[bknr-cvs] edi changed trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Thu Feb 12 23:30:55 UTC 2009

Revision: 4251
Author: edi
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4251


U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/connection-dispatcher.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2009-02-12 23:09:58 UTC (rev 4250)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2009-02-12 23:30:55 UTC (rev 4251)
@@ -50,11 +50,10 @@
 used by this acceptor.  A function which accepts a REQUEST object and
 calls a request handler of its choice \(and returns its return
-   (connection-dispatcher :initarg :connection-dispatcher
-                          :reader acceptor-connection-dispatcher
-                          :documentation "The connection dispatcher that is
-responsible for listening to new connections and scheduling them for
+   (taskmaster :initarg :taskmaster
+               :reader acceptor-taskmaster
+               :documentation "The taskmaster that is responsible for
+scheduling the work for this acceptor.")
    (output-chunking-p :initarg :output-chunking-p
                       :accessor acceptor-output-chunking-p
                       :documentation "Whether the acceptor may use output chunking.")
@@ -124,8 +123,8 @@
    :name (gensym)
    :request-class 'request
    :handler-selector 'list-handler-selector
-   :connection-dispatcher (make-instance (cond (*supports-threads-p* 'one-thread-per-connection-dispatcher)
-                                               (t 'single-threaded-connection-dispatcher)))
+   :taskmaster (make-instance (cond (*supports-threads-p* 'one-thread-per-taskmaster)
+                                               (t 'single-threaded-taskmaster)))
    :output-chunking-p t
    :input-chunking-p t
    :persistent-connections-p t
@@ -157,9 +156,9 @@
 in use' or similar)."))
 (defgeneric accept-connections (acceptor)
-  (:documentation "In a loop, accepts a connection and
-dispatches it to the acceptor's connection dispatcher object for processing
+  (:documentation "In a loop, accepts a connection and dispatches it
+to the acceptor's taskmaster for processing using
 (defgeneric initialize-connection-stream (acceptor stream)
  (:documentation "Wraps the given STREAM with all the additional
@@ -174,13 +173,12 @@
 the stream."))
 (defgeneric process-connection (acceptor socket)
-  (:documentation "This function is called by the connection
-dispatcher when a new client connection has been established.
-Arguments are the ACCEPTOR object and a usocket socket stream object
-\(or a LispWorks socket handle) in SOCKET.  It reads the request
-headers and hands over to PROCESS-REQUEST.  This is done in a loop
-until the stream has to be closed or until a connection timeout
+  (:documentation "This function is called by the taskmaster when a
+new client connection has been established.  Arguments are the
+ACCEPTOR object and a usocket socket stream object \(or a LispWorks
+socket handle) in SOCKET.  It reads the request headers and hands over
+to PROCESS-REQUEST.  This is done in a loop until the stream has to be
+closed or until a connection timeout occurs."))
 (defgeneric acceptor-ssl-p (acceptor) 
   (:documentation "Returns a true value if ACCEPTOR uses SSL
@@ -197,14 +195,14 @@
 (defmethod start ((acceptor acceptor))
   (start-listening acceptor)
-  (let ((connection-dispatcher (acceptor-connection-dispatcher acceptor)))
-    (setf (acceptor connection-dispatcher) acceptor)
-    (execute-acceptor connection-dispatcher))
+  (let ((taskmaster (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor)))
+    (setf (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) acceptor)
+    (execute-acceptor taskmaster))
 (defmethod stop ((acceptor acceptor))
   (setf (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor) t)
-  (shutdown (acceptor-connection-dispatcher acceptor))
+  (shutdown (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor))
   (usocket:socket-close (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor)))
@@ -228,7 +226,7 @@
 (defmethod process-connection :around ((*acceptor* acceptor) (socket t))
   "The around method is responsible for error handling."
   (declare (ignore socket))
-  ;; note that this call also binds *ACCEPTOR*
+  ;; note that this method also binds *ACCEPTOR*
   (handler-bind ((error
                   ;; abort if there's an error which isn't caught inside
                   (lambda (cond)
@@ -299,8 +297,9 @@
 (defun process-request (request)
   "This function is called by PROCESS-CONNECTION after the incoming
 headers have been read.  It sets up the REQUEST and REPLY objects,
-dispatches to a handler, and finally sends the output to the client
-using START-OUTPUT.  If all goes as planned, the function returns T."
+selects and calls a handler, and finally sends the output to the
+client using START-OUTPUT.  If all goes as planned, the function
+returns T."
   (let (*tmp-files* *headers-sent*)
         (let* ((*request* request))
@@ -369,7 +368,7 @@
              (set-timeouts client-connection
                            (acceptor-read-timeout acceptor)
                            (acceptor-write-timeout acceptor))
-             (handle-incoming-connection (acceptor-connection-dispatcher acceptor)
+             (handle-incoming-connection (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor)
          ;; ignore condition
          (usocket:connection-aborted-error ()))))))
@@ -395,7 +394,7 @@
                             :function (lambda (handle)
                                         (unless (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor)
-                                           (acceptor-connection-dispatcher acceptor) handle)))
+                                           (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor) handle)))
                             ;; wait until the acceptor was successfully started
                             ;; or an error condition is returned
                             :wait t)

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/connection-dispatcher.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/connection-dispatcher.lisp	2009-02-12 23:09:58 UTC (rev 4250)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/connection-dispatcher.lisp	2009-02-12 23:30:55 UTC (rev 4251)
@@ -29,84 +29,84 @@
 (in-package :hunchentoot)
-(defclass connection-dispatcher ()
-  ((acceptor :accessor acceptor
+(defclass taskmaster ()
+  ((acceptor :accessor taskmaster-acceptor
              :documentation "The acceptor instance that this
-connection dispatcher works for."))
-  (:documentation "Base class for all connection dispatchers classes.
-Its purpose is to carry the back pointer to the acceptor instance."))
+taskmaster works for."))
+  (:documentation "Base class for all taskmaster classes.  Its purpose
+is to carry the back pointer to the acceptor instance."))
-(defgeneric execute-acceptor (connection-dispatcher)
+(defgeneric execute-acceptor (taskmaster)
    "This function is called once Hunchentoot has performed all initial
 processing to start listening for incoming connections.  It does so by
 calling the ACCEPT-CONNECTIONS functions of the acceptor, taken from
-the ACCEPTOR slot of the connection dispatcher instance.
+the ACCEPTOR slot of the taskmaster instance.
-In a multi-threaded environment, the connection dispatcher starts a new
+In a multi-threaded environment, the taskmaster starts a new
 thread and calls THUNK in that thread.  In a single-threaded
 environment, the thunk will be called directly."))
-(defgeneric handle-incoming-connection (connection-dispatcher socket)
+(defgeneric handle-incoming-connection (taskmaster socket)
    "This function is called by Hunchentoot to start processing of
 requests on a new incoming connection.  SOCKET is the usocket instance
 that represents the new connection \(or a socket handle on LispWorks).
-The connection dispatcher starts processing requests on the incoming
+The taskmaster starts processing requests on the incoming
 connection by calling the START-REQUEST-PROCESSING function of the
-acceptor instance, taken from the ACCEPTOR slot in the connection dispatcher
+acceptor instance, taken from the ACCEPTOR slot in the taskmaster
 instance.  The SOCKET argument is passed to START-REQUEST-PROCESSING
 as argument.
-In a multi-threaded environment, the connection dispatcher runs this function
+In a multi-threaded environment, the taskmaster runs this function
 in a separate thread.  In a single-threaded environment, this function
 is called directly."))
-(defgeneric shutdown (connection-dispatcher)
+(defgeneric shutdown (taskmaster)
   (:documentation "Terminate all threads that are currently associated
-with the connection dispatcher, if any."))
+with the taskmaster, if any."))
-(defclass single-threaded-connection-dispatcher (connection-dispatcher)
+(defclass single-threaded-taskmaster (taskmaster)
-  (:documentation "Connection Dispatcher that runs synchronously in the
+  (:documentation "Taskmaster that runs synchronously in the
 thread that invoked the START-SERVER function."))
-(defmethod execute-acceptor ((dispatcher single-threaded-connection-dispatcher))
-  (accept-connections (acceptor dispatcher)))
+(defmethod execute-acceptor ((taskmaster single-threaded-taskmaster))
+  (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
-(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((dispatcher single-threaded-connection-dispatcher) socket)
-  (process-connection (acceptor dispatcher) socket))
+(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster single-threaded-taskmaster) socket)
+  (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket))
-(defclass one-thread-per-connection-dispatcher (connection-dispatcher)
+(defclass one-thread-per-taskmaster (taskmaster)
   ((acceptor-process :accessor acceptor-process
                      :documentation "Process that accepts incoming
-connections and dispatches them to new processes for request
-  (:documentation "Connection Dispatcher that starts one thread for
+connections and hands them off to new processes for request
+  (:documentation "Taskmaster that starts one thread for
 listening to incoming requests and one thread for each incoming
 ;; usocket implementation
-(defmethod shutdown ((dispatcher connection-dispatcher)))
+(defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster)))
-(defmethod shutdown ((dispatcher one-thread-per-connection-dispatcher))
+(defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster one-thread-per-taskmaster))
   ;; just wait until the acceptor process has finished, then return
-   (unless (bt:thread-alive-p (acceptor-process dispatcher))
+   (unless (bt:thread-alive-p (acceptor-process taskmaster))
    (sleep 1)))
-(defmethod execute-acceptor ((dispatcher one-thread-per-connection-dispatcher))
-  (setf (acceptor-process dispatcher)
+(defmethod execute-acceptor ((taskmaster one-thread-per-taskmaster))
+  (setf (acceptor-process taskmaster)
         (bt:make-thread (lambda ()
-                          (accept-connections (acceptor dispatcher)))
+                          (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
                         :name (format nil "Hunchentoot acceptor \(~A:~A)"
-                                      (or (acceptor-address (acceptor dispatcher)) "*")
-                                      (acceptor-port (acceptor dispatcher))))))
+                                      (or (acceptor-address (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)) "*")
+                                      (acceptor-port (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))))))
 (defun client-as-string (socket)
@@ -118,26 +118,26 @@
-(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((dispatcher one-thread-per-connection-dispatcher) socket)
+(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-taskmaster) socket)
   (bt:make-thread (lambda ()
-                    (process-connection (acceptor dispatcher) socket))
+                    (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket))
                   :name (format nil "Hunchentoot worker \(client: ~A)" (client-as-string socket))))
 ;; LispWorks implementation
-(defmethod shutdown ((dispatcher connection-dispatcher))
-  (when-let (process (acceptor-process (acceptor dispatcher)))
+(defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster))
+  (when-let (process (acceptor-process (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
     ;; kill the main acceptor process, see LW documentation for
     (mp:process-kill process)))
-(defmethod execute-acceptor ((dispatcher one-thread-per-connection-dispatcher))
-  (accept-connections (acceptor dispatcher)))
+(defmethod execute-acceptor ((taskmaster one-thread-per-taskmaster))
+  (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
-(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((dispatcher one-thread-per-connection-dispatcher) handle)
+(defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-taskmaster) handle)
   (incf *worker-counter*)
   ;; check if we need to perform a global GC
   (when (and *cleanup-interval*
@@ -148,4 +148,4 @@
                                     (get-peer-address-and-port handle)))
                            nil #'process-connection
-                           (acceptor dispatcher) handle))
+                           (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) handle))

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp	2009-02-12 23:09:58 UTC (rev 4250)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/packages.lisp	2009-02-12 23:30:55 UTC (rev 4251)
@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@
-           "ACCEPTOR"
@@ -150,7 +149,6 @@
@@ -239,6 +237,8 @@
+           "TASKMASTER"

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