[bknr-cvs] edi changed trunk/thirdparty/drakma/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Mon Feb 9 11:15:17 UTC 2009

Revision: 4200
Author: edi
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4200

Some more tweaks

U   trunk/thirdparty/drakma/CHANGELOG.txt
U   trunk/thirdparty/drakma/doc/index.html
U   trunk/thirdparty/drakma/request.lisp

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/drakma/CHANGELOG.txt
--- trunk/thirdparty/drakma/CHANGELOG.txt	2009-02-09 11:01:48 UTC (rev 4199)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/drakma/CHANGELOG.txt	2009-02-09 11:15:17 UTC (rev 4200)
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 Be more lenient about content length (thanks to Zach Beane and "pix")
 Added *ALLOW-DOTLESS-COOKIE-DOMAINS-P* (thanks to Daniel Janus)
 Fix generation of user agent header (bug caught by Chaitanya Gupta)
+Added DEADLINE parameter for CCL (thanks to Hans Hübner)
+Fixed bug where READ-BODY returned NIL although TEXTP was true (thanks to Hans Hübner)
 Version 0.11.5

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/drakma/doc/index.html
--- trunk/thirdparty/drakma/doc/index.html	2009-02-09 11:01:48 UTC (rev 4199)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/drakma/doc/index.html	2009-02-09 11:15:17 UTC (rev 4200)
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
 <!-- Entry for HTTP-REQUEST -->
-<p><br><table border=0><tr><td colspan=4 valign=top>[Function]</td></tr><tr><td valign=top style="white-space:nowrap"><a class=none name='http-request'><b>http-request</b></a> </td><td valign=top><i><a class=none href="#uri">uri</a> </i></td><td valign=top><tt>&key</tt> </td><td><i><a class=none href="#protocol">protocol</a> <a class=none href="#method">method</a> <a class=none href="#force-ssl">force-ssl</a> <a class=none href="#parameters">parameters</a> <a class=none href="#form-data">form-data</a> <a class=none href="#content">content</a> <a class=none href="#content-length">content-length</a> <a class=none href="#content-type">content-type</a> <a class=none href="#cookie-jar-param">cookie-jar</a> <a class=none href="#basic-authorization">basic-authorization</a> <a class=none href="#user-agent">user-agent</a> <a class=none href="#accept">accept</a> <a class=none href="#proxy">proxy</a> <a class=none href="#proxy-basic-authorization">proxy-basic-authorization</a> <a class=none href="#additional-headers">additional-headers</a> <a class=none href="#redirect">redirect</a> <a class=none href="#redirect-methods">redirect-methods</a> <a class=none href="#auto-referer">auto-referer</a> <a class=none href="#keep-alive">keep-alive</a> <a class=none href="#close">close</a> <a class=none href="#external-format-out">external-format-out</a> <a class=none href="#external-format-in">external-format-in</a> <a class=none href="#force-binary">force-binary</a> <a class=none href="#want-stream">want-stream</a> <a class=none href="#stream">stream</a> <a class=none href="#connection-timeout">connection-timeout</a> <a class=none href="#read-timeout">read-timeout</a> <a class=none href="#write-timeout">write-timeout</a></i></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2></td><td colspan=2 valign=top> => <i>body-or-stream, status-code, headers, uri, stream, <a class=none href="#must-close">must-close</a>, reason-phrase</i></td></tr></table>
+<p><br><table border=0><tr><td colspan=4 valign=top>[Function]</td></tr><tr><td valign=top style="white-space:nowrap"><a class=none name='http-request'><b>http-request</b></a> </td><td valign=top><i><a class=none href="#uri">uri</a> </i></td><td valign=top><tt>&key</tt> </td><td><i><a class=none href="#protocol">protocol</a> <a class=none href="#method">method</a> <a class=none href="#force-ssl">force-ssl</a> <a class=none href="#parameters">parameters</a> <a class=none href="#form-data">form-data</a> <a class=none href="#content">content</a> <a class=none href="#content-length">content-length</a> <a class=none href="#content-type">content-type</a> <a class=none href="#cookie-jar-param">cookie-jar</a> <a class=none href="#basic-authorization">basic-authorization</a> <a class=none href="#user-agent">user-agent</a> <a class=none href="#accept">accept</a> <a class=none href="#proxy">proxy</a> <a class=none href="#proxy-basic-authorization">proxy-basic-authorization</a> <a class=none href="#additional-headers">additional-headers</a> <a class=none href="#redirect">redirect</a> <a class=none href="#redirect-methods">redirect-methods</a> <a class=none href="#auto-referer">auto-referer</a> <a class=none href="#keep-alive">keep-alive</a> <a class=none href="#close">close</a> <a class=none href="#external-format-out">external-format-out</a> <a class=none href="#external-format-in">external-format-in</a> <a class=none href="#force-binary">force-binary</a> <a class=none href="#want-stream">want-stream</a> <a class=none href="#stream">stream</a> <a class=none href="#connection-timeout">connection-timeout</a> <a class=none href="#read-timeout">read-timeout</a> <a class=none href="#write-timeout">write-timeout</a> <a class=none href="#deadline">deadline</a></i></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2></td><td colspan=2 valign=top> => <i>body-or-stream, status-code, headers, uri, stream, <a class=none href="#must-close">must-close</a>, reason-phrase</i></td></tr></table>
 Sends an <a href="http://www.rfc.net/rfc2616.html">HTTP</a> request to a web server and returns its reply.
@@ -1030,6 +1030,16 @@
 arguments are only available for
 LispWorks, <code><i>write-timeout</i></code> is only available for
 LispWorks 5.0 or higher.
+<a class=none name="deadline"><code><i>deadline</i></code></a>, a time
+in the future, specifies the time until which the request should be
+finished.  The deadline is specified
+in <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_i.htm#internal_time_unit">internal
+time units</a>.  If the server fails to respond until that time, a
+<a href="http://ccl.clozure.com/manual/chapter9.1.html"><code>COMMUNICATION-DEADLINE-EXPIRED</code></a>
+condition is signalled.  DEADLINE is only available
+on <a href="http://www.clozure.com/clozurecl.html">CCL 1.2</a>
+and later.

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/drakma/request.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/drakma/request.lisp	2009-02-09 11:01:48 UTC (rev 4199)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/drakma/request.lisp	2009-02-09 11:15:17 UTC (rev 4200)
@@ -381,11 +381,10 @@
 LispWorks 5.0 or higher.
 DEADLINE, a time in the future, specifies the time until which the
-request should be finished.  The DEADLINE is specified in internal
-time units (see (GET-INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS) and
-INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND).  If the server fails to respond until
-that time, a COMMUNICATION-DEADLINE-EXPIRED condition is signalled.
-DEADLINE is available on CCL 1.2 and later."
+request should be finished.  The deadline is specified in internal
+time units.  If the server fails to respond until that time, a
+only available on CCL 1.2 and later."
   (unless (member protocol '(:http/1.0 :http/1.1) :test #'eq)
     (parameter-error "Don't know how to handle protocol ~S." protocol))
   (setq uri (cond ((uri-p uri) (copy-uri uri))
@@ -459,9 +458,11 @@
                                                              :nodelay t))))
               (when deadline
-                ;; It is correct to set the deadline here even though it may have been initialized
-                ;; by SOCKET-CONNECT already:  The stream may have been passed in by the user and
-                ;; the user may want to adjust the deadline for every request.
+                ;; it is correct to set the deadline here even though
+                ;; it may have been initialized by SOCKET-CONNECT
+                ;; already - the stream may have been passed in by the
+                ;; user and the user may want to adjust the deadline
+                ;; for every request.
                 (setf (ccl:stream-deadline http-stream) deadline))
               (when (and use-ssl
                          ;; don't attach SSL to existing streams

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