[bknr-cvs] r2530 - branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex

hhubner at common-lisp.net hhubner at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 18 10:36:28 UTC 2008

Author: hhubner
Date: Mon Feb 18 05:36:28 2008
New Revision: 2530

refactor, remove warnings

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex/xml-export.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex/xml-export.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex/xml-export.lisp	Mon Feb 18 05:36:28 2008
@@ -12,43 +12,14 @@
 (defmacro with-xml-export* ((&key output indentation canonical) &body body)
   `(let ((*objects-written* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
 	 (cxml::*current-element* nil)
-         (cxml::*sink* #+(or) (cxml:make-character-stream-sink ,output
-							       :indentation ,indentation :canonical ,canonical)))
+         (cxml::*sink* (cxml:make-character-stream-sink ,output
+                                                        :indentation ,indentation :canonical ,canonical)))
      , at body))
 (defmacro with-xml-export (nil &body body)
   `(with-xml-export* (:output *standard-output* :indentation 1 :canonical nil)
      , at body))
-(defgeneric write-to-xml (object &key name no-recurse)
-  (:documentation "Write object to XML stream"))
-(defmethod write-to-xml ((object (eql nil)) &key name no-recurse)
-  (declare (ignore name)))
-(defmethod write-to-xml ((object list) &key (name (error "Can not serialize list to XML without an element name~%")) no-recurse)
-  (sax:start-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name) nil)
-  (dolist (obj object)
-    (write-to-xml obj))
-  (sax:end-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name)))
-(defmethod write-to-xml ((object string) &key (name (error "Can not serialize string ~A to XML without an element name." object)) no-recurse)
-  (sax:start-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name) nil)
-  (sax:characters cxml::*sink* (cxml::string-rod object))
-  (sax:end-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name)))
-(defmethod write-to-xml ((object standard-object) &key &allow-other-keys)
-  (cxml:with-element (string-downcase (class-name (class-of object)))
-    (dolist (slot (class-slots (class-of object)))
-      (cxml:with-element (string-downcase (symbol-name (slot-definition-name slot)))
-	(let ((value (slot-value object (slot-definition-name slot))))
-	  (when value
-	    (cxml:text (handler-case
-			   (cxml::utf8-string-to-rod (princ-to-string value))
-			 (error (e)
-			   (declare (ignore e))
-			   (cxml::utf8-string-to-rod "[unprintable]"))))))))))
 (defun write-object-reference (class object unique-id-slot-name name)
   (let ((slotdef (find unique-id-slot-name (class-slots class) :key #'slot-definition-name)))
     (unless (xml-effective-slot-definition-attribute slotdef)
@@ -58,65 +29,92 @@
                                                  :value (cxml::string-rod (slot-serialize-value slotdef (slot-value object unique-id-slot-name))))))
     (sax:end-element cxml::*sink* nil nil name)))
-(defmethod write-to-xml ((object xml-class) &key name no-recurse)
-  (xml-object-check-validity object)
-  (let* ((class (class-of object))
-	 (qname (cxml::string-rod (or name (xml-class-element class)))))
-    ;; If this object has been serialized to the XML stream,
-    ;; write a reference to the object and return.
-    (with-slots (unique-id-slot) class
-      (when unique-id-slot
-	(if (gethash (slot-value object (first unique-id-slot)) *objects-written*)
-	    (progn
-	      (write-object-reference class object (first unique-id-slot) qname)
-	      (return-from write-to-xml))
-	    (setf (gethash (slot-value object (first unique-id-slot)) *objects-written*) t))))
-    ;; Object has not been written to the XML file or no
-    ;; unique-id-slot is defined for this class.
-    (let* ((attr-slots (xml-class-attribute-slots class))
-	   (elt-slots (xml-class-element-slots class))
-	   (body-slot (xml-class-body-slot class))
-	   ;; attributes
-	   (attributes (loop for slot in attr-slots
-			  for name = (slot-definition-name slot)
-			  for attdef = (cxml::string-rod (xml-effective-slot-definition-attribute slot))
-			  when (and (slot-boundp object name)
-				    (slot-value object name))
-			  collect (sax:make-attribute
-				   :qname attdef
-				   :value
-				   (cxml::string-rod
-				    (slot-serialize-value slot (slot-value object name)))))))
-      (sax:start-element cxml::*sink* nil nil qname attributes)
-      ;; elements
-      (dolist (slot elt-slots)
-	(let ((name (slot-definition-name slot))
-	      (element-name (xml-effective-slot-definition-element slot))		     
-	      (containment (xml-effective-slot-definition-containment slot)))
-	  (when (slot-boundp object name)
-	    (if (consp (slot-value object name))
-		(dolist (child (slot-value object name))
-		  (if (typep (class-of child) 'xml-class)
-		      (write-to-xml child)
-		      (write-to-xml (slot-serialize-value slot child) :name element-name)))
-		(let ((child (slot-value object name)))
-		  (if (typep (class-of child) 'xml-class)
-		      (write-to-xml child)
-		      (write-to-xml (slot-serialize-value slot child) :name element-name)))))))
-      ;; body slot
-      (when body-slot
-	(let ((name (slot-definition-name body-slot)))
-	  (when (slot-boundp object name)
-	    (sax:characters
-	     cxml::*sink*
-	     (cxml::string-rod
-	      (funcall (xml-effective-slot-definition-serializer body-slot)
-		       (slot-value object name)))))))
+(defgeneric write-to-xml (object &key)
+  (:documentation "Write OBJECT to XML stream")
+  (:method ((object (eql nil)) &key))
+  (:method ((object list) &key (name (error "Can not serialize list to XML without an element name~%")))
+    (sax:start-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name) nil)
+    (dolist (obj object)
+      (write-to-xml obj))
+    (sax:end-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name)))
+  (:method ((object string) &key (name (error "Can not serialize string ~A to XML without an element name." object)))
+    (sax:start-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name) nil)
+    (sax:characters cxml::*sink* (cxml::string-rod object))
+    (sax:end-element cxml::*sink* nil nil (cxml::string-rod name)))
+  (:method ((object standard-object) &key)
+    (cxml:with-element (string-downcase (class-name (class-of object)))
+      (dolist (slot (class-slots (class-of object)))
+        (cxml:with-element (string-downcase (symbol-name (slot-definition-name slot)))
+          (let ((value (slot-value object (slot-definition-name slot))))
+            (when value
+              (cxml:text (handler-case
+                             (cxml::utf8-string-to-rod (princ-to-string value))
+                           (error (e)
+                             (declare (ignore e))
+                             (cxml::utf8-string-to-rod "[unprintable]"))))))))))
+  (:method ((object xml-class) &key name)
+    (xml-object-check-validity object)
+    (let* ((class (class-of object))
+           (qname (cxml::string-rod (or name (xml-class-element class)))))
+      ;; If this object has been serialized to the XML stream,
+      ;; write a reference to the object and return.
+      (with-slots (unique-id-slot) class
+        (when unique-id-slot
+          (if (gethash (slot-value object (first unique-id-slot)) *objects-written*)
+              (progn
+                (write-object-reference class object (first unique-id-slot) qname)
+                (return-from write-to-xml))
+              (setf (gethash (slot-value object (first unique-id-slot)) *objects-written*) t))))
+      ;; Object has not been written to the XML file or no
+      ;; unique-id-slot is defined for this class.
+      (let* ((attr-slots (xml-class-attribute-slots class))
+             (elt-slots (xml-class-element-slots class))
+             (body-slot (xml-class-body-slot class))
+             ;; attributes
+             (attributes (loop for slot in attr-slots
+                               for name = (slot-definition-name slot)
+                               for attdef = (cxml::string-rod (xml-effective-slot-definition-attribute slot))
+                               when (and (slot-boundp object name)
+                                         (slot-value object name))
+                               collect (sax:make-attribute
+                                        :qname attdef
+                                        :value
+                                        (cxml::string-rod
+                                         (slot-serialize-value slot (slot-value object name)))))))
+        (sax:start-element cxml::*sink* nil nil qname attributes)
+        ;; elements
+        (dolist (slot elt-slots)
+          (let ((name (slot-definition-name slot))
+                (element-name (xml-effective-slot-definition-element slot)))
+            (when (slot-boundp object name)
+              (if (consp (slot-value object name))
+                  (dolist (child (slot-value object name))
+                    (if (typep (class-of child) 'xml-class)
+                        (write-to-xml child)
+                        (write-to-xml (slot-serialize-value slot child) :name element-name)))
+                  (let ((child (slot-value object name)))
+                    (if (typep (class-of child) 'xml-class)
+                        (write-to-xml child)
+                        (write-to-xml (slot-serialize-value slot child) :name element-name)))))))
+        ;; body slot
+        (when body-slot
+          (let ((name (slot-definition-name body-slot)))
+            (when (slot-boundp object name)
+              (sax:characters
+               cxml::*sink*
+               (cxml::string-rod
+                (funcall (xml-effective-slot-definition-serializer body-slot)
+                         (slot-value object name)))))))
-      (sax:end-element cxml::*sink* nil nil qname))))
+        (sax:end-element cxml::*sink* nil nil qname)))))

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