[Bordeaux-threads-devel] binding output stream in thread for slime use

Antony lisp.linux at gmail.com
Sat Dec 11 09:47:15 UTC 2010


I am trying to use bordeaux threads.
Trying to figure out how to make output from a thread function appear in 
slime instead of the lisp terminal.
The lisp I am using is
Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.6-r14468M  (WindowsX8664)

I beleive I have the latest bordeaux threads

Following is my test code. I hope the intentions are clear.

What am I doing wrong or missing?

Code follows

(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :bordeaux-threads)

(format t "~%appearing in slime")

(defun thread-test ()
   (format t "~%appearing in lisp terminal: ~A"

(let ((bindings
        '((*standard-input* . *standard-input*)
          (*standard-output* . *standard-output*)
          (*query-io* . *query-io*)
          (*trace-output* . *trace-output*))))  ;;is this correct?
   (dolist (name '("foo" "bar"))
         (bordeaux-threads:make-thread #'thread-test
                                       :name name
                                       :initial-bindings bindings)))

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