Hey Boston Lisp

Geoffrey S. Knauth geoff at knauth.org
Wed Apr 15 17:16:31 UTC 2020

On Apr 14, 2020, at 20:49 , Jonathan Godbout <jgodbou at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> I hope you're doing well and staying safe.
> Sorry for the long wait between messages.
> As Didier just said the ELS will be online, yay!
> How's everyone doing?
> Fare, how's the startup, I miss the details.

I miss Boston, but in this electronic state, I’m as close as I could be.

I’m working remotely at AccuWeather through end of May, then we’ll see if we’re let back in the building.  If we have no more layoffs.

I notice there are lots of free conferences now.
I attended ScalaUA (Ukraine) which was all remote. $150 but I wanted to support them.
ScalaLove is this Saturday, free.  "Sold out" but YouTube live stream and JetBrains sponsored new registration.

Most of my Lisp these days is Racket, most of that for personal stuff, some for work though.

Dabbling in Rust, translating a really good GPL BUFR tool written in Perl by the Norwegians into Rust, if I can.

My son Alex (CS grad, Northeastern) is in the Boston area working for a programming language startup in Davis Square. He lives near Porter Square, and is currently working from his apartment, and waiting to hear from UBC about next fall, if he gets into grad school.  Like everything else these days, that’s up in the air.

My won William (Physics & Math sophomore, CMU) is doing college at home, and worried CMU may be online in the fall too. I thought Oh that couldn’t be, then I saw BU may do that and other institutions are openly wondering about the fall.

My wife (professor of religion / archaeology / Biblical Hebrew, Lycoming College) is teaching remotely and has really caught the running bug.  We kind of live in the middle of nowhere, so there are plenty of places where you can go outside and not run into people.  Just watch out for the bears (seriously).  My wife has encountered bears a few times this year on the bike path.  One time the bear just wouldn’t move until she got closer, then it ran off.  Maybe the bear needed glasses.


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