[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Tue Mar 15 05:36:47 UTC 2011

Revision: 4660
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4660

Improve standard logging facility by allowing log destinations to be
set to a pathname, an open stream or to NIL to suppress logging.

U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/log.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2011-03-09 18:15:44 UTC (rev 4659)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2011-03-15 05:36:46 UTC (rev 4660)
@@ -131,17 +131,20 @@
                   :accessor acceptor-shutdown-lock
                   :documentation "The lock protecting the shutdown-queue
 condition variable and the requests-in-progress counter.")
-   (access-log-pathname :initarg :access-log-pathname
-                        :accessor acceptor-access-log-pathname
-                        :documentation "Pathname of the access log
-file which contains one log entry per request handled in a format
-   similar to Apache's access.log.")
-   (message-log-pathname :initarg :message-log-pathname
-                         :accessor acceptor-message-log-pathname
-                         :documentation "Pathname of the server error
-log file which is used to log informational,
-warning and error messages in a free-text
-format intended for human inspection")
+   (access-log-destination :initarg :access-log-destination
+                        :accessor acceptor-access-log-destination
+                        :documentation "Destination of the access log
+which contains one log entry per request handled in a format similar
+to Apache's access.log.  Can be set to a pathname or string
+designating the log file, to a open output stream or to NIL to
+suppress logging.")
+   (message-log-destination :initarg :message-log-destination
+                         :accessor acceptor-message-log-destination
+                         :documentation "Destination of the server
+error log which is used to log informational, warning and error
+messages in a free-text format intended for human inspection. Can be
+set to a pathname or string designating the log file, to a open output
+stream or to NIL to suppress logging.")
    (error-template-directory :initarg :error-template-directory
                              :accessor acceptor-error-template-directory
                              :documentation "Directory pathname that
@@ -168,8 +171,8 @@
    :persistent-connections-p t
    :read-timeout *default-connection-timeout*
    :write-timeout *default-connection-timeout*
-   :access-log-pathname nil
-   :message-log-pathname nil
+   :access-log-destination *error-output*
+   :message-log-destination *error-output*
    :document-root (load-time-value (default-document-directory))
    :error-template-directory (load-time-value (default-document-directory "errors/")))
   (:documentation "To create a Hunchentoot webserver, you make an
@@ -399,11 +402,11 @@
 (defmethod acceptor-log-access ((acceptor acceptor) &key return-code)
   "Default method for access logging.  It logs the information to the
-file determined by (ACCEPTOR-ACCESS-LOG-PATHNAME ACCEPTOR) \(unless
-that value is NIL) in a format that can be parsed by most Apache log
-analysis tools.)"
+\(unless that value is NIL) in a format that can be parsed by most
+Apache log analysis tools.)"
-  (with-open-file-or-console (stream (acceptor-access-log-pathname acceptor) *access-log-lock*)
+  (with-log-stream (stream (acceptor-access-log-destination acceptor) *access-log-lock*)
     (format stream "~:[-~@[ (~A)~]~;~:*~A~@[ (~A)~]~] ~:[-~;~:*~A~] [~A] \"~A ~A~@[?~A~] ~
                     ~A\" ~D ~:[-~;~:*~D~] \"~:[-~;~:*~A~]\" \"~:[-~;~:*~A~]\"~%"
@@ -428,10 +431,10 @@
 (defmethod acceptor-log-message ((acceptor acceptor) log-level format-string &rest format-arguments)
   "Default function to log server messages.  Sends a formatted message
-  ARGS are as in FORMAT.  LOG-LEVEL is a keyword denoting the log
-  level or NIL in which case it is ignored."
-  (with-open-file-or-console (stream (acceptor-message-log-pathname acceptor) *message-log-lock*)
+  to the destination denoted by (ACCEPTOR-MESSAGE-LOG-DESTINATION
+  ACCEPTOR).  FORMAT and ARGS are as in FORMAT.  LOG-LEVEL is a
+  keyword denoting the log level or NIL in which case it is ignored."
+  (with-log-stream (stream (acceptor-message-log-destination acceptor) *message-log-lock*)
     (format stream "[~A~@[ [~A]~]] ~?~%"
             (iso-time) log-level
             format-string format-arguments)))

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml	2011-03-09 18:15:44 UTC (rev 4659)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml	2011-03-15 05:36:46 UTC (rev 4660)
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
       <clix:accessors generic='true'>
-        <clix:listed-accessor generic='true' name='acceptor-access-log-pathname'>
+        <clix:listed-accessor generic='true' name='acceptor-access-log-destination'>
           <clix:returns>(or pathname null)
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
-        <clix:listed-accessor generic='true' name='acceptor-message-log-pathname'>
+        <clix:listed-accessor generic='true' name='acceptor-message-log-destination'>
           <clix:returns>(or pathname null)
@@ -2767,19 +2767,22 @@
     <clix:subchapter name="logging" title="Logging">
-      Hunchentoot can log accesses and diagnostic messages to two separate
-      files in the file system.  Logging to files is enabled and disabled by
-      setting the <clix:code>ACCESS-LOG-PATHNAME</clix:code> and
-      <clix:code>MESSAGE-LOG-PATHNAME</clix:code> slots in the
-      <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR</clix:ref> instance of the running server, either
-      by providing the :ACCESS-LOG-PATHNAME and :MESSAGE-LOG-PATHNAME
-      initialization arguments when creating the acceptor or by setting the
-      slots through its <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR-MESSAGE-LOG-PATHNAME</clix:ref>
-      and <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR-ACCESS-LOG-PATHNAME</clix:ref> accessors.
+      Hunchentoot can log accesses and diagnostic messages to two
+      separate destinations, which can be either files in the file
+      system or streams.  Logging can also be disabled by setting the
+      <clix:code>ACCESS-LOG-DESTINATION</clix:code> and
+      <clix:code>MESSAGE-LOG-DESTINATION</clix:code> slots in the
+      <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR</clix:ref> instance of the running server,
+      either by providing the :ACCESS-LOG-DESTINATION and
+      :MESSAGE-LOG-DESTINATION initialization arguments when creating the
+      acceptor or by setting the slots through its
+      <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR-MESSAGE-LOG-DESTINATION</clix:ref> and
+      <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR-ACCESS-LOG-DESTINATION</clix:ref> accessors.
-        When the path for the message or accept log is set to NIL,
-        hunchentoots writes corresponding log entries to the *ERROR-OUTPUT* of
-        the running Lisp.  This is the default.
+        When the path for the message or accept log is set to a
+        variable holding an output stream, hunchentoots writes
+        corresponding log entries to that stream.  By default,
+        Hunchentoot logs to *STANDARD-ERROR*.
         Access logging is done in a format similar to what
@@ -2798,9 +2801,10 @@
         file format.
-        Errors happening within a <a href="#handlers">handler</a> which are
-        not caught by the handler itself are handled by Hunchentoot by logging
-        them to the log file.
+        Errors happening within a <a href="#handlers">handler</a>
+        which are not caught by the handler itself are handled by
+        Hunchentoot by logging them to the established
+        <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR-MESSAGE-LOG-DESTINATION</clix:ref>.
       <clix:function name='log-message*'>

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/log.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/log.lisp	2011-03-09 18:15:44 UTC (rev 4659)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/log.lisp	2011-03-15 05:36:46 UTC (rev 4660)
@@ -29,30 +29,40 @@
 (in-package :hunchentoot)
-(defmacro with-open-file-or-console ((stream-var pathname lock) &body body)
+(defmacro with-log-stream ((stream-var destination lock) &body body)
   "Helper macro to write log entries.  STREAM-VAR is a symbol that
 will be bound to the logging stream during the execution of BODY.
-PATHNAME is the pathname designator of the log file or NIL if logging
-should be done to *ERROR-OUTPUT*.  LOCK refers to the lock that should
-be held during the logging operation.  If PATHNAME is not NIL, a flexi
-stream with UTF-8 encoding will be created and bound to STREAM-VAR.
-If an error occurs while writing to the log file, that error will be
-logged to *ERROR-OUTPUT*."
+DESTINATION is the logging destination, which can be either a pathname
+designator of the log file, a symbol designating an open stream or NIL
+if logging should be done to *ERROR-OUTPUT*.  LOCK refers to the lock
+that should be held during the logging operation.  If DESTINATION is a
+pathname, a flexi stream with UTF-8 encoding will be created and
+bound to STREAM-VAR.  If an error occurs while writing to the log
+file, that error will be logged to *ERROR-OUTPUT*.
+Note that logging to a file involves opening and closing the log file
+for every logging operation, which is overall costly.  Web servers
+with high throughput demands should make use of a specialized logging
+function rather than relying on Hunchentoot's default logging
   (with-unique-names (binary-stream)
-    (with-rebinding (pathname)
+    (with-rebinding (destination)
       (let ((body body))
-        `(if ,pathname
-             (with-lock-held (,lock)
-               (with-open-file (,binary-stream ,pathname
-                                               :direction :output
-                                               :element-type 'octet
-                                               :if-does-not-exist :create
-                                               :if-exists :append
-                                               #+:openmcl #+:openmcl
-                                               :sharing :lock)
-                 (let ((,stream-var (make-flexi-stream ,binary-stream :external-format +utf-8+)))
-                   , at body)))
-             (let ((,stream-var *error-output*))
-               (prog1 (progn , at body)
-                 (finish-output *error-output*))))))))
+        `(when ,destination
+           (with-lock-held (,lock)
+             (etypecase ,destination
+               ((or string pathname)
+                (with-open-file (,binary-stream ,destination
+                                                :direction :output
+                                                :element-type 'octet
+                                                :if-does-not-exist :create
+                                                :if-exists :append
+                                                #+:openmcl #+:openmcl
+                                                :sharing :lock)
+                  (let ((,stream-var (make-flexi-stream ,binary-stream :external-format +utf-8+)))
+                    , at body)))
+               (stream
+                (let ((,stream-var ,destination))
+                  (prog1 (progn , at body)
+                    (finish-output *error-output*)))))))))))

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp	2011-03-09 18:15:44 UTC (rev 4659)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp	2011-03-15 05:36:46 UTC (rev 4660)
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
   (:import-from :lw #:WITH-UNIQUE-NAMES #:WHEN-LET)
   (:export #:*ACCEPTOR*
-           #:*ACCESS-LOG-PATHNAME*
@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@
-           #:*MESSAGE-LOG-PATHNAME*
@@ -121,14 +119,14 @@

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