[bknr-devel] xhtmlgen

Thomas thomas.karolski at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 2 19:16:25 UTC 2009

Hans Hübner schrieb:
> That propably is because you're not using BKNR's request dispatcher.
> Have a look at projects/lisp-ecoop/src/webserver.lisp.  In the
> function START-WEBSERVER, Hunchentoot is initialized with a
Ah - I saw that publish-site pushed that exact dispatcher into the 
*dispatch-table* so I didn't think of invoking hunchentoot's acceptor 
with it.
Now that works - it even fixed a problem I had with the template 
handler. Great!

I'm actually going through some of the BKNR functions I encounter on a 
daily basis and document them here and there.
If you are like, interested at all in having some basic documentation on 
some of your functions, then I could post a diff.

Kind Regards,
Thomas K.

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