[bknr-cvs] ksprotte changed trunk/projects/bos/m2/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Fri Sep 12 14:05:52 UTC 2008

Revision: 3895
Author: ksprotte
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/3895

bos big changes for allocation mechanics

 - ensure-m2 now uses (make-object 'm2 ...) instead of make-instance
 - make-contract has been restructured:
    - allocate-m2s-for-sale is called first - outside a transactional context
    - free m2s are then passed to (make-object 'contract ...)

 - allocation-area-free-m2s is now transient and computed lazily the
   first time when it is read

U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation-cache.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation-cache.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation-cache.lisp	2008-09-12 13:42:55 UTC (rev 3894)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation-cache.lisp	2008-09-12 14:05:52 UTC (rev 3895)
@@ -177,25 +177,27 @@
   (<= 1 n +threshold+))
 (defun find-exact-match (n &key remove)
-  "Will return a free contiguous region of size N
-as a list of m2 instances. If no such region exactly
-matching N can be found, simply returns NIL.
+  "Will return a free contiguous region of size N as a list of m2
+instances and as a second value the corresponding allocation-area. If
+no such region exactly matching N can be found, simply returns NIL.
 If REMOVE is T then the returned region is removed from
-the cache and FREE-M2S of the affected allocation-area
-is decremented."
-  (let ((region (cond
-                  ((not (size-indexed-p n)) nil)
-                  (remove (awhen (index-pop n)
-                            (with-slots (area region) it
-                              (decf (allocation-area-free-m2s area) n)
-                              region)))
-                  (t (awhen (index-lookup n)
-                       (cache-entry-region it))))))
-    (if region
-        (incf (hit-count *allocation-cache*))
-        (incf (miss-count *allocation-cache*)))
-    region))
+the cache."
+  (flet ((hit (cache-entry)
+           (incf (hit-count *allocation-cache*))
+           (values (cache-entry-region cache-entry)
+                   (cache-entry-area cache-entry)))
+         (miss ()
+           (incf (miss-count *allocation-cache*))
+           nil))
+    (cond
+      ((not (size-indexed-p n)) (miss))
+      (remove (aif (index-pop n)
+                   (hit it)
+                   (miss)))
+      (t (aif (index-lookup n)
+              (hit it)
+              (miss))))))
 (defun add-area (allocation-area)
   (dolist (region (free-regions allocation-area)

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp	2008-09-12 13:42:55 UTC (rev 3894)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp	2008-09-12 14:05:52 UTC (rev 3895)
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
 (in-package :bos.m2)
-(define-persistent-class allocation-area ()
-  ((active-p :update)
-   (left :update)
-   (top :update)
-   (width :update)
-   (height :update)
-   (vertices :update)
-   (y :update)
-   (total-m2s :read)
-   (free-m2s :update)
-   (bounding-box :update :transient t))
+(defpersistent-class allocation-area ()
+  ((active-p :accessor allocation-area-active-p :initarg :active-p)
+   (left :reader allocation-area-left :initarg :left)
+   (top :reader allocation-area-top :initarg :top)
+   (width :reader allocation-area-width :initarg :width)
+   (height :reader allocation-area-height :initarg :height)
+   (vertices :reader allocation-area-vertices :initarg :vertices)
+   (total-m2s :reader allocation-area-total-m2s)
+   (free-m2s :transient t :writer (setf allocation-area-free-m2s)) ;free-m2s reader defined below
+   (bounding-box :transient t :reader allocation-area-bounding-box))
    "A polygon in which to allocate meters.  LEFT, TOP, WIDTH, and
     HEIGHT designate the bounding rectangle of the polygon.
@@ -34,10 +33,17 @@
             (store-object-id allocation-area))))
+(defmethod allocation-area-free-m2s ((area allocation-area))
+  (flet ((compute-free-m2s ()
+           (with-slots (total-m2s free-m2s) area
+             (setf free-m2s (- total-m2s (calculate-allocated-m2-count area))))))    
+    (if (slot-boundp area 'free-m2s)
+        (slot-value area 'free-m2s)
+        (compute-free-m2s))))
 (defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((allocation-area allocation-area) &key)
-  (with-slots (total-m2s free-m2s) allocation-area
-    (setf total-m2s (calculate-total-m2-count allocation-area))
-    (setf free-m2s (- total-m2s (calculate-allocated-m2-count allocation-area))))
+  (with-slots (total-m2s) allocation-area
+    (setf total-m2s (calculate-total-m2-count allocation-area)))
   ;; FIXME probably we dont need this and should rely on *rect-publisher*
   (dolist (tile (allocation-area-tiles allocation-area))
     (image-tile-changed tile)))
@@ -48,7 +54,7 @@
 (defmethod destroy-object :before ((allocation-area allocation-area))
   (notify-tiles allocation-area))
-(defmethod initialize-transient-instance :after ((allocation-area allocation-area))
+(defmethod initialize-transient-instance :after ((allocation-area allocation-area))  
   (notify-tiles allocation-area))
 (defun compute-bounding-box (vertices)
@@ -348,29 +354,33 @@
                 (result (search-adjacent n m2 #'allocatable-p)))
            (when result
              (assert (alexandria:setp result :test #'equal))
-             (assert (= n (length result)))
-             (decf (allocation-area-free-m2s area) n)
+             (assert (= n (length result)))             
              (return result))
            (when (> (get-internal-real-time) deadline)
              (return nil)))))))
 (defun allocate-m2s-for-sale (n)
   "The main entry point to the allocation machinery. Will return a
-   list of N m2 instances or NIL if the requested amount cannot be
-   allocated."
-  (or (bos.m2.allocation-cache:find-exact-match n :remove t)
-      (dolist (area (active-allocation-areas))
-        (when (<= n (allocation-area-free-m2s area))
-          (let ((m2s (allocate-in-area area n)))
-            (when m2s
-              (return m2s)))))
-      (dolist (area (inactive-nonempty-allocation-areas))
-        (when (<= n (allocation-area-free-m2s area))
-          (let ((m2s (allocate-in-area area n)))
-            (when m2s
-              (activate-allocation-area area)
-              (return m2s)))))))
+list of N m2 instances or NIL if the requested amount cannot be
+allocated. As a second value, returns the corresponding
+The returned m2s are still free and (decf (allocation-area-free-m2s
+area) n) has not yet happened."
+  (alexandria:nth-value-or 0
+    (bos.m2.allocation-cache:find-exact-match n :remove t)
+    (dolist (area (active-allocation-areas))
+      (when (<= n (allocation-area-free-m2s area))
+        (let ((m2s (allocate-in-area area n)))
+          (when m2s
+            (return (values m2s area))))))
+    (dolist (area (inactive-nonempty-allocation-areas))
+      (when (<= n (allocation-area-free-m2s area))
+        (let ((m2s (allocate-in-area area n)))
+          (when m2s
+            (activate-allocation-area area)
+            (return (values m2s area))))))))
 (defgeneric return-contract-m2s (m2s)
   (:documentation "Mark the given square meters as free, so that
     they can be re-allocated."))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2008-09-12 13:42:55 UTC (rev 3894)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2008-09-12 14:05:52 UTC (rev 3895)
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
 (defun ensure-m2 (&rest coords)
   (or (m2-at coords)
-      (destructuring-bind (x y) coords
-        (make-instance 'm2 :x x :y y))))
+      (destructuring-bind (x y) coords          
+        (make-object 'm2 :x x :y y))))
 (defmethod get-m2-with-num ((num integer))
   (multiple-value-bind (y x) (truncate num +width+)
@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@
     (when sponsor
       (setf (sponsor-contracts sponsor) (remove contract (sponsor-contracts sponsor)))))
   (publish-contract-change contract :type 'delete)
+  (return-contract-m2s (contract-m2s contract))
   (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))
-    (setf (m2-contract m2) nil))
-  (return-contract-m2s (contract-m2s contract)))
+    (setf (m2-contract m2) nil)))
 (defun get-contract (id)
   (let ((contract (store-object-with-id id)))
@@ -499,26 +499,14 @@
   (warn "Old tx-make-contract transaction used, contract dates may be wrong")
   (tx-do-make-contract sponsor m2-count :date date :paidp paidp :expires expires))
-(deftransaction do-make-contract (sponsor m2-count &key date paidp expires download-only)
-  (let ((m2s (allocate-m2s-for-sale  m2-count)))
-    (if m2s
-        (let ((contract (make-object 'contract
-                                     :sponsor sponsor
-                                     :date date
-                                     :m2s m2s
-                                     :expires expires
-                                     :download-only download-only)))
-          (when paidp
-            (contract-set-paidp contract paidp))
-          contract)
-        (warn "can't create contract, ~A square meters for ~A could not be allocated" m2-count sponsor))))
 (define-condition allocation-areas-exhausted (simple-error)
   ((numsqm :initarg :numsqm :reader numsqm))
   (:report (lambda (condition stream)
              (format stream "Could not satisfy your request for ~A sqms, please contact the BOS office"
                      (numsqm condition)))))
+(defvar *make-contract-lock* (bt:make-lock "make-contract-lock"))
 (defun make-contract (sponsor m2-count
                       &key (date (get-universal-time))
@@ -527,22 +515,30 @@
   (unless (and (integerp m2-count)
                (plusp m2-count))
     (error "number of square meters must be a positive integer"))
-  (let ((contract (do-make-contract sponsor m2-count
-                                    :date date
-                                    :paidp paidp
-                                    :expires expires
-                                    :download-only download-only)))
-    (unless contract
-      (send-system-mail :subject "Contact creation failed - Allocation areas exhaused"
-                        :text (format nil "A contract for ~A square meters could not be created, presumably because no
+  (bt:with-lock-held (*make-contract-lock*)
+    (multiple-value-bind (m2s area)
+        (allocate-m2s-for-sale m2-count)
+      (unless m2s
+        (warn "can't create contract, ~A square meters for ~A could not be allocated" m2-count sponsor)
+        (send-system-mail :subject "Contact creation failed - Allocation areas exhaused"
+                          :text (format nil "A contract for ~A square meters could not be created, presumably because no
 suitable allocation area was found.  Please check the free allocation
 areas and add more space.
 Sponsor-ID: ~A
-                                      m2-count (store-object-id sponsor)))
-      (error 'allocation-areas-exhausted :numsqm m2-count))
-    contract))
+                                        m2-count (store-object-id sponsor)))
+        (error 'allocation-areas-exhausted :numsqm m2-count))      
+      ;; FREE-M2S might be lazily computed at his point, before it is
+      ;; decremented. If this happens, the m2s must still be free.
+      (decf (allocation-area-free-m2s area) m2-count)
+      (make-object 'contract
+                   :sponsor sponsor
+                   :date date
+                   :m2s m2s
+                   :expires expires
+                   :download-only download-only
+                   :paidp paidp))))
 (deftransaction recolorize-contracts (&optional colors)
   "Assigns a new color to each contract choosing from COLORS, so

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