[bknr-cvs] r2402 - branches/bos/projects/bos/m2

ksprotte at common-lisp.net ksprotte at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 24 16:36:57 UTC 2008

Author: ksprotte
Date: Thu Jan 24 11:36:56 2008
New Revision: 2402

working on geometry... (backup commit)

Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/geometry.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/geometry.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/geometry.lisp	Thu Jan 24 11:36:56 2008
@@ -1,19 +1,177 @@
 (in-package :geometry)
+;; a point in this package is represented
+;; as a list (x y)
+;; maybe change this function to take a
+;; point as an argument?
 (defun point-in-polygon-p (x y polygon)
   (let (result
 	(py y))
     (loop with (pjx . pjy) = (aref polygon (1- (length polygon)))
-	  for (pix . piy) across polygon
-	  when (and (or (and (<= piy py) (< py pjy))
-			(and (<= pjy py) (< py piy)))
-		    (< x
-		       (+ (/ (* (- pjx pix) (- py piy))
-			     (- pjy piy))
-			  pix)))
-	  do (setf result (not result))
-	  do (setf pjx pix
-		   pjy piy))
+       for (pix . piy) across polygon
+       when (and (or (and (<= piy py) (< py pjy))
+		     (and (<= pjy py) (< py piy)))
+		 (< x
+		    (+ (/ (* (- pjx pix) (- py piy))
+			  (- pjy piy))
+		       pix)))
+       do (setf result (not result))
+       do (setf pjx pix
+		pjy piy))
+;;; directions
+;; A direction can be represented either
+;; as one of the symbols:
+;; :down, :left, :right, :up
+;; or as a list of dx and dy
+;; which can be used to move from one
+;; point to another in that direction
+;; the mapping is as follows: 
+;;  dx  dy    symbol
+;;  --  --    -----
+;;  0   1     :down
+;; -1   0     :left
+;;  1   0     :right
+;;  0  -1     :up
+(defmethod turn-right ((direction symbol))
+  (case direction
+    (:down :left)
+    (:left :up)
+    (:up :right)
+    (:right :down)))
+(defmethod turn-right ((direction list))
+  (direction-as-list (turn-right (direction-as-symbol direction))))
+(defmethod turn-left ((direction symbol))
+  (case direction
+    (:down :right)
+    (:right :up)
+    (:up :left)
+    (:left :down)))
+(defmethod turn-left ((direction list))
+  (direction-as-list (turn-left (direction-as-symbol direction))))
+(defmethod direction-as-symbol ((direction symbol))
+  direction)
+(defmethod direction-as-symbol ((direction list))
+  (arnesi:switch (direction :test #'equal)
+    (((0 1)) :down)
+    (((-1 0)) :left)
+    (((1 0)) :right)
+    (((0 -1)) :up)))
+(defmethod direction-as-list ((direction list))
+  direction)
+(defmethod direction-as-list ((direction symbol))
+  (case direction
+    (:down '(0 1))
+    (:left '(-1 0))
+    (:right '(1 0))
+    (:up '(0 -1))))
+(defmethod move ((point list) direction)
+  (destructuring-bind (x y)
+      point
+    (destructuring-bind (dx dy)
+	(direction-as-list direction)
+      (list (+ x dx)
+	    (+ y dy)))))
+;;; polygon-from-m2s
+;; (defun find-m2-by-min-x-y (m2s)
+;;   (iter
+;;     (for m2 in m2s)
+;;     (for x = (m2-x m2))
+;;     (for y = (m2-y m2))
+;;     (minimizing x into min-x)
+;;     (minimizing y into min-y)
+;;     (finally (return (get-m2 min-x min-y)))))
+(defun find-boundary-point (point in-region-p &optional (direction :up))
+  (let* ((direction (direction-as-list direction))
+	 (next (move point direction)))
+    (if (funcall in-region-p next)
+	(find-boundary-point next in-region-p)
+	point)))
+;;; region-to-polygon
+(defun region-to-polygon (point in-region-p)
+  "Will return a closed path of points in mathematical order.
+IN-REGION-P is a predicate that takes a point as an argument.
+It defines the region whose bounding polygon is to be found."
+  (let (polygon (count 0))
+    (labels ((neighbour (point direction)
+	       "Validate the NEIGHBOUR of POINT in DIRECTION,
+              if it is part of the region, returns (NEIGHBOUR DIRECTION),
+              otherwise return NIL."
+	       (let ((neighbour (move point direction)))
+		 (when (funcall in-region-p neighbour)
+		   (list neighbour direction))))
+	     (choose-next (point direction)
+	       (acond
+		((neighbour point (turn-right direction)) it)
+		((neighbour point direction) it)
+		((neighbour point (turn-left direction)) it)
+		((neighbour point (turn-left (turn-left direction))) it)))
+	     (terminate (point end-point)
+	       (when (equal point end-point)
+		 (incf count)
+		 (= 2 count)))
+	     (left-down-p (direction)
+	       (member (direction-as-symbol direction) '(:left :down)))
+	     (category-change-p (direction new-direction)
+	       (arnesi:xor (left-down-p direction)
+			   (left-down-p new-direction)))
+	     (traverse (point direction end-point)
+	       (unless (terminate point end-point)
+		 (destructuring-bind (x y)
+		     point
+		   (destructuring-bind (next-point next-direction)
+		       (choose-next point direction)
+		     ;; push
+		     (if (left-down-p direction)
+			 (push point polygon)
+			 (push (list (1+ x) (1+ y)) polygon))
+		     (when (and (category-change-p direction next-direction)
+				(left-down-p direction))
+		       (push (list x (1+ y)) polygon)
+		       (push (list (1+ x) (1+ y)) polygon))
+		     (when (and (category-change-p direction next-direction)
+				(not (left-down-p direction)))
+		       (push (list (1+ x) y) polygon)
+		       (push (list x y) polygon))
+		     ;; print
+		     (print (list point (direction-as-symbol direction)))		   
+		     ;; traverse
+		     (traverse next-point next-direction end-point))))))
+      (let ((boundary-point (find-boundary-point point in-region-p :up)))
+	(destructuring-bind (&optional next-point next-direction)
+	    (choose-next boundary-point (direction-as-list :left))
+	  (declare (ignore next-direction))
+	  (cond
+	    ((null next-point)
+	     ;; single m2 case
+	     (destructuring-bind (x y)
+		 point
+	       (list (list     x      y)
+		     (list     x  (1+ y))
+		     (list (1+ x) (1+ y))
+		     (list (1+ x)     y)
+		     (list     x      y))))
+	    (t (traverse boundary-point (direction-as-list :up) next-point)
+	       (nreverse polygon))))))))

Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	Thu Jan 24 11:36:56 2008
@@ -105,6 +105,14 @@
   (find-if #'(lambda (allocation-area) (point-in-polygon-p (m2-x m2) (m2-y m2) (allocation-area-vertices allocation-area)))
 	   (class-instances 'allocation-area)))
+(defun m2s-polygon (m2s)
+  (let* ((m2 (first m2s))
+	 (contract (m2-contract m2)))
+    (region-to-polygon (list (m2-x m2) (m2-y m2))
+		       (lambda (p)
+			 (let ((m2 (apply #'get-m2 p)))
+			   (and m2 (eql contract (m2-contract m2))))))))
 ;;; Exportierte Funktionen:
@@ -483,4 +491,48 @@
 			       (random-elt (cons (1+ (random 300))
 						 '(1 1 1 1 1 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
 						   10 10 10 10 10 30 30 30)))
-			       :paidp t))))
\ No newline at end of file
+			       :paidp t))))
+;;; for quick visualization
+(defun show-m2s-polygon (m2s &aux (points (m2s-polygon m2s)))
+  (labels ((compute-bounding-box (m2s)
+	     (let* ((left (m2-x (elt m2s 0)))
+		    (top (m2-y (elt m2s 0)))
+		    (right left)
+		    (bottom top))
+	       (loop for i from 1 below (length m2s) do
+		    (let* ((v (elt m2s i))
+			   (x (m2-x v))
+			   (y (m2-y v)))
+		      (setf left (min left x)
+			    right (max right x)
+			    top (min top y)
+			    bottom (max bottom y))))
+	       (values left top (- right left) (- bottom top)))))	      
+    (multiple-value-bind (LEFT TOP WIDTH HEIGHT)
+	(compute-bounding-box m2s)
+      (finish-output)
+      (flet ((transform-x (x)
+	       (+ 30 (* 30 (- x left))))
+	     (transform-y (y)
+	       (+ 30 (* 30 (- y top)))))	
+	(ltk:with-ltk ()
+	  (let ((canvas (make-instance 'ltk:canvas :width 700 :height 700)))	  
+	    ;; draw m2s
+	    (loop for m2 in m2s
+	       for x = (transform-x (m2-x m2))
+	       for y = (transform-y (m2-y m2))
+	       do (ltk:create-text canvas (+ 10 x) (+ 10 y) "X"))
+	    ;; draw polygon
+	    (loop for a in points
+	       for b in (cdr points)
+	       while (and a b)
+	       do (ltk:create-line* canvas
+				    (transform-x (first a)) (transform-y (second a))
+				    (transform-x (first b)) (transform-y (second b))))
+	    (let ((a (first points)))
+	      (ltk:create-text canvas (transform-x (first a)) (transform-y (second a)) "o"))
+	    (ltk:pack canvas)))))))

Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp	Thu Jan 24 11:36:56 2008
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 (in-package :cl-user)
 (defpackage :geometry
-  (:use :cl)
-  (:export #:point-in-polygon-p))
+  (:use :cl :iterate :arnesi)
+  (:export #:point-in-polygon-p
+	   #:find-boundary-point
+	   #:region-to-polygon))
 (defpackage :geo-utm
   (:use :cl)

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