[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/projects/planetwit/planetwit.clj

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Thu Aug 20 00:56:02 UTC 2009

Revision: 4443
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4443

clarify code by using filter instead of hand-written recursive loop
U   trunk/projects/planetwit/planetwit.clj

Modified: trunk/projects/planetwit/planetwit.clj
--- trunk/projects/planetwit/planetwit.clj	2009-08-19 19:50:49 UTC (rev 4442)
+++ trunk/projects/planetwit/planetwit.clj	2009-08-20 00:56:01 UTC (rev 4443)
@@ -57,24 +57,13 @@
 (defn poll
   "Poll planet lisp, check for new postings, update Twitter status when new postings have appeared"
-  (save-data
    (let [old-urls (load-data)
-         process (fn [items all-items new-items]
-                   (if items
-                     (let [item (first items)
-                           guid (:guid item)
-                           title (:title item)]
-                       (recur (rest items)
-                              (conj all-items item)
-                              (if (old-urls guid)
-                                new-items
-                                (conj new-items item))))
-                     (do
-                       (post-twits new-items)
-                       (into #{} (map #(:guid %) all-items)))))]
-     (process (map (fn [item]
-                     {:guid (first (xml-> item :guid text))
-                      :title (first (xml-> item :title text))})
-                   (xml-> (feed-to-zip "http://planet.lisp.org/rss20.xml")
-                          :channel :item))
-              nil nil))))
+         all-items (map (fn [item]
+                          {:guid (first (xml-> item :guid text))
+                           :title (first (xml-> item :title text))})
+                        (xml-> (feed-to-zip "http://planet.lisp.org/rss20.xml")
+                               :channel :item))
+         new-items (filter (complement #(old-urls (:guid %))) all-items)]
+     (post-twits new-items)
+     (save-data (into #{} (map #(:guid %) all-items)))))

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