[cello-cvs] CVS cello

fgoenninger fgoenninger at common-lisp.net
Sun Oct 1 20:46:00 UTC 2006

Update of /project/cello/cvsroot/cello
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv21056

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Minor change only. Code formatted differently.

--- /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp	2006/09/05 23:05:36	1.9
+++ /project/cello/cvsroot/cello/ix-togl.lisp	2006/10/01 20:46:00	1.10
@@ -70,17 +70,18 @@
 (export! .togl)
 (define-symbol-macro .togl (nearest self ix-togl))
 (defmethod ctk::togl-display-using-class ((self ix-togl))
   (unless (or  *ogl-listing-p* ;; re-entrance happens if a DLL puts up a MessageBox
-            (c-stopped))
+	       (c-stopped))
     (with-metrics (nil nil "ctk::togl-display-using-class")
-      (bif (dl (dsp-list self))
-        (progn
-          (trc "togl display using disp list !!!!" self)
-          (gl-call-list (dsp-list self)))
-        (ix-paint self)))))
+	(bif (dl (dsp-list self))
+	     (progn
+	       (trc "togl display using disp list !!!!" self)
+	       (gl-call-list (dsp-list self)))
+	     (ix-paint self)))))
 (defmethod ctk::togl-timer-using-class ((self ix-togl))
   (unless (or  *ogl-listing-p* ;; re-entrance happens if a DLL puts up a MessageBox

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