[bknr-cvs] edi changed trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Sun Nov 15 19:42:19 UTC 2009

Revision: 4468
Author: edi
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4468

Debugging acceptors (Andreas Fuchs)

U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/CHANGELOG
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/CHANGELOG
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/CHANGELOG	2009-11-10 12:19:13 UTC (rev 4467)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/CHANGELOG	2009-11-15 19:42:18 UTC (rev 4468)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+Added debugging acceptors and the corresponding generic methods (Andreas Fuchs)
 Treat :UNSPECIFIC like NIL in pathname components (reported by Frode Fjeld)
 Prepare for LispWorks 6 (Nico de Jager)
 Fix reading of post parameters (Peter Seibel)

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2009-11-10 12:19:13 UTC (rev 4467)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2009-11-15 19:42:18 UTC (rev 4468)
@@ -174,6 +174,17 @@
 active instances of ACCEPTOR \(listening on different ports) at the
 same time."))
+(defclass debugging-acceptor (acceptor)
+     ((debug-connection-errors-p :initarg :debug-connection-errors-p
+                                 :accessor debug-connection-errors-p
+                                 :documentation "A flag that enables 
+entering the debugger if a connection-related error (e.g. a premature
+connection drop by the client) occurs."))
+  (:default-initargs
+      :debug-connection-errors-p nil)
+  (:documentation "This class provides a Hunchentoot webserver that
+enters the debugger if an error handler occurs during request handling."))
 (defmethod print-object ((acceptor acceptor) stream)
   (print-unreadable-object (acceptor stream :type t)
     (format stream "\(host ~A, port ~A)"
@@ -236,6 +247,19 @@
 subclasses of ACCEPTOR must specialize this method to signal that
 they're using secure connections - see the SSL-ACCEPTOR class."))
+(defgeneric invoke-process-connection-with-error-handling
+    (acceptor socket continuation)
+  (:documentation "Handles connection errors on SOCKET for ACCEPTOR
+that occur while running CONTINUATION."))
+(defgeneric invoke-process-request-with-error-handling
+    (acceptor request continuation)
+  (:documentation "Handles errors that occur while running
+This is useful to specialize if you want to handle errors that occur
+only on specific requests."))
 ;; general implementation
 (defmethod start ((acceptor acceptor))
@@ -271,24 +295,39 @@
          (chunked-stream-stream stream))
         (t stream)))
-(defmethod process-connection :around ((*acceptor* acceptor) (socket t))
-  ;; this around method is used for error handling
+(defmethod invoke-process-connection-with-error-handling ((*acceptor* acceptor)
+                                                          socket continuation)
   (declare (ignore socket))
-  ;; note that this method also binds *ACCEPTOR*
+  ;; Handle connection errors if they occur.
   (handler-bind ((error
                   ;; abort if there's an error which isn't caught inside
                   (lambda (cond)
                     (log-message *lisp-errors-log-level*
                                  "Error while processing connection: ~A" cond)
-                    (return-from process-connection)))
+                    (return-from invoke-process-connection-with-error-handling)))
                   ;; log all warnings which aren't caught inside
                   (lambda (cond)
                     (log-message *lisp-warnings-log-level*
                                  "Warning while processing connection: ~A" cond))))
-    (with-mapped-conditions ()
-      (call-next-method))))
+    (funcall continuation)))
+(defmethod invoke-process-connection-with-error-handling ((*acceptor* debugging-acceptor)
+                                                          socket continuation)
+  (declare (ignore socket))
+  ;; Use the default error handling behavior, which is governed by the
+  ;; host lisp's *debugger-hook*
+  (if (debug-connection-errors-p *acceptor*)
+      (funcall continuation)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod process-connection :around ((*acceptor* acceptor) (socket t))
+  ;; this around method is used for error handling
+  (declare (ignore socket))
+  ;; note that this method also binds *ACCEPTOR*
+  (with-mapped-conditions ()
+    (invoke-process-connection-with-error-handling *acceptor* socket #'call-next-method)))
 (defmethod process-connection ((*acceptor* acceptor) (socket t))
   (let ((*hunchentoot-stream*
          (initialize-connection-stream *acceptor* (make-socket-stream socket *acceptor*))))
@@ -297,44 +336,44 @@
         ;; *CLOSE-HUNCHENTOOT-STREAM* has been set to T by the
         ;; handler, or the peer fails to send a request
-         (let ((*close-hunchentoot-stream* t))
-           (when (acceptor-shutdown-p *acceptor*)
-             (return))
-           (multiple-value-bind (headers-in method url-string protocol)
-               (get-request-data *hunchentoot-stream*)
-             ;; check if there was a request at all
-             (unless method
-               (return))
-             ;; bind per-request special variables, then process the
-             ;; request - note that *ACCEPTOR* was bound above already
-             (let ((*reply* (make-instance (acceptor-reply-class *acceptor*)))
-                   (*session* nil)
-                   (transfer-encodings (cdr (assoc* :transfer-encoding headers-in))))
-               (when transfer-encodings
-                 (setq transfer-encodings
-                       (split "\\s*,\\*" transfer-encodings))
-                 (when (member "chunked" transfer-encodings :test #'equalp)
-                   (cond ((acceptor-input-chunking-p *acceptor*)
-                          ;; turn chunking on before we read the request body
-                          (setf *hunchentoot-stream* (make-chunked-stream *hunchentoot-stream*)
-                                (chunked-stream-input-chunking-p *hunchentoot-stream*) t))
-                         (t (hunchentoot-error "Client tried to use ~
+          (let ((*close-hunchentoot-stream* t))
+            (when (acceptor-shutdown-p *acceptor*)
+              (return))
+            (multiple-value-bind (headers-in method url-string protocol)
+                (get-request-data *hunchentoot-stream*)
+              ;; check if there was a request at all
+              (unless method
+                (return))
+              ;; bind per-request special variables, then process the
+              ;; request - note that *ACCEPTOR* was bound above already
+              (let ((*reply* (make-instance (acceptor-reply-class *acceptor*)))
+                    (*session* nil)
+                    (transfer-encodings (cdr (assoc* :transfer-encoding headers-in))))
+                (when transfer-encodings
+                  (setq transfer-encodings
+                        (split "\\s*,\\*" transfer-encodings))
+                  (when (member "chunked" transfer-encodings :test #'equalp)
+                    (cond ((acceptor-input-chunking-p *acceptor*)
+                           ;; turn chunking on before we read the request body
+                           (setf *hunchentoot-stream* (make-chunked-stream *hunchentoot-stream*)
+                                 (chunked-stream-input-chunking-p *hunchentoot-stream*) t))
+                          (t (hunchentoot-error "Client tried to use ~
 chunked encoding, but acceptor is configured to not use it.")))))
-               (multiple-value-bind (remote-addr remote-port)
-                   (get-peer-address-and-port socket)
-                 (process-request (make-instance (acceptor-request-class *acceptor*)
-                                                 :acceptor *acceptor*
-                                                 :remote-addr remote-addr
-                                                 :remote-port remote-port
-                                                 :headers-in headers-in
-                                                 :content-stream *hunchentoot-stream*
-                                                 :method method
-                                                 :uri url-string
-                                                 :server-protocol protocol))))
-             (force-output *hunchentoot-stream*)
-             (setq *hunchentoot-stream* (reset-connection-stream *acceptor* *hunchentoot-stream*))
-             (when *close-hunchentoot-stream*
-               (return)))))
+                (multiple-value-bind (remote-addr remote-port)
+                    (get-peer-address-and-port socket)
+                  (process-request (make-instance (acceptor-request-class *acceptor*)
+                                      :acceptor *acceptor*
+                                      :remote-addr remote-addr
+                                      :remote-port remote-port
+                                      :headers-in headers-in
+                                      :content-stream *hunchentoot-stream*
+                                      :method method
+                                      :uri url-string
+                                      :server-protocol protocol))))
+              (force-output *hunchentoot-stream*)
+              (setq *hunchentoot-stream* (reset-connection-stream *acceptor* *hunchentoot-stream*))
+              (when *close-hunchentoot-stream*
+                (return)))))
       (when *hunchentoot-stream*
         ;; as we are at the end of the request here, we ignore all
         ;; errors that may occur while flushing and/or closing the
@@ -425,3 +464,51 @@
         when action return (funcall action)
         finally (setf (return-code *reply*) +http-not-found+)))
+;;; Handling errors that occur in request handling:
+(defmethod invoke-process-request-with-error-handling ((*acceptor* acceptor)
+                                                       *request* continuation)
+  "Standard error handling mechanism for the request processor.  Logs
+errors if *LOG-LISP-ERRORS-P* is set and logs warnings for
+  (handler-bind ((error
+                  (lambda (cond)
+                    (when *log-lisp-errors-p*
+                      (log-message *lisp-errors-log-level* "~A" cond))
+                    ;; if the headers were already sent
+                    ;; the error happens within the body
+                    ;; and we have to close the stream
+                    (when *headers-sent*
+                      (setq *close-hunchentoot-stream* t))
+                    (throw 'handler-done
+                      (values nil cond))))
+                 (warning
+                  (lambda (cond)
+                    (when *log-lisp-warnings-p*
+                      (log-message *lisp-warnings-log-level* "~A" cond)))))
+    (funcall continuation)))
+(defmethod invoke-process-request-with-error-handling ((*acceptor*
+                                                        debugging-acceptor)
+                                                       *request* continuation)
+  "Mechanism for entering the debugger if an unhandled error occurs
+while handling a request."
+  (let* ((aborted t))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (let ((*debugger-hook*
+               (lambda (cond prev-hook)
+                 (setf aborted cond)
+                 (let ((*debugger-hook* prev-hook))
+                   (invoke-debugger cond)))))
+          (with-simple-restart (abort "Abort handling ~A ~A"
+                                      (request-method *request*)
+                                      (request-uri *request*))
+            (multiple-value-prog1
+              (funcall continuation)
+              ;; When execution continues, close the stream only if so
+              ;; desired:
+              (setq aborted nil))))
+      (when aborted
+        (when *headers-sent*
+          (setq *close-hunchentoot-stream* t))
+        (throw 'handler-done (values nil aborted))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml	2009-11-10 12:19:13 UTC (rev 4467)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml	2009-11-15 19:42:18 UTC (rev 4468)
@@ -350,7 +350,14 @@
 same time.</p>
+  <clix:class name='debugging-acceptor'>
+    <clix:description>The default Hunchentoot webserver behavior is to catch errors and
+    log them (see <clix:ref>*log-lisp-errors-p*</clix:ref> and
+    <clix:ref>*log-lisp-warnings-p*</clix:ref>). If you prefer to open a debugger window instead (e.g., for development), you can use this class instead of <clix:ref>acceptor</clix:ref>.
+    </clix:description>
+  </clix:class>
   <clix:class name='ssl-acceptor'>
     <clix:description>Create and <clix:ref>START</clix:ref> an instance of this class
 (instead of <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR</clix:ref>) if you want an https server.  There are two
@@ -655,6 +662,23 @@
+  <clix:function generic='true' name='invoke-process-request-with-error-handling'>
+  <clix:lambda-list>acceptor request continuation</clix:lambda-list>
+  <clix:description>Can be used to override the error handling behavior of an acceptor.
+The default method of <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR</clix:ref> logs errors if
+<clix:ref>*log-lisp-errors-p*</clix:ref> is set.
+  </clix:description>
+  </clix:function>
+  <clix:function generic='true' name='invoke-process-connection-with-error-handling'>
+  <clix:lambda-list>acceptor socket continuation</clix:lambda-list>
+  <clix:description>Can be used to override the error handling behavior for connection
+handling. The default method of <clix:ref>ACCEPTOR</clix:ref> logs connection errors
+as they occur, while <clix:ref>DEBUGGING-ACCEPTOR</clix:ref> invokes the debugger if
+debug-connection-errors-p is set.
+  </clix:description>
+  </clix:function>
     <clix:subchapter name="taskmasters" title="Taskmasters">

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp	2009-11-10 12:19:13 UTC (rev 4467)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp	2009-11-15 19:42:18 UTC (rev 4468)
@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@
            #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl "ACCEPTOR-SSL-CERTIFICATE-FILE"               
            #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl "ACCEPTOR-SSL-PRIVATEKEY-FILE"
            #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl "ACCEPTOR-SSL-PRIVATEKEY-PASSWORD"

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp	2009-11-10 12:19:13 UTC (rev 4467)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp	2009-11-15 19:42:18 UTC (rev 4468)
@@ -216,39 +216,27 @@
   (let (*tmp-files* *headers-sent*)
-         (with-mapped-conditions ()
-           (let* ((*request* request)
-                  (*within-request-p* t))
-             (multiple-value-bind (body error)
-                 (catch 'handler-done
-                   (handler-bind ((error
-                                   (lambda (cond)
-                                     (when *log-lisp-errors-p*
-                                       (log-message *lisp-errors-log-level* "~A" cond))
-                                     ;; if the headers were already sent
-                                     ;; the error happens within the body
-                                     ;; and we have to close the stream
-                                     (when *headers-sent*
-                                       (setq *close-hunchentoot-stream* t))
-                                     (throw 'handler-done
-                                       (values nil cond))))
-                                  (warning
-                                   (lambda (cond)
-                                     (when *log-lisp-warnings-p*
-                                       (log-message *lisp-warnings-log-level* "~A" cond)))))
+        (with-mapped-conditions ()
+          (let* ((*request* request)
+                 (*within-request-p* t))
+            (multiple-value-bind (body error)
+                (catch 'handler-done
+                  (invoke-process-request-with-error-handling
+                   *acceptor* *request*
+                   (lambda ()
                      ;; skip dispatch if bad request
                      (when (eql (return-code *reply*) +http-ok+)
                        ;; now do the work
-                       (funcall (acceptor-request-dispatcher *acceptor*) *request*))))
-               (when error
-                 (setf (return-code *reply*)
-                       +http-internal-server-error+))
-               (start-output :content (cond ((and error *show-lisp-errors-p*)
-                                             (format nil "<pre>~A</pre>"
-                                                     (escape-for-html (format nil "~A" error))))
-                                            (error
-                                             "An error has occured.")
-                                            (t body))))))
+                       (funcall (acceptor-request-dispatcher *acceptor*) *request*)))))
+              (when error
+                (setf (return-code *reply*)
+                      +http-internal-server-error+))
+              (start-output :content (cond ((and error *show-lisp-errors-p*)
+                                            (format nil "<pre>~A</pre>"
+                                                    (escape-for-html (format nil "~A" error))))
+                                           (error
+                                            "An error has occured.")
+                                           (t body))))))
       (dolist (path *tmp-files*)
         (when (and (pathnamep path) (probe-file path))
           ;; the handler may have chosen to (re)move the uploaded

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