[bknr-cvs] ksprotte changed trunk/projects/bos/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Wed Jul 23 15:44:13 UTC 2008

Revision: 3588
Author: ksprotte
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/3588

checkpoint - some more work on allocation
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/m2/geometry.lisp
D   trunk/projects/bos/m2/test-allocation.lisp
U   trunk/projects/bos/web/quad-tree.lisp

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp	2008-07-23 15:28:01 UTC (rev 3587)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/allocation.lisp	2008-07-23 15:44:13 UTC (rev 3588)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 returns a true value if the arguments specify the coordinates of an
 allocatable square meter."
   (unless (funcall pred start-x start-y)
-    (error "sqm ~A/~A not allocatable" x y))
+    (error "sqm ~A/~A not allocatable" start-x start-y))
   (let* ((allocated (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
          (border-queue (bos.web::make-queue))
@@ -308,7 +308,8 @@
              (bos.web::enqueue key border-queue)))
          (try-get (&rest key)           
            (and (not (gethash key allocated))
-                (apply pred key)))
+                (apply pred key)
+                key))
          (get-next-neighbor (x y)
            (or (try-get (1+ x) y)
                (try-get x (1+ y))
@@ -335,18 +336,16 @@
          (area-top (allocation-area-top area))
          (area-width (allocation-area-width area))
          (area-height (allocation-area-height area))
-         (area-right (+ area-left area-width))
-         (area-bottom (+ area-top area-height)))
+         ;; (area-right (+ area-left area-width))
+         ;; (area-bottom (+ area-top area-height))
+         )
     (labels ((allocatable-p (x y)
-               (and (<= area-left x area-right)
-                    (<= area-top y area-bottom)
-                    (let ((m2 (ensure-m2 x y)))
-                      (and (not (m2-contract m2))
-                           m2)))))
+               (and (in-polygon-p x y (allocation-area-vertices area))
+                    (not (m2-contract (ensure-m2 x y))))))
          (let ((x (+ area-left (random area-width)))
                (y (+ area-top (random area-height))))
-           (unless (m2-contract (ensure-m2 x y))
+           (when (allocatable-p x y)
              (let ((result (try-allocation n x y #'allocatable-p)))
                (when result
                  (assert (alexandria:setp result :test #'equal))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/m2/geometry.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/geometry.lisp	2008-07-23 15:28:01 UTC (rev 3587)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/geometry.lisp	2008-07-23 15:44:13 UTC (rev 3588)
@@ -450,3 +450,15 @@
       (traverse (list (first nodes)))
       (= (length nodes)
          (hash-table-count hash)))))
+(defun ascii-plot-points (objects &key key)
+  (fresh-line)
+  (let ((bbox (bounding-box objects :key key)))
+    (with-rectangle bbox
+      (loop for y from top below (+ top height)
+         do (loop for x from left below (+ left width)
+               if (member (list x y) objects :key key :test #'equal)
+               do (princ "x")
+               else do (princ "."))
+         do (terpri)))))

Deleted: trunk/projects/bos/m2/test-allocation.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/m2/test-allocation.lisp	2008-07-23 15:28:01 UTC (rev 3587)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/m2/test-allocation.lisp	2008-07-23 15:44:13 UTC (rev 3588)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :bos.m2)
-(defun try-allocation (n x y pred)
-  "Try to find N free square meters that are adjacent and that begin
-at X and Y.  PRED is a predicate function of two arguments that
-returns a true value if the arguments specify the coordinates of an
-allocatable square meter."
-  (unless (funcall pred x y)
-    (error "sqm ~A/~A not allocatable" x y))
-  (let ((allocated (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-        (connected (list (list x y)))
-        (border-queue (bos.web::make-queue)))
-    (labels
-        ((try-get (&rest key)
-           (when (and (not (gethash key allocated))
-                      (apply pred key))
-             (setf (gethash key allocated) t)
-             (bos.web::enqueue key border-queue)
-             key))
-         (get-next-neighbor (x y)
-           "Return the next neighbor of M2 that can be allocated or NIL if none of the neighbor can be allocated."
-           (or (try-get (1+ x) y)
-               (try-get x (1+ y))
-               (try-get (1- x) y)
-               (try-get x (1- y)))))
-      (dotimes (i (1- n)
-                (append connected (bos.web::elements border-queue)))
-        (tagbody
-         retry
-           (let ((next (get-next-neighbor x y)))
-             (unless next
-               (cond
-                 ((bos.web::queue-empty-p border-queue)
-                  (return nil))
-                 (t
-                  (push (list x y) connected)
-                  (multiple-value-setq (x y)
-                    (values-list (bos.web::dequeue border-queue)))
-                  (go retry))))))))))
-(defun try-alloc (n)
-  (let* ((area (first (remove-if-not #'allocation-area-active-p (class-instances 'allocation-area))))
-         (area-left (allocation-area-left area))
-         (area-top (allocation-area-top area))
-         (area-width (allocation-area-width area))
-         (area-height (allocation-area-height area))
-         (area-right (+ area-left area-width))
-         (area-bottom (+ area-top area-height)))
-    (labels ((allocatable-p (x y)
-               (and (<= area-left x area-right)
-                    (<= area-top y area-bottom)
-                    (not (m2-contract (ensure-m2 x y))))))
-      (loop
-           (let ((x (+ area-left (random area-width)))
-                 (y (+ area-top (random area-height))))
-             (unless (m2-contract (ensure-m2 x y))
-               (let ((result (try-allocation n x y #'allocatable-p)))
-                 (when result
-                   (return result)))))))))

Modified: trunk/projects/bos/web/quad-tree.lisp
--- trunk/projects/bos/web/quad-tree.lisp	2008-07-23 15:28:01 UTC (rev 3587)
+++ trunk/projects/bos/web/quad-tree.lisp	2008-07-23 15:44:13 UTC (rev 3588)
@@ -130,11 +130,17 @@
       (setf (cdr queue) (setf (car queue) (list x)))
     (setf (cdr (cdr queue)) (list x)
           (cdr queue) (cdr (cdr queue))))
-  (car queue))
+  (caar queue))
 (defun dequeue (queue)
   (pop (car queue)))
+(defun queue-elements (queue)
+  (car queue))
+(defun peek-queue (queue)
+  (caar queue))
 ;;; quad-node
 (defclass quad-node ()
   ((geo-box :reader geo-box :initarg :geo-box :type geo-box)

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