[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/libraries/yason/encode.lisp

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Mon Jan 26 14:23:00 UTC 2009

Revision: 4168
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4168

Add stream argument to WRITE-* invocations in ENCODE methods.  Next time, I'll go for "patch" instead of doing patches received by hand.  Thanks to Nathan Froyd for patiently reporting ;).

U   trunk/libraries/yason/encode.lisp

Modified: trunk/libraries/yason/encode.lisp
--- trunk/libraries/yason/encode.lisp	2009-01-26 10:22:52 UTC (rev 4167)
+++ trunk/libraries/yason/encode.lisp	2009-01-26 14:23:00 UTC (rev 4168)
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
      #\Tab "\\t")))
 (defmethod encode ((string string) &optional (stream *standard-output*))
-  (write-char #\")
+  (write-char #\" stream)
   (dotimes (i (length string))
     (let* ((char (aref string i))
            (replacement (gethash char *char-replacements*)))
       (if replacement
-          (write-string replacement)
-          (write-char char))))
-  (write-char #\")
+          (write-string replacement stream)
+          (write-char char stream))))
+  (write-char #\" stream)
 (defmethod encode ((object rational) &optional (stream *standard-output*))
@@ -53,41 +53,41 @@
   (princ object stream))
 (defmethod encode ((object hash-table) &optional (stream *standard-output*))
-  (write-char #\{)
+  (write-char #\{ stream)
   (let (printed)
     (maphash (lambda (key value)
                (if printed
-                   (write-char #\,)
+                   (write-char #\, stream)
                    (setf printed t))
                (encode key stream)
-               (write-char #\:)
+               (write-char #\: stream)
                (encode value stream))
-  (write-char #\})
+  (write-char #\} stream)
 (defmethod encode ((object vector) &optional (stream *standard-output*))
-  (write-char #\[)
+  (write-char #\[ stream)
   (let (printed)
        for value across object
        (when printed
-         (write-char #\,))
+         (write-char #\, stream))
        (setf printed t)
        (encode value stream)))
-  (write-char #\])
+  (write-char #\] stream)
 (defmethod encode ((object list) &optional (stream *standard-output*))
-  (write-char #\[)
+  (write-char #\[ stream)
   (let (printed)
     (dolist (value object)
       (if printed
-          (write-char #\,)
+          (write-char #\, stream)
           (setf printed t))
       (encode value stream)))
-  (write-char #\])
+  (write-char #\] stream)
 (defmethod encode ((object (eql 'true)) &optional (stream *standard-output*))

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