (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (ctk::xbe-x xe)
                               (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))) ; trigger mouseview recalc
-     (setf (mouse-down-evt self) (eko ("mousedown!!!!!!!!!")
+     (setf (mouse-down-evt self) (eko (nil "mousedown!!!")
                                     :modifiers (keyboard-modifiers .tkw)
                                     :where (mouse-pos self)
@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@
      (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (ctk::xbe-x xe)
                               (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))) ; trigger mouseview recalc
-     (setf (mouse-up-evt self) (eko ("mouse up!!!!!!!!!")
+     (setf (mouse-up-evt self) (eko (nil "mouse up!!!")
                                     :modifiers (keyboard-modifiers .tkw)
                                     :where (mouse-pos self)
                                     :realtime (now)))))
-     (trc nil "setting mouse pos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (ctk::xbe-x xe) (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))
+     (trc nil "setting mouse pos!!!!" (ctk::xbe-x xe) (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))
      (setf (mouse-pos self) (mkv2 (ctk::xbe-x xe)
                                 (- (ctk::xbe-y xe)))))
     (:EnterNotify		)
@@ -218,8 +218,9 @@
       (setf (mouse-over-p new-value) t))))
 (defobserver mouse-down-evt (self m-down)
+  .retog.
   (when m-down
-    (trc nil "mousedown" m-down (mouse-control self))
+    (trcx nil mousedown self m-down (mouse-control self))
     (bwhen (clickee (mouse-control self))
       (trc nil "mousedown clickee, clickw" clickee self)
       (mk-part :click (mouse-click) ;; wow, a free-floating part
@@ -229,11 +230,12 @@
         :clickee-pxy (mkv2 (px clickee) (py clickee))))))
 (defobserver mouse-up-evt (self up)
+  .retog.
   (when up ;; should be since this is ephemeral, but still..
-    (trc  "mouseup" self up (mouse-control self))
+    (trc nil "mouseup" self up (mouse-control self))
     (bwhen (clickee (mouse-control self))
       (bwhen (upper (mouse-up-handler clickee))
-        (trc  "mouseup clickee, clickw" clickee self)
+        (trc nil "mouseup clickee, clickw" clickee self)
         (funcall upper clickee up)))))
 (defparameter *gw* nil)
--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/mouse-click.lisp	2006/10/02 02:59:18	1.6
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/mouse-click.lisp	2006/10/13 05:57:27	1.7
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
      :documentation "Unreliable unless click-repeat-p forcing events")
    (click-completed :reader click-completed
      :initform (c? (when (typep (click-window self) 'model) ;; <- acl used to turn windows into
-                     (mouse-up-evt (click-window self)))))   ;; closed-stream instances
+                     (eko (nil "click-completed" (click-window self))
+                       (mouse-up-evt (click-window self))))))   ;; closed-stream instances
    (click-over :reader click-over
      :initform (c?  (when (typep (click-window self) 'model)
@@ -45,11 +46,11 @@
                          (mouse-pos (click-window self)))))))
    (clicked :reader clicked
-     :initform (c? (trc  "clicked?> typeof clickw" (click-window self) (type-of (click-window self)))
+     :initform (c? (trc nil "clicked?> typeof clickw" (click-window self) (type-of (click-window self)))
                  (when (typep (click-window self) 'model)
-                   (trc  "clicked?> asking clickcompleted")
+                   (trc nil "clicked?> asking clickcompleted")
                    (bwhen (up (^click-completed))
-                     (trc  "clicked?> asking point-in-box"
+                     (trc nil "clicked?> asking point-in-box"
                        (evt-where up)
                        (clickee self)
@@ -60,7 +61,8 @@
                        (cons (clickee self) up))))))
-      :expiration (c? (mouse-up-evt (click-window self)))))
+      :expiration (c? (eko (nil "expiry?" (click-window self))
+                        (mouse-up-evt (click-window self))))))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self mouse-click) &key)
   (with-integrity (:change :ii-mouseclick)
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@
         (focus-navigate (focus (click-window self)) (clickee self))))
     ;;;20060601 (to-be self) ;; unnecessary? 2301kt just moved this from after next line 
-    (trc  "echo click set self clickee" self (clickee self))
+    (trc nil "echo click set self clickee" self (clickee self))
     (when (clickee self) 
       (setf (click-evt (clickee self)) self))))
@@ -91,18 +93,19 @@
   (declare (ignorable other click)))
 (defmethod not-to-be :around ((self mouse-click))
-  (when (typep (click-window self) 'window) ;; /// why worry about this?
-    (trc  "echo click clearing self from clickee" (clickee self))
-    (setf (click-evt (clickee self)) nil) ;; do this first?
-    ;; (trc "echo click not-to-be-ing self from clickee" self)
-    (call-next-method)
-    (set-doubleclick? (click-window self) self) ;; from Win32 days
-    ))
+  (when (typep (click-window self) 'model) ;; ACL can do weird things closing a window
+    (with-integrity (:change :not-to-be-click)
+      (trc nil "echo click clearing self from clickee" (clickee self))
+      (setf (click-evt (clickee self)) nil) ;; do this first?
+      ;; (trc "echo click not-to-be-ing self from clickee" self)
+      (call-next-method)
+      (set-doubleclick? (click-window self) self) ;; from Win32 days
+      )))
 (defobserver clicked ()
-  (trc "echo clicked " self new-value)
+  (trc nil "echo clicked " self new-value)
   (when (and new-value (click-window self))
-    (trc "echo clicked calling control-do-action" self new-value)
+    (trc nil "echo clicked calling control-do-action" self new-value)
     (control-do-action (car new-value) (cdr new-value))))

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