[bknr-devel] Problems with XML import/export, can't follow the tutorial

Frederico Muñoz fsmunoz at gmail.com
Fri May 28 15:27:50 UTC 2010


2010/5/28 Hans Hübner <hans.huebner at gmail.com>:
> Hi Frederico,
> thank you for your work!  I have one request, though: Can you
> reconfigure your emacs so that it does not insert tabs into source
> files?  It seems that some changes you made resulted in some
> indentation changes and now the code looks ugly and badly indented
> when inspected with the github web ui (i.e.
> http://github.com/fsmunoz/bknr-datastore/commit/9639adbfed1050daee08dab8db2a3838d5648732#L0R80)
> (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) in your .emacs should do fine.

Argh, sorry about that. I usually have that in my init.el, but I
didn't yet copy it to my new installation.
Will do another commit fixing that.

> I'll review your changes and let you know if I think that there is
> something which I'd like to see changed.  I'm going to pull them over
> into my repository once you think that the stuff is usable enough for
> you.

Yes, comments are extremely helpful, even general ones (of course, as
time permits). There are several different
possible approaches, I chose one, but it could be that there are some
better ways. Code-wise it goes without saying
that the same applies.



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