[cdr-discuss] What about CDR 3, then?

Nikodemus Siivola nikodemus at random-state.net
Thu Dec 14 13:32:45 UTC 2006

Christophe Rhodes <csr21 at cantab.net> writes:

> \item Specify that if a type specifier is a \recsub{} of
>   \cl{sequence}, but not a \recsub{} of any of the types \texttt{(or
>     list vector)}, \cl{list} or \cl{vector}, then the consequences are
>   unspecified.

While this is strictly speaking sufficient, I would suggest quoting
chapter and verse for "uspecified consequences", since it is far too
often confused with "undefined consequences".


  -- Nikodemus              Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious."
                   Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."

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