[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Mon Oct 20 21:04:55 UTC 2008

Revision: 4007
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4007

Certificate generation fixes

U   trunk/projects/bos/cert-daemon/cert-daemon.sh
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2-pdf.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/make-certificate.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf-parser.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf.lisp

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/cert-daemon/cert-daemon.sh
--- trunk/projects/bos/cert-daemon/cert-daemon.sh	2008-10-18 12:18:08 UTC (rev 4006)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/cert-daemon/cert-daemon.sh	2008-10-20 21:04:54 UTC (rev 4007)
@@ -10,32 +10,21 @@
     echo "generating certs for contract $contract, language $language"
+    print_m2s_pdf_file=mail-spool/$contract-m2s.pdf
+    download_m2s_pdf_file=download-spool/$contract-m2s.pdf
-    m2s_pdf_file=download-spool/$contract-m2s.pdf
-    tmp1_file=/tmp/gen-cert-$$-1.pdf
-    tmp2_file=/tmp/gen-cert-$$-2.pdf
-    tmp3_file=/tmp/gen-cert-$$-3.pdf
-    tmp4_file=/tmp/gen-cert-$$-4.pdf
-    trap "rm -f $tmp1_file $tmp2_file $tmp3_file $tmp4_file" EXIT
     if [ $language = de -a -f $print_fdf_file ]; then
-        pdftk urkunde-print-$language.pdf fill_form $print_fdf_file output $tmp1_file flatten
-        pdftk $tmp1_file cat 1 output $tmp2_file
-        pdftk $tmp1_file cat 2 output $tmp3_file
-        pdftk $m2s_pdf_file background $tmp3_file output $tmp4_file
-        pdftk $tmp2_file $tmp4_file output $print_pdf_file
+        pdftk $print_m2s_pdf_file fill_form $print_fdf_file output $print_pdf_file $flatten
         echo generated $print_pdf_file
-    pdftk urkunde-download-$language.pdf fill_form $download_fdf_file output $tmp1_file
-    pdftk $m2s_pdf_file background $tmp1_file output $download_pdf_file
+    pdftk $download_m2s_pdf_file fill_form $download_fdf_file output $download_pdf_file $flatten
     echo generated $download_pdf_file
-    rm -f $tmp1_file $tmp2_file $tmp3_file $tmp4_file $print_fdf_file $download_fdf_file
+    echo rm -f $print_m2s_pdf_file $print_fdf_file $download_m2s_pdf_file $download_fdf_file
     trap "" EXIT

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2-pdf.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2-pdf.lisp	2008-10-18 12:18:08 UTC (rev 4006)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2-pdf.lisp	2008-10-20 21:04:54 UTC (rev 4007)
@@ -8,68 +8,74 @@
       (pdf:draw-left-text x y part font 8 300)
       (incf y 10))))
-(defun make-m2-pdf (contract &key print)
-  (pdf:with-document ()
-    (pdf:with-page ()
-      (pdf:in-text-mode
-        (destructuring-bind (bb-x bb-y bb-width bb-height) (contract-bounding-box contract)
-          (let* ((m2s (sort (copy-list (contract-m2s contract))
-                            (lambda (a b)
-                              (if (= (m2-y a) (m2-y b))
-                                  (- (m2-x a) (m2-x b))
-                                  (- (m2-y b) (m2-y b))))))
-                 (first-m2 (first m2s))
-                 (last-m2 (first (last m2s)))
-                 (scale (/ 80 (max bb-width bb-height))))
+(defun make-m2-pdf (contract &key print template)
+  (flet ((render-m2s ()
+           (pdf:in-text-mode
+             (destructuring-bind (bb-x bb-y bb-width bb-height) (contract-bounding-box contract)
+               (let* ((m2s (sort (copy-list (contract-m2s contract))
+                                 (lambda (a b)
+                                   (if (= (m2-y a) (m2-y b))
+                                       (- (m2-x a) (m2-x b))
+                                       (- (m2-y b) (m2-y b))))))
+                      (first-m2 (first m2s))
+                      (last-m2 (first (last m2s)))
+                      (scale (/ 80 (max bb-width bb-height))))
-            (draw-coordinate 110 160 (m2-lon-lat first-m2))
+                 (draw-coordinate 110 160 (m2-lon-lat first-m2))
-            (unless (eq first-m2 last-m2)
-              (draw-coordinate 190 40 (m2-lon-lat last-m2)))
+                 (unless (eq first-m2 last-m2)
+                   (draw-coordinate 190 40 (m2-lon-lat last-m2)))
-            (pdf:translate (+ 65.0 (if (>= bb-width bb-height) 0
-                                       (* 0.5 (abs (- bb-width bb-height)) scale)))
-                           (+ 65.0 (if (>= bb-height bb-width) 0
-                                       (* 0.5 (abs (- bb-width bb-height)) scale))))
+                 (pdf:translate (+ 65.0 (if (>= bb-width bb-height) 0
+                                            (* 0.5 (abs (- bb-width bb-height)) scale)))
+                                (+ 65.0 (if (>= bb-height bb-width) 0
+                                            (* 0.5 (abs (- bb-width bb-height)) scale))))
-            (pdf:scale scale scale)
+                 (pdf:scale scale scale)
-            (pdf:set-line-width 0.05)
-            (pdf:set-gray-stroke 0.6)
-            (pdf:move-to 0 0)
-            (pdf:line-to 0 bb-height)
-            (pdf:line-to bb-width bb-height)
-            (pdf:line-to bb-width 0)
-            (pdf:close-and-stroke)
-            (pdf:stroke)
+                 (pdf:set-line-width 0.05)
+                 (pdf:set-gray-stroke 0.6)
+                 (pdf:move-to 0 0)
+                 (pdf:line-to 0 bb-height)
+                 (pdf:line-to bb-width bb-height)
+                 (pdf:line-to bb-width 0)
+                 (pdf:close-and-stroke)
+                 (pdf:stroke)
-            (pdf:set-line-width 0.1)
-            (pdf:set-gray-stroke 0)
-            (pdf:set-gray-fill 0.6)
-            (pdf:set-line-join 2)
+                 (pdf:set-line-width 0.1)
+                 (pdf:set-gray-stroke 0)
+                 (pdf:set-gray-fill 0.6)
+                 (pdf:set-line-join 2)
-            (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))
-              (let ((x (- (m2-x m2) bb-x))
-                    (y (- (m2-y m2) bb-y)))
-                (pdf:move-to x y)
-                (pdf:line-to x (1+ y))
-                (pdf:line-to (1+ x) (1+ y))
-                (pdf:line-to (1+ x) y)
-                (pdf:line-to x y)
-                (pdf:close-fill-and-stroke)))))))
-    (with-open-file (f (contract-m2-pdf-pathname contract :print print)
-                       :direction :output
-                       :if-exists :supersede
-                       :external-format :iso-8859-1)
-      ;; cl-pdf does not really handle non-ascii characters in a very
-      ;; usable manner.  In order to avoid having to deal with
-      ;; embedding fonts and encoding, just work around the issue:
-      (princ (remove (code-char 194)
-                     (with-output-to-string (s)
-                       (let ((pdf:*compress-streams* nil))
-                         (pdf:write-document s))))
-             f))
+                 (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))
+                   (let ((x (- (m2-x m2) bb-x))
+                         (y (- (m2-y m2) bb-y)))
+                     (pdf:move-to x y)
+                     (pdf:line-to x (1+ y))
+                     (pdf:line-to (1+ x) (1+ y))
+                     (pdf:line-to (1+ x) y)
+                     (pdf:line-to x y)
+                     (pdf:close-fill-and-stroke)))))))
+         (save-pdf ()
+           (pdf:write-document (contract-m2-pdf-pathname contract :print print))))
+    (if template
+        (if print
+            (pdf:with-existing-document (template)
+              (pdf:with-existing-page (0)
+                (pdf:insert-original-page-content))
+              (pdf:with-existing-page (1)
+                (pdf:insert-original-page-content)
+                (render-m2s))
+              (save-pdf))
+            (pdf:with-existing-document (template)
+              (pdf:with-existing-page (0)
+                (pdf:insert-original-page-content)
+                (render-m2s))
+              (save-pdf)))
+        (pdf:with-document ()
+          (pdf:with-page ()
+            (render-m2s))
+          (save-pdf)))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2008-10-18 12:18:08 UTC (rev 4006)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2008-10-20 21:04:54 UTC (rev 4007)
@@ -371,7 +371,8 @@
     (warn "re-issuing cert for ~A" contract))
   (contract-delete-certificate-files contract)
   (make-certificate contract name :address address :language language)
-  (unless (contract-download-only-p contract)
+  (when (and (equal language "de")
+             (not (contract-download-only-p contract)))
     (make-certificate contract name :address address :language language :print t))
   (change-slot-values contract 'cert-issued t))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/make-certificate.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/make-certificate.lisp	2008-10-18 12:18:08 UTC (rev 4006)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/make-certificate.lisp	2008-10-20 21:04:54 UTC (rev 4007)
@@ -33,7 +33,13 @@
 verschickt und entsprechend eine andere Vorlage ausgewählt als für den
 Download der Urkunde"
   (let ((sponsor (contract-sponsor contract)))
-    (make-m2-pdf contract :print print)
+    (make-m2-pdf contract
+                 :print print
+                 :template (make-pathname :name (format nil "urkunde-~A-~A"
+                                                        (if print "print" "download")
+                                                        language)
+                                          :type "pdf"
+                                          :defaults *pdf-base-directory*))
     (make-fdf-file (contract-fdf-pathname contract
                                           :language language
                                           :print print)

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf-parser.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf-parser.lisp	2008-10-18 12:18:08 UTC (rev 4006)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf-parser.lisp	2008-10-20 21:04:54 UTC (rev 4007)
@@ -493,7 +493,10 @@
 (defmacro with-existing-document ((file &key (creator "") author title subject keywords) &body body)
   `(let* ((*document* (read-pdf-file ,file))
 	  (*root-page* (root-page *document*))
-	  (*page-number* 0))
+	  (*outlines-stack* (list (outline-root *document*)))
+	  (*page* nil)
+	  (*page-number* 0)
+          (*name-counter* 100))
      (add-doc-info *document* :creator ,creator :author ,author
 		   :title ,title :subject ,subject :keywords ,keywords)
     , at body))

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf.lisp	2008-10-18 12:18:08 UTC (rev 4006)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/cl-pdf/pdf.lisp	2008-10-20 21:04:54 UTC (rev 4007)
@@ -595,7 +595,6 @@
 	  (*outlines-stack* (list (outline-root *document*)))
 	  (*page* nil)
 	  (*page-number* 0)
-          (*name-counter* 100)
 	  (*max-number-of-pages* ,max-number-of-pages))
     (setf *root-page* (root-page *document*))
     (catch 'max-number-of-pages-reached

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