[cdr-discuss] Re: Issue CASE-TEST

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Sun Jul 6 09:44:16 UTC 2008

"Leslie P. Polzer" writes:

> Finally wrote something up.
> Please rip it apart where necessary.

The proposal doesn't say anything how the argument to the :test keyword
is dealt with. Judging from the examples, the argument is supposed to be

I think your effort is misdirected. Why bother obfuscating CL:CASE? Make
it a new operator. For example, in (*) I suggested to name such an
operator SWITCH, and also proposed another operator called SELECT which
behaves similiarly, but also evaluates each clause keys. 

I think providing the necessary changes to the Alexandria project would
be more fruitful. Even more kudos if you grab some existing
implementation, and actually come up with an efficient implementation of
SWITCH. (In case of SBCL, I think there's actually prior work by Paul
Khuong you could take leverage off.)


(*) http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/alexandria-devel/2008-June/000194.html

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