[bknr-cvs] r2555 - in trunk/bknr/datastore/src: . data

ksprotte at common-lisp.net ksprotte at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 18 15:34:14 UTC 2008

Author: ksprotte
Date: Mon Feb 18 10:34:10 2008
New Revision: 2555

some basic encoding tests are now in place

Modified: trunk/bknr/datastore/src/bknr-datastore.asd
--- trunk/bknr/datastore/src/bknr-datastore.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/bknr/datastore/src/bknr-datastore.asd	Mon Feb 18 10:34:10 2008
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
                                             (:file "blob" :depends-on ("txn" "object" "package"))))))
 (defsystem :bknr-datastore-test  
-  :depends-on (:bknr-datastore :FiveAM)
+  :depends-on (:bknr-datastore :FiveAM :cl-store)
   :components ((:module "data" :components ((:file "encoding-test")

Modified: trunk/bknr/datastore/src/data/encoding-test.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/datastore/src/data/encoding-test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/bknr/datastore/src/data/encoding-test.lisp	Mon Feb 18 10:34:10 2008
@@ -1,8 +1,650 @@
 (in-package :bknr.datastore)
-(test:def-suite :bknr.datastore.encoding :in :bknr.datastore)
-(test:in-suite :bknr.datastore.encoding)
+(test:def-suite :bknr.datastore)
+(test:in-suite :bknr.datastore)
-(test:test dummy
-  (test:is (= 1 2)))
+(defun files-identical-content-p (path-a path-b)
+  "Are files of PATH-A and PATH-B byte per byte identical?"
+  (with-open-file (in-a path-a :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (with-open-file (in-b path-b :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+      (loop
+	 for byte-a = (read-byte in-a nil nil)
+	 for byte-b = (read-byte in-b nil nil)
+	 while (or byte-a byte-b)
+	 unless (and byte-a byte-b (= byte-a byte-b))
+	 return nil
+	 finally (return t)))))
+(defun congruent-p (a b)
+  "Are lisp value A and B (deeply) congruent?"
+  (let ((path-a "/tmp/a.pwgl-tmp")
+	(path-b "/tmp/b.pwgl-tmp"))
+    (cl-store:store a path-a)
+    (cl-store:store b path-b)
+    (prog1
+	(files-identical-content-p path-a path-b)
+      (delete-file path-a)
+      (delete-file path-b))))
+(defun copy-by-encoding (value)
+  (with-open-file (out "/tmp/bknr-encoding-test.tmp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
+                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (encode value out))
+  (with-open-file (in "/tmp/bknr-encoding-test.tmp"
+                      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (decode in)))
+(defmacro test-encoding (name value)
+  `(test:test ,name
+     (test:is (congruent-p ,value (copy-by-encoding ,value)))))
+(test-encoding list.1 '(1 2 3))
+(test-encoding list.len.30 (loop repeat 30 collect 'x))
+(test-encoding list.len.254 (loop repeat 254 collect 'x))
+(test-encoding list.len.255 (loop repeat 255 collect 'x))
+(test-encoding list.len.256 (loop repeat 256 collect 'x))
+(test-encoding list.len.257 (loop repeat 257 collect 'x))
+(test-encoding list.len.3000 (loop repeat 3000 collect 'x))
+(test-encoding improper-list.1 '(1 2 3 4 . 5))
+(test-encoding cons.1 '(1 . 2))
+;;; from cl-store :)
+(test-encoding integer.1 1)
+(test-encoding integer.2 0)
+(test-encoding integer.3 23423333333333333333333333423102334)
+(test-encoding integer.4 -2322993)
+(test-encoding integer.5 most-positive-fixnum)
+(test-encoding integer.6 most-negative-fixnum)
+;; ratios - currently no supported
+;; (test-encoding ratio.1 1/2)
+;; (test-encoding ratio.2 234232/23434)
+;; (test-encoding ratio.3 -12/2)
+;; (test-encoding ratio.4 -6/11)
+;; (test-encoding ratio.5 23222/13)
+;; complex numbers - currently not supported
+;; (test-encoding complex.1 #C(0 1))
+;; (test-encoding complex.2 #C(0.0 1.0))
+;; (test-encoding complex.3 #C(32 -23455))
+;; (test-encoding complex.4 #C(-222.32 2322.21))
+;; (test-encoding complex.5 #C(-111 -1123))
+;; (test-encoding complex.6 #C(-11.2 -34.5))
+;; single-float
+(test-encoding single-float.1 3244.32)
+(test-encoding single-float.2 0.12)
+(test-encoding single-float.3 -233.001)
+(test-encoding single-float.4 most-positive-single-float)
+(test-encoding single-float.5 most-negative-single-float)
+;; double-float
+(test-encoding double-float.1 2343.3d0)
+(test-encoding double-float.2 -1211111.3343d0)
+(test-encoding double-float.3 99999999999123456789012345678222222222222290.0987654321d0)
+(test-encoding double-float.4 -99999999999123456789012345678222222222222290.0987654321d0)
+(test-encoding double-float.5 most-positive-double-float)
+(test-encoding double-float.6 most-negative-double-float)
+;; characters
+(test-encoding char.1 #\Space)
+(test-encoding char.2 #\f )
+(test-encoding char.3 #\Rubout)
+(test-encoding char.4 (code-char 255)) 
+;; various strings
+(test-encoding string.1 "foobar")
+(test-encoding string.2 "how are you")
+(test-encoding string.3 "foo
+(test-encoding string.4
+               (make-array 10 :initial-element #\f :element-type 'character
+                           :fill-pointer 3))
+;; #+(or (and sbcl sb-unicode) lispworks clisp acl)
+;; (progn
+;;   (test-encoding unicode.1 (map #-lispworks 'string
+;;                             #+lispworks 'lw:text-string
+;;                             #'code-char (list #X20AC #X3BB)))
+;;   (test-encoding unicode.2 (intern (map #-lispworks 'string
+;;                                     #+lispworks 'lw:text-string
+;;                                     #'code-char (list #X20AC #X3BB))
+;;                                :pwgl-test-suite)))
+;; vectors
+(test-encoding vector.1 #(1 2 3 4))
+(test-encoding vector.2 (make-array 5 :element-type 'fixnum 
+                                    :initial-contents (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
+(test-encoding vector.4 #*101101101110)
+(test-encoding vector.3
+               (make-array 5
+                           :element-type 'fixnum
+                           :fill-pointer 2
+                           :initial-contents (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
+(test-encoding vector.5 #*)
+(test-encoding vector.6 #())
+;; arrays
+(test-encoding array.1
+               (make-array '(2 2) :initial-contents '((1 2) (3 4))))
+(test-encoding array.2
+               (make-array '(2 2) :initial-contents '((1 1) (1 1))))
+(test-encoding array.3
+               (make-array '(2 2) :element-type '(mod 10) :initial-element 3))
+(test-encoding array.4
+               (make-array  '(2 3 5) 
+                            :initial-contents
+                            '(((1 2 #\f 5 12.0) (#\Space "fpp" 4 1 0) ('d "foo" #() 3 -1))
+                              ((0 #\a #\b 4 #\q) (12.0d0 0 '(d) 4 1) 
+                               (#\Newline 1 7 #\4 #\0)))))
+(test-encoding array.5
+               (let* ((a1 (make-array 5))
+                      (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1
+                                      :displaced-index-offset 1))
+                      (a3 (make-array 2 :displaced-to a2
+                                      :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                 a3))
+;; symbols
+(test-encoding symbol.1  t)
+(test-encoding symbol.2  nil)
+(test-encoding symbol.3  :foo)
+(test-encoding symbol.4  'bknr.datastore::foo)
+(test-encoding symbol.5  'make-hash-table)
+(test-encoding symbol.6 '|foo bar|)
+(test-encoding symbol.7 'foo\ bar\ baz)
+;; (deftest gensym.1 (progn
+;;                     (store (gensym "Foobar") *test-file*)
+;;                     (let ((new (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                       (list (symbol-package new)
+;;                             (mismatch "Foobar" (symbol-name new)))))
+;;          (nil 6))
+;; This failed in cl-store < 0.5.5
+;; (deftest gensym.2 (let ((x (gensym)))
+;;                     (store (list x x) *test-file*)
+;;                     (let ((new (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                       (eql (car new) (cadr new))))
+;;          t)
+;; cons
+(test-encoding cons.1 '(1 2 3))
+(test-encoding cons.2 '((1 2 3)))
+(test-encoding cons.3 '(#\Space 1 1.2 1.3 #(1 2 3)))
+(test-encoding cons.4  '(1 . 2))
+(test-encoding cons.5  '(t . nil))
+(test-encoding cons.6 '(1 2 3 . 5))
+;; (deftest cons.7 (let ((list (cons nil nil))) ;  '#1=(#1#)))
+;;                   (setf (car list) list)
+;;                   (store list *test-file*)
+;;                   (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                     (eq ret (car ret))))
+;;          t)
+;; hash tables
+;; for some reason (make-hash-table) is not equalp 
+;; to (make-hash-table) with ecl.
+(test-encoding hash.1 (make-hash-table))
+(defvar *hash* (let ((in (make-hash-table :test #'equal 
+                                          :rehash-threshold 0.4 :size 20
+                                          :rehash-size 40)))
+                 (dotimes (x 1000) (setf (gethash (format nil "~R" x) in) x))
+                 in))
+(test-encoding hash.2 *hash*)
+;; ;; packages
+;; (test-encoding package.1 (find-package :cl-store))
+;; (defpackage foo 
+;;   (:nicknames foobar)
+;;   (:use :cl)
+;;   (:shadow cl:format)
+;;   (:export bar))
+;; (defun package-restores ()
+;;   (let (( *nuke-existing-packages* t))
+;;     (store (find-package :foo) *test-file*)
+;;     (delete-package :foo)
+;;     (restore *test-file*)
+;;     (list (package-name (find-package :foo))
+;;           (mapcar #'package-name (package-use-list :foo))
+;;           (package-nicknames :foo)
+;;           (equalp (remove-duplicates (package-shadowing-symbols :foo))
+;;                   (list (find-symbol "FORMAT" "FOO")))
+;;           (equalp (cl-store::external-symbols (find-package :foo))
+;;                   (make-array 1 :initial-element (find-symbol "BAR" "FOO"))))))
+;; ; unfortunately it's difficult to portably test the internal symbols
+;; ; in a package so we just assume that it's OK.
+;; (deftest package.2 
+;;          (package-restores)
+;;          ("FOO" ("COMMON-LISP") ("FOOBAR") t t))
+;; ;; objects 
+(define-persistent-class foo ()
+  ((x :update)))
+(define-persistent-class bar (foo)
+  ((y :update)))
+;; (deftest standard-object.1
+;;   (let ((val (store (make-instance 'foo :x 3) *test-file*)))
+;;     (= (get-x val) (get-x (restore *test-file*))))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest standard-object.2
+;;   (let ((val (store (make-instance 'bar
+;;                                    :x (list 1 "foo" 1.0)
+;;                                    :y (vector 1 2 3 4))
+;;                     *test-file*)))
+;;     (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;       (and (equalp (get-x val) (get-x ret))
+;;            (equalp (get-y val) (get-y ret)))))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest standard-object.3 
+;;   (let ((*store-class-slots* nil)
+;;         (val (make-instance 'baz :z 9)))
+;;     (store val *test-file*)
+;;     (make-instance 'baz :z 2)
+;;     (= (get-z (restore *test-file*))
+;;        2))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest standard-object.4
+;;   (let ((*store-class-slots* t)
+;;         (val (make-instance 'baz :z 9)))
+;;     (store val *test-file*)
+;;     (make-instance 'baz :z 2)
+;;     (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;       (= (get-z ret )
+;;          9)))
+;;   t)
+;; ;; classes
+;; (deftest standard-class.1 (progn (store (find-class 'foo) *test-file*) 
+;;                                  (restore *test-file*)
+;;                                  t)
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest standard-class.2 (progn (store (find-class 'bar) *test-file*)
+;;                                  (restore *test-file*)
+;;                                  t)
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest standard-class.3 (progn (store (find-class 'baz) *test-file*)
+;;                                  (restore *test-file*)
+;;                                  t)
+;;   t)
+;; ;; conditions
+;; (deftest condition.1
+;;   (handler-case (/ 1 0)
+;;     (division-by-zero (c) 
+;;       (store c *test-file*)
+;;       (typep (restore *test-file*) 'division-by-zero)))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest condition.2
+;;   (handler-case (car (read-from-string "3"))
+;;     ;; allegro pre 7.0 signalled a simple-error here
+;;     ((or type-error simple-error) (c)
+;;       (store c *test-file*)
+;;       (typep (restore *test-file*) 
+;;              '(or type-error simple-error))))
+;;   t)
+;; ;; structure-object
+;; (defstruct a
+;;   a b c)
+;; (defstruct (b (:include a))
+;;   d e f)
+;; #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks openmcl) 
+;; (test-encoding structure-object.1 (make-a :a 1 :b 2 :c 3))
+;; #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks openmcl)
+;; (test-encoding structure-object.2 (make-b :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f 6))
+;; #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks openmcl)
+;; (test-encoding structure-object.3 (make-b :a 1 :b (make-a :a 1 :b 3 :c 2)
+;;                                       :c #\Space :d #(1 2 3) :e (list 1 2 3)
+;;                                       :f (make-hash-table)))
+;; ;; setf test
+;; (test-encoding setf.1 (setf (restore *test-file*) 0))
+;; (test-encoding setf.2 (incf (restore *test-file*)))
+;; (test-encoding setf.3 (decf (restore *test-file*) 2))
+;; (test-encoding pathname.1 #P"/home/foo")
+;; (test-encoding pathname.2 (make-pathname :name "foo"))
+;; (test-encoding pathname.3 (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "bar"))
+;; ; built-in classes
+;; (test-encoding built-in.1 (find-class 'hash-table))
+;; (test-encoding built-in.2 (find-class 'integer))
+;; ;; find-backend tests
+;; (deftest find-backend.1 
+;;     (and (find-backend 'cl-store) t)
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest find-backend.2
+;;     (find-backend (gensym))
+;;   nil)
+;; (deftest find-backend.3
+;;     (handler-case (find-backend (gensym) t)
+;;       (error (c) (and c t))
+;;       (:no-error (val) (and val nil)))
+;;   t)
+;; ;; circular objects
+;; (defvar circ1 (let ((x (list 1 2 3 4)))
+;;                 (setf (cdr (last x)) x)))
+;; (deftest circ.1 (progn (store circ1 *test-file*)
+;;                        (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                          (eql (cddddr x) x)))
+;;   t)
+;; (defvar circ2 (let ((x (list 2 3 4 4 5)))
+;;                 (setf (second x) x)))
+;; (deftest circ.2 (progn (store circ2 *test-file*)
+;;                        (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                          (eql (second x) x)))
+;;   t)
+;; (defvar circ3 (let ((x (list (list 1 2 3 4 )
+;;                              (list 5 6 7 8)
+;;                              9)))
+;;                 (setf (second x) (car x))
+;;                 (setf (cdr (last x)) x)
+;;                 x))
+;; (deftest circ.3 (progn (store circ3 *test-file*)
+;;                        (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                          (and (eql (second x) (car x))
+;;                               (eql (cdddr x) x))))
+;;   t)
+;; (defvar circ4 (let ((x (make-hash-table)))
+;;                 (setf (gethash 'first x) (make-hash-table))
+;;                 (setf (gethash 'second x) (gethash 'first x))
+;;                 (setf (gethash 'inner (gethash 'first x)) x)
+;;                 x))
+;; (deftest circ.4 (progn (store circ4 *test-file*)
+;;                        (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                          (and (eql (gethash 'first x)
+;;                                   (gethash 'second x))
+;;                               (eql x
+;;                                   (gethash 'inner
+;;                                            (gethash 'first x))))))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest circ.5  (let ((circ5 (make-instance 'bar)))
+;;                    (setf (get-y circ5) circ5)
+;;                    (store circ5 *test-file*)
+;;                    (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                      (eql x (get-y x))))
+;;   t)
+;; (defvar circ6 (let ((y (make-array '(2 2 2)
+;;                                    :initial-contents '((("foo" "bar") 
+;;                                                         ("me" "you"))
+;;                                                        ((5 6) (7 8))))))
+;;                 (setf (aref y 1 1 1) y)
+;;                 (setf (aref y 0 0 0) (aref y 1 1 1))
+;;                 y))
+;; (deftest circ.6 (progn (store circ6 *test-file*)
+;;                        (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                          (and (eql (aref x 1 1 1) x)
+;;                               (eql (aref x 0 0 0) (aref x 1 1 1)))))
+;;   t)
+;; (defvar circ7 (let ((x (make-a)))
+;;                 (setf (a-a x) x)))
+;; #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks)
+;; (deftest circ.7 (progn (store circ7 *test-file*)
+;;                        (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                          (eql (a-a x) x)))
+;;   t)
+;; (defvar circ.8 (let ((x "foo"))
+;;                  (make-pathname :name x :type x)))
+;; ;; clisp apparently creates a copy of the strings in a pathname 
+;; ;; so a test for eqness is pointless.
+;; #-clisp
+;; (deftest circ.8 (progn (store circ.8 *test-file*)
+;;                        (let ((x (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                          (eql (pathname-name x)
+;;                               (pathname-type x))))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest circ.9 (let ((val (vector "foo" "bar" "baz" 1 2)))
+;;                   (setf (aref val 3) val)
+;;                   (setf (aref val 4) (aref val 0))
+;;                   (store val *test-file*)
+;;                   (let ((rest (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                     (and (eql rest (aref rest 3))
+;;                          (eql (aref rest 4) (aref rest 0)))))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest circ.10 (let* ((a1 (make-array 5))
+;;                         (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1
+;;                                         :displaced-index-offset 1))
+;;                         (a3 (make-array 2 :displaced-to a2
+;;                                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+;;                    (setf (aref a3 1) a3)
+;;                    (store a3 *test-file*)
+;;                    (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                      (eql a3 (aref a3 1))))
+;;   t)
+;; (defvar circ.11 (let ((x (make-hash-table)))
+;;                   (setf (gethash x x) x)
+;;                   x))
+;; (deftest circ.11 (progn (store circ.11 *test-file*)
+;;                         (let ((val (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                           (eql val (gethash val val))))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest circ.12 (let ((x (vector 1 2 "foo" 4 5)))
+;;                    (setf (aref x 0) x)
+;;                    (setf (aref x 1) (aref x 2))
+;;                    (store x *test-file*)
+;;                    (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                      (and (eql (aref ret 0) ret)
+;;                           (eql (aref ret 1) (aref ret 2)))))
+;;   t)
+;; (defclass foo.1 ()
+;;   ((a :accessor foo1-a)))
+;; ;; a test from Robert Sedgwick which crashed in earlier
+;; ;; versions (pre 0.2)
+;; (deftest circ.13 (let ((foo (make-instance 'foo.1))
+;;                        (bar (make-instance 'foo.1)))
+;;                    (setf (foo1-a foo) bar)
+;;                    (setf (foo1-a bar) foo)
+;;                    (store (list foo) *test-file*)
+;;                    (let ((ret (car (restore *test-file*))))
+;;                      (and (eql ret (foo1-a (foo1-a ret)))
+;;                           (eql (foo1-a ret)
+;;                               (foo1-a (foo1-a (foo1-a ret)))))))
+;;   t)
+;; (deftest circ.14 (let ((list '#1=(1 2 3 #1# . #1#)))
+;;                    (store list *test-file*)
+;;                    (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                      (and (eq ret (cddddr ret))
+;;                           (eq (fourth ret) ret))))
+;;          t)
+;; (deftest circ.15 (let ((list '#1=(1 2 3 #2=(#2#) . #1#)))
+;;                    (store list *test-file*)
+;;                    (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                      (and (eq ret (cddddr ret))
+;;                           (eq (fourth ret)
+;;                               (car (fourth ret))))))
+;;          t)
+;; ;; this had me confused for a while since what was
+;; ;; restored #1=(1 (#1#) #1#) looks nothing like this list,
+;; ;; but it turns out that it is correct
+;; (deftest circ.16  (let ((list '#1=(1 #2=(#1#) . #2#)))
+;;                     (store list *test-file*)
+;;                     (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                       (and (eq ret (caadr ret))
+;;                            (eq ret (third ret)))))
+;;          t)
+;; ;; large circular lists
+;; (deftest large.1 (let ((list (make-list 100000)))
+;;                    (setf (cdr (last list)) list)
+;;                    (store list *test-file*)
+;;                    (let ((ret (restore *test-file*)))
+;;                      (eq (nthcdr 100000 ret) ret)))
+;;          t)
+;; ;; large dotted lists
+;; (test-encoding large.2 (let ((list (make-list 100000)))
+;;                      (setf (cdr (last list)) 'foo)
+;;                      list))
+;; ;; custom storing
+;; (defclass random-obj () ((size :accessor size :initarg :size)))
+;; (defvar *random-obj-code* (register-code 100 'random-obj))
+;; (defstore-cl-store (obj random-obj buff)
+;;   (output-type-code *random-obj-code* buff)
+;;   (store-object (size obj) buff))
+;; (defrestore-cl-store (random-obj buff)
+;;   (random (restore-object buff)))
+;; (deftest custom.1
+;;   (progn (store (make-instance 'random-obj :size 5) *test-file* )
+;;          (typep (restore *test-file*) '(integer 0 4)))
+;;   t)
+;; (test-encoding function.1 #'restores)
+;; (test-encoding function.2 #'car)
+;; (test-encoding gfunction.1 #'cl-store:restore)
+;; (test-encoding gfunction.2 #'cl-store:store)
+;; #-clisp
+;; (test-encoding gfunction.3 #'(setf get-y))
+;; (deftest nocirc.1 
+;;     (let* ((string "FOO")
+;;            (list `(,string . ,string))
+;;            (*check-for-circs* nil))
+;;       (store list *test-file*)
+;;       (let ((res (restore *test-file*)))
+;;         (and (not (eql (car res) (cdr res)))
+;;              (string= (car res) (cdr res)))))
+;;   t)
+;; (defstruct st.bar x)
+;; (defstruct (st.foo (:conc-name f-)
+;;                    (:constructor fooo (z y x))
+;;                    (:copier cp-foo)
+;;                    (:include st.bar)
+;;                    (:predicate is-foo)
+;;                    (:print-function (lambda (obj st dep)
+;;                                       (declare (ignore dep))
+;;                                       (print-unreadable-object (obj st :type t) 
+;;                                         (format st "~A" (f-x obj))))))
+;;   (y 0 :type integer) (z nil :type simple-string))
+;; #+(or sbcl cmu)
+;; (deftest struct-class.1
+;;     (let* ((obj (fooo "Z" 2 3))
+;;            (string (format nil "~A" obj)))
+;;       (let ((*nuke-existing-classes* t))
+;;         (store (find-class 'st.foo) *test-file*)
+;;         (fmakunbound 'cp-foo)
+;;         (fmakunbound 'is-foo)
+;;         (fmakunbound 'fooo)
+;;         (fmakunbound 'f-x)
+;;         (fmakunbound 'f-y)
+;;         (fmakunbound 'f-z)
+;;         (restore *test-file*)
+;;         (let* ((new-obj (cp-foo (fooo "Z" 2 3)))
+;;                (new-string (format nil "~A" new-obj)))
+;;           (list (is-foo new-obj) (equalp obj new-obj)
+;;                 (string= new-string string)
+;;                 (f-x new-obj) (f-y new-obj) (f-z new-obj)))))
+;;   (t t t 3 2 "Z"))
+;; (defun run-tests (backend)
+;;   (with-backend backend
+;;     (regression-test:do-tests))
+;;   (when (probe-file *test-file*)
+;;     (ignore-errors (delete-file *test-file*))))
+;; ;; EOF

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