[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/projects/quickhoney/website/static/javascript.js

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Wed Jul 23 07:10:34 UTC 2008

Revision: 3566
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/3566

snapshot t-shirt buy widget

U   trunk/projects/quickhoney/website/static/javascript.js

Modified: trunk/projects/quickhoney/website/static/javascript.js
--- trunk/projects/quickhoney/website/static/javascript.js	2008-07-22 19:26:59 UTC (rev 3565)
+++ trunk/projects/quickhoney/website/static/javascript.js	2008-07-23 07:10:34 UTC (rev 3566)
@@ -1260,6 +1260,22 @@
                                  NOTICE("Please note:  We are shipping from Germany, that's why there is a sales tax within Europe and none outside"))));
     'buy-t-shirt' : function () {
+        make_overlay('buy-t-shirt', 'Buy Art on T-Shirt', 426,
+                     FORM({ method: 'POST', action: '#' },
+                          SPACER("Artwork ", ARTWORK_NAME(current_image.name), " in colored flocked foil ",
+                                 "hot pressed on an American Apparel T-Shirt."
+                                 NOTICE('These Tees are custom made, so please allow 4-6 days for production in addition to the shipping time')),
+                          SPACER(TABLE(null,
+                                       TBODY(null,
+                                             TR(null,
+                                                TD({ id: 't-shirt-sample' }, INPUT({ type: "radio", name: "size", value: "small"})),
+                                                TD(null,
+                                                   "Small 20cm x 30cm (7.8'' x 11.8'')", BR(),
+                                                   PRICE('150 €'), NOTICE(' (inside EU, incl. tax)*'), BR(),
+                                                   PRICE('128.32 €'), NOTICE(' (outside EU, tax free)*'), BR())),)),
+                                 BUTTON(null, IMG({ src: '/image/add-to-cart', width: 102, height: 40 })),
+                                 BR(), BR(),
+                                 NOTICE("Please note:  We are shipping from Germany, that's why there is a sales tax within Europe and none outside"))))

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