[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Tue Jul 29 12:13:33 UTC 2008

Revision: 3677
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/3677

INITIALIZE-PERSISTENT-INSTANCE now receives the initargs supplied

U   trunk/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp
U   trunk/bknr/web/src/frontend/frontend-config.lisp
U   trunk/bknr/web/src/rss/rss.lisp
U   trunk/bknr/web/src/sysclasses/user.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/poi.lisp

Modified: trunk/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp	2008-07-29 12:09:21 UTC (rev 3676)
+++ trunk/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp	2008-07-29 12:13:33 UTC (rev 3677)
@@ -244,19 +244,19 @@
 			  :timestamp (get-universal-time)
 			  :args (append (list object (if (symbolp class) class (class-name class))) args))))
-(defgeneric initialize-persistent-instance (store-object)
+(defgeneric initialize-persistent-instance (store-object &key)
-   "Initializes the persistent aspects of a persistent object. This method is called
-at the creationg of a persistent object, but not when the object is loaded from a
+   "Initializes the persistent aspects of a persistent object. This
+method is called at the creation of a persistent object, but not when
+the object is loaded from a snapshot."))
 (defgeneric initialize-transient-instance (store-object)
-   "Initializes the transient aspects of a persistent object. This method is called
-whenever a persistent object is initialized, also when the object is loaded from
-a snapshot."))
+   "Initializes the transient aspects of a persistent object. This
+method is called whenever a persistent object is initialized, also
+when the object is loaded from a snapshot."))
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance ((object store-object)))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance ((object store-object) &key))
 (defmethod initialize-transient-instance ((object store-object)))
 (defmethod store-object-persistent-slots ((object store-object))
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
 			    (if restoring
 				(remove-transient-slot-initargs (find-class class-name) initargs)
-	   (initialize-persistent-instance obj)
+	   (apply #'initialize-persistent-instance obj initargs)
 	   (initialize-transient-instance obj)
 	   (setf error nil)

Modified: trunk/bknr/web/src/frontend/frontend-config.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/web/src/frontend/frontend-config.lisp	2008-07-29 12:09:21 UTC (rev 3676)
+++ trunk/bknr/web/src/frontend/frontend-config.lisp	2008-07-29 12:13:33 UTC (rev 3677)
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 (defun cachable-prefixes-regex ()
-  (format nil "^(~{~A~^|~})" (mapcar #'page-handler-prefix (website-cachable-handlers bknr.web:*website*))))
+  (format nil "^(~{~A~^|~})"
+          (mapcar #'page-handler-prefix (website-cachable-handlers bknr.web::*website*))))
 (defun generate-frontend-config (stream &key

Modified: trunk/bknr/web/src/rss/rss.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/web/src/rss/rss.lisp	2008-07-29 12:09:21 UTC (rev 3676)
+++ trunk/bknr/web/src/rss/rss.lisp	2008-07-29 12:13:33 UTC (rev 3677)
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   (:method ((channel (eql nil)) item)
     (warn "no RSS channel defined for item ~A" item)))
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((rss-item rss-item))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((rss-item rss-item) &key)
   (add-item (rss-item-channel rss-item) rss-item))
 (defmethod destroy-object :before ((rss-item rss-item))

Modified: trunk/bknr/web/src/sysclasses/user.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/web/src/sysclasses/user.lisp	2008-07-29 12:09:21 UTC (rev 3676)
+++ trunk/bknr/web/src/sysclasses/user.lisp	2008-07-29 12:13:33 UTC (rev 3677)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 		(user-login object)
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance ((user user))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance ((user user) &key)
   (let* ((plaintext-password (slot-value user 'password))
 	 (password (when plaintext-password (crypt-md5 plaintext-password (make-salt)))))
     (setf (slot-value user 'password) password)))
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 (define-persistent-class smb-user (user)
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance ((user smb-user))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance ((user smb-user) &key)
   (let* ((plaintext-password (slot-value user 'password)))
     (when plaintext-password
       (set-smb-password (user-login user) plaintext-password))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp	2008-07-29 12:09:21 UTC (rev 3676)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp	2008-07-29 12:13:33 UTC (rev 3677)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
             (store-object-id allocation-area))))
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((allocation-area allocation-area))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((allocation-area allocation-area) &key)
   (with-slots (total-m2s free-m2s) allocation-area
     (setf total-m2s (calculate-total-m2-count allocation-area))
     (setf free-m2s (- total-m2s (calculate-allocated-m2-count allocation-area))))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2008-07-29 12:09:21 UTC (rev 3676)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2008-07-29 12:13:33 UTC (rev 3677)
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
 (defun contract-p (object)
   (equal (class-of object) (find-class 'contract)))
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((contract contract))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((contract contract) &key)
   (pushnew contract (sponsor-contracts (contract-sponsor contract)))
   (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))
     (setf (m2-contract m2) contract))
@@ -377,7 +377,11 @@
     (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))
       (collect (list (m2-x m2) (m2-y m2))))))
-(defun contracts-bounding-box (&optional (contracts (class-instances 'contract)))
+(defun all-contracts ()
+  "Return list of all contracts in the system."
+  (class-instances 'all-contracts))
+(defun contracts-bounding-box (&optional (contracts (all-contracts)))
   (geometry:with-bounding-box-collect (collect)
     (dolist (contract contracts)
       (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/poi.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/poi.lisp	2008-07-29 12:09:21 UTC (rev 3676)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/poi.lisp	2008-07-29 12:13:33 UTC (rev 3677)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     (when poi
       (setf (poi-images poi) (remove poi-image (poi-images poi))))))
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((poi-image poi-image))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((poi-image poi-image) &key)
   (setf (poi-images (poi-image-poi poi-image)) (append (poi-images (poi-image-poi poi-image)) (list poi-image))))
 (deftransaction update-poi-image (poi-image language
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
    (name :read :index-type string-unique-index
                :index-reader find-poi :index-values all-pois
                :documentation "Symbolischer Name")
+   (published :update :initform nil)
    (title :update :initform (make-string-hash-table) :documentation "Angezeigter Name")
    (subtitle :update :initform (make-string-hash-table) :documentation "Unterschrift")
    (description :update :initform (make-string-hash-table) :documentation "Beschreibungstext")

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