[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Sat Oct 23 11:04:20 UTC 2010

Revision: 4622
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4622

fix automatic lf->crlf conversion in smtp-output-stream.  some issues may remain.
U   trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/smtp-output-stream.lisp

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp	2010-10-23 10:59:18 UTC (rev 4621)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/cl-smtp.lisp	2010-10-23 11:04:20 UTC (rev 4622)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
                                   :ssl ssl
                                   :local-hostname local-hostname)))
       (initiate-smtp-mail stream from to)
-      (funcall thunk  (make-instance 'smtp-output-stream :encapsulated-stream stream))
+      (funcall thunk (make-instance 'smtp-header-output-stream :encapsulated-stream stream))
       (finish-smtp-mail stream))))
 (defmacro with-smtp-mail ((stream-var host from to &key ssl (port (if (eq :tls ssl) 465 25)) authentication local-hostname)
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
     (dolist (l extra-headers)
       (write-to-smtp stream 
 		     (format nil "~A: ~{~a~^,~}" (car l) (rest l)))))
-  (write-to-smtp stream "Mime-Version: 1.0"))
+  (write-to-smtp stream "MIME-Version: 1.0"))
 (defun send-multipart-headers (stream &key attachment-boundary html-boundary)
   (cond (attachment-boundary

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/smtp-output-stream.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/smtp-output-stream.lisp	2010-10-23 10:59:18 UTC (rev 4621)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/cl-smtp/smtp-output-stream.lisp	2010-10-23 11:04:20 UTC (rev 4622)
@@ -19,13 +19,16 @@
 (defclass smtp-output-stream (trivial-gray-stream-mixin fundamental-character-output-stream)
     :initarg :encapsulated-stream
-    :reader encapsulated-stream)
-   (in-header
-    :initform t
-    :accessor in-header
-    :documentation
-    "Currently emitting the header of the message")
-   (line-has-non-ascii
+    :reader encapsulated-stream)))
+(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream smtp-output-stream))
+  (stream-element-type (encapsulated-stream stream)))
+(defmethod close ((stream smtp-output-stream) &key abort)
+  (close (encapsulated-stream stream) :abort abort))
+(defclass smtp-header-output-stream (smtp-output-stream)
+  ((line-has-non-ascii
     :initform nil
     :accessor line-has-non-ascii
@@ -40,48 +43,73 @@
     :initarg :external-format
     :reader external-format)))
-(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream smtp-output-stream))
-  (stream-element-type (stream stream)))
-(defmethod close ((stream smtp-output-stream) &key abort)
-  (close (encapsulated-stream stream) :abort abort))
 (defmethod stream-write-char ((stream smtp-output-stream) char)
-  (with-accessors ((in-header in-header)
-                   (line-has-non-ascii line-has-non-ascii)
+  (with-accessors ((line-has-non-ascii line-has-non-ascii)
                    (previous-char previous-char)
                    (external-format external-format)
                    (encapsulated-stream encapsulated-stream)) stream
-    (when in-header
-      (cond
-        ;; Newline processing
-        ((eql char #\Newline)
-         ;; Finish quoting
-         (when line-has-non-ascii
-           (format encapsulated-stream "?=")
-           (setf line-has-non-ascii nil))
-         ;; Test for end of header
-         (when (eql previous-char #\Newline)
-           (setf in-header nil)))
-        ((eql char #\Return)
-         ;; CR is suppressed here and added before each #\Newline
-         )
-        ;; Handle non-ASCII characters
-        ((< 127 (char-code char))
-         (unless line-has-non-ascii
-           (format encapsulated-stream "=?~A?Q?" (flex:external-format-name external-format))
-           (setf line-has-non-ascii t))
-         (loop for byte across (flex:string-to-octets (make-string 1 :initial-element char)
-                                                      :external-format external-format)
-            do (format encapsulated-stream "=~2,'0X" byte))))
-      (setf previous-char char))
-      #+nil(when (eql char #\Newline)
-        (write-char #\Return encapsulated-stream))
+    (cond
+      ;; Newline processing
+      ((eql char #\Newline)
+       ;; Finish quoting
+       (when line-has-non-ascii
+         (format encapsulated-stream "?=")
+         (setf line-has-non-ascii nil))
+       ;; Print CR
+       (write-char #\Return encapsulated-stream)
+       ;; Test for end of header
+       (when (eql previous-char #\Newline)
+         (write-char #\Newline encapsulated-stream)
+         (change-class stream 'smtp-body-output-stream)
+         (return-from stream-write-char nil)))
+      ((eql char #\Return)
+       ;; CR is suppressed here and added before each #\Newline
+       )
+      ;; Handle non-ASCII characters
+      ((< 127 (char-code char))
+       (unless line-has-non-ascii
+         (format encapsulated-stream "=?~A?Q?" (flex:external-format-name external-format))
+         (setf line-has-non-ascii t))
+       (loop for byte across (flex:string-to-octets (make-string 1 :initial-element char)
+                                                    :external-format external-format)
+          do (format encapsulated-stream "=~2,'0X" byte))))
+      (unless (eql #\Return char)
+        (setf previous-char char))
       (unless (< 127 (char-code char))
         (write-char char encapsulated-stream))))
-(defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream smtp-output-stream) sequence start end &key)
-  (if (in-header stream)
-      (loop for i from start below end
-           do (stream-write-char stream (elt sequence i)))
-      (write-sequence sequence (encapsulated-stream stream) :start start :end end)))
+(defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream smtp-header-output-stream) sequence start end &key)
+  (loop for i from start below end
+     do (stream-write-char stream (elt sequence i))))
+(defclass smtp-body-output-stream (smtp-output-stream)
+  ())
+(defmethod stream-write-char ((stream smtp-body-output-stream) char)
+  (case char
+    (#\Return)
+    (#\Linefeed
+     (write-char #\Return (encapsulated-stream stream))
+     (write-char #\Linefeed (encapsulated-stream stream)))
+    (otherwise
+     (write-char char (encapsulated-stream stream)))))
+(defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream smtp-body-output-stream) sequence start end &key)
+  (loop
+     (let ((linefeed-position (position #\Linefeed sequence :start start :end end)))
+       (cond
+         ((>= start end)
+          (return))
+         (linefeed-position
+          (write-sequence sequence (encapsulated-stream stream)
+                          :start start
+                          :end linefeed-position)
+          (write-char #\Return (encapsulated-stream stream))
+          (write-char #\Linefeed (encapsulated-stream stream))
+          (setf start (1+ linefeed-position)))
+         (t
+          (write-sequence sequence (encapsulated-stream stream)
+                          :start start
+                          :end end)
+          (return))))))
\ No newline at end of file

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