Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Fri Oct 3 10:54:07 UTC 2008

Stephen Compall writes:

> >
> >   In spirit of CLHS 3.6, consequences are undefined if READTABLE is
> >   modified except for modification of the current macro character
> >   under traversal.
> What rules are there for modification when modifying the current macro
> character?  Under the CCL implementation:

allowed to be invoked on the current macro char (second return value.)

All other operations may alter the inners of the readtable in a way
that could lead to strange behaviour.

I'll also substitute "consequences are undefined" with "consequences are
unspecified"; this makes it more clear that implementations can loose
the constraints, if it suits their representation of readtables.

> Likewise, there should also be a rule about modifying structure obtained
> via the generator.

Indeed, it should!

> ¹ ANSI for set-macro-character and set-dispatch-macro-character does not
>   seem to specify what passing NIL as the function means, by my brief
>   research, or even to allow it (as NIL is not a function designator).

That is true. The portable way to "disable" a reader macro character is
to use

  (set-syntax-from-char to-char #\A to-readtable (copy-readtable nil))


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