[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/bknr/web/src/web/handlers.lisp

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Tue Feb 24 10:29:08 UTC 2009

Revision: 4319
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4319

If redirection target does not begin with a slash, only warn.

U   trunk/bknr/web/src/web/handlers.lisp

Modified: trunk/bknr/web/src/web/handlers.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/web/src/web/handlers.lisp	2009-02-24 10:27:56 UTC (rev 4318)
+++ trunk/bknr/web/src/web/handlers.lisp	2009-02-24 10:29:08 UTC (rev 4319)
@@ -377,9 +377,8 @@
   ((to :initarg :to :reader redirect-handler-to :documentation "url to redirect to")))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((handler redirect-handler) &key to)
-  (assert (equal #\/ (aref to 0))
-          () "path ~S provided as target to redirect-handler does not begin with a slash"
-          to))
+  (unless (equal #\/ (aref to 0))
+    (warn "path ~S provided as target to redirect-handler does not begin with a slash" to)))
 (defmethod handle ((page-handler redirect-handler))
   (redirect (redirect-handler-to page-handler)))

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