[bknr-cvs] r2520 - in branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty: closure-common-2007-10-21 cxml-2007-08-05 cxml-2007-10-21 cxml-2007-10-21/contrib cxml-2007-10-21/doc cxml-2007-10-21/dom cxml-2007-10-21/klacks cxml-2007-10-21/test cxml-2007-10-21/xml cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-tests

ksprotte at common-lisp.net ksprotte at common-lisp.net
Sun Feb 17 14:26:58 UTC 2008

Author: ksprotte
Date: Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
New Revision: 2520

   branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/bg.png   (contents, props changed)
pulled cxml-2007-10-21, latest cxml release

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/characters.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/characters.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+;;; copyright (c) 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;; Author of this version: David Lichteblau <david at knowledgetools.de>
+;;; derived from runes.lisp, (c) copyright 1998,1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;; License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as clarified
+;;; by the "Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License" found in
+;;; the file COPYING.
+;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
+;;; COPYING that was distributed with this file.  If it is not present,
+;;; you can access it from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until
+;;; superseded by a newer version) or write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :runes)
+(deftype rune () #-lispworks 'character #+lispworks 'lw:simple-char)
+(deftype rod () '(vector rune))
+(deftype simple-rod () '(simple-array rune))
+(definline rune (rod index)
+  (char rod index))
+(defun (setf rune) (new rod index)
+  (setf (char rod index) new))
+(definline %rune (rod index)
+  (aref (the simple-string rod) (the fixnum index)))
+(definline (setf %rune) (new rod index)
+  (setf (aref (the simple-string rod) (the fixnum index)) new))
+(defun rod-capitalize (rod)
+  (string-upcase rod))
+(definline code-rune (x) (code-char x))
+(definline rune-code (x) (char-code x))
+(definline rune= (x y) 
+  (char= x y))
+(defun rune-downcase (rune)
+  (char-downcase rune))
+(definline rune-upcase (rune)
+  (char-upcase rune))
+(defun rune-upper-case-letter-p (rune)
+  (upper-case-p rune))
+(defun rune-lower-case-letter-p (rune)
+  (lower-case-p rune))
+(defun rune-equal (x y)
+  (char-equal x y))
+(defun rod-downcase (rod)
+  (string-downcase rod))
+(defun rod-upcase (rod)
+  (string-upcase rod))
+(definline white-space-rune-p (char)
+  (or (char= char #\tab)
+      (char= char #.(code-char 10))     ;Linefeed
+      (char= char #.(code-char 13))     ;Carriage Return
+      (char= char #\space)))
+(definline digit-rune-p (char &optional (radix 10))
+  (digit-char-p char radix))
+(defun rod (x)
+  (cond
+    ((stringp x)    x)
+    ((symbolp x)    (string x))
+    ((characterp x) (string x))
+    ((vectorp x)    (coerce x 'string))
+    ((integerp x)   (string (code-char x)))
+    (t              (error "Cannot convert ~S to a ~S" x 'rod))))
+(defun runep (x)
+  (characterp x))
+(defun sloopy-rod-p (x)
+  (stringp x))
+(defun rod= (x y)
+  (if (zerop (length x))
+      (zerop (length y))
+      (and (plusp (length y)) (string= x y))))
+(defun rod-equal (x y)
+  (string-equal x y))
+(definline make-rod (size)
+  (make-string size :element-type 'rune))
+(defun char-rune (char)
+  char)
+(defun rune-char (rune &optional default)
+  (declare (ignore default))
+  rune)
+(defun rod-string (rod &optional (default-char #\?))
+  (declare (ignore default-char))
+  rod)
+(defun string-rod (string)
+  string)
+(defun rune<= (rune &rest more-runes)
+  (loop
+      for (a b) on (cons rune more-runes)
+      while b
+      always (char<= a b)))
+(defun rune>= (rune &rest more-runes)
+  (loop
+      for (a b) on (cons rune more-runes)
+      while b
+      always (char>= a b)))
+(defun rodp (object)
+  (stringp object))
+(defun rod-subseq (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (unless (stringp source)
+    (error "~S is not of type ~S." source 'rod))
+  (subseq source start end))
+(defun rod-subseq* (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (rod-subseq source start end))
+(defun rod< (rod1 rod2)
+  (string< rod1 rod2))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/closure-common.asd
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/closure-common.asd	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(defpackage :closure-common-system
+  (:use :asdf :cl)
+  (:export #:*utf8-runes-readtable*))
+(in-package :closure-common-system)
+(defvar *utf8-runes-readtable*)
+(defclass closure-source-file (cl-source-file) ())
+(defmethod perform :around ((o compile-op) (s closure-source-file))
+  ;; shut up already.  Correctness first.
+  (handler-bind ((sb-ext:compiler-note #'muffle-warning))
+    (let (#+sbcl (*compile-print* nil))
+      (call-next-method))))
+#-(or rune-is-character rune-is-integer)
+  (format t "~&;;; Checking for wide character support...")
+  (force-output)
+  (pushnew (dotimes (x 65536
+                      (progn
+                        (format t " ok, characters have at least 16 bits.~%")
+                        :rune-is-character))
+             (unless (or (<= #xD800 x #xDFFF)
+			 (and (< x char-code-limit) (code-char x)))
+               (format t " no, reverting to octet strings.~%")
+               (return :rune-is-integer)))
+           *features*))
+(format t "~&;;; Building Closure with (UNSIGNED-BYTE 16) RUNES~%")
+(format t "~&;;; Building Closure with CHARACTER RUNES~%") 
+(defsystem :closure-common
+    :default-component-class closure-source-file
+    :serial t
+    :components
+    ((:file "package")
+     (:file "definline")
+     (:file runes
+            :pathname
+             #-rune-is-character "runes"
+             #+rune-is-character "characters")
+     #+rune-is-integer (:file "utf8")
+     (:file "syntax")
+     #-x&y-streams-are-stream (:file "encodings")
+     #-x&y-streams-are-stream (:file "encodings-data")
+     #-x&y-streams-are-stream (:file "xstream")
+     #-x&y-streams-are-stream (:file "ystream")
+     #+x&y-streams-are-stream (:file #+scl "stream-scl")
+     (:file "hax"))
+    :depends-on (#-scl :trivial-gray-streams))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/definline.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/definline.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CL-USER; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: definline
+;;;   Created: 1999-05-25 22:32
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as clarified
+;;; by the "Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License" found in
+;;; the file COPYING.
+;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
+;;; COPYING that was distributed with this file.  If it is not present,
+;;; you can access it from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until
+;;; superseded by a newer version) or write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :runes)
+#-(or allegro openmcl)
+(defmacro definline (name args &body body)
+  `(progn
+     (declaim (inline ,name))
+     (defun ,name ,args .,body)))
+(defmacro runes::definline (fun args &body body)
+  (if (consp fun)
+      `(defun ,fun ,args
+         , at body)
+      `(progn
+         (defun ,fun ,args .,body)
+         (define-compiler-macro ,fun (&rest .args.)
+           (cons '(lambda ,args .,body)
+                 .args.)))))
+(defmacro definline (fun args &body body)
+  (if (and (consp fun) (eq (car fun) 'setf))
+      (let ((fnam (intern (concatenate 'string "(SETF " (symbol-name (cadr fun)) ")")
+                          (symbol-package (cadr fun)))))
+        `(progn
+           (defsetf ,(cadr fun) (&rest ap) (new-value) (list* ',fnam new-value ap))
+           (definline ,fnam ,args .,body)))
+    (labels ((declp (x)
+               (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'declare))))
+      `(progn
+         (defun ,fun ,args .,body)
+         (define-compiler-macro ,fun (&rest .args.)
+           (cons '(lambda ,args
+                   ,@(remove-if-not #'declp body)
+                   (block ,fun 
+                     ,@(remove-if #'declp body)))
+                 .args.))))))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/encodings-data.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/encodings-data.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+(in-package :runes-encoding)
+  (add-name :us-ascii "ANSI_X3.4-1968") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "iso-ir-6") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "ANSI_X3.4-1986") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "ISO_646.irv:1991") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "ASCII") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "ISO646-US") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "US-ASCII") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "us") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "IBM367") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "cp367") 
+  (add-name :us-ascii "csASCII") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "ISO_8859-1:1987") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "iso-ir-100") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "ISO_8859-1") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "ISO-8859-1") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "latin1") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "l1") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "IBM819") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "CP819") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-1 "csISOLatin1") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-2 "ISO_8859-2:1987") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-2 "iso-ir-101") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-2 "ISO_8859-2") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-2 "ISO-8859-2") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-2 "latin2") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-2 "l2") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-2 "csISOLatin2") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-3 "ISO_8859-3:1988") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-3 "iso-ir-109") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-3 "ISO_8859-3") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-3 "ISO-8859-3") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-3 "latin3") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-3 "l3") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-3 "csISOLatin3") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-4 "ISO_8859-4:1988") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-4 "iso-ir-110") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-4 "ISO_8859-4") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-4 "ISO-8859-4") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-4 "latin4") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-4 "l4") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-4 "csISOLatin4") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "ISO_8859-6:1987") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "iso-ir-127") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "ISO_8859-6") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "ISO-8859-6") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "ECMA-114") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "ASMO-708") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "arabic") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-6 "csISOLatinArabic") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "ISO_8859-7:1987") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "iso-ir-126") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "ISO_8859-7") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "ISO-8859-7") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "ELOT_928") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "ECMA-118") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "greek") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "greek8") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-7 "csISOLatinGreek") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-8 "ISO_8859-8:1988") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-8 "iso-ir-138") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-8 "ISO_8859-8") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-8 "ISO-8859-8") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-8 "hebrew") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-8 "csISOLatinHebrew") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-5 "ISO_8859-5:1988") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-5 "iso-ir-144") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-5 "ISO_8859-5") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-5 "ISO-8859-5") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-5 "cyrillic") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-5 "csISOLatinCyrillic") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-9 "ISO_8859-9:1989") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-9 "iso-ir-148") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-9 "ISO_8859-9") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-9 "ISO-8859-9") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-9 "latin5") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-9 "l5") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-9 "csISOLatin5") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-15 "ISO_8859-15") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-15 "ISO-8859-15") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-14 "ISO_8859-14") 
+  (add-name :iso-8859-14 "ISO-8859-14") 
+  (add-name :koi8-r "KOI8-R") 
+  (add-name :koi8-r "csKOI8R") 
+  (add-name :utf-8 "UTF-8") 
+  (add-name :utf-16 "UTF-16") 
+  (add-name :ucs-4 "ISO-10646-UCS-4") 
+  (add-name :ucs-4 "UCS-4") 
+  (add-name :ucs-2 "ISO-10646-UCS-2") 
+  (add-name :ucs-2 "UCS-2") )
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-1
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-1)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-2
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-2)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-3
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-3)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-4
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-4)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-5
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-5)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-6
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-6)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-7
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-7)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-8
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-8)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-14
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-14)))
+  (define-encoding :iso-8859-15
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :iso-8859-15)))
+  (define-encoding :koi8-r
+      (make-simple-8-bit-encoding 
+        :charset (find-charset :koi8-r)))
+  (define-encoding :utf-8 :utf-8)
+  )
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-1
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x00A1 #x00A2 #x00A3 #x00A4 #x00A5 #x00A6 #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x00A8 #x00A9 #x00AA #x00AB #x00AC #x00AD #x00AE #x00AF
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x00B1 #x00B2 #x00B3 #x00B4 #x00B5 #x00B6 #x00B7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x00B8 #x00B9 #x00BA #x00BB #x00BC #x00BD #x00BE #x00BF
+      #| #o30x |#   #x00C0 #x00C1 #x00C2 #x00C3 #x00C4 #x00C5 #x00C6 #x00C7
+      #| #o31x |#   #x00C8 #x00C9 #x00CA #x00CB #x00CC #x00CD #x00CE #x00CF
+      #| #o32x |#   #x00D0 #x00D1 #x00D2 #x00D3 #x00D4 #x00D5 #x00D6 #x00D7
+      #| #o33x |#   #x00D8 #x00D9 #x00DA #x00DB #x00DC #x00DD #x00DE #x00DF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x00E0 #x00E1 #x00E2 #x00E3 #x00E4 #x00E5 #x00E6 #x00E7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x00E8 #x00E9 #x00EA #x00EB #x00EC #x00ED #x00EE #x00EF
+      #| #o36x |#   #x00F0 #x00F1 #x00F2 #x00F3 #x00F4 #x00F5 #x00F6 #x00F7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x00F8 #x00F9 #x00FA #x00FB #x00FC #x00FD #x00FE #x00FF)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-2
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x0104 #x02D8 #x0141 #x00A4 #x013D #x015A #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x00A8 #x0160 #x015E #x0164 #x0179 #x00AD #x017D #x017B
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x0105 #x02DB #x0142 #x00B4 #x013E #x015B #x02C7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x00B8 #x0161 #x015F #x0165 #x017A #x02DD #x017E #x017C
+      #| #o30x |#   #x0154 #x00C1 #x00C2 #x0102 #x00C4 #x0139 #x0106 #x00C7
+      #| #o31x |#   #x010C #x00C9 #x0118 #x00CB #x011A #x00CD #x00CE #x010E
+      #| #o32x |#   #x0110 #x0143 #x0147 #x00D3 #x00D4 #x0150 #x00D6 #x00D7
+      #| #o33x |#   #x0158 #x016E #x00DA #x0170 #x00DC #x00DD #x0162 #x00DF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x0155 #x00E1 #x00E2 #x0103 #x00E4 #x013A #x0107 #x00E7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x010D #x00E9 #x0119 #x00EB #x011B #x00ED #x00EE #x010F
+      #| #o36x |#   #x0111 #x0144 #x0148 #x00F3 #x00F4 #x0151 #x00F6 #x00F7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x0159 #x016F #x00FA #x0171 #x00FC #x00FD #x0163 #x02D9)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-3
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x0126 #x02D8 #x00A3 #x00A4 #xFFFF #x0124 #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x00A8 #x0130 #x015E #x011E #x0134 #x00AD #xFFFF #x017B
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x0127 #x00B2 #x00B3 #x00B4 #x00B5 #x0125 #x00B7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x00B8 #x0131 #x015F #x011F #x0135 #x00BD #xFFFF #x017C
+      #| #o30x |#   #x00C0 #x00C1 #x00C2 #xFFFF #x00C4 #x010A #x0108 #x00C7
+      #| #o31x |#   #x00C8 #x00C9 #x00CA #x00CB #x00CC #x00CD #x00CE #x00CF
+      #| #o32x |#   #xFFFF #x00D1 #x00D2 #x00D3 #x00D4 #x0120 #x00D6 #x00D7
+      #| #o33x |#   #x011C #x00D9 #x00DA #x00DB #x00DC #x016C #x015C #x00DF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x00E0 #x00E1 #x00E2 #xFFFF #x00E4 #x010B #x0109 #x00E7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x00E8 #x00E9 #x00EA #x00EB #x00EC #x00ED #x00EE #x00EF
+      #| #o36x |#   #xFFFF #x00F1 #x00F2 #x00F3 #x00F4 #x0121 #x00F6 #x00F7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x011D #x00F9 #x00FA #x00FB #x00FC #x016D #x015D #x02D9)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-4
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x0104 #x0138 #x0156 #x00A4 #x0128 #x013B #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x00A8 #x0160 #x0112 #x0122 #x0166 #x00AD #x017D #x00AF
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x0105 #x02DB #x0157 #x00B4 #x0129 #x013C #x02C7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x00B8 #x0161 #x0113 #x0123 #x0167 #x014A #x017E #x014B
+      #| #o30x |#   #x0100 #x00C1 #x00C2 #x00C3 #x00C4 #x00C5 #x00C6 #x012E
+      #| #o31x |#   #x010C #x00C9 #x0118 #x00CB #x0116 #x00CD #x00CE #x012A
+      #| #o32x |#   #x0110 #x0145 #x014C #x0136 #x00D4 #x00D5 #x00D6 #x00D7
+      #| #o33x |#   #x00D8 #x0172 #x00DA #x00DB #x00DC #x0168 #x016A #x00DF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x0101 #x00E1 #x00E2 #x00E3 #x00E4 #x00E5 #x00E6 #x012F
+      #| #o35x |#   #x010D #x00E9 #x0119 #x00EB #x0117 #x00ED #x00EE #x012B
+      #| #o36x |#   #x0111 #x0146 #x014D #x0137 #x00F4 #x00F5 #x00F6 #x00F7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x00F8 #x0173 #x00FA #x00FB #x00FC #x0169 #x016B #x02D9)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-5
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x0401 #x0402 #x0403 #x0404 #x0405 #x0406 #x0407
+      #| #o25x |#   #x0408 #x0409 #x040A #x040B #x040C #x00AD #x040E #x040F
+      #| #o26x |#   #x0410 #x0411 #x0412 #x0413 #x0414 #x0415 #x0416 #x0417
+      #| #o27x |#   #x0418 #x0419 #x041A #x041B #x041C #x041D #x041E #x041F
+      #| #o30x |#   #x0420 #x0421 #x0422 #x0423 #x0424 #x0425 #x0426 #x0427
+      #| #o31x |#   #x0428 #x0429 #x042A #x042B #x042C #x042D #x042E #x042F
+      #| #o32x |#   #x0430 #x0431 #x0432 #x0433 #x0434 #x0435 #x0436 #x0437
+      #| #o33x |#   #x0438 #x0439 #x043A #x043B #x043C #x043D #x043E #x043F
+      #| #o34x |#   #x0440 #x0441 #x0442 #x0443 #x0444 #x0445 #x0446 #x0447
+      #| #o35x |#   #x0448 #x0449 #x044A #x044B #x044C #x044D #x044E #x044F
+      #| #o36x |#   #x2116 #x0451 #x0452 #x0453 #x0454 #x0455 #x0456 #x0457
+      #| #o37x |#   #x0458 #x0459 #x045A #x045B #x045C #x00A7 #x045E #x045F)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-6
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0660 #x0661 #x0662 #x0663 #x0664 #x0665 #x0666 #x0667
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0668 #x0669 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #x00A4 #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o25x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #x060C #x00AD #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o26x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o27x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #x061B #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #x061F
+      #| #o30x |#   #xFFFF #x0621 #x0622 #x0623 #x0624 #x0625 #x0626 #x0627
+      #| #o31x |#   #x0628 #x0629 #x062A #x062B #x062C #x062D #x062E #x062F
+      #| #o32x |#   #x0630 #x0631 #x0632 #x0633 #x0634 #x0635 #x0636 #x0637
+      #| #o33x |#   #x0638 #x0639 #x063A #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x0640 #x0641 #x0642 #x0643 #x0644 #x0645 #x0646 #x0647
+      #| #o35x |#   #x0648 #x0649 #x064A #x064B #x064C #x064D #x064E #x064F
+      #| #o36x |#   #x0650 #x0651 #x0652 #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o37x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-7
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x02BD #x02BC #x00A3 #xFFFF #xFFFF #x00A6 #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x00A8 #x00A9 #xFFFF #x00AB #x00AC #x00AD #xFFFF #x2015
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x00B1 #x00B2 #x00B3 #x0384 #x0385 #x0386 #x00B7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x0388 #x0389 #x038A #x00BB #x038C #x00BD #x038E #x038F
+      #| #o30x |#   #x0390 #x0391 #x0392 #x0393 #x0394 #x0395 #x0396 #x0397
+      #| #o31x |#   #x0398 #x0399 #x039A #x039B #x039C #x039D #x039E #x039F
+      #| #o32x |#   #x03A0 #x03A1 #xFFFF #x03A3 #x03A4 #x03A5 #x03A6 #x03A7
+      #| #o33x |#   #x03A8 #x03A9 #x03AA #x03AB #x03AC #x03AD #x03AE #x03AF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x03B0 #x03B1 #x03B2 #x03B3 #x03B4 #x03B5 #x03B6 #x03B7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x03B8 #x03B9 #x03BA #x03BB #x03BC #x03BD #x03BE #x03BF
+      #| #o36x |#   #x03C0 #x03C1 #x03C2 #x03C3 #x03C4 #x03C5 #x03C6 #x03C7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x03C8 #x03C9 #x03CA #x03CB #x03CC #x03CD #x03CE #xFFFF)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-8
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #xFFFF #x00A2 #x00A3 #x00A4 #x00A5 #x00A6 #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x00A8 #x00A9 #x00D7 #x00AB #x00AC #x00AD #x00AE #x203E
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x00B1 #x00B2 #x00B3 #x00B4 #x00B5 #x00B6 #x00B7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x00B8 #x00B9 #x00F7 #x00BB #x00BC #x00BD #x00BE #xFFFF
+      #| #o30x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o31x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o32x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o33x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #x2017
+      #| #o34x |#   #x05D0 #x05D1 #x05D2 #x05D3 #x05D4 #x05D5 #x05D6 #x05D7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x05D8 #x05D9 #x05DA #x05DB #x05DC #x05DD #x05DE #x05DF
+      #| #o36x |#   #x05E0 #x05E1 #x05E2 #x05E3 #x05E4 #x05E5 #x05E6 #x05E7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x05E8 #x05E9 #x05EA #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-9
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x00A1 #x00A2 #x00A3 #x00A4 #x00A5 #x00A6 #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x00A8 #x00A9 #x00AA #x00AB #x00AC #x00AD #x00AE #x00AF
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x00B1 #x00B2 #x00B3 #x00B4 #x00B5 #x00B6 #x00B7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x00B8 #x00B9 #x00BA #x00BB #x00BC #x00BD #x00BE #x00BF
+      #| #o30x |#   #x00C0 #x00C1 #x00C2 #x00C3 #x00C4 #x00C5 #x00C6 #x00C7
+      #| #o31x |#   #x00C8 #x00C9 #x00CA #x00CB #x00CC #x00CD #x00CE #x00CF
+      #| #o32x |#   #x011E #x00D1 #x00D2 #x00D3 #x00D4 #x00D5 #x00D6 #x00D7
+      #| #o33x |#   #x00D8 #x00D9 #x00DA #x00DB #x00DC #x0130 #x015E #x00DF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x00E0 #x00E1 #x00E2 #x00E3 #x00E4 #x00E5 #x00E6 #x00E7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x00E8 #x00E9 #x00EA #x00EB #x00EC #x00ED #x00EE #x00EF
+      #| #o36x |#   #x011F #x00F1 #x00F2 #x00F3 #x00F4 #x00F5 #x00F6 #x00F7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x00F8 #x00F9 #x00FA #x00FB #x00FC #x0131 #x015F #x00FF)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-14
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x1E02 #x1E03 #x00A3 #x010A #x010B #x1E0A #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x1E80 #x00A9 #x1E82 #x1E0B #x1EF2 #x00AD #x00AE #x0178
+      #| #o26x |#   #x1E1E #x1E1F #x0120 #x0121 #x1E40 #x1E41 #x00B6 #x1E56
+      #| #o27x |#   #x1E81 #x1E57 #x1E83 #x1E60 #x1EF3 #x1E84 #x1E85 #x1E61
+      #| #o30x |#   #x00C0 #x00C1 #x00C2 #x00C3 #x00C4 #x00C5 #x00C6 #x00C7
+      #| #o31x |#   #x00C8 #x00C9 #x00CA #x00CB #x00CC #x00CD #x00CE #x00CF
+      #| #o32x |#   #x0174 #x00D1 #x00D2 #x00D3 #x00D4 #x00D5 #x00D6 #x1E6A
+      #| #o33x |#   #x00D8 #x00D9 #x00DA #x00DB #x00DC #x00DD #x0176 #x00DF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x00E0 #x00E1 #x00E2 #x00E3 #x00E4 #x00E5 #x00E6 #x00E7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x00E8 #x00E9 #x00EA #x00EB #x00EC #x00ED #x00EE #x00EF
+      #| #o36x |#   #x0175 #x00F1 #x00F2 #x00F3 #x00F4 #x00F5 #x00F6 #x1E6B
+      #| #o37x |#   #x00F8 #x00F9 #x00FA #x00FB #x00FC #x00FD #x0177 #x00FF)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :iso-8859-15
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o21x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o22x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o23x |#   #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF #xFFFF
+      #| #o24x |#   #x00A0 #x00A1 #x00A2 #x00A3 #x20AC #x00A5 #x0160 #x00A7
+      #| #o25x |#   #x0161 #x00A9 #x00AA #x00AB #x00AC #x00AD #x00AE #x00AF
+      #| #o26x |#   #x00B0 #x00B1 #x00B2 #x00B3 #x017D #x00B5 #x00B6 #x00B7
+      #| #o27x |#   #x017E #x00B9 #x00BA #x00BB #x0152 #x0153 #x0178 #x00BF
+      #| #o30x |#   #x00C0 #x00C1 #x00C2 #x00C3 #x00C4 #x00C5 #x00C6 #x00C7
+      #| #o31x |#   #x00C8 #x00C9 #x00CA #x00CB #x00CC #x00CD #x00CE #x00CF
+      #| #o32x |#   #x00D0 #x00D1 #x00D2 #x00D3 #x00D4 #x00D5 #x00D6 #x00D7
+      #| #o33x |#   #x00D8 #x00D9 #x00DA #x00DB #x00DC #x00DD #x00DE #x00DF
+      #| #o34x |#   #x00E0 #x00E1 #x00E2 #x00E3 #x00E4 #x00E5 #x00E6 #x00E7
+      #| #o35x |#   #x00E8 #x00E9 #x00EA #x00EB #x00EC #x00ED #x00EE #x00EF
+      #| #o36x |#   #x00F0 #x00F1 #x00F2 #x00F3 #x00F4 #x00F5 #x00F6 #x00F7
+      #| #o37x |#   #x00F8 #x00F9 #x00FA #x00FB #x00FC #x00FD #x00FE #x00FF)
+  (define-8-bit-charset :koi8-r
+      #| #o00x |#   #x0000 #x0001 #x0002 #x0003 #x0004 #x0005 #x0006 #x0007
+      #| #o01x |#   #x0008 #x0009 #x000A #x000B #x000C #x000A #x000E #x000F
+      #| #o02x |#   #x0010 #x0011 #x0012 #x0013 #x0014 #x0015 #x0016 #x0017
+      #| #o03x |#   #x0018 #x0019 #x001A #x001B #x001C #x001D #x001E #x001F
+      #| #o04x |#   #x0020 #x0021 #x0022 #x0023 #x0024 #x0025 #x0026 #x0027
+      #| #o05x |#   #x0028 #x0029 #x002A #x002B #x002C #x002D #x002E #x002F
+      #| #o06x |#   #x0030 #x0031 #x0032 #x0033 #x0034 #x0035 #x0036 #x0037
+      #| #o07x |#   #x0038 #x0039 #x003A #x003B #x003C #x003D #x003E #x003F
+      #| #o10x |#   #x0040 #x0041 #x0042 #x0043 #x0044 #x0045 #x0046 #x0047
+      #| #o11x |#   #x0048 #x0049 #x004A #x004B #x004C #x004D #x004E #x004F
+      #| #o12x |#   #x0050 #x0051 #x0052 #x0053 #x0054 #x0055 #x0056 #x0057
+      #| #o13x |#   #x0058 #x0059 #x005A #x005B #x005C #x005D #x005E #x005F
+      #| #o14x |#   #x0060 #x0061 #x0062 #x0063 #x0064 #x0065 #x0066 #x0067
+      #| #o15x |#   #x0068 #x0069 #x006A #x006B #x006C #x006D #x006E #x006F
+      #| #o16x |#   #x0070 #x0071 #x0072 #x0073 #x0074 #x0075 #x0076 #x0077
+      #| #o17x |#   #x0078 #x0079 #x007A #x007B #x007C #x007D #x007E #x007F
+      #| #o20x |#   #x2500 #x2502 #x250C #x2510 #x2514 #x2518 #x251C #x2524
+      #| #o21x |#   #x252C #x2534 #x253C #x2580 #x2584 #x2588 #x258C #x2590
+      #| #o22x |#   #x2591 #x2592 #x2593 #x2320 #x25A0 #x2219 #x221A #x2248
+      #| #o23x |#   #x2264 #x2265 #x00A0 #x2321 #x00B0 #x00B2 #x00B7 #x00F7
+      #| #o24x |#   #x2550 #x2551 #x2552 #x0451 #x2553 #x2554 #x2555 #x2556
+      #| #o25x |#   #x2557 #x2558 #x2559 #x255A #x255B #x255C #x255D #x255E
+      #| #o26x |#   #x255F #x2560 #x2561 #x0401 #x2562 #x2563 #x2564 #x2565
+      #| #o27x |#   #x2566 #x2567 #x2568 #x2569 #x256A #x256B #x256C #x00A9
+      #| #o30x |#   #x044E #x0430 #x0431 #x0446 #x0434 #x0435 #x0444 #x0433
+      #| #o31x |#   #x0445 #x0438 #x0439 #x043A #x043B #x043C #x043D #x043E
+      #| #o32x |#   #x043F #x044F #x0440 #x0441 #x0442 #x0443 #x0436 #x0432
+      #| #o33x |#   #x044C #x044B #x0437 #x0448 #x044D #x0449 #x0447 #x044A
+      #| #o34x |#   #x042E #x0410 #x0411 #x0426 #x0414 #x0415 #x0424 #x0413
+      #| #o35x |#   #x0425 #x0418 #x0419 #x041A #x041B #x041C #x041D #x041E
+      #| #o36x |#   #x041F #x042F #x0420 #x0421 #x0422 #x0423 #x0416 #x0412
+      #| #o37x |#   #x042C #x042B #x0417 #x0428 #x042D #x0429 #x0427 #x042A)
+  )

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/encodings.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/encodings.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+(in-package :runes-encoding)
+(define-condition encoding-error (simple-error) ())
+(defun xerror (fmt &rest args)
+  (error 'encoding-error :format-control fmt :format-arguments args))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Encoding names
+(defvar *names* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(defun canon-name (string)
+  (with-output-to-string (bag)
+    (map nil (lambda (ch)
+               (cond ((char= ch #\_) (write-char #\- bag))
+                     (t (write-char (char-upcase ch) bag))))
+         string)))
+(defun canon-name-2 (string)
+  (with-output-to-string (bag)
+    (map nil (lambda (ch)
+               (cond ((char= ch #\_))
+                     ((char= ch #\-))
+                     (t (write-char (char-upcase ch) bag))))
+         string)))
+(defmethod encoding-names ((encoding symbol))
+  (gethash encoding *names*))
+(defmethod (setf encoding-names) (new-value (encoding symbol))
+  (setf (gethash encoding *names*) new-value))
+(defun add-name (encoding name)
+  (pushnew (canon-name name) (encoding-names encoding) :test #'string=))
+(defun resolve-name (string)
+  (cond ((symbolp string)
+         string)
+        (t
+         (setq string (canon-name string))
+         (or
+          (block nil
+            (maphash (lambda (x y) 
+                       (when (member string y :test #'string=)
+                         (return x)))
+                     *names*)
+            nil)
+          (block nil
+            (maphash (lambda (x y) 
+                       (when (member string y 
+                                     :test #'(lambda (x y)
+                                               (string= (canon-name-2 x) 
+                                                        (canon-name-2 y))))
+                         (return x)))
+                     *names*)
+            nil)))))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  Encodings
+(defvar *encodings* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(defmacro define-encoding (name init-form)
+  `(progn
+     (setf (gethash ',name *encodings*)
+       (list nil (lambda () ,init-form)))
+     ',name))
+(defun find-encoding (name)
+  (let ((x (gethash (resolve-name name) *encodings*)))
+    (and x
+         (or (first x)
+             (setf (first x) (funcall (second x)))))))
+(defclass encoding () ())
+(defclass simple-8-bit-encoding (encoding)
+  ((table :initarg :table)))
+(defun make-simple-8-bit-encoding (&key charset)
+  (make-instance 'simple-8-bit-encoding
+    :table (coerce (to-unicode-table charset) '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (256)))))
+(defmacro fx-op (op &rest xs) 
+  `(the fixnum (,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs))))
+(defmacro fx-pred (op &rest xs) 
+  `(,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs)))
+(defmacro %+   (&rest xs) `(fx-op + , at xs))
+(defmacro %-   (&rest xs) `(fx-op - , at xs))
+(defmacro %*   (&rest xs) `(fx-op * , at xs))
+(defmacro %/   (&rest xs) `(fx-op floor , at xs))
+(defmacro %and (&rest xs) `(fx-op logand , at xs))
+(defmacro %ior (&rest xs) `(fx-op logior , at xs))
+(defmacro %xor (&rest xs) `(fx-op logxor , at xs))
+(defmacro %ash (&rest xs) `(fx-op ash , at xs))
+(defmacro %mod (&rest xs) `(fx-op mod , at xs))
+(defmacro %=  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred = , at xs))
+(defmacro %<= (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred <= , at xs))
+(defmacro %>= (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred >= , at xs))
+(defmacro %<  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred < , at xs))
+(defmacro %>  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred > , at xs))
+;;; Decoders
+;; The decoders share a common signature:
+;; DECODE input input-start input-end
+;;        output output-start output-end
+;;        eof-p
+;; -> first-not-written ; first-not-read
+;; These decode functions should decode as much characters off `input'
+;; into the `output' as possible and return the indexes to the first
+;; not read and first not written element of `input' and `output'
+;; respectively.  If there are not enough bytes in `input' to decode a
+;; full character, decoding shold be abandomed; the caller has to
+;; ensure that the remaining bytes of `input' are passed to the
+;; decoder again with more bytes appended.
+;; `eof-p' now in turn indicates, if the given input sequence, is all
+;; the producer does have and might be used to produce error messages
+;; in case of incomplete codes or decided what to do.
+;; Decoders are expected to handle the various CR/NL conventions and
+;; canonicalize each end of line into a single NL rune (#xA) in good
+;; old Lisp tradition.
+;; TODO: change this to an encoding class, which then might carry
+;; additional state. Stateless encodings could been represented by
+;; keywords. e.g.
+;;  defmethod DECODE-SEQUENCE ((encoding (eql :utf-8)) ...)
+(defmethod decode-sequence ((encoding (eql :utf-16-big-endian))
+                            in in-start in-end out out-start out-end eof?)
+  ;; -> new wptr, new rptr
+  (let ((wptr out-start)
+        (rptr in-start))
+    (loop
+      (when (%= wptr out-end)
+        (return))
+      (when (>= (%+ rptr 1) in-end)
+        (return))
+      (let ((hi (aref in rptr))
+            (lo (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))))
+        (setf rptr (%+ 2 rptr))
+	;; FIXME: Wenn wir hier ein Surrogate sehen, muessen wir das naechste
+	;; Zeichen abwarten und nachgucken, dass nicht etwa die andere
+	;; Haelfte fehlt!
+        (let ((x (logior (ash hi 8) lo)))
+	  (when (or (eql x #xFFFE) (eql x #xFFFF))
+	    (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
+	  (setf (aref out wptr) x))
+        (setf wptr (%+ 1 wptr))))
+    (values wptr rptr)))
+(defmethod decode-sequence ((encoding (eql :utf-16-little-endian))
+                            in in-start in-end out out-start out-end eof?)
+  ;; -> new wptr, new rptr
+  (let ((wptr out-start)
+        (rptr in-start))
+    (loop
+      (when (%= wptr out-end)
+        (return))
+      (when (>= (%+ rptr 1) in-end)
+        (return))
+      (let ((lo (aref in (%+ 0 rptr)))
+            (hi (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))))
+        (setf rptr (%+ 2 rptr))
+	;; FIXME: Wenn wir hier ein Surrogate sehen, muessen wir das naechste
+	;; Zeichen abwarten und nachgucken, dass nicht etwa die andere
+	;; Haelfte fehlt!
+        (let ((x (logior (ash hi 8) lo)))
+	  (when (or (eql x #xFFFE) (eql x #xFFFF))
+	    (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
+	  (setf (aref out wptr) x))
+        (setf wptr (%+ 1 wptr))))
+    (values wptr rptr)))
+(defmethod decode-sequence ((encoding (eql :utf-8))
+                            in in-start in-end out out-start out-end eof?)
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
+           (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) in)
+           (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) out)
+           (type fixnum in-start in-end out-start out-end))
+  (let ((wptr out-start)
+        (rptr in-start)
+        byte0)
+    (macrolet ((put (x)
+                 `((lambda (x)
+                     (when (or (<= #xD800 x #xDBFF)
+			       (<= #xDC00 x #xDFFF))
+		       (xerror "surrogate encoded in UTF-8: #x~X." x))
+                     (cond ((or (%> x #x10FFFF)
+				(eql x #xFFFE)
+				(eql x #xFFFF))
+                            (xerror "not a valid code point: #x~X" x))
+		           ((%> x #xFFFF)
+                            (setf (aref out (%+ 0 wptr)) (%+ #xD7C0 (ash x -10))
+                                  (aref out (%+ 1 wptr)) (%ior #xDC00 (%and x #x3FF)))
+                            (setf wptr (%+ wptr 2)))
+                           (t
+                            (setf (aref out wptr) x)
+                            (setf wptr (%+ wptr 1)))))
+                   ,x))
+               (put1 (x)
+                 `(progn
+                    (setf (aref out wptr) ,x)
+                    (setf wptr (%+ wptr 1)))))
+      (loop
+        (when (%= (+ wptr 1) out-end) (return))
+        (when (%>= rptr in-end) (return))
+        (setq byte0 (aref in rptr))
+        (cond ((= byte0 #x0D)
+               ;; CR handling
+               ;; we need to know the following character
+               (cond ((>= (%+ rptr 1) in-end)
+                      ;; no characters in buffer
+                      (cond (eof?
+                             ;; at EOF, pass it as NL
+                             (put #x0A)
+                             (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))
+                            (t
+                             ;; demand more characters
+                             (return))))
+                     ((= (aref in (%+ rptr 1)) #x0A)
+                      ;; we see CR NL, so forget this CR and the next NL will be
+                      ;; inserted literally
+                      (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))
+                     (t
+                      ;; singleton CR, pass it as NL
+                      (put #x0A)
+                      (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))))
+              ((%<= #|#b00000000|# byte0 #b01111111)
+               (put1 byte0)
+               (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))
+              ((%<= #|#b10000000|# byte0 #b10111111)
+               (xerror "Corrupted UTF-8 input (initial byte was #b~8,'0B)" byte0)
+               (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))
+              ((%<= #|#b11000000|# byte0 #b11011111)
+               (cond ((<= (%+ rptr 2) in-end)
+                      (put
+                       (dpb (ldb (byte 5 0) byte0) (byte 5 6)
+                            (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ rptr 1))) (byte 6 0)
+                                 0)))
+                      (setf rptr (%+ rptr 2)))
+                     (t
+                      (return))))
+              ((%<= #|#b11100000|# byte0 #b11101111)
+               (cond ((<= (%+ rptr 3) in-end)
+                      (put
+                       (dpb (ldb (byte 4 0) byte0) (byte 4 12)
+                            (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))) (byte 6 6)
+                                 (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 2 rptr))) (byte 6 0)
+                                      0))))
+                      (setf rptr (%+ rptr 3)))
+                     (t
+                      (return))))
+              ((%<= #|#b11110000|# byte0 #b11110111)
+               (cond ((<= (%+ rptr 4) in-end)
+                      (put
+                       (dpb (ldb (byte 3 0) byte0) (byte 3 18)
+                            (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))) (byte 6 12)
+                                 (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 2 rptr))) (byte 6 6)
+                                      (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 3 rptr))) (byte 6 0)
+                                           0)))))
+                      (setf rptr (%+ rptr 4)))
+                     (t
+                      (return))))
+              ((%<= #|#b11111000|# byte0 #b11111011)
+               (cond ((<= (%+ rptr 5) in-end)
+                      (put
+                       (dpb (ldb (byte 2 0) byte0) (byte 2 24)
+                            (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))) (byte 6 18)
+                                 (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 2 rptr))) (byte 6 12)
+                                      (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 3 rptr))) (byte 6 6)
+                                           (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 4 rptr))) (byte 6 0)
+                                                0))))))
+                      (setf rptr (%+ rptr 5)))
+                     (t
+                      (return))))
+              ((%<= #|#b11111100|# byte0 #b11111101)
+               (cond ((<= (%+ rptr 6) in-end)
+                      (put
+                       (dpb (ldb (byte 1 0) byte0) (byte 1 30)
+                            (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 1 rptr))) (byte 6 24)
+                                 (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 2 rptr))) (byte 6 18)
+                                      (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 3 rptr))) (byte 6 12)
+                                           (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 4 rptr))) (byte 6 6)
+                                                (dpb (ldb (byte 6 0) (aref in (%+ 5 rptr))) (byte 6 0)
+                                                     0)))))))
+                      (setf rptr (%+ rptr 6)))
+                     (t
+                      (return))))
+              (t
+               (xerror "Corrupted UTF-8 input (initial byte was #b~8,'0B)" byte0)) ) )) 
+    (values wptr rptr))  )
+(defmethod encoding-p ((object (eql :utf-16-little-endian))) t)
+(defmethod encoding-p ((object (eql :utf-16-big-endian))) t)
+(defmethod encoding-p ((object (eql :utf-8))) t)
+(defmethod encoding-p ((object encoding)) t)
+(defmethod decode-sequence ((encoding simple-8-bit-encoding)
+                            in in-start in-end
+                            out out-start out-end 
+                            eof?)
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
+           (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) in)
+           (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) out)
+           (type fixnum in-start in-end out-start out-end))
+  (let ((wptr out-start)
+        (rptr in-start)
+        (byte 0)
+        (table (slot-value encoding 'table))) 
+    (declare (type fixnum wptr rptr)
+             (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)
+             (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) table))
+    (loop
+      (when (%= wptr out-end) (return))
+      (when (%>= rptr in-end) (return))
+      (setq byte (aref in rptr))
+      (cond ((= byte #x0D)
+             ;; CR handling
+             ;; we need to know the following character
+             (cond ((>= (%+ rptr 1) in-end)
+                    ;; no characters in buffer
+                    (cond (eof?
+                           ;; at EOF, pass it as NL
+                           (setf (aref out wptr) #x0A)
+                           (setf wptr (%+ wptr 1))
+                           (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))
+                          (t
+                           ;; demand more characters
+                           (return))))
+                   ((= (aref in (%+ rptr 1)) #x0A)
+                    ;; we see CR NL, so forget this CR and the next NL will be
+                    ;; inserted literally
+                    (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))
+                   (t
+                    ;; singleton CR, pass it as NL
+                    (setf (aref out wptr) #x0A)
+                    (setf wptr (%+ wptr 1))
+                    (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1)))))
+            (t
+             (setf (aref out wptr) (aref table byte))
+             (setf wptr (%+ wptr 1))
+             (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1))) ))
+    (values wptr rptr)))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  Character sets
+(defvar *charsets* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(defclass 8-bit-charset ()
+  ((name :initarg :name)
+   (to-unicode-table 
+    :initarg :to-unicode-table
+    :reader to-unicode-table)))
+(defmacro define-8-bit-charset (name &rest codes)
+  (assert (= 256 (length codes)))
+  `(progn
+     (setf (gethash ',name *charsets*)
+         (make-instance '8-bit-charset
+           :name ',name
+           :to-unicode-table
+           ',(make-array 256 
+                         :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
+                         :initial-contents codes)))
+     ',name))
+(defun find-charset (name)
+  (or (gethash name *charsets*)
+      (xerror "There is no character set named ~S." name)))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/hax.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/hax.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+;;; -*- show-trailing-whitespace: t; indent-tabs: nil -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: An event API for the HTML parser, inspired by SAX
+;;;   Created: 2007-10-14
+;;;    Author: David Lichteblau
+;;;   License: BSD
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 2005,2007 David Lichteblau
+;;; Redistribution and use  in source and binary   forms, with or  without
+;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+;;; met:
+;;; 1. Redistributions  of  source  code  must retain  the above copyright
+;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;;; 2. Redistributions in  binary form must reproduce  the above copyright
+;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+;;;    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution
+(defpackage :hax
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:export #:abstract-handler
+	   #:default-handler
+	   #:make-attribute
+	   #:standard-attribute
+           #:find-attribute
+           #:attribute-name
+           #:attribute-value
+           #:attribute-specified-p
+           #:start-document
+           #:start-element
+           #:characters
+           #:end-element
+           #:end-document
+           #:comment
+	   #+rune-is-integer
+	   #:%want-strings-p))
+(in-package :hax)
+(defgeneric attribute-name (attribute))
+(defgeneric attribute-value (attribute))
+(defgeneric attribute-specified-p (attribute))
+(defclass standard-attribute ()
+  ((name :initarg :name :accessor attribute-name)
+   (value :initarg :value :accessor attribute-value)
+   (specified-p :initarg :specified-p :accessor attribute-specified-p)))
+(defun make-attribute (name value &optional (specified-p t))
+  (make-instance 'standard-attribute
+                 :name name
+                 :value value
+                 :specified-p specified-p))
+(defun %rod= (x y)
+  ;; allow rods *and* strings *and* null
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length x)) (zerop (length y)))
+    ((zerop (length y)) nil)
+    ((stringp x) (string= x y))
+    (t (runes:rod= x y))))
+(defun find-attribute (name attrs)
+  (find name attrs :key #'attribute-name :test #'%rod=))
+(defclass abstract-handler () ())
+(defclass default-handler (abstract-handler) ())
+(defgeneric %want-strings-p (handler)
+  (:method ((handler null)) nil)
+  (:method ((handler abstract-handler)) t))
+(defgeneric start-document (handler name public-id system-id)
+  (:method ((handler null) name public-id system-id)
+    (declare (ignore name public-id system-id))
+    nil)
+  (:method ((handler default-handler) name public-id system-id)
+    (declare (ignore name public-id system-id))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric start-element (handler name attributes)
+  (:method ((handler null) name attributes)
+    (declare (ignore name attributes))
+    nil)
+  (:method ((handler default-handler) name attributes)
+    (declare (ignore name attributes))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric characters (handler data)
+  (:method ((handler null) data)
+    (declare (ignore data))
+    nil)
+  (:method ((handler default-handler) data)
+    (declare (ignore data))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric end-element (handler name)
+  (:method ((handler null) name)
+    (declare (ignore name))
+    nil)
+  (:method ((handler default-handler) name)
+    (declare (ignore name))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric end-document (handler)
+  (:method ((handler null)) nil)
+  (:method ((handler default-handler)) nil))
+(defgeneric comment (handler data)
+  (:method ((handler null) data)
+    (declare (ignore data))
+    nil)
+  (:method ((handler default-handler) data)
+    (declare (ignore data))
+    nil))
+;;;; documentation
+(setf (documentation (find-package :hax) t)
+      "An event protocol for HTML serialization, this package is similar
+       to the SAX protocol defined by cxml for XML serialization.
+       (Technically, this package should have been spelled SAH, but HAX
+       sounds better.)
+       Note that Closure HTML is not a streaming parser yet.  Documents
+       are always parsed in full before the first HAX event is emitted.
+       In spite of this restriction, the HAX API is useful for HTML
+       serialization and transformation purposes, and for integration
+       with SAX.
+       @begin[HAX handlers]{section}
+       @aboutclass{abstract-handler}
+       @aboutclass{default-handler}
+       @end{section}
+       @begin[The attribute protocol]{section}
+       @aboutclass{standard-attribute}
+       @aboutfun{make-attribute}
+       @aboutfun{attribute-name}
+       @aboutfun{attribute-value}
+       @aboutfun{attribute-specified-p}
+       @end{section}
+       @begin[HAX events]{section}
+       @aboutfun{start-document}
+       @aboutfun{start-element}
+       @aboutfun{end-element}
+       @aboutfun{characters}
+       @aboutfun{comment}
+       @aboutfun{end-document}
+       @end{section}")
+(setf (documentation 'abstract-handler 'type)
+      "@short{The superclass of all HAX handlers.}
+       Direct subclasses have to implement all event methods, since
+       no default methods are defined on this class.
+       Note that it is permissible to use handlers that are not
+       instances of this class in some circumstances.
+       In particular,
+       @code{nil} is a valid HAX handler and ignores all events.
+       In addition,
+       @a[http://common-lisp.net/project/cxml/sax.html#sax]{SAX handlers}
+       are valid HAX handlers (and vice versa), even though
+       hax:abstract-handler and sax:abstract-handler do not
+       share a specific superclass.  HAX events sent to SAX handlers are
+       automatically re-signalled as XHTML SAX events, and SAX events sent
+       to HAX handlers are re-signalled as namespace-less HAX events.
+       However, user code should define subclasses of the documented
+       superclasses to enable the HAX/SAX bridging described above.
+       @see{chtml:parse}
+       @see{chtml:serialize-lhtml}
+       @see{chtml:serialize-pt}
+       @see{start-document}
+       @see{end-document}
+       @see{start-element}
+       @see{end-element}
+       @see{characters}
+       @see{comment}")
+(setf (documentation 'default-handler 'type)
+      "@short{A no-op HAX handler.}
+       This class defines methods for all HAX events that do nothing.
+       It is useful as a superclass when implementing a HAX handler that
+       is interested in only some events and not others.
+       @see{chtml:parse}
+       @see{chtml:serialize-lhtml}
+       @see{chtml:serialize-pt}
+       @see{start-document}
+       @see{end-document}
+       @see{start-element}
+       @see{end-element}
+       @see{characters}
+       @see{comment}")
+(setf (documentation 'standard-attribute 'type)
+      "@short{An implementation of the HAX attribute protocol.}
+       A standard class implementing the generic functions for HAX
+       attributes.  Instances of this class can be passed to
+       @fun{hax:start-element} in the list of attributes.
+       @see-slot{attribute-name}
+       @see-slot{attribute-value}
+       @see-slot{attribute-specified-p}
+       @see-constructor{make-instance}")
+(setf (documentation 'make-attribute 'function)
+      "@arg[name]{a string/rod}
+       @arg[value]{a string/rod}
+       @arg[specified-p]{a boolean, default is @code{t}}
+       @return{an instance of @class{standard-attribute}.}
+       @short{Creates a HAX attribute.}
+       Creates an instance that can be used with the generic functions
+       for HAX attributes.  The result can be passed to
+       @fun{hax:start-element} in the list of attributes.
+       @see{attribute-name}
+       @see{attribute-value}
+       @see{attribute-specified-p}")
+(setf (documentation 'find-attribute 'function)
+      "@arg[name]{a string/rod}
+       @arg[attrs]{a list of attributes}
+       @return{an attribute, or nil}
+       @short{Searches for an attribute by name.}
+       Returns the first attribute in @var{attrs} with the specified name,
+       or @code{nil} if no such attribute was found.
+       @see{attribute-name}")
+(setf (documentation 'attribute-name 'function)
+      "@arg[instance]{any class implementing this function}
+       @return{a string/rod}
+       @short{Return an attribute's name.}
+       Instances of this classes implementing this function can be passed to
+       @fun{hax:start-element} in the list of attributes.
+       @see{attribute-value}
+       @see{attribute-specified-p}")
+(setf (documentation 'attribute-value 'function)
+      "@arg[instance]{any class implementing this function}
+       @return{a string/rod}
+       @short{Return an attribute's value.}
+       Instances of this classes implementing this function can be passed to
+       @fun{hax:start-element} in the list of attributes.
+       @see{attribute-name}
+       @see{attribute-specified-p}")
+(setf (documentation 'attribute-specified-p 'function)
+      "@arg[instance]{any class implementing this function}
+       @return{a string/rod}
+       @short{Return whether the attribute was contained the parsed document.}
+       Attributes return @code{nil} here if they resulted from a default
+       value declaration in a DTD.
+       Instances of this classes implementing this function can be passed to
+       @fun{hax:start-element} in the list of attributes.
+       @see{attribute-name}
+       @see{attribute-value}")
+(setf (documentation 'start-document 'function)
+      "@arg[handler]{a HAX/SAX handler
+         (see @class{abstract-handler} for details)}
+       @arg[name]{root element name, a rod/string}
+       @arg[public-id]{nil or the Public ID, a rod/string}
+       @arg[system-id]{nil or the System ID/URI, a rod/string}
+       @return{unspecified}
+       @short{Signals the beginning of an HTML document.}
+       This is the first event sent to any handler.
+       If @var{system-id} is non-nil, the document includes a doctype
+       declaration.
+       @see{start-element}
+       @see{end-element}
+       @see{characters}
+       @see{comment}
+       @see{end-document}")
+(setf (documentation 'start-element 'function)
+      "@arg[handler]{a HAX/SAX handler
+         (see @class{abstract-handler} for details)}
+       @arg[name]{root element name, a rod/string}
+       @arg[attributes]{a list of attributes}
+       @return{unspecified}
+       @short{Signals the beginning of an HTML element.}
+       This event corresponds to the opening tag of an element.
+       Elements of the attribute list can have any class, but must implement
+       the generic functions for attributes.  See @class{standard-attribute}
+       for the built-in attribute implementation.
+       @see{find-attribute}
+       @see{start-document}
+       @see{end-element}
+       @see{characters}
+       @see{comment}
+       @see{end-document}")
+(setf (documentation 'end-element 'function)
+      "@arg[handler]{a HAX/SAX handler
+         (see @class{abstract-handler} for details)}
+       @arg[name]{root element name, a rod/string}
+       @return{unspecified}
+       @short{Signals the end of an HTML element.}
+       This event corresponds to the closing tag of an element.
+       @see{start-document}
+       @see{start-element}
+       @see{characters}
+       @see{comment}
+       @see{end-document}")
+(setf (documentation 'characters 'function)
+      "@arg[handler]{a HAX/SAX handler
+         (see @class{abstract-handler} for details)}
+       @arg[data]{rod/string}
+       @return{unspecified}
+       @short{Signals character data.}
+       This event represents character data in a document.
+       @see{start-document}
+       @see{start-element}
+       @see{end-element}
+       @see{comment}
+       @see{end-document}")
+(setf (documentation 'comment 'function)
+      "@arg[handler]{a HAX/SAX handler
+         (see @class{abstract-handler} for details)}
+       @arg[data]{rod/string}
+       @return{unspecified}
+       @short{Signals a comment.}
+       This event represents a comment.
+       @see{start-document}
+       @see{start-element}
+       @see{end-element}
+       @see{characters}
+       @see{end-document}")
+(setf (documentation 'end-document 'function)
+      "@arg[handler]{a HAX/SAX handler
+         (see @class{abstract-handler} for details)}
+       @return{The return value of this function depends on the handler class.}
+       @short{Signals the end of an HTML document.}
+       This is the last event sent to any handler, and signals the end of
+       serialization.
+       The return value of this function is usually returned to user code
+       by higher-level serialization functions and can be considered the
+       result of serialization and \"return value\" of the handler.
+       @see{start-document}
+       @see{start-element}
+       @see{end-element}
+       @see{characters}
+       @see{comment}")

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/package.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CL-USER; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Generating a sane DEFPACKAGE for RUNES
+;;;   Created: 1999-05-25
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1999,2000 by Gilbert Baumann
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :runes
+  (:use :cl #-scl :trivial-gray-streams)
+  (:export #:definline
+           ;; runes.lisp
+           #:rune
+           #:rod
+           #:simple-rod
+           #:%rune
+           #:rod-capitalize
+           #:code-rune
+           #:rune-code
+           #:rune-downcase
+           #:rune-upcase
+           #:rod-downcase
+           #:rod-upcase
+           #:white-space-rune-p
+           #:digit-rune-p
+           #:rune=
+           #:rune<=
+           #:rune>=
+           #:rune-equal
+           #:runep
+           #:sloopy-rod-p
+           #:rod=
+           #:rod-equal
+           #:make-rod
+           #:char-rune
+           #:rune-char
+           #:rod-string
+           #:string-rod
+           #:rod-subseq
+           #:rod<
+           ;; xstream.lisp
+           #:xstream
+           #:make-xstream
+           #:make-rod-xstream
+           #:close-xstream
+           #:xstream-p
+           #:read-rune
+           #:peek-rune
+           #:fread-rune
+           #:fpeek-rune
+           #:consume-rune
+           #:unread-rune
+           #:xstream-position
+           #:xstream-line-number
+           #:xstream-column-number
+           #:xstream-plist
+           #:xstream-encoding
+           #:set-to-full-speed
+           #:xstream-name
+           ;; ystream.lisp
+	   #:ystream
+	   #:close-ystream
+	   #:write-rune
+	   #:write-rod
+	   #:ystream-column
+           #:make-octet-vector-ystream
+           #:make-octet-stream-ystream
+           #:make-rod-ystream
+           #+rune-is-character #:make-character-stream-ystream
+	   ;; These don't make too much sense on Unicode-enabled,
+	   ;; implementations but for those applications using them anyway,
+	   ;; I have commented out the reader conditionals now:
+           ;; #+rune-is-integer
+	   #:make-string-ystream/utf8
+           ;; #+rune-is-integer
+	   #:make-character-stream-ystream/utf8
+	   #:runes-to-utf8/adjustable-string
+	   #:rod-to-utf8-string
+	   #:utf8-string-to-rod
+	   #:make-octet-input-stream))
+(defpackage :utf8-runes
+  (:use :cl)
+  (:export *utf8-runes-readtable*
+	   #:rune #:rod #:simple-rod #:rod-string #:rod= #:make-rod
+	   #:string-rod))
+(defpackage :runes-encoding
+  (:use :cl :runes)
+  (:export
+   #:encoding-error
+   #:find-encoding
+   #:decode-sequence))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/runes.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/runes.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: RUNES; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Unicode strings (called RODs)
+;;;   Created: 1999-05-25 22:29
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1998,1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as clarified
+;;; by the "Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License" found in
+;;; the file COPYING.
+;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
+;;; COPYING that was distributed with this file.  If it is not present,
+;;; you can access it from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until
+;;; superseded by a newer version) or write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+;; Changes
+;;  When        Who     What
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;  1999-08-15  GB      - ROD=, ROD-EQUAL
+;;                        RUNE<=, RUNE>=
+;;                        MAKE-ROD, ROD-SUBSEQ
+;;                        CHAR-RUNE, RUNE-CHAR, ROD-STRING, STRING-ROD
+;;                        new functions
+;;                      - Added rune reader
+(in-package :runes)
+(deftype rune () '(unsigned-byte 16))
+(deftype rod () '(array rune (*)))
+(deftype simple-rod () '(simple-array rune (*)))
+(definline rune (rod index)
+  (aref rod index))
+(defun (setf rune) (new rod index)
+  (setf (aref rod index) new))
+(definline %rune (rod index)
+  (aref (the (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) rod) (the fixnum index)))
+(definline (setf %rune) (new rod index)
+  (setf (aref (the (simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) rod) (the fixnum index)) new))
+(defun rod-capitalize (rod)
+  (warn "~S is not implemented." 'rod-capitalize)
+  rod)
+(definline code-rune (x) x)
+(definline rune-code (x) x)
+(definline rune= (x y) 
+  (= x y))
+(defun rune-downcase (rune)
+  (cond ((<= #x0041 rune #x005a) (+ rune #x20))
+        ((= rune #x00d7) rune)
+        ((<= #x00c0 rune #x00de) (+ rune #x20))
+        (t rune)))
+(definline rune-upcase (rune)
+  (cond ((<= #x0061 rune #x007a) (- rune #x20))
+        ((= rune #x00f7) rune)
+        ((<= #x00e0 rune #x00fe) (- rune #x20))
+        (t rune)))
+(defun rune-upper-case-letter-p (rune)
+  (or (<= #x0041 rune #x005a) (<= #x00c0 rune #x00de)))
+(defun rune-lower-case-letter-p (rune)
+  (or (<= #x0061 rune #x007a) (<= #x00e0 rune #x00fe)
+      (= rune #x00d7)))
+(defun rune-equal (x y)
+  (rune= (rune-upcase x) (rune-upcase y)))
+(defun rod-downcase (rod)
+  ;; FIXME
+  (map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) #'rune-downcase rod))
+(defun rod-upcase (rod)
+  ;; FIXME
+  (map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) #'rune-upcase rod))
+(definline white-space-rune-p (char)
+  (or (= char 9)        ;TAB
+      (= char 10)       ;Linefeed
+      (= char 13)       ;Carriage Return
+      (= char 32)))     ;Space
+(definline digit-rune-p (char &optional (radix 10))
+  (cond ((<= #.(char-code #\0) char #.(char-code #\9))
+         (and (< (- char #.(char-code #\0)) radix)
+              (- char #.(char-code #\0))))
+        ((<= #.(char-code #\A) char #.(char-code #\Z))
+         (and (< (- char #.(char-code #\A) -10) radix)
+              (- char #.(char-code #\A) -10)))
+        ((<= #.(char-code #\a) char #.(char-code #\z))
+         (and (< (- char #.(char-code #\a) -10) radix)
+              (- char #.(char-code #\a) -10))) ))
+(defun rod (x)
+  (cond ((stringp x)    (map 'rod #'char-code x))
+        ((symbolp x)    (rod (string x)))
+        ((characterp x) (rod (string x)))
+        ((vectorp x)    (coerce x 'rod))
+        ((integerp x)   (map 'rod #'identity (list x)))
+        (t              (error "Cannot convert ~S to a ~S" x 'rod))))
+(defun runep (x)
+  (and (integerp x)
+       (<= 0 x #xFFFF)))
+(defun sloopy-rod-p (x)
+  (and (not (stringp x))
+       (vectorp x)
+       (every #'runep x)))
+(defun rod= (x y)
+  (and (= (length x) (length y))
+       (dotimes (i (length x) t)
+         (unless (rune= (rune x i) (rune y i))
+           (return nil)))))
+(defun rod-equal (x y)
+  (and (= (length x) (length y))
+       (dotimes (i (length x) t)
+         (unless (rune-equal (rune x i) (rune y i))
+           (return nil)))))
+(definline make-rod (size)
+  (make-array size :element-type 'rune))
+(defun char-rune (char)
+  (code-rune (char-code char)))
+(defparameter *invalid-rune* nil ;;#\?
+  "Rune to use as a replacement in RUNE-CHAR and ROD-STRING for runes not
+   representable as characters.  If NIL, an error is signalled instead.")
+(defun rune-char (rune &optional (default *invalid-rune*))
+  (or (if (>= rune char-code-limit)
+          default
+          (or (code-char rune) default))
+      (error "rune cannot be represented as a character: ~A" rune)))
+(defun rod-string (rod &optional (default-char *invalid-rune*))
+  (map 'string (lambda (x) (rune-char x default-char)) rod))
+(defun string-rod (string)
+  (let* ((n (length string))
+         (res (make-rod n)))
+    (dotimes (i n)
+      (setf (%rune res i) (char-rune (char string i))))
+    res))
+(defun rune<= (rune &rest more-runes)
+  (apply #'<= rune more-runes))
+(defun rune>= (rune &rest more-runes)
+  (apply #'>= rune more-runes))
+(defun rodp (object)
+  (typep object 'rod))
+(defun rod-subseq (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (unless (rodp source)
+    (error "~S is not of type ~S." source 'rod))
+  (unless (and (typep start 'fixnum) (>= start 0))
+    (error "~S is not a non-negative fixnum." start))
+  (unless (and (typep end 'fixnum) (>= end start))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, is not a fixnum no less than START, ~S." end start))
+  (when (> start (length source))
+    (error "START argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." start))
+  (when (> end (length source))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." end))
+  (locally
+      (declare (type rod source)
+               (type fixnum start end))
+    (let ((res (make-rod (- end start))))
+      (declare (type rod res))
+      (do ((i (- (- end start) 1) (the fixnum (- i 1))))
+          ((< i 0) res)
+        (declare (type fixnum i))
+        (setf (%rune res i) (%rune source (the fixnum (+ i start))))))))
+(defun rod-subseq* (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (unless (and (typep start 'fixnum) (>= start 0))
+    (error "~S is not a non-negative fixnum." start))
+  (unless (and (typep end 'fixnum) (>= end start))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, is not a fixnum no less than START, ~S." end start))
+  (when (> start (length source))
+    (error "START argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." start))
+  (when (> end (length source))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." end))
+  (locally
+      (declare (type fixnum start end))
+    (let ((res (make-rod (- end start))))
+      (declare (type rod res))
+      (do ((i (- (- end start) 1) (the fixnum (- i 1))))
+          ((< i 0) res)
+        (declare (type fixnum i))
+        (setf (%rune res i) (aref source (the fixnum (+ i start))))))))
+(defun rod< (rod1 rod2)
+  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+      (nil)
+    (cond ((= i (length rod1))
+           (return t))
+          ((= i (length rod2))
+           (return nil))
+          ((< (aref rod1 i) (aref rod2 i))
+           (return t))
+          ((> (aref rod1 i) (aref rod2 i))
+           (return nil)))))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/stream-scl.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/stream-scl.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; readtable: runes; Encoding: utf-8; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Fast streams
+;;;   Created: 1999-07-17
+;;;    Author: Douglas Crosher
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 2007 by Douglas Crosher
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :runes)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defparameter *fast* '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 3))))
+(deftype runes-encoding:encoding-error ()
+  'ext:character-conversion-error)

+;;; xstream
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+(defclass xstream (ext:character-stream)
+  ((name :initarg :name :initform nil
+	 :accessor xstream-name)
+   (column :initarg :column :initform 0)
+   (line :initarg :line :initform 1)
+   (unread-column :initarg :unread-column :initform 0)))
+(defclass eol-conversion-xstream (lisp::eol-conversion-input-stream xstream)
+  ())
+) ; eval-when
+(defun make-eol-conversion-xstream (source-stream)
+  "Returns a character stream that conversion CR-LF pairs and lone CR
+  characters into single linefeed character."
+  (declare (type stream source-stream))
+  (let ((stream (ext:make-eol-conversion-stream source-stream
+						:input t
+						:close-stream-p t)))
+    (change-class stream 'eol-conversion-xstream)))
+(definline xstream-p (stream)
+  (typep stream 'xstream))
+(defun close-xstream (input)
+  (close input))
+(definline read-rune (input)
+  (declare (type stream input)
+	   (inline read-char)
+	   #.*fast*)
+  (let ((char (read-char input nil :eof)))
+    (cond ((member char '(#\UFFFE #\UFFFF))
+	   ;; These characters are illegal within XML documents.
+	   (simple-error 'ext:character-conversion-error
+			 "~@<Illegal XML document character: ~S~:@>" char))
+	  ((eql char #\linefeed)
+	   (setf (slot-value input 'unread-column) (slot-value input 'column))
+	   (setf (slot-value input 'column) 0)
+	   (incf (the kernel:index (slot-value input 'line))))
+	  (t
+	   (incf (the kernel:index (slot-value input 'column)))))
+    char))
+(definline peek-rune (input)
+  (declare (type stream input)
+	   (inline peek-char)
+	   #.*fast*)
+  (peek-char nil input nil :eof))
+(definline consume-rune (input)
+  (declare (type stream input)
+	   (inline read-rune)
+	   #.*fast*)
+  (read-rune input)
+  nil)
+(definline unread-rune (rune input)
+  (declare (type stream input)
+	   (inline unread-char)
+	   #.*fast*)
+  (unread-char rune input)
+  (cond ((eql rune #\linefeed)
+	 (setf (slot-value input 'column) (slot-value input 'unread-column))
+	 (setf (slot-value input 'unread-column) 0)
+	 (decf (the kernel:index (slot-value input 'line))))
+	(t
+	 (decf (the kernel:index (slot-value input 'column)))))
+  nil)
+(defun fread-rune (input)
+  (read-rune input))
+(defun fpeek-rune (input)
+  (peek-rune input))
+(defun xstream-position (input)
+  (file-position input))
+(defun runes-encoding:find-encoding (encoding)
+  encoding)
+(defun make-xstream (os-stream &key name
+                                    (speed 8192)
+                                    (initial-speed 1)
+                                    (initial-encoding :guess))
+  (declare (ignore speed))
+  (assert (eql initial-speed 1))
+  (assert (eq initial-encoding :guess))
+  (let* ((stream (ext:make-xml-character-conversion-stream os-stream
+							   :input t
+							   :close-stream-p t))
+	 (xstream (make-eol-conversion-xstream stream)))
+    (setf (xstream-name xstream) name)
+    xstream))
+(defclass xstream-string-input-stream (lisp::string-input-stream xstream)
+  ())
+(defun make-rod-xstream (string &key name)
+  (declare (type string string))
+  (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream string)))
+    (change-class stream 'xstream-string-input-stream :name name)))
+;;; already at 'full speed' so just return the buffer size.
+(defun set-to-full-speed (stream)
+  (length (ext:stream-in-buffer stream)))
+(defun xstream-speed (stream)
+  (length (ext:stream-in-buffer stream)))
+(defun xstream-line-number (stream)
+  (slot-value stream 'line))
+(defun xstream-column-number (stream)
+  (slot-value stream 'column))
+(defun xstream-encoding (stream)
+  (stream-external-format stream))
+;;; the encoding will have already been detected, but it is checked against the
+;;; declared encoding here.
+(defun (setf xstream-encoding) (declared-encoding stream)
+  (let* ((initial-encoding (xstream-encoding stream))
+	 (canonical-encoding
+	  (cond ((and (eq initial-encoding :utf-16le)
+		      (member declared-encoding '(:utf-16 :utf16 :utf-16le :utf16le)
+			      :test 'string-equal))
+		 :utf-16le)
+		((and (eq initial-encoding :utf-16be)
+		      (member declared-encoding '(:utf-16 :utf16 :utf-16be :utf16be)
+			      :test 'string-equal))
+		 :utf-16be)
+		((and (eq initial-encoding :ucs-4be)
+		      (member declared-encoding '(:ucs-4 :ucs4 :ucs-4be :ucs4be)
+			      :test 'string-equal))
+		 :ucs4-be)
+		((and (eq initial-encoding :ucs-4le)
+		      (member declared-encoding '(:ucs-4 :ucs4 :ucs-4le :ucs4le)
+			      :test 'string-equal))
+		 :ucs4-le)
+		(t
+		 declared-encoding))))
+    (unless (string-equal initial-encoding canonical-encoding)
+      (warn "Unable to change xstream encoding from ~S to ~S (~S)~%"
+	    initial-encoding declared-encoding canonical-encoding))
+    declared-encoding))

+;;; ystream - a run output stream.
+(deftype ystream () 'stream)
+(defun ystream-column (stream)
+  (ext:line-column stream))
+(definline write-rune (rune stream)
+  (declare (inline write-char))
+  (write-char rune stream))
+(defun write-rod (rod stream)
+  (declare (type rod rod)
+	   (type stream stream))
+  (write-string rod stream))
+(defun make-rod-ystream ()
+  (make-string-output-stream))
+(defun close-ystream (stream)
+  (etypecase stream
+    (ext:string-output-stream
+     (get-output-stream-string stream))
+    (ext:character-conversion-output-stream
+     (let ((target (slot-value stream 'stream)))
+       (close stream)
+       (if (typep target 'ext:byte-output-stream)
+	   (ext:get-output-stream-bytes target)
+	   stream)))))
+(defun make-character-stream-ystream (target-stream)
+  target-stream)
+(defun make-octet-vector-ystream ()
+  (let ((target (ext:make-byte-output-stream)))
+    (ext:make-character-conversion-stream target :output t
+					  :external-format :utf-8
+					  :close-stream-p t)))
+(defun make-octet-stream-ystream (os-stream)
+  (ext:make-character-conversion-stream os-stream :output t
+					:external-format :utf-8
+					:close-stream-p t))

+;;;; helper functions
+(defun rod-to-utf8-string (rod)
+  (ext:make-string-from-bytes (ext:make-bytes-from-string rod :utf8)
+			      :iso-8859-1))
+(defun utf8-string-to-rod (str)
+  (let ((bytes (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code str)))
+    (ext:make-string-from-bytes bytes :utf-8)))
+(defun make-octet-input-stream (octets)
+  (ext:make-byte-input-stream octets))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/syntax.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/syntax.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: RUNES; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Unicode strings (called RODs)
+;;;   Created: 1999-05-25 22:29
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1998,1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as clarified
+;;; by the "Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License" found in
+;;; the file COPYING.
+;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
+;;; COPYING that was distributed with this file.  If it is not present,
+;;; you can access it from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until
+;;; superseded by a newer version) or write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+;; Changes
+;;  When        Who     What
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;  1999-08-15  GB      - ROD=, ROD-EQUAL
+;;                        RUNE<=, RUNE>=
+;;                        MAKE-ROD, ROD-SUBSEQ
+;;                        CHAR-RUNE, RUNE-CHAR, ROD-STRING, STRING-ROD
+;;                        new functions
+;;                      - Added rune reader
+(in-package :runes)
+;;;; RUNE Reader
+;; Portable implementation of WHITE-SPACE-P with regard to the current
+;; read table -- this is bit tricky.
+(defun rt-white-space-p (char)
+  (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream (string char))))
+    (eq :eof (peek-char t stream nil :eof))))
+(defun read-rune-name (input)
+  ;; the first char is unconditionally read
+  (let ((char0 (read-char input t nil t)))
+    (when (char= char0 #\\)
+      (setf char0 (read-char input t nil t)))
+    (with-output-to-string (res)
+      (write-char char0 res)
+      (do ((ch (peek-char nil input nil :eof t) (peek-char nil input nil :eof t)))
+          ((or (eq ch :eof)
+               (rt-white-space-p ch)
+               (multiple-value-bind (function non-terminating-p) (get-macro-character ch)
+                 (and function (not non-terminating-p)))))
+        (write-char ch res)
+        (read-char input)))))           ;consume this character
+(defun iso-10646-char-code (char)
+  (char-code char))
+(defvar *rune-names* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+  "Hashtable, which maps all known rune names to rune codes;
+   Names are stored in uppercase.")
+(defun define-rune-name (name code)
+  (setf (gethash (string-upcase name) *rune-names*) code)
+  name)
+(defun lookup-rune-name (name)
+  (gethash (string-upcase name) *rune-names*))
+(define-rune-name "null"        #x0000)
+(define-rune-name "space"       #x0020)
+(define-rune-name "newline"     #x000A)
+(define-rune-name "return"      #x000D)
+(define-rune-name "tab"         #x0009)
+(define-rune-name "page"        #x000C)
+;; and just for fun:
+(define-rune-name "euro"        #x20AC)
+;; ASCII control characters
+(define-rune-name "nul"  #x0000)        ;null
+(define-rune-name "soh"  #x0001)        ;start of header
+(define-rune-name "stx"  #x0002)        ;start of text
+(define-rune-name "etx"  #x0003)        ;end of text
+(define-rune-name "eot"  #x0004)        ;end of transmission
+(define-rune-name "enq"  #x0005)        ;
+(define-rune-name "ack"  #x0006)        ;acknowledge
+(define-rune-name "bel"  #x0007)        ;bell
+(define-rune-name "bs"   #x0008)        ;backspace
+(define-rune-name "ht"   #x0009)        ;horizontal tab
+(define-rune-name "lf"   #X000A)        ;line feed, new line
+(define-rune-name "vt"   #X000B)        ;vertical tab
+(define-rune-name "ff"   #x000C)        ;form feed
+(define-rune-name "cr"   #x000D)        ;carriage return
+(define-rune-name "so"   #x000E)        ;shift out
+(define-rune-name "si"   #x000F)        ;shift in
+(define-rune-name "dle"  #x0010)        ;device latch enable ?
+(define-rune-name "dc1"  #x0011)        ;device control 1
+(define-rune-name "dc2"  #x0012)        ;device control 2
+(define-rune-name "dc3"  #x0013)        ;device control 3
+(define-rune-name "dc4"  #x0014)        ;device control 4
+(define-rune-name "nak"  #x0015)        ;negative acknowledge
+(define-rune-name "syn"  #x0016)        ;
+(define-rune-name "etb"  #x0017)        ;
+(define-rune-name "can"  #x0018)        ;
+(define-rune-name "em"   #x0019)        ;end of message
+(define-rune-name "sub"  #x001A)        ;
+(define-rune-name "esc"  #x001B)        ;escape
+(define-rune-name "fs"   #x001C)        ;field separator ?
+(define-rune-name "gs"   #x001D)        ;group separator
+(define-rune-name "rs"   #x001E)        ;
+(define-rune-name "us"   #x001F)        ;
+(define-rune-name "del"  #x007F)        ;delete
+;; iso-latin
+(define-rune-name "nbsp" #x00A0)        ;non breakable space
+(define-rune-name "shy"  #x00AD)        ;soft hyphen
+(defun rune-from-read-name (name)
+  (code-rune
+   (cond ((= (length name) 1)
+           (iso-10646-char-code (char name 0)))
+     ((and (= (length name) 2)
+           (char= (char name 0) #\\))
+       (iso-10646-char-code (char name 1)))
+     ((and (>= (length name) 3)
+           (char-equal (char name 0) #\u)
+           (char-equal (char name 1) #\+)
+           (every (lambda (x) (digit-char-p x 16)) (subseq name 2)))
+       (parse-integer name :start 2 :radix 16))
+     ((lookup-rune-name name))
+     (t
+       (error "Meaningless rune name ~S." name)))))
+(defun rune-reader (stream subchar arg)
+  subchar arg
+  (values (rune-from-read-name (read-rune-name stream))))
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\/ 'rune-reader)
+;;; ROD ext syntax
+(defun rod-reader (stream subchar arg)
+  (declare (ignore arg))
+  (rod
+   (with-output-to-string (bag)
+     (do ((c (read-char stream t nil t)
+             (read-char stream t nil t)))
+         ((char= c subchar))
+       (cond ((char= c #\\)
+              (setf c (read-char stream t nil t))))
+       (princ c bag)))))
+(defun rod-printer (stream rod)
+  (princ #\# stream)
+  (princ #\" stream)
+  (loop for x across rod do
+        (cond ((or (rune= x #.(char-rune #\\))
+                   (rune= x #.(char-rune #\")))
+               (princ #\\ stream)
+               (princ (code-char x) stream))
+              ((< x char-code-limit)
+               (princ (code-char x) stream))
+              (t
+               (format stream "\\u~4,'0X" x))))
+  (princ #\" stream))
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\" 'rod-reader)

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/utf8.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/utf8.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+;;; copyright (c) 2005 David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;; License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; Rune emulation for the UTF-8-compatible DOM implementation.
+;;; Used only with 8 bit characters on non-unicode Lisps.
+(in-package :utf8-runes)
+(deftype rune () 'character)
+(deftype rod () '(vector rune))
+(deftype simple-rod () '(simple-array rune))
+(defun rod= (r s)
+  (string= r s))
+(defun rod-string (rod &optional default)
+  (declare (ignore default))
+  rod)
+(defun string-rod (string)
+  string)
+(defun make-rod (size)
+  (make-string size :element-type 'rune))
+(defun rune-reader (stream subchar arg)
+  (runes::rune-char (runes::rune-reader stream subchar arg)))
+(defun rod-reader (stream subchar arg)
+  (runes::rod-string (runes::rod-reader stream subchar arg)))
+(setf closure-common-system:*utf8-runes-readtable*
+      (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
+	(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\/ 'rune-reader rt)
+	(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\" 'rod-reader rt)
+	rt))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/xstream.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/xstream.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; readtable: runes; Encoding: utf-8; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Fast streams
+;;;   Created: 1999-07-17
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :runes)
+;;; API
+;; MAKE-XSTREAM cl-stream &key name! speed initial-speed initial-encoding
+;;                                                              [function]
+;; MAKE-ROD-XSTREAM rod &key name                               [function]
+;; CLOSE-XSTREAM xstream                                        [function]
+;; XSTREAM-P object                                             [function]
+;; READ-RUNE xstream                                               [macro]
+;; PEEK-RUNE xstream                                               [macro]
+;; FREAD-RUNE xstream                                           [function]
+;; FPEEK-RUNE xstream                                           [function]
+;; CONSUME-RUNE xstream                                            [macro]
+;; UNREAD-RUNE rune xstream                                     [function]
+;; XSTREAM-NAME xstream                                         [accessor]
+;; XSTREAM-POSITION xstream                                     [function]
+;; XSTREAM-LINE-NUMBER xstream                                  [function]
+;; XSTREAM-COLUMN-NUMBER xstream                                [function]
+;; XSTREAM-PLIST xstream                                        [accessor]
+;; XSTREAM-ENCODING xstream                                     [accessor]  <-- be careful here. [*]
+;; SET-TO-FULL-SPEED xstream                                    [function]
+;; [*] switching the encoding on the fly is only possible when the
+;; stream's buffer is empty; therefore to be able to switch the
+;; encoding, while some runes are already read, set the stream's speed
+;; to 1 initially (via the initial-speed argument for MAKE-XSTREAM)
+;; and later set it to full speed. (The encoding of the runes
+;; sequence, you fetch off with READ-RUNE is always UTF-16 though).
+;; After switching the encoding, SET-TO-FULL-SPEED can be used to bump the
+;; speed up to a full buffer length.
+;; An encoding is simply something, which provides the DECODE-SEQUENCE
+;; method.
+;;; Controller protocol
+;; READ-OCTECTS sequence os-stream start end -> first-non-written
+;; XSTREAM/CLOSE os-stream
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defparameter *fast* '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))))
+;; Let us first define fast fixnum arithmetric get rid of type
+;; checks. (After all we know what we do here).
+(defmacro fx-op (op &rest xs) 
+  `(the fixnum (,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs))))
+(defmacro fx-pred (op &rest xs) 
+  `(,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs)))
+(defmacro %+   (&rest xs) `(fx-op + , at xs))
+(defmacro %=  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred = , at xs))
+(deftype buffer-index ()
+  `(unsigned-byte ,(integer-length array-total-size-limit)))
+(deftype buffer-byte ()
+  `(unsigned-byte 16))
+(deftype octet ()
+  `(unsigned-byte 8))
+;; The usage of a special marker for EOF is experimental and
+;; considered unhygenic.
+(defconstant +end+ #xFFFF
+  "Special marker inserted into stream buffers to indicate end of buffered data.")
+(defvar +null-buffer+ (make-array 0 :element-type 'buffer-byte))
+(defvar +null-octet-buffer+ (make-array 0 :element-type 'octet))
+(defstruct (xstream 
+            (:constructor make-xstream/low)
+            (:copier nil)
+            (:print-function print-xstream))
+  ;;; Read buffer
+  ;; the buffer itself
+  (buffer +null-buffer+ 
+          :type (simple-array buffer-byte (*)))
+  ;; points to the next element of `buffer' containing the next rune
+  ;; about to be read.
+  (read-ptr      0 :type buffer-index)
+  ;; points to the first element of `buffer' not containing a rune to
+  ;; be read.
+  (fill-ptr      0 :type buffer-index)
+  ;;; OS buffer
+  ;; a scratch pad for READ-SEQUENCE
+  (os-buffer +null-octet-buffer+
+             :type (simple-array octet (*)))
+  ;; `os-left-start', `os-left-end' designate a region of os-buffer,
+  ;; which still contains some undecoded data. This is needed because
+  ;; of the DECODE-SEQUENCE protocol
+  (os-left-start 0 :type buffer-index)
+  (os-left-end   0 :type buffer-index)
+  ;; How much to read each time
+  (speed         0 :type buffer-index)
+  (full-speed    0 :type buffer-index)
+  ;; Some stream object obeying to a certain protcol
+  os-stream
+  ;; The external format 
+  ;; (some object offering the ENCODING protocol)
+  (encoding :utf-8)
+  ;;A STREAM-NAME object
+  (name nil)
+  ;; a plist a struct keeps the hack away
+  (plist nil)
+  ;; Stream Position
+  (line-number 1 :type integer)         ;current line number
+  (line-start  0 :type integer)         ;stream position the current line starts at
+  (buffer-start 0 :type integer)        ;stream position the current buffer starts at
+  ;; There is no need to maintain a column counter for each character
+  ;; read, since we can easily compute it from `line-start' and
+  ;; `buffer-start'.
+  )
+(defun print-xstream (self sink depth)
+  (declare (ignore depth))
+  (format sink "#<~S ~S>" (type-of self) (xstream-name self)))
+(defmacro read-rune (input)
+  "Read a single rune off the xstream `input'. In case of end of file :EOF 
+   is returned."
+  `((lambda (input)
+      (declare (type xstream input)
+               #.*fast*)
+      (let ((rp (xstream-read-ptr input)))
+        (declare (type buffer-index rp))
+        (let ((ch (aref (the (simple-array buffer-byte (*)) (xstream-buffer input))
+                        rp)))
+          (declare (type buffer-byte ch))
+          (setf (xstream-read-ptr input) (%+ rp 1))
+          (cond ((%= ch +end+)
+                 (the (or (member :eof) rune)
+                   (xstream-underflow input)))
+                ((%= ch #x000A)         ;line break
+                 (account-for-line-break input)
+                 (code-rune ch))
+                (t
+                 (code-rune ch))))))
+    ,input))
+(defmacro peek-rune (input)
+  "Peek a single rune off the xstream `input'. In case of end of file :EOF
+   is returned."
+  `((lambda (input)
+      (declare (type xstream input)
+               #.*fast*)
+      (let ((rp (xstream-read-ptr input)))
+        (declare (type buffer-index rp))
+        (let ((ch (aref (the (simple-array buffer-byte (*)) (xstream-buffer input))
+                        rp)))
+          (declare (type buffer-byte ch))
+          (cond ((%= ch +end+)
+                 (prog1
+                     (the (or (member :eof) rune) (xstream-underflow input))
+                   (setf (xstream-read-ptr input) 0)))
+                (t
+                 (code-rune ch))))))
+    ,input))
+(defmacro consume-rune (input)
+  "Like READ-RUNE, but does not actually return the read rune."
+  `((lambda (input)
+      (declare (type xstream input)
+               #.*fast*)
+      (let ((rp (xstream-read-ptr input)))
+        (declare (type buffer-index rp))
+        (let ((ch (aref (the (simple-array buffer-byte (*)) (xstream-buffer input))
+                        rp)))
+          (declare (type buffer-byte ch))
+          (setf (xstream-read-ptr input) (%+ rp 1))
+          (when (%= ch +end+)
+            (xstream-underflow input))
+          (when (%= ch #x000A)         ;line break
+            (account-for-line-break input) )))
+      nil)
+    ,input))
+(definline unread-rune (rune input)
+  "Unread the last recently read rune; if there wasn't such a rune, you
+   deserve to lose."
+  (declare (ignore rune))
+  (decf (xstream-read-ptr input))
+  (when (rune= (peek-rune input) #/u+000A)   ;was it a line break?
+    (unaccount-for-line-break input)))
+(defun fread-rune (input)
+  (read-rune input))
+(defun fpeek-rune (input)
+  (peek-rune input))
+;;; Line counting
+(defun account-for-line-break (input)
+  (declare (type xstream input))
+  (incf (xstream-line-number input))
+  (setf (xstream-line-start input)
+    (+ (xstream-buffer-start input) (xstream-read-ptr input))))
+(defun unaccount-for-line-break (input)
+  ;; incomplete! 
+  ;; We better use a traditional lookahead technique or forbid unread-rune.
+  (decf (xstream-line-number input)))
+;; User API:
+(defun xstream-position (input)
+  (+ (xstream-buffer-start input) (xstream-read-ptr input)))
+;; xstream-line-number is structure accessor
+(defun xstream-column-number (input)
+  (+ (- (xstream-position input)
+        (xstream-line-start input))
+     1))
+;;; Underflow
+(defconstant +default-buffer-size+ 100)
+(defmethod xstream-underflow ((input xstream))
+  (declare (type xstream input))
+  ;; we are about to fill new data into the buffer, so we need to
+  ;; adjust buffer-start.
+  (incf (xstream-buffer-start input)
+        (- (xstream-fill-ptr input) 0))
+  (let (n m)
+    ;; when there is something left in the os-buffer, we move it to
+    ;; the start of the buffer.
+    (setf m (- (xstream-os-left-end input) (xstream-os-left-start input)))
+    (unless (zerop m)
+      (replace (xstream-os-buffer input) (xstream-os-buffer input)
+               :start1 0 :end1 m
+               :start2 (xstream-os-left-start input)
+               :end2 (xstream-os-left-end input))
+      ;; then we take care that the buffer is large enough to carry at
+      ;; least 100 bytes (a random number)
+      ;;
+      ;; David: My understanding is that any number of octets large enough
+      ;; to record the longest UTF-8 sequence or UTF-16 sequence is okay,
+      ;; so 100 is plenty for this purpose.
+      (unless (>= (length (xstream-os-buffer input)) 
+		  +default-buffer-size+)
+        (error "You lost")))
+    (setf n
+      (read-octets (xstream-os-buffer input) (xstream-os-stream input)
+                   m (min (1- (length (xstream-os-buffer input)))
+                          (+ m (xstream-speed input)))))
+    (cond ((%= n 0)
+           (setf (xstream-read-ptr input) 0
+                 (xstream-fill-ptr input) n)
+           (setf (aref (xstream-buffer input) (xstream-fill-ptr input)) +end+)
+           :eof)
+          (t
+           (multiple-value-bind (fnw fnr) 
+               (runes-encoding:decode-sequence
+                (xstream-encoding input) 
+                (xstream-os-buffer input) 0 n
+                (xstream-buffer input) 0 (1- (length (xstream-buffer input)))
+                (= n m))
+             (setf (xstream-os-left-start input) fnr
+                   (xstream-os-left-end input) n
+                   (xstream-read-ptr input) 0
+                   (xstream-fill-ptr input) fnw)
+             (setf (aref (xstream-buffer input) (xstream-fill-ptr input)) +end+)
+             (read-rune input))))))
+;;; constructor
+(defun make-xstream (os-stream &key name
+                                    (speed 8192)
+                                    (initial-speed 1)
+                                    (initial-encoding :guess))
+  ;; XXX if initial-speed isn't 1, encoding will me munged up
+  (assert (eql initial-speed 1))
+  (multiple-value-bind (encoding preread)
+      (if (eq initial-encoding :guess)
+          (figure-encoding os-stream)
+          (values initial-encoding nil))
+    (let* ((bufsize (max speed +default-buffer-size+))
+	   (osbuf (make-array bufsize :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+      (replace osbuf preread)
+      (make-xstream/low
+       :buffer (let ((r (make-array bufsize :element-type 'buffer-byte)))
+                 (setf (elt r 0) #xFFFF)
+                 r)
+       :read-ptr 0
+       :fill-ptr 0
+       :os-buffer osbuf
+       :speed initial-speed
+       :full-speed speed
+       :os-stream os-stream
+       :os-left-start 0
+       :os-left-end (length preread)
+       :encoding encoding
+       :name name))))
+(defun make-rod-xstream (string &key name)
+  (unless (typep string 'simple-array)
+    (setf string (coerce string 'simple-string)))
+  ;; XXX encoding is mis-handled by this kind of stream
+  (let ((n (length string)))
+    (let ((buffer (make-array (1+ n) :element-type 'buffer-byte)))
+      (declare (type (simple-array buffer-byte (*)) buffer))
+      ;; copy the rod
+      (do ((i (1- n) (- i 1)))
+          ((< i 0))
+        (declare (type fixnum i))
+        (setf (aref buffer i) (rune-code (%rune string i))))
+      (setf (aref buffer n) +end+)
+      ;;
+      (make-xstream/low :buffer buffer
+                        :read-ptr 0
+                        :fill-ptr n
+                        ;; :os-buffer nil
+                        :speed 1
+                        :os-stream nil
+                        :name name))))
+(defmethod figure-encoding ((stream null))
+  (values :utf-8 nil))
+(defmethod figure-encoding ((stream stream))
+  (let ((c0 (read-byte stream nil :eof)))
+    (cond ((eq c0 :eof)
+           (values :utf-8 nil))
+          (t
+           (let ((c1 (read-byte stream nil :eof)))
+             (cond ((eq c1 :eof)
+                    (values :utf-8 (list c0)))
+                   (t
+                    (cond ((and (= c0 #xFE) (= c1 #xFF)) (values :utf-16-big-endian nil))
+                          ((and (= c0 #xFF) (= c1 #xFE)) (values :utf-16-little-endian nil))
+                          (t
+                           (values :utf-8 (list c0 c1)))))))))))
+;;; misc
+(defun close-xstream (input)
+  (xstream/close (xstream-os-stream input)))
+(defun set-to-full-speed (xstream)
+  (setf (xstream-speed xstream) (xstream-full-speed xstream)))
+;;; controller implementations
+(defmethod read-octets (sequence (stream stream) start end)
+  (#+CLISP ext:read-byte-sequence
+   #-CLISP read-sequence
+           sequence stream :start start :end end))
+(defmethod read-octets :around (sequence (stream stream) start end)
+  ;; CMUCL <= 19a on non-SunOS accidentally triggers EFAULT in read(2)
+  ;; if SEQUENCE has been write protected by GC.  Workaround: Touch all pages
+  ;; in SEQUENCE and make sure no GC happens between that and the read(2).
+  (ext::without-gcing
+   (loop for i from start below end
+         do (setf (elt sequence i) (elt sequence i)))
+   (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod read-octets (sequence (stream null) start end)
+  (declare (ignore sequence start end))
+  0)
+(defmethod xstream/close ((stream stream))
+  (close stream))
+(defmethod xstream/close ((stream null))
+  nil)

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/ystream.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/closure-common-2007-10-21/ystream.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+;;; (c) 2005 David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;; License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ystream (for lack of a better name): a rune output "stream"
+(in-package :runes)
+(defconstant +ystream-bufsize+ 1024)
+(defun make-ub8-array (n)
+  (make-array n :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+(defun make-ub16-array (n)
+  (make-array n :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)))
+(defun make-buffer (&key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+  (make-array 1
+              :element-type element-type
+              :adjustable t
+              :fill-pointer 0))
+(defmacro while (test &body body)
+  `(until (not ,test) , at body))
+(defmacro until (test &body body)
+  `(do () (,test) , at body))
+;;; ystream
+;;;  +- utf8-ystream
+;;;  |    +- octet-vector-ystream
+;;;  |    \- %stream-ystream
+;;;  |        +- octet-stream-ystream
+;;;  |        \- character-stream-ystream/utf8
+;;;  |            \- string-ystream/utf8
+;;;  +- rod-ystream
+;;;  \-- character-stream-ystream
+(defstruct ystream
+  (column 0 :type integer)
+  (in-ptr 0 :type fixnum)
+  (in-buffer (make-rod +ystream-bufsize+) :type simple-rod))
+(defstruct (utf8-ystream
+	    (:include ystream)
+	    (:conc-name "YSTREAM-"))
+  (out-buffer (make-ub8-array (* 6 +ystream-bufsize+))
+	      :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))))
+(defstruct (%stream-ystream (:include utf8-ystream) (:conc-name "YSTREAM-"))
+  (os-stream nil))
+(definline write-rune (rune ystream)
+  (let ((in (ystream-in-buffer ystream)))
+    (when (eql (ystream-in-ptr ystream) (length in))
+      (flush-ystream ystream)
+      (setf in (ystream-in-buffer ystream)))
+    (setf (elt in (ystream-in-ptr ystream)) rune)
+    (incf (ystream-in-ptr ystream))
+    (setf (ystream-column ystream)
+	  (if (eql rune #/U+0010) 0 (1+ (ystream-column ystream))))
+    rune))
+(defmethod close-ystream :before ((ystream ystream))
+  (flush-ystream ystream))
+;;;; UTF8-YSTREAM (abstract)
+(defmethod close-ystream ((ystream %stream-ystream))
+  (ystream-os-stream ystream))
+(defgeneric ystream-device-write (ystream buf nbytes))
+(defmethod flush-ystream ((ystream utf8-ystream))
+  (let ((ptr (ystream-in-ptr ystream)))
+    (when (plusp ptr)
+      (let* ((in (ystream-in-buffer ystream))
+	     (out (ystream-out-buffer ystream))
+	     (surrogatep (<= #xD800 (rune-code (elt in (1- ptr))) #xDBFF))
+	     n)
+	(when surrogatep
+	  (decf ptr))
+	(when (plusp ptr)
+	  (setf n (runes-to-utf8 out in ptr))
+	  (ystream-device-write ystream out n)
+	  (cond
+	    (surrogatep
+	      (setf (elt in 0) (elt in (1- ptr)))
+	      (setf (ystream-in-ptr ystream) 1))
+	    (t
+	      (setf (ystream-in-ptr ystream) 0))))))))
+(defun write-rod (rod sink)
+  (loop for rune across rod do (write-rune rune sink)))
+(defun fast-push (new-element vector)
+  (vector-push-extend new-element vector (max 1 (array-dimension vector 0))))
+(macrolet ((define-utf8-writer (name (byte &rest aux) result &body body)
+	     `(defun ,name (out in n)
+		(let ((high-surrogate nil)
+		      , at aux)
+		  (labels
+		      ((write0 (,byte)
+			 , at body)
+		       (write1 (r)
+			 (cond
+			   ((<= #x00000000 r #x0000007F) 
+			     (write0 r))
+			   ((<= #x00000080 r #x000007FF)
+			     (write0 (logior #b11000000 (ldb (byte 5 6) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) r))))
+			   ((<= #x00000800 r #x0000FFFF)
+			     (write0 (logior #b11100000 (ldb (byte 4 12) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 6) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) r))))
+			   ((<= #x00010000 r #x001FFFFF)
+			     (write0 (logior #b11110000 (ldb (byte 3 18) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 12) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 6) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) r))))
+			   ((<= #x00200000 r #x03FFFFFF)
+			     (write0 (logior #b11111000 (ldb (byte 2 24) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 18) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 12) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 6) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) r))))
+			   ((<= #x04000000 r #x7FFFFFFF)
+			     (write0 (logior #b11111100 (ldb (byte 1 30) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 24) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 18) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 12) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 6) r)))
+			     (write0 (logior #b10000000 (ldb (byte 6 0) r))))))
+		       (write2 (r)
+			 (cond
+			   ((<= #xD800 r #xDBFF)
+			     (setf high-surrogate r))
+			   ((<= #xDC00 r #xDFFF)
+			     (let ((q (logior (ash (- high-surrogate #xD7C0) 10)
+					      (- r #xDC00))))
+			       (write1 q))
+			     (setf high-surrogate nil))
+			   (t
+			     (write1 r)))))
+		    (dotimes (j n)
+		      (write2 (rune-code (elt in j)))))
+		  ,result))))
+  (define-utf8-writer runes-to-utf8 (x (i 0))
+    i
+    (setf (elt out i) x)
+    (incf i))
+  (define-utf8-writer runes-to-utf8/adjustable-string (x)
+    nil
+    (fast-push (code-char x) out)))
+(defstruct (rod-ystream (:include ystream)))
+(defmethod flush-ystream ((ystream rod-ystream))
+  (let* ((old (ystream-in-buffer ystream))
+	 (new (make-rod (* 2 (length old)))))
+    (replace new old)
+    (setf (ystream-in-buffer ystream) new)))
+(defmethod close-ystream ((ystream rod-ystream))
+  (subseq (ystream-in-buffer ystream) 0 (ystream-in-ptr ystream)))
+  (defstruct (character-stream-ystream
+	      (:constructor make-character-stream-ystream (target-stream))
+	      (:include ystream)
+	      (:conc-name "YSTREAM-"))
+    (target-stream nil))
+  (defmethod flush-ystream ((ystream character-stream-ystream))
+    (write-string (ystream-in-buffer ystream)
+		  (ystream-target-stream ystream)
+		  :end (ystream-in-ptr ystream))
+    (setf (ystream-in-ptr ystream) 0))
+  (defmethod close-ystream ((ystream character-stream-ystream))
+    (ystream-target-stream ystream)))
+(defstruct (octet-vector-ystream
+	    (:include utf8-ystream)
+	    (:conc-name "YSTREAM-"))
+  (result (make-buffer)))
+(defmethod ystream-device-write ((ystream octet-vector-ystream) buf nbytes)
+  (let* ((result (ystream-result ystream))
+	 (start (length result))
+	 (size (array-dimension result 0)))
+    (while (> (+ start nbytes) size)
+      (setf size (* 2 size)))
+    (adjust-array result size :fill-pointer (+ start nbytes))
+    (replace result buf :start1 start :end2 nbytes)))
+(defmethod close-ystream ((ystream octet-vector-ystream))
+  (ystream-result ystream))
+(defstruct (octet-stream-ystream
+	    (:include %stream-ystream)
+	    (:constructor make-octet-stream-ystream (os-stream))
+	    (:conc-name "YSTREAM-")))
+(defmethod ystream-device-write ((ystream octet-stream-ystream) buf nbytes)
+  (write-sequence buf (ystream-os-stream ystream) :end nbytes))
+;; #+rune-is-integer
+  (defstruct (character-stream-ystream/utf8
+	      (:constructor make-character-stream-ystream/utf8 (os-stream))
+	      (:include %stream-ystream)
+	      (:conc-name "YSTREAM-")))
+  (defmethod ystream-device-write
+      ((ystream character-stream-ystream/utf8) buf nbytes)
+    (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) buf))
+    (let ((out (ystream-os-stream ystream)))
+      (dotimes (x nbytes)
+	(write-char (code-char (elt buf x)) out)))))
+;; #+rune-is-integer
+  (defstruct (string-ystream/utf8
+	      (:include character-stream-ystream/utf8
+			(os-stream (make-string-output-stream)))
+	      (:conc-name "YSTREAM-")))
+  (defmethod close-ystream ((ystream string-ystream/utf8))
+    (get-output-stream-string (ystream-os-stream ystream))))
+;;;; helper functions
+(defun rod-to-utf8-string (rod)
+  (let ((out (make-buffer :element-type 'character)))
+    (runes-to-utf8/adjustable-string out rod (length rod))
+    out))
+(defun utf8-string-to-rod (str)
+  (let* ((bytes (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code str))
+         (buffer (make-array (length bytes) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)))
+         (n (runes-encoding:decode-sequence
+	     :utf-8 bytes 0 (length bytes) buffer 0 0 nil))
+         (result (make-array n :element-type 'rune)))
+    (map-into result #'code-rune buffer)
+    result))
+(defclass octet-input-stream
+    (trivial-gray-stream-mixin fundamental-binary-input-stream)
+    ((octets :initarg :octets)
+     (pos :initform 0)))
+(defmethod close ((stream octet-input-stream) &key abort)
+  (declare (ignore abort))
+  (open-stream-p stream))
+(defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream octet-input-stream))
+  (with-slots (octets pos) stream
+    (if (>= pos (length octets))
+        :eof
+        (prog1
+            (elt octets pos)
+          (incf pos)))))
+(defmethod stream-read-sequence
+    ((stream octet-input-stream) sequence start end &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (with-slots (octets pos) stream
+    (let* ((length (min (- end start) (- (length octets) pos)))
+           (end1 (+ start length))
+           (end2 (+ pos length)))
+      (replace sequence octets :start1 start :end1 end1 :start2 pos :end2 end2)
+      (setf pos end2)
+      end1)))
+(defun make-octet-input-stream (octets)
+  (make-instance 'octet-input-stream :octets octets))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/COPYING
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/COPYING	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+Closure XML -- a Common Lisp XML parser
+Copyright (c) 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+Copyright (c) 2003 by Henrik Motakef
+Copyright (c) 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+Copyright (c) 2004,2005 David Lichteblau
+Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License
+The concept of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
+("LGPL") has been adopted to govern the use and distribution of
+above-mentioned application. However, the LGPL uses terminology that is
+more appropriate for a program written in C than one written in
+Lisp. Nevertheless, the LGPL can still be applied to a Lisp program if
+certain clarifications are made. This document details those
+clarifications. Accordingly, the license for the open-source Lisp
+applications consists of this document plus the LGPL. Wherever there is
+a conflict between this document and the LGPL, this document takes
+precedence over the LGPL.
+A "Library" in Lisp is a collection of Lisp functions, data and foreign
+modules. The form of the Library can be Lisp source code (for processing
+by an interpreter) or object code (usually the result of compilation of
+source code or built with some other mechanisms). Foreign modules are
+object code in a form that can be linked into a Lisp executable. When we
+speak of functions we do so in the most general way to include, in
+addition, methods and unnamed functions. Lisp "data" is also a general
+term that includes the data structures resulting from defining Lisp
+classes. A Lisp application may include the same set of Lisp objects as
+does a Library, but this does not mean that the application is
+necessarily a "work based on the Library" it contains.
+The Library consists of everything in the distribution file set before
+any modifications are made to the files. If any of the functions or
+classes in the Library are redefined in other files, then those
+redefinitions ARE considered a work based on the Library. If additional
+methods are added to generic functions in the Library, those additional
+methods are NOT considered a work based on the Library. If Library
+classes are subclassed, these subclasses are NOT considered a work based
+on the Library. If the Library is modified to explicitly call other
+functions that are neither part of Lisp itself nor an available add-on
+module to Lisp, then the functions called by the modified Library ARE
+considered a work based on the Library. The goal is to ensure that the
+Library will compile and run without getting undefined function errors.
+It is permitted to add proprietary source code to the Library, but it
+must be done in a way such that the Library will still run without that
+proprietary code present. Section 5 of the LGPL distinguishes between
+the case of a library being dynamically linked at runtime and one being
+statically linked at build time. Section 5 of the LGPL states that the
+former results in an executable that is a "work that uses the Library."
+Section 5 of the LGPL states that the latter results in one that is a
+"derivative of the Library", which is therefore covered by the
+LGPL. Since Lisp only offers one choice, which is to link the Library
+into an executable at build time, we declare that, for the purpose
+applying the LGPL to the Library, an executable that results from
+linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library is considered a
+"work that uses the Library" and is therefore NOT covered by the LGPL.
+Because of this declaration, section 6 of LGPL is not applicable to the
+Library. However, in connection with each distribution of this
+executable, you must also deliver, in accordance with the terms and
+conditions of the LGPL, the source code of Library (or your derivative
+thereof) that is incorporated into this executable.
+End of Document
+		       Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.

+  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.

+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a

+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.

+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.

+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you

+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.

+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.

+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/DOMTEST
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/DOMTEST	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+0/806 attrcreatedocumentfragment.xml
+1/806 attrcreatetextnode.xml
+2/806 attrcreatetextnode2.xml
+3/806 attrdefaultvalue.xml
+4/806 attreffectivevalue.xml
+5/806 attrentityreplacement.xml
+6/806 attrname.xml
+7/806 attrnextsiblingnull.xml
+8/806 attrnotspecifiedvalue.xml
+9/806 attrparentnodenull.xml
+10/806 attrprevioussiblingnull.xml
+11/806 attrsetvaluenomodificationallowederr.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+12/806 attrsetvaluenomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+13/806 attrspecifiedvalue.xml
+14/806 attrspecifiedvaluechanged.xml
+15/806 attrspecifiedvalueremove.xml
+16/806 cdatasectiongetdata.xml
+implementationAttribute coalescing not supported, skipping test
+17/806 cdatasectionnormalize.xml
+18/806 characterdataappenddata.xml
+19/806 characterdataappenddatagetdata.xml
+20/806 characterdataappenddatanomodificationallowederr.xml
+21/806 characterdataappenddatanomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+22/806 characterdatadeletedatabegining.xml
+23/806 characterdatadeletedataend.xml
+24/806 characterdatadeletedataexceedslength.xml
+25/806 characterdatadeletedatagetlengthanddata.xml
+26/806 characterdatadeletedatamiddle.xml
+27/806 characterdatadeletedatanomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+28/806 characterdatagetdata.xml
+29/806 characterdatagetlength.xml
+30/806 characterdataindexsizeerrdeletedatacountnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+31/806 characterdataindexsizeerrdeletedataoffsetgreater.xml
+32/806 characterdataindexsizeerrdeletedataoffsetnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+33/806 characterdataindexsizeerrinsertdataoffsetgreater.xml
+34/806 characterdataindexsizeerrinsertdataoffsetnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+35/806 characterdataindexsizeerrreplacedatacountnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+36/806 characterdataindexsizeerrreplacedataoffsetgreater.xml
+37/806 characterdataindexsizeerrreplacedataoffsetnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+38/806 characterdataindexsizeerrsubstringcountnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+39/806 characterdataindexsizeerrsubstringnegativeoffset.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+40/806 characterdataindexsizeerrsubstringoffsetgreater.xml
+41/806 characterdatainsertdatabeginning.xml
+42/806 characterdatainsertdataend.xml
+43/806 characterdatainsertdatamiddle.xml
+44/806 characterdatainsertdatanomodificationallowederr.xml
+45/806 characterdatainsertdatanomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+46/806 characterdatareplacedatabegining.xml
+47/806 characterdatareplacedataend.xml
+48/806 characterdatareplacedataexceedslengthofarg.xml
+49/806 characterdatareplacedataexceedslengthofdata.xml
+50/806 characterdatareplacedatamiddle.xml
+51/806 characterdatareplacedatanomodificationallowederr.xml
+52/806 characterdatareplacedatanomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+53/806 characterdatasetdatanomodificationallowederr.xml
+54/806 characterdatasetdatanomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+55/806 characterdatasetnodevalue.xml
+56/806 characterdatasubstringexceedsvalue.xml
+57/806 characterdatasubstringvalue.xml
+58/806 commentgetcomment.xml
+59/806 documentcreateattribute.xml
+60/806 documentcreatecdatasection.xml
+61/806 documentcreatecomment.xml
+62/806 documentcreatedocumentfragment.xml
+63/806 documentcreateelement.xml
+64/806 documentcreateelementcasesensitive.xml
+65/806 documentcreateelementdefaultattr.xml
+66/806 documentcreateentityreference.xml
+67/806 documentcreateentityreferenceknown.xml
+68/806 documentcreateprocessinginstruction.xml
+69/806 documentcreatetextnode.xml
+70/806 documentgetdoctype.xml
+71/806 documentgetdoctypenodtd.xml
+72/806 documentgetelementsbytagnamelength.xml
+73/806 documentgetelementsbytagnametotallength.xml
+74/806 documentgetelementsbytagnamevalue.xml
+75/806 documentgetimplementation.xml
+76/806 documentgetrootnode.xml
+77/806 documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateattribute.xml
+78/806 documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateelement.xml
+79/806 documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateentref.xml
+80/806 documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateentref1.xml
+81/806 documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreatepi.xml
+82/806 documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreatepi1.xml
+83/806 documenttypegetdoctype.xml
+84/806 documenttypegetentities.xml
+85/806 documenttypegetentitieslength.xml
+86/806 documenttypegetentitiestype.xml
+87/806 documenttypegetnotations.xml
+88/806 documenttypegetnotationstype.xml
+89/806 domimplementationfeaturenoversion.xml
+90/806 domimplementationfeaturenull.xml
+implementationAttribute hasNullString not supported, skipping test
+91/806 domimplementationfeaturexml.xml
+92/806 elementaddnewattribute.xml
+93/806 elementassociatedattribute.xml
+94/806 elementchangeattributevalue.xml
+95/806 elementcreatenewattribute.xml
+96/806 elementgetattributenode.xml
+97/806 elementgetattributenodenull.xml
+98/806 elementgetelementempty.xml
+99/806 elementgetelementsbytagname.xml
+100/806 elementgetelementsbytagnameaccessnodelist.xml
+101/806 elementgetelementsbytagnamenomatch.xml
+102/806 elementgetelementsbytagnamespecialvalue.xml
+103/806 elementgettagname.xml
+104/806 elementinuseattributeerr.xml
+105/806 elementinvalidcharacterexception.xml
+106/806 elementnormalize.xml
+107/806 elementnotfounderr.xml
+108/806 elementremoveattribute.xml
+109/806 elementremoveattributeaftercreate.xml
+110/806 elementremoveattributenode.xml
+111/806 elementremoveattributenodenomodificationallowederr.xml
+112/806 elementremoveattributenodenomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+113/806 elementremoveattributenomodificationallowederr.xml
+114/806 elementremoveattributenomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+115/806 elementremoveattributerestoredefaultvalue.xml
+116/806 elementreplaceattributewithself.xml
+117/806 elementreplaceexistingattribute.xml
+118/806 elementreplaceexistingattributegevalue.xml
+119/806 elementretrieveallattributes.xml
+120/806 elementretrieveattrvalue.xml
+121/806 elementretrievetagname.xml
+122/806 elementsetattributenodenomodificationallowederr.xml
+123/806 elementsetattributenodenomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+124/806 elementsetattributenodenull.xml
+125/806 elementsetattributenomodificationallowederr.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+126/806 elementsetattributenomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+127/806 elementwrongdocumenterr.xml
+128/806 entitygetentityname.xml
+129/806 entitygetpublicid.xml
+130/806 entitygetpublicidnull.xml
+131/806 namednodemapchildnoderange.xml
+132/806 namednodemapgetnameditem.xml
+133/806 namednodemapinuseattributeerr.xml
+134/806 namednodemapnotfounderr.xml
+135/806 namednodemapnumberofnodes.xml
+136/806 namednodemapremovenameditem.xml
+137/806 namednodemapremovenameditemgetvalue.xml
+138/806 namednodemapremovenameditemreturnnodevalue.xml
+139/806 namednodemapreturnattrnode.xml
+140/806 namednodemapreturnfirstitem.xml
+141/806 namednodemapreturnlastitem.xml
+142/806 namednodemapreturnnull.xml
+143/806 namednodemapsetnameditem.xml
+144/806 namednodemapsetnameditemreturnvalue.xml
+145/806 namednodemapsetnameditemthatexists.xml
+146/806 namednodemapsetnameditemwithnewvalue.xml
+147/806 namednodemapwrongdocumenterr.xml
+148/806 nodeappendchild.xml
+149/806 nodeappendchildchildexists.xml
+150/806 nodeappendchilddocfragment.xml
+151/806 nodeappendchildgetnodename.xml
+152/806 nodeappendchildinvalidnodetype.xml
+153/806 nodeappendchildnewchilddiffdocument.xml
+154/806 nodeappendchildnodeancestor.xml
+155/806 nodeappendchildnomodificationallowederr.xml
+156/806 nodeappendchildnomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+157/806 nodeattributenodeattribute.xml
+158/806 nodeattributenodename.xml
+159/806 nodeattributenodetype.xml
+160/806 nodeattributenodevalue.xml
+161/806 nodecdatasectionnodeattribute.xml
+162/806 nodecdatasectionnodename.xml
+163/806 nodecdatasectionnodetype.xml
+implementationAttribute coalescing not supported, skipping test
+164/806 nodecdatasectionnodevalue.xml
+implementationAttribute coalescing not supported, skipping test
+165/806 nodechildnodes.xml
+166/806 nodechildnodesappendchild.xml
+167/806 nodechildnodesempty.xml
+168/806 nodecloneattributescopied.xml
+169/806 nodeclonefalsenocopytext.xml
+170/806 nodeclonegetparentnull.xml
+171/806 nodeclonenodefalse.xml
+172/806 nodeclonenodetrue.xml
+173/806 nodeclonetruecopytext.xml
+174/806 nodecommentnodeattributes.xml
+175/806 nodecommentnodename.xml
+176/806 nodecommentnodetype.xml
+177/806 nodecommentnodevalue.xml
+178/806 nodedocumentfragmentnodename.xml
+179/806 nodedocumentfragmentnodetype.xml
+180/806 nodedocumentfragmentnodevalue.xml
+181/806 nodedocumentnodeattribute.xml
+182/806 nodedocumentnodename.xml
+183/806 nodedocumentnodetype.xml
+184/806 nodedocumentnodevalue.xml
+185/806 nodedocumenttypenodename.xml
+186/806 nodedocumenttypenodetype.xml
+187/806 nodedocumenttypenodevalue.xml
+188/806 nodeelementnodeattributes.xml
+189/806 nodeelementnodename.xml
+190/806 nodeelementnodetype.xml
+191/806 nodeelementnodevalue.xml
+192/806 nodeentitynodeattributes.xml
+193/806 nodeentitynodename.xml
+194/806 nodeentitynodetype.xml
+195/806 nodeentitynodevalue.xml
+196/806 nodeentitysetnodevalue.xml
+197/806 nodeentityreferencenodeattributes.xml
+198/806 nodeentityreferencenodename.xml
+199/806 nodeentityreferencenodetype.xml
+200/806 nodeentityreferencenodevalue.xml
+201/806 nodegetfirstchild.xml
+202/806 nodegetfirstchildnull.xml
+203/806 nodegetlastchild.xml
+204/806 nodegetlastchildnull.xml
+205/806 nodegetnextsibling.xml
+206/806 nodegetnextsiblingnull.xml
+207/806 nodegetownerdocument.xml
+208/806 nodegetownerdocumentnull.xml
+209/806 nodegetprevioussibling.xml
+210/806 nodegetprevioussiblingnull.xml
+211/806 nodehaschildnodes.xml
+212/806 nodehaschildnodesfalse.xml
+213/806 nodeinsertbefore.xml
+214/806 nodeinsertbeforedocfragment.xml
+215/806 nodeinsertbeforeinvalidnodetype.xml
+216/806 nodeinsertbeforenewchilddiffdocument.xml
+217/806 nodeinsertbeforenewchildexists.xml
+218/806 nodeinsertbeforenodeancestor.xml
+219/806 nodeinsertbeforenodename.xml
+220/806 nodeinsertbeforenomodificationallowederr.xml
+221/806 nodeinsertbeforenomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+222/806 nodeinsertbeforerefchildnonexistent.xml
+223/806 nodeinsertbeforerefchildnull.xml
+224/806 nodelistindexequalzero.xml
+225/806 nodelistindexgetlength.xml
+226/806 nodelistindexgetlengthofemptylist.xml
+227/806 nodelistindexnotzero.xml
+228/806 nodelistreturnfirstitem.xml
+229/806 nodelistreturnlastitem.xml
+230/806 nodelisttraverselist.xml
+231/806 nodenotationnodeattributes.xml
+232/806 nodenotationnodename.xml
+233/806 nodenotationnodetype.xml
+234/806 nodenotationnodevalue.xml
+235/806 nodeparentnode.xml
+236/806 nodeparentnodenull.xml
+237/806 nodeprocessinginstructionnodeattributes.xml
+238/806 nodeprocessinginstructionnodename.xml
+239/806 nodeprocessinginstructionnodetype.xml
+240/806 nodeprocessinginstructionnodevalue.xml
+241/806 nodeprocessinginstructionsetnodevalue.xml
+242/806 noderemovechild.xml
+243/806 noderemovechildgetnodename.xml
+244/806 noderemovechildnode.xml
+245/806 noderemovechildnomodificationallowederr.xml
+246/806 noderemovechildnomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+247/806 noderemovechildoldchildnonexistent.xml
+248/806 nodereplacechild.xml
+249/806 nodereplacechildinvalidnodetype.xml
+250/806 nodereplacechildnewchilddiffdocument.xml
+251/806 nodereplacechildnewchildexists.xml
+252/806 nodereplacechildnodeancestor.xml
+253/806 nodereplacechildnodename.xml
+254/806 nodereplacechildnomodificationallowederr.xml
+255/806 nodereplacechildnomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+256/806 nodereplacechildoldchildnonexistent.xml
+257/806 nodesetnodevaluenomodificationallowederr.xml
+258/806 nodesetnodevaluenomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+259/806 nodetextnodeattribute.xml
+260/806 nodetextnodename.xml
+261/806 nodetextnodetype.xml
+262/806 nodetextnodevalue.xml
+263/806 notationgetnotationname.xml
+264/806 notationgetpublicid.xml
+265/806 notationgetpublicidnull.xml
+266/806 notationgetsystemid.xml
+267/806 notationgetsystemidnull.xml
+268/806 processinginstructiongetdata.xml
+269/806 processinginstructiongettarget.xml
+270/806 processinginstructionsetdatanomodificationallowederr.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+271/806 processinginstructionsetdatanomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+272/806 textindexsizeerrnegativeoffset.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+273/806 textindexsizeerroffsetoutofbounds.xml
+274/806 textparseintolistofelements.xml
+275/806 textsplittextfour.xml
+276/806 textsplittextnomodificationallowederr.xml
+277/806 textsplittextnomodificationallowederrEE.xml
+278/806 textsplittextone.xml
+279/806 textsplittextthree.xml
+280/806 textsplittexttwo.xml
+281/806 textwithnomarkup.xml
+282/806 nodevalue01.xml
+283/806 nodevalue02.xml
+284/806 nodevalue03.xml
+285/806 nodevalue04.xml
+286/806 nodevalue05.xml
+287/806 nodevalue06.xml
+288/806 nodevalue07.xml
+289/806 nodevalue08.xml
+290/806 nodevalue09.xml
+291/806 hc_attrcreatedocumentfragment.xml
+292/806 hc_attrcreatetextnode.xml
+293/806 hc_attrcreatetextnode2.xml
+294/806 hc_attreffectivevalue.xml
+295/806 hc_attrname.xml
+296/806 hc_attrnextsiblingnull.xml
+297/806 hc_attrparentnodenull.xml
+298/806 hc_attrprevioussiblingnull.xml
+299/806 hc_attrspecifiedvalue.xml
+300/806 hc_attrspecifiedvaluechanged.xml
+301/806 hc_characterdataappenddata.xml
+302/806 hc_characterdataappenddatagetdata.xml
+303/806 hc_characterdatadeletedatabegining.xml
+304/806 hc_characterdatadeletedataend.xml
+305/806 hc_characterdatadeletedataexceedslength.xml
+306/806 hc_characterdatadeletedatagetlengthanddata.xml
+307/806 hc_characterdatadeletedatamiddle.xml
+308/806 hc_characterdatagetdata.xml
+309/806 hc_characterdatagetlength.xml
+310/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrdeletedatacountnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+311/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrdeletedataoffsetgreater.xml
+312/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrdeletedataoffsetnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+313/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrinsertdataoffsetgreater.xml
+314/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrinsertdataoffsetnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+315/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrreplacedatacountnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+316/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrreplacedataoffsetgreater.xml
+317/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrreplacedataoffsetnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+318/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrsubstringcountnegative.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+319/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrsubstringnegativeoffset.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+320/806 hc_characterdataindexsizeerrsubstringoffsetgreater.xml
+321/806 hc_characterdatainsertdatabeginning.xml
+322/806 hc_characterdatainsertdataend.xml
+323/806 hc_characterdatainsertdatamiddle.xml
+324/806 hc_characterdatareplacedatabegining.xml
+325/806 hc_characterdatareplacedataend.xml
+326/806 hc_characterdatareplacedataexceedslengthofarg.xml
+327/806 hc_characterdatareplacedataexceedslengthofdata.xml
+328/806 hc_characterdatareplacedatamiddle.xml
+329/806 hc_characterdatasetnodevalue.xml
+330/806 hc_characterdatasubstringexceedsvalue.xml
+331/806 hc_characterdatasubstringvalue.xml
+332/806 hc_commentgetcomment.xml
+333/806 hc_documentcreateattribute.xml
+334/806 hc_documentcreatecomment.xml
+335/806 hc_documentcreatedocumentfragment.xml
+336/806 hc_documentcreateelement.xml
+337/806 hc_documentcreateelementcasesensitive.xml
+338/806 hc_documentcreatetextnode.xml
+339/806 hc_documentgetdoctype.xml
+340/806 hc_documentgetelementsbytagnamelength.xml
+341/806 hc_documentgetelementsbytagnametotallength.xml
+342/806 hc_documentgetelementsbytagnamevalue.xml
+343/806 hc_documentgetimplementation.xml
+344/806 hc_documentgetrootnode.xml
+345/806 hc_documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateattribute.xml
+346/806 hc_documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateattribute1.xml
+347/806 hc_documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateelement.xml
+348/806 hc_documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateelement1.xml
+349/806 hc_domimplementationfeaturenoversion.xml
+350/806 hc_domimplementationfeaturenull.xml
+implementationAttribute hasNullString not supported, skipping test
+351/806 hc_domimplementationfeaturexml.xml
+352/806 hc_elementaddnewattribute.xml
+353/806 hc_elementassociatedattribute.xml
+354/806 hc_elementchangeattributevalue.xml
+355/806 hc_elementcreatenewattribute.xml
+356/806 hc_elementgetattributenode.xml
+357/806 hc_elementgetattributenodenull.xml
+358/806 hc_elementgetelementempty.xml
+359/806 hc_elementgetelementsbytagname.xml
+360/806 hc_elementgetelementsbytagnameaccessnodelist.xml
+361/806 hc_elementgetelementsbytagnamenomatch.xml
+362/806 hc_elementgetelementsbytagnamespecialvalue.xml
+363/806 hc_elementgettagname.xml
+364/806 hc_elementinuseattributeerr.xml
+365/806 hc_elementinvalidcharacterexception.xml
+366/806 hc_elementinvalidcharacterexception1.xml
+367/806 hc_elementnormalize.xml
+368/806 hc_elementnotfounderr.xml
+369/806 hc_elementremoveattribute.xml
+370/806 hc_elementremoveattributeaftercreate.xml
+371/806 hc_elementremoveattributenode.xml
+372/806 hc_elementreplaceattributewithself.xml
+373/806 hc_elementreplaceexistingattribute.xml
+374/806 hc_elementreplaceexistingattributegevalue.xml
+375/806 hc_elementretrieveallattributes.xml
+376/806 hc_elementretrieveattrvalue.xml
+377/806 hc_elementretrievetagname.xml
+378/806 hc_elementsetattributenodenull.xml
+379/806 hc_elementwrongdocumenterr.xml
+380/806 hc_entitiesremovenameditem1.xml
+381/806 hc_entitiessetnameditem1.xml
+382/806 hc_namednodemapchildnoderange.xml
+383/806 hc_namednodemapgetnameditem.xml
+384/806 hc_namednodemapinuseattributeerr.xml
+385/806 hc_namednodemapnotfounderr.xml
+386/806 hc_namednodemapnumberofnodes.xml
+387/806 hc_namednodemapremovenameditem.xml
+388/806 hc_namednodemapreturnattrnode.xml
+389/806 hc_namednodemapreturnfirstitem.xml
+390/806 hc_namednodemapreturnlastitem.xml
+391/806 hc_namednodemapreturnnull.xml
+392/806 hc_namednodemapsetnameditem.xml
+393/806 hc_namednodemapsetnameditemreturnvalue.xml
+394/806 hc_namednodemapsetnameditemthatexists.xml
+395/806 hc_namednodemapsetnameditemwithnewvalue.xml
+396/806 hc_namednodemapwrongdocumenterr.xml
+397/806 hc_nodeappendchild.xml
+398/806 hc_nodeappendchildchildexists.xml
+399/806 hc_nodeappendchilddocfragment.xml
+400/806 hc_nodeappendchildgetnodename.xml
+401/806 hc_nodeappendchildinvalidnodetype.xml
+402/806 hc_nodeappendchildnewchilddiffdocument.xml
+403/806 hc_nodeappendchildnodeancestor.xml
+404/806 hc_nodeattributenodeattribute.xml
+405/806 hc_nodeattributenodename.xml
+406/806 hc_nodeattributenodetype.xml
+407/806 hc_nodeattributenodevalue.xml
+408/806 hc_nodechildnodes.xml
+409/806 hc_nodechildnodesappendchild.xml
+410/806 hc_nodechildnodesempty.xml
+411/806 hc_nodecloneattributescopied.xml
+412/806 hc_nodeclonefalsenocopytext.xml
+413/806 hc_nodeclonegetparentnull.xml
+414/806 hc_nodeclonenodefalse.xml
+415/806 hc_nodeclonenodetrue.xml
+416/806 hc_nodeclonetruecopytext.xml
+417/806 hc_nodecommentnodeattributes.xml
+418/806 hc_nodecommentnodename.xml
+419/806 hc_nodecommentnodetype.xml
+420/806 hc_nodecommentnodevalue.xml
+421/806 hc_nodedocumentfragmentnodename.xml
+422/806 hc_nodedocumentfragmentnodetype.xml
+423/806 hc_nodedocumentfragmentnodevalue.xml
+424/806 hc_nodedocumentnodeattribute.xml
+425/806 hc_nodedocumentnodename.xml
+426/806 hc_nodedocumentnodetype.xml
+427/806 hc_nodedocumentnodevalue.xml
+428/806 hc_nodeelementnodeattributes.xml
+429/806 hc_nodeelementnodename.xml
+430/806 hc_nodeelementnodetype.xml
+431/806 hc_nodeelementnodevalue.xml
+432/806 hc_nodegetfirstchild.xml
+433/806 hc_nodegetfirstchildnull.xml
+434/806 hc_nodegetlastchild.xml
+435/806 hc_nodegetlastchildnull.xml
+436/806 hc_nodegetnextsibling.xml
+437/806 hc_nodegetnextsiblingnull.xml
+438/806 hc_nodegetownerdocument.xml
+439/806 hc_nodegetownerdocumentnull.xml
+440/806 hc_nodegetprevioussibling.xml
+441/806 hc_nodegetprevioussiblingnull.xml
+442/806 hc_nodehaschildnodes.xml
+443/806 hc_nodehaschildnodesfalse.xml
+444/806 hc_nodeinsertbefore.xml
+445/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforedocfragment.xml
+446/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforeinvalidnodetype.xml
+447/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforenewchilddiffdocument.xml
+448/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforenewchildexists.xml
+449/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforenodeancestor.xml
+450/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforenodename.xml
+451/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforerefchildnonexistent.xml
+452/806 hc_nodeinsertbeforerefchildnull.xml
+453/806 hc_nodelistindexequalzero.xml
+454/806 hc_nodelistindexgetlength.xml
+455/806 hc_nodelistindexgetlengthofemptylist.xml
+456/806 hc_nodelistindexnotzero.xml
+457/806 hc_nodelistreturnfirstitem.xml
+458/806 hc_nodelistreturnlastitem.xml
+459/806 hc_nodelisttraverselist.xml
+460/806 hc_nodeparentnode.xml
+461/806 hc_nodeparentnodenull.xml
+462/806 hc_noderemovechild.xml
+463/806 hc_noderemovechildgetnodename.xml
+464/806 hc_noderemovechildnode.xml
+465/806 hc_noderemovechildoldchildnonexistent.xml
+466/806 hc_nodereplacechild.xml
+467/806 hc_nodereplacechildinvalidnodetype.xml
+468/806 hc_nodereplacechildnewchilddiffdocument.xml
+469/806 hc_nodereplacechildnodeancestor.xml
+470/806 hc_nodereplacechildnodename.xml
+471/806 hc_nodereplacechildoldchildnonexistent.xml
+472/806 hc_nodetextnodeattribute.xml
+473/806 hc_nodetextnodename.xml
+474/806 hc_nodetextnodetype.xml
+475/806 hc_nodetextnodevalue.xml
+476/806 hc_nodevalue01.xml
+477/806 hc_nodevalue02.xml
+478/806 hc_nodevalue03.xml
+479/806 hc_nodevalue04.xml
+480/806 hc_nodevalue05.xml
+481/806 hc_nodevalue06.xml
+482/806 hc_nodevalue07.xml
+483/806 hc_nodevalue08.xml
+484/806 hc_notationsremovenameditem1.xml
+485/806 hc_notationssetnameditem1.xml
+486/806 hc_textindexsizeerrnegativeoffset.xml
+implementationAttribute signed not supported, skipping test
+487/806 hc_textindexsizeerroffsetoutofbounds.xml
+488/806 hc_textparseintolistofelements.xml
+489/806 hc_textsplittextfour.xml
+490/806 hc_textsplittextone.xml
+491/806 hc_textsplittextthree.xml
+492/806 hc_textsplittexttwo.xml
+493/806 hc_textwithnomarkup.xml
+494/806 hc_attrappendchild1.xml
+495/806 hc_attrappendchild2.xml
+496/806 hc_attrappendchild3.xml
+497/806 hc_attrappendchild4.xml
+498/806 hc_attrappendchild5.xml
+499/806 hc_attrappendchild6.xml
+500/806 hc_attrchildnodes1.xml
+501/806 hc_attrchildnodes2.xml
+502/806 hc_attrclonenode1.xml
+503/806 hc_attrfirstchild.xml
+504/806 hc_attrgetvalue1.xml
+505/806 hc_attrgetvalue2.xml
+506/806 hc_attrhaschildnodes.xml
+507/806 hc_attrinsertbefore1.xml
+508/806 hc_attrinsertbefore2.xml
+509/806 hc_attrinsertbefore3.xml
+510/806 hc_attrinsertbefore4.xml
+511/806 hc_attrinsertbefore5.xml
+512/806 hc_attrinsertbefore6.xml
+513/806 hc_attrinsertbefore7.xml
+514/806 hc_attrlastchild.xml
+515/806 hc_attrnormalize.xml
+516/806 hc_attrremovechild1.xml
+517/806 hc_attrremovechild2.xml
+518/806 hc_attrreplacechild1.xml
+519/806 hc_attrreplacechild2.xml
+520/806 hc_attrsetvalue1.xml
+521/806 hc_attrsetvalue2.xml
+522/806 attrremovechild1.xml
+523/806 attrreplacechild1.xml
+524/806 attrgetownerelement01.xml
+525/806 attrgetownerelement02.xml
+526/806 attrgetownerelement03.xml
+527/806 attrgetownerelement04.xml
+528/806 attrgetownerelement05.xml
+529/806 createAttributeNS01.xml
+530/806 createAttributeNS02.xml
+531/806 createAttributeNS03.xml
+532/806 createAttributeNS04.xml
+533/806 createAttributeNS05.xml
+534/806 createAttributeNS06.xml
+535/806 createDocument01.xml
+536/806 createDocument02.xml
+537/806 createDocument03.xml
+538/806 createDocument04.xml
+539/806 createDocument05.xml
+540/806 createDocument06.xml
+541/806 createDocument07.xml
+542/806 createDocument08.xml
+543/806 createDocumentType01.xml
+544/806 createDocumentType02.xml
+545/806 createDocumentType03.xml
+546/806 createDocumentType04.xml
+547/806 createElementNS01.xml
+548/806 createElementNS02.xml
+549/806 createElementNS03.xml
+550/806 createElementNS04.xml
+551/806 createElementNS05.xml
+552/806 documentcreateattributeNS01.xml
+553/806 documentcreateattributeNS02.xml
+554/806 documentcreateattributeNS03.xml
+555/806 documentcreateattributeNS04.xml
+556/806 documentcreateattributeNS05.xml
+557/806 documentcreateattributeNS06.xml
+558/806 documentcreateattributeNS07.xml
+559/806 documentcreateelementNS01.xml
+560/806 documentcreateelementNS02.xml
+561/806 documentcreateelementNS05.xml
+562/806 documentcreateelementNS06.xml
+563/806 documentgetelementbyid01.xml
+564/806 documentgetelementsbytagnameNS01.xml
+565/806 documentgetelementsbytagnameNS02.xml
+566/806 documentgetelementsbytagnameNS03.xml
+567/806 documentgetelementsbytagnameNS04.xml
+568/806 documentgetelementsbytagnameNS05.xml
+569/806 documentimportnode01.xml
+570/806 documentimportnode02.xml
+571/806 documentimportnode03.xml
+572/806 documentimportnode04.xml
+573/806 documentimportnode05.xml
+574/806 documentimportnode06.xml
+575/806 documentimportnode07.xml
+576/806 documentimportnode08.xml
+577/806 documentimportnode09.xml
+578/806 documentimportnode10.xml
+579/806 documentimportnode11.xml
+580/806 documentimportnode12.xml
+581/806 documentimportnode13.xml
+582/806 documentimportnode14.xml
+583/806 documentimportnode15.xml
+584/806 documentimportnode17.xml
+585/806 documentimportnode18.xml
+586/806 documentimportnode19.xml
+587/806 documentimportnode20.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+588/806 documentimportnode21.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+589/806 documentimportnode22.xml
+590/806 documenttypeinternalSubset01.xml
+591/806 documenttypepublicid01.xml
+592/806 documenttypesystemid01.xml
+593/806 domimplementationcreatedocument03.xml
+594/806 domimplementationcreatedocument04.xml
+595/806 domimplementationcreatedocument05.xml
+596/806 domimplementationcreatedocument07.xml
+597/806 domimplementationcreatedocumenttype01.xml
+598/806 domimplementationcreatedocumenttype02.xml
+599/806 domimplementationcreatedocumenttype04.xml
+600/806 domimplementationfeaturecore.xml
+601/806 domimplementationfeaturexmlversion2.xml
+602/806 domimplementationhasfeature01.xml
+603/806 domimplementationhasfeature02.xml
+604/806 elementgetattributenodens01.xml
+605/806 elementgetattributenodens02.xml
+606/806 elementgetattributenodens03.xml
+607/806 elementgetattributens02.xml
+608/806 elementgetelementsbytagnamens02.xml
+609/806 elementgetelementsbytagnamens04.xml
+610/806 elementgetelementsbytagnamens05.xml
+611/806 elementhasattribute01.xml
+612/806 elementhasattribute02.xml
+613/806 elementhasattribute03.xml
+614/806 elementhasattribute04.xml
+615/806 elementhasattributens01.xml
+616/806 elementhasattributens02.xml
+617/806 elementhasattributens03.xml
+618/806 elementremoveattributens01.xml
+619/806 elementsetattributenodens01.xml
+620/806 elementsetattributenodens02.xml
+621/806 elementsetattributenodens03.xml
+622/806 elementsetattributenodens04.xml
+623/806 elementsetattributenodens05.xml
+624/806 elementsetattributenodens06.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+625/806 elementsetattributens01.xml
+626/806 elementsetattributens02.xml
+627/806 elementsetattributens03.xml
+628/806 elementsetattributens04.xml
+629/806 elementsetattributens05.xml
+630/806 elementsetattributens08.xml
+631/806 elementsetattributensurinull.xml
+632/806 getAttributeNS01.xml
+633/806 getAttributeNS02.xml
+634/806 getAttributeNS03.xml
+635/806 getAttributeNS04.xml
+636/806 getAttributeNS05.xml
+637/806 getAttributeNodeNS01.xml
+638/806 getAttributeNodeNS02.xml
+639/806 getElementById01.xml
+640/806 getElementById02.xml
+641/806 getElementsByTagNameNS01.xml
+642/806 getElementsByTagNameNS02.xml
+643/806 getElementsByTagNameNS03.xml
+644/806 getElementsByTagNameNS04.xml
+645/806 getElementsByTagNameNS05.xml
+646/806 getElementsByTagNameNS06.xml
+647/806 getElementsByTagNameNS07.xml
+648/806 getElementsByTagNameNS08.xml
+649/806 getElementsByTagNameNS09.xml
+650/806 getElementsByTagNameNS10.xml
+651/806 getElementsByTagNameNS11.xml
+652/806 getElementsByTagNameNS12.xml
+653/806 getElementsByTagNameNS13.xml
+654/806 getElementsByTagNameNS14.xml
+655/806 getNamedItemNS01.xml
+656/806 getNamedItemNS02.xml
+657/806 getNamedItemNS03.xml
+658/806 getNamedItemNS04.xml
+659/806 hasAttribute01.xml
+660/806 hasAttribute02.xml
+661/806 hasAttribute03.xml
+662/806 hasAttribute04.xml
+663/806 hasAttributeNS01.xml
+664/806 hasAttributeNS02.xml
+665/806 hasAttributeNS03.xml
+666/806 hasAttributeNS04.xml
+667/806 hasAttributeNS05.xml
+668/806 hasAttributes01.xml
+669/806 hasAttributes02.xml
+670/806 hc_entitiesremovenameditemns1.xml
+671/806 hc_entitiessetnameditemns1.xml
+672/806 hc_namednodemapinvalidtype1.xml
+673/806 hc_nodedocumentfragmentnormalize1.xml
+674/806 hc_nodedocumentfragmentnormalize2.xml
+675/806 hc_notationsremovenameditemns1.xml
+676/806 hc_notationssetnameditemns1.xml
+677/806 importNode01.xml
+678/806 importNode02.xml
+679/806 importNode03.xml
+680/806 importNode04.xml
+681/806 importNode05.xml
+682/806 importNode06.xml
+683/806 importNode07.xml
+684/806 importNode08.xml
+685/806 importNode09.xml
+686/806 importNode10.xml
+687/806 importNode11.xml
+688/806 importNode12.xml
+689/806 importNode13.xml
+690/806 importNode14.xml
+691/806 importNode15.xml
+692/806 importNode16.xml
+693/806 importNode17.xml
+694/806 internalSubset01.xml
+695/806 isSupported01.xml
+696/806 isSupported02.xml
+697/806 isSupported04.xml
+698/806 isSupported05.xml
+699/806 isSupported06.xml
+700/806 isSupported07.xml
+701/806 isSupported09.xml
+702/806 isSupported10.xml
+703/806 isSupported11.xml
+704/806 isSupported12.xml
+705/806 isSupported13.xml
+706/806 isSupported14.xml
+707/806 localName01.xml
+708/806 localName02.xml
+709/806 localName03.xml
+710/806 localName04.xml
+711/806 namednodemapgetnameditemns01.xml
+712/806 namednodemapgetnameditemns02.xml
+713/806 namednodemapgetnameditemns03.xml
+714/806 namednodemapgetnameditemns04.xml
+715/806 namednodemapgetnameditemns05.xml
+716/806 namednodemapgetnameditemns06.xml
+717/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns01.xml
+718/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns02.xml
+719/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns03.xml
+720/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns04.xml
+721/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns05.xml
+722/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns06.xml
+723/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns07.xml
+724/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns08.xml
+725/806 namednodemapremovenameditemns09.xml
+726/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns01.xml
+727/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns02.xml
+728/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns03.xml
+729/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns04.xml
+730/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns05.xml
+731/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns06.xml
+732/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns07.xml
+733/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns08.xml
+734/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns09.xml
+735/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns10.xml
+736/806 namednodemapsetnameditemns11.xml
+737/806 namespaceURI01.xml
+738/806 namespaceURI02.xml
+739/806 namespaceURI03.xml
+740/806 namespaceURI04.xml
+741/806 nodegetlocalname03.xml
+742/806 nodegetnamespaceuri03.xml
+743/806 nodegetownerdocument01.xml
+744/806 nodegetownerdocument02.xml
+745/806 nodegetprefix03.xml
+746/806 nodehasattributes01.xml
+747/806 nodehasattributes02.xml
+748/806 nodehasattributes03.xml
+749/806 nodehasattributes04.xml
+750/806 nodeissupported01.xml
+751/806 nodeissupported02.xml
+752/806 nodeissupported03.xml
+753/806 nodeissupported04.xml
+754/806 nodeissupported05.xml
+755/806 nodenormalize01.xml
+756/806 nodesetprefix01.xml
+757/806 nodesetprefix02.xml
+758/806 nodesetprefix03.xml
+759/806 nodesetprefix04.xml
+760/806 nodesetprefix05.xml
+761/806 nodesetprefix06.xml
+762/806 nodesetprefix07.xml
+763/806 nodesetprefix08.xml
+764/806 nodesetprefix09.xml
+765/806 normalize01.xml
+766/806 ownerDocument01.xml
+767/806 ownerElement01.xml
+768/806 ownerElement02.xml
+769/806 prefix01.xml
+770/806 prefix02.xml
+771/806 prefix03.xml
+772/806 prefix04.xml
+773/806 prefix05.xml
+774/806 prefix06.xml
+775/806 prefix07.xml
+776/806 prefix08.xml
+777/806 prefix09.xml
+778/806 prefix10.xml
+779/806 prefix11.xml
+780/806 publicId01.xml
+781/806 removeAttributeNS01.xml
+782/806 removeAttributeNS02.xml
+783/806 removeNamedItemNS01.xml
+784/806 removeNamedItemNS02.xml
+785/806 removeNamedItemNS03.xml
+786/806 setAttributeNS01.xml
+787/806 setAttributeNS02.xml
+788/806 setAttributeNS03.xml
+789/806 setAttributeNS04.xml
+790/806 setAttributeNS05.xml
+791/806 setAttributeNS06.xml
+792/806 setAttributeNS07.xml
+793/806 setAttributeNS09.xml
+794/806 setAttributeNS10.xml
+795/806 setAttributeNodeNS01.xml
+796/806 setAttributeNodeNS02.xml
+implementationAttribute expandEntityReferences not supported, skipping test
+797/806 setAttributeNodeNS03.xml
+798/806 setAttributeNodeNS04.xml
+799/806 setAttributeNodeNS05.xml
+800/806 setNamedItemNS01.xml
+801/806 setNamedItemNS02.xml
+802/806 setNamedItemNS03.xml
+803/806 setNamedItemNS04.xml
+804/806 setNamedItemNS05.xml
+805/806 systemId01.xml
+0/763 tests failed; 43 tests were skipped
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/GNUmakefile
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/GNUmakefile	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	@echo no such target
+	@exit 1
+.PHONY: clean
+	find . \( -name \*.fasl -o -name \*.x86f -o -name \*.lx64fsl \) -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/OLDNEWS
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/OLDNEWS	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+Changes to Gilbert Baumann's Code
+(Stand dieser Liste: patch-190)
+    Import of Closure's src/xml and src/glisp
+Build system
+    dom-builder.lsp braucht package.lisp
+    xml-parse braucht dom-impl
+    xml-parse braucht encodings
+    xml-parse.lisp needs xml-stream.lisp
+    DOM in eigenes Verzeichnis und System verschoben
+    COPYING auch im DOM
+    tests in eigenes Verzeichnis verschoben
+    commented out most of dep-clisp for now
+    CLISP fixes
+glisp durch runes ersetzt
+patch-139 patch-140 patch-141 patch-142 patch-143
+    unbenutzte Funktionen aus glisp entfernt
+    GLISP keine COMMON-LISP-Symbole mehr exportieren lassen
+    glisp defpackage weiter vereinfacht
+    runes.lisp aufgeteilt in runes.lisp und syntax.lisp
+    CHARACTER-basierte Runen-Implementation
+    removed support for oldish gcl
+    removed dep-gcl-2.lisp
+    clarified glisp license as LLGPL as per Gilbert Baumann
+    GLISP in RUNES umbenannt
+    xstream (und encoding) nach runes verschoben
+    really fixed rune-char
+DOM fixes
+    add dom:remove-child, dom:import-node
+    fixed dom:remove-child
+    strings->rods in set-attribute, too
+    dom:item und dom:length fuer NodeList implementiert
+    s/remove-atttribute/remove-attribute
+    dom:remove-attribute-node korrigiert
+    neu: dom:remove-attribute
+    dom:normalize implementiert
+    get-elements-by-tag-name fuer Element implementiert
+    s/data/value/ fuer CHARACTER-DATA
+    Aufruf von Setter-Methoden
+    (setf value) nachgetragen
+    (DOM:NODE-VALUE ATTRIBUTE) korrigiert
+    writer fuer DOM:DATA
+    (setf dom:node-value) implementiert
+    hack: implemented CHILD-NODES for ENTITY-REFERENCE
+    ENTITY-REFERENCE-Kinder als read-only markieren
+    DOM-EXCEPTION implementiert
+    fixed special cases in delete-data and replace-data
+    delete-data: Arraytyp korrigiert
+    DOM:INSERT-DATA implementiert
+    bugfix: replace-data for count != (length arg)
+    patch-46 nachgebessert: offset == length ist OK
+    fixed special cases in dom:substring-data
+    fixed patch-36, my (setf dom:data) implementation was bogus
+    temporary fix: attributes are created with value ""
+    START-DTD, END-DTD, DOCUMENT-TYPE initialisation
+    neu: CLONE-NODE
+patch-65, patch-66
+    verify attribute name syntax in createAttribute
+    more NAME syntax checks: CREATE-ELEMENT, SET-ATTRIBUTE
+patch-69, patch-70
+    hacked my resolve-entity function to return NIL for undefined entities
+    INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR in create-entity-reference, too
+    Implement no-op methods on (setf node-value) where required...
+    fixed get-elements-by-tag-name not to include the argument itself
+patch-76, patch-77
+    implemented DOM:SPLIT-TEXT
+    noch unfertig: initialisiere dom:enitities richtig, erzeuge Entity-Knoten
+    dom:notations fuellen
+    WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR auch in set-attribute-node
+    WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR nicht nur in set-attribute-node, sondern prinzipiell in set-named-item
+    :NOT_FOUND_ERR in remove-named-item
+    can-adopt-p implementiert
+    normalize korrigiert: cdata-section nicht beruehren
+    DOCUMENTs have owner NIL
+    (setf dom:data) fuer PI korrigiert
+    oops, split-text korrigiert
+    NOT_FOUND_ERROR in removeAttributeNode sucht das Objekt, nicht seinen Namen
+patch-107, patch-113
+    Defaultwert fuer fehlende Attribute ist der leere Rod-String, nicht NIL
+    entity und notation maps sind read-only
+    dom:item liefert NIL bei ungueltigem index
+patch-120, patch-122, patch-124
+    NodeList reimplementiert
+    NAMED-NODE-MAP muss auch auf HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR pruefen...
+    ATTRIBUTE hat jetzt Kinder
+    auch Attribute normalisieren
+    (setf dom:value) auf einem Attribut darf ein etwaiges Kinderobjekt nicht wiederverwenden
+    replace-child fuer document-fragment implementiert
+    CAN-ADOPT-P fuer Parent ATTRIBUTE und Kind CDATA-SECTION korrigiert
+    DOCUMENT darf nur jeweils ein ELEMENT- und DOCTYPE-Kind haben
+    neu: map-node-list, do-node-list.  ensure-valid-insertion-request korrigiert
+    ANSI conformance fix in MOVE
+    ignore fill-pointers in MOVE
+xml-parse.lisp changes
+    (assert (eql initial-speed 1)) in make-xstream
+    added a forward declaration for *namespace-bindings*
+    fix for thread safety in p/document
+    Warnung ueber (nicht) redefinierte Attribute abschalten koennen
+    call sax:comment; create comment nodes
+    public-id und system-id der Entities uebergeben
+    Die XML Deklaration ist keine Processing Instruction.
+    SAX-Aufrufe korrigiert fuer DTD ohne ID; Entitydeklaration mit SYSTEM ID
+    added missing format argument in internal-entity-expansion
+    fixed rod type in appenddata
+    reordered definitions to avoid forward references
+    more SBCL warnings removed
+    new function parse-octets
+(See also: patch-58, patch-80, patch-82)
+DOM-Builder und SAX-Interface
+    Warnungen beseitigt ("undefined variable")
+    fixed PARENT slot initialization and added a rant about the current implementation
+    CDATA sections bauen
+    normalisierte Elemente bauen
+(See also: patch-58, patch-80, patch-82, patch-86, patch-118, patch-120)
+    Kommentare verstehen (und nicht ausgeben)
+    print elements with their tag-name
+    print attributes with name and value
+    workaround, need to revert this later
+patch-10 reverted by patch-12
+patch-114 reverted by patch-115
+patch-63 reverted by patch-134
+patch-4 patch-38 patch-87 patch-90 patch-103 reverted by patch-154
+patch-154 STRING-DOM nicht mehr verwenden.  File ist aber noch da.
+patch-27 patch-28 patch-29 patch-30 patch-31 patch-40 patch-42 patch-53
+patch-59 patch-61 patch-62 patch-64 patch-78 patch-79 patch-83 patch-84
+patch-88 patch-92 patch-93 patch-99 patch-105 patch-108 patch-111
+patch-116 patch-117 patch-123 patch-153 patch-182
+    DOM tests
+patch-13 patch-15 patch-16 patch-147 patch-186
+    Testfunktion fuer XML Conformance Test Suite
+(need to merge this with Gilbert's work)

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/README
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/README	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Closure XML Parser
+   An XML parser written in Common Lisp.
+   Closure XML was written by Gilbert Baumann (unk6 at
+   rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) as part of the Closure web browser.
+   Contributions to the parser by
+     * Henrik Motakef (hmot at henrik-motakef.de)
+     * David Lichteblau (david at lichteblau.com)
+   CXML implements a namespace-aware, validating XML 1.0 parser
+   as well as the DOM Level 2 Core interfaces. Two parser interfaces
+   are offered, one SAX-like, the other similar to StAX.
+   CXML is licensed under Lisp-LGPL.
+   Send bug reports to cxml-devel at common-lisp.net
+   (http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cxml-devel)
+   Please refer to http://common-lisp.net/project/cxml/ for details.
+   The documentation is also available in the doc/ subdirectory of this
+   source distribution, run `make' in that directory to build HTML
+   for the XML sources (requires xsltproc).

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/TIMES
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/TIMES	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Time required for parsing a simple document (wc: 99621 298859 3267087).
+;; CXML with NIL builder
+;; (cxml:parse-file "~/test.xml" nil)
+; cpu time (non-gc) 12,940 msec user, 20 msec system
+; cpu time (gc)     0 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (total)  12,940 msec user, 20 msec system
+; real time  12,991 msec
+; space allocation:
+;  4,184,599 cons cells, 47,682,392 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;; CXML with xmls-compatible builder
+;; (cxml:parse-file "~/test.xml" (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))
+; cpu time (non-gc) 14,370 msec user, 20 msec system
+; cpu time (gc)     0 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (total)  14,370 msec user, 20 msec system
+; real time  14,387 msec
+; space allocation:
+;  8,667,564 cons cells, 47,682,600 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;; For comparison: xmls.lisp
+;; (with-open-file (s "~/test.xml") (xmls:parse s :compress-whitespace nil))
+; cpu time (non-gc) 27,440 msec user, 50 msec system
+; cpu time (gc)     860 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (total)  28,300 msec user, 50 msec system
+; real time  28,813 msec
+; space allocation:
+;  14,821,161 cons cells, 243,886,592 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;; CXML with DOM builder
+;; (cxml:parse-file "~/test.xml" (dom:make-dom-builder))
+; cpu time (non-gc) 34,900 msec user, 40 msec system
+; cpu time (gc)     760 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (total)  35,660 msec user, 40 msec system
+; real time  35,822 msec
+; space allocation:
+;  14,645,503 cons cells, 300,235,640 other bytes, 0 static bytes

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/XMLCONF
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/XMLCONF	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1834 @@
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/001.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/002.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/003.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/004.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/005.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/006.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/007.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/008.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/009.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/010.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/011.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/012.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/013.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/014.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/015.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/016.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/017.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/018.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/019.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/020.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/021.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/022.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/023.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/024.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/025.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/026.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/027.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/028.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/029.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/030.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/031.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/032.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/033.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/034.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/035.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/036.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/037.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/038.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/039.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/040.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/041.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/042.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/043.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/044.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/045.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/046.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/047.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/048.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/049.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/050.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/051.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/052.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/053.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/054.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/055.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/056.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/057.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/058.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/059.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/060.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/061.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/062.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/063.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/064.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/065.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/066.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/067.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/068.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/069.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/070.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/071.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/072.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/073.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/074.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/075.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/076.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/077.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/078.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/079.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/080.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/081.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/082.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/083.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/084.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/085.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/086.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/087.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/088.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/089.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/090.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/091.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/092.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/093.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/094.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/095.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/096.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/097.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/098.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/099.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/100.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/101.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/102.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/103.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/104.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/105.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/106.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/107.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/108.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/109.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/110.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/111.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/112.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/113.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/114.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/115.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/116.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/117.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/118.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/119.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/120.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/121.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/122.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/123.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/124.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/125.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/126.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/127.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/128.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/129.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/130.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/131.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/132.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/133.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/134.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/135.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/136.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/137.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/138.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/139.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/140.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/141.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/142.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/143.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/144.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/145.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/146.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/147.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/148.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/149.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/150.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/151.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/152.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/153.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/154.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/155.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/156.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/157.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/158.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/159.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/160.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/161.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/162.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/163.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/164.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/165.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/166.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/167.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/168.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/169.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/170.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/171.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/172.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/173.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/174.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/175.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/176.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/177.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/178.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/179.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/180.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/181.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/182.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/183.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/184.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/185.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/sa/186.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/001.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/002.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/003.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/004.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/006.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/007.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/008.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/not-sa/009.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/ext-sa/001.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/not-wf/ext-sa/002.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/not-wf/ext-sa/003.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+xmltest/invalid/002.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/invalid/005.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/invalid/006.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/invalid/not-sa/022.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] invalid
+xmltest/valid/sa/001.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/002.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/003.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/004.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/005.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/006.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/007.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/008.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/009.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/010.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/011.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+valid/sa/012.xml: test applies to parsers without namespace support, skipping
+xmltest/valid/sa/013.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/014.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/015.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/016.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/017.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/018.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/019.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/020.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/021.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/022.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/023.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/024.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/025.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/026.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/027.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/028.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/029.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/030.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/031.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/032.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/033.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/034.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/035.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/036.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/037.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/038.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/039.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/040.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/041.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/042.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/043.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/044.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/045.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/046.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/047.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/048.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/049.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/050.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/051.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/052.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/053.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/054.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/055.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/056.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/057.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/058.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/059.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/060.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/061.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/062.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/063.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/064.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/065.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/066.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/067.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/068.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/069.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/070.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/071.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/072.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/073.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/074.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/075.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/076.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/077.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/078.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/079.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/080.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/081.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/082.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/083.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/084.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/085.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/086.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/087.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/088.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/089.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/090.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/091.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/092.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/093.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/094.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/095.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/096.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/097.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/098.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/099.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/100.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/101.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/102.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/103.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/104.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/105.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/106.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/107.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/108.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/109.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/110.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/111.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/112.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/113.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/114.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/115.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/116.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/117.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/118.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/sa/119.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/001.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/002.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/003.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/004.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/005.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/006.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/007.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/008.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/009.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/010.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/011.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/012.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/013.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/014.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/015.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/016.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/017.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/018.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/019.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/020.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/021.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/023.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/024.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/025.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/026.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/027.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/028.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/029.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/030.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/not-sa/031.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/001.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/002.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/003.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/004.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/005.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/006.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/007.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/008.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/009.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/011.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/012.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/013.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+xmltest/valid/ext-sa/014.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+japanese/pr-xml-little-endian.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+japanese/pr-xml-utf-16.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+japanese/pr-xml-utf-8.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+japanese/weekly-little-endian.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+japanese/weekly-utf-16.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+japanese/weekly-utf-8.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+sun/valid/pe01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+sun/valid/dtd00.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/dtd01.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/element.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/ext01.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/ext02.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/not-sa01.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/not-sa02.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/not-sa03.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/not-sa04.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/notation01.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/optional.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/required00.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/sa01.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/sa02.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/sa03.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/sa04.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/sa05.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/sgml01.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/v-lang01.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/v-lang02.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/v-lang03.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/v-lang04.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/v-lang05.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/v-lang06.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/pe00.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/pe03.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/valid/pe02.xml [not validating:] input/output [validating:] input/output
+sun/invalid/dtd01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/dtd02.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/dtd03.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/el01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/el02.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/el03.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/el04.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/el05.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/el06.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id02.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id03.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id04.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id05.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id06.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id07.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id08.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/id09.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa02.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa04.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa05.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa06.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa07.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa08.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa09.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa10.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa11.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa12.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa13.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/not-sa14.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional02.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional03.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional04.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional05.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional06.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional07.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional08.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional09.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional10.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional11.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional12.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional13.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional14.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional20.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional21.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional22.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional23.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional24.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/optional25.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/required00.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/required01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/required02.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/root.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr01.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr02.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr03.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr04.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr05.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr06.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr07.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr08.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr09.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr10.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr11.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr12.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr13.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr14.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr15.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/attr16.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/utf16b.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/utf16l.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/invalid/empty.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+sun/not-wf/not-sa03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+sun/not-wf/attlist01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist04.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist05.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist06.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist07.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist08.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist09.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist10.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/attlist11.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/cond01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/cond02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/content01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/content02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/content03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/decl01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/dtd00.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/dtd01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/dtd02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/dtd03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/dtd04.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/dtd05.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/dtd07.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/element00.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+sun/not-wf/element01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+sun/not-wf/element02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/element03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/element04.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/encoding01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/encoding02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/encoding03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/encoding04.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/encoding05.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/encoding06.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/encoding07.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/pi.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/pubid01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/pubid02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/pubid03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/pubid04.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/pubid05.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml01.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+sun/not-wf/sgml02.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+sun/not-wf/sgml03.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml04.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml05.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml06.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml07.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml08.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml09.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml10.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml11.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml12.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+sun/not-wf/sgml13.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p01pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p06pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p07pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+p08pass1.xml: test applies to parsers without namespace support, skipping
+oasis/p09pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p12pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p22pass4.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p22pass5.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p22pass6.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p28pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p28pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p28pass4.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p28pass5.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p29pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p30pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p30pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p31pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p31pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p43pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p45pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p46pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p47pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p48pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p49pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p50pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p51pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p52pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p53pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p54pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p55pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p56pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p57pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p58pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p59pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p60pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p61pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p62pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p63pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p64pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p68pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p69pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p70pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p71pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p72pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p73pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p76pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] input
+oasis/p01pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p01pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p03pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+p04pass1.xml: test applies to parsers without namespace support, skipping
+p05pass1.xml: test applies to parsers without namespace support, skipping
+oasis/p06fail1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p08fail1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p08fail2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p10pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p14pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p15pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p16pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p16pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p16pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p18pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p22pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p22pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p22pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p23pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p23pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p23pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p23pass4.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p24pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p24pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p24pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p24pass4.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p25pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p25pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p26pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p27pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p27pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p27pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p27pass4.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p32pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p32pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p39pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p39pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p40pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p40pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p40pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p40pass4.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p41pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p41pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p42pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p42pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p44pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p44pass2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p44pass3.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p44pass4.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p44pass5.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p66pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p74pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p75pass1.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/e2.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p01fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p01fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p01fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p01fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail10.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail11.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail12.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail13.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail14.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail15.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail16.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail17.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail18.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail19.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail20.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail21.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail22.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail23.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail24.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail25.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail26.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail27.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail28.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail29.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail30.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail31.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail6.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail7.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail8.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p02fail9.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p03fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail10.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail11.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail12.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail13.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail14.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail15.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail16.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail17.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail18.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail19.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail20.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail21.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail22.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail23.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail24.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail25.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail26.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail27.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail28.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail29.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail7.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail8.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p03fail9.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p04fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p04fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p04fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p05fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p05fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p05fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p05fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p05fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p09fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p09fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p09fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p09fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p09fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p10fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p10fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p10fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p11fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p11fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p12fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p12fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p12fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p12fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p12fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p12fail6.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p12fail7.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p14fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p14fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p14fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p15fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p15fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p15fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p16fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p16fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p16fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p18fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p18fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p18fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p22fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p22fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p23fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p23fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p23fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p23fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p23fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p24fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p24fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p25fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p26fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p26fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p27fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p28fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p29fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p30fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p31fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p32fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p32fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p32fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p32fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p32fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p39fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p39fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p39fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p39fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p39fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p40fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p40fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p40fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p40fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p41fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p41fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p41fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p42fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p42fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p42fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p43fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p43fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p43fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p44fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p44fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p44fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p44fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p44fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p45fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p45fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p45fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p45fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p46fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p46fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p46fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p46fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p46fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p46fail6.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p47fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p47fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p47fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p47fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p48fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p48fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p49fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p50fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p51fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p51fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p51fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p51fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p51fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p51fail6.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p51fail7.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p52fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p52fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p53fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p53fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p53fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p53fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p53fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p54fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p55fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p56fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p56fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p56fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p56fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p56fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p57fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p58fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p58fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p58fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p58fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p58fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p58fail6.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p58fail7.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p58fail8.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p59fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p59fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p59fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p60fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p60fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p60fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p60fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p60fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p61fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p62fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p62fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p63fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p63fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p64fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p64fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
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+oasis/p66fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+oasis/p66fail6.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
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+oasis/p68fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p68fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p69fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p69fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p69fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p70fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p71fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p71fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p71fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p71fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p72fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p72fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p72fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p72fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p73fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p73fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p73fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p73fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p73fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p74fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p74fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p74fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p75fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p75fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p75fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p75fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p75fail5.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p75fail6.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p76fail1.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p76fail2.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p76fail3.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+oasis/p76fail4.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
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+eduni/namespaces/1.0/035.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/036.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/037.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/038.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/039.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/040.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/041.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/042.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/043.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/044.xml [not validating:] not-wf [validating:] not-wf
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/045.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+eduni/namespaces/1.0/046.xml [not validating:] input [validating:] invalid
+0/1829 tests failed; 333 tests were skipped
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/XMLS-SYMBOLS.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/XMLS-SYMBOLS.diff	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+* looking for david at knowledgetools.de--cxml/cxml--devel--1.0--patch-309 to compare with
+* comparing to david at knowledgetools.de--cxml/cxml--devel--1.0--patch-309
+M  xml/xmls-compat.lisp
+* modified files
+--- orig/xml/xmls-compat.lisp
++++ mod/xml/xmls-compat.lisp
+@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
+ (defpackage cxml-xmls
+   (:use :cl :runes)
+   (:export #:make-node #:node-name #:node-ns #:node-attrs #:node-children
+-           #:make-xmls-builder #:map-node))
++           #:make-xmls-builder #:map-node
++           #:*identifier-case*))
+ (in-package :cxml-xmls)
+@@ -64,6 +65,10 @@
+ ;;;; SAX-Handler (Parser)
++(defvar *identifier-case* nil
++  "One of NIL (don't intern names), :PRESERVE, :UPCASE, :DOWNCASE, or :INVERT
++   (intern name into the keyword package after adjusting case).")
+ (defclass xmls-builder ()
+     ((element-stack :initform nil :accessor element-stack)
+      (root :initform nil :accessor root)))
+@@ -74,16 +79,46 @@
+ (defmethod sax:end-document ((handler xmls-builder))
+   (root handler))
++(defun string-invert-case (str)
++  (map 'string
++    (lambda (c)
++      (cond
++        ((upper-case-p c) (char-downcase c))
++        ((lower-case-p c) (char-upcase c))
++        (t c)))
++    str))
++(defun maybe-intern (name)
++  (if *identifier-case*
++      (let ((str (if (stringp name) name (rod-string name))))
++        (intern (ecase *identifier-case*
++                  (:preserve str)
++                  (:upcase (string-upcase str))
++                  (:downcase (string-downcase str))
++                  (:invert (string-invert-case str)))
++                :keyword))
++      name))
++(defun maybe-stringify (name)
++  (if (symbolp name)
++      (let ((str (symbol-name name)))
++        (ecase *identifier-case*
++          (:preserve str)
++          (:upcase (string-downcase str))
++          (:downcase (string-upcase str))
++          (:invert (string-invert-case str))))
++      name))
+ (defmethod sax:start-element
+     ((handler xmls-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+   (declare (ignore namespace-uri))
+   (setf local-name (or local-name qname))
+   (let* ((attributes
+           (mapcar (lambda (attr)
+-                    (list (sax:attribute-qname attr)
++                    (list (maybe-intern (sax:attribute-qname attr))
+                           (sax:attribute-value attr)))
+                   attributes))
+-         (node (make-node :name local-name
++         (node (make-node :name (maybe-intern local-name)
+                           :ns (let ((lq (length qname))
+                                     (ll (length local-name)))
+                                 (if (eql lq ll)
+@@ -124,7 +159,7 @@
+   (labels ((walk (node)
+              (let* ((attlist
+                      (compute-attributes node include-xmlns-attributes))
+-                    (lname (rod (node-name node)))
++                    (lname (rod (maybe-stringify (node-name node))))
+                     (ns (rod (node-ns node)))
+                     (qname (concatenate 'rod ns (rod ":") lname)))
+                ;; fixme: namespaces
+@@ -141,6 +176,7 @@
+   (remove nil
+           (mapcar (lambda (a)
+                     (destructuring-bind (name value) a
++                      (setf name (maybe-stringify name))
+                       (if (or xmlnsp (not (cxml::xmlns-attr-p (rod name))))
+                           (sax:make-attribute :qname (rod name)
+                                               :value (rod value)

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/catalog.dtd
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/catalog.dtd	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+<!-- $Id: catalog.dtd,v 2005/03/13 18:02:52 david Exp $ -->
+<!ENTITY % pubIdChars "CDATA">
+<!ENTITY % publicIdentifier "%pubIdChars;">
+<!ENTITY % partialPublicIdentifier "%pubIdChars;">
+<!ENTITY % uriReference "CDATA">
+<!ENTITY % string "CDATA">
+<!ENTITY % systemOrPublic "(system|public)">
+<!ENTITY % p "">
+<!ENTITY % s "">
+<!ENTITY % nsdecl "xmlns%s;">
+<!ENTITY % catalog "%p;catalog">
+<!ENTITY % public "%p;public">
+<!ENTITY % system "%p;system">
+<!ENTITY % uri "%p;uri">
+<!ENTITY % rewriteSystem "%p;rewriteSystem">
+<!ENTITY % rewriteURI "%p;rewriteURI">
+<!ENTITY % delegatePublic "%p;delegatePublic">
+<!ENTITY % delegateSystem "%p;delegateSystem">
+<!ENTITY % delegateURI "%p;delegateURI">
+<!ENTITY % nextCatalog "%p;nextCatalog">
+<!ENTITY % group "%p;group">
+<!ENTITY % local.catalog.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % local.catalog.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %catalog; (%public;|%system;|%uri;
+                     |%rewriteSystem;|%rewriteURI;
+                     |%delegatePublic;|%delegateSystem;|%delegateURI;
+                     |%nextCatalog;|%group; %local.catalog.mix;)+>
+<!ATTLIST %catalog;
+	%nsdecl;	%uriReference;		#FIXED
+		'urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog'
+	prefer		%systemOrPublic;	#IMPLIED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+	%local.catalog.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.public.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %public; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %public;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	publicId	%publicIdentifier;	#REQUIRED
+	uri		%uriReference;		#REQUIRED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.public.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.system.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %system; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %system;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	systemId	%string;		#REQUIRED
+	uri		%uriReference;		#REQUIRED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.system.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.uri.attribs "">
+<!ATTLIST %uri;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	name		%string;		#REQUIRED
+	uri		%uriReference;		#REQUIRED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.uri.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.rewriteSystem.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %rewriteSystem; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %rewriteSystem;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	systemIdStartString	%string;	#REQUIRED
+	rewritePrefix		%string;		#REQUIRED
+        %local.rewriteSystem.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.rewriteURI.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %rewriteURI; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %rewriteURI;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	uriStartString	%string;		#REQUIRED
+	rewritePrefix	%string;		#REQUIRED
+        %local.rewriteURI.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.delegatePublic.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %delegatePublic; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %delegatePublic;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	publicIdStartString	%partialPublicIdentifier;	#REQUIRED
+	catalog		%uriReference;		#REQUIRED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.delegatePublic.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.delegateSystem.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %delegateSystem; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %delegateSystem;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	systemIdStartString	%string;	#REQUIRED
+	catalog		%uriReference;		#REQUIRED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.delegateSystem.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.delegateURI.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %delegateURI; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %delegateURI;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	uriStartString	%string;		#REQUIRED
+	catalog		%uriReference;		#REQUIRED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.delegateURI.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.nextCatalog.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %nextCatalog; EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST %nextCatalog;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	catalog		%uriReference;		#REQUIRED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.nextCatalog.attribs;
+<!ENTITY % local.group.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % local.group.attribs "">
+<!ELEMENT %group; (%public;|%system;|%uri;
+                   |%rewriteSystem;|%rewriteURI;
+                   |%delegatePublic;|%delegateSystem;|%delegateURI;
+                   |%nextCatalog; %local.group.mix;)+>
+<!ATTLIST %group;
+	id		ID			#IMPLIED
+	prefer		%systemOrPublic;	#IMPLIED
+	xml:base	%uriReference;		#IMPLIED
+        %local.group.attribs;

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/contrib/xhtmlgen.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/contrib/xhtmlgen.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+;; xhtmlgen.lisp
+;; This version by david at lichteblau.com for headcraft (http://headcraft.de/)
+;; Derived from htmlgen.cl:
+;; copyright (c) 1986-2000 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA 
+;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
+;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
+;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the AllegroServe
+;; prequel found in license-allegroserve.txt.
+;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
+;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file 
+;; license-lgpl.txt that was distributed with this file.
+;; If it is not present, you can access it from
+;; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until superseded by a newer
+;; version) or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, 
+;; Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+(defpackage :xhtml-generator
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:export #:with-html #:write-doctype))
+(in-package :xhtml-generator)
+;; html generation
+(defstruct (html-process (:type list) (:constructor
+				       make-html-process (key macro special
+							      name-attr
+							      )))
+  key		; keyword naming this tag
+  macro  	; the macro to define this
+  special       ; if true then call this to process the keyword and return
+                ; the macroexpansion
+  name-attr     ; attribute symbols which can name this object for subst purposes
+  )
+(defparameter *html-process-table* 
+    (make-hash-table :test #'equal) ; #'eq is accurate but want to avoid rehashes
+  )
+(defvar *html-sink*)
+(defun write-doctype (sink)
+  (sax:start-dtd sink
+                 "html"
+                 "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+                 "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd")
+  (sax:end-dtd sink))
+(defmacro with-html (sink &rest forms &environment env)
+  `(let ((*html-sink* ,sink))
+     ,(process-html-forms forms env)))
+(defun get-process (form)
+  (let ((ent (gethash form *html-process-table*)))
+    (unless ent
+      (error "unknown html keyword ~s" form))
+    ent))
+(defun process-html-forms (forms env)
+  (let (res)
+    (flet ((do-ent (ent args argsp body)
+             ;; ent is an html-process object associated with the 
+             ;;	    html tag we're processing
+             ;; args is the list of values after the tag in the form
+             ;;     ((:tag &rest args) ....)
+             ;; argsp is true if this isn't a singleton tag  (i.e. it has
+             ;;     a body) .. (:tag ...) or ((:tag ...) ...)
+             ;; body is the body if any of the form
+             ;; 
+	     (let ((special (html-process-special ent)))
+	       (push (if special
+                         (funcall special ent args argsp body)
+                         `(,(html-process-macro ent)
+                           ,args
+                           ,(process-html-forms body env)))
+                     res))))
+      (do* ((xforms forms (cdr xforms))
+	    (form (car xforms) (car xforms)))
+	  ((null xforms))
+	(setq form (macroexpand form env))
+	(if (atom form)
+            (typecase form
+              (keyword (do-ent (get-process form) nil nil nil)) 
+              (string (push `(sax:characters *html-sink* ,form) res))
+              (t (push form res)))
+            (let ((first (car form)))
+              (cond
+                ((keywordp first)
+                  ;; (:xxx . body) form
+                  (do-ent (get-process (car form)) nil t (cdr form)))
+                 ((and (consp first) (keywordp (car first)))
+                   ;; ((:xxx args ) . body)
+                   (do-ent (get-process (caar form)) (cdr first) t (cdr form)))
+                (t
+                  (push form res)))))))
+    `(progn ,@(nreverse res))))
+(defun html-body-key-form (string-code args body)
+  (unless (evenp (length args))
+    (error "attribute list ~S isn't even" args))
+  `(let ((.tagname. ,string-code))
+     (sax:start-element *html-sink* nil nil .tagname.
+                        (list
+                         ,@(loop
+                               for (name value) on args by #'cddr
+                               collect
+                                 `(sax:make-attribute
+                                   :qname ,(etypecase name
+                                             (symbol (symbol-name name))
+                                             (string name))
+                                   :value ,value
+                                   :specified-p t))))
+     , at body
+     (sax:end-element *html-sink* nil nil .tagname.)))
+(defun emit-without-quoting (str)
+  (let ((s (cxml::chained-handler *html-sink*)))
+    (cxml::maybe-close-tag s)
+    (map nil (lambda (c) (cxml::write-rune (char-code c) s)) str)))
+(defun princ-http (val)
+  (warn "use of deprecated :PRINC (use :PRINC-SAFE instead?)")
+  (emit-without-quoting (princ-to-string val)))
+(defun prin1-http (val)
+  (warn "use of deprecated :PRIN1 (use :PRIN1-SAFE instead?)")
+  (emit-without-quoting (prin1-to-string val)))
+(defun princ-safe-http (val)
+  (sax:characters *html-sink* (princ-to-string val)))
+(defun prin1-safe-http (val)
+  (sax:characters *html-sink* (prin1-to-string val)))
+;; --  defining how html tags are handled. --
+;; most tags are handled in a standard way and the def-std-html
+;; macro is used to define such tags
+;; Some tags need special treatment and def-special-html defines
+;; how these are handled.  The tags requiring special treatment
+;; are the pseudo tags we added to control operations
+;; in the html generator.
+;; tags can be found in three ways:
+;;  :br	    		- singleton, no attributes, no body
+;;  (:b "foo")          - no attributes but with a body
+;;  ((:a href="foo") "balh")  - attributes and body
+(defmacro def-special-html (kwd fcn)
+  ;; kwd - the tag we're defining behavior for.
+  ;; fcn - function to compute the macroexpansion of a use of this
+  ;;       tag. args to fcn are: 
+  ;;		ent - html-process object holding info on this tag
+  ;;		args - list of attribute-values following tag
+  ;;		argsp - true if there is a body in this use of the tag
+  ;;		body - list of body forms.
+  `(setf (gethash ,kwd *html-process-table*) 
+     (make-html-process ,kwd nil ,fcn nil)))
+(def-special-html :newline 
+    #'(lambda (ent args argsp body)
+	(declare (ignore ent args argsp))
+	(when body
+          (error "can't have a body with :newline -- body is ~s" body))
+	(emit-without-quoting (string #\newline))))
+(def-special-html :princ 
+    #'(lambda (ent args argsp body)
+	(declare (ignore ent args argsp))
+	`(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (bod)
+			      `(princ-http ,bod))
+			  body))))
+(def-special-html :princ-safe 
+    #'(lambda (ent args argsp body)
+	(declare (ignore ent args argsp))
+	`(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (bod)
+			      `(princ-safe-http ,bod))
+			  body))))
+(def-special-html :prin1 
+    #'(lambda (ent args argsp body)
+	(declare (ignore ent args argsp))
+	`(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (bod)
+			      `(prin1-http ,bod))
+			  body))))
+(def-special-html :prin1-safe 
+    #'(lambda (ent args argsp body)
+	(declare (ignore ent args argsp))
+	`(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (bod)
+			      `(prin1-safe-http ,bod))
+			  body))))
+(def-special-html :comment
+  #'(lambda (ent args argsp body)
+      (declare (ignore ent args argsp body))
+      `(warn ":COMMENT in html macro not supported yet")))
+(defmacro def-std-html (kwd name-attrs)
+  (let ((mac-name (intern (format nil "~a-~a" :with-html kwd)))
+	(string-code (string-downcase (string kwd))))
+    `(progn (setf (gethash ,kwd *html-process-table*)
+	      (make-html-process ,kwd
+				     ',mac-name
+				     nil
+				     ',name-attrs))
+	    (defmacro ,mac-name (args &rest body)
+	      (html-body-key-form ,string-code args body)))))
+(def-std-html :a         nil)
+(def-std-html :abbr      nil)
+(def-std-html :acronym   nil)
+(def-std-html :address   nil)
+(def-std-html :applet    nil)
+(def-std-html :area      nil)
+(def-std-html :b         nil)
+(def-std-html :base      nil)
+(def-std-html :basefont  nil)
+(def-std-html :bdo       nil)
+(def-std-html :bgsound   nil)
+(def-std-html :big       nil)
+(def-std-html :blink     nil)
+(def-std-html :blockquote nil)
+(def-std-html :body      nil)
+(def-std-html :br        nil)
+(def-std-html :button    nil)
+(def-std-html :caption   nil)
+(def-std-html :center    nil)
+(def-std-html :cite      nil)
+(def-std-html :code      nil)
+(def-std-html :col       nil)
+(def-std-html :colgroup  nil)
+(def-std-html :dd         nil)
+(def-std-html :del        nil)
+(def-std-html :dfn        nil)
+(def-std-html :dir        nil)
+(def-std-html :div        nil)
+(def-std-html :dl         nil)
+(def-std-html :dt         nil)
+(def-std-html :em         nil)
+(def-std-html :embed      nil)
+(def-std-html :fieldset     nil)
+(def-std-html :font         nil)
+(def-std-html :form         :name)
+(def-std-html :frame        nil)
+(def-std-html :frameset     nil)
+(def-std-html :h1         nil)
+(def-std-html :h2         nil)
+(def-std-html :h3         nil)
+(def-std-html :h4         nil)
+(def-std-html :h5         nil)
+(def-std-html :h6         nil)
+(def-std-html :head       nil)
+(def-std-html :hr         nil)
+(def-std-html :html       nil)
+(def-std-html :i        nil)
+(def-std-html :iframe   nil)
+(def-std-html :ilayer   nil)
+(def-std-html :img      :id)
+(def-std-html :input    nil)
+(def-std-html :ins      nil)
+(def-std-html :isindex  nil)
+(def-std-html :kbd  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :keygen  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :label  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :layer  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :legend  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :li  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :link  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :listing   nil)
+(def-std-html :map  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :marquee   nil)
+(def-std-html :menu  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :meta  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :multicol  nil)
+(def-std-html :nobr  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :noembed   nil)
+(def-std-html :noframes  nil)
+(def-std-html :noscript  nil)
+(def-std-html :object  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :ol  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :optgroup  nil)
+(def-std-html :option  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :p  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :param  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :plaintext nil)
+(def-std-html :pre  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :q  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :s  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :samp  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :script  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :select  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :server  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :small  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :spacer  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :span  	 :id)
+(def-std-html :strike  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :strong  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :style     nil)  
+(def-std-html :sub  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :sup  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :table  	 :name)
+(def-std-html :tbody  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :td  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :textarea  nil)
+(def-std-html :tfoot  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :th  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :thead  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :title  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :tr  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :tt  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :u 	 nil)
+(def-std-html :ul 	 nil)
+(def-std-html :var 	 nil)
+(def-std-html :wbr  	 nil)
+(def-std-html :xmp 	 nil)

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/cxml.asd
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/cxml.asd	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(defpackage :cxml-system
+  (:use :asdf :cl))
+(in-package :cxml-system)
+(defclass dummy-cxml-component () ())
+(defmethod asdf:component-name ((c dummy-cxml-component))
+  :cxml)
+;; force loading of closure-common.asd, which installs *FEATURES* this
+;; file depends on.  Use MISSING-DEPENDENCY for asdf-install.
+(unless (find-system :closure-common nil)
+  (error 'missing-dependency
+	 :required-by (make-instance 'dummy-cxml-component)
+	 :version nil
+	 :requires :closure-common))
+(defclass closure-source-file (cl-source-file) ())
+(pushnew 'uri-is-namestring *features*)
+(defmethod perform :around ((o compile-op) (s closure-source-file))
+  ;; shut up already.  Correctness first.
+  (handler-bind ((sb-ext:compiler-note #'muffle-warning))
+    (let (#+sbcl (*compile-print* nil))
+      (call-next-method))))
+(asdf:defsystem :cxml-xml
+    :default-component-class closure-source-file
+    :pathname (merge-pathnames
+               "xml/"
+               (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :defaults *load-truename*))
+    :components
+    ((:file "package")
+     (:file "util"            :depends-on ("package"))
+     (:file "sax-handler")
+     (:file "xml-name-rune-p" :depends-on ("package" "util"))
+     (:file "split-sequence"  :depends-on ("package"))
+     (:file "xml-parse"       :depends-on ("package" "util" "sax-handler" "split-sequence" "xml-name-rune-p"))
+     (:file "unparse"         :depends-on ("xml-parse"))
+     (:file "xmls-compat"     :depends-on ("xml-parse"))
+     (:file "recoder"         :depends-on ("xml-parse"))
+     (:file "xmlns-normalizer" :depends-on ("xml-parse"))
+     (:file "space-normalizer" :depends-on ("xml-parse"))
+     (:file "catalog"         :depends-on ("xml-parse"))
+     (:file "sax-proxy"       :depends-on ("xml-parse")))
+    :depends-on (:closure-common :puri #-scl :trivial-gray-streams))
+(defclass utf8dom-file (closure-source-file) ((of)))
+(defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (c utf8dom-file))
+  (let* ((normal (car (call-next-method)))
+	 (name (concatenate 'string (pathname-name normal) "-utf8")))
+    (list (make-pathname :name name :defaults normal))))
+;; must be an extra method because of common-lisp-controller's :around method 
+(defmethod output-files :around ((operation compile-op) (c utf8dom-file))
+  (let ((x (call-next-method)))
+    (setf (slot-value c 'of) (car x))
+    x))
+(defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c utf8dom-file))
+  (load (slot-value c 'of)))
+(defmethod perform ((operation compile-op) (c utf8dom-file))
+  (let ((*features* (cons 'utf8dom-file *features*))
+	(*readtable*
+	 (symbol-value (find-symbol "*UTF8-RUNES-READTABLE*"
+				    :closure-common-system))))
+    (call-next-method)))
+(asdf:defsystem :cxml-dom
+    :default-component-class closure-source-file
+    :pathname (merge-pathnames
+               "dom/"
+               (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :defaults *load-truename*))
+    :components
+    ((:file "package")
+     (:file rune-impl :pathname "dom-impl" :depends-on ("package"))
+     (:file rune-builder :pathname "dom-builder" :depends-on (rune-impl))
+     #+rune-is-integer
+     (utf8dom-file utf8-impl :pathname "dom-impl" :depends-on ("package"))
+     #+rune-is-integer
+     (utf8dom-file utf8-builder :pathname "dom-builder" :depends-on (utf8-impl))
+     (:file "dom-sax"         :depends-on ("package")))
+    :depends-on (:cxml-xml))
+(asdf:defsystem :cxml-klacks
+    :default-component-class closure-source-file
+    :pathname (merge-pathnames
+               "klacks/"
+               (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :defaults *load-truename*))
+    :serial t
+    :components
+    ((:file "package")
+     (:file "klacks")
+     (:file "klacks-impl")
+     (:file "tap-source"))
+    :depends-on (:cxml-xml))
+(asdf:defsystem :cxml-test
+    :default-component-class closure-source-file
+    :pathname (merge-pathnames
+               "test/"
+               (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :defaults *load-truename*))
+    :components ((:file "domtest") (:file "xmlconf"))
+    :depends-on (:cxml-xml :cxml-klacks :cxml-dom))
+(asdf:defsystem :cxml
+    :components ()
+    :depends-on (:cxml-dom :cxml-klacks :cxml-test))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/GNUmakefile
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/GNUmakefile	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+all: dom.html index.html installation.html klacks.html quickstart.html sax.html xmls-compat.html
+%.html: %.xml html.xsl
+	xsltproc html.xsl $< >$@.tmp
+	mv $@.tmp $@
+	chmod -w $@

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/bg.png
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/cxml.css
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/cxml.css	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+div.sidebar {
+  float: right;
+  min-width: 15%;
+  padding: 0pt 5pt 5pt 5pt;
+  font-family: verdana, arial;
+div.sidebar-title {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  background-color: #9c0000;
+  border: solid #9c0000;
+  border-top-width: 1px;
+  border-bottom-width: 2px;
+  border-left-width: 4px;
+  border-right-width: 0px;
+  padding-left: 1px;
+  margin: 0em 2pt 0px 2em;
+div.sidebar-title a {
+  color: #ffffff;
+div.sidebar-main {
+  background-color: #f7f7f7;
+  border: solid #9c0000;
+  border-top-width: 0px;
+  border-bottom-width: 0px;
+  border-left-width: 4px;
+  border-right-width: 0px;
+  margin: 0em 2pt 1em 2em;
+  padding: 1em;
+div.sidebar ul.main {
+  padding: 0pt 0pt 0pt 1em;
+  margin: 0 0 1em;
+div.sidebar ul.sub {
+  list-style-type: square;
+  padding: 0pt 0pt 0pt 1em;
+  margin: 0 0 1em;
+div.sidebar ul.hack {
+  padding: 0 0 0 0;
+  margin: 0 0 1em;
+  list-style-type: none;
+body {
+  color: #000000;
+  background-color: #ffffff;
+  margin-right: 0pt;
+  margin-bottom: 10%;
+  margin-left: 40px;
+  padding-left: 30px;
+  font-family: verdana, arial;
+  background-image: url(bg.png);
+  background-position: top left;
+  background-attachment: fixed;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+h1 {
+  margin-left: -30px;
+h2,h3 {
+  margin-left: -30px;
+  margin-top: 2em;
+pre {
+  background-color: #eeeeee;
+  border: solid 1px #d0d0d0;
+  padding: 1em;
+  margin-right: 10%;
+.def {
+  background-color: #ddddff;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.nomargin {
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+  margin-top: 0;

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/dom.html
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/dom.html	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>CXML W3C DOM</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cxml.css">
+<div class="sidebar">
+<div class="sidebar-title"><a href="index.html">Closure XML</a></div>
+<div class="sidebar-main"><ul class="main">
+<a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a></li></ul></li>
+<a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+<a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+<a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li></ul></li>
+  <h1>W3C DOM</h1>
+  <p>
+    CXML implements the DOM Level 2 Core interfaces.  For details
+    on DOM, please refer to the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html">specification</a>.
+  </p>
+  <a name="parser"></a>
+  <h3>Parsing into DOM</h3>
+  <p>
+    To parse an XML document into a DOM tree, use the SAX parser with a
+    DOM builder as the SAX handler.  Example:
+  </p>
+  <pre>(cxml:parse-file "test.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))</pre>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function CXML-DOM:MAKE-DOM-BUILDER ()</div>
+    Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document.
+    <p>
+    </p>
+    This functions returns a DOM builder that will work with the default
+    configuration of the SAX parser and is guaranteed to use
+    characters/strings instead of runes/rods, if that makes a
+    difference on the Lisp in question.
+    <p>
+    </p>
+    This is the same as <tt>rune-dom:make-dom-builder</tt> on Lisps
+    with Unicode support, and the same as
+    <tt>utf8-dom:make-dom-builder</tt> otherwise.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function RUNE-DOM:MAKE-DOM-BUILDER ()</div>
+    Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document using runes and rods.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function UTF8-DOM:MAKE-DOM-BUILDER ()</div>
+    (Only on Lisps without Unicode support:)
+    Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document using
+    UTF-8-encoded strings.
+  </p>
+  <a name="serialization"></a>
+  <h3>Serializing DOM</h3>
+  <p>
+    To serialize a DOM document, use a SAX serialization sink as the
+    argument to <tt>dom:map-document</tt>, which generates SAX events
+    for the DOM tree.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    Applications dealing with namespaces might want to inject a
+    <a href="sax.html#misc">namespace normalizer</a> into the
+    sink chain.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function DOM:MAP-DOCUMENT (handler document &key include-xmlns-attributes include-default-values include-doctype)</div>
+    Traverse a DOM document and call SAX functions as if an XML
+    representation of the document was processed by a SAX parser.
+  </p>
+  <p>Keyword arguments:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      <tt>include-xmlns-attributes</tt> -- defaults to
+      <tt>sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*</tt>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>include-doctype</tt> -- One of <tt>nil</tt> (no doctype
+      declaration), <tt>:full-internal-subset</tt> (include a doctype
+      declaration and the full internal subset), or
+      <tt>:canonical-notations</tt> (write a doctype declaration
+      with an internal subset including only notations, as required
+      for canonical serialization).
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>include-default-values</tt> -- include attribute nodes with nil
+      <tt>dom:specified</tt>.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>recode</tt> -- (ignored on Lisps with Unicode support.) If
+      true, recode UTF-8 strings to rods.   Defaults to true if used
+      with a UTF-8 DOM document.  It can be set to false manually to
+      suppress recoding in this case.
+    </li>
+  </ul>
+  <a name="mapping"></a>
+  <h3>DOM/Lisp mapping</h3>
+  <p>
+    Note that there is no "standard" DOM mapping for Lisp.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    DOM is <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/idl-definitions.html">specified
+      in CORBA IDL</a>, but it refrains from using object-oriented IDL
+    features, allowing for a much more natural Lisp implemenation than
+    the the ordinary IDL/Lisp mapping would. 
+    Differences between CXML's DOM and the direct IDL/Lisp mapping:
+  </p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      DOM function names are symbols in the <tt>DOM</tt> package (not
+      the <tt>OP</tt> package).
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      DOM functions have proper required arguments, not a huge
+      <tt>&rest</tt> lambda list.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Although most IDL interfaces are implemented as CLOS classes by
+      CXML, the Lisp types of DOM objects is not documented and cannot
+      be relied upon.  A node's type can be determined using
+      <tt>dom:node-type</tt> instead.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>DOMString</tt> is mapped to <tt>rod</tt>, which is either
+      an <tt>(unsigned-byte 16)</tt> array type or a string type.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      The IDL/Lisp mapping maps CORBA enums to Lisp keywords. 
+      Unfortunately, the DOM IDL does not use enums.  Instead,
+      both exception types and node types are defined integer
+      constants.  CXML chooses to ignore this definition and uses
+      keywords instead.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      DOM uses StudlyCaps.  Lisp programmers don't.  We
+      insert <tt>#\-</tt> before every upper case letter preceded by a
+      lower case letter and before every upper case letter which is
+      followed by a lower case letter, but preceded by a capital
+      letter.  This algorithms leads to the natural Lisp spelling
+      of DOM function names.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Implementation note: DOM's <tt>NodeList</tt> does not
+      necessarily map to a native "sequence" type.  (For example,
+      node lists are objects in Java, not arrays.) 
+      <tt>NodeList</tt> is specified to reflect changes done after a
+      node list was created, so node lists cannot be Lisp lists. 
+      (A node list could be implemented as a CLOS object pointing to
+      said list though.)  Instead, CXML currently implements node
+      lists as adjustable vectors.  Note that code which relies on
+      this implementation and uses Lisp sequence functions
+      instead of sticking to <tt>dom:item</tt> and <tt>dom:length</tt>
+      is not portable.  As a compromise, you can use our
+      extensions <tt>dom:map-node-list</tt> or
+      <tt>dom:do-node-list</tt>, which can be implemented portably.
+    </li>
+  </ul>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/dom.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/dom.xml	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<documentation title="CXML W3C DOM">
+  <h1>W3C DOM</h1>
+  <p>
+    CXML implements the DOM Level 2 Core interfaces.  For details
+    on DOM, please refer to the <a
+				   href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html">specification</a>.
+  </p>
+  <a name="parser"/>
+  <h3>Parsing into DOM</h3>
+  <p>
+    To parse an XML document into a DOM tree, use the SAX parser with a
+    DOM builder as the SAX handler.  Example:
+  </p>
+  <pre>(cxml:parse-file "test.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))</pre>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function CXML-DOM:MAKE-DOM-BUILDER ()</div>
+    Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document.
+    <p>
+    </p>
+    This functions returns a DOM builder that will work with the default
+    configuration of the SAX parser and is guaranteed to use
+    characters/strings instead of runes/rods, if that makes a
+    difference on the Lisp in question.
+    <p>
+    </p>
+    This is the same as <tt>rune-dom:make-dom-builder</tt> on Lisps
+    with Unicode support, and the same as
+    <tt>utf8-dom:make-dom-builder</tt> otherwise.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function RUNE-DOM:MAKE-DOM-BUILDER ()</div>
+    Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document using runes and rods.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function UTF8-DOM:MAKE-DOM-BUILDER ()</div>
+    (Only on Lisps without Unicode support:)
+    Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document using
+    UTF-8-encoded strings.
+  </p>
+  <a name="serialization"/>
+  <h3>Serializing DOM</h3>
+  <p>
+    To serialize a DOM document, use a SAX serialization sink as the
+    argument to <tt>dom:map-document</tt>, which generates SAX events
+    for the DOM tree.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    Applications dealing with namespaces might want to inject a
+    <a href="sax.html#misc">namespace normalizer</a> into the
+    sink chain.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    <div class="def">Function DOM:MAP-DOCUMENT (handler document &key include-xmlns-attributes include-default-values include-doctype)</div>
+    Traverse a DOM document and call SAX functions as if an XML
+    representation of the document was processed by a SAX parser.
+  </p>
+  <p>Keyword arguments:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      <tt>include-xmlns-attributes</tt> -- defaults to
+      <tt>sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*</tt>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>include-doctype</tt> -- One of <tt>nil</tt> (no doctype
+      declaration), <tt>:full-internal-subset</tt> (include a doctype
+      declaration and the full internal subset), or
+      <tt>:canonical-notations</tt> (write a doctype declaration
+      with an internal subset including only notations, as required
+      for canonical serialization).
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>include-default-values</tt> -- include attribute nodes with nil
+      <tt>dom:specified</tt>.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>recode</tt> -- (ignored on Lisps with Unicode support.) If
+      true, recode UTF-8 strings to rods.   Defaults to true if used
+      with a UTF-8 DOM document.  It can be set to false manually to
+      suppress recoding in this case.
+    </li>
+  </ul>
+  <a name="mapping"/>
+  <h3>DOM/Lisp mapping</h3>
+  <p>
+    Note that there is no "standard" DOM mapping for Lisp.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    DOM is <a
+	      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/idl-definitions.html">specified
+      in CORBA IDL</a>, but it refrains from using object-oriented IDL
+    features, allowing for a much more natural Lisp implemenation than
+    the the ordinary IDL/Lisp mapping would. 
+    Differences between CXML's DOM and the direct IDL/Lisp mapping:
+  </p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      DOM function names are symbols in the <tt>DOM</tt> package (not
+      the <tt>OP</tt> package).
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      DOM functions have proper required arguments, not a huge
+      <tt>&rest</tt> lambda list.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Although most IDL interfaces are implemented as CLOS classes by
+      CXML, the Lisp types of DOM objects is not documented and cannot
+      be relied upon.  A node's type can be determined using
+      <tt>dom:node-type</tt> instead.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <tt>DOMString</tt> is mapped to <tt>rod</tt>, which is either
+      an <tt>(unsigned-byte 16)</tt> array type or a string type.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      The IDL/Lisp mapping maps CORBA enums to Lisp keywords. 
+      Unfortunately, the DOM IDL does not use enums.  Instead,
+      both exception types and node types are defined integer
+      constants.  CXML chooses to ignore this definition and uses
+      keywords instead.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      DOM uses StudlyCaps.  Lisp programmers don't.  We
+      insert <tt>#\-</tt> before every upper case letter preceded by a
+      lower case letter and before every upper case letter which is
+      followed by a lower case letter, but preceded by a capital
+      letter.  This algorithms leads to the natural Lisp spelling
+      of DOM function names.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Implementation note: DOM's <tt>NodeList</tt> does not
+      necessarily map to a native "sequence" type.  (For example,
+      node lists are objects in Java, not arrays.) 
+      <tt>NodeList</tt> is specified to reflect changes done after a
+      node list was created, so node lists cannot be Lisp lists. 
+      (A node list could be implemented as a CLOS object pointing to
+      said list though.)  Instead, CXML currently implements node
+      lists as adjustable vectors.  Note that code which relies on
+      this implementation and uses Lisp sequence functions
+      instead of sticking to <tt>dom:item</tt> and <tt>dom:length</tt>
+      is not portable.  As a compromise, you can use our
+      extensions <tt>dom:map-node-list</tt> or
+      <tt>dom:do-node-list</tt>, which can be implemented portably.
+    </li>
+  </ul>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/html.xsl
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/html.xsl	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
+  <xsl:output method="html"
+	      indent="yes"
+	      doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+	      doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"/>
+  <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
+    <xsl:copy>
+      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
+    </xsl:copy>	
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="documentation">
+    <html>
+      <head>
+	<title>
+	  <xsl:value-of select="@title"/>
+	</title>
+	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cxml.css"/>
+	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
+      </head>
+      <body>
+    <div class="sidebar">
+      <div class="sidebar-title">
+	<a href="index.html">Closure XML</a>
+      </div>
+      <div class="sidebar-main">
+      <ul class="main">
+	<li>
+          <a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a>
+          <ul class="sub">
+	    <li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+	    <li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+	    <li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+	    <li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+          </ul>
+	</li>
+        <li>
+          <ul class="hack">
+            <li>
+              <a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
+        </li>
+	<li>
+          <a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a>
+          <ul class="sub">
+            <li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+            <li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+            <li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+            <li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+            <li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+            <li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+	    <li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+          </ul>
+	</li>
+	<li>
+          <a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a>
+          <ul class="sub">
+            <li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+            <li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+            <li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+            <li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+            <li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+          </ul>
+        </li>
+	<li>
+          <a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a>
+          <ul class="sub">
+            <li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+            <li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+	    <li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+          </ul>
+	</li>
+	<li>
+          <ul class="hack">
+            <li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li>
+          </ul>
+        </li>
+      </ul>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+	  <xsl:apply-templates/>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="page-index">
+    <ul>
+      <xsl:for-each select="//heading">
+	<li>
+	  <a href="#{generate-id()}">
+	    <xsl:copy>
+	      <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
+	    </xsl:copy>
+	  </a>
+	</li>
+      </xsl:for-each>
+    </ul>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="heading">
+    <a name="{generate-id()}"/>
+    <h3>
+      <xsl:copy>
+	<xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
+      </xsl:copy>	
+    </h3>
+  </xsl:template>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/index.html
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/index.html	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>Closure XML</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cxml.css">
+<div class="sidebar">
+<div class="sidebar-title"><a href="index.html">Closure XML</a></div>
+<div class="sidebar-main"><ul class="main">
+<a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a></li></ul></li>
+<a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+<a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+<a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li></ul></li>
+    <h1>Closure XML Parser</h1>
+    <p>An XML parser written in Common Lisp.</p>
+    <p>
+      Closure XML was written
+      by <a href="http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~unk6/">Gilbert
+      Baumann</a> as part of the Closure web browser and is now
+      maintained by
+      <a href="mailto:david at lichteblau.com">David Lichteblau</a>.
+      It is licensed under Lisp-LGPL.
+    </p>      
+    <p>
+      CXML implements a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/">namespace-aware</a>,
+      validating <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006">XML 1.0</a>
+      parser as well as the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/">DOM Level 2 Core</a>
+      interfaces.  Two parser interfaces are offered, one SAX-like, the
+      other similar to StAX.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Send bug reports to <a href="mailto:cxml-devel at common-lisp.net">cxml-devel at common-lisp.net</a>
+      (<a href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cxml-devel">list
+      information</a>).
+    </p>
+    <h3>Add-on features</h3>
+    <p>
+      The following libraries are available as separate downloads:
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      ⬗ 
+      <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/cxml-rng/">cxml-rng</a>
+      Relax NG validation
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      ⬗ 
+      <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/cxml-stp/">cxml-stp</a>
+      STP, an alternative to DOM
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      ⬗ 
+      <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/closure/closure-html/">Closure
+      HTML</a>: cxml can be used together with its sister project
+      Closure HTML to convert between HTML and XHTML.
+    </p>
+    <a name="changes"></a>
+    <h3>Recent Changes</h3>
+    <div style="background-color: #f7f7f7;   width: 60%;   border: solid #9c0000;   margin: 0em 2pt 1em 2em;   padding: 1em">
+      Runes have now been moved into
+      a <b>separate CVS module</b> unter the
+      name <b>closure-common</b>.  Releases will be available
+      as <b>separate tarballs</b> in the download directory.  Please
+      refer to the <a href="installation.html#download">
+	installation instructions</a> for details.
+    </div>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-xx-yy</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>
+	Moved runes into a separate project.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	Incompatible SAX changes: Added new classes
+	sax:abstract-handler, sax:content-handler, sax:default-handler.
+	Implementations of SAX handlers should now subclass one of
+	these classes.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	fixed make-source :buffering nil, thanks to Magnus Henoch for
+	the report
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	fixed time and space usage in cases where entity references
+	follow each other (thanks to Ivan Shvedunov for the report)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	In the DOM builder, grow a buffer for string normalization
+	exponentially, fixing a long-standing speed issue.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-08-05</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Various DTD serialization fixes</li>
+      <li>UTF-8 fix, thanks to Francis Leboutte</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-07-07</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>
+	Fixed build on non-Unicode lisps.  Fixed parsing on
+	non-Unicode lisps.  Fixed Unicode detection on OpenMCL.
+      </li>
+      <li>New function <tt>cxml:parse</tt>.</li>
+      <li>Serialization no longer defaults to canonical form.</li>
+      <li>Fixed octet array argument to make-source.</li>
+      <li>
+	XMLS compatibility is not <i>bug-for-bug</i>-compatible with
+	XMLS any more.  There is now a mode using pairs of local name
+	and namespace URI, and a second mode using qualified names
+	only.  The old behaviour using pairs of prefix and local names
+	was removed.  (Thanks to Douglas Crosher.)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	SCL support (thanks to Douglas Crosher).  Includes support for
+	implementations where URIs are valid namestrings, and a mode
+	where normal streams are used instead of xstreams and ystreams
+	(albeit both SCL-specific at this point).
+      </li>
+      <li>new convenience serialization function cxml:doctype.  Various
+	DTD serialization fixes.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-05-26</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>cxml.asd has been split up into <tt>cxml.asd</tt> for the
+      XML parser and <tt>runes.asd</tt> for the runes package, in
+      preparation of a complete split of the two systems.  Future CXML
+      releases will use separate tarballs for <tt>runes</tt>
+      and <tt>cxml</tt>.</li>
+      <li>xml:base support (SAX and Klacks only, not yet used in DOM).
+      See documentation <a href="sax.html#saxparser">here</a> and <a href="klacks.html#locator">here</a>.</li>
+      <li>New class <tt>broadcast-handler</tt> as a generalization
+      of the older <tt>sax-proxy</tt>.</li>
+      <li>New class <tt>tapping-source</tt>, a klacks source that
+      relays events from an upstream klacks source unchanged, while also
+      emitting them as SAX events to a user-specified handler at the
+      same time.</li>
+      <li>Changed attributes to carry an lname even when occurring
+      without a namespace.  Added new functions attribute*,
+      unparse-attribute, and macro with-element*, with-namespace* to
+      the SAX generation wrapper API.</li>
+      <li>Klacks improvements: Incompatibly changed
+      klacks:find-element and find-event to consider the current event
+      as a result.  Added klacks-error, klacks:expect, klacks:skip,
+      klacks:expecting-element.  Fixed serialize-event to generate
+      start-prefix-mapping and end-prefix-mapping events.  New function
+      map-current-namespace-declarations.</li>
+      <li>fixed build with common-lisp-controller</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-02-18</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>New StAX-like parser interface.</li>
+      <li>Serialization fixes (thanks to Nathan Bird, Donavon Keithley).</li>
+      <li>characters.lisp cleanup (thanks to Nathan Bird).</li>
+      <li>Namespace normalizer bugfixes.</li>
+      <li>Minor changes: clone-node on document as an extension.  DOM
+      class hierarchy reworked.  New function parse-empty-document.
+      Fixed the DOM serializer to not throw away local names.
+      Fixed a long-standing bug in the parser for documents without a
+      doctype. ANSI conformance fixes.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2006-01-05</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Implemented DOM 2 Core.</li>
+      <li>Error handling overhaul.</li>
+      <li>UTF-8 string support in DOM on Lisps without Unicode characters.</li>
+      <li>Sink API has been changed.</li>
+      <li>Support internal subset serialization.</li>
+      <li>Whitespace normalizer.</li>
+      <li>Gilbert Baumann has clarified the license as Lisp-LGPL.</li>
+      <li>Use trivial-gray-streams.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2005-06-25</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Port to OpenMCL (thanks to Rudi Schlatte).</li>
+      <li>Port to LispWorks (thanks to Edi Weitz).</li>
+      <li>Minor new features: <tt>include-default-values</tt> argument to
+      <tt>make-xmls-builder</tt>; <tt>handler</tt> argument
+      to <tt>parse-dtd-stream</tt>; SAX proxy class</li>
+      <li>Various bugfixes.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-357</tt> (2004-10-10)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Auto-detect unicode support for better asdf-installability.</li>
+      <li>Use the puri library for Sys-ID handling.</li>
+      <li>Semi-automatic caching of DTD instances.</li>
+      <li>Support user-defined entity resolvers.</li>
+      <li>Support for Oasis XML Catalogs.</li>
+      <li>xhtmlgen version of Franz htmlgen.</li>
+      <li>Fixes for SBCL's unicode support.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-306</tt> (2004-09-03)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Event-based serialization which does not require DOM documents</li>
+      <li>XMLS compatiblity</li>
+      <li>minor bugfixes (thread safety; should work on clisp again)</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-279</tt> (2004-05-11)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Validation</li>
+      <li>bugfixes; XHTML DTD parses again; corrected SAX entity handling</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-204</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Renamed package <tt>XML</tt> to <tt>CXML</tt>.</li>
+      <li>The unparse functions support non-canonical output now.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-191</tt> (2004-03-18)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Initial release.</li>
+    </ul>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/index.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/index.xml	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+<documentation title="Closure XML">
+    <h1>Closure XML Parser</h1>
+    <p>An XML parser written in Common Lisp.</p>
+    <p>
+      Closure XML was written
+      by <a href="http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~unk6/">Gilbert
+      Baumann</a> as part of the Closure web browser and is now
+      maintained by
+      <a href="mailto:david at lichteblau.com">David Lichteblau</a>.
+      It is licensed under Lisp-LGPL.
+    </p>      
+    <p>
+      CXML implements a <a
+      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/">namespace-aware</a>,
+      validating <a
+      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006">XML 1.0</a>
+      parser as well as the <a
+      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/">DOM Level 2 Core</a>
+      interfaces.  Two parser interfaces are offered, one SAX-like, the
+      other similar to StAX.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Send bug reports to <a
+      href="mailto:cxml-devel at common-lisp.net">cxml-devel at common-lisp.net</a>
+      (<a
+      href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cxml-devel">list
+      information</a>).
+    </p>
+    <h3>Add-on features</h3>
+    <p>
+      The following libraries are available as separate downloads:
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      &#x2b17; 
+      <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/cxml-rng/">cxml-rng</a>
+      Relax NG validation
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      &#x2b17; 
+      <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/cxml-stp/">cxml-stp</a>
+      STP, an alternative to DOM
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      &#x2b17; 
+      <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/closure/closure-html/">Closure
+      HTML</a>: cxml can be used together with its sister project
+      Closure HTML to convert between HTML and XHTML.
+    </p>
+    <a name="changes"/>
+    <h3>Recent Changes</h3>
+    <div style="background-color: #f7f7f7;
+		width: 60%;
+		border: solid #9c0000;
+		margin: 0em 2pt 1em 2em;
+		padding: 1em">
+      Runes have now been moved into
+      a <b>separate CVS module</b> unter the
+      name <b>closure-common</b>.  Releases will be available
+      as <b>separate tarballs</b> in the download directory.  Please
+      refer to the <a href="installation.html#download">
+	installation instructions</a> for details.
+    </div>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-xx-yy</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>
+	Moved runes into a separate project.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	Incompatible SAX changes: Added new classes
+	sax:abstract-handler, sax:content-handler, sax:default-handler.
+	Implementations of SAX handlers should now subclass one of
+	these classes.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	fixed make-source :buffering nil, thanks to Magnus Henoch for
+	the report
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	fixed time and space usage in cases where entity references
+	follow each other (thanks to Ivan Shvedunov for the report)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	In the DOM builder, grow a buffer for string normalization
+	exponentially, fixing a long-standing speed issue.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-08-05</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Various DTD serialization fixes</li>
+      <li>UTF-8 fix, thanks to Francis Leboutte</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-07-07</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>
+	Fixed build on non-Unicode lisps.  Fixed parsing on
+	non-Unicode lisps.  Fixed Unicode detection on OpenMCL.
+      </li>
+      <li>New function <tt>cxml:parse</tt>.</li>
+      <li>Serialization no longer defaults to canonical form.</li>
+      <li>Fixed octet array argument to make-source.</li>
+      <li>
+	XMLS compatibility is not <i>bug-for-bug</i>-compatible with
+	XMLS any more.  There is now a mode using pairs of local name
+	and namespace URI, and a second mode using qualified names
+	only.  The old behaviour using pairs of prefix and local names
+	was removed.  (Thanks to Douglas Crosher.)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	SCL support (thanks to Douglas Crosher).  Includes support for
+	implementations where URIs are valid namestrings, and a mode
+	where normal streams are used instead of xstreams and ystreams
+	(albeit both SCL-specific at this point).
+      </li>
+      <li>new convenience serialization function cxml:doctype.  Various
+	DTD serialization fixes.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-05-26</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>cxml.asd has been split up into <tt>cxml.asd</tt> for the
+      XML parser and <tt>runes.asd</tt> for the runes package, in
+      preparation of a complete split of the two systems.  Future CXML
+      releases will use separate tarballs for <tt>runes</tt>
+      and <tt>cxml</tt>.</li>
+      <li>xml:base support (SAX and Klacks only, not yet used in DOM).
+      See documentation <a href="sax.html#saxparser">here</a> and <a
+      href="klacks.html#locator">here</a>.</li>
+      <li>New class <tt>broadcast-handler</tt> as a generalization
+      of the older <tt>sax-proxy</tt>.</li>
+      <li>New class <tt>tapping-source</tt>, a klacks source that
+      relays events from an upstream klacks source unchanged, while also
+      emitting them as SAX events to a user-specified handler at the
+      same time.</li>
+      <li>Changed attributes to carry an lname even when occurring
+      without a namespace.  Added new functions attribute*,
+      unparse-attribute, and macro with-element*, with-namespace* to
+      the SAX generation wrapper API.</li>
+      <li>Klacks improvements: Incompatibly changed
+      klacks:find-element and find-event to consider the current event
+      as a result.  Added klacks-error, klacks:expect, klacks:skip,
+      klacks:expecting-element.  Fixed serialize-event to generate
+      start-prefix-mapping and end-prefix-mapping events.  New function
+      map-current-namespace-declarations.</li>
+      <li>fixed build with common-lisp-controller</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2007-02-18</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>New StAX-like parser interface.</li>
+      <li>Serialization fixes (thanks to Nathan Bird, Donavon Keithley).</li>
+      <li>characters.lisp cleanup (thanks to Nathan Bird).</li>
+      <li>Namespace normalizer bugfixes.</li>
+      <li>Minor changes: clone-node on document as an extension.  DOM
+      class hierarchy reworked.  New function parse-empty-document.
+      Fixed the DOM serializer to not throw away local names.
+      Fixed a long-standing bug in the parser for documents without a
+      doctype. ANSI conformance fixes.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2006-01-05</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Implemented DOM 2 Core.</li>
+      <li>Error handling overhaul.</li>
+      <li>UTF-8 string support in DOM on Lisps without Unicode characters.</li>
+      <li>Sink API has been changed.</li>
+      <li>Support internal subset serialization.</li>
+      <li>Whitespace normalizer.</li>
+      <li>Gilbert Baumann has clarified the license as Lisp-LGPL.</li>
+      <li>Use trivial-gray-streams.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>rel-2005-06-25</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Port to OpenMCL (thanks to Rudi Schlatte).</li>
+      <li>Port to LispWorks (thanks to Edi Weitz).</li>
+      <li>Minor new features: <tt>include-default-values</tt> argument to
+      <tt>make-xmls-builder</tt>; <tt>handler</tt> argument
+      to <tt>parse-dtd-stream</tt>; SAX proxy class</li>
+      <li>Various bugfixes.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-357</tt> (2004-10-10)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Auto-detect unicode support for better asdf-installability.</li>
+      <li>Use the puri library for Sys-ID handling.</li>
+      <li>Semi-automatic caching of DTD instances.</li>
+      <li>Support user-defined entity resolvers.</li>
+      <li>Support for Oasis XML Catalogs.</li>
+      <li>xhtmlgen version of Franz htmlgen.</li>
+      <li>Fixes for SBCL's unicode support.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-306</tt> (2004-09-03)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Event-based serialization which does not require DOM documents</li>
+      <li>XMLS compatiblity</li>
+      <li>minor bugfixes (thread safety; should work on clisp again)</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-279</tt> (2004-05-11)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Validation</li>
+      <li>bugfixes; XHTML DTD parses again; corrected SAX entity handling</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-204</tt></p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Renamed package <tt>XML</tt> to <tt>CXML</tt>.</li>
+      <li>The unparse functions support non-canonical output now.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p class="nomargin"><tt>patch-191</tt> (2004-03-18)</p>
+    <ul class="nomargin">
+      <li>Initial release.</li>
+    </ul>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/installation.html
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/installation.html	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>CXML Installation</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cxml.css">
+<div class="sidebar">
+<div class="sidebar-title"><a href="index.html">Closure XML</a></div>
+<div class="sidebar-main"><ul class="main">
+<a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a></li></ul></li>
+<a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+<a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+<a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li></ul></li>
+    <h1>Installation of Closure XML</h1>
+    <a name="download"></a>
+    <h2>Download</h2>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <div>Download <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cxml/download/">tarballs</a> for both cxml itself and closure-common.</div>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <div>
+      Or use anonymous CVS (<a href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/cxml/?cvsroot=cxml">browse</a>):
+      <pre>export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/cxml/cvsroot
+cvs co cxml
+cvs co closure-common</pre>
+        </div>
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <a name="implementations"></a>
+    <h2>Implementation-specific notes</h2>
+    <p>
+      CXML should be portable to all Common Lisp implementations
+      supported by <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-plus-ssl/#trivial-gray-streams">trivial-gray-streams</a>.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+	The SBCL port uses 16 bit surrogate characters instead of taking
+	advantage of SBCL's full 21 bit character support.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <a name="compilation"></a>
+    <h2>Compilation</h2>
+    <p>
+      <a href="http://www.cliki.net/asdf">ASDF</a> is used for
+      compilation.  The following instructions assume that ASDF has
+      already been loaded.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>Prerequisites.</b>
+      CXML needs <a href="http://www.cliki.net/Puri">puri</a> and
+      <a href="http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cl-plus-ssl/#trivial-gray-streams">trivial-gray-streams</a>.
+      In addition,
+      <a href="http://www.cliki.net/closure-common">closure-common</a>
+      is required, which is a separate module in cxml CVS (see above for
+      check-out instructions).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>Compiling and loading CXML.</b>
+      Register the .asd file, e.g. by symlinking it:
+    </p>
+    <pre>$ ln -sf `pwd`/cxml/cxml.asd /path/to/your/registry/
+$ ln -sf `pwd`/closure-common/closure-common.asd /path/to/your/registry/</pre>
+    <p>Then compile CXML using:</p>
+    <pre>* (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cxml)</pre>
+    <p>
+      You can then try the <a href="quickstart.html">quick-start example</a>.
+    </p>
+    <a name="tests"></a>
+    <h2>Tests</h2>
+    <p>Check out the XML and DOM testsuites:</p>
+    <pre>$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at dev.w3.org:/sources/public
+$ cvs login    # password is "anonymous"
+$ cvs co 2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf
+$ cvs co -D '2005-05-06 23:00' 2001/DOM-Test-Suite
+$ cd 2001/DOM-Test-Suite && ant dom1-dtd dom2-dtd</pre>
+    <p>
+      Omit <tt>-D</tt> to get the latest version, which may not work
+      with cxml yet.  The <tt>ant</tt> step is necessary to run the DOM
+      tests.
+    </p>
+    <p>Usage:</p>
+    <pre>* (xmlconf:run-all-tests "/path/to/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/")
+* (domtest:run-all-tests "/path/to/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/")
+    <p>
+      To compare your results with known output, refer to the files
+      <tt>XMLCONF</tt> and <tt>DOMTEST</tt> in the cxml distribution.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <i>fixme</i>: Add an explanation of xml/sax-tests here.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>fixme</b> domtest.lisp does not understand the current
+      testsuite driver anymore.  To fix this problem, revert the
+      affected files manually after check-out:
+    </p>
+    <pre>$ cd 2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/
+xmltest$ patch -p0 -R </path/to/cxml/test/xmlconf-base.diff</pre>
+    <p>
+      The log message for the changes reads "<i>Removed unnecessary
+      xml:base attribute</i>".  If I understand correctly, only
+      DOM 3 parsers provide the baseURI attribute necessary for
+      understanding <tt>xmlconf.xml</tt> now.  We don't have that
+      yet.
+    </p>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/installation.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/installation.xml	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<documentation title="CXML Installation">
+    <h1>Installation of Closure XML</h1>
+    <a name="download"/>
+    <h2>Download</h2>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <div>Download <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cxml/download/">tarballs</a> for both cxml itself and closure-common.</div>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <div>
+      Or use anonymous CVS (<a href="http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/cxml/?cvsroot=cxml">browse</a>):
+      <pre>export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/cxml/cvsroot
+cvs co cxml
+cvs co closure-common</pre>
+        </div>
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <a name="implementations"/>
+    <h2>Implementation-specific notes</h2>
+    <p>
+      CXML should be portable to all Common Lisp implementations
+      supported by <a
+      href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-plus-ssl/#trivial-gray-streams">trivial-gray-streams</a>.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+	The SBCL port uses 16 bit surrogate characters instead of taking
+	advantage of SBCL's full 21 bit character support.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <a name="compilation"/>
+    <h2>Compilation</h2>
+    <p>
+      <a href="http://www.cliki.net/asdf">ASDF</a> is used for
+      compilation.  The following instructions assume that ASDF has
+      already been loaded.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>Prerequisites.</b>
+      CXML needs <a href="http://www.cliki.net/Puri">puri</a> and
+      <a href="http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cl-plus-ssl/#trivial-gray-streams">trivial-gray-streams</a>.
+      In addition,
+      <a href="http://www.cliki.net/closure-common">closure-common</a>
+      is required, which is a separate module in cxml CVS (see above for
+      check-out instructions).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>Compiling and loading CXML.</b>
+      Register the .asd file, e.g. by symlinking it:
+    </p>
+    <pre>$ ln -sf `pwd`/cxml/cxml.asd /path/to/your/registry/
+$ ln -sf `pwd`/closure-common/closure-common.asd /path/to/your/registry/</pre>
+    <p>Then compile CXML using:</p>
+    <pre>* (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cxml)</pre>
+    <p>
+      You can then try the <a href="quickstart.html">quick-start example</a>.
+    </p>
+    <a name="tests"/>
+    <h2>Tests</h2>
+    <p>Check out the XML and DOM testsuites:</p>
+    <pre>$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at dev.w3.org:/sources/public
+$ cvs login    # password is "anonymous"
+$ cvs co 2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf
+$ cvs co -D '2005-05-06 23:00' 2001/DOM-Test-Suite
+$ cd 2001/DOM-Test-Suite && ant dom1-dtd dom2-dtd</pre>
+    <p>
+      Omit <tt>-D</tt> to get the latest version, which may not work
+      with cxml yet.  The <tt>ant</tt> step is necessary to run the DOM
+      tests.
+    </p>
+    <p>Usage:</p>
+    <pre>* (xmlconf:run-all-tests "/path/to/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/")
+* (domtest:run-all-tests "/path/to/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/")
+    <p>
+      To compare your results with known output, refer to the files
+      <tt>XMLCONF</tt> and <tt>DOMTEST</tt> in the cxml distribution.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <i>fixme</i>: Add an explanation of xml/sax-tests here.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>fixme</b> domtest.lisp does not understand the current
+      testsuite driver anymore.  To fix this problem, revert the
+      affected files manually after check-out:
+    </p>
+    <pre>$ cd 2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/
+xmltest$ patch -p0 -R </path/to/cxml/test/xmlconf-base.diff</pre>
+    <p>
+      The log message for the changes reads "<i>Removed unnecessary
+      xml:base attribute</i>".  If I understand correctly, only
+      DOM 3 parsers provide the baseURI attribute necessary for
+      understanding <tt>xmlconf.xml</tt> now.  We don't have that
+      yet.
+    </p>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/klacks.html
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/klacks.html	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>CXML Klacks parser</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cxml.css">
+<div class="sidebar">
+<div class="sidebar-title"><a href="index.html">Closure XML</a></div>
+<div class="sidebar-main"><ul class="main">
+<a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a></li></ul></li>
+<a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+<a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+<a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li></ul></li>
+    <h1>Klacks parser</h1>
+    <p>
+      The Klacks parser provides an alternative parsing interface,
+      similar in concept to Java's <a href="http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=173">Streaming API for
+      XML</a> (StAX).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      It implements a streaming, "pull-based" API.  This is different
+      from SAX, which is a "push-based" model.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Klacks is implemented using the same code base as the SAX parser
+      and has the same parsing characteristics (validation, namespace
+      support, entity resolution) while offering a more flexible interface
+      than SAX.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      See below for <a href="#examples">examples</a>.
+    </p>
+    <a name="sources"></a>
+    <h3>Parsing incrementally using sources</h3>
+    <p>
+      To parse using Klacks, create an XML <tt>source</tt> first.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-SOURCE (input &key validate
+      dtd root entity-resolver disallow-external-subset pathname)</div>
+      Create and return a source for <tt>input</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Exact behaviour depends on <tt>input</tt>, which can
+      be one of the following types:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+	<tt>pathname</tt> -- a Common Lisp pathname.  
+	Open the file specified by the pathname and create a source for
+	the resulting stream.  See below for information on how to
+        close the stream.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+<tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.  See below for information on how to
+        close the stream.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	<tt>octets</tt> -- an <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> array.
+	The array is parsed directly, and interpreted according to the
+	encoding it specifies.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	<tt>string</tt>/<tt>rod</tt> -- a rod (or <tt>string</tt> on
+	unicode-capable implementations).
+	Parses an XML document from the input string that has already
+	undergone external-format decoding.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      <b>Closing streams:</b> Sources can refer to Lisp streams that
+      need to be closed after parsing.  This includes a stream passed
+      explicitly as <tt>input</tt>, a stream created implicitly for the
+      <tt>pathname</tt> case, as well as any streams created
+      automatically for external parsed entities referred to by the
+      document.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      All these stream get closed automatically if end of file is
+      reached normally.  Use <tt>klacks:close-source</tt> or
+      <tt>klacks:with-open-source</tt> to ensure that the streams get
+      closed otherwise.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>Buffering:</b> By default, the Klacks parser performs buffering
+      of octets being read from the stream as an optimization.  This can
+      result in unwanted blocking if the stream is a socket and the
+      parser tries to read more data than required to parse the current
+      event.  Use <tt>:buffering nil</tt> to disable this optimization.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>buffering</tt> -- Boolean, defaults to <tt>t</tt>.  If
+        enabled, read data several kilobytes at time.  If disabled,
+        read only single bytes at a time.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      The following <b>keyword arguments</b> have the same meaning as
+      with the SAX parser, please refer to the documentation of <a href="sax.html#parser">parse-file</a> for more information:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>validate</tt>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>dtd</tt>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>entity-resolver</tt>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>disallow-internal-subset</tt>
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      In addition, the following argument is for types of <tt>input</tt>
+      other than <tt>pathname</tt>:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>pathname</tt> -- If specified, defines the base URI of the
+        document based on this pathname instance.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      Events are read from the stream using the following functions:
+    </p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK (source)</div>
+     <p> => :start-document<br>
+          or => :start-document, version, encoding, standalonep<br>
+          or => :dtd, name, public-id, system-id<br>
+          or => :start-element, uri, lname, qname<br>
+          or => :end-element, uri, lname, qname<br>
+          or => :characters, data<br>
+          or => :processing-instruction, target, data<br>
+          or => :comment, data<br>
+          or => :end-document, data<br>
+          or => nil
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <tt>peek</tt> returns the current event's key and main values.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK-NEXT (source) => key, value*</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Advance the source forward to the next event and returns it
+      like <tt>peek</tt> would.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK-VALUE (source) => value*</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Like <tt>peek</tt>, but return only the values, not the key.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CONSUME (source) => key, value*</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Return the same values <tt>peek</tt> would, and in addition
+      advance the source forward to the next event.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-URI (source) => uri</div>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-LNAME (source) => string</div>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-QNAME (source) => string</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     If the current event is :start-element or :end-element, return the
+     corresponding value.  Else, signal an error.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-CHARACTERS (source) => string</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     If the current event is :characters, return the character data
+     value.  Else, signal an error.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-CDATA-SECTION-P (source) => boolean</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     If the current event is :characters, determine whether the data was
+     specified using a CDATA section in the source document.  Else,
+     signal an error.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:MAP-CURRENT-NAMESPACE-DECLARATIONS (fn source) => nil</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     For use only on :start-element and :end-element events, this
+     function report every namespace declaration on the current element.
+     On :start-element, these correspond to the xmlns attributes of the
+     start tag.  On :end-element, the declarations of the corresponding
+     start tag are reported.  No inherited namespaces are
+     included.  <tt>fn</tt> is called only for each declaration with two
+     arguments, the prefix and uri.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:MAP-ATTRIBUTES (fn source)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     Call <tt>fn</tt> for each attribute of the current start tag in
+     turn, and pass the following values as arguments to the function:
+	<ul>
+	  <li>namespace uri</li>
+	  <li>local name</li>
+	  <li>qualified name</li>
+	  <li>attribute value</li>
+	  <li>a boolean indicating whether the attribute was specified
+	  explicitly in the source document, rather than defaulted from
+	  a DTD</li>
+	</ul>
+     Only valid for :start-element.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     Return a list of SAX attribute structures for the current start tag.
+     Only valid for :start-element.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CLOSE-SOURCE (source)</div>
+      Close all streams referred to by <tt>source</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro KLACKS:WITH-OPEN-SOURCE ((var source) &body body)</div>
+      Evaluate <tt>source</tt> to create a source object, bind it to
+      symbol <tt>var</tt> and evaluate <tt>body</tt> as an implicit progn.
+      Call <tt>klacks:close-source</tt> to close the source after
+      exiting <tt>body</tt>, whether normally or abnormally.
+    </p>
+    <a name="convenience"></a>
+    <h3>Convenience functions</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:FIND-EVENT (source key)</div>
+      Read events from <tt>source</tt> and discard them until an event
+      of type <i>key</i> is found.  Return values like <tt>peek</tt>, or
+      NIL if no such event was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:FIND-ELEMENT (source &optional
+      lname uri)</div>
+      Read events from <tt>source</tt> and discard them until an event
+      of type :start-element is found with matching local name and
+      namespace uri is found.   If <tt>lname</tt> is <tt>nil</tt>, any
+      tag name matches.  If <tt>uri</tt> is <tt>nil</tt>, any
+      namespace matches. Return values like <tt>peek</tt> or NIL if no
+      such event was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition KLACKS:KLACKS-ERROR (xml-parse-error)</div>
+      The condition class signalled by <tt>expect</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:EXPECT (source key &optional
+      value1 value2 value3)</div>
+      Assert that the current event is equal to (key value1 value2
+      value3).  (Ignore <i>value</i> arguments that are NIL.)  If so,
+      return it as multiple values.  Otherwise signal a
+      <tt>klacks-error</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SKIP (source key &optional
+      value1 value2 value3)</div>
+      <tt>expect</tt> the specific event, then <tt>consume</tt> it.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro KLACKS:EXPECTING-ELEMENT ((fn source
+      &optional lname uri) &body body</div>
+      Assert that the current event matches (:start-element uri lname).
+      (Ignore <i>value</i> arguments that are NIL)  Otherwise signal a
+      <tt>klacks-error</tt>.
+      Evaluate <tt>body</tt> as an implicit progn.  Finally assert that
+      the remaining event matches (:end-element uri lname).
+    </p>
+    <a name="klacksax"></a>
+    <h3>Bridging Klacks and SAX</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SERIALIZE-EVENT (source handler)</div>
+      Send the current klacks event from <tt>source</tt> as a SAX
+      event to the SAX <tt>handler</tt> and consume it.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SERIALIZE-ELEMENT (source handler
+      &key document-events)</div>
+      Read all klacks events from the following <tt>:start-element</tt> to
+      its <tt>:end-element</tt> and send them as SAX events
+      to <tt>handler</tt>.  When this function is called, the current
+      event must be <tt>:start-element</tt>, else an error is
+      signalled.  With <tt>document-events</tt> (the default),
+      <tt>sax:start-document</tt> and <tt>sax:end-document</tt> events
+      are sent around the element.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SERIALIZE-SOURCE (source handler)</div>
+      Read all klacks events from <tt>source</tt> and send them as SAX
+      events to the SAX <tt>handler</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class KLACKS:TAPPING-SOURCE (source)</div>
+      A klacks source that relays events from an upstream klacks source
+      unchanged, while also emitting them as SAX events to a
+      user-specified handler at the same time.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Functon KLACKS:MAKE-TAPPING-SOURCE
+      (upstream-source &optional sax-handler)</div>
+      Create a tapping source relaying events
+      for <tt>upstream-source</tt>, and sending SAX events
+      to <tt>sax-handler</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <a name="locator"></a>
+    <h3>Location information</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-LINE-NUMBER (source)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current line number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-COLUMN-NUMBER (source)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current column number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-SYSTEM-ID (source)</div>
+      Return the URI of the document being parsed.  This is either the
+    main document, or the entity's system ID while contents of a parsed
+    general external entity are being processed.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-XML-BASE (source)</div>
+      Return the [Base URI] of the current element.  This URI can differ from
+   the value returned by <tt>current-system-id</tt> if xml:base
+      attributes are present.
+    </p>
+    <a name="examples"></a>
+    <h3>Examples</h3>
+    <p>
+      The following example illustrates creation of a klacks <tt>source</tt>,
+      use of the <tt>peek-next</tt> function to read individual events,
+      and shows some of the most common event types.
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(defparameter *source* (cxml:make-source "<example>text</example>"))</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+NIL                      ;namespace URI
+"example"                ;local name
+"example"                ;qualified name
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+    <p>
+      In this example, <tt>find-element</tt> is used to skip over the
+      uninteresting events until the opening <tt>child1</tt> tag is
+      found.  Then <tt>serialize-element</tt> is used to generate SAX
+      events for the following element, including its children, and an
+      xmls-compatible list structure is built from those
+      events.  <tt>find-element</tt> skips over whitespace,
+      and <tt>find-event</tt> is used to parse up
+      to <tt>:end-document</tt>, ensuring that the source has been
+      closed.
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(defparameter *source*
+      (cxml:make-source "<example>
+                           <child1><p>foo</p></child1>
+                           <child2 bar='baz'/>
+                         </example>"))</b>
+* <b>(klacks:find-element *source* "child1")</b>
+* <b>(klacks:serialize-element *source* (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</b>
+("child1" NIL ("p" NIL "foo"))
+* <b>(klacks:find-element *source*)</b>
+*  <b>(klacks:serialize-element *source* (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</b>
+("child2" (("bar" "baz")))
+* <b>(klacks:find-event *source* :end-document)</b>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/klacks.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/klacks.xml	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+<documentation title="CXML Klacks parser">
+    <h1>Klacks parser</h1>
+    <p>
+      The Klacks parser provides an alternative parsing interface,
+      similar in concept to Java's <a
+      href="http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=173">Streaming API for
+      XML</a> (StAX).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      It implements a streaming, "pull-based" API.  This is different
+      from SAX, which is a "push-based" model.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Klacks is implemented using the same code base as the SAX parser
+      and has the same parsing characteristics (validation, namespace
+      support, entity resolution) while offering a more flexible interface
+      than SAX.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      See below for <a href="#examples">examples</a>.
+    </p>
+    <a name="sources"/>
+    <h3>Parsing incrementally using sources</h3>
+    <p>
+      To parse using Klacks, create an XML <tt>source</tt> first.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-SOURCE (input &key validate
+      dtd root entity-resolver disallow-external-subset pathname)</div>
+      Create and return a source for <tt>input</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Exact behaviour depends on <tt>input</tt>, which can
+      be one of the following types:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+	<tt>pathname</tt> -- a Common Lisp pathname.  
+	Open the file specified by the pathname and create a source for
+	the resulting stream.  See below for information on how to
+        close the stream.
+      </li>
+      <li><tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.  See below for information on how to
+        close the stream.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	<tt>octets</tt> -- an <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> array.
+	The array is parsed directly, and interpreted according to the
+	encoding it specifies.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+	<tt>string</tt>/<tt>rod</tt> -- a rod (or <tt>string</tt> on
+	unicode-capable implementations).
+	Parses an XML document from the input string that has already
+	undergone external-format decoding.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      <b>Closing streams:</b> Sources can refer to Lisp streams that
+      need to be closed after parsing.  This includes a stream passed
+      explicitly as <tt>input</tt>, a stream created implicitly for the
+      <tt>pathname</tt> case, as well as any streams created
+      automatically for external parsed entities referred to by the
+      document.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      All these stream get closed automatically if end of file is
+      reached normally.  Use <tt>klacks:close-source</tt> or
+      <tt>klacks:with-open-source</tt> to ensure that the streams get
+      closed otherwise.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>Buffering:</b> By default, the Klacks parser performs buffering
+      of octets being read from the stream as an optimization.  This can
+      result in unwanted blocking if the stream is a socket and the
+      parser tries to read more data than required to parse the current
+      event.  Use <tt>:buffering nil</tt> to disable this optimization.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>buffering</tt> -- Boolean, defaults to <tt>t</tt>.  If
+        enabled, read data several kilobytes at time.  If disabled,
+        read only single bytes at a time.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      The following <b>keyword arguments</b> have the same meaning as
+      with the SAX parser, please refer to the documentation of <a
+      href="sax.html#parser">parse-file</a> for more information:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>validate</tt>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>dtd</tt>
+      </li>
+      <li><tt>root</tt>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>entity-resolver</tt>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>disallow-internal-subset</tt>
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      In addition, the following argument is for types of <tt>input</tt>
+      other than <tt>pathname</tt>:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>pathname</tt> -- If specified, defines the base URI of the
+        document based on this pathname instance.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      Events are read from the stream using the following functions:
+    </p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK (source)</div>
+     <p> => :start-document<br/>
+          or => :start-document, version, encoding, standalonep<br/>
+          or => :dtd, name, public-id, system-id<br/>
+          or => :start-element, uri, lname, qname<br/>
+          or => :end-element, uri, lname, qname<br/>
+          or => :characters, data<br/>
+          or => :processing-instruction, target, data<br/>
+          or => :comment, data<br/>
+          or => :end-document, data<br/>
+          or => nil
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <tt>peek</tt> returns the current event's key and main values.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK-NEXT (source) => key, value*</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Advance the source forward to the next event and returns it
+      like <tt>peek</tt> would.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:PEEK-VALUE (source) => value*</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Like <tt>peek</tt>, but return only the values, not the key.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CONSUME (source) => key, value*</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Return the same values <tt>peek</tt> would, and in addition
+      advance the source forward to the next event.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-URI (source) => uri</div>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-LNAME (source) => string</div>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-QNAME (source) => string</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     If the current event is :start-element or :end-element, return the
+     corresponding value.  Else, signal an error.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-CHARACTERS (source) => string</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     If the current event is :characters, return the character data
+     value.  Else, signal an error.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-CDATA-SECTION-P (source) => boolean</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     If the current event is :characters, determine whether the data was
+     specified using a CDATA section in the source document.  Else,
+     signal an error.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:MAP-CURRENT-NAMESPACE-DECLARATIONS (fn source) => nil</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     For use only on :start-element and :end-element events, this
+     function report every namespace declaration on the current element.
+     On :start-element, these correspond to the xmlns attributes of the
+     start tag.  On :end-element, the declarations of the corresponding
+     start tag are reported.  No inherited namespaces are
+     included.  <tt>fn</tt> is called only for each declaration with two
+     arguments, the prefix and uri.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:MAP-ATTRIBUTES (fn source)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     Call <tt>fn</tt> for each attribute of the current start tag in
+     turn, and pass the following values as arguments to the function:
+	<ul>
+	  <li>namespace uri</li>
+	  <li>local name</li>
+	  <li>qualified name</li>
+	  <li>attribute value</li>
+	  <li>a boolean indicating whether the attribute was specified
+	  explicitly in the source document, rather than defaulted from
+	  a DTD</li>
+	</ul>
+     Only valid for :start-element.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     Return a list of SAX attribute structures for the current start tag.
+     Only valid for :start-element.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CLOSE-SOURCE (source)</div>
+      Close all streams referred to by <tt>source</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro KLACKS:WITH-OPEN-SOURCE ((var source) &body body)</div>
+      Evaluate <tt>source</tt> to create a source object, bind it to
+      symbol <tt>var</tt> and evaluate <tt>body</tt> as an implicit progn.
+      Call <tt>klacks:close-source</tt> to close the source after
+      exiting <tt>body</tt>, whether normally or abnormally.
+    </p>
+    <a name="convenience"/>
+    <h3>Convenience functions</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:FIND-EVENT (source key)</div>
+      Read events from <tt>source</tt> and discard them until an event
+      of type <i>key</i> is found.  Return values like <tt>peek</tt>, or
+      NIL if no such event was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:FIND-ELEMENT (source &optional
+      lname uri)</div>
+      Read events from <tt>source</tt> and discard them until an event
+      of type :start-element is found with matching local name and
+      namespace uri is found.   If <tt>lname</tt> is <tt>nil</tt>, any
+      tag name matches.  If <tt>uri</tt> is <tt>nil</tt>, any
+      namespace matches. Return values like <tt>peek</tt> or NIL if no
+      such event was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition KLACKS:KLACKS-ERROR (xml-parse-error)</div>
+      The condition class signalled by <tt>expect</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:EXPECT (source key &optional
+      value1 value2 value3)</div>
+      Assert that the current event is equal to (key value1 value2
+      value3).  (Ignore <i>value</i> arguments that are NIL.)  If so,
+      return it as multiple values.  Otherwise signal a
+      <tt>klacks-error</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SKIP (source key &optional
+      value1 value2 value3)</div>
+      <tt>expect</tt> the specific event, then <tt>consume</tt> it.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro KLACKS:EXPECTING-ELEMENT ((fn source
+      &optional lname uri) &body body</div>
+      Assert that the current event matches (:start-element uri lname).
+      (Ignore <i>value</i> arguments that are NIL)  Otherwise signal a
+      <tt>klacks-error</tt>.
+      Evaluate <tt>body</tt> as an implicit progn.  Finally assert that
+      the remaining event matches (:end-element uri lname).
+    </p>
+    <a name="klacksax"/>
+    <h3>Bridging Klacks and SAX</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SERIALIZE-EVENT (source handler)</div>
+      Send the current klacks event from <tt>source</tt> as a SAX
+      event to the SAX <tt>handler</tt> and consume it.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SERIALIZE-ELEMENT (source handler
+      &key document-events)</div>
+      Read all klacks events from the following <tt>:start-element</tt> to
+      its <tt>:end-element</tt> and send them as SAX events
+      to <tt>handler</tt>.  When this function is called, the current
+      event must be <tt>:start-element</tt>, else an error is
+      signalled.  With <tt>document-events</tt> (the default),
+      <tt>sax:start-document</tt> and <tt>sax:end-document</tt> events
+      are sent around the element.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:SERIALIZE-SOURCE (source handler)</div>
+      Read all klacks events from <tt>source</tt> and send them as SAX
+      events to the SAX <tt>handler</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class KLACKS:TAPPING-SOURCE (source)</div>
+      A klacks source that relays events from an upstream klacks source
+      unchanged, while also emitting them as SAX events to a
+      user-specified handler at the same time.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Functon KLACKS:MAKE-TAPPING-SOURCE
+      (upstream-source &optional sax-handler)</div>
+      Create a tapping source relaying events
+      for <tt>upstream-source</tt>, and sending SAX events
+      to <tt>sax-handler</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <a name="locator"/>
+    <h3>Location information</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-LINE-NUMBER (source)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current line number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-COLUMN-NUMBER (source)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current column number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-SYSTEM-ID (source)</div>
+      Return the URI of the document being parsed.  This is either the
+    main document, or the entity's system ID while contents of a parsed
+    general external entity are being processed.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function KLACKS:CURRENT-XML-BASE (source)</div>
+      Return the [Base URI] of the current element.  This URI can differ from
+   the value returned by <tt>current-system-id</tt> if xml:base
+      attributes are present.
+    </p>
+    <a name="examples"/>
+    <h3>Examples</h3>
+    <p>
+      The following example illustrates creation of a klacks <tt>source</tt>,
+      use of the <tt>peek-next</tt> function to read individual events,
+      and shows some of the most common event types.
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(defparameter *source* (cxml:make-source "<example>text</example>"))</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+NIL                      ;namespace URI
+"example"                ;local name
+"example"                ;qualified name
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+* <b>(klacks:peek-next *source*)</b>
+    <p>
+      In this example, <tt>find-element</tt> is used to skip over the
+      uninteresting events until the opening <tt>child1</tt> tag is
+      found.  Then <tt>serialize-element</tt> is used to generate SAX
+      events for the following element, including its children, and an
+      xmls-compatible list structure is built from those
+      events.  <tt>find-element</tt> skips over whitespace,
+      and <tt>find-event</tt> is used to parse up
+      to <tt>:end-document</tt>, ensuring that the source has been
+      closed.
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(defparameter *source*
+      (cxml:make-source "<example>
+                           <child1><p>foo</p></child1>
+                           <child2 bar='baz'/>
+                         </example>"))</b>
+* <b>(klacks:find-element *source* "child1")</b>
+* <b>(klacks:serialize-element *source* (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</b>
+("child1" NIL ("p" NIL "foo"))
+* <b>(klacks:find-element *source*)</b>
+*  <b>(klacks:serialize-element *source* (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</b>
+("child2" (("bar" "baz")))
+* <b>(klacks:find-event *source* :end-document)</b>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/quickstart.html
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/quickstart.html	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
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+<div class="sidebar">
+<div class="sidebar-title"><a href="index.html">Closure XML</a></div>
+<div class="sidebar-main"><ul class="main">
+<a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a></li></ul></li>
+<a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+<a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+<a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li></ul></li>
+    <h1>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</h1>
+    <p>
+      Make sure to <a href="installation.html#installation">install and load</a> cxml first.
+    </p>
+    <h3>
+      On this page
+    </h3>      
+    <ul>
+<li><a href="#id53435"><heading>Parsing a file</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54079"><heading>Using DOM</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54112"><heading>Serializing DOM</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54132"><heading>Parsing into XMLS-like lists</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54176"><heading>Parsing incrementally using Klacks</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54210"><heading>Writing XML</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54235"><heading>Help! CXML says 'URI scheme :HTTP not supported'</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54302"><heading>Loading DTDs from local files</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54328"><heading>Can I skip loading of DTDs entirely?</heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54364"><heading>
+      Catalogs: How can I use the HTML DTD installed by my distribution?
+    </heading></a></li>
+<li><a href="#id54390"><heading>
+      Can I load DTDs through HTTP?
+    </heading></a></li>
+    <p>
+      To try the following examples, create a test file
+      called <tt>example.xml</tt>:
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(with-open-file (s "example.xml" :direction :output)
+    (write-string "<test a='b'><child/></test>" s))</b></pre>
+    <a name="id53435"></a><h3><heading>Parsing a file</heading></h3>
+    <p>Parse <tt>example.xml</tt> into a DOM tree (<a href="sax.html#parser">read
+    more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(cxml:parse-file "example.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))</b>
+#<DOM-IMPL::DOCUMENT @ #x72206172>
+;; save result for later:
+* <b>(defparameter *example* *)</b>
+    <a name="id54079"></a><h3><heading>Using DOM</heading></h3>
+    <p>Inspect the DOM tree (<a href="sax.html#dom">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(dom:document-element *example*)</b>
+#<DOM-IMPL::ELEMENT test @ #x722b6ba2>
+* (<b>dom:tag-name</b> (dom:document-element *example*))
+* (<b>dom:child-nodes</b> (dom:document-element *example*))
+#(#<DOM-IMPL::ELEMENT child @ #x722b6d8a>)
+* (<b>dom:get-attribute</b> (dom:document-element *example*) <b>"a"</b>)
+    <a name="id54112"></a><h3><heading>Serializing DOM</heading></h3>
+    <p>Serialize the DOM document back into a file (<a href="sax.html#serialization">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>(with-open-file (out "example.out" :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+  <b>(dom:map-document (cxml:make-octet-stream-sink out) *example*)</b></pre>
+    <a name="id54132"></a><h3><heading>Parsing into XMLS-like lists</heading></h3>
+    <p>
+      If DOM is not the representation you want to you, parsing into
+      other data structures is possible using the same SAX parser
+      function, while using a different handler.
+      The XMLS builder is included for compatibility with XMLS, and also
+      also sample code (see cxml/xml/xmls-compat.lisp) for your own
+      handlers.
+    </p>
+    <p>As an alternative to DOM, parse into xmls-compatible list
+    structure (<a href="xmls-compat.html">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(cxml:parse-file "example.xml" (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</b>
+("test" (("a" "b")) ("child" NIL))</pre>
+    <p>
+      Again, serialization into XML is done using a sink as a SAX
+      handler and a data-structure specific function to generate SAX
+      events for the document, in this case <tt>cxml-xmls:map-node</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>* (with-open-file (out "example.out" :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (<b>cxml-xmls:map-node (cxml:make-octet-stream-sink out)
+                        '("test" (("a" "b")) ("child" nil)))</b>)</pre>
+    <a name="id54176"></a><h3><heading>Parsing incrementally using Klacks</heading></h3>
+    <p>Use klacks to read events from the parser incrementally.  The
+    following example looks only for :start-element and :end-element
+    events and prints them (<a href="klacks.html">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(klacks:with-open-source
+    (s (cxml:make-source #p"example.xml"))</b>
+  (loop
+      for key = <b>(klacks:peek s)</b>
+      while key
+      do
+	(case key
+	  (:start-element
+	    (format t "~A {" <b>(klacks:current-qname s)</b>))
+	  (:end-element
+	    (format t "}")))
+	<b>(klacks:consume s)</b>))
+test {child {}}</pre>
+    <a name="id54210"></a><h3><heading>Writing XML</heading></h3>
+    <p>
+      Serialization is always done using sinks, which accept SAX events,
+      but there are convenience functions and macros to make that easier
+      to use:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-octet-stream-sink stream :indentation 2 :canonical nil)
+  (cxml:with-element "foo"
+    (cxml:attribute "xyz" "abc")
+    (cxml:with-element "bar"
+      (cxml:attribute "blub" "bla"))
+    (cxml:text "Hi there.")))</pre>
+   <p>
+      Prints this to <tt>stream</tt>:
+   </p>
+   <pre><foo xyz="abc">
+  <bar blub="bla"></bar>
+  Hi there.
+    <a name="id54235"></a><h3><heading>Help! CXML says 'URI scheme :HTTP not supported'</heading></h3>
+    <p>
+      By default, this error will occur when the DTD (or generally, any
+      entity) has an http:// URL as its system ID.  CXML itself
+      understands only file:// URLs, but allows users to customize the
+      behaviour for all URLs.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The are several solutions to this, covered in detail below:
+      <ul>
+	<li>
+	  Load the DTD/entity from local files using an entity resolver
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	  Skip parsing of the DTD/entity entirely by pretending it is
+	  empty, again using an entity resolver.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	  Use a <em>catalog</em> to make CXML find DTDs in the local
+	  filesystem automatically.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	  Teach CXML actually load DTDs using HTTP.
+	</li>
+      </ul>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Here are the example files for the following solutions to this
+      problem:
+    </p>
+    <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.xml">
+      <tt>dtdexample.xml</tt>:</a>
+    <pre><!DOCTYPE test SYSTEM 'http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.dtd'>
+<test a='b'>blub<child/></test></pre>
+    <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.dtd">
+      <tt>dtdexample.dtd</tt></a>:
+    <pre><!ELEMENT test (#PCDATA|child)*>
+<!ATTLIST test
+  >
+    <a name="id54302"></a><h3><heading>Loading DTDs from local files</heading></h3>
+    <p>
+      Use the :entity-resolver argument to <tt>parse-file</tt> to
+      specify a function that maps System IDs and Public IDs to local
+      files of your choice:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(let ((uri "http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.dtd")
+      (pathname "dtdexample.dtd"))
+  (flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
+	   (declare (ignore pubid))
+	   <b>(when (puri:uri= sysid (puri:parse-uri uri))
+	     (open pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))</b>))
+    (cxml:parse-file "dtdexample.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder) <b>:entity-resolver #'resolver</b>)))</pre>
+    <a name="id54328"></a><h3><heading>Can I skip loading of DTDs entirely?</heading></h3>
+    <p>
+      Yes and no.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <i>Yes</i>, you can force CXML to do this, see the following example.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      But no, skipping the DTD will not actually work if the document
+      references entities declared in the DTD, especially since neither
+      SAX nor DOM are able to report unresolved entity references in
+      attributes.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The trick to make CXML skip the DTD is to pretend that it is empty
+      by returning a zero-length stream instead:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
+	 (declare (ignore pubid sysid))
+	 <b>(flexi-streams:make-in-memory-input-stream nil)</b>))
+  (cxml:parse-file "dtdexample.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder) <b>:entity-resolver #'resolver</b>))</pre>
+    <a name="id54364"></a><h3><heading>
+      Catalogs: How can I use the HTML DTD installed by my distribution?
+    </heading></h3>
+    <p>
+      Rather than writing an entity resolver function yourself, CXML can
+      use XML catalogs to find DTDs and entity files on your local system.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Catalogs are particularly helpful for DTDs that are
+      pre-installed.  For example, most Linux distributions include a
+      package for the XHTML DTD.  The DTD will reside in a
+      distribution-dependent location, which the central catalog file
+      points to.
+    </p>
+    <p>By default, CXML looks for the catalog in /etc/xml/catalog
+    (Linux) and /usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports (FreeBSD).
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(setf cxml:*catalog* (cxml:make-catalog))</b>
+* (cxml:parse-file "test.xhtml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))</pre>
+    <a name="id54390"></a><h3><heading>
+      Can I load DTDs through HTTP?
+    </heading></h3>
+    <p>
+      Sure, just use an entity-resolver function that does it.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Install <a href="http://weitz.de/drakma/">Drakma</a> and try this:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
+	 (declare (ignore pubid))
+	 <b>(when (eq (puri:uri-scheme sysid) :http)
+	   (drakma:http-request sysid :want-stream t))</b>))
+  (cxml:parse-file "dtdexample.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder) <b>:entity-resolver #'resolver</b>))</pre>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/quickstart.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/quickstart.xml	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+<documentation title="CXML Quick-Start Example">
+    <h1>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</h1>
+    <p>
+      Make sure to <a href="installation.html#installation">install and load</a> cxml first.
+    </p>
+    <h3>
+      On this page
+    </h3>      
+    <page-index/>
+    <p>
+      To try the following examples, create a test file
+      called <tt>example.xml</tt>:
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(with-open-file (s "example.xml" :direction :output)
+    (write-string "<test a='b'><child/></test>" s))</b></pre>
+    <heading>Parsing a file</heading>
+    <p>Parse <tt>example.xml</tt> into a DOM tree (<a href="sax.html#parser">read
+    more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(cxml:parse-file "example.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))</b>
+#<DOM-IMPL::DOCUMENT @ #x72206172>
+;; save result for later:
+* <b>(defparameter *example* *)</b>
+    <heading>Using DOM</heading>
+    <p>Inspect the DOM tree (<a href="sax.html#dom">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(dom:document-element *example*)</b>
+#<DOM-IMPL::ELEMENT test @ #x722b6ba2>
+* (<b>dom:tag-name</b> (dom:document-element *example*))
+* (<b>dom:child-nodes</b> (dom:document-element *example*))
+#(#<DOM-IMPL::ELEMENT child @ #x722b6d8a>)
+* (<b>dom:get-attribute</b> (dom:document-element *example*) <b>"a"</b>)
+    <heading>Serializing DOM</heading>
+    <p>Serialize the DOM document back into a file (<a
+    href="sax.html#serialization">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>(with-open-file (out "example.out" :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+  <b>(dom:map-document (cxml:make-octet-stream-sink out) *example*)</b></pre>
+    <heading>Parsing into XMLS-like lists</heading>
+    <p>
+      If DOM is not the representation you want to you, parsing into
+      other data structures is possible using the same SAX parser
+      function, while using a different handler.
+      The XMLS builder is included for compatibility with XMLS, and also
+      also sample code (see cxml/xml/xmls-compat.lisp) for your own
+      handlers.
+    </p>
+    <p>As an alternative to DOM, parse into xmls-compatible list
+    structure (<a href="xmls-compat.html">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(cxml:parse-file "example.xml" (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</b>
+("test" (("a" "b")) ("child" NIL))</pre>
+    <p>
+      Again, serialization into XML is done using a sink as a SAX
+      handler and a data-structure specific function to generate SAX
+      events for the document, in this case <tt>cxml-xmls:map-node</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>* (with-open-file (out "example.out" :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (<b>cxml-xmls:map-node (cxml:make-octet-stream-sink out)
+                        '("test" (("a" "b")) ("child" nil)))</b>)</pre>
+    <heading>Parsing incrementally using Klacks</heading>
+    <p>Use klacks to read events from the parser incrementally.  The
+    following example looks only for :start-element and :end-element
+    events and prints them (<a href="klacks.html">read more</a>):</p>
+    <pre>* <b>(klacks:with-open-source
+    (s (cxml:make-source #p"example.xml"))</b>
+  (loop
+      for key = <b>(klacks:peek s)</b>
+      while key
+      do
+	(case key
+	  (:start-element
+	    (format t "~A {" <b>(klacks:current-qname s)</b>))
+	  (:end-element
+	    (format t "}")))
+	<b>(klacks:consume s)</b>))
+test {child {}}</pre>
+    <heading>Writing XML</heading>
+    <p>
+      Serialization is always done using sinks, which accept SAX events,
+      but there are convenience functions and macros to make that easier
+      to use:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-octet-stream-sink stream :indentation 2 :canonical nil)
+  (cxml:with-element "foo"
+    (cxml:attribute "xyz" "abc")
+    (cxml:with-element "bar"
+      (cxml:attribute "blub" "bla"))
+    (cxml:text "Hi there.")))</pre>
+   <p>
+      Prints this to <tt>stream</tt>:
+   </p>
+   <pre><foo xyz="abc">
+  <bar blub="bla"></bar>
+  Hi there.
+    <heading>Help! CXML says 'URI scheme :HTTP not supported'</heading>
+    <p>
+      By default, this error will occur when the DTD (or generally, any
+      entity) has an http:// URL as its system ID.  CXML itself
+      understands only file:// URLs, but allows users to customize the
+      behaviour for all URLs.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The are several solutions to this, covered in detail below:
+      <ul>
+	<li>
+	  Load the DTD/entity from local files using an entity resolver
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	  Skip parsing of the DTD/entity entirely by pretending it is
+	  empty, again using an entity resolver.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	  Use a <em>catalog</em> to make CXML find DTDs in the local
+	  filesystem automatically.
+	</li>
+	<li>
+	  Teach CXML actually load DTDs using HTTP.
+	</li>
+      </ul>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Here are the example files for the following solutions to this
+      problem:
+    </p>
+    <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.xml">
+      <tt>dtdexample.xml</tt>:</a>
+    <pre><!DOCTYPE test SYSTEM 'http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.dtd'>
+<test a='b'>blub<child/></test></pre>
+    <a href="http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.dtd">
+      <tt>dtdexample.dtd</tt></a>:
+    <pre><!ELEMENT test (#PCDATA|child)*>
+<!ATTLIST test
+  >
+    <heading>Loading DTDs from local files</heading>
+    <p>
+      Use the :entity-resolver argument to <tt>parse-file</tt> to
+      specify a function that maps System IDs and Public IDs to local
+      files of your choice:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(let ((uri "http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/dtdexample.dtd")
+      (pathname "dtdexample.dtd"))
+  (flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
+	   (declare (ignore pubid))
+	   <b>(when (puri:uri= sysid (puri:parse-uri uri))
+	     (open pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))</b>))
+    (cxml:parse-file "dtdexample.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder) <b>:entity-resolver #'resolver</b>)))</pre>
+    <heading>Can I skip loading of DTDs entirely?</heading>
+    <p>
+      Yes and no.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <i>Yes</i>, you can force CXML to do this, see the following example.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      But no, skipping the DTD will not actually work if the document
+      references entities declared in the DTD, especially since neither
+      SAX nor DOM are able to report unresolved entity references in
+      attributes.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The trick to make CXML skip the DTD is to pretend that it is empty
+      by returning a zero-length stream instead:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
+	 (declare (ignore pubid sysid))
+	 <b>(flexi-streams:make-in-memory-input-stream nil)</b>))
+  (cxml:parse-file "dtdexample.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder) <b>:entity-resolver #'resolver</b>))</pre>
+    <heading>
+      Catalogs: How can I use the HTML DTD installed by my distribution?
+    </heading>
+    <p>
+      Rather than writing an entity resolver function yourself, CXML can
+      use XML catalogs to find DTDs and entity files on your local system.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Catalogs are particularly helpful for DTDs that are
+      pre-installed.  For example, most Linux distributions include a
+      package for the XHTML DTD.  The DTD will reside in a
+      distribution-dependent location, which the central catalog file
+      points to.
+    </p>
+    <p>By default, CXML looks for the catalog in /etc/xml/catalog
+    (Linux) and /usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports (FreeBSD).
+    </p>
+    <pre>* <b>(setf cxml:*catalog* (cxml:make-catalog))</b>
+* (cxml:parse-file "test.xhtml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))</pre>
+    <heading>
+      Can I load DTDs through HTTP?
+    </heading>
+    <p>
+      Sure, just use an entity-resolver function that does it.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Install <a href="http://weitz.de/drakma/">Drakma</a> and try this:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
+	 (declare (ignore pubid))
+	 <b>(when (eq (puri:uri-scheme sysid) :http)
+	   (drakma:http-request sysid :want-stream t))</b>))
+  (cxml:parse-file "dtdexample.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder) <b>:entity-resolver #'resolver</b>))</pre>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/sax.html
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/sax.html	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>CXML SAX parser</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cxml.css">
+<div class="sidebar">
+<div class="sidebar-title"><a href="index.html">Closure XML</a></div>
+<div class="sidebar-main"><ul class="main">
+<a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a></li></ul></li>
+<a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+<a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+<a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li></ul></li>
+    <h1>SAX parsing and serialization</h1>
+    <a name="parser"></a>
+    <p>
+      This chapter describes CXML's SAX-like parser interface.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The SAX layer is an important concept in CXML that users will
+      encounter in various situations:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        To <b>parse into DOM</b>, use the SAX parser as described below with
+        a <b>DOM builder</b> as the SAX handler.  (Refer to <a href="dom.html#parser">make-dom-builder</a> for information about
+        DOM.)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <b>Serialization</b> is done using SAX, too.   SAX handlers that
+        process and consume events without sending them to another
+        handler are called <i>sinks</i> in CXML.  Serialization sinks
+        write XML output for the events they receive.  For example, to
+        serialize DOM, use <tt>map-document</tt> to turn the DOM
+        document into SAX events together with a <tt>sink</tt> for
+        serialization.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        SAX handlers can be chained together.  Various SAX handlers
+        are offered that can be used in this way, transforming SAX
+        events before handing them to the next handler.  This includes
+        handlers for <b>whitespace removal</b>, <b>namespace
+        normalization</b>, and rod-to-string <b>recoding</b>.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      However, SAX events are easier to generate than to process.  That
+      is why CXML offers <i>Klacks</i>, a "pull-based" API in addition to SAX.
+      Klacks events are generally easier to process than to generate.
+      Please refer to the <a href="klacks.html">Klacks documentation</a>
+      for details.
+    </p>
+    <h3>Parsing and Validating</h3>
+    <div style="border: 1px dotted black;   width: 70%;   padding: 1em">
+    <p>
+      Old-style convenience functions:
+    </p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-FILE (pathname handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with a pathname argument.
+      (But note that <tt>cxml:parse-file</tt> interprets string
+      arguments as namestrings, while <tt>cxml:parse</tt> expects
+      literal XML documents.)
+    </p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-STREAM (stream handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with a stream argument.</p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-OCTETS (octets handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with an octet vector argument.</p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-ROD (rod handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with a string argument.</p>
+    </div>
+    <h4>
+      New all-in-one parser interface:
+    </h4>
+    <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE (input handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p>
+      Parse an XML document, where input is a string, pathname, octet
+      vector, or stream.
+      Return values from this function depend on the SAX handler used.<br>
+      Arguments:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+	<tt>input</tt> -- one of:<br>
+	<ul>
+	  <li>
+	    <tt>pathname</tt> -- a Common Lisp pathname.  
+	    Open the file specified by the pathname and parse its
+	    contents as an XML document. 
+	  </li>
+	  <li>
+<tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+            <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.
+	  </li>
+	  <li>
+	    <tt>octets</tt> -- an <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> array.
+	    The array is parsed directly, and interpreted according to the
+	    encoding it specifies.
+	  </li>
+	  <li>
+	    <tt>string</tt>/<tt>rod</tt> -- a rod (or <tt>string</tt> on
+	    unicode-capable implementations).
+	    Parses an XML document from the input string that has already
+	    undergone external-format decoding.
+	  </li>
+	</ul>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+<tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>
+      <li>
+<tt>octets</tt> -- an <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> array</li>
+      <li>
+<tt>handler</tt> -- a SAX handler</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      Common keyword arguments:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>validate</tt> -- A boolean.  Defaults to
+        <tt>nil</tt>.  If true, parse in validating mode, i.e. assert that
+        the document contains a DOCTYPE declaration and conforms to the
+        DTD declared.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>dtd</tt> -- unless <tt>nil</tt>, an extid instance
+        specifying the external subset to load.  This options overrides
+        the extid specified in the document type declaration, if any.
+        See below for <tt>make-extid</tt>.  This option is useful
+        for verification purposes together with the <tt>root</tt>
+        and <tt>disallow-internal-subset</tt> arguments.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+<tt>root</tt> -- the expected root element
+        name, or <tt>nil</tt> (the default).
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>entity-resolver</tt> -- <tt>nil</tt> or a function of two
+        arguments which is invoked for every entity referenced by the
+        document with the entity's Public ID (a rod) and System ID (an
+        URI object) as arguments.  The function may either return
+        nil, CXML will then try to resolve the entity as usual.
+        Alternatively it may return a Common Lisp stream specialized on
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> which will be used instead.  (It may
+        also signal an error, of course, which can be useful to prohibit
+        parsed XML documents from including arbitrary files readable by
+        the parser.)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>disallow-internal-subset</tt> -- a boolean.  If true, signal
+        an error if the document contains an internal subset.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>recode</tt> -- a boolean.  (Ignored on Lisps with Unicode
+        support.)  Recode rods to UTF-8 strings.  Defaults to true.
+	Make sure to use <tt>utf8-dom:make-dom-builder</tt> if this
+        option is enabled and <tt>rune-dom:make-dom-builder</tt>
+        otherwise.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      Note: <tt>parse-rod</tt> assumes that the input has already been
+      decoded into Unicode runes and ignores the encoding
+      specified in the XML declaration, if any.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE-EMPTY-DOCUMENT (uri qname handler &key public-id system-id entity-resolver recode)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Simulate parsing a document with a document element <tt>qname</tt>
+      having no attributes except for an optional namespace
+      declaration to <tt>uri</tt>.  If an external ID is specified
+      (<tt>system-id</tt>, <tt>public-id</tt>), find, parse, and report
+      this DTD as if with <tt>parse-file</tt>, using the specified
+      entity resolver.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE-DTD-FILE (pathname)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE-DTD-STREAM (stream)</div>
+      Parse <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#NT-extSubset">declarations</a>
+      from a stand-alone file and return an object representing the DTD,
+      suitable as an argument to <tt>validate</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+<tt>pathname</tt> -- a Common Lisp pathname</li>
+      <li>
+<tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-EXTID (publicid systemid)</div>
+      Create an object representing the External ID composed
+      of the specified Public ID, a rod or <tt>nil</tt>, and System ID
+      (an URI object).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition class CXML:XML-PARSE-ERROR ()</div>
+      Superclass of all conditions signalled by the CXML parser.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition class CXML:WELL-FORMEDNESS-VIOLATION (cxml:xml-parse-error)</div>
+      This condition is signalled for all well-formedness violations.
+      (Note that, when parsing document that is not well-formed in validating
+      mode, the parser might encounter validity errors before detecting
+      well-formedness problems, so also be prepared for <tt>validity-error</tt>
+      in that situation.)
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition class CXML:VALIDITY-ERROR (cxml:xml-parse-error)</div>
+      Reports the violation of a validity constraint.
+    </p>
+    <a name="serialization"></a>
+    <h3>Serialization</h3>
+    <p>
+      Serialization is performed using <tt>sink</tt> objects.  There are
+      different kinds of sinks for output to lisp streams and vectors in
+      various flavours.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Technically, sinks are SAX handlers that write XML output for SAX
+      events sent to them.  In practise, user code would normally not
+      generate those SAX events manually, and instead use a function
+      like <a href="dom.html#serialization">dom:map-document</a> or <a href="xmls-compat.html">xmls-compat:map-node</a> to serialize an
+      in-memory document.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      In addition to <tt>map-document</tt>, cxml has a set of
+      convenience macros for serialization (see below for
+      <tt>with-xml-output</tt>, <tt>with-element</tt>, etc).
+    </p>
+    <div style="background-color: #ddddff">
+      Portable sinks:<br>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-OCTET-VECTOR-SINK (&rest keys) => sink</span><br>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-OCTET-STREAM-SINK (stream &rest keys) => sink</span><br>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-ROD-SINK (&rest keys) => sink</span><br>
+      <br>
+      Only on Lisps with Unicode support:<br>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-STRING-SINK</span> -- alias for <tt>cxml:make-rod-sink</tt><br>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-CHARACTER-STREAM-SINK (stream &rest keys) => sink</span><br>
+      <br>
+      Only on Lisps <em>without</em> Unicode support:<br>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-STRING-SINK/UTF8 (&rest keys) => sink</span><br>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-CHARACTER-STREAM-SINK/UTF8 (stream &rest keys) => sink</span><br>
+    </div>
+    <p>
+      Return a SAX serialization handle.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        The <tt>-octet-</tt> functions write the document encoded into
+        UTF-8.
+	<tt>make-octet-stream-sink</tt> works with Lisp streams of
+	element-type <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.
+	<tt>make-octet-vector-sink</tt> returns a vector of
+	<tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>make-character-stream-sink</tt> works with character
+	streams.  It serializes the document into characters <em>without
+	encoding it into an external format</em>.  When using these
+	functions, <em>take care to avoid encoding the result into
+	an incorrect external format</em>.  (Note that characters undergo
+	external format conversion when written to a character stream.
+	If the document's XML declaration specifies an encoding, make
+	sure to specify this encoding as the external format if and when
+	writing the serialized document to a character stream.  If the
+	document does not specify an encoding, either UTF-8 or UTF-16
+	must be used.)  This function is available only on Lisps with
+	unicode support.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>make-rod-sink</tt> serializes the document into a vector of
+	runes <em>without encoding it into an external format</em>.
+	(On Lisp with unicode support, the result will be a string;
+	otherwise, a vector of character codes will be returned.)
+	The warnings given for <tt>make-character-stream-sink</tt>
+	apply to this function as well.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        The <tt>/utf8</tt> functions write the document encoded into
+	characters representing a UTF-8 encoding.
+	When using these functions, <em>take care to avoid encoding the
+	result</em> into an external format for a second time.  (Note
+	that characters undergo external format conversion when written
+	to a character stream.  Since these functions already perform
+	external format conversion, make sure to specify an external
+	format that does "nothing" if and when writing the serialized document
+	to a character stream.  ISO-8859-1 external formats usually
+	achieve the desired effect.)
+	<tt>make-character-stream-sink/utf8</tt> works with character streams.
+	<tt>make-string-sink/utf8</tt> returns a string.
+        These functions are available only on Lisps without unicode support.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>Keyword arguments:</p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>canonical</tt> -- canonical form, one of NIL, T, 1, 2
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>indentation</tt> -- indentation level.  An integer or <tt>nil</tt>.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      The following <tt>canonical</tt> values are allowed:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>t</tt> or <tt>1</tt>: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315">Canonical
+         XML</a>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>2</tt>: <a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/sun/cxml.html?content-type=text/html;%20charset=iso-8859-1">Second
+         Canonical Form</a>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>NIL</tt>: Use a more readable non-canonical representation.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      An internal subset will be included in the result regardless of
+      the <tt>canonical</tt> setting.  It is the responsibility of the
+      caller to not report an internal subset for
+      canonical <= 1, or only notations as required for
+      canonical = 2.  For example, the
+      <tt>include-doctype</tt> argument to <tt>dom:map-document</tt>
+      should be set to <tt>nil</tt> for the former behaviour and
+      <tt>:canonical-notations</tt> for the latter.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      With an <tt>indentation</tt> level, pretty-print the XML by
+      inserting additional whitespace.  Note that indentation
+      changes the document model and should only be used if whitespace
+      does not matter to the application.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-XML-OUTPUT (sink &body body) => sink-specific result</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-NAMESPACE ((prefix uri) &body body) => result</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-ELEMENT (qname &body body) => result</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-ELEMENT* ((prefix lname) &body body) => result</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:ATTRIBUTE (qname value) => value</div>
+      <div class="def">Generic Function CXML:UNPARSE-ATTRIBUTE (value) => string</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:ATTRIBUTE* (prefix lname value) => value</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:TEXT (data) => data</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:CDATA (data) => data</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:doctype (name public-id system-id &optional internal-subset)</div>
+      Convenience syntax for event-based serialization.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(with-xml-output (make-octet-stream-sink stream :indentation 2 :canonical nil)
+  (with-element "foo"
+    (attribute "xyz" "abc")
+    (with-element "bar"
+      (attribute "blub" "bla"))
+    (text "Hi there.")))</pre>
+   <p>
+      Prints this to <tt>stream</tt>:
+   </p>
+   <pre><foo xyz="abc">
+  <bar blub="bla"></bar>
+  Hi there.
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro XHTML-GENERATOR:WITH-XHTML (sink &rest forms)</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro XHTML-GENERATOR:WRITE-DOCTYPE (sink)</div>
+      Macro <tt>with-xhtml</tt> is a modified version of
+      Franz' <tt>htmlgen</tt> works as a SAX driver for XHTML.
+      It aims to be a plug-in replacement for the <tt>html</tt> macro.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <tt>xhtmlgen</tt> is included as <tt>contrib/xhtmlgen.lisp</tt> in
+      the cxml distribution.  Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(let ((sink (cxml:make-character-stream-sink *standard-output*)))
+  (sax:start-document sink)
+  (xhtml-generator:write-doctype sink)
+  (xhtml-generator:with-html sink
+    (:html
+     (:head
+      (:title "Titel"))
+     (:body
+      ((:p "style" "font-weight: bold")
+       "Inhalt")
+      (:ul
+       (:li "Eins")
+       (:li "Zwei")
+       (:li "Drei")))))
+  (sax:end-document sink))</pre>
+    <a name="misc"></a>
+    <h3>Miscellaneous SAX handlers</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-VALIDATOR (dtd root)</div>
+      Create a SAX handler which validates against a DTD instance. 
+      The document's root element must be named <tt>root</tt>.  
+      Used with <tt>dom:map-document</tt>, this validates a document
+      object as if by re-reading it with a validating parser, except
+      that declarations recorded in the document instance are completely
+      ignored.<br>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(let ((d (parse-file "~/test.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
+      (x (parse-dtd-file "~/test.dtd")))
+  (dom:map-document (cxml:make-validator x #"foo") d))</pre>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class CXML:BROADCAST-HANDLER ()</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML:BROADCAST-HANDLER-HANDLERS</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-BROADCAST-HANDLER (&rest handlers)</div>
+      <tt>broadcast-handler</tt> is a SAX handler which passes every event it
+      receives on to each of several chained handlers, somewhat similar
+      to the way a <tt>broadcast-stream</tt> works.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      You can subclass <tt>broadcast-stream</tt> to modify the events
+      before they are being passed on.  Define methods on your handler
+      class for the events to be modified.  All other events will pass
+      through to the chained handlers unmodified.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Broadcast handler functions return the result of calling the event
+      function on the <i>last</i> handler in the list.  In particular,
+      the overall result from <tt>sax:end-document</tt> will be ignored
+      for all other handlers.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class CXML:SAX-PROXY (broadcast-handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML:PROXY-CHAINED-HANDLER</div>
+      <tt>sax-proxy</tt> is a subclass of <tt>broadcast-handler</tt>
+      which sends events to exactly one chained handler.  This class is
+      still included for compatibility with older versions of
+      CXML which did not include the more
+      general <tt>broadcast-handler</tt> yet, but has been retrofitted
+      as a subclass of the latter.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+    <div class="def">Accessor CXML:MAKE-NAMESPACE-NORMALIZER (next-handler)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Return a SAX handler that performs <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/namespaces-algorithms.html#normalizeDocumentAlgo">DOM
+      3-style namespace normalization</a> on attribute lists in
+      <tt>start-element</tt> events before passing them on the next
+      handler.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-WHITESPACE-NORMALIZER (chained-handler &optional dtd)</div>
+      Return a SAX handler which removes whitespace from elements that
+      have <em>element content</em> and have not been declared to
+      preserve space using an xml:space attribute.
+    </p>
+    <p>Example:</p>
+    <pre>(cxml:parse-file "example.xml"
+                 (cxml:make-whitespace-normalizer (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))
+                 :validate t)</pre>
+    <p>Example input:</p>
+    <pre><!DOCTYPE test [
+<!ELEMENT test (foo,bar*)>
+<!ELEMENT bar (foo?)>
+<!ATTLIST bar xml:space (default|preserve) "default">
+<test a='b'>
+  <foo>   </foo>
+  <bar>   </bar>
+  <bar xml:space="preserve">   </bar>
+    <p>Example result:</p>
+    <pre><test a="b"><foo>   </foo><bar></bar><bar xml:space="preserve">   </bar></test></pre>
+    <a name="rods"></a>
+    <h3>Recoders</h3>
+    <p>
+      Recoders are a mechanism used by CXML internally on Lisp implementations
+      without Unicode support to recode UTF-16 vectors (rods) of
+      integers (runes) into UTF-8 strings.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      User code does not usually need to deal with recoders in current
+      versions of CXML.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-RECODER (chained-handler recoder-fn)</div>
+      Return a SAX handler which passes all events on to
+      <tt>chained-handler</tt> after converting all strings and rods
+      using <tt>recoder-fn</tt>, a function of one argument.
+    </p>
+    <a name="dtdcache"></a>
+    <h3>Caching of DTD Objects</h3>
+    <p>
+      To avoid spending time parsing the same DTD over and over again,
+      CXML can cache DTD objects.  The parser consults
+      <tt>cxml:*dtd-cache*</tt> whenever it is looking for an external
+      subset in a document which does not have an internal subset and
+      uses the cached DTD instance if one is present in the cache for
+      the System ID in question.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Note that DTDs do not expire from the cache automatically.
+      (Future versions of CXML might introduce automatic checks for
+      outdated DTDs.)
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*DTD-CACHE*</div>
+      The DTD cache object consulted by the parser when it needs a DTD.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-DTD-CACHE ()</div>
+      Return a new, empty DTD cache object.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*CACHE-ALL-DTDS*</div>
+      If true, instructs the parser to enter all DTDs that could have
+      been cached into <tt>*dtd-cache*</tt> if they were not cached
+      already.  Defaults to <tt>nil</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Reader CXML:GETDTD (uri dtd-cache)</div>
+      Return a cached instance of the DTD at <tt>uri</tt>, if present in
+      the cache, or <tt>nil</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Writer CXML:GETDTD (uri dtd-cache)</div>
+      Enter a new value for <tt>uri</tt> into <tt>dtd-cache</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:REMDTD (uri dtd-cache)</div>
+      Ensure that no DTD is recorded for <tt>uri</tt> in the cache and
+      return true if such a DTD was present.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:CLEAR-DTD-CACHE (dtd-cache)</div>
+      Remove all entries from <tt>dtd-cache</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <em>fixme:</em> thread-safety
+    </p>
+    <a name="saxparser"></a>
+    <h3>Location information</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class SAX:SAX-PARSER ()</div>
+      A class providing location information through an
+      implementation-specific subclass.  Parsers will use
+      <tt>sax:register-sax-parser</tt> to pass their parser instance to
+      the handler.  The easiest way to receive sax parsers instances is
+      to inherit from sax-parser-mixin when defining a sax handler.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class SAX:SAX-PARSER-MIXIN ()</div>
+      A mixin for sax handler classes that records the sax handler
+      object for use with the following functions.  Trampoline methods
+      are provided that allow those functions to be called directly on
+      the sax-parser-mixin.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:SAX-HANDLER (sax-handler-mixin) => sax-handler</div>
+      Return the sax-parser instance recorded by this handler, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:LINE-NUMBER (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current line number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:COLUMN-NUMBER (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current column number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:SYSTEM-ID (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return the URI of the document being parsed.  This is either the
+    main document, or the entity's system ID while contents of a parsed
+    general external entity are being processed.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:XML-BASE (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return the [Base URI] of the current element.  This URI can differ from
+   the value returned by <tt>sax:system-id</tt> if xml:base
+      attributes are present.
+    </p>
+    <a name="catalogs"></a>
+    <h3>XML Catalogs</h3>
+    <p>
+      External entities (for example, DTDs) are referred to using their
+      Public and System IDs.  Usually the System ID, a URI, is used to
+      locate the entity.  CXML itself handles only file://-URIs, but
+      many System IDs in practical use are http://-URIs.  There are two
+      different mechanims applications can use to allow CXML to locate
+      entities using arbitrary Public ID or System ID:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        User-defined entity resolvers can be used to open entities using
+        arbitrary protocols.   For example, an entity resolver could
+        handle all System-IDs with the <tt>http</tt> scheme using some
+        HTTP library.  Refer to the description of the 
+        <tt>entity-resolver</tt> keyword argument to parser functions (see <a href="#parser"><tt>cxml:parse-file</tt></a>) to more
+        information on entity resolvers.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        XML Catalogs are (local) tables in XML syntax which map External
+        IDs to alternative System IDs.  If, say, the xhtml DTD is
+        present in the local file system and the local copy has been
+        registered with the XML catalog, CXML will use the local copy of
+        the DTD instead of trying to open the version available using HTTP.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      This section describes XML Catalogs, the second solution.  CXML
+      implements <a href="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec.html">Oasis
+      XML Catalogs</a>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*CATALOG*</div>
+      The XML Catalog object consulted by the parser before trying to
+      open an entity.  Initially <tt>nil</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*PREFER*</div>
+      The default "prefer" mode from the Catalog specification, one
+      of <tt>:public</tt> or <tt>:system</tt>.  Defaults
+      to <tt>:public</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-CATALOG (&optional uris)</div>
+      Return a catalog object for the catalog files specified.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:RESOLVE-URI (uri catalog)</div>
+      Look up <tt>uri</tt> in <tt>catalog</tt> and return the
+      resulting URI, or <tt>nil</tt> if no match was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:RESOLVE-EXTID (publicid systemid catalog)</div>
+      Look up the External ID (<tt>publicid</tt>, <tt>systemid</tt>)
+      in <tt>catalog</tt> and return the resulting URI, or <tt>nil</tt>
+      if no match was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>* (setf cxml:*catalog* nil)
+* (cxml:parse-file "test.xhtml" nil)
+=> Error: URI scheme :HTTP not supported
+* (setf cxml:*catalog* (cxml:make-catalog))
+* (cxml:parse-file "test.xhtml" nil)
+;; no error!
+    <p>
+      Note that parsed catalog files are cached in the catalog object.
+      Catalog files cached do not expire automatically.  To ensure that
+      all catalog files are parsed again, create a new catalog object.
+    </p>
+    <a name="sax"></a>
+    <h2>SAX Interface</h2>
+    <p>
+      A SAX handler is an arbitrary objects that implements some of the
+      generic functions in the SAX package.  Note that no default
+      handler class is necessary, because all generic functions have default
+      methods which do nothing.  SAX functions are:
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-DOCUMENT (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-DOCUMENT (handler)</div>
+      <br>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-ELEMENT (handler namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-ELEMENT (handler namespace-uri local-name qname)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-PREFIX-MAPPING (handler prefix uri)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-PREFIX-MAPPING (handler prefix)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:PROCESSING-INSTRUCTION (handler target data)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:COMMENT (handler data)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-CDATA (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-CDATA (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:CHARACTERS (handler data)</div>
+      <br>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-DTD (handler name public-id system-id)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-DTD (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-INTERNAL-SUBSET (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-INTERNAL-SUBSET (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:UNPARSED-ENTITY-DECLARATION (handler name public-id system-id notation-name)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:EXTERNAL-ENTITY-DECLARATION (handler kind name public-id system-id)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:INTERNAL-ENTITY-DECLARATION (handler kind name value)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:NOTATION-DECLARATION (handler name public-id system-id)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:ELEMENT-DECLARATION (handler name model)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:ATTRIBUTE-DECLARATION (handler ename aname type default)</div>
+      <br>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-PREFIX (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-NAMESPACE-URI (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-LOCAL-NAME (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-QNAME (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-SPECIFIED-P (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-VALUE (attribute)</div>
+      <br>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:FIND-ATTRIBUTE (qname attributes)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:FIND-ATTRIBUTE-NS (uri lname attributes)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The entity declaration methods are similar to Java SAX
+      definitions, but parameter entities are distinguished from
+      general entities not by a <tt>%</tt> prefix to the name, but by
+      the <tt>kind</tt> argument, either <tt>:parameter</tt> or
+      <tt>:general</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The arguments to <tt>sax:element-declaration</tt> and
+      <tt>sax:attribute-declaration</tt> differ significantly from their
+      Java counterparts.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <i>fixme</i>: For more information on these functions refer to the docstrings.
+    </p>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/sax.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/sax.xml	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+<documentation title="CXML SAX parser">
+    <h1>SAX parsing and serialization</h1>
+    <a name="parser"/>
+    <p>
+      This chapter describes CXML's SAX-like parser interface.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The SAX layer is an important concept in CXML that users will
+      encounter in various situations:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        To <b>parse into DOM</b>, use the SAX parser as described below with
+        a <b>DOM builder</b> as the SAX handler.  (Refer to <a
+        href="dom.html#parser">make-dom-builder</a> for information about
+        DOM.)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <b>Serialization</b> is done using SAX, too.   SAX handlers that
+        process and consume events without sending them to another
+        handler are called <i>sinks</i> in CXML.  Serialization sinks
+        write XML output for the events they receive.  For example, to
+        serialize DOM, use <tt>map-document</tt> to turn the DOM
+        document into SAX events together with a <tt>sink</tt> for
+        serialization.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        SAX handlers can be chained together.  Various SAX handlers
+        are offered that can be used in this way, transforming SAX
+        events before handing them to the next handler.  This includes
+        handlers for <b>whitespace removal</b>, <b>namespace
+        normalization</b>, and rod-to-string <b>recoding</b>.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      However, SAX events are easier to generate than to process.  That
+      is why CXML offers <i>Klacks</i>, a "pull-based" API in addition to SAX.
+      Klacks events are generally easier to process than to generate.
+      Please refer to the <a href="klacks.html">Klacks documentation</a>
+      for details.
+    </p>
+    <h3>Parsing and Validating</h3>
+    <div style="border: 1px dotted black;
+		width: 70%;
+		padding: 1em">
+    <p>
+      Old-style convenience functions:
+    </p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-FILE (pathname handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with a pathname argument.
+      (But note that <tt>cxml:parse-file</tt> interprets string
+      arguments as namestrings, while <tt>cxml:parse</tt> expects
+      literal XML documents.)
+    </p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-STREAM (stream handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with a stream argument.</p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-OCTETS (octets handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with an octet vector argument.</p>
+    <div style="font-weight: bold">Function CXML:PARSE-ROD (rod handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p style="margin-left: 2em">Same as <tt>cxml:parse</tt> with a string argument.</p>
+    </div>
+    <h4>
+      New all-in-one parser interface:
+    </h4>
+    <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE (input handler &key ...)</div>
+    <p>
+      Parse an XML document, where input is a string, pathname, octet
+      vector, or stream.
+      Return values from this function depend on the SAX handler used.<br/>
+      Arguments:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+	<tt>input</tt> -- one of:<br/>
+	<ul>
+	  <li>
+	    <tt>pathname</tt> -- a Common Lisp pathname.  
+	    Open the file specified by the pathname and parse its
+	    contents as an XML document. 
+	  </li>
+	  <li><tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+            <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.
+	  </li>
+	  <li>
+	    <tt>octets</tt> -- an <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> array.
+	    The array is parsed directly, and interpreted according to the
+	    encoding it specifies.
+	  </li>
+	  <li>
+	    <tt>string</tt>/<tt>rod</tt> -- a rod (or <tt>string</tt> on
+	    unicode-capable implementations).
+	    Parses an XML document from the input string that has already
+	    undergone external-format decoding.
+	  </li>
+	</ul>
+      </li>
+      <li><tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt></li>
+      <li><tt>octets</tt> -- an <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> array</li>
+      <li><tt>handler</tt> -- a SAX handler</li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      Common keyword arguments:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>validate</tt> -- A boolean.  Defaults to
+        <tt>nil</tt>.  If true, parse in validating mode, i.e. assert that
+        the document contains a DOCTYPE declaration and conforms to the
+        DTD declared.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>dtd</tt> -- unless <tt>nil</tt>, an extid instance
+        specifying the external subset to load.  This options overrides
+        the extid specified in the document type declaration, if any.
+        See below for <tt>make-extid</tt>.  This option is useful
+        for verification purposes together with the <tt>root</tt>
+        and <tt>disallow-internal-subset</tt> arguments.
+      </li>
+      <li><tt>root</tt> -- the expected root element
+        name, or <tt>nil</tt> (the default).
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>entity-resolver</tt> -- <tt>nil</tt> or a function of two
+        arguments which is invoked for every entity referenced by the
+        document with the entity's Public ID (a rod) and System ID (an
+        URI object) as arguments.  The function may either return
+        nil, CXML will then try to resolve the entity as usual.
+        Alternatively it may return a Common Lisp stream specialized on
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt> which will be used instead.  (It may
+        also signal an error, of course, which can be useful to prohibit
+        parsed XML documents from including arbitrary files readable by
+        the parser.)
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>disallow-internal-subset</tt> -- a boolean.  If true, signal
+        an error if the document contains an internal subset.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>recode</tt> -- a boolean.  (Ignored on Lisps with Unicode
+        support.)  Recode rods to UTF-8 strings.  Defaults to true.
+	Make sure to use <tt>utf8-dom:make-dom-builder</tt> if this
+        option is enabled and <tt>rune-dom:make-dom-builder</tt>
+        otherwise.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      Note: <tt>parse-rod</tt> assumes that the input has already been
+      decoded into Unicode runes and ignores the encoding
+      specified in the XML declaration, if any.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE-EMPTY-DOCUMENT (uri qname handler &key public-id system-id entity-resolver recode)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Simulate parsing a document with a document element <tt>qname</tt>
+      having no attributes except for an optional namespace
+      declaration to <tt>uri</tt>.  If an external ID is specified
+      (<tt>system-id</tt>, <tt>public-id</tt>), find, parse, and report
+      this DTD as if with <tt>parse-file</tt>, using the specified
+      entity resolver.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE-DTD-FILE (pathname)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:PARSE-DTD-STREAM (stream)</div>
+      Parse <a
+      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#NT-extSubset">declarations</a>
+      from a stand-alone file and return an object representing the DTD,
+      suitable as an argument to <tt>validate</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li><tt>pathname</tt> -- a Common Lisp pathname</li>
+      <li><tt>stream</tt> -- a Common Lisp stream with element-type
+        <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt></li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-EXTID (publicid systemid)</div>
+      Create an object representing the External ID composed
+      of the specified Public ID, a rod or <tt>nil</tt>, and System ID
+      (an URI object).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition class CXML:XML-PARSE-ERROR ()</div>
+      Superclass of all conditions signalled by the CXML parser.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition class CXML:WELL-FORMEDNESS-VIOLATION (cxml:xml-parse-error)</div>
+      This condition is signalled for all well-formedness violations.
+      (Note that, when parsing document that is not well-formed in validating
+      mode, the parser might encounter validity errors before detecting
+      well-formedness problems, so also be prepared for <tt>validity-error</tt>
+      in that situation.)
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Condition class CXML:VALIDITY-ERROR (cxml:xml-parse-error)</div>
+      Reports the violation of a validity constraint.
+    </p>
+    <a name="serialization"/>
+    <h3>Serialization</h3>
+    <p>
+      Serialization is performed using <tt>sink</tt> objects.  There are
+      different kinds of sinks for output to lisp streams and vectors in
+      various flavours.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Technically, sinks are SAX handlers that write XML output for SAX
+      events sent to them.  In practise, user code would normally not
+      generate those SAX events manually, and instead use a function
+      like <a href="dom.html#serialization">dom:map-document</a> or <a
+      href="xmls-compat.html">xmls-compat:map-node</a> to serialize an
+      in-memory document.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      In addition to <tt>map-document</tt>, cxml has a set of
+      convenience macros for serialization (see below for
+      <tt>with-xml-output</tt>, <tt>with-element</tt>, etc).
+    </p>
+    <div style="background-color: #ddddff">
+      Portable sinks:<br/>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-OCTET-VECTOR-SINK (&rest keys) => sink</span><br/>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-OCTET-STREAM-SINK (stream &rest keys) => sink</span><br/>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-ROD-SINK (&rest keys) => sink</span><br/>
+      <br/>
+      Only on Lisps with Unicode support:<br/>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-STRING-SINK</span> -- alias for <tt>cxml:make-rod-sink</tt><br/>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-CHARACTER-STREAM-SINK (stream &rest keys) => sink</span><br/>
+      <br/>
+      Only on Lisps <em>without</em> Unicode support:<br/>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-STRING-SINK/UTF8 (&rest keys) => sink</span><br/>
+      <span class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-CHARACTER-STREAM-SINK/UTF8 (stream &rest keys) => sink</span><br/>
+    </div>
+    <p>
+      Return a SAX serialization handle.
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        The <tt>-octet-</tt> functions write the document encoded into
+        UTF-8.
+	<tt>make-octet-stream-sink</tt> works with Lisp streams of
+	element-type <tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.
+	<tt>make-octet-vector-sink</tt> returns a vector of
+	<tt>(unsigned-byte 8)</tt>.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>make-character-stream-sink</tt> works with character
+	streams.  It serializes the document into characters <em>without
+	encoding it into an external format</em>.  When using these
+	functions, <em>take care to avoid encoding the result into
+	an incorrect external format</em>.  (Note that characters undergo
+	external format conversion when written to a character stream.
+	If the document's XML declaration specifies an encoding, make
+	sure to specify this encoding as the external format if and when
+	writing the serialized document to a character stream.  If the
+	document does not specify an encoding, either UTF-8 or UTF-16
+	must be used.)  This function is available only on Lisps with
+	unicode support.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>make-rod-sink</tt> serializes the document into a vector of
+	runes <em>without encoding it into an external format</em>.
+	(On Lisp with unicode support, the result will be a string;
+	otherwise, a vector of character codes will be returned.)
+	The warnings given for <tt>make-character-stream-sink</tt>
+	apply to this function as well.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        The <tt>/utf8</tt> functions write the document encoded into
+	characters representing a UTF-8 encoding.
+	When using these functions, <em>take care to avoid encoding the
+	result</em> into an external format for a second time.  (Note
+	that characters undergo external format conversion when written
+	to a character stream.  Since these functions already perform
+	external format conversion, make sure to specify an external
+	format that does "nothing" if and when writing the serialized document
+	to a character stream.  ISO-8859-1 external formats usually
+	achieve the desired effect.)
+	<tt>make-character-stream-sink/utf8</tt> works with character streams.
+	<tt>make-string-sink/utf8</tt> returns a string.
+        These functions are available only on Lisps without unicode support.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>Keyword arguments:</p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>canonical</tt> -- canonical form, one of NIL, T, 1, 2
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>indentation</tt> -- indentation level.  An integer or <tt>nil</tt>.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      The following <tt>canonical</tt> values are allowed:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <tt>t</tt> or <tt>1</tt>: <a
+         href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315">Canonical
+         XML</a>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>2</tt>: <a
+         href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/sun/cxml.html?content-type=text/html;%20charset=iso-8859-1">Second
+         Canonical Form</a>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <tt>NIL</tt>: Use a more readable non-canonical representation.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      An internal subset will be included in the result regardless of
+      the <tt>canonical</tt> setting.  It is the responsibility of the
+      caller to not report an internal subset for
+      canonical <= 1, or only notations as required for
+      canonical = 2.  For example, the
+      <tt>include-doctype</tt> argument to <tt>dom:map-document</tt>
+      should be set to <tt>nil</tt> for the former behaviour and
+      <tt>:canonical-notations</tt> for the latter.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      With an <tt>indentation</tt> level, pretty-print the XML by
+      inserting additional whitespace.  Note that indentation
+      changes the document model and should only be used if whitespace
+      does not matter to the application.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-XML-OUTPUT (sink &body body) => sink-specific result</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-NAMESPACE ((prefix uri) &body body) => result</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-ELEMENT (qname &body body) => result</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro CXML:WITH-ELEMENT* ((prefix lname) &body body) => result</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:ATTRIBUTE (qname value) => value</div>
+      <div class="def">Generic Function CXML:UNPARSE-ATTRIBUTE (value) => string</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:ATTRIBUTE* (prefix lname value) => value</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:TEXT (data) => data</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:CDATA (data) => data</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:doctype (name public-id system-id &optional internal-subset)</div>
+      Convenience syntax for event-based serialization.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(with-xml-output (make-octet-stream-sink stream :indentation 2 :canonical nil)
+  (with-element "foo"
+    (attribute "xyz" "abc")
+    (with-element "bar"
+      (attribute "blub" "bla"))
+    (text "Hi there.")))</pre>
+   <p>
+      Prints this to <tt>stream</tt>:
+   </p>
+   <pre><foo xyz="abc">
+  <bar blub="bla"></bar>
+  Hi there.
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Macro XHTML-GENERATOR:WITH-XHTML (sink &rest forms)</div>
+      <div class="def">Macro XHTML-GENERATOR:WRITE-DOCTYPE (sink)</div>
+      Macro <tt>with-xhtml</tt> is a modified version of
+      Franz' <tt>htmlgen</tt> works as a SAX driver for XHTML.
+      It aims to be a plug-in replacement for the <tt>html</tt> macro.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <tt>xhtmlgen</tt> is included as <tt>contrib/xhtmlgen.lisp</tt> in
+      the cxml distribution.  Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(let ((sink (cxml:make-character-stream-sink *standard-output*)))
+  (sax:start-document sink)
+  (xhtml-generator:write-doctype sink)
+  (xhtml-generator:with-html sink
+    (:html
+     (:head
+      (:title "Titel"))
+     (:body
+      ((:p "style" "font-weight: bold")
+       "Inhalt")
+      (:ul
+       (:li "Eins")
+       (:li "Zwei")
+       (:li "Drei")))))
+  (sax:end-document sink))</pre>
+    <a name="misc"/>
+    <h3>Miscellaneous SAX handlers</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-VALIDATOR (dtd root)</div>
+      Create a SAX handler which validates against a DTD instance. 
+      The document's root element must be named <tt>root</tt>.  
+      Used with <tt>dom:map-document</tt>, this validates a document
+      object as if by re-reading it with a validating parser, except
+      that declarations recorded in the document instance are completely
+      ignored.<br/>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(let ((d (parse-file "~/test.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
+      (x (parse-dtd-file "~/test.dtd")))
+  (dom:map-document (cxml:make-validator x #"foo") d))</pre>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class CXML:BROADCAST-HANDLER ()</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML:BROADCAST-HANDLER-HANDLERS</div>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-BROADCAST-HANDLER (&rest handlers)</div>
+      <tt>broadcast-handler</tt> is a SAX handler which passes every event it
+      receives on to each of several chained handlers, somewhat similar
+      to the way a <tt>broadcast-stream</tt> works.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      You can subclass <tt>broadcast-stream</tt> to modify the events
+      before they are being passed on.  Define methods on your handler
+      class for the events to be modified.  All other events will pass
+      through to the chained handlers unmodified.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Broadcast handler functions return the result of calling the event
+      function on the <i>last</i> handler in the list.  In particular,
+      the overall result from <tt>sax:end-document</tt> will be ignored
+      for all other handlers.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class CXML:SAX-PROXY (broadcast-handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML:PROXY-CHAINED-HANDLER</div>
+      <tt>sax-proxy</tt> is a subclass of <tt>broadcast-handler</tt>
+      which sends events to exactly one chained handler.  This class is
+      still included for compatibility with older versions of
+      CXML which did not include the more
+      general <tt>broadcast-handler</tt> yet, but has been retrofitted
+      as a subclass of the latter.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+    <div class="def">Accessor CXML:MAKE-NAMESPACE-NORMALIZER (next-handler)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Return a SAX handler that performs <a
+      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/namespaces-algorithms.html#normalizeDocumentAlgo">DOM
+      3-style namespace normalization</a> on attribute lists in
+      <tt>start-element</tt> events before passing them on the next
+      handler.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-WHITESPACE-NORMALIZER (chained-handler &optional dtd)</div>
+      Return a SAX handler which removes whitespace from elements that
+      have <em>element content</em> and have not been declared to
+      preserve space using an xml:space attribute.
+    </p>
+    <p>Example:</p>
+    <pre>(cxml:parse-file "example.xml"
+                 (cxml:make-whitespace-normalizer (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))
+                 :validate t)</pre>
+    <p>Example input:</p>
+    <pre><!DOCTYPE test [
+<!ELEMENT test (foo,bar*)>
+<!ELEMENT bar (foo?)>
+<!ATTLIST bar xml:space (default|preserve) "default">
+<test a='b'>
+  <foo>   </foo>
+  <bar>   </bar>
+  <bar xml:space="preserve">   </bar>
+    <p>Example result:</p>
+    <pre><test a="b"><foo>   </foo><bar></bar><bar xml:space="preserve">   </bar></test></pre>
+    <a name="rods"/>
+    <h3>Recoders</h3>
+    <p>
+      Recoders are a mechanism used by CXML internally on Lisp implementations
+      without Unicode support to recode UTF-16 vectors (rods) of
+      integers (runes) into UTF-8 strings.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      User code does not usually need to deal with recoders in current
+      versions of CXML.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-RECODER (chained-handler recoder-fn)</div>
+      Return a SAX handler which passes all events on to
+      <tt>chained-handler</tt> after converting all strings and rods
+      using <tt>recoder-fn</tt>, a function of one argument.
+    </p>
+    <a name="dtdcache"/>
+    <h3>Caching of DTD Objects</h3>
+    <p>
+      To avoid spending time parsing the same DTD over and over again,
+      CXML can cache DTD objects.  The parser consults
+      <tt>cxml:*dtd-cache*</tt> whenever it is looking for an external
+      subset in a document which does not have an internal subset and
+      uses the cached DTD instance if one is present in the cache for
+      the System ID in question.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Note that DTDs do not expire from the cache automatically.
+      (Future versions of CXML might introduce automatic checks for
+      outdated DTDs.)
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*DTD-CACHE*</div>
+      The DTD cache object consulted by the parser when it needs a DTD.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-DTD-CACHE ()</div>
+      Return a new, empty DTD cache object.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*CACHE-ALL-DTDS*</div>
+      If true, instructs the parser to enter all DTDs that could have
+      been cached into <tt>*dtd-cache*</tt> if they were not cached
+      already.  Defaults to <tt>nil</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Reader CXML:GETDTD (uri dtd-cache)</div>
+      Return a cached instance of the DTD at <tt>uri</tt>, if present in
+      the cache, or <tt>nil</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Writer CXML:GETDTD (uri dtd-cache)</div>
+      Enter a new value for <tt>uri</tt> into <tt>dtd-cache</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:REMDTD (uri dtd-cache)</div>
+      Ensure that no DTD is recorded for <tt>uri</tt> in the cache and
+      return true if such a DTD was present.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:CLEAR-DTD-CACHE (dtd-cache)</div>
+      Remove all entries from <tt>dtd-cache</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <em>fixme:</em> thread-safety
+    </p>
+    <a name="saxparser"/>
+    <h3>Location information</h3>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class SAX:SAX-PARSER ()</div>
+      A class providing location information through an
+      implementation-specific subclass.  Parsers will use
+      <tt>sax:register-sax-parser</tt> to pass their parser instance to
+      the handler.  The easiest way to receive sax parsers instances is
+      to inherit from sax-parser-mixin when defining a sax handler.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Class SAX:SAX-PARSER-MIXIN ()</div>
+      A mixin for sax handler classes that records the sax handler
+      object for use with the following functions.  Trampoline methods
+      are provided that allow those functions to be called directly on
+      the sax-parser-mixin.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:SAX-HANDLER (sax-handler-mixin) => sax-handler</div>
+      Return the sax-parser instance recorded by this handler, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:LINE-NUMBER (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current line number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:COLUMN-NUMBER (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return an approximation of the current column number, or NIL.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:SYSTEM-ID (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return the URI of the document being parsed.  This is either the
+    main document, or the entity's system ID while contents of a parsed
+    general external entity are being processed.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:XML-BASE (sax-parser)</div>
+      Return the [Base URI] of the current element.  This URI can differ from
+   the value returned by <tt>sax:system-id</tt> if xml:base
+      attributes are present.
+    </p>
+    <a name="catalogs"/>
+    <h3>XML Catalogs</h3>
+    <p>
+      External entities (for example, DTDs) are referred to using their
+      Public and System IDs.  Usually the System ID, a URI, is used to
+      locate the entity.  CXML itself handles only file://-URIs, but
+      many System IDs in practical use are http://-URIs.  There are two
+      different mechanims applications can use to allow CXML to locate
+      entities using arbitrary Public ID or System ID:
+    </p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        User-defined entity resolvers can be used to open entities using
+        arbitrary protocols.   For example, an entity resolver could
+        handle all System-IDs with the <tt>http</tt> scheme using some
+        HTTP library.  Refer to the description of the 
+        <tt>entity-resolver</tt> keyword argument to parser functions (see <a
+        href="#parser"><tt>cxml:parse-file</tt></a>) to more
+        information on entity resolvers.
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        XML Catalogs are (local) tables in XML syntax which map External
+        IDs to alternative System IDs.  If, say, the xhtml DTD is
+        present in the local file system and the local copy has been
+        registered with the XML catalog, CXML will use the local copy of
+        the DTD instead of trying to open the version available using HTTP.
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+    <p>
+      This section describes XML Catalogs, the second solution.  CXML
+      implements <a
+      href="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec.html">Oasis
+      XML Catalogs</a>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*CATALOG*</div>
+      The XML Catalog object consulted by the parser before trying to
+      open an entity.  Initially <tt>nil</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Variable CXML:*PREFER*</div>
+      The default "prefer" mode from the Catalog specification, one
+      of <tt>:public</tt> or <tt>:system</tt>.  Defaults
+      to <tt>:public</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:MAKE-CATALOG (&optional uris)</div>
+      Return a catalog object for the catalog files specified.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:RESOLVE-URI (uri catalog)</div>
+      Look up <tt>uri</tt> in <tt>catalog</tt> and return the
+      resulting URI, or <tt>nil</tt> if no match was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML:RESOLVE-EXTID (publicid systemid catalog)</div>
+      Look up the External ID (<tt>publicid</tt>, <tt>systemid</tt>)
+      in <tt>catalog</tt> and return the resulting URI, or <tt>nil</tt>
+      if no match was found.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>* (setf cxml:*catalog* nil)
+* (cxml:parse-file "test.xhtml" nil)
+=> Error: URI scheme :HTTP not supported
+* (setf cxml:*catalog* (cxml:make-catalog))
+* (cxml:parse-file "test.xhtml" nil)
+;; no error!
+    <p>
+      Note that parsed catalog files are cached in the catalog object.
+      Catalog files cached do not expire automatically.  To ensure that
+      all catalog files are parsed again, create a new catalog object.
+    </p>
+    <a name="sax"/>
+    <h2>SAX Interface</h2>
+    <p>
+      A SAX handler is an arbitrary objects that implements some of the
+      generic functions in the SAX package.  Note that no default
+      handler class is necessary, because all generic functions have default
+      methods which do nothing.  SAX functions are:
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-DOCUMENT (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-DOCUMENT (handler)</div>
+      <br/>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-ELEMENT (handler namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-ELEMENT (handler namespace-uri local-name qname)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-PREFIX-MAPPING (handler prefix uri)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-PREFIX-MAPPING (handler prefix)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:PROCESSING-INSTRUCTION (handler target data)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:COMMENT (handler data)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-CDATA (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-CDATA (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:CHARACTERS (handler data)</div>
+      <br/>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-DTD (handler name public-id system-id)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-DTD (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:START-INTERNAL-SUBSET (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:END-INTERNAL-SUBSET (handler)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:UNPARSED-ENTITY-DECLARATION (handler name public-id system-id notation-name)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:EXTERNAL-ENTITY-DECLARATION (handler kind name public-id system-id)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:INTERNAL-ENTITY-DECLARATION (handler kind name value)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:NOTATION-DECLARATION (handler name public-id system-id)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:ELEMENT-DECLARATION (handler name model)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:ATTRIBUTE-DECLARATION (handler ename aname type default)</div>
+      <br/>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-PREFIX (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-NAMESPACE-URI (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-LOCAL-NAME (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-QNAME (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-SPECIFIED-P (attribute)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor SAX:ATTRIBUTE-VALUE (attribute)</div>
+      <br/>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:FIND-ATTRIBUTE (qname attributes)</div>
+      <div class="def">Function SAX:FIND-ATTRIBUTE-NS (uri lname attributes)</div>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The entity declaration methods are similar to Java SAX
+      definitions, but parameter entities are distinguished from
+      general entities not by a <tt>%</tt> prefix to the name, but by
+      the <tt>kind</tt> argument, either <tt>:parameter</tt> or
+      <tt>:general</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The arguments to <tt>sax:element-declaration</tt> and
+      <tt>sax:attribute-declaration</tt> differ significantly from their
+      Java counterparts.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <i>fixme</i>: For more information on these functions refer to the docstrings.
+    </p>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/xmls-compat.html
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/xmls-compat.html	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>CXML XMLS Compatibility</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cxml.css">
+<div class="sidebar">
+<div class="sidebar-title"><a href="index.html">Closure XML</a></div>
+<div class="sidebar-main"><ul class="main">
+<a href="installation.html">Installing Closure XML</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="installation.html#download"><b>Download</b></a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#implementations">Implementation-specific notes</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Compilation</a></li>
+<li><a href="installation.html#tests">Tests</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="quickstart.html"><b>Quick-Start Example / FAQ</b></a></li></ul></li>
+<a href="sax.html">SAX parsing and serialization</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="sax.html#parser">Parsing and Validating</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#misc">Miscellaneous SAX handlers</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#rods">Recoders</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#dtdcache">Caching of DTD Objects</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#catalogs">XML Catalogs</a></li>
+<li><a href="sax.html#sax">SAX Interface</a></li>
+<a href="klacks.html">Klacks parser</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="klacks.html#sources">Parsing incrementally</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#convenience">Convenience functions</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Bridging Klacks and SAX</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#locator">Location information</a></li>
+<li><a href="klacks.html#klacksax">Examples</a></li>
+<a href="dom.html">DOM implementation</a><ul class="sub">
+<li><a href="dom.html#parser">Parsing with the DOM builder</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#serialization">Serialization</a></li>
+<li><a href="dom.html#mapping">DOM/Lisp mapping</a></li>
+<li><ul class="hack"><li><a href="xmls-compat.html">XMLS Builder</a></li></ul></li>
+    <h1>XMLS Builder</h1>
+    <p>
+      Like other XML parsers written in Lisp, CXML can work with
+      documents represented as list structures. The specific model
+      implemented by cxml is compatible with the <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/xmls/">xmls parser</a>.  Xmls
+      list structures are a simpler and faster alternative to full DOM
+      document trees.  They also serve as an example showing how to
+      implement user-defined document models as an independent layer
+      over the the base parser (c.f. <tt>xml/xmls-compat.lisp</tt> in
+      the cxml distribution).  However, note that the list structures do
+      not include all information available in DOM documents
+      (notably, things like <tt>dom:parent-node</tt>) and are
+      sometimes more difficult to work with because of that since many
+      DOM functions cannot be implemented on them.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>New namespace handling:</b>
+      XMLS compatibility is not <i>bug-for-bug</i>-compatible with
+      XMLS any more.  There is now a mode using pairs of local name
+      and namespace URI, and a second mode using qualified names
+      only.  The old behaviour using pairs of prefix and local names
+      was removed.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <strike>
+	fixme: It is unclear to me how namespaces are meant to
+	work in xmls, since xmls documentation differs from how xmls
+	actually works in current releases.  Usually applications need to
+	know both the namespace prefix <em>and</em> the namespace URI.  We
+	currently follow the xmls <em>implementation</em> and use the
+	namespace prefix instead of following its <em>documentation</em> which
+	shows the URI.  We do not follow xmls in munging xmlns attribute
+	values.  Attributes themselves have namespaces and it is not clear
+	to me how that works in xmls.
+      </strike>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML-XMLS:MAKE-XMLS-BUILDER (&key include-default-values include-namespace-uri)</div>
+      Create a SAX handler which builds XMLS list structures. 
+      If <tt>include-default-values</tt> is true, default values for
+      attributes declared in a DTD are included as attributes in the
+      xmls output.  <tt>include-default-values</tt> is true by default
+      and can be set to <tt>nil</tt> to suppress inclusion of default
+      values.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <tt>include-namespace-uri</tt> is true (the default), node
+      names and attribute names are pairs of local name and namespace
+      URI. (Except for attributes without a namespace, which are named
+      using a string.) Otherwise, nodes and attributes are named by
+      their qualified name.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(cxml:parse-file "test.xml" (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</pre>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML-XMLS:MAP-NODE (handler node &key include-xmlns-attributes include-namespace-uri)</div>
+      Traverse an XMLS document/node and call SAX functions as if an XML
+      representation of the document were processed by a SAX parser.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Use this function to serialize XMLS data.  For example, we could
+      define a replacement for <tt>xmls:write-xml</tt> like this:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(defun write-xml (stream node &key indent)
+  (let ((sink (cxml:make-character-stream-sink
+               stream :canonical nil :indentation indent)))
+    (cxml-xmls:map-node sink node)))</pre>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML-XMLS:MAKE-NODE (&key name ns attrs
+      children) => xmls node</div>
+      Build a list node of the form
+      (<em>name</em> ((<em>name</em> <em>value</em>)<em>*</em>) <em>child*</em>).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The node list's <tt>car</tt> can also be a cons of local <tt>name</tt>
+      and namespace prefix <tt>ns</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-NAME (node)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-NS (node)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-ATTRS (node)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-CHILDREN (node)</div>
+      Accessors for xmls node data.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+    </p>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/xmls-compat.xml
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/doc/xmls-compat.xml	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<documentation title="CXML XMLS Compatibility">
+    <h1>XMLS Builder</h1>
+    <p>
+      Like other XML parsers written in Lisp, CXML can work with
+      documents represented as list structures. The specific model
+      implemented by cxml is compatible with the <a
+      href="http://common-lisp.net/project/xmls/">xmls parser</a>.  Xmls
+      list structures are a simpler and faster alternative to full DOM
+      document trees.  They also serve as an example showing how to
+      implement user-defined document models as an independent layer
+      over the the base parser (c.f. <tt>xml/xmls-compat.lisp</tt> in
+      the cxml distribution).  However, note that the list structures do
+      not include all information available in DOM documents
+      (notably, things like <tt>dom:parent-node</tt>) and are
+      sometimes more difficult to work with because of that since many
+      DOM functions cannot be implemented on them.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <b>New namespace handling:</b>
+      XMLS compatibility is not <i>bug-for-bug</i>-compatible with
+      XMLS any more.  There is now a mode using pairs of local name
+      and namespace URI, and a second mode using qualified names
+      only.  The old behaviour using pairs of prefix and local names
+      was removed.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <strike>
+	fixme: It is unclear to me how namespaces are meant to
+	work in xmls, since xmls documentation differs from how xmls
+	actually works in current releases.  Usually applications need to
+	know both the namespace prefix <em>and</em> the namespace URI.  We
+	currently follow the xmls <em>implementation</em> and use the
+	namespace prefix instead of following its <em>documentation</em> which
+	shows the URI.  We do not follow xmls in munging xmlns attribute
+	values.  Attributes themselves have namespaces and it is not clear
+	to me how that works in xmls.
+      </strike>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML-XMLS:MAKE-XMLS-BUILDER (&key include-default-values include-namespace-uri)</div>
+      Create a SAX handler which builds XMLS list structures. 
+      If <tt>include-default-values</tt> is true, default values for
+      attributes declared in a DTD are included as attributes in the
+      xmls output.  <tt>include-default-values</tt> is true by default
+      and can be set to <tt>nil</tt> to suppress inclusion of default
+      values.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <tt>include-namespace-uri</tt> is true (the default), node
+      names and attribute names are pairs of local name and namespace
+      URI. (Except for attributes without a namespace, which are named
+      using a string.) Otherwise, nodes and attributes are named by
+      their qualified name.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Example:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(cxml:parse-file "test.xml" (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))</pre>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML-XMLS:MAP-NODE (handler node &key include-xmlns-attributes include-namespace-uri)</div>
+      Traverse an XMLS document/node and call SAX functions as if an XML
+      representation of the document were processed by a SAX parser.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Use this function to serialize XMLS data.  For example, we could
+      define a replacement for <tt>xmls:write-xml</tt> like this:
+    </p>
+    <pre>(defun write-xml (stream node &key indent)
+  (let ((sink (cxml:make-character-stream-sink
+               stream :canonical nil :indentation indent)))
+    (cxml-xmls:map-node sink node)))</pre>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Function CXML-XMLS:MAKE-NODE (&key name ns attrs
+      children) => xmls node</div>
+      Build a list node of the form
+      (<em>name</em> ((<em>name</em> <em>value</em>)<em>*</em>) <em>child*</em>).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The node list's <tt>car</tt> can also be a cons of local <tt>name</tt>
+      and namespace prefix <tt>ns</tt>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-NAME (node)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-NS (node)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-ATTRS (node)</div>
+      <div class="def">Accessor CXML-XMLS:NODE-CHILDREN (node)</div>
+      Accessors for xmls node data.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+    </p>

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/documentation.css

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/dom-builder.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/dom-builder.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+;;;; dom-builder.lisp -- DOM-building SAX handler
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;; Author: Henrik Motakef <hmot at henrik-motakef.de>
+;;;; Author: David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;;; Author: knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+(in-package :rune-dom)
+(in-package :utf8-dom)
+(defclass dom-builder (sax:content-handler)
+  ((document      :initform nil :accessor document)
+   (element-stack :initform '() :accessor element-stack)
+   (internal-subset             :accessor internal-subset)
+   (text-buffer   :initform nil :accessor text-buffer)))
+#+(and rune-is-integer (not cxml-system::utf8dom-file))
+(defmethod hax:%want-strings-p ((handler dom-builder))
+  nil)
+(defun make-dom-builder ()
+  (make-instance 'dom-builder))
+(defun fast-push (new-element vector)
+  (vector-push-extend new-element vector (max 1 (array-dimension vector 0))))
+(defmethod sax:start-document ((handler dom-builder))
+  (when (and sax:*namespace-processing*
+	     (not (and sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*
+		       sax:*use-xmlns-namespace*)))
+    (error "SAX configuration is incompatible with DOM: *namespace-processing* is activated, but *include-xmlns-attributes* or *use-xmlns-namespace* are not"))
+  (let ((document (make-instance 'document)))
+    (setf (slot-value document 'owner) nil
+	  (slot-value document 'doc-type) nil)
+    (setf (document handler) document)
+    (push document (element-stack handler))))
+;; fixme
+(defmethod sax::dtd ((handler dom-builder) dtd)
+  (setf (slot-value (document handler) 'dtd) dtd))
+(defmethod sax:end-document ((handler dom-builder))
+  (let ((doctype (dom:doctype (document handler))))
+    (when doctype
+      (setf (slot-value (dom:entities doctype) 'read-only-p) t)
+      (setf (slot-value (dom:notations doctype) 'read-only-p) t)))
+  (document handler))
+(defmethod sax:entity-resolver ((handler dom-builder) resolver)
+  (setf (slot-value (document handler) 'entity-resolver) resolver))
+(defmethod sax:start-dtd ((handler dom-builder) name publicid systemid)
+  (let* ((document (document handler))
+         (doctype (%create-document-type name publicid systemid)))
+    (setf (slot-value doctype 'owner) document
+	  (slot-value (dom:notations doctype) 'owner) document
+	  (slot-value (dom:entities doctype) 'owner) document
+	  (slot-value document 'doc-type) doctype)))
+(defmethod sax:start-internal-subset ((handler dom-builder))
+  (setf (internal-subset handler) nil))
+(defmethod sax:end-internal-subset ((handler dom-builder))
+  (setf (dom::%internal-subset (slot-value (document handler) 'doc-type))
+	(nreverse (internal-subset handler)))
+  (slot-makunbound handler 'internal-subset))
+(macrolet ((defhandler (name &rest args)
+	     `(defmethod ,name ((handler dom-builder) , at args)
+		(when (slot-boundp handler 'internal-subset)
+		  (push (list ',name , at args) (internal-subset handler))))))
+  (defhandler sax:unparsed-entity-declaration
+      name public-id system-id notation-name)
+  (defhandler sax:external-entity-declaration
+      kind name public-id system-id)
+  (defhandler sax:internal-entity-declaration
+      kind name value)
+  (defhandler sax:notation-declaration
+      name public-id system-id)
+  (defhandler sax:element-declaration
+      name model)
+  (defhandler sax:attribute-declaration
+      element-name attribute-name type default))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((handler dom-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+  (check-type qname rod)		;catch recoder/builder mismatch
+  (flush-characters handler)
+  (with-slots (document element-stack) handler
+    (let* ((nsp sax:*namespace-processing*)
+	   (element (make-instance 'element 
+                     :tag-name qname
+                     :owner document
+		     :namespace-uri (when nsp namespace-uri)
+		     :local-name (when nsp local-name)
+		     :prefix (%rod (when nsp (cxml::split-qname (real-rod qname))))))
+	  (parent (car element-stack))
+          (anodes '()))
+      (dolist (attr attributes)
+	(let ((anode
+               (if nsp
+		   (dom:create-attribute-ns document
+					    (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr)
+					    (sax:attribute-qname attr))
+		   (dom:create-attribute document (sax:attribute-qname attr))))
+              (text
+               (dom:create-text-node document (sax:attribute-value attr))))
+          (setf (slot-value anode 'specified-p)
+                (sax:attribute-specified-p attr))
+	  (setf (slot-value anode 'owner-element) element)
+          (dom:append-child anode text)
+          (push anode anodes)))
+      (setf (slot-value element 'parent) parent)
+      (fast-push element (slot-value parent 'children))
+      (let ((map
+	      (make-instance 'attribute-node-map
+		:items anodes
+		:element-type :attribute
+		:element element
+		:owner document)))
+	(setf (slot-value element 'attributes) map)
+	(dolist (anode anodes)
+	  (setf (slot-value anode 'map) map)))
+      (push element element-stack))))
+(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler dom-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname))
+  (flush-characters handler)
+  (pop (element-stack handler)))
+(defmethod sax:characters ((handler dom-builder) data)
+  (with-slots (text-buffer) handler
+    (cond
+      ((null text-buffer)
+       (setf text-buffer data))
+      (t
+       (unless (array-has-fill-pointer-p text-buffer)
+	 (setf text-buffer (make-array (length text-buffer)
+				       :element-type 'rune
+				       :adjustable t
+				       :fill-pointer t
+				       :initial-contents text-buffer)))
+       (let ((n (length text-buffer))
+	     (m (length data)))
+	 (adjust-vector-exponentially text-buffer (+ n m) t)
+	 (move data text-buffer 0 n m))))))
+(defun flush-characters (handler)
+  (with-slots (document element-stack text-buffer) handler
+    (let ((data text-buffer))
+      (when data
+	(when (array-has-fill-pointer-p data)
+	  (setf data
+		(make-array (length data)
+			    :element-type 'rune
+			    :initial-contents data)))
+	(let ((parent (car element-stack)))
+	  (if (eq (dom:node-type parent) :cdata-section)
+	      (setf (dom:data parent) data)
+	      (let ((node (dom:create-text-node document data)))
+		(setf (slot-value node 'parent) parent)
+		(fast-push node (slot-value (car element-stack) 'children)))))
+	(setf text-buffer nil)))))
+(defmethod sax:start-cdata ((handler dom-builder))
+  (flush-characters handler)
+  (with-slots (document element-stack) handler
+    (let ((node (dom:create-cdata-section document #""))
+          (parent (car element-stack)))
+      (setf (slot-value node 'parent) parent)
+      (fast-push node (slot-value parent 'children))
+      (push node element-stack))))
+(defmethod sax:end-cdata ((handler dom-builder))
+  (flush-characters handler)
+  (let ((node (pop (slot-value handler 'element-stack))))
+    (assert (eq (dom:node-type node) :cdata-section))))
+(defmethod sax:processing-instruction ((handler dom-builder) target data)
+  (flush-characters handler)
+  (with-slots (document element-stack) handler
+    (let ((node (dom:create-processing-instruction document target data))
+          (parent (car element-stack)))
+      (setf (slot-value node 'parent) parent)
+      (fast-push node (slot-value (car element-stack) 'children)))))
+(defmethod sax:comment ((handler dom-builder) data)
+  (flush-characters handler)
+  (with-slots (document element-stack) handler
+    (let ((node (dom:create-comment document data))
+          (parent (car element-stack)))
+      (setf (slot-value node 'parent) parent)
+      (fast-push node (slot-value (car element-stack) 'children)))))
+(defmethod sax:unparsed-entity-declaration
+    ((handler dom-builder) name public-id system-id notation-name)
+  (set-entity handler name public-id system-id notation-name))
+(defmethod sax:external-entity-declaration
+    ((handler dom-builder) kind name public-id system-id)
+  (ecase kind
+    (:general (set-entity handler name public-id system-id nil))
+    (:parameter)))
+(defmethod sax:internal-entity-declaration
+    ((handler dom-builder) kind name value)
+  (declare (ignore value))
+  (ecase kind
+    (:general (set-entity handler name nil nil nil))
+    (:parameter)))
+(defun set-entity (handler name pid sid notation)
+  (dom:set-named-item (dom:entities (dom:doctype (document handler)))
+                      (make-instance 'entity
+                        :owner (document handler)
+                        :name name
+                        :public-id pid
+                        :system-id sid
+                        :notation-name notation)))
+(defmethod sax:notation-declaration
+    ((handler dom-builder) name public-id system-id)
+  (dom:set-named-item (dom:notations (dom:doctype (document handler)))
+                      (make-instance 'notation
+                        :owner (document handler)
+                        :name name
+                        :public-id public-id
+                        :system-id system-id)))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/dom-impl.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/dom-impl.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1479 @@
+;;;; dom-impl.lisp -- Implementation of DOM 1 Core -*- package: rune-dom -*-
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;; Author: David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;;; Author: knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+(defpackage :rune-dom
+  (:use :cl :runes)
+  #+rune-is-character (:nicknames :cxml-dom)
+  (:export #:implementation #:make-dom-builder #:create-document))
+(defpackage :utf8-dom
+  (:use :cl :utf8-runes)
+  (:nicknames :cxml-dom)
+  (:export #:implementation #:make-dom-builder #:create-document))
+(in-package :rune-dom)
+(in-package :utf8-dom)
+;; Classes
+(define-condition dom-exception (error)
+  ((key       :initarg :key       :reader dom-exception-key)
+   (string    :initarg :string    :reader dom-exception-string)
+   (arguments :initarg :arguments :reader dom-exception-arguments))
+  (:report
+   (lambda (c s)
+     (format s "~A (~D):~%~?"
+             (dom-exception-key c)
+             (dom:code c)
+             (dom-exception-string c)
+             (dom-exception-arguments c)))))
+(defclass node (dom:node)
+  ((parent      :initarg :parent        :initform nil)
+   (children    :initarg :children      :initform (make-node-list))
+   (owner       :initarg :owner         :initform nil)
+   (read-only-p :initform nil           :reader read-only-p)
+   (map         :initform nil)))
+(defmethod dom:prefix ((node node)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:local-name ((node node)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:namespace-uri ((node node)) nil)
+(defclass namespace-mixin ()
+  ((prefix        :initarg :prefix        :reader dom:prefix)
+   (local-name    :initarg :local-name    :reader dom:local-name)
+   (namespace-uri :initarg :namespace-uri :reader dom:namespace-uri)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:prefix) (newval (node namespace-mixin))
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (when newval
+    (safe-split-qname (concatenate 'rod newval #":foo")
+		      (dom:namespace-uri node)))
+  (setf (slot-value node 'prefix) newval))
+(defclass document (node dom:document)
+  ((doc-type    :initarg :doc-type     :reader dom:doctype)
+   (dtd         :initform nil          :reader dtd)
+   (entity-resolver :initform nil)))
+(defclass document-fragment (node dom:document-fragment)
+  ())
+(defclass character-data (node dom:character-data)
+  ((value       :initarg :data          :reader dom:data)))
+(defclass attribute (namespace-mixin node dom:attr)
+  ((name        :initarg :name          :reader dom:name)
+   (owner-element :initarg :owner-element :reader dom:owner-element)
+   (specified-p :initarg :specified-p   :reader dom:specified)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:prefix) :before (newval (node attribute))
+  (when (rod= (dom:node-name node) #"xmlns")
+    (dom-error :NAMESPACE_ERR "must not change xmlns attribute prefix")))
+(defmethod (setf dom:prefix) :after (newval (node attribute))
+  (setf (slot-value node 'name)
+	(concatenate 'rod newval #":" (dom:local-name node))))
+(defmethod print-object ((object attribute) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
+    (format stream "~A=~S"
+            (rod-string (dom:name object))
+            (rod-string (dom:value object)))))
+(defclass element (namespace-mixin node dom:element)
+  ((tag-name    :initarg :tag-name      :reader dom:tag-name)
+   (attributes  :initarg :attributes    :reader dom:attributes)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:prefix) :after (newval (node element))
+  (setf (slot-value node 'tag-name)
+	(concatenate 'rod newval #":" (dom:local-name node))))
+(defmethod print-object ((object element) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
+    (princ (rod-string (dom:tag-name object)) stream)))
+(defclass text (character-data dom:text)
+  ())
+(defclass comment (character-data dom:comment)
+  ())
+(defclass cdata-section (text dom:cdata-section)
+  ())
+(defclass document-type (node dom:document-type)
+  ((name          :initarg :name          :reader dom:name)
+   (public-id     :initarg :public-id     :reader dom:public-id)
+   (system-id     :initarg :system-id     :reader dom:system-id)
+   (entities      :initarg :entities      :reader dom:entities)
+   (notations     :initarg :notations     :reader dom:notations)
+   (dom::%internal-subset                 :accessor dom::%internal-subset)))
+(defclass notation (node dom:notation)
+  ((name          :initarg :name          :reader dom:name)
+   (public-id     :initarg :public-id     :reader dom:public-id)
+   (system-id     :initarg :system-id     :reader dom:system-id)))
+(defclass entity (node dom:entity)
+  ((name          :initarg :name          :reader dom:name)
+   (public-id     :initarg :public-id     :reader dom:public-id)
+   (system-id     :initarg :system-id     :reader dom:system-id)
+   (notation-name :initarg :notation-name :reader dom:notation-name)))
+(defclass entity-reference (node dom:entity-reference)
+  ((name          :initarg :name          :reader dom:name)))
+(defclass processing-instruction (node dom:processing-instruction)
+  ((target        :initarg :target        :reader dom:target)
+   (data          :initarg :data          :reader dom:data)))
+(defclass named-node-map (dom:named-node-map)
+  ((items         :initarg :items         :reader dom:items
+                  :initform nil)
+   (owner         :initarg :owner         :reader dom:owner-document)
+   (read-only-p   :initform nil           :reader read-only-p)
+   (element-type  :initarg :element-type)))
+(defclass attribute-node-map (named-node-map)
+  ((element       :initarg :element)))
+;;; Implementation
+(defun %rod (x)
+  (etypecase x
+    (null x)
+    (rod x)
+    #+cxml-system::utf8dom-file (runes::rod (cxml::rod-to-utf8-string x))
+    (string (string-rod x))
+    (vector x)))
+(defun real-rod (x)
+  (%rod x))
+(defun real-rod (x)
+  (etypecase x
+    (null x)
+    (runes::rod x)
+    (string (cxml::utf8-string-to-rod x))))
+(defun valid-name-p (x)
+  (cxml::valid-name-p (real-rod x)))
+(defun assert-writeable (node)
+  (when (read-only-p node)
+    (dom-error :NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR "~S is marked read-only." node)))
+(defun dom:map-node-list (fn nodelist)
+  (dotimes (i (dom:length nodelist))
+    (funcall fn (dom:item nodelist i))))
+(defmacro dom:do-node-list ((var nodelist &optional resultform) &body body)
+  `(block nil
+     (dom:map-node-list (lambda (,var) , at body) ,nodelist)
+     ,resultform))
+(defun dom:map-node-map (fn node-map)
+  (with-slots (items) node-map
+    (mapc fn items)))
+(defmacro dom:do-node-map ((var node-map &optional resultform) &body body)
+  `(block nil
+     (dom:map-node-map (lambda (,var) , at body) ,node-map)
+     ,resultform))
+(defmacro dovector ((var vector &optional resultform) &body body)
+  `(loop
+       for ,var across ,vector do (progn , at body)
+       ,@(when resultform `(finally (return ,resultform)))))
+(defun move (from to from-start to-start length)
+  ;; like (setf (subseq to to-start (+ to-start length))
+  ;;            (subseq from from-start (+ from-start length)))
+  ;; but without creating the garbage.
+  ;; Also, this is using AREF not ELT so that fill-pointers are ignored.
+  (if (< to-start from-start)
+      (loop
+          repeat length
+          for i from from-start
+          for j from to-start
+          do (setf (aref to j) (aref from i)))
+      (loop
+          repeat length
+          for i downfrom (+ from-start length -1)
+          for j downfrom (+ to-start length -1)
+          do (setf (aref to j) (aref from i)))))
+(defun adjust-vector-exponentially (vector new-dimension set-fill-pointer-p)
+  (let ((d (array-dimension vector 0)))
+    (when (< d new-dimension)
+      (loop
+	  do (setf d (* 2 d))
+	  while (< d new-dimension))
+      (adjust-array vector d))
+    (when set-fill-pointer-p
+      (setf (fill-pointer vector) new-dimension))))
+(defun make-space (vector &optional (n 1))
+  (adjust-vector-exponentially vector (+ (length vector) n) nil))
+(defun extension (vector)
+  (max (array-dimension vector 0) 1))
+;; dom-exception
+(defun dom-error (key fmt &rest args)
+  (error 'dom-exception :key key :string fmt :arguments args))
+(defmethod dom:code ((self dom-exception))
+  (ecase (dom-exception-key self)
+    (:INDEX_SIZE_ERR                    1)
+    (:DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR                2)
+    (:HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR             3)
+    (:WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR                4)
+    (:INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR             5)
+    (:NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR               6)
+    (:NOT_FOUND_ERR                     8)
+    (:NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR                 9)
+    (:INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR               10)
+    (:INVALID_STATE_ERR                 11)
+    (:SYNTAX_ERR                        12)
+    (:INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR          13)
+    (:NAMESPACE_ERR                     14)
+    (:INVALID_ACCESS_ERR                15)))
+;; dom-implementation protocol
+(defmethod dom:has-feature ((factory (eql 'implementation)) feature version)
+  (and (or (string-equal (rod-string feature) "xml")
+	   (string-equal (rod-string feature) "core"))
+       (or (zerop (length version))
+	   (string-equal (rod-string version) "1.0")
+	   (string-equal (rod-string version) "2.0"))))
+(defun %create-document-type (name publicid systemid)
+  (make-instance 'document-type
+    :name name
+    :notations (make-instance 'named-node-map
+		 :element-type :notation
+		 :owner nil)
+    :entities (make-instance 'named-node-map
+		:element-type :entity
+		:owner nil)
+    :public-id publicid
+    :system-id systemid))
+(defmethod dom:create-document-type
+    ((factory (eql 'implementation)) name publicid systemid)
+  (safe-split-qname name #"")
+  (let ((result (%create-document-type name publicid systemid)))
+    (setf (slot-value (dom:entities result) 'read-only-p) t)
+    (setf (slot-value (dom:notations result) 'read-only-p) t)
+    result))
+(defmethod dom:create-document
+    ((factory (eql 'implementation)) uri qname doctype)
+  (let ((document (make-instance 'document)))
+    (setf (slot-value document 'owner) nil
+	  (slot-value document 'doc-type) doctype)
+    (when doctype
+      (unless (typep doctype 'document-type)
+	(dom-error :WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR
+		   "doctype was created by a different dom implementation"))
+      (when (dom:owner-document doctype)
+	(dom-error :WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR "doctype already in use"))
+      (setf (slot-value doctype 'owner) document
+	    (slot-value (dom:notations doctype) 'owner) document
+	    (slot-value (dom:entities doctype) 'owner) document))
+    (when (or uri qname)
+      (dom:append-child document (dom:create-element-ns document uri qname)))
+    document))
+;; document-fragment protocol
+;; document protocol
+(defmethod dom:implementation ((document document))
+  'implementation)
+(defmethod dom:document-element ((document document))
+  (dovector (k (dom:child-nodes document))
+    (cond ((typep k 'element)
+           (return k)))))
+(defmethod dom:create-element ((document document) tag-name)
+  (setf tag-name (%rod tag-name))
+  (unless (valid-name-p tag-name)
+    (dom-error :INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR "not a name: ~A" (rod-string tag-name)))
+  (let ((result (make-instance 'element
+                  :tag-name tag-name
+		  :namespace-uri nil
+		  :local-name nil
+		  :prefix nil
+                  :owner document)))
+    (setf (slot-value result 'attributes)
+          (make-instance 'attribute-node-map
+            :element-type :attribute
+            :owner document
+            :element result))
+    (add-default-attributes result)
+    result))
+(defun safe-split-qname (qname uri)
+  (unless (valid-name-p qname)
+    (dom-error :INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR "not a name: ~A" (rod-string qname)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name)
+      (handler-case
+	  (cxml::split-qname (real-rod qname))
+	(cxml:well-formedness-violation (c)
+	  (dom-error :NAMESPACE_ERR "~A" c)))
+    (setf local-name (%rod local-name))
+    (when prefix
+      (setf prefix (%rod prefix))
+      (unless uri
+	(dom-error :NAMESPACE_ERR "prefix specified but no namespace URI"))
+      (when (and (rod= prefix #"xml")
+		 (not (rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")))
+	(dom-error :NAMESPACE_ERR "invalid uri for prefix `xml'"))
+      (when (and (rod= prefix #"xmlns")
+		 (not (rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")))
+	(dom-error :NAMESPACE_ERR "invalid uri for prefix `xmlns'")))
+    (values prefix local-name)))
+(defmethod dom:create-element-ns ((document document) uri qname)
+  (setf qname (%rod qname))
+  (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name)
+      (safe-split-qname qname uri)
+    (let ((result (make-instance 'element
+		    :tag-name qname
+		    :namespace-uri uri
+		    :local-name local-name
+		    :prefix prefix
+		    :owner document)))
+      (setf (slot-value result 'attributes)
+	    (make-instance 'attribute-node-map
+	      :element-type :attribute
+	      :owner document
+	      :element result))
+      (add-default-attributes result)
+      result)))
+(defmethod dom:create-document-fragment ((document document))
+  (make-instance 'document-fragment
+    :owner document))
+(defmethod dom:create-text-node ((document document) data)
+  (setf data (%rod data))
+  (make-instance 'text
+    :data data
+    :owner document))
+(defmethod dom:create-comment ((document document) data)
+  (setf data (%rod data))
+  (make-instance 'comment
+    :data data
+    :owner document))
+(defmethod dom:create-cdata-section ((document document) data)
+  (setf data (%rod data))
+  (make-instance 'cdata-section
+    :data data
+    :owner document))
+(defmethod dom:create-processing-instruction ((document document) target data)
+  (setf target (%rod target))
+  (setf data (%rod data))
+  (unless (valid-name-p target)
+    (dom-error :INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR "not a name: ~A" (rod-string target)))
+  (make-instance 'processing-instruction
+    :owner document
+    :target target
+    :data data))
+(defmethod dom:create-attribute ((document document) name)
+  (setf name (%rod name))
+  (unless (valid-name-p name)
+    (dom-error :INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR "not a name: ~A" (rod-string name)))
+  (make-instance 'attribute
+    :name name
+    :local-name nil
+    :prefix nil
+    :namespace-uri nil
+    :specified-p t
+    :owner-element nil
+    :owner document))
+(defmethod dom:create-attribute-ns ((document document) uri qname)
+  (setf uri (%rod uri))
+  (setf qname (%rod qname))
+  (when (and (rod= qname #"xmlns")
+	     (not (rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")))
+    (dom-error :NAMESPACE_ERR "invalid uri for qname `xmlns'"))
+  (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name)
+      (safe-split-qname qname uri)
+    (make-instance 'attribute
+      :name qname
+      :namespace-uri uri
+      :local-name local-name
+      :prefix prefix
+      :specified-p t
+      :owner-element nil
+      :owner document)))
+(defmethod dom:create-entity-reference ((document document) name)
+  (setf name (%rod name))
+  (unless (valid-name-p name)
+    (dom-error :INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR "not a name: ~A" (rod-string name)))
+  (make-instance 'entity-reference
+    :name name
+    :owner document))
+(defmethod get-elements-by-tag-name-internal (node tag-name)
+  (setf tag-name (%rod tag-name))
+  (let ((result (make-node-list))
+	(wild-p (rod= tag-name #"*")))
+    (labels ((walk (n)
+	       (dovector (c (dom:child-nodes n))
+		 (when (dom:element-p c)
+		   (when (or wild-p (rod= tag-name (dom:node-name c)))
+		     (vector-push-extend c result (extension result)))
+		   (walk c)))))
+      (walk node))
+    result))
+(defmethod get-elements-by-tag-name-internal-ns (node uri lname)
+  (setf uri (%rod uri))
+  (setf lname (%rod lname))
+  (let ((result (make-node-list))
+	(wild-uri-p (rod= uri #"*"))
+	(wild-lname-p (rod= lname #"*")))
+    (labels ((walk (n)
+	       (dovector (c (dom:child-nodes n))
+		 (when (dom:element-p c)
+		   (when (and (or wild-lname-p (rod= lname (dom:local-name c)))
+			      (or wild-uri-p (rod= uri (dom:namespace-uri c))))
+		     (vector-push-extend c result (extension result)))
+		   (walk c)))))
+      (walk node))
+    result))
+(defmethod dom:get-elements-by-tag-name ((document document) tag-name)
+  (get-elements-by-tag-name-internal document tag-name))
+(defmethod dom:get-elements-by-tag-name-ns ((document document) uri lname)
+  (get-elements-by-tag-name-internal-ns document uri lname))
+(defmethod dom:get-element-by-id ((document document) id)
+  (block t
+    (unless (dtd document)
+      (return-from t nil))
+    (setf id (%rod id))
+    (labels ((walk (n)
+	       (dovector (c (dom:child-nodes n))
+		 (when (dom:element-p c)
+		   (let ((e (cxml::find-element
+			     (real-rod (dom:tag-name c))
+			     (dtd document))))
+		     (when e
+		       (dolist (a (cxml::elmdef-attributes e))
+			 (when (eq :ID (cxml::attdef-type a))
+			   (let* ((name (%rod (cxml::attdef-name a)))
+				  (value (dom:get-attribute c name)))
+			     (when (and value (rod= value id))
+			       (return-from t c)))))))
+		   (walk c)))))
+      (walk document))))
+;;; Node
+(defmethod dom:has-attributes ((element node))
+  nil)
+(defmethod dom:is-supported ((node node) feature version)
+  (dom:has-feature 'implementation feature version))
+(defmethod dom:parent-node ((node node))
+  (slot-value node 'parent))
+(defmethod dom:child-nodes ((node node))
+  (slot-value node 'children))
+(defmethod dom:first-child ((node node))
+  (dom:item (slot-value node 'children) 0))
+(defmethod dom:last-child ((node node))
+  (with-slots (children) node
+    (if (plusp (length children))
+        (elt children (1- (length children)))
+        nil)))
+(defmethod dom:previous-sibling ((node node))
+  (with-slots (parent) node
+    (when parent
+      (with-slots (children) parent
+        (let ((index (1- (position node children))))
+          (if (eql index -1)
+              nil
+              (elt children index)))))))
+(defmethod dom:next-sibling ((node node))
+  (with-slots (parent) node
+    (when parent
+      (with-slots (children) parent
+        (let ((index (1+ (position node children))))
+          (if (eql index (length children))
+              nil
+              (elt children index)))))))
+(defmethod dom:owner-document ((node node))
+  (slot-value node 'owner))
+(defun ensure-valid-insertion-request (node new-child)
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (unless (can-adopt-p node new-child)
+    (dom-error :HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR "~S cannot adopt ~S." node new-child))
+  #+(or)                                ;XXX needs to be moved elsewhere
+  (when (eq (dom:node-type node) :document)
+    (let ((child-type (dom:node-type new-child)))
+      (when (and (member child-type '(:element :document-type))
+                 (find child-type (dom:child-nodes node) :key #'dom:node-type))
+        (dom-error :HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR
+                   "~S cannot adopt a second child of type ~S."
+                   node child-type))))
+  (unless (eq (if (eq (dom:node-type node) :document)
+                  node
+                  (dom:owner-document node))
+              (dom:owner-document new-child))
+    (dom-error :WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR
+               "~S cannot adopt ~S, since it was created by a different document."
+               node new-child))
+  (do ((n node (dom:parent-node n)))
+      ((null n))
+    (when (eq n new-child)
+      (dom-error :HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR
+                 "~S cannot adopt ~S, since that would create a cycle"
+                 node new-child)))
+  (unless (null (slot-value new-child 'parent))
+    (dom:remove-child (slot-value new-child 'parent) new-child)))
+(defmethod dom:insert-before ((node node) (new-child node) ref-child)
+  (ensure-valid-insertion-request node new-child)
+  (with-slots (children) node
+    (if ref-child
+        (let ((i (position ref-child children)))
+          (unless i
+            (dom-error :NOT_FOUND_ERR "~S is no child of ~S." ref-child node))
+          (make-space children 1)
+          (move children children i (1+ i) (- (length children) i))
+          (incf (fill-pointer children))
+          (setf (elt children i) new-child))
+        (vector-push-extend new-child children (extension children)))
+    (setf (slot-value new-child 'parent) node)
+    new-child))
+(defmethod dom:insert-before
+    ((node node) (fragment document-fragment) ref-child)
+  (let ((children (dom:child-nodes fragment)))
+    (cxml::while (plusp (length children))
+      (dom:insert-before node (elt children 0) ref-child)))
+  fragment)
+(defmethod dom:replace-child ((node node) (new-child node) (old-child node))
+  (ensure-valid-insertion-request node new-child)
+  (with-slots (children) node
+    (let ((i (position old-child children)))
+      (unless i
+        (dom-error :NOT_FOUND_ERR "~S is no child of ~S." old-child node))
+      (setf (elt children i) new-child)) 
+    (setf (slot-value new-child 'parent) node)
+    (setf (slot-value old-child 'parent) nil)
+    old-child))
+(defmethod dom:replace-child
+    ((node node) (new-child document-fragment) (old-child node))
+  (dom:insert-before node new-child old-child)
+  (dom:remove-child node old-child))
+(defmethod dom:remove-child ((node node) (old-child node))
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (with-slots (children) node
+    (let ((i (position old-child children)))
+      (unless i
+        (dom-error :NOT_FOUND_ERR "~A not found in ~A" old-child node))
+      (move children children (1+ i) i (- (length children) i 1))
+      (decf (fill-pointer children)))
+    (setf (slot-value old-child 'parent) nil)
+    old-child))
+(defmethod dom:append-child ((node node) (new-child node))
+  (ensure-valid-insertion-request node new-child)
+  (with-slots (children) node
+    (vector-push-extend new-child children (extension children))
+    (setf (slot-value new-child 'parent) node)
+    new-child))
+(defmethod dom:has-child-nodes ((node node))
+  (plusp (length (slot-value node 'children))))
+(defmethod dom:append-child ((node node) (new-child document-fragment))
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (let ((children (dom:child-nodes new-child)))
+    (cxml::while (plusp (length children))
+      (dom:append-child node (elt children 0))))
+  new-child)
+;; was auf node noch implemetiert werden muss:
+;; - node-type
+;; - can-adopt-p
+;; - ggf attributes 
+;; - node-name
+;; - node-value
+;; node-name 
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self document))
+  #"#document")
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self document-fragment))
+  #"#document-fragment")
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self text))
+  #"#text")
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self cdata-section))
+  #"#cdata-section")
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self comment))
+  #"#comment")
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self attribute))
+  (dom:name self))
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self element))
+  (dom:tag-name self))
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self document-type))
+  (dom:name self))
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self notation))
+  (dom:name self))
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self entity))
+  (dom:name self))
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self entity-reference))
+  (dom:name self))
+(defmethod dom:node-name ((self processing-instruction))
+  (dom:target self))
+;; node-type
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self document)) :document)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self document-fragment)) :document-fragment)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self text)) :text)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self comment)) :comment)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self cdata-section)) :cdata-section)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self attribute)) :attribute)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self element)) :element)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self document-type)) :document-type)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self notation)) :notation)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self entity)) :entity)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self entity-reference)) :entity-reference)
+(defmethod dom:node-type ((self processing-instruction)) :processing-instruction)
+;; node-value
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self document)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self document-fragment)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self character-data)) (dom:data self))
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self attribute)) (dom:value self))
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self element)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self document-type)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self notation)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self entity)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self entity-reference)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:node-value ((self processing-instruction)) (dom:data self))
+;; (setf node-value), first the meaningful cases...
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self character-data))
+  (assert-writeable self)
+  (setf (dom:data self) newval))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self attribute))
+  (assert-writeable self)
+  (setf (dom:value self) newval))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self processing-instruction))
+  (assert-writeable self)
+  (setf (dom:data self) newval))
+;; ... and (setf node-value), part II.  The DOM Level 1 spec fails to explain
+;; this case, but it is covered by the (Level 1) test suite and clarified
+;; in Level 2:
+;;         nodeValue of type DOMString
+;;                 The value of this node, depending on its type; see the
+;;                 table above.  When it is defined to be null, setting
+;;                 it has no effect.
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self element))
+  (declare (ignore newval)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self entity-reference))
+  (declare (ignore newval)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self entity))
+  (declare (ignore newval)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self document))
+  (declare (ignore newval)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self document-type))
+  (declare (ignore newval)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self document-fragment))
+  (declare (ignore newval)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:node-value) (newval (self notation))
+  (declare (ignore newval)))
+;; attributes
+;; (gibt es nur auf element)
+(defmethod dom:attributes ((self node))
+  nil)
+;; dann fehlt noch can-adopt und attribute conventions fuer adoption
+;;; NodeList
+(defun make-node-list (&optional initial-contents)
+  (make-array (length initial-contents)
+              :adjustable t
+              :fill-pointer (length initial-contents)
+              :initial-contents initial-contents))
+(defmethod dom:item ((self vector) index)
+  (if (< index (length self))
+      (elt self index)
+      nil))
+(defmethod dom:length ((self vector))
+  (length self))
+(defmethod dom:get-named-item ((self named-node-map) name)
+  (setf name (%rod name))
+  (with-slots (items) self
+    (dolist (k items nil)
+      (when (rod= name (dom:node-name k))
+	(return k)))))
+(defmethod dom:get-named-item-ns ((self named-node-map) uri lname)
+  (setf uri (%rod uri))
+  (setf lname (%rod lname))
+  (with-slots (items) self
+    (dolist (k items nil)
+      (when (and (rod= uri (dom:namespace-uri k))
+		 (rod= lname (dom:local-name k)))
+	(return k)))))
+(defun %set-named-item (map arg test)
+  (assert-writeable map)
+  (unless (eq (dom:node-type arg) (slot-value map 'element-type))
+    (dom-error :HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR
+               "~S cannot adopt ~S, since it is not of type ~S."
+               map arg (slot-value map 'element-type)))
+  (unless (eq (dom:owner-document map) (dom:owner-document arg))
+    (dom-error :WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR
+               "~S cannot adopt ~S, since it was created by a different document."
+               map arg))
+  (let ((old-map (slot-value arg 'map)))
+    (when (and old-map (not (eq old-map map)))
+      (dom-error :INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR "Attribute node already mapped" arg)))
+  (setf (slot-value arg 'map) map)
+  (with-slots (items) map
+    (dolist (k items (progn (setf items (cons arg items)) nil))
+      (when (funcall test k)
+	(setf items (cons arg (delete k items)))
+	(return k)))))
+(defmethod dom:set-named-item ((self named-node-map) arg)
+  (let ((name (dom:node-name arg)))
+    (%set-named-item self arg (lambda (k) (rod= name (dom:node-name k))))))
+(defmethod dom:set-named-item-ns ((self named-node-map) arg)
+  (let ((uri (dom:namespace-uri arg))
+	(lname (dom:local-name arg)))
+    (%set-named-item self
+		     arg
+		     (lambda (k)
+		       (and (rod= lname (dom:local-name k))
+			    (rod= uri (dom:namespace-uri k)))))))
+(defmethod dom:remove-named-item ((self named-node-map) name)
+  (assert-writeable self)
+  (setf name (%rod name))
+  (with-slots (items) self
+    (dolist (k items (dom-error :NOT_FOUND_ERR "~A not found in ~A" name self))
+      (cond ((rod= name (dom:node-name k))
+             (setf items (delete k items))
+             (return k))))))
+(defmethod dom:remove-named-item-ns ((self named-node-map) uri lname)
+  (assert-writeable self)
+  (setf uri (%rod uri))
+  (setf lname (%rod lname))
+  (with-slots (items) self
+    (dolist (k items
+	      (dom-error :NOT_FOUND_ERR "~A not found in ~A" lname self))
+      (when (and (rod= lname (dom:local-name k))
+		 (rod= uri (dom:namespace-uri k)))
+	(setf items (delete k items))
+	(return k)))))
+(defmethod dom:length ((self named-node-map))
+  (with-slots (items) self
+    (length items)))
+(defmethod dom:item ((self named-node-map) index)
+  (with-slots (items) self
+    (do ((nthcdr items (cdr nthcdr))
+         (i index (1- i)))
+        ((zerop i) (car nthcdr)))))
+(defmethod (setf dom:data) (newval (self character-data))
+  (assert-writeable self)
+  (setf newval (%rod newval))
+  (setf (slot-value self 'value) newval))
+(defmethod dom:length ((node character-data))
+  (length (slot-value node 'value)))
+(defmethod dom:substring-data ((node character-data) offset count)
+  (with-slots (value) node
+    (unless (<= 0 offset (length value))
+      (dom-error :INDEX_SIZE_ERR "offset is invalid"))
+    (let ((end (min (length value) (+ offset count))))
+      (subseq value offset end))))
+(defmethod dom:append-data ((node character-data) arg)
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (setq arg (%rod arg))
+  (with-slots (value) node
+    (setf value (concatenate 'rod value arg)))
+  (values))
+(defmethod dom:delete-data ((node character-data) offset count)
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (with-slots (value) node
+    (unless (<= 0 offset (length value))
+      (dom-error :INDEX_SIZE_ERR "offset is invalid"))
+    (when (minusp count)
+      (dom-error :INDEX_SIZE_ERR "count is negative"))
+    (setf count (min count (- (length value) offset)))
+    (let ((new (make-array (- (length value) count)
+                           :element-type (array-element-type value))))
+      (replace new value 
+               :start1 0 :end1 offset
+               :start2 0 :end2 offset)
+      (replace new value 
+               :start1 offset :end1 (length new)
+               :start2 (+ offset count) :end2 (length value))
+      (setf value new)))
+  (values))
+(defmethod dom:replace-data ((node character-data) offset count arg)
+  ;; Although we could implement this by calling DELETE-DATA, then INSERT-DATA,
+  ;; we implement this function directly to avoid creating temporary garbage.
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (setf arg (%rod arg))
+  (with-slots (value) node
+    (unless (<= 0 offset (length value))
+      (dom-error :INDEX_SIZE_ERR "offset is invalid"))
+    (when (minusp count)
+      (dom-error :INDEX_SIZE_ERR "count is negative"))
+    (setf count (min count (- (length value) offset)))
+    (if (= count (length arg))
+        (replace value arg
+                 :start1 offset :end1 (+ offset count)
+                 :start2 0 :end2 count)
+        (let ((new (make-array (+ (length value) (length arg) (- count))
+                               :element-type (array-element-type value))))
+          (replace new value :end1 offset)
+          (replace new arg :start1 offset)
+          (replace new value
+                   :start1 (+ offset (length arg))
+                   :start2 (+ offset count))
+          (setf value new))))
+  (values))
+(defmethod dom:insert-data ((node character-data) offset arg)
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (setf arg (%rod arg))
+  (with-slots (value) node
+    (unless (<= 0 offset (length value))
+      (dom-error :INDEX_SIZE_ERR "offset is invalid"))
+    (let ((new (make-array (+ (length value) (length arg))
+                           :element-type (array-element-type value)))
+          (arglen (length arg)))
+      (replace new value :end1 offset)
+      (replace new arg :start1 offset)
+      (replace new value :start1 (+ offset arglen) :start2 offset)
+      (setf value new)))
+  (values))
+;;; ATTR
+;;; An attribute value can be read and set as a string using DOM:VALUE
+;;; or frobbed by changing the attribute's children!
+;;; We store the value in a TEXT node and read this node's DATA slot
+;;; when asked for our VALUE -- until the user changes the child nodes,
+;;; in which case we have to compute VALUE by traversing the children.
+(defmethod dom:value ((node attribute))
+  (with-slots (children) node
+    (cond
+      ((zerop (length children))
+        #.(rod-string ""))
+      ((and (eql (length children) 1)
+            (eq (dom:node-type (elt children 0)) :text))
+        ;; we have as single TEXT-NODE child, just return its DATA
+        (dom:data (elt children 0)))
+      (t
+        ;; traverse children to compute value
+        (attribute-to-string node)))))
+(defmethod (setf dom:value) (new-value (node attribute))
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (let ((rod (%rod new-value)))
+    (with-slots (children owner) node
+      ;; remove children, add new TEXT-NODE child
+      ;; (alas, we must not reuse an old TEXT-NODE)
+      (cxml::while (plusp (length children))
+        (dom:remove-child node (dom:last-child node)))
+      (dom:append-child node (dom:create-text-node owner rod))))
+  new-value)
+(defun attribute-to-string (attribute)
+  (let ((stream (make-rod-stream)))
+    (flet ((doit ()
+             (dovector (child (dom:child-nodes attribute))
+               (write-attribute-child child stream))))
+      (doit)
+      (initialize-rod-stream stream)
+      (doit))
+    (rod-stream-buf stream)))
+(defmethod write-attribute-child ((node node) stream)
+  (put-rod (dom:node-value node) stream))
+(defmethod write-attribute-child ((node entity-reference) stream)
+  (dovector (child (dom:child-nodes node))
+    (write-attribute-child child stream)))
+;;; ROD-STREAM als Ersatz fuer MAKE-STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM zu verwenden,
+;;; nur dass der Buffer statische Groesse hat.  Solange er NIL ist,
+;;; zaehlt der Stream nur die Runen.  Dann ruft man INITIALIZE-ROD-STREAM
+;;; auf, um den Buffer zu erzeugen und die Position zurueckzusetzen, und
+;;; schreibt alles abermals.  Dann ist der Buffer gefuellt.
+(defstruct rod-stream
+  (buf nil)
+  (position 0))
+(defun put-rod (rod rod-stream)
+  (let ((buf (rod-stream-buf rod-stream)))
+    (when buf
+      (move rod buf 0 (rod-stream-position rod-stream) (length rod)))
+    (incf (rod-stream-position rod-stream) (length rod)))
+  rod)
+(defun initialize-rod-stream (stream)
+  (setf (rod-stream-buf stream) (make-rod (rod-stream-position stream)))
+  (setf (rod-stream-position stream) 0)
+  stream)
+(defmethod dom:has-attributes ((element element))
+  (plusp (length (dom:items (dom:attributes element)))))
+(defmethod dom:has-attribute ((element element) name)
+  (and (dom:get-named-item (dom:attributes element) name) t))
+(defmethod dom:has-attribute-ns ((element element) uri lname)
+  (and (dom:get-named-item-ns (dom:attributes element) uri lname) t))
+(defmethod dom:get-attribute-node ((element element) name)
+  (dom:get-named-item (dom:attributes element) name))
+(defmethod dom:set-attribute-node ((element element) (new-attr attribute))
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (dom:set-named-item (dom:attributes element) new-attr))
+(defmethod dom:get-attribute-node-ns ((element element) uri lname)
+  (dom:get-named-item-ns (dom:attributes element) uri lname))
+(defmethod dom:set-attribute-node-ns ((element element) (new-attr attribute))
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (dom:set-named-item-ns (dom:attributes element) new-attr))
+(defmethod dom:get-attribute ((element element) name)
+  (let ((a (dom:get-attribute-node element name)))
+    (if a
+        (dom:value a)
+        #"")))
+(defmethod dom:get-attribute-ns ((element element) uri lname)
+  (let ((a (dom:get-attribute-node-ns element uri lname)))
+    (if a
+        (dom:value a)
+        #"")))
+(defmethod dom:set-attribute ((element element) name value)
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (with-slots (owner) element
+    (let ((attr (dom:create-attribute owner name)))
+      (setf (slot-value attr 'owner-element) element)
+      (setf (dom:value attr) value)
+      (dom:set-attribute-node element attr))
+    (values)))
+(defmethod dom:set-attribute-ns ((element element) uri lname value)
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (with-slots (owner) element
+    (let ((attr (dom:create-attribute-ns owner uri lname)))
+      (setf (slot-value attr 'owner-element) element)
+      (setf (dom:value attr) value)
+      (dom:set-attribute-node-ns element attr))
+    (values)))
+(defmethod dom:remove-attribute ((element element) name)
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (dom:remove-attribute-node element (dom:get-attribute-node element name)))
+(defmethod dom:remove-attribute-ns ((elt element) uri lname)
+  (assert-writeable elt)
+  (dom:remove-attribute-node elt (dom:get-attribute-node-ns elt uri lname)))
+(defmethod dom:remove-attribute-node ((element element) (old-attr attribute))
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (with-slots (items) (dom:attributes element)
+    (unless (find old-attr items)
+      (dom-error :NOT_FOUND_ERR "Attribute not found."))
+    (setf items (remove old-attr items))
+    (maybe-add-default-attribute element old-attr)
+    old-attr))
+;; eek, defaulting:
+(defun maybe-add-default-attribute (element old-attr)
+  (let* ((qname (dom:name old-attr))
+	 (dtd (dtd (slot-value element 'owner)))
+         (e (when dtd (cxml::find-element
+		       (real-rod (dom:tag-name element))
+		       dtd)))
+         (a (when e (cxml::find-attribute e (real-rod qname)))))
+    (when (and a (listp (cxml::attdef-default a)))
+      (let ((new (add-default-attribute element a)))
+	(setf (slot-value new 'namespace-uri) (dom:namespace-uri old-attr))
+	(setf (slot-value new 'prefix) (dom:prefix old-attr))
+	(setf (slot-value new 'local-name) (dom:local-name old-attr))))))
+(defun add-default-attributes (element)
+  (let* ((dtd (dtd (slot-value element 'owner)))
+         (e (when dtd (cxml::find-element
+		       (real-rod (dom:tag-name element))
+		       dtd))))
+    (when e
+      (dolist (a (cxml::elmdef-attributes e))
+        (when (and a
+		   (listp (cxml::attdef-default a))
+		   (not (dom:get-attribute-node
+			 element
+			 (%rod (cxml::attdef-name a)))))
+          (let ((anode (add-default-attribute element a)))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name)
+		(handler-case
+		    (cxml::split-qname (cxml::attdef-name a))
+		  (cxml:well-formedness-violation (c)
+		    (dom-error :NAMESPACE_ERR "~A" c)))
+	      (when prefix (setf prefix (%rod prefix)))
+	      (setf local-name (%rod local-name))
+	      ;; das ist fuer importnode07.
+	      ;; so richtig ueberzeugend finde ich das ja nicht.
+	      (setf (slot-value anode 'prefix) prefix)
+	      (setf (slot-value anode 'local-name) local-name))))))))
+(defun add-default-attribute (element adef)
+  (let* ((value (second (cxml::attdef-default adef)))
+         (owner (slot-value element 'owner))
+         (anode (dom:create-attribute owner (cxml::attdef-name adef)))
+         (text (dom:create-text-node owner value)))
+    (setf (slot-value anode 'specified-p) nil)
+    (setf (slot-value anode 'owner-element) element)
+    (dom:append-child anode text)
+    (push anode (slot-value (dom:attributes element) 'items))
+    anode))
+(defmethod dom:remove-named-item ((self attribute-node-map) name)
+  name
+  (let ((k (call-next-method)))
+    (maybe-add-default-attribute (slot-value self 'element) k)
+    k))
+(defmethod dom:remove-named-item-ns ((self attribute-node-map) uri lname)
+  uri lname
+  (let ((k (call-next-method)))
+    (maybe-add-default-attribute (slot-value self 'element) k)
+    k))
+(defmethod dom:get-elements-by-tag-name ((element element) name)
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (get-elements-by-tag-name-internal element name))
+(defmethod dom:get-elements-by-tag-name-ns ((element element) uri lname)
+  (assert-writeable element)
+  (get-elements-by-tag-name-internal-ns element uri lname))
+(defmethod dom:set-named-item :after ((self attribute-node-map) arg)
+  (setf (slot-value arg 'owner-element)
+	(slot-value self 'element)))
+(defmethod dom:set-named-item-ns :after ((self attribute-node-map) arg)
+  (setf (slot-value arg 'owner-element)
+	(slot-value self 'element)))
+(defmethod dom:normalize ((node node))
+  (assert-writeable node)
+  (labels ((walk (n)
+             (when (eq (dom:node-type n) :element)
+               (map nil #'walk (dom:items (dom:attributes n))))
+             (let ((children (dom:child-nodes n))
+                   (i 0)
+                   (previous nil))
+               ;; careful here, we're modifying the array we are iterating over
+               (cxml::while (< i (length children))
+                 (let ((child (elt children i)))
+                   (cond
+                     ((not (eq (dom:node-type child) :text))
+                       (setf previous nil)
+                       (incf i))
+                     ((and previous (eq (dom:node-type previous) :text))
+                       (setf (slot-value previous 'value)
+                             (concatenate 'rod
+                               (dom:data previous)
+                               (dom:data child)))
+                       (dom:remove-child n child)
+                       ;; not (incf i)
+                       )
+		     ((zerop (length (dom:data child)))
+                       (dom:remove-child n child)
+                       ;; not (incf i)
+		       )
+                     (t
+                       (setf previous child)
+                       (incf i)))))) 
+             (map nil #'walk (dom:child-nodes n))))
+    (walk node))
+  (values))
+;;; TEXT
+(defmethod dom:split-text ((text text) offset)
+  (assert-writeable text)
+  (with-slots (owner parent value) text
+    (unless (<= 0 offset (length value))
+      (dom-error :INDEX_SIZE_ERR "offset is invalid"))
+    (prog1
+        (dom:insert-before parent
+                           (dom:create-text-node owner (subseq value offset))
+                           (dom:next-sibling text))
+      (setf value (subseq value 0 offset)))))
+;;; COMMENT -- nix
+;;; CDATA-SECTION -- nix
+(defmethod dom:internal-subset ((node document-type))
+  ;; FIXME: encoding ist falsch, anderen sink nehmen!
+  (if (and (slot-boundp node 'dom::%internal-subset)
+	   ;; die damen und herren von der test suite sind wohl der meinung,
+	   ;; dass ein leeres internal subset nicht vorhanden ist und
+	   ;; wir daher nil liefern sollen.  bittesehr!
+	   (dom::%internal-subset node))
+      (let ((sink
+	     #+rune-is-character (cxml:make-string-sink)
+	     #-rune-is-character (cxml:make-string-sink/utf8)))
+	(dolist (def (dom::%internal-subset node))
+	  (apply (car def) sink (cdr def)))
+	(sax:end-document sink))
+      nil))
+;;; NOTATION -- nix
+;;; ENTITY -- nix
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance entity-reference) &key)
+  (let* ((owner (dom:owner-document instance))
+         (handler (make-dom-builder))
+         (resolver (slot-value owner 'entity-resolver)))
+    (when resolver
+      (setf (document handler) owner)
+      (push instance (element-stack handler))
+      #+cxml-system::utf8dom-file
+      (setf handler (cxml:make-recoder handler #'cxml:rod-to-utf8-string))
+      (funcall resolver (real-rod (dom:name instance)) handler)
+      (flush-characters handler)))
+  (labels ((walk (n)
+             (setf (slot-value n 'read-only-p) t)
+             (when (dom:element-p n)
+	       (setf (slot-value (dom:attributes n) 'read-only-p) t)
+               (map nil #'walk (dom:items (dom:attributes n))))
+             (map nil #'walk (dom:child-nodes n))))
+    (walk instance)))
+(defmethod (setf dom:data) (newval (self processing-instruction))
+  (assert-writeable self)
+  (setf newval (%rod newval))
+  (setf (slot-value self 'data) newval))
+;; das koennte man auch mit einer GF machen
+(defun can-adopt-p (parent child)
+  (member (dom:node-type child)
+          (let ((default '(:element :processing-instruction :comment :text
+                           :cdata-section :entity-reference)))
+            (etypecase parent
+              (document
+                '(:element :processing-instruction :comment :document-type))
+              (document-fragment default)
+              (document-type nil)
+              (entity-reference default)
+              (element default)
+              (attribute '(:text :entity-reference))
+              (processing-instruction nil)
+              (comment nil)
+              (text nil)
+              (cdata-section nil)
+              (entity default)
+              (notation nil)))))
+;;; predicates
+(defmethod dom:node-p ((object node)) t)
+(defmethod dom:node-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:document-p ((object document)) t)
+(defmethod dom:document-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:document-fragment-p ((object document-fragment)) t)
+(defmethod dom:document-fragment-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:character-data-p ((object character-data)) t)
+(defmethod dom:character-data-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:attribute-p ((object attribute)) t)
+(defmethod dom:attribute-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:element-p ((object element)) t)
+(defmethod dom:element-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:text-node-p ((object text)) t)
+(defmethod dom:text-node-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:comment-p ((object comment)) t)
+(defmethod dom:comment-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:cdata-section-p ((object cdata-section)) t)
+(defmethod dom:cdata-section-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:document-type-p ((object document-type)) t)
+(defmethod dom:document-type-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:notation-p ((object notation)) t)
+(defmethod dom:notation-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:entity-p ((object entity)) t)
+(defmethod dom:entity-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:entity-reference-p ((object entity-reference)) t)
+(defmethod dom:entity-reference-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:processing-instruction-p ((object processing-instruction)) t)
+(defmethod dom:processing-instruction-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defmethod dom:named-node-map-p ((object named-node-map)) t)
+(defmethod dom:named-node-map-p ((object t)) nil)
+(defvar *clone-not-import* nil)         ;not beautiful, I know.  See below.
+(defmethod import-node-internal (class document node deep &rest initargs)
+  (let ((result (apply #'make-instance class :owner document initargs)))
+    (when deep
+      (dovector (child (dom:child-nodes node))
+        (dom:append-child result (dom:import-node document child t))))
+    result))
+(defmethod dom:import-node ((document document) (node t) deep)
+  (declare (ignore deep))
+  (dom-error :NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR "not implemented"))
+(defmethod dom:import-node ((document document) (node attribute) deep)
+  (declare (ignore deep))
+  (import-node-internal 'attribute
+			document node
+			t
+                        :specified-p (dom:specified node)
+			:name (dom:name node)
+			:namespace-uri (dom:namespace-uri node)
+			:local-name (dom:local-name node)
+			:prefix (dom:prefix node)
+			:owner-element nil))
+(defmethod dom:import-node ((document document) (node document-fragment) deep)
+  (import-node-internal 'document-fragment document node deep))
+(defmethod dom:import-node ((document document) (node element) deep)
+  (let* ((attributes (make-instance 'attribute-node-map
+                       :element-type :attribute
+                       :owner document))
+         (result (import-node-internal 'element document node deep
+                                       :attributes attributes
+				       :namespace-uri (dom:namespace-uri node)
+				       :local-name (dom:local-name node)
+				       :prefix (dom:prefix node)
+                                       :tag-name (dom:tag-name node))))
+    (setf (slot-value attributes 'element) result)
+    (dolist (attribute (dom:items (dom:attributes node)))
+      (when (or (dom:specified attribute) *clone-not-import*)
+        (let ((attr (dom:import-node document attribute t)))
+          (if (dom:namespace-uri attribute)
+              (dom:set-attribute-node-ns result attr)
+              (dom:set-attribute-node result attr)))))
+    (add-default-attributes result)
+    result))
+(defmethod dom:import-node ((document document) (node entity) deep)
+  (import-node-internal 'entity document node deep
+			:name (dom:name node)
+                        :public-id (dom:public-id node)
+                        :system-id (dom:system-id node)
+                        :notation-name (dom:notation-name node)))
+(defmethod dom:import-node ((document document) (node entity-reference) deep)
+  (declare (ignore deep))
+  (import-node-internal 'entity-reference document node nil
+                        :name (dom:name node)))
+(defmethod dom:import-node ((document document) (node notation) deep)
+  (import-node-internal 'notation document node deep
+                        :name (dom:name node)
+                        :public-id (dom:public-id node)
+                        :system-id (dom:system-id node)))
+(defmethod dom:import-node
+    ((document document) (node processing-instruction) deep)
+  (import-node-internal 'processing-instruction document node deep
+                        :target (dom:target node)
+                        :data (dom:data node)))
+(defmethod dom:import-node
+    ((document document) (node character-data) deep)
+  (import-node-internal (class-of node) document node deep
+                        :data (copy-seq (dom:data node))))
+;;; As far as I can tell, cloneNode is the same as importNode, except
+;;; for one difference involving element attributes: importNode imports
+;;; only specified attributes, cloneNode copies even default values.
+;;; Since I don't want to reimplement all of importNode here, we run
+;;; importNode with a special flag...
+(defmethod dom:clone-node ((node node) deep)
+  (let ((*clone-not-import* t))
+    (dom:import-node (dom:owner-document node) node deep)))
+;; extension:
+(defmethod dom:clone-node ((node document) deep)
+  (let* ((document (make-instance 'document))
+	 (original-doctype (dom:doctype node))
+	 (doctype 
+	  (when original-doctype
+	    (make-instance 'document-type
+	      :owner document
+	      :name (dom:name original-doctype)
+	      :public-id (dom:public-id original-doctype)
+	      :system-id (dom:system-id original-doctype)
+	      :notations (make-instance 'named-node-map
+			   :element-type :notation
+			   :owner document
+			   :items (dom:items (dom:notations original-doctype)))
+	      :entities (make-instance 'named-node-map
+			  :element-type :entity
+			  :owner document
+			  :items (dom:items
+				  (dom:entities original-doctype)))))))
+    (setf (slot-value document 'owner) nil)
+    (setf (slot-value document 'doc-type) doctype)
+    (setf (slot-value document 'dtd) (dtd node))
+    (setf (slot-value document 'entity-resolver)
+	  (slot-value node 'entity-resolver))
+    (setf (slot-value (dom:entities doctype) 'read-only-p) t)
+    (setf (slot-value (dom:notations doctype) 'read-only-p) t)
+    (when (and doctype (slot-boundp doctype 'dom::%internal-subset))
+      (setf (dom::%internal-subset doctype)
+	    (dom::%internal-subset original-doctype)))
+    (when (and (dom:document-element node) deep)
+      (let* ((*clone-not-import* t)
+	     (clone (dom:import-node document (dom:document-element node) t)))
+	(dom:append-child document clone)))
+    document))
+;;; Erweiterung
+(defun create-document (&optional document-element)
+  ;; Um ein neues Dokumentenobject zu erzeugen, parsen wir einfach ein
+  ;; Dummydokument.
+  (let* ((handler (make-dom-builder))
+         (cxml::*ctx* (cxml::make-context :handler handler))
+         (result
+          (progn
+            (sax:start-document handler)
+            (sax:end-document handler))))
+    (when document-element
+      (dom:append-child result (dom:import-node result document-element t)))
+    result))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/dom-sax.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/dom-sax.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+;;;; dom-sax.lisp -- DOM walker
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Author: David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defun dom:map-document
+    (handler document
+     &key (include-xmlns-attributes sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*)
+	  include-doctype
+          include-default-values
+	  (recode (and #+rune-is-integer (typep document 'utf8-dom::node))))
+  (declare (ignorable recode))
+  #+rune-is-integer
+  (when recode
+    (setf handler (make-recoder handler #'utf8-string-to-rod)))
+  (sax:start-document handler)
+  (when include-doctype
+    (let ((doctype (dom:doctype document)))
+      (when doctype
+	(sax:start-dtd handler
+		       (dom:name doctype)
+		       (dom:public-id doctype)
+		       (dom:system-id doctype))
+	(ecase include-doctype
+	  (:full-internal-subset
+	    (when (slot-boundp doctype 'dom::%internal-subset)
+	      (sax:start-internal-subset handler)
+	      (dolist (def (dom::%internal-subset doctype))
+		(apply (car def) handler (cdr def)))
+	      (sax:end-internal-subset handler)))
+	  (:canonical-notations
+	    ;; need notations for canonical mode 2
+	    (let* ((ns (dom:notations doctype))
+		   (a (make-array (dom:length ns))))
+	      (when (plusp (dom:length ns))
+		(sax:start-internal-subset handler)
+		;; get them
+		(dotimes (k (dom:length ns))
+		  (setf (elt a k) (dom:item ns k)))
+		;; sort them 
+		(setf a (sort a #'rod< :key #'dom:name))
+		(loop for n across a do
+		      (sax:notation-declaration handler
+						(dom:name n)
+						(dom:public-id n)
+						(dom:system-id n)))
+		(sax:end-internal-subset handler)))))
+	(sax:end-dtd handler))))
+  (labels ((walk (node)
+             (dom:do-node-list (child (dom:child-nodes node))
+               (ecase (dom:node-type child)
+                 (:element
+                   (let ((attlist
+                          (compute-attributes child
+                                              include-xmlns-attributes
+                                              include-default-values))
+			 (uri (dom:namespace-uri child))
+                         (lname (dom:local-name child))
+                         (qname (dom:tag-name child)))
+                     (sax:start-element handler uri lname qname attlist)
+                     (walk child)
+                     (sax:end-element handler uri lname qname)))
+                 (:cdata-section
+                   (sax:start-cdata handler)
+                   (sax:characters handler (dom:data child))
+                   (sax:end-cdata handler))
+                 (:text
+                   (sax:characters handler (dom:data child)))
+                 (:comment
+                   (sax:comment handler (dom:data child)))
+                 (:processing-instruction
+                   (sax:processing-instruction handler
+                                               (dom:target child)
+                                               (dom:data child)))))))
+    (walk document))
+  (sax:end-document handler))
+(defun compute-attributes (element xmlnsp defaultp)
+  (let ((results '()))
+    (dom:do-node-list (a (dom:attributes element))
+      (when (and (or defaultp (dom:specified a))
+                 (or xmlnsp (not (cxml::xmlns-attr-p (rod (dom:name a))))))
+        (push
+         (sax:make-attribute :qname (dom:name a)
+                             :value (dom:value a)
+			     :local-name (dom:local-name a)
+			     :namespace-uri (dom:namespace-uri a)
+                             :specified-p (dom:specified a))
+         results)))
+    (reverse results)))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/dom/package.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+;;;; package.lisp -- Paketdefinition
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :dom
+  (:use)
+  (:export
+   ;; DOM 2 functions
+   #:owner-element
+   #:import-node
+   #:create-element-ns
+   #:create-attribute-ns
+   #:get-elements-by-tag-name-ns
+   #:get-element-by-id
+   #:get-named-item-ns
+   #:set-named-item-ns
+   #:remove-named-item-ns
+   #:is-supported
+   #:has-attributes
+   #:namespace-uri
+   #:prefix
+   #:local-name
+   #:internal-subset
+   #:create-document-type
+   #:create-document
+   #:get-attribute-ns
+   #:set-attribute-ns
+   #:remove-attribute-ns
+   #:get-attribute-node-ns
+   #:set-attribute-node-ns
+   #:has-attribute
+   #:has-attribute-ns
+   ;; DOM 1 functions
+   #:has-feature
+   #:doctype
+   #:implementation
+   #:document-element
+   #:create-element
+   #:create-document-fragment
+   #:create-text-node
+   #:create-comment
+   #:create-cdata-section
+   #:create-processing-instruction
+   #:create-attribute
+   #:create-entity-reference
+   #:get-elements-by-tag-name
+   #:node-name
+   #:node-value
+   #:node-type
+   #:parent-node 
+   #:child-nodes
+   #:first-child
+   #:last-child
+   #:previous-sibling
+   #:next-sibling
+   #:attributes
+   #:owner-document
+   #:insert-before
+   #:replace-child
+   #:remove-child
+   #:append-child
+   #:has-child-nodes
+   #:clone-node
+   #:item
+   #:length
+   #:get-named-item
+   #:set-named-item
+   #:remove-named-item
+   #:data
+   #:substring-data
+   #:append-data
+   #:insert-data
+   #:delete-data
+   #:replace-data
+   #:name
+   #:specified
+   #:value
+   #:tag-name
+   #:get-attribute
+   #:set-attribute
+   #:remove-attribute
+   #:get-attribute-node
+   #:set-attribute-node
+   #:remove-attribute-node
+   #:normalize
+   #:split-text
+   #:entities
+   #:notations
+   #:public-id
+   #:system-id
+   #:notation-name
+   #:target
+   #:code
+   ;; IDL interfaces, exported "inofficially"
+   #:node
+   #:document
+   #:document-fragment
+   #:character-data
+   #:attr
+   #:element
+   #:text
+   #:comment
+   #:cdata-section
+   #:document-type
+   #:notation
+   #:entity
+   #:entity-reference
+   #:processing-instruction
+   #:named-node-map
+   ;; no classes:
+;;;   #:dom-implementation
+;;;   #:node-list
+   ;;
+   #:items
+   ;;
+   #:node-p
+   #:document-p
+   #:document-fragment-p
+   #:character-data-p
+   #:attribute-p
+   #:element-p
+   #:text-node-p
+   #:comment-p
+   #:cdata-section-p
+   #:document-type-p
+   #:notation-p
+   #:entity-p
+   #:entity-reference-p
+   #:processing-instruction-p
+   #:named-node-map-p
+   #:map-node-list
+   #:do-node-list
+   #:map-node-map
+   #:do-node-map
+   #:create-document
+   #:map-document))
+(defclass dom:node () ())
+(defclass dom:document (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:document-fragment (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:character-data (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:attr (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:element (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:text (dom:character-data) ())
+(defclass dom:comment (dom:character-data) ())
+(defclass dom:cdata-section (dom:text) ())
+(defclass dom:document-type (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:notation (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:entity (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:entity-reference (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:processing-instruction (dom:node) ())
+(defclass dom:named-node-map () ())

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/klacks-impl.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/klacks-impl.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; readtable: runes; -*-
+;;;  (c) copyright 2007 David Lichteblau
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass cxml-source (klacks:source)
+    (;; args to make-source
+     (context :initarg :context)
+     (validate :initarg :validate)
+     (root :initarg :root)
+     (dtd :initarg :dtd)
+     (error-culprit :initarg :error-culprit)
+     ;; current state
+     (continuation)
+     (current-key :initform nil)
+     (current-values)
+     (current-attributes)
+     (cdata-section-p :reader klacks:current-cdata-section-p)
+     ;; extra WITH-SOURCE magic
+     (data-behaviour :initform :DTD)
+     (namespace-stack :initform (list *initial-namespace-bindings*))
+     (current-namespace-declarations)
+     (temporary-streams :initform nil)
+     (scratch-pad :initarg :scratch-pad)
+     (scratch-pad-2 :initarg :scratch-pad-2)
+     (scratch-pad-3 :initarg :scratch-pad-3)
+     (scratch-pad-4 :initarg :scratch-pad-4)))
+(defmethod klacks:close-source ((source cxml-source))
+  (dolist (xstream (slot-value source 'temporary-streams))
+    ;; fixme: error handling?
+    (close-xstream xstream)))
+(defmacro with-source ((source &rest slots) &body body)
+  (let ((s (gensym)))
+    `(let* ((,s ,source)
+	    (*ctx* (slot-value ,s 'context))
+	    (*validate* (slot-value ,s 'validate))
+	    (*data-behaviour* (slot-value source 'data-behaviour))
+	    (*namespace-bindings* (car (slot-value source 'namespace-stack)))
+	    (*scratch-pad* (slot-value source 'scratch-pad))
+	    (*scratch-pad-2* (slot-value source 'scratch-pad-2))
+	    (*scratch-pad-3* (slot-value source 'scratch-pad-3))
+	    (*scratch-pad-4* (slot-value source 'scratch-pad-4)))
+       (handler-case
+	   (with-slots (, at slots) ,s
+	     , at body)
+	 (runes-encoding:encoding-error (c)
+	   (wf-error (slot-value ,s 'error-culprit) "~A" c))))))
+(defun fill-source (source)
+  (with-slots (current-key current-values continuation) source
+    (unless current-key
+      (setf current-key :bogus)
+      (setf continuation (funcall continuation))
+      (assert (not (eq current-key :bogus))))))
+(defmethod klacks:peek ((source cxml-source))
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (fill-source source)
+    (apply #'values current-key current-values)))
+(defmethod klacks:peek-value ((source cxml-source))
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (fill-source source)
+    (apply #'values current-values)))
+(defmethod klacks:peek-next ((source cxml-source))
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (setf current-key nil)
+    (fill-source source)
+    (apply #'values current-key current-values)))
+(defmethod klacks:consume ((source cxml-source))
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (fill-source source)
+    (multiple-value-prog1
+	(apply #'values current-key current-values)
+      (setf current-key nil))))
+(defmethod klacks:map-attributes (fn (source cxml-source))
+  (dolist (a (slot-value source 'current-attributes))
+    (funcall fn
+	     (sax:attribute-namespace-uri a)
+	     (sax:attribute-local-name a)
+	     (sax:attribute-qname a)
+	     (sax:attribute-value a)
+	     (sax:attribute-specified-p a))))
+(defmethod klacks:get-attribute
+    ((source cxml-source) lname &optional uri)
+  (dolist (a (slot-value source 'current-attributes))
+    (when (and (equal (sax:attribute-local-name a) lname)
+	       (equal (sax:attribute-namespace-uri a) uri))
+      (return (sax:attribute-value a)))))
+(defmethod klacks:list-attributes ((source cxml-source))
+  (slot-value source 'current-attributes))
+(defun make-source
+    (input &rest args
+     &key validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-internal-subset
+	  (buffering t) pathname)
+  (declare (ignore validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-internal-subset))
+  (etypecase input
+    (xstream
+      (when (and (not buffering) (< 1 (runes::xstream-speed input)))
+	(warn "make-source called with !buffering, but xstream is buffering"))
+      (let ((*ctx* nil))
+	(let ((zstream (make-zstream :input-stack (list input))))
+	  (peek-rune input)
+	  (with-scratch-pads ()
+	    (apply #'%make-source
+		   zstream
+		   (loop
+		       for (name value) on args by #'cddr
+		       unless (member name '(:pathname :buffering))
+		       append (list name value)))))))
+    (stream
+      (let ((xstream (make-xstream input :speed (if buffering 8192 1))))
+	(setf (xstream-name xstream)
+	      (make-stream-name
+	       :entity-name "main document"
+	       :entity-kind :main
+	       :uri (safe-stream-sysid input)))
+	(apply #'make-source xstream args)))
+    (pathname
+      (let* ((xstream
+	      (make-xstream (open input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+			    :speed (if buffering 8192 1))))
+	(setf (xstream-name xstream)
+	      (make-stream-name
+	       :entity-name "main document"
+	       :entity-kind :main
+	       :uri (pathname-to-uri (merge-pathnames input))))
+	(let ((source (apply #'make-source
+			     xstream
+			     :pathname input
+			     args)))
+	  (push xstream (slot-value source 'temporary-streams))
+	  source)))
+    (rod
+      (let ((xstream (string->xstream input)))
+	(setf (xstream-name xstream)
+	      (make-stream-name
+	       :entity-name "main document"
+	       :entity-kind :main
+	       :uri nil))
+	(apply #'make-source xstream args)))
+    (array
+     (make-source (cxml::make-octet-input-stream input)))))
+(defun %make-source
+    (input &key validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-internal-subset
+		error-culprit)
+  ;; check types of user-supplied arguments for better error messages:
+  (check-type validate boolean)
+  (check-type dtd (or null extid))
+  (check-type root (or null rod))
+  (check-type entity-resolver (or null function symbol))
+  (check-type disallow-internal-subset boolean)
+  (let* ((xstream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+	 (name (xstream-name xstream))
+	 (base (when name (stream-name-uri name)))
+	 (context
+	  (make-context :main-zstream input
+			:entity-resolver entity-resolver
+			:base-stack (list (or base ""))
+			:disallow-internal-subset disallow-internal-subset))
+	 (source
+	  (make-instance 'cxml-source
+	    :context context
+	    :validate validate
+	    :dtd dtd
+	    :root root
+	    :error-culprit error-culprit
+	    :scratch-pad *scratch-pad*
+	    :scratch-pad-2 *scratch-pad-2*
+	    :scratch-pad-3 *scratch-pad-3*
+	    :scratch-pad-4 *scratch-pad-4*)))
+    (setf (handler context) (make-instance 'klacks-dtd-handler :source source))
+    (setf (slot-value source 'continuation)
+	  (lambda () (klacks/xmldecl source input)))
+    source))
+(defun klacks/xmldecl (source input)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (let ((hd (p/xmldecl input)))
+      (setf current-key :start-document)
+      (setf current-values
+	    (when hd
+	      (list (xml-header-version hd)
+		    (xml-header-encoding hd)
+		    (xml-header-standalone-p hd))))
+      (lambda ()
+	(klacks/misc*-2 source input
+			(lambda ()
+			  (klacks/doctype source input)))))))
+(defun klacks/misc*-2 (source input successor)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+      (case cat
+	  (setf current-key :comment)
+	  (setf current-values (list sem))
+	  (consume-token input)
+	  (lambda () (klacks/misc*-2 source input successor)))
+	(:PI
+	  (setf current-key :processing-instruction)
+	  (setf current-values (list (car sem) (cdr sem)))
+	  (consume-token input)
+	  (lambda () (klacks/misc*-2 source input successor)))
+	(:S
+	  (consume-token input)
+	  (klacks/misc*-2 source input successor))
+	(t
+	  (funcall successor))))))
+(defun klacks/doctype (source input)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values validate dtd)
+    (let ((cont (lambda () (klacks/finish-doctype source input)))
+	  l)
+      (prog1
+	  (cond
+	    ((eq (peek-token input) :<!DOCTYPE)
+	      (setf l (cdr (p/doctype-decl input dtd)))
+	      (lambda () (klacks/misc*-2 source input cont)))
+	    (dtd
+	      (setf l (cdr (synthesize-doctype dtd input)))
+	      cont)
+	    ((and validate (not dtd))
+	      (validity-error "invalid document: no doctype"))
+	    (t
+	      (return-from klacks/doctype
+		(funcall cont))))
+	(destructuring-bind (&optional name extid) l
+	  (setf current-key :dtd)
+	  (setf current-values
+		(list name
+		      (and extid (extid-public extid))
+		      (and extid (extid-system extid)))))))))
+(defun klacks/finish-doctype (source input)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values root data-behaviour)
+    (ensure-dtd)
+    (when root
+      (setf (model-stack *ctx*) (list (make-root-model root))))
+    (setf data-behaviour :DOC)
+    (setf *data-behaviour* :DOC)
+    (fix-seen-< input)
+    (let* ((final
+	    (lambda ()
+	      (klacks/eof source input)))
+	   (next
+	    (lambda ()
+	      (setf data-behaviour :DTD)
+	      (setf *data-behaviour* :DTD)
+	      (klacks/misc*-2 source input final))))
+      (klacks/element source input next))))
+(defun klacks/eof (source input)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (p/eof input)
+    (klacks:close-source source)
+    (setf current-key :end-document)
+    (setf current-values nil)
+    (lambda () (klacks/nil source))))
+(defun klacks/nil (source)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values)
+    (setf current-key nil)
+    (setf current-values nil)
+    (labels ((klacks/done ()
+	       (setf current-key nil)
+	       (setf current-values nil)
+	       #'klacks/done))
+      #'klacks/done)))
+(defun klacks/element (source input cont)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values current-attributes
+		       current-namespace-declarations)
+    (multiple-value-bind (cat n-b new-b uri lname qname attrs) (p/sztag input)
+      (setf current-key :start-element)
+      (setf current-values (list uri lname qname))
+      (setf current-attributes attrs)
+      (setf current-namespace-declarations new-b)
+      (if (eq cat :stag)
+	  (lambda ()
+	    (klacks/element-2 source input n-b cont))
+	  (lambda ()
+	    (klacks/ztag source cont))))))
+(defun klacks/ztag (source cont)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values current-attributes)
+    (setf current-key :end-element)
+    (setf current-attributes nil)
+    (validate-end-element *ctx* (third current-values))
+    cont))
+(defun klacks/element-2 (source input n-b cont)
+  (with-source (source
+		current-key current-values current-attributes namespace-stack
+		current-namespace-declarations)
+    (let ((values* current-values)
+	  (new-b current-namespace-declarations))
+      (setf current-attributes nil)
+      (push n-b namespace-stack)
+      (let ((finish
+	     (lambda ()
+	       (setf current-namespace-declarations new-b)
+	       (klacks/element-3 source input values* cont))))
+	(klacks/content source input finish)))))
+(defun klacks/element-3 (source input tag-values cont)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values current-attributes)
+    (setf current-key :end-element)
+    (setf current-values tag-values)
+    (let ((qname (third tag-values)))
+      (p/etag input qname)
+      (validate-end-element *ctx* qname))
+    cont))
+(defun klacks/content (source input cont)
+  (with-source (source current-key current-values cdata-section-p)
+    (let ((recurse (lambda () (klacks/content source input cont))))
+      (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+	(case cat
+	  ((:stag :ztag)
+	    (klacks/element source input recurse))
+	  ((:CDATA)
+	    (process-characters input sem)
+	    (setf current-key :characters)
+	    (setf current-values (list sem))
+	    (setf cdata-section-p nil)
+	    recurse)
+	  ((:ENTITY-REF)
+	    (let ((name sem))
+	      (consume-token input)
+	      (klacks/entity-reference source input name recurse)))
+	  ((:<!\[)
+	    (setf current-key :characters)
+	    (setf current-values (list (process-cdata-section input)))
+	    (setf cdata-section-p t)
+	    recurse)
+	  ((:PI)
+	    (setf current-key :processing-instruction)
+	    (setf current-values (list (car sem) (cdr sem)))
+	    (consume-token input)
+	    recurse)
+	  ((:COMMENT)
+	    (setf current-key :comment)
+	    (setf current-values (list sem))
+	    (consume-token input)
+	    recurse)
+	  (otherwise
+	    (funcall cont)))))))
+(defun klacks/entity-reference (source zstream name cont)
+  (assert (not (zstream-token-category zstream)))
+  (with-source (source temporary-streams context)
+    (let ((new-xstream (entity->xstream zstream name :general nil)))
+      (push new-xstream temporary-streams)
+      (push :stop (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+      (zstream-push new-xstream zstream)
+      (push (stream-name-uri (xstream-name new-xstream)) (base-stack context))
+      (let ((next
+	     (lambda ()
+	       (klacks/entity-reference-2 source zstream new-xstream cont))))
+	(etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :general)
+	  (internal-entdef
+	    (klacks/content source zstream next))
+	  (external-entdef
+	    (klacks/ext-parsed-ent source zstream next)))))))
+(defun klacks/entity-reference-2 (source zstream new-xstream cont)
+  (with-source (source temporary-streams context)
+    (unless (eq (peek-token zstream) :eof)
+      (wf-error zstream "Trailing garbage. - ~S" (peek-token zstream)))
+    (assert (eq (peek-token zstream) :eof))
+    (assert (eq (pop (zstream-input-stack zstream)) new-xstream))
+    (assert (eq (pop (zstream-input-stack zstream)) :stop))
+    (pop (base-stack context))
+    (setf (zstream-token-category zstream) nil)
+    (setf temporary-streams (remove new-xstream temporary-streams))
+    (close-xstream new-xstream)
+    (funcall cont)))
+(defun klacks/ext-parsed-ent (source input cont)
+  (with-source (source)
+    (when (eq (peek-token input) :xml-decl)
+      (let ((hd (parse-text-decl (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+	(setup-encoding input hd))
+      (consume-token input))
+    (set-full-speed input)
+    (klacks/content source input cont)))
+;;;; terrible kludges
+(defclass klacks-dtd-handler (sax:default-handler)
+    ((handler-source :initarg :source :reader handler-source)
+     (internal-subset-p :initform nil :accessor handler-internal-subset-p)))
+(defmethod sax:start-internal-subset ((handler klacks-dtd-handler))
+  (setf (slot-value (handler-source handler) 'internal-declarations) '())
+  (setf (handler-internal-subset-p handler) t))
+(defmethod sax:end-internal-subset ((handler klacks-dtd-handler))
+  (setf (handler-internal-subset-p handler) nil))
+(defmethod sax:entity-resolver ((handler klacks-dtd-handler) fn)
+  (setf (slot-value (handler-source handler) 'dom-impl-entity-resolver) fn))
+(defmethod sax::dtd ((handler klacks-dtd-handler) dtd)
+  (setf (slot-value (handler-source handler) 'dom-impl-dtd) dtd))
+(defmethod sax:end-dtd ((handler klacks-dtd-handler))
+  (let ((source (handler-source handler)))
+    (when (slot-boundp source 'internal-declarations)
+      (setf (slot-value source 'internal-declarations)
+	    (reverse (slot-value source 'internal-declarations)))
+      (setf (slot-value source 'external-declarations)
+	    (reverse (slot-value source 'external-declarations))))))
+    ((defhandler (name &rest args)
+	 `(defmethod ,name ((handler klacks-dtd-handler) , at args)
+	    (let ((source (handler-source handler))
+		  (spec (list ',name , at args)))
+	      (if (handler-internal-subset-p handler)
+		  (push spec (slot-value source 'internal-declarations))
+		  (push spec (slot-value source 'external-declarations)))))))
+  (defhandler sax:unparsed-entity-declaration
+      name public-id system-id notation-name)
+  (defhandler sax:external-entity-declaration
+      kind name public-id system-id)
+  (defhandler sax:internal-entity-declaration
+      kind name value)
+  (defhandler sax:notation-declaration
+      name public-id system-id)
+  (defhandler sax:element-declaration
+      name model)
+  (defhandler sax:attribute-declaration
+      element-name attribute-name type default))
+;;;; locator
+(defun source-xstream (source)
+  (car (zstream-input-stack (main-zstream (slot-value source 'context)))))
+(defun source-stream-name (source)
+  (let ((xstream (source-xstream source)))
+    (if xstream
+	(xstream-name xstream)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-line-number ((source cxml-source))
+  (let ((x (source-xstream source)))
+    (if x
+	(xstream-line-number x)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-column-number ((source cxml-source))
+  (let ((x (source-xstream source)))
+    (if x
+	(xstream-column-number x)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-system-id ((source cxml-source))
+  (let ((name (source-stream-name source)))
+    (if name
+	(stream-name-uri name)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-xml-base ((source cxml-source))
+  (car (base-stack (slot-value source 'context))))
+(defmethod klacks:map-current-namespace-declarations (fn (source cxml-source))
+  (loop
+     for (prefix . uri) in (slot-value source 'current-namespace-declarations)
+     do
+       (funcall fn prefix uri)))
+(defmethod klacks:find-namespace-binding (prefix (source cxml-source))
+  (with-source (source)
+    (find-namespace-binding prefix)))
+(defmethod klacks:decode-qname (qname (source cxml-source))
+  (with-source (source)
+    (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name) (split-qname qname)
+      (values (and prefix (find-namespace-binding prefix))
+	      local-name
+	      prefix))))
+;;;; debugging
+       CXML::KLACKS/MISC*-2 

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/klacks.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/klacks.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; readtable: runes; -*-
+;;;  (c) copyright 2007 David Lichteblau
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass klacks:source ()
+    (
+     ;; fixme, terrible DTD kludges
+     (internal-declarations)
+     (external-declarations :initform nil)
+     (dom-impl-dtd :initform nil)
+     (dom-impl-entity-resolver :initform nil)))
+(defgeneric klacks:close-source (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:peek (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:peek-value (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:consume (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:map-attributes (fn source))
+(defgeneric klacks:list-attributes (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:get-attribute (source lname &optional uri))
+;;;(defgeneric klacks:current-uri (source))
+;;;(defgeneric klacks:current-lname (source))
+;;;(defgeneric klacks:current-qname (source))
+;;;(defgeneric klacks:current-characters (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:current-cdata-section-p (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:map-current-namespace-declarations (fn source))
+(defgeneric klacks:current-line-number (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:current-column-number (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:current-system-id (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:current-xml-base (source))
+(defgeneric klacks:find-namespace-binding (prefix source))
+(defgeneric klacks:decode-qname (qname source))
+(defmacro klacks:with-open-source ((var source) &body body)
+  `(let ((,var ,source))
+     (unwind-protect
+	 (progn , at body)
+       (klacks:close-source ,var))))
+(defun klacks:current-uri (source)
+  (multiple-value-bind (key uri lname qname) (klacks:peek source)
+    (declare (ignore lname qname))
+    (check-type key (member :start-element :end-element))
+    uri))
+(defun klacks:current-lname (source)
+  (multiple-value-bind (key uri lname qname) (klacks:peek source)
+    (declare (ignore uri qname))
+    (check-type key (member :start-element :end-element))
+    lname))
+(defun klacks:current-qname (source)
+  (multiple-value-bind (key uri lname qname) (klacks:peek source)
+    (declare (ignore uri lname))
+    (check-type key (member :start-element :end-element))
+    qname))
+(defun klacks:current-characters (source)
+  (multiple-value-bind (key characters) (klacks:peek source)
+    (check-type key (member :characters))
+    characters))
+(defun klacks:consume-characters (source)
+  (with-output-to-string (s)
+    (while (eq (klacks:peek source) :characters)
+      (write-string (klacks:current-characters source) s)
+      (klacks:consume source))))
+(defun klacks:serialize-event (source handler &key (consume t))
+  (multiple-value-bind (key a b c) (klacks:peek source)
+    (let ((result nil))
+      (case key
+	(:start-document
+	  (sax:start-document handler)
+	  (loop for (prefix . uri) in *initial-namespace-bindings* do
+	       (sax:start-prefix-mapping handler prefix uri)))
+	(:characters
+	  (cond
+	    ((klacks:current-cdata-section-p source)
+	      (sax:start-cdata handler)
+	      (sax:characters handler a)
+	      (sax:end-cdata handler))
+	    (T
+	      (sax:characters handler a))))
+	(:processing-instruction
+	  (sax:processing-instruction handler a b))
+	(:comment
+	  (sax:comment handler a))
+	(:dtd
+	  (sax:start-dtd handler a b c)
+	  (when (slot-boundp source 'internal-declarations)
+	    (sax:start-internal-subset handler)
+	    (serialize-declaration-kludge
+	     (slot-value source 'internal-declarations)
+	     handler)
+	    (sax:end-internal-subset handler))
+	  (serialize-declaration-kludge
+	   (slot-value source 'external-declarations)
+	   handler)
+	  (sax:end-dtd handler)
+	  (sax:entity-resolver handler
+			       (slot-value source 'dom-impl-entity-resolver))
+	  (sax::dtd handler (slot-value source 'dom-impl-dtd)))
+	(:start-element
+	  (klacks:map-current-namespace-declarations
+	   (lambda (prefix uri)
+	     (sax:start-prefix-mapping handler prefix uri))
+	   source)
+	  (sax:start-element handler a b c (klacks:list-attributes source)))
+	(:end-element
+	  (sax:end-element handler a b c)
+	  (klacks:map-current-namespace-declarations
+	   (lambda (prefix uri)
+	     (declare (ignore uri))
+	     (sax:end-prefix-mapping handler prefix))
+	   source))
+	(:end-document
+	 (loop for (prefix . nil) in *initial-namespace-bindings* do
+	      (sax:end-prefix-mapping handler prefix))
+	  (setf result (sax:end-document handler)))
+	((nil)
+	  (error "serialize-event read past end of document"))
+	(t
+	  (error "unexpected klacks key: ~A" key)))
+      (when consume
+	(klacks:consume source))
+      result)))
+(defun serialize-declaration-kludge (list handler)
+  (loop
+      for (fn . args) in list
+      do (apply fn handler args)))
+(defun klacks:serialize-source (source handler)
+  (loop
+    (let ((document (klacks:serialize-event source handler)))
+      (when document
+	(return document)))))
+(defclass klacksax (sax:sax-parser)
+    ((source :initarg :source)))
+(defmethod sax:line-number ((parser klacksax))
+  (klacks:current-line-number (slot-value parser 'source)))
+(defmethod sax:column-number ((parser klacksax))
+  (klacks:current-column-number (slot-value parser 'source)))
+(defmethod sax:system-id ((parser klacksax))
+  (klacks:current-system-id (slot-value parser 'source)))
+(defmethod sax:xml-base ((parser klacksax))
+  (klacks:current-xml-base (slot-value parser 'source)))
+(defun klacks:serialize-element (source handler &key (document-events t))
+  (unless (eq (klacks:peek source) :start-element)
+    (error "not at start of element"))
+  (sax:register-sax-parser handler (make-instance 'klacksax :source source))
+  (when document-events
+    (sax:start-document handler))
+  (labels ((recurse ()
+	     (klacks:serialize-event source handler)
+	     (loop
+	       (let ((key (klacks:peek source)))
+		 (ecase key
+		   (:start-element (recurse))
+		   (:end-element (return))
+		   ((:characters :comment :processing-instruction)
+		     (klacks:serialize-event source handler)))))
+	     (klacks:serialize-event source handler)))
+    (recurse))
+  (when document-events
+    (sax:end-document handler)))
+(defun klacks:find-element (source &optional lname uri)
+  (loop
+    (multiple-value-bind (key current-uri current-lname current-qname)
+	(klacks:peek source)
+      (case key
+	((nil)
+	  (return nil))
+	(:start-element
+	  (when (and (eq key :start-element)
+		     (or (null lname)
+			 (equal lname (klacks:current-lname source)))
+		     (or (null uri)
+			 (equal uri (klacks:current-uri source))))
+	    (return
+	      (values key current-uri current-lname current-qname)))))
+      (klacks:consume source))))
+(defun klacks:find-event (source key)
+  (loop
+    (multiple-value-bind (this a b c)
+	(klacks:peek source)
+      (cond
+	((null this)
+	  (return nil))
+	((eq this key)
+	  (return (values this a b c))))
+      (klacks:consume source))))
+(define-condition klacks-error (xml-parse-error) ())
+(defun klacks-error (fmt &rest args)
+  (%error 'klacks-error
+	  nil
+	  (format nil "Klacks assertion failed: ~?" fmt args)))
+(defun klacks:expect (source key &optional u v w)
+  (multiple-value-bind (this a b c)
+      (klacks:peek source)
+    (unless (eq this key) (klacks-error "expected ~A but got ~A" key this))
+    (when (and u (not (equal a u)))
+      (klacks-error "expected ~A but got ~A" u a))
+    (when (and v (not (equal b v)))
+      (klacks-error "expected ~A but got ~A" v b))
+    (when (and w (not (equal c w)))
+      (klacks-error "expected ~A but got ~A" w c))
+    (values this a b c)))
+(defun klacks:skip (source key &optional a b c)
+  (klacks:expect source key a b c)
+  (klacks:consume source))
+(defun invoke-expecting-element (fn source &optional lname uri)
+  (multiple-value-bind (key a b)
+      (klacks:peek source)
+    (unless (eq key :start-element)
+      (klacks-error "expected ~A but got ~A" (or lname "element") key))
+    (when (and uri (not (equal a uri)))
+      (klacks-error "expected ~A but got ~A" uri a))
+    (when (and lname (not (equal b lname)))
+      (klacks-error "expected ~A but got ~A" lname b))
+    (multiple-value-prog1
+	(funcall fn)
+      (klacks:skip source :end-element a b))))
+(defmacro klacks:expecting-element ((source &optional lname uri) &body body)
+  `(invoke-expecting-element (lambda () , at body) ,source ,lname ,uri))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/package.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; readtable: runes; -*-
+;;;  (c) copyright 2007 David Lichteblau
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(defpackage klacks
+  (:use)
+  (:export #:source
+	   #:close-source
+	   #:with-open-source
+	   #:tapping-source
+	   #:make-tapping-source
+	   #:dribble-handler
+	   #:peek
+	   #:peek-value
+	   #:peek-next
+	   #:consume
+	   #:expect
+	   #:skip
+	   #:find-element
+	   #:find-event
+	   #:expecting-element
+	   #:map-attributes
+	   #:list-attributes
+	   #:get-attribute
+	   #:current-uri
+	   #:current-lname
+	   #:current-qname
+	   #:current-characters
+	   #:consume-characters
+	   #:current-cdata-section-p
+	   #:map-current-namespace-declarations
+	   #:serialize-event
+	   #:serialize-element
+	   #:serialize-source
+	   #:klacks-error
+	   #:current-line-number
+	   #:current-column-number
+	   #:current-system-id
+	   #:current-xml-base
+	   #:find-namespace-binding
+	   #:decode-qname))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/tap-source.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/klacks/tap-source.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; readtable: runes; -*-
+;;;  (c) copyright 2007 David Lichteblau
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defun klacks:make-tapping-source (upstream-source &optional sax-handler)
+  (make-instance 'klacks:tapping-source
+		 :upstream-source upstream-source
+		 :dribble-handler sax-handler))
+(defclass klacks:tapping-source (klacks:source)
+    ((upstream-source :initarg :upstream-source :accessor upstream-source)
+     (dribble-handler :initarg :dribble-handler :accessor dribble-handler)
+     (seen-event-p :initform nil :accessor seen-event-p)
+     (document-done-p :initform nil :accessor document-done-p)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance klacks:tapping-source) &key)
+  (let ((s-p (make-instance 'klacksax :source (upstream-source instance))))
+    (sax:register-sax-parser (dribble-handler instance) s-p)))
+;;; event dribbling 
+(defun maybe-dribble (source)
+  (unless (or (seen-event-p source) (document-done-p source))
+    (when (eq (klacks:peek (upstream-source source)) :end-document)
+      (setf (document-done-p source) t))
+    (klacks:serialize-event (upstream-source source)
+			    (dribble-handler source)
+			    :consume nil)
+    (setf (seen-event-p source) t)))
+(defmethod klacks:peek ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (multiple-value-prog1
+      (klacks:peek (upstream-source source))
+    (maybe-dribble source)))
+(defmethod klacks:peek-value ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (multiple-value-prog1
+      (klacks:peek-value (upstream-source source))
+    (maybe-dribble source)))
+(defmethod klacks:peek-next ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (setf (seen-event-p source) nil)
+  (multiple-value-prog1
+      (klacks:peek-next (upstream-source source))
+    (maybe-dribble source)))
+(defmethod klacks:consume ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (maybe-dribble source)
+  (multiple-value-prog1
+      (klacks:consume (upstream-source source))
+    (setf (seen-event-p source) nil)))
+;;; loop through
+(defmethod klacks:close-source ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:close-source (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:map-attributes (fn (source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:map-attributes fn (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:map-current-namespace-declarations
+    (fn (source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:map-current-namespace-declarations fn (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:list-attributes ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:list-attributes (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-line-number ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:current-line-number (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-column-number ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:current-column-number (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-system-id ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:current-system-id (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-xml-base ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:current-xml-base (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:current-cdata-section-p ((source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:current-cdata-section-p (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:find-namespace-binding
+    (prefix (source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:find-namespace-binding prefix (upstream-source source)))
+(defmethod klacks:decode-qname (qname (source klacks:tapping-source))
+  (klacks:decode-qname qname (upstream-source source)))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/mlisp-patch.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/mlisp-patch.diff	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+--- xml/xml-parse.lisp
++++ xml/xml-parse.lisp
+@@ -2497,20 +2497,20 @@
+   (let ((input-var (gensym))
+         (collect (gensym))
+         (c (gensym)))
+-    `(LET ((,input-var ,input))
+-       (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (,res ,res-start ,res-end) 
+-           (WITH-RUNE-COLLECTOR/RAW (,collect)
+-             (LOOP
+-               (LET ((,c (PEEK-RUNE ,input-var)))
+-                 (COND ((EQ ,c :EOF) 
++    `(let ((,input-var ,input))
++       (multiple-value-bind (,res ,res-start ,res-end) 
++           (with-rune-collector/raw (,collect)
++             (loop
++               (let ((,c (peek-rune ,input-var)))
++                 (cond ((eq ,c :eof) 
+                         ;; xxx error message
+-                        (RETURN))
+-                       ((FUNCALL ,predicate ,c)
+-                        (RETURN))
++                        (return))
++                       ((funcall ,predicate ,c)
++                        (return))
+                        (t
+                         (,collect ,c)
+-                        (CONSUME-RUNE ,input-var))))))
+-         (LOCALLY
++                        (consume-rune ,input-var))))))
++         (locally
+            , at body)))))
+ (defun read-name-token (input)
+Index: xml/xml-name-rune-p.lisp
+RCS file: /project/cxml/cvsroot/cxml/xml/xml-name-rune-p.lisp,v
+retrieving revision 1.2
+diff -r1.2 xml-name-rune-p.lisp
+<              (DEFINLINE NAME-RUNE-P (RUNE)
+<                (SETF RUNE (RUNE-CODE RUNE))
+<                (AND (<= 0 RUNE ,*max*)
+<                     (LOCALLY (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE (SAFETY 0) (SPEED 3)))
+<                              (= 1 (SBIT ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-rune-p)
+<                                         (THE FIXNUM RUNE))))))
+<                (SETF RUNE (RUNE-CODE RUNE))
+<                (AND (<= 0 RUNE ,*MAX*)
+<                     (LOCALLY (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE (SAFETY 0) (SPEED 3)))
+<                              (= 1 (SBIT ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-start-rune-p)
+<                                         (THE FIXNUM RUNE)))))))) ))))
+>              (definline name-rune-p (rune)
+>                (setf rune (rune-code rune))
+>                (and (<= 0 rune ,*max*)
+>                     (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)))
+>                              (= 1 (sbit ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-rune-p)
+>                                         (the fixnum rune))))))
+>              (definline name-start-rune-p (rune)
+>                (setf rune (rune-code rune))
+>                (and (<= 0 rune ,*max*)
+>                     (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3)))
+>                              (= 1 (sbit ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-start-rune-p)
+>                                         (the fixnum rune)))))))) ))))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/domtest.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/domtest.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+(defpackage :domtest
+  (:use :cl :cxml)
+  (:export #:run-all-tests))
+(defpackage :domtest-tests
+  (:use))
+(in-package :domtest)
+;;;; allgemeine Hilfsfunktionen
+(defmacro string-case (keyform &rest clauses)
+  (let ((key (gensym "key")))
+    `(let ((,key ,keyform))
+       (declare (ignorable ,key))
+       (cond
+	 ,@(loop
+	       for (keys . forms) in clauses
+	       for test = (etypecase keys
+			    (string `(string= ,key ,keys))
+			    (sequence `(find ,key ',keys :test 'string=))
+			    ((eql t) t))
+	       collect
+		 `(,test , at forms))))))
+(defun rcurry (function &rest args)
+  (lambda (&rest more-args)
+    (apply function (append more-args args))))
+(defmacro for ((&rest clauses) &rest body-forms)
+  `(%for ,clauses (progn , at body-forms)))
+(defmacro for* ((&rest clauses) &rest body-forms)
+  `(%for* ,clauses (progn , at body-forms)))
+(defmacro %for ((&rest clauses) body-form &rest finally-forms)
+  (for-aux 'for clauses body-form finally-forms))
+(defmacro %for* ((&rest clauses) body-form &rest finally-forms)
+  (for-aux 'for* clauses body-form finally-forms))
+(defmacro for-finish ()
+  '(loop-finish))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defun for-aux (kind clauses body-form finally-forms)
+    ` (loop ,@ (loop for firstp = t then nil
+		   for %clauses = clauses then (rest %clauses)
+		   for clause = (first %clauses) then (first %clauses)
+		   while (and %clauses (listp clause))
+		   append (cons (ecase kind
+				  (for (if firstp 'as 'and))
+				  (for* 'as))
+				(if (= 2 (length clause))
+				    (list (first clause) '= (second clause))
+				    clause))
+		   into result
+		   finally (return (append result %clauses)))
+	  do (progn ,body-form)
+	  finally (progn , at finally-forms))))
+;;;; spezielle Hilfsfunktionen
+(defun tag-name (elt)
+  (runes:rod-string (dom:tag-name elt)))
+(defmacro with-attributes ((&rest attributes) element &body body)
+  (let ((e (gensym "element")))
+    `(let* ((,e ,element)
+            ,@(mapcar (lambda (var)
+                       `(,var (dom:get-attribute ,e ,(symbol-name var))))
+                     attributes))
+       , at body)))
+(defun map-child-elements (result-type fn element &key name)
+  (remove '#1=#:void
+          (map result-type
+            (lambda (node)
+              (if (and (eq (dom:node-type node) :element)
+                       (or (null name)
+                           (equal (tag-name node) name)))
+                  (funcall fn node)
+                  '#1#))
+            (dom:child-nodes element))))
+(defmacro do-child-elements ((var element &key name) &body body)
+  `(block nil
+     (map-child-elements nil (lambda (,var) , at body) ,element :name ,name)))
+(defun find-child-element (name element)
+  (do-child-elements (child element :name name)
+    (return child)))
+(defun %intern (name)
+  (unless (stringp name)
+    (setf name (runes:rod-string name)))
+  (if (zerop (length name))
+      nil
+      (intern name :domtest-tests)))
+(defun replace-studly-caps (str)
+  (unless (stringp str)
+    (setf str (runes:rod-string str)))
+  ;; s/([A-Z][a-z])/-\1/
+  (with-output-to-string (out)
+    (with-input-from-string (in str)
+      (for ((c = (read-char in nil nil))
+            (previous = nil then c)
+            (next = (peek-char nil in nil nil))
+            :while c)
+        (when (and previous
+                   (upper-case-p c) next (lower-case-p next)
+                   (not (lower-case-p previous)))
+          (write-char #\- out))
+        (write-char (char-downcase c) out)
+        (when (and (lower-case-p c) next (upper-case-p next))
+          (write-char #\- out))))))
+(defun intern-dom (name)
+  (setf name (replace-studly-caps name))
+  (when (eq :foo :FOO)
+    (setf name (string-upcase name)))
+  (intern name :dom))
+(defun child-elements (element)
+  (map-child-elements 'list #'identity element))
+(defun parse-java-literal (str)
+  (when (stringp str)
+    (setf str (runes:string-rod str)))
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length str)) nil)
+    ((runes:rod= str #"true")
+      t)
+    ((runes:rod= str #"false")
+      nil)
+    ((digit-char-p (runes:rune-char (elt str 0)))
+      (parse-integer (runes:rod-string str)))
+    ((runes:rune= (elt str 0) #.(runes:char-rune #\"))
+      (let ((v (make-array 1 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+        (for* ((i = 1 :then (1+ i))
+               (c = (elt str i))
+               :until (runes:rune= c #.(runes:char-rune #\")))
+            (if (runes:rune= c #.(runes:char-rune #\\))
+                (let ((frob
+		       (progn
+                         (incf i)
+                         (elt str i))))
+		  (ecase frob
+		    ;; ...
+		    (#/n (vector-push-extend #/newline v (length v)))
+		    ((#/\\ #/\") (vector-push-extend #/\\ v (length v)))))
+                (vector-push-extend c v (length v))))
+        (make-array (length v) :element-type 'runes:rune :initial-contents v)))
+    (t
+      (%intern str))))
+(defun maybe-setf (place form)
+  (if place
+      `(setf ,place ,form)
+      form))
+(defun nullify (str)
+  (if (zerop (length str)) nil str))
+;;;; dom1-interfaces.xml auslesen
+(defparameter *methods* '())
+(defparameter *fields* '())
+(declaim (special *directory*))
+(declaim (special *files-directory*))
+(defun read-members (&optional (directory *directory*))
+  (let* ((pathname (merge-pathnames "build/dom2-interfaces.xml" directory))
+         (builder (rune-dom:make-dom-builder))
+         (library (dom:document-element
+		   (cxml:parse-file pathname builder :recode nil)))
+         (methods '())
+         (fields '()))
+    (do-child-elements (interface library :name "interface")
+      (do-child-elements (method interface :name "method")
+        (let ((parameters (find-child-element "parameters" method)))
+          (push (cons (dom:get-attribute method "name")
+                      (map-child-elements 'list
+                                          (rcurry #'dom:get-attribute "name")
+                                          parameters
+                                          :name "param"))
+                methods)))
+      (do-child-elements (attribute interface :name "attribute")
+        (push (dom:get-attribute attribute "name") fields)))
+    (values methods fields)))
+;;;; Conditions uebersetzen
+(defun translate-condition (element)
+  (string-case (tag-name element)
+    ("equals" (translate-equals element))
+    ("notEquals" (translate-not-equals element))
+    ("contentType" (translate-content-type element))
+    ("implementationAttribute" (assert-have-implementation-attribute element))
+    ("isNull" (translate-is-null element))
+    ("not" (translate-is-null element))
+    ("notNull" (translate-not-null element))
+    ("or" (translate-or element))
+    ("same" (translate-same element))
+    ("less" (translate-less element))
+    (t (error "unknown condition: ~A" element))))
+(defun equalsp (a b test)
+  (when (dom:named-node-map-p a)
+    (setf a (dom:items a)))
+  (when (dom:named-node-map-p b)
+    (setf b (dom:items b)))
+  (if (and (typep a 'sequence) (typep b 'sequence))
+      (null (set-exclusive-or (coerce a 'list) (coerce b 'list) :test test))
+      (funcall test a b)))
+(defun %equal (a b)
+  (or (equal a b) (and (runes::rodp a) (runes::rodp b) (runes:rod= a b))))
+(defun %equalp (a b)
+  (or (equalp a b) (and (runes::rodp a) (runes::rodp b) (runes:rod-equal a b))))
+(defun translate-equals (element)
+  (with-attributes (|actual| |expected| |ignoreCase|) element
+    `(equalsp ,(%intern |actual|)
+              ,(parse-java-literal |expected|)
+              ',(if (parse-java-literal |ignoreCase|) '%equal '%equal))))
+(defun translate-not-equals (element)
+  `(not ,(translate-equals element)))
+(defun translate-same (element)
+  (with-attributes (|actual| |expected|) element
+    `(eql ,(%intern |actual|) ,(parse-java-literal |expected|))))
+(defun translate-less (element)
+  (with-attributes (|actual| |expected|) element
+    `(< ,(%intern |actual|) ,(parse-java-literal |expected|))))
+(defun translate-or (element)
+  `(or ,@(map-child-elements 'list #'translate-condition element)))
+(defun translate-instance-of (element)
+  (with-attributes (|obj| |type|) element
+    `(eq (dom:node-type ,(%intern |obj|))
+         ',(string-case (runes:rod-string |type|)
+             ("Document" :document)
+             ("DocumentFragment" :document-fragment)
+             ("Text" :text)
+             ("Comment" :comment)
+             ("CDATASection" :cdata-section)
+             ("Attr" :attribute)
+             ("Element" :element)
+             ("DocumentType" :document-type)
+             ("Notation" :notation)
+             ("Entity" :entity)
+             ("EntityReference" :entity-reference)
+             ("ProcessingInstruction" :processing-instruction)
+             (t (error "unknown interface: ~A" |type|))))))
+(defun translate-is-null (element)
+  (with-attributes (|obj|) element
+    `(null ,(%intern |obj|))))
+(defun translate-not-null (element)
+  (with-attributes (|obj|) element
+    (%intern |obj|)))
+(defun translate-content-type (element) ;XXX verstehe ich nicht
+  (with-attributes (|type|) element 
+   `(equal ,|type| "text/xml")))
+(defun translate-uri-equals (element)
+  (with-attributes
+      (|actual|
+       |scheme| |path| |host| |file| |name| |query| |fragment| |isAbsolute|)
+      element
+    |isAbsolute|
+   `(let ((uri (net.uri:parse-uri (runes:rod-string ,(%intern |actual|)))))
+      (flet ((uri-directory (path)
+               (namestring
+                (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory path))))
+             (uri-file (path)
+               (namestring (make-pathname :name (pathname-name path)
+                                          :type (pathname-type path))))
+             (uri-name (path)
+               (pathname-name path))
+             (maybe-equal (expected actual)
+               (if expected
+                   (%equal (runes::rod expected) (runes::rod actual))
+                   t)))
+        (and (maybe-equal ,(parse-java-literal |scheme|)
+                          (net.uri:uri-scheme uri))
+             (maybe-equal ,(parse-java-literal |host|)
+                          (net.uri:uri-host uri))
+             (maybe-equal ,(parse-java-literal |path|)
+                          (uri-directory (net.uri:uri-path uri)))
+             (maybe-equal ,(parse-java-literal |file|)
+                          (uri-file (net.uri:uri-path uri)))
+             (maybe-equal ,(parse-java-literal |name|)
+                          (uri-name (net.uri:uri-path uri)))
+             (maybe-equal ,(parse-java-literal |query|)
+                          (net.uri:uri-query uri))
+             (maybe-equal ,(parse-java-literal |fragment|)
+                          (net.uri:uri-fragment uri)))))))
+;;;; Statements uebersetzen
+(defun translate-statement (element)
+  (string-case (tag-name element)
+    ("append" (translate-append element))
+    ("assertDOMException" (translate-assert-domexception element))
+    ("assertEquals"	(translate-assert-equals element))
+    ("assertNotNull"	(translate-assert-not-null element))
+    ("assertInstanceOf"	(translate-assert-instance-of element))
+    ("assertNull"	(translate-assert-null element))
+    ("assertSame"	(translate-assert-same element))
+    ("assertSize"	(translate-assert-size element))
+    ("assertTrue"	(translate-assert-true element))
+    ("assertFalse"	(translate-assert-false element))
+    ("assertURIEquals"	(translate-assert-uri-equals element))
+    ("assign"		(translate-assign element))
+    ("for-each"		(translate-for-each element))
+    ("fail"		(translate-fail element))
+    ("hasFeature" (translate-has-feature element))
+    ("if"		(translate-if element))
+    ("implementation"	(translate-implementation element))
+    ("increment"	(translate-unary-assignment '+ element))
+    ("decrement"	(translate-unary-assignment '- element))
+    ("length"		(translate-length element))
+    ("load"		(translate-load element))
+    ("nodeType"		(translate-node-type element))
+    ("plus"		(translate-binary-assignment '+ element))
+    ("try"		(translate-try element))
+    ("while"		(translate-while element))
+    (t			(translate-member element))))
+(defun translate-binary-assignment (fn element)
+  (with-attributes (|var| |op1| |op2|) element
+    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+                `(,fn ,(parse-java-literal |op1|)
+                      ,(parse-java-literal |op2|)))))
+(defun translate-assign (element)
+  (with-attributes (|var| |value|) element
+    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|) (parse-java-literal |value|))))
+(defun translate-unary-assignment (fn element)
+  (with-attributes (|var| |value|) element
+    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+                `(,fn ,(%intern |var|) ,(parse-java-literal |value|)))))
+(defun translate-load (load)
+  (with-attributes (|var| |href| |willBeModified|) load
+    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+                `(load-file ,|href| ,(parse-java-literal |willBeModified|)))))
+(defun translate-implementation (elt)
+  (with-attributes (|var|) elt
+    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|) `'rune-dom:implementation)))
+(defun translate-length (load)
+  ;; XXX Soweit ich sehe unterscheiden die Tests nicht zwischen
+  ;; der Laenge von DOMString und der length()-Methode der uebrigen
+  ;; Interfaces.  Also unterscheiden wir das erstmal manuell.
+  (with-attributes (|var| |obj|) load
+    (let ((obj (%intern |obj|)))
+      (maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+                  `(if (typep ,obj 'sequence)
+                       (length ,obj)
+                       (dom:length ,obj))))))
+(defun translate-call (call method)
+  (let ((name (car method))
+        (args (mapcar (lambda (name)
+                        (parse-java-literal (dom:get-attribute call name)))
+                      (cdr method))))
+    (with-attributes (|var| |obj|) call
+      (maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+                  `(,(intern-dom name) ,(%intern |obj|) , at args)))))
+(defun translate-get (call name)
+  (with-attributes (|var| |value| |obj|) call
+    (cond
+      ((nullify |var|)                  ;get
+        (maybe-setf (%intern |var|) `(,(intern-dom name) ,(%intern |obj|))))
+      ((nullify |value|)                ;set
+        `(setf (,(intern-dom name) ,(%intern |obj|))
+               ,(parse-java-literal |value|)))
+      (t
+        (error "oops")))))
+(defun translate-has-feature (element)
+  (with-attributes (|obj| |var| |feature| |version|) element
+    (if (nullify |obj|)
+	(translate-member element)
+	(maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+		    `(dom:has-feature 'rune-dom:implementation
+				      ,(parse-java-literal |feature|)
+				      ,(parse-java-literal |version|))))))
+(defun translate-fail (element)
+  (declare (ignore element))
+  `(error "failed"))
+(defun translate-node-type (element)
+  ;; XXX Das muessten eigentlich ints sein, sind aber Keywords in CXML.
+  (with-attributes (|var| |obj|) element
+    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+                `(ecase (dom:node-type ,(%intern |obj|))
+                   (:element                1)
+                   (:attribute              2)
+                   (:text                   3)
+                   (:cdata-section          4)
+                   (:entity-reference       5)
+                   (:entity                 6)
+                   (:processing-instruction 7)
+                   (:comment                8)
+                   (:document               9)
+                   (:document-type          10)
+                   (:document-fragment      11)
+                   (:notation               12)))))
+(defun translate-member (element)
+  (let* ((name (dom:tag-name element))
+         (method (find name *methods* :key #'car :test #'runes:rod=))
+         (field (find name *fields* :test #'runes:rod=)))
+    (cond
+      (method (translate-call element method))
+      (field (translate-get element field))
+      (t (error "unknown element ~A" element)))))
+(defun translate-assert-equals (element)
+  `(assert ,(translate-equals element)))
+(defun translate-assert-same (element)
+  `(assert ,(translate-same element)))
+(defun translate-assert-null (element)
+  (with-attributes (|actual|) element
+    `(assert (null ,(%intern |actual|)))))
+(defun translate-assert-not-null (element)
+  (with-attributes (|actual|) element
+    `(assert ,(%intern |actual|))))
+(defun translate-assert-size (element)
+  (with-attributes (|collection| |size|) element
+    `(let ((collection ,(%intern |collection|)))
+       (when (dom:named-node-map-p collection)
+         (setf collection (dom:items collection)))
+       (assert (eql (length collection) ,(parse-java-literal |size|))))))
+(defun translate-assert-instance-of (element)
+  `(assert ,(translate-instance-of element)))
+(defun translate-if (element)
+  (destructuring-bind (condition &rest rest)
+      (child-elements element)
+    (let (then else)
+      (dolist (r rest)
+        (when (equal (tag-name r) "else")
+          (setf else (child-elements r))
+          (return))
+        (push r then))
+      `(cond
+         (,(translate-condition condition)
+           ,@(mapcar #'translate-statement (reverse then)))
+         (t
+           ,@(mapcar #'translate-statement else))))))
+(defun translate-while (element)
+  (destructuring-bind (condition &rest body)
+      (child-elements element)
+    `(loop
+         while ,(translate-condition condition)
+         do (progn ,@(mapcar #'translate-statement body)))))
+(defun translate-assert-domexception (element)
+  (do-child-elements (c element)
+    (unless (equal (tag-name c) "metadata")
+      (return
+        `(block assert-domexception
+           (handler-bind
+               ((rune-dom::dom-exception
+                 (lambda (c)
+                   (when (eq (rune-dom::dom-exception-key c)
+                             ,(intern (tag-name c) :keyword))
+                     (return-from assert-domexception)))))
+             ,@(translate-body c)
+             (error "expected exception ~A" ,(tag-name c))))))))
+(defun translate-catch (catch return)
+  `(lambda (c)
+     ,@(map-child-elements
+        'list
+        (lambda (exception)
+          `(when (eq (rune-dom::dom-exception-key c)
+                     ,(intern (runes:rod-string (dom:get-attribute exception "code"))
+                              :keyword))
+             ,@(translate-body exception)
+             ,return))
+        catch)))
+(defun translate-try (element)
+  `(block try
+     (handler-bind
+         ((rune-dom::dom-exception
+           ,(translate-catch
+             (do-child-elements (c element :name "catch") (return c))
+             '(return-from try))))
+       ,@(map-child-elements 'list
+                             (lambda (c)
+                               (if (equal (tag-name c) "catch")
+                                   nil
+                                   (translate-statement c)))
+                             element))))
+(defun translate-append (element)
+  (with-attributes (|collection| |item|) element
+    (let ((c (%intern |collection|))
+          (i (%intern |item|)))
+      (maybe-setf c `(append ,c (list ,i))))))
+(defun translate-assert-true (element)
+  (with-attributes (|actual|) element
+    `(assert ,(if (nullify |actual|)
+                  (%intern |actual|)
+                  (translate-condition
+                   (do-child-elements (c element) (return c)))))))
+(defun translate-assert-false (element)
+  (with-attributes (|actual|) element
+    `(assert (not ,(%intern |actual|)))))
+(defun translate-assert-uri-equals (element)
+  `(assert ,(translate-uri-equals element)))
+;;;; Tests uebersetzen
+(defun translate-body (element)
+  (map-child-elements 'list #'translate-statement element))
+(defun translate-for-each (element)
+  (with-attributes (|collection| |member|) element
+    `(let ((collection ,(%intern |collection|)))
+       (when (dom:named-node-map-p collection)
+         (setf collection (dom:items collection)))
+       (map nil (lambda (,(%intern |member|)) ,@(translate-body element))
+            collection))))
+(defun assert-have-implementation-attribute (element)
+  (let ((attribute (runes:rod-string (dom:get-attribute element "name"))))
+    (string-case attribute
+      ;; fixme: expandEntityReferences sollten wir auch mal anschalten, wo
+      ;; wir uns schon die muehe machen...
+      ("validating"
+        (setf cxml::*validate* t))
+      ("namespaceAware"
+	;; ???  dom 2 ohne namespace-support gibt's doch gar nicht,
+	;; ausser vielleicht in html-only implementationen, und dann sollen
+	;; sie halt auf hasFeature "XML" testen.
+        )
+      (t
+        (format t "~&implementationAttribute ~A not supported, skipping test~%"
+                attribute)
+        (throw 'give-up nil)))))
+(defun slurp-test (pathname)
+  (unless *fields*
+    (multiple-value-setq (*methods* *fields*) (read-members)))
+  (catch 'give-up
+    (let* ((builder (rune-dom:make-dom-builder))
+           (cxml::*validate* nil)         ;dom1.dtd is buggy
+           (test (dom:document-element
+		  (cxml:parse-file pathname builder :recode nil)))
+           title
+           (bindings '())
+           (code '()))
+      (declare (ignorable title))
+      (do-child-elements (e test)
+        (string-case (tag-name e)
+          ("metadata"
+            (let ((title-element (find-child-element "title" e)))
+              (setf title (dom:data (dom:first-child title-element)))))
+          ("var"
+            (push (list (%intern (dom:get-attribute e "name"))
+                        (string-case (runes:rod-string
+                                       (dom:get-attribute e "type"))
+                          (("byte" "short" "int" "long") 0)
+                          (t nil)))
+                  bindings)
+	    (let ((value (dom:get-attribute e "value")))
+	      (when value
+		(push `(setf ,(%intern (dom:get-attribute e "name"))
+			     ,(parse-java-literal value))
+		      code)))
+            (do-child-elements (member e :name "member") e
+              (push `(setf ,(%intern (dom:get-attribute e "name"))
+                           (append ,(%intern (dom:get-attribute e "name"))
+                                   (list
+                                    ,(parse-java-literal
+                                      (dom:data
+                                       (dom:item
+                                        (dom:child-nodes member)
+                                        0))))))
+                    code)))
+          ("implementationAttribute"
+            (assert-have-implementation-attribute e))
+          (t
+            (push (translate-statement e) code))))
+      `(lambda ()
+         (let ((*files-directory* ,*files-directory*) ;fuer copy&paste:
+	       , at bindings)
+           (declare (ignorable ,@(mapcar #'car bindings)))
+           ,@(reverse code))))))
+(defun load-file (name &optional will-be-modified-p)
+  (declare (ignore will-be-modified-p))
+  (setf name (runes:rod-string name))
+  (cxml:parse-file
+   (make-pathname :name name :type "xml" :defaults *files-directory*)
+   (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
+   :recode nil))
+(defparameter *bad-tests*
+    '("hc_elementnormalize2.xml"
+      "hc_nodereplacechildnewchildexists.xml"
+      "characterdatadeletedatanomodificationallowederr.xml"))
+(defun dribble-tests (directory)
+  (let ((base (slot-value (asdf:find-system :cxml) 'asdf::relative-pathname)))
+    (with-open-file (*standard-output*
+		     (merge-pathnames "DOMTEST" base)
+		     :direction :output
+		     :if-exists :supersede)
+      (run-all-tests directory))))
+(defun run-all-tests (*directory* &optional verbose)
+  (let* ((cxml::*redefinition-warning* nil)
+         (n 0)
+         (i 0)
+         (ntried 0)
+         (nfailed 0))
+    (flet ((parse (test-directory)
+	     (let* ((all-tests (merge-pathnames "alltests.xml" test-directory))
+		    (builder (rune-dom:make-dom-builder))
+		    (suite (dom:document-element
+			    (cxml:parse-file all-tests builder :recode nil)))
+		    (*files-directory*
+		     (merge-pathnames "files/" test-directory)))
+	       (do-child-elements (member suite)
+		 (unless
+		     (or (equal (dom:tag-name member) "metadata")
+			 (member (runes:rod-string
+				  (dom:get-attribute member "href"))
+				 *bad-tests*
+				 :test 'equal))
+		   (incf n)))
+	       suite))
+	   (run (test-directory suite)
+	     (print test-directory)
+	     (let ((*files-directory*
+		    (merge-pathnames "files/" test-directory)))
+	       (do-child-elements (member suite)
+		 (let ((href (runes:rod-string
+			      (dom:get-attribute member "href"))))
+		   (unless (or (runes:rod= (dom:tag-name member) #"metadata")
+			       (member href *bad-tests* :test 'equal))
+		     (format t "~&~D/~D ~A~%" i n href)
+		     (let ((lisp (slurp-test
+				  (merge-pathnames href test-directory))))
+		       (when verbose
+			 (print lisp))
+		       (when lisp
+			 (incf ntried)
+			 (with-simple-restart (skip-test "Skip this test")
+			   (handler-case
+			       (let ((cxml::*validate* nil))
+				 (funcall (compile nil lisp)))
+			     (serious-condition (c)
+			       (incf nfailed)
+			       (format t "~&TEST FAILED: ~A~&" c))))))
+		     (incf i)))))))
+      (let* ((d1 (merge-pathnames "tests/level1/core/" *directory*))
+	     (d2 (merge-pathnames "tests/level2/core/" *directory*))
+	     (suite1 (parse d1))
+	     (suite2 (parse d2)))
+	(run d1 suite1)
+	(run d2 suite2)))
+    (format t "~&~D/~D tests failed; ~D test~:P were skipped"
+            nfailed ntried (- n ntried))))
+(defun run-test (*directory* level href)
+  (let* ((test-directory
+	  (ecase level
+	    (1 (merge-pathnames "tests/level1/core/" *directory*))
+	    (2 (merge-pathnames "tests/level2/core/" *directory*))))
+	 (*files-directory* (merge-pathnames "files/" test-directory))
+	 (lisp (slurp-test (merge-pathnames href test-directory)))
+         (cxml::*validate* nil))
+    (print lisp)
+    (fresh-line)
+    (when lisp
+      (funcall (compile nil lisp)))))
+(domtest::run-all-tests "/home/david/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/")
+(domtest::run-test "/home/david/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/"
+		   1
+		   "attrcreatedocumentfragment.xml")

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/misc.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/misc.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+;;; When I'll grow up, I'll be a complete test suite.
+(deftest utf-8
+    (flet ((doit (from below)
+	     (loop for code from from below below do
+		  (when (and (code-char code)
+			     (not (eql code #xfffe))
+			     (not (eql code #xffff)))
+		    (let* ((a (if (< code #x10000)
+				  (format nil "abc~C" (code-char code))
+				  (let* ((x (- code #x10000))
+					 (lo (ldb (byte 10 0) x))
+					 (hi (ldb (byte 10 10) x)))
+				    (format nil "abc~C~C"
+					    (code-char (logior #xD800 hi))
+					    (code-char 
+					     (logior #xDC00 lo))))))
+			   (b (cxml:utf8-string-to-rod
+			       (cxml:rod-to-utf8-string
+				a))))
+		      (unless (string= a b)
+			(format t "FAIL: ~S ~A ~A~%"
+				(code-char code)
+				(map 'vector #'char-code a)
+				(map 'vector #'char-code b))))))))
+      (doit 32 #xD800)
+      (doit #x10000 char-code-limit)
+      (values)))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/utf8domtest.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/utf8domtest.diff	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+Index: test/domtest.lisp
+RCS file: /project/cxml/cvsroot/cxml/test/domtest.lisp,v
+retrieving revision 1.13
+diff -u -r1.13 domtest.lisp
+--- test/domtest.lisp	27 Dec 2005 00:21:37 -0000	1.13
++++ test/domtest.lisp	27 Dec 2005 00:46:00 -0000
+@@ -137,21 +137,22 @@
+     ((digit-char-p (runes:rune-char (elt str 0)))
+       (parse-integer (runes:rod-string str)))
+     ((runes:rune= (elt str 0) #.(runes:char-rune #\"))
+-      (let ((v (make-array 1 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+-        (for* ((i = 1 :then (1+ i))
+-               (c = (elt str i))
+-               :until (runes:rune= c #.(runes:char-rune #\")))
+-            (if (runes:rune= c #.(runes:char-rune #\\))
+-                (let ((frob
+-		       (progn
+-                         (incf i)
+-                         (elt str i))))
+-		  (ecase frob
+-		    ;; ...
+-		    (#/n (vector-push-extend #/newline v (length v)))
+-		    ((#/\\ #/\") (vector-push-extend #/\\ v (length v)))))
+-                (vector-push-extend c v (length v))))
+-        (coerce v 'runes::simple-rod)))
++      (utf8-dom::%rod
++       (let ((v (make-array 1 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
++	 (for* ((i = 1 :then (1+ i))
++		(c = (elt str i))
++		:until (runes:rune= c #.(runes:char-rune #\")))
++	       (if (runes:rune= c #.(runes:char-rune #\\))
++		   (let ((frob
++			  (progn
++			    (incf i)
++			    (elt str i))))
++		     (ecase frob
++		       ;; ...
++		       (#/n (vector-push-extend #/newline v (length v)))
++		       ((#/\\ #/\") (vector-push-extend #/\\ v (length v)))))
++		 (vector-push-extend c v (length v))))
++	 (coerce v 'runes::simple-rod))))
+     (t
+       (%intern str))))
+@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@
+ (defun translate-implementation (elt)
+   (with-attributes (|var|) elt
+-    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|) `'rune-dom:implementation)))
++    (maybe-setf (%intern |var|) `'utf8-dom:implementation)))
+ (defun translate-length (load)
+   ;; XXX Soweit ich sehe unterscheiden die Tests nicht zwischen
+@@ -406,7 +407,7 @@
+     (if (nullify |obj|)
+ 	(translate-member element)
+ 	(maybe-setf (%intern |var|)
+-		    `(dom:has-feature 'rune-dom:implementation
++		    `(dom:has-feature 'utf8-dom:implementation
+ 				      ,(parse-java-literal |feature|)
+ 				      ,(parse-java-literal |version|))))))
+@@ -493,9 +494,9 @@
+       (return
+         `(block assert-domexception
+            (handler-bind
+-               ((rune-dom::dom-exception
++               ((utf8-dom::dom-exception
+                  (lambda (c)
+-                   (when (eq (rune-dom::dom-exception-key c)
++                   (when (eq (utf8-dom::dom-exception-key c)
+                              ,(intern (tag-name c) :keyword))
+                      (return-from assert-domexception)))))
+              ,@(translate-body c)
+@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@
+      ,@(map-child-elements
+         'list
+         (lambda (exception)
+-          `(when (eq (rune-dom::dom-exception-key c)
++          `(when (eq (utf8-dom::dom-exception-key c)
+                      ,(intern (runes:rod-string (dom:get-attribute exception "code"))
+                               :keyword))
+              ,@(translate-body exception)
+@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
+ (defun translate-try (element)
+   `(block try
+      (handler-bind
+-         ((rune-dom::dom-exception
++         ((utf8-dom::dom-exception
+            ,(translate-catch
+              (do-child-elements (c element :name "catch") (return c))
+              '(return-from try))))
+@@ -631,7 +632,7 @@
+   (setf name (runes:rod-string name))
+   (cxml:parse-file
+    (make-pathname :name name :type "xml" :defaults *files-directory*)
+-   (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)))
++   (cxml:make-recoder (utf8-dom:make-dom-builder) 'cxml:rod-to-utf8-string)))
+ (defparameter *bad-tests*
+     '("hc_elementnormalize2.xml"

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/xmlconf-base.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/xmlconf-base.diff	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+A recent check-in to the XML-Test-Suite's metadata has broken my parser for
+xmlconf.xml.  Apply this patch to revert it.
+Index: oasis/oasis.xml
+RCS file: /sources/public/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/oasis/oasis.xml,v
+retrieving revision 1.5
+retrieving revision 1.6
+diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
+--- oasis/oasis.xml	16 May 2002 14:46:32 -0000	1.5
++++ oasis/oasis.xml	4 Mar 2004 18:23:37 -0000	1.6
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+-<TESTCASES PROFILE='OASIS/NIST TESTS, 1-Nov-1998' xml:base="oasis/">
+   <TEST TYPE='valid' SECTIONS='2.2 [1]'
+       ID='o-p01pass2' URI='p01pass2.xml'>
+Index: xmltest/xmltest.xml
+RCS file: /sources/public/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/xmltest/xmltest.xml,v
+retrieving revision 1.9
+retrieving revision 1.10
+diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
+--- xmltest/xmltest.xml	21 May 2002 19:05:57 -0000	1.9
++++ xmltest/xmltest.xml	4 Mar 2004 18:25:11 -0000	1.10
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+     All Rights Reserved.
+ -->
+-<TESTCASES PROFILE="James Clark XMLTEST cases, 18-Nov-1998" xml:base="xmltest/">
++<TESTCASES PROFILE="James Clark XMLTEST cases, 18-Nov-1998">
+ <!-- Start:  not-wf/sa -->
+ <TEST TYPE="not-wf" ENTITIES="none" ID="not-wf-sa-001"
+Index: japanese/japanese.xml
+RCS file: /sources/public/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/japanese/japanese.xml,v
+retrieving revision 1.4
+retrieving revision 1.5
+diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
+--- japanese/japanese.xml	26 Mar 2002 14:43:54 -0000	1.4
++++ japanese/japanese.xml	4 Mar 2004 18:18:39 -0000	1.5
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+     All Rights Reserved.
+ -->
+-<TESTCASES PROFILE="Fuji Xerox Japanese Text Tests" xml:base="japanese/">
++<TESTCASES PROFILE="Fuji Xerox Japanese Text Tests">
+     <TEST TYPE="error" SECTIONS="4.3.3 [4,84]"
+ 	    ID="pr-xml-euc-jp" ENTITIES="parameter" URI="pr-xml-euc-jp.xml">

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/xmlconf.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/test/xmlconf.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+(defpackage xmlconf
+  (:use :cl :runes)
+  (:export #:run-all-tests))
+(in-package :xmlconf)
+(defun get-attribute (element name)
+  (rod-string (dom:get-attribute element name)))
+(defparameter *bad-tests*
+    '(;; TS14
+      ;; http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-testsuite/2002Mar/0001.html
+      "ibm-valid-P28-ibm28v02.xml"
+      "ibm-valid-P29-ibm29v01.xml"
+      "ibm-valid-P29-ibm29v02.xml"))
+(defun test-class (test)
+  (cond
+    ((not (and (let ((version (get-attribute test "RECOMMENDATION")))
+                 (cond
+                   ((or (equal version "") ;XXX
+                        (equal version "XML1.0")
+                        (equal version "NS1.0"))
+                     (cond
+                       ((equal (get-attribute test "NAMESPACE") "no")
+                         (format t "~A: test applies to parsers without namespace support, skipping~%"
+                                 (get-attribute test "URI"))
+                         nil)
+                       (t
+                         t)))
+                   ((equal version "XML1.1")
+                     ;; not supported
+                     nil)
+                   (t
+                     (warn "unrecognized RECOMMENDATION value: ~S" version)
+                     nil)))
+               (not (member (get-attribute test "ID") *bad-tests* :test 'equal))))
+      nil)
+    ((equal (get-attribute test "TYPE") "valid") :valid)
+    ((equal (get-attribute test "TYPE") "invalid") :invalid)
+    ((equal (get-attribute test "TYPE") "not-wf") :not-wf)
+    (t nil)))
+(defun test-pathnames (directory test)
+  (let* ((sub-directory
+          (loop
+              for parent = test then (dom:parent-node parent)
+              for base = (get-attribute parent "xml:base")
+              until (plusp (length base))
+              finally (return (merge-pathnames base directory))))
+         (uri (get-attribute test "URI"))
+         (output (get-attribute test "OUTPUT")))
+    (values (merge-pathnames uri sub-directory)
+            (when (plusp (length output))
+              (merge-pathnames output sub-directory)))))
+(defmethod serialize-document ((document t))
+  (dom:map-document (cxml:make-octet-vector-sink :canonical 2)
+		    document
+		    :include-doctype :canonical-notations
+		    :include-default-values t))
+(defun file-contents (pathname)
+  (with-open-file (s pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (let ((result
+           (make-array (file-length s) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+      (read-sequence result s )
+      result)))
+(defun dribble-tests (parser-fn directory)
+  (let ((base (slot-value (asdf:find-system :cxml) 'asdf::relative-pathname)))
+    (with-open-file (*standard-output*
+		     (merge-pathnames "XMLCONF" base)
+		     :direction :output
+		     :external-format :iso-8859-1
+		     :if-exists :supersede)
+      (run-all-tests parser-fn directory))))
+(defvar *parser-fn* 'sax-test)
+(defun sax-test (filename handler &rest args)
+  (apply #'cxml:parse-file filename handler :recode nil args))
+(defun klacks-test (filename handler &rest args)
+  (klacks:with-open-source
+      (s (apply #'cxml:make-source (pathname filename) args))
+    (klacks:serialize-source s handler)))
+(defun run-all-tests (parser-fn directory)
+  (let* ((*parser-fn* parser-fn)
+	 (pathname (merge-pathnames "xmlconf.xml" directory))
+         (builder (rune-dom:make-dom-builder))
+         (xmlconf (cxml:parse-file pathname builder :recode nil))
+         (ntried 0)
+         (nfailed 0)
+         (nskipped 0)
+         ;; XXX someone found it funny to include invalid URIs in the
+         ;; test suite.  And no, in "invalid" not "not-wf".
+         (puri:*strict-parse* nil))
+    (dom:do-node-list (test (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name xmlconf "TEST"))
+      (let ((description
+             (apply #'concatenate
+		    'string
+		    (map 'list
+		      (lambda (child)
+			(if (dom:text-node-p child)
+			    (rod-string (dom:data child))
+			    ""))
+		      (dom:child-nodes test))))
+            (class (test-class test)))
+        (cond
+          (class
+            (incf ntried)
+            (multiple-value-bind (pathname output)
+                (test-pathnames directory test)
+              (princ (enough-namestring pathname directory))
+              (unless (probe-file pathname)
+                (error "file not found: ~A" pathname))
+              (with-simple-restart (skip-test "Skip this test")
+                (unless (run-test class pathname output description)
+                  (incf nfailed))
+                (fresh-line))))
+          (t
+            (incf nskipped)))))
+    (format t "~&~D/~D tests failed; ~D test~:P were skipped"
+            nfailed ntried nskipped)))
+(defmethod run-test :around (class pathname output description &rest args)
+  (declare (ignore class pathname output args))
+  (handler-case
+      (call-next-method)
+    (serious-condition (c)
+      (format t " FAILED:~%  ~A~%[~A]~%" c description)
+      nil)))
+(defmethod run-test ((class null) pathname output description &rest args)
+  (declare (ignore description))
+  (let ((document (apply *parser-fn*
+                         pathname
+                         (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
+                         args)))
+    (cond
+      ((null output)
+        (format t " input"))
+      ((equalp (file-contents output) (serialize-document document))
+        (format t " input/output"))
+      (t
+        (let ((error-output (make-pathname :type "error" :defaults output)))
+          (with-open-file (s error-output
+                           :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                           :direction :output
+                           :if-exists :supersede)
+            (write-sequence (serialize-document document) s))
+          (error "well-formed, but output ~S not the expected ~S~%"
+                 error-output output))))
+    t))
+(defmethod run-test
+    ((class (eql :valid)) pathname output description &rest args)
+  (assert (null args))
+  (and (progn
+         (format t " [not validating:]")
+         (run-test nil pathname output description :validate nil))
+       (progn
+         (format t " [validating:]")
+         (run-test nil pathname output description :validate t))))
+(defmethod run-test
+    ((class (eql :invalid)) pathname output description &rest args)
+  (assert (null args))
+  (and (progn
+         (format t " [not validating:]")
+         (run-test nil pathname output description :validate nil))
+       (handler-case
+           (progn
+             (format t " [validating:]")
+             (funcall *parser-fn*
+		      pathname
+		      (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
+		      :validate t)
+             (error "validity error not detected")
+             nil)
+         (cxml:validity-error ()
+           (format t " invalid")
+           t))))
+(defmethod run-test
+    ((class (eql :not-wf)) pathname output description &rest args)
+  (assert (null args))
+  (handler-case
+      (progn
+         (format t " [not validating:]")
+	(funcall *parser-fn*
+		 pathname
+		 (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
+		 :validate nil)
+	(error "well-formedness violation not detected")
+      nil)
+    #+fixme-stp-test
+    (error ()
+      (format t " unexpected-error")
+      t)
+    (cxml:well-formedness-violation ()
+      (format t " not-wf")
+      t))
+  (handler-case
+      (progn
+	(format t " [validating:]")
+	(funcall *parser-fn*
+		 pathname
+		 (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
+		 :validate t)
+	(error "well-formedness violation not detected")
+      nil)
+    #+fixme-stp-test
+    (error ()
+      (format t " unexpected-error")
+      t)
+    (cxml:well-formedness-violation ()
+      (format t " not-wf")
+      t)
+    (cxml:validity-error ()
+      ;; das erlauben wir mal auch, denn valide => wf
+      (format t " invalid")
+      t)))
+(xmlconf::run-all-tests 'xmlconf::sax-test
+			"/home/david/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/")
+(xmlconf::run-all-tests 'xmlconf::klacks-test
+			"/home/david/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/")

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/catalog.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/catalog.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+;;;; catalogs.lisp -- XML Catalogs  -*- Mode: Lisp; readtable: runes -*-
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Developed 2004 for headcraft - http://headcraft.de/
+;;;; Copyright: David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+;;; http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec.html
+;;; Bugs:
+;;;   - We validate using the Catalog DTD while parsing, which is too strict
+;;;     and will will fail to parse files using other parser's extensions.
+;;;     (Jedenfalls behauptet das die Spec.)
+;;;     A long-term solution might be an XML Schema validator.
+(defvar *prefer* :public)
+(defvar *default-catalog*
+    '(;; libxml standard
+      "/etc/xml/catalog"
+      ;; FreeBSD
+      "/usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports"))
+(defstruct (catalog (:constructor %make-catalog ()))
+  main-files
+  (dtd-cache (make-dtd-cache))
+  (file-table (puri:make-uri-space)))
+(defstruct (entry-file (:conc-name ""))
+  (system-entries)                      ;extid 2
+  (rewrite-system-entries)              ;      3
+  (delegate-system-entries)             ;      4
+  (public-entries)                      ;      5
+  (delegate-public-entries)             ;      6
+  (uri-entries)                         ;uri 2
+  (rewrite-uri-entries)                 ;    3
+  (delegate-uri-entries)                ;    4
+  (next-catalog-entries)                ;    5/7
+  )
+(defun starts-with-p (string prefix)
+  (let ((mismatch (mismatch string prefix)))
+    (or (null mismatch) (= mismatch (length prefix)))))
+(defun normalize-public (str)
+  (setf str (rod-to-utf8-string (rod str)))
+  (flet ((whitespacep (c)
+           (find c #.(map 'string #'code-char '(#x9 #xa #xd #x20)))))
+    (let ((start (position-if-not #'whitespacep str))
+          (end (position-if-not #'whitespacep str :from-end t))
+          (spacep nil))
+      (with-output-to-string (out)
+        (when start
+          (loop for i from start to end do
+                (let ((c (char str i)))
+                  (cond
+                    ((whitespacep c)
+                      (unless spacep
+                        (setf spacep t)
+                        (write-char #\space out)))
+                    (t
+                      (setf spacep nil)
+                      (write-char c out))))))))))
+(defun normalize-uri (str)
+  (when (typep str 'puri:uri)
+    (setf str (puri:render-uri str nil)))
+  (setf str (rod-to-utf8-string (rod str)))
+  (with-output-to-string (out)
+    (loop for ch across str do
+          (let ((c (char-code ch)))
+            (if (< c 15)
+                (write-string (string-upcase (format nil "%~2,'0X" c)) out)
+                (write-char ch out))))))
+(defun unwrap-publicid (str)
+  (normalize-public
+   (with-output-to-string (out)
+     (let ((i (length "urn:publicid:"))
+           (n (length str)))
+       (while (< i n)
+         (let ((c (char str i)))
+           (case c
+             (#\+ (write-char #\space out))
+             (#\: (write-string "//" out))
+             (#\; (write-string "::" out))
+             (#\%
+               (let ((code
+                      (parse-integer str
+                                     :start (+ i 1)
+                                     :end (+ i 3)
+                                     :radix 16)))
+                 (write-char (code-char code) out))
+               (incf i 2))
+             (t (write-char c out))))
+         (incf i))))))
+(defun match-exact (key table &optional check-prefer)
+  (dolist (pair table)
+    (destructuring-bind (from to &optional prefer) pair
+      (when (and (equal key from) (or (not check-prefer) (eq prefer :public)))
+        (return to)))))
+(defun match-prefix/rewrite (key table &optional check-prefer)
+  (let ((match nil)
+        (match-length -1))
+    (dolist (pair table)
+      (destructuring-bind (from to &optional prefer) pair
+        (when (and (or (not check-prefer) (eq prefer :public))
+                   (starts-with-p key from)
+                   (> (length from) match-length))
+          (setf match-length (length from))
+          (setf match to))))
+    (if match
+        (concatenate 'string
+          match
+          (subseq key match-length))
+        nil)))
+(defun match-prefix/sorted (key table &optional check-prefer)
+  (let ((result '()))
+    (dolist (pair table)
+      (destructuring-bind (from to &optional prefer) pair
+        (when (and (or (not check-prefer) (eq prefer :public))
+                   (starts-with-p key from))
+          (push (cons (length from) to) result))))
+    (mapcar #'cdr (sort result #'> :key #'car))))
+(defun resolve-extid (public system catalog)
+  (when public (setf public (normalize-public public)))
+  (when system (setf system (normalize-uri system)))
+  (when (and system (starts-with-p system "urn:publicid:"))
+    (let ((new-public (unwrap-publicid system)))
+      (assert (or (null public) (equal public new-public)))
+      (setf public new-public
+            system nil)))
+  (let ((files (catalog-main-files catalog))
+        (seen '()))
+    (while files
+      (let ((file (pop files))
+            (delegates nil))
+        (unless (typep file 'entry-file)
+          (setf file (find-catalog-file file catalog)))
+        (unless (or (null file) (member file seen))
+          (push file seen)
+          (when system
+            (let ((result
+                   (or (match-exact system (system-entries file))
+                       (match-prefix/rewrite
+                        system
+                        (rewrite-system-entries file)))))
+              (when result
+                (return result))
+              (setf delegates
+                    (match-prefix/sorted
+                     system
+                     (delegate-system-entries file)))))
+          (when (and public (not delegates))
+            (let* ((check-prefer (and system t))
+                   (result
+                    (match-exact public
+                                 (public-entries file)
+                                 check-prefer)))
+              (when result
+                (return result))
+              (setf delegates
+                    (match-prefix/sorted
+                     public
+                     (delegate-public-entries file)
+                     check-prefer))))
+          (if delegates
+              (setf files delegates)
+              (setf files (append (next-catalog-entries file) files))))))))
+(defun resolve-uri (uri catalog)
+  (setf uri (normalize-uri uri))
+  (when (starts-with-p uri "urn:publicid:")
+    (return-from resolve-uri
+      (resolve-extid (unwrap-publicid uri) nil catalog)))
+  (let ((files (catalog-main-files catalog))
+        (seen '()))
+    (while files
+      (let ((file (pop files)))
+        (unless (typep file 'entry-file)
+          (setf file (find-catalog-file file catalog)))
+        (unless (or (null file) (member file seen))
+          (push file seen)
+          (let ((result
+                 (or (match-exact uri (uri-entries file))
+                     (match-prefix/rewrite uri (rewrite-uri-entries file)))))
+            (when result
+              (return result))
+            (let* ((delegate-entries
+                    (delegate-uri-entries file))
+                   (delegates
+                    (match-prefix/sorted uri delegate-entries)))
+              (if delegates
+                  (setf files delegates)
+                  (setf files (append (next-catalog-entries file) files))))))))))
+(defun find-catalog-file (uri catalog)
+  (setf uri (if (stringp uri) (safe-parse-uri uri) uri))
+  (let* ((*dtd-cache* (catalog-dtd-cache catalog))
+         (*cache-all-dtds* t)
+         (file (parse-catalog-file uri)))
+    (when file
+      (let ((interned (puri:intern-uri uri (catalog-file-table catalog))))
+        (setf (getf (puri:uri-plist interned) 'catalog) file)))
+    file))
+(defun make-catalog (&optional (uris *default-catalog*))
+  (let ((result (%make-catalog)))
+    (setf (catalog-main-files result)
+          (loop
+              for uri in uris
+              for file = (find-catalog-file uri result)
+              when file collect file))
+    result))
+(defun parse-catalog-file (uri)
+  (handler-case
+      (parse-catalog-file/strict uri)
+    ((or file-error xml-parse-error) (c)
+      (warn "ignoring catalog error: ~A" c))))
+(defparameter *catalog-dtd*
+    (let* ((cxml
+            (slot-value (asdf:find-system :cxml) 'asdf::relative-pathname))
+           (dtd (merge-pathnames "catalog.dtd" cxml)))
+      (with-open-file (s dtd :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+        (let ((bytes
+               (make-array (file-length s) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+          (read-sequence bytes s)
+          bytes))))
+(defun parse-catalog-file/strict (uri)
+  (let* ((*catalog* nil)
+         (dtd-sysid
+          (puri:parse-uri "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/release/1.0/catalog.dtd")))
+    (flet ((entity-resolver (public system)
+             (declare (ignore public))
+             (if (puri:uri= system dtd-sysid)
+                 (make-octet-input-stream *catalog-dtd*)
+                 nil)))
+      (with-open-stream (s (open (uri-to-pathname uri)
+                                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                                 :direction :input))
+        (parse-stream s
+                      (make-instance 'catalog-parser :uri uri)
+                      :validate nil
+                      :dtd (make-extid nil dtd-sysid)
+                      :root #"catalog"
+                      :entity-resolver #'entity-resolver)))))
+(defclass catalog-parser ()
+  ((result :initform (make-entry-file) :accessor result)
+   (next :initform '() :accessor next)
+   (prefer-stack :initform (list *prefer*) :accessor prefer-stack)
+   (catalog-base-stack :accessor catalog-base-stack)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after
+    ((instance catalog-parser) &key uri)
+  (setf (catalog-base-stack instance) (list uri)))
+(defmethod prefer ((handler catalog-parser))
+  (car (prefer-stack handler)))
+(defmethod base ((handler catalog-parser))
+  (car (catalog-base-stack handler)))
+(defun get-attribute/lname (name attributes)
+  (let ((a (find name attributes
+                 :key (lambda (a)
+                        (or (sax:attribute-local-name a)
+                            (sax:attribute-qname a)))
+                 :test #'string=)))
+    (and a (sax:attribute-value a))))
+(defmethod sax:start-element ((handler catalog-parser) uri lname qname attrs)
+  (declare (ignore uri))
+  (setf lname (or lname qname))
+  ;; we can dispatch on lnames only because we validate against the DTD,
+  ;; which disallows other namespaces.
+  ;; FIXME: we don't, because we can't.
+  (push (let ((new (get-attribute/lname "prefer" attrs)))
+          (cond
+            ((equal new "public") :public)
+            ((equal new "system") :system)
+            ((null new) (prefer handler))))
+        (prefer-stack handler))
+  (push (string-or (get-attribute/lname "base" attrs) (base handler))
+        (catalog-base-stack handler))
+  (flet ((geturi (lname)
+           (puri:merge-uris
+            (safe-parse-uri (get-attribute/lname lname attrs))
+            (base handler))))
+    (cond
+      ((string= lname "public")
+        (push (list (normalize-public (get-attribute/lname "publicId" attrs))
+                    (geturi "uri")
+                    (prefer handler))
+              (public-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "system")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri (get-attribute/lname "systemId" attrs))
+                    (geturi "uri"))
+              (system-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "uri")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri (get-attribute/lname "name" attrs))
+                    (geturi "uri"))
+              (uri-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "rewriteSystem")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "systemIdStartString" attrs))
+                    (get-attribute/lname "rewritePrefix" attrs))
+              (rewrite-system-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "rewriteURI")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "uriStartString" attrs))
+                    (get-attribute/lname "rewritePrefix" attrs))
+              (rewrite-uri-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "delegatePublic")
+        (push (list (normalize-public
+                     (get-attribute/lname "publicIdStartString" attrs))
+                    (geturi "catalog")
+                    (prefer handler))
+              (delegate-public-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "delegateSystem")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "systemIdStartString" attrs))
+                    (geturi "catalog"))
+              (delegate-system-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "delegateURI")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "uriStartString" attrs))
+                    (geturi "catalog"))
+              (delegate-uri-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "nextCatalog")
+        (push (geturi "catalog")
+              (next-catalog-entries (result handler)))))))
+(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler catalog-parser) uri lname qname)
+  (declare (ignore uri lname qname))
+  (pop (catalog-base-stack handler))
+  (pop (prefer-stack handler)))
+(defmethod sax:end-document ((handler catalog-parser))
+  (result handler))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/package.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+;;;; package.lisp -- Paketdefinition
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :cxml
+  (:use :cl :runes :runes-encoding #-scl :trivial-gray-streams)
+  (:export
+   ;; xstreams
+   #:make-xstream
+   #:make-rod-xstream
+   #:close-xstream
+   #:read-rune
+   #:peek-rune
+   #:unread-rune
+   #:fread-rune
+   #:fpeek-rune
+   #:xstream-position
+   #:xstream-line-number
+   #:xstream-column-number
+   #:xstream-plist
+   #:xstream-encoding
+   ;; xstream controller protocol
+   #:read-octects
+   #:xstream/close
+   #:attribute-namespace-uri
+   #:attribute-local-name
+   #:attribute-qname
+   #:attribute-value
+   #:parse
+   #:parse-file
+   #:parse-stream
+   #:parse-rod
+   #:parse-octets
+   #:parse-empty-document
+   #:make-octet-vector-sink
+   #:make-octet-stream-sink
+   #:make-rod-sink
+   #+rune-is-character #:make-string-sink
+   #+rune-is-character #:make-character-stream-sink
+   ;; See comment in runes/package.lisp
+   ;; #-rune-is-character
+   #:make-string-sink/utf8
+   ;; #-rune-is-character
+   #:make-character-stream-sink/utf8
+   #:with-xml-output
+   #:with-output-sink
+   #:with-namespace
+   #:with-element
+   #:with-element*
+   #:attribute
+   #:attribute*
+   #:unparse-attribute
+   #:cdata
+   #:text
+   #:doctype
+   #:xml-parse-error
+   #:well-formedness-violation
+   #:validity-error
+   #:parse-dtd-file
+   #:parse-dtd-stream
+   #:make-validator
+   #:*cache-all-dtds*
+   #:*dtd-cache*
+   #:getdtd
+   #:remdtd
+   #:make-dtd-cache
+   #:clear-dtd-cache
+   #:make-extid
+   #:*catalog*
+   #:*prefer*
+   #:make-catalog
+   #:resolve-uri
+   #:resolve-extid
+   #:make-recoder
+   #:make-namespace-normalizer
+   #:make-whitespace-normalizer
+   #:rod-to-utf8-string
+   #:utf8-string-to-rod
+   #:broadcast-handler
+   #:broadcast-handler-handlers
+   #:make-broadcast-handler
+   #:sax-proxy
+   #:proxy-chained-handler
+   #:make-source))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/recoder.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/recoder.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+;;;; recoder.lisp -- SAX handler for string conversion
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Developed 2004 for headcraft - http://headcraft.de/
+;;;; Copyright: David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass recoder ()
+    ((recoder :initarg :recoder :accessor recoder)
+     (chained-handler :initarg :chained-handler :accessor chained-handler)))
+(defun make-recoder (chained-handler recoder-fn)
+  (make-instance 'recoder
+    :recoder recoder-fn
+    :chained-handler chained-handler))
+(macrolet ((%string (rod)
+             `(let ((rod ,rod))
+                (if (typep rod '(or rod string))
+                    (funcall (recoder handler) rod)
+                    rod)))
+           (defwrapper (name (&rest args) &rest forms)
+             `(defmethod ,name ((handler recoder) , at args)
+                (,name (chained-handler handler) , at forms))))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-document ())
+  (defwrapper sax:start-element
+      (namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+    (%string namespace-uri)
+    (%string local-name)
+    (%string qname)
+    (mapcar (lambda (attr)
+              (sax:make-attribute
+               :namespace-uri (%string (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr))
+               :local-name (%string (sax:attribute-local-name attr))
+               :qname (%string (sax:attribute-qname attr))
+               :value (%string (sax:attribute-value attr))
+               :specified-p (sax:attribute-specified-p attr)))
+            attributes))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-prefix-mapping (prefix uri)
+    (%string prefix)
+    (%string uri))
+  (defwrapper sax:characters (data)
+    (%string data))
+  (defwrapper sax:processing-instruction (target data)
+    (%string target)
+    (%string data))
+  (defwrapper sax:end-prefix-mapping (prefix)
+    (%string prefix))
+  (defwrapper sax:end-element (namespace-uri local-name qname)
+    (%string namespace-uri)
+    (%string local-name)
+    (%string qname))
+  (defwrapper sax:end-document ())
+  (defwrapper sax:comment (data)
+    (%string data))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-cdata ())
+  (defwrapper sax:end-cdata ())
+  (defwrapper sax:start-dtd (name public-id system-id)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-internal-subset ())
+  (defwrapper sax:end-internal-subset ())
+  (defwrapper sax:end-dtd ())
+  (defwrapper sax:unparsed-entity-declaration
+      (name public-id system-id notation-name)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id)
+    (%string notation-name))
+  (defwrapper sax:external-entity-declaration
+      (kind name public-id system-id)
+    (%string kind)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id))
+  (defwrapper sax:internal-entity-declaration
+      (kind name value)
+    kind
+    (%string name)
+    (%string value))
+  (defwrapper sax:notation-declaration
+      (name public-id system-id)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id))
+  (defwrapper sax:element-declaration (name model)
+    (%string name)
+    model)
+  (defwrapper sax:attribute-declaration
+      (element-name attribute-name type default)
+    (%string element-name)
+    (%string attribute-name)
+    (%string type)
+    (%string default))
+  (defwrapper sax:entity-resolver
+      (resolver)
+    resolver)
+  (defwrapper sax::dtd
+      (dtd)
+    dtd))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-handler.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-handler.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SAX; readtable: runes; Encoding: utf-8; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: A SAX2-like API for the xml parser
+;;;   Created: 2003-06-30
+;;;    Author: Henrik Motakef <hmot at henrik-motakef.de>
+;;;    Author: David Lichteblau
+;;;   License: BSD
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 2003 by Henrik Motakef
+;;;  (c) copyright 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;;  (c) copyright 2005-2007 David Lichteblau
+;;; Redistribution and use  in source and binary   forms, with or  without
+;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+;;; met:                                                                  
+;;; 1. Redistributions  of  source  code  must retain  the above copyright
+;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.      
+;;; 2. Redistributions in  binary form must reproduce  the above copyright
+;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+;;;    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution
+;;; TODO/ Open Questions:
+;; o Missing stuff from Java SAX2:
+;;   * ignorable-whitespace
+;;   * skipped-entity
+;;   * The whole ErrorHandler class, this is better handled using
+;;     conditions (but isn't yet)
+(defpackage :sax
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:export #:*namespace-processing*
+	   #:*include-xmlns-attributes*
+	   #:*use-xmlns-namespace*
+	   #:abstract-handler
+	   #:content-handler
+	   #:default-handler
+           #:make-attribute
+           #:find-attribute
+           #:find-attribute-ns
+           #:attribute-namespace-uri
+           #:attribute-local-name
+           #:attribute-qname
+           #:attribute-value
+           #:attribute-specified-p
+	   #:start-document
+	   #:start-prefix-mapping
+	   #:start-element
+	   #:characters
+	   #:processing-instruction
+	   #:end-element
+	   #:end-prefix-mapping
+	   #:end-document
+	   #:comment
+	   #:start-cdata
+	   #:end-cdata
+	   #:start-dtd
+	   #:end-dtd
+	   #:start-internal-subset
+	   #:unparsed-internal-subset
+	   #:end-internal-subset
+           #:unparsed-entity-declaration
+           #:external-entity-declaration
+           #:internal-entity-declaration
+           #:notation-declaration
+           #:element-declaration
+           #:attribute-declaration
+           #:entity-resolver
+	   #:sax-parser
+	   #:sax-parser-mixin
+	   #:register-sax-parser
+	   #:line-number
+	   #:column-number
+	   #:system-id
+	   #:xml-base))
+(in-package :sax)
+;;;; SAX-PARSER interface 
+(defclass sax-parser () ())
+(defclass sax-parser-mixin ()		;deprecated
+    ((sax-parser :initform nil :reader sax-parser)))
+(defgeneric line-number (sax-parser)
+  (:documentation
+   "Return an approximation of the current line number, or NIL.")
+  (:method ((handler sax-parser-mixin))
+    (if (sax-parser handler)
+	(line-number (sax-parser handler))
+	nil)))
+(defgeneric column-number (sax-parser)
+  (:documentation
+   "Return an approximation of the current column number, or NIL.")
+  (:method ((handler sax-parser-mixin))
+    (if (sax-parser handler)
+	(column-number (sax-parser handler))
+	nil)))
+(defgeneric system-id (sax-parser)
+  (:documentation
+   "Return the URI of the document being parsed.  This is either the
+    main document, or the entity's system ID while contents of a parsed
+    general external entity are being processed.")
+  (:method ((handler sax-parser-mixin))
+    (if (sax-parser handler)
+	(system-id (sax-parser handler))
+	nil)))
+(defgeneric xml-base (sax-parser)
+  (:documentation
+   "Return the [Base URI] of the current element.  This URI can differ from
+   the value returned by SAX:SYSTEM-ID if xml:base attributes are present.")
+  (:method ((handler sax-parser-mixin))
+    (if (sax-parser handler)
+	(xml-base (sax-parser handler))
+	nil)))
+;;;; Configuration variables
+;; The http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces property
+(defvar *namespace-processing* t
+  "If non-nil (the default), namespace processing is enabled.
+See also `start-element' and `end-element' for a detailed description
+of the consequences of modifying this variable, and
+`*include-xmlns-attributes*' and `*use-xmlns-namespace*' for further
+related options.")
+;; The http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes property.
+(defvar *include-xmlns-attributes* t
+  "If non-nil, namespace declarations are reported as normal
+This variable has no effect unless `*namespace-processing*' is
+See also `*use-xmlns-namespace*', and `start-element' for a detailed
+description of the consequences of setting this variable.")
+(defvar *use-xmlns-namespace* t
+  "If this variable is nil (the default), attributes with a name like
+'xmlns:x' are not considered to be in a namespace, following the
+'Namespaces in XML' specification.
+If it is non-nil, such attributes are considered to be in a namespace
+with the URI 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', following an
+incompatible change silently introduced in the errata to that spec,
+and adopted by some W3C standards.
+For example, an attribute like xmlns:ex='http://example.com' would be
+reported like this:
+*use-xmlns-namespace*: nil
+namespace-uri:         nil
+local-name:            nil
+qname:                 #\"xmlns:ex\"
+*use-xmlns-namespace*: t
+namespace-uri:         #\"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/\"
+local-name:            #\"ex\"
+qname:                 #\"xmlns:ex\"
+Setting this variable has no effect unless both
+`*namespace-processing*' and `*include-xmlns-attributes*' are non-nil.")
+(defstruct (standard-attribute (:constructor make-attribute))
+  namespace-uri
+  local-name
+  qname
+  value
+  specified-p)
+(defmethod (setf attribute-namespace-uri)
+    (newval (attribute standard-attribute))
+  (setf (standard-attribute-namespace-uri attribute) newval))
+(defmethod (setf attribute-local-name)
+    (newval (attribute standard-attribute))
+  (setf (standard-attribute-local-name attribute) newval))
+(defmethod (setf attribute-qname)
+    (newval (attribute standard-attribute))
+  (setf (standard-attribute-qname attribute) newval))
+(defmethod (setf attribute-value)
+    (newval (attribute standard-attribute))
+  (setf (standard-attribute-value attribute) newval))
+(defmethod (setf attribute-specified-p)
+    (newval (attribute standard-attribute))
+  (setf (standard-attribute-specified-p attribute) newval))
+(defgeneric attribute-namespace-uri (attribute)
+  (:method ((attribute standard-attribute))
+    (standard-attribute-namespace-uri attribute))
+  (:method ((attribute hax:standard-attribute))
+    ""))
+(defgeneric attribute-local-name (attribute)
+  (:method ((attribute standard-attribute))
+    (standard-attribute-local-name attribute))
+  (:method ((attribute hax:standard-attribute))
+    (runes:rod-downcase (hax:attribute-name attribute))))
+(defgeneric attribute-qname (attribute)
+  (:method ((attribute standard-attribute))
+    (standard-attribute-qname attribute))
+  (:method ((attribute hax:standard-attribute))
+    (runes:rod-downcase (hax:attribute-name attribute))))
+(defgeneric attribute-value (attribute)
+  (:method ((attribute standard-attribute))
+    (standard-attribute-value attribute))
+  (:method ((attribute hax:standard-attribute))
+    (hax:attribute-value attribute)))
+(defgeneric attribute-specified-p (attribute)
+  (:method ((attribute standard-attribute))
+    (standard-attribute-specified-p attribute))
+  (:method ((attribute hax:standard-attribute))
+    (hax:attribute-specified-p attribute)))
+(defmethod hax:attribute-name ((attribute standard-attribute))
+  (attribute-local-name attribute))
+(defmethod hax:attribute-value ((attribute standard-attribute))
+  (attribute-value attribute))
+(defmethod hax:attribute-specified-p ((attribute standard-attribute))
+  (attribute-specified-p attribute))
+(defun %rod= (x y)
+  ;; allow rods *and* strings *and* null
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length x)) (zerop (length y)))
+    ((zerop (length y)) nil)
+    ((stringp x) (string= x y))
+    (t (runes:rod= x y))))
+(defun find-attribute (qname attrs)
+  (find qname attrs :key #'attribute-qname :test #'%rod=))
+(defun find-attribute-ns (uri lname attrs)
+  (find-if (lambda (attr)
+	     (and (%rod= uri (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr))
+		  (%rod= lname (sax:attribute-local-name attr))))
+	   attrs))
+(defclass abstract-handler (sax-parser-mixin) ())
+(defclass content-handler (abstract-handler) ())
+(defclass default-handler (content-handler) ())
+;;;; EVENTS
+(macrolet ((define-event ((name default-handler-class)
+			  (&rest args)
+			  &body hax-body)
+	     `(defgeneric ,name (handler , at args)
+		(:method ((handler null) , at args)
+		  (declare (ignore , at args))
+		  nil)
+		(:method ((handler t) , at args)
+		  (declare (ignore , at args))
+		  (warn "deprecated SAX default method used by a handler ~
+                         that is not a subclass of SAX:ABSTRACT-HANDLER ~
+                         or HAX:ABSTRACT-HANDLER")
+		  nil)
+		(:method ((handler abstract-handler) , at args)
+		  (declare (ignore , at args))
+		  (error "SAX event ~A not implemented by this handler"
+			 ',name))
+		(:method ((handler ,default-handler-class) , at args)
+		  (declare (ignore , at args))
+		  nil)
+		(:method ((handler hax:abstract-handler) , at args)
+		  (declare (ignorable , at args))
+		  , at hax-body))))
+  (define-event (start-document default-handler)
+      ()
+    nil)
+  (define-event (start-element default-handler)
+      (namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+    (setf attributes
+	  (remove "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"
+		  attributes
+		  :key #'attribute-namespace-uri
+		  :test #'equal))
+    (hax:start-element handler local-name attributes))
+  (define-event (start-prefix-mapping content-handler)
+      (prefix uri)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (characters default-handler)
+      (data)
+    (hax:characters handler data))
+  (define-event (processing-instruction default-handler)
+      (target data)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (end-prefix-mapping content-handler)
+      (prefix)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (end-element default-handler)
+      (namespace-uri local-name qname)
+    (hax:end-element handler local-name))
+  (define-event (end-document default-handler)
+      ()
+    (hax:end-document handler))
+  (define-event (comment content-handler)
+      (data)
+    (hax:comment handler data))
+  (define-event (start-cdata content-handler)
+      ()
+    nil)
+  (define-event (end-cdata content-handler)
+      ()
+    nil)
+  (define-event (start-dtd content-handler)
+      (name public-id system-id)
+    (hax:start-document handler name public-id system-id))
+  (define-event (end-dtd content-handler)
+      ()
+    nil)
+  (define-event (start-internal-subset content-handler)
+      ()
+    nil)
+  (define-event (end-internal-subset content-handler)
+      ()
+    nil)
+  (define-event (unparsed-internal-subset content-handler)
+      (str)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (unparsed-entity-declaration content-handler)
+      (name public-id system-id notation-name)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (external-entity-declaration content-handler)
+      (kind name public-id system-id)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (internal-entity-declaration content-handler)
+      (kind name value)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (notation-declaration content-handler)
+      (name public-id system-id)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (element-declaration content-handler)
+      (name model)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (attribute-declaration content-handler)
+      (element-name attribute-name type default)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (entity-resolver content-handler)
+      (resolver)
+    nil)
+  (define-event (dtd content-handler)
+      (dtd)
+    nil))
+;;; special case: this method is defined on abstract-handler through
+;;; sax-parser-mixin
+(defgeneric register-sax-parser (handler sax-parser)
+  (:method ((handler null) sax-parser)
+    (declare (ignore sax-parser))
+    nil)
+  (:method ((handler sax-parser-mixin) sax-parser)
+    (setf (slot-value handler 'sax-parser) sax-parser))
+  (:method ((handler t) sax-parser)
+    (declare (ignore sax-parser))
+    (warn "deprecated sax default method used by a handler ~
+                          that is not a subclass of sax:abstract-handler ~
+                          or hax:abstract-handler")
+    nil)
+  (:method ((handler hax:abstract-handler) sax-parser)
+    (declare (ignorable sax-parser)) nil))
+;;;; HAX to SAX
+(defmethod hax:start-document ((handler abstract-handler) name pubid sysid)
+  (sax:start-document handler)
+  (when sysid
+    (sax:start-dtd handler name pubid sysid)
+    (sax:end-dtd handler)))
+(defmethod hax:start-element ((handler abstract-handler) name attributes)
+  (setf name (runes:rod-downcase name))
+  (when (equal name "html")
+    (sax:start-prefix-mapping handler "" "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
+    (when *include-xmlns-attributes*
+      (push (make-attribute :namespace-uri "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"
+			    :local-name nil
+			    :qname "xmlns"
+			    :value "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+			    :specified-p t)
+	    attributes)))
+  (sax:start-element handler
+		     "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+		     name
+		     name
+		     attributes))
+(defmethod hax:end-element ((handler abstract-handler) name)
+  (setf name (runes:rod-downcase name))
+  (sax:end-element handler
+		   "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+		   name
+		   name)
+  (when (equal name "html")
+    (sax:end-prefix-mapping handler "")))
+(defmethod hax:characters ((handler abstract-handler) data)
+  (sax:characters handler data))
+(defmethod hax:comment ((handler abstract-handler) str)
+  (sax:comment handler str))
+(defmethod hax:end-document ((handler abstract-handler))
+  (sax:end-document handler))
+;;;; Documentation
+(setf (documentation 'start-document 'function)
+      "Called at the beginning of the parsing process,
+before any element, processing instruction or comment is reported.
+Handlers that need to maintain internal state may use this to perform
+any neccessary initializations.")
+(setf (documentation 'start-element 'function)
+      "Called to report the beginning of an element.
+There will always be a corresponding call to end-element, even in the
+case of an empty element (i.e. <foo/>).
+If the value of *namespaces* is non-nil, namespace-uri, local-name and
+qname are rods. If it is nil, namespace-uri and local-name are always
+nil, and it is not an error if the qname is not a well-formed
+qualified element name (for example, if it contains more than one
+The attributes parameter is a list (in arbitrary order) of instances
+of the `attribute' structure class. The for their namespace-uri and
+local-name properties, the same rules as for the element name
+apply. Additionally, namespace-declaring attributes (those whose name
+is \"xmlns\" or starts with \"xmlns:\") are only included if
+*include-xmlns-attributes* is non-nil.")
+(setf (documentation 'start-prefix-mapping 'function)
+      "Called when the scope of a new prefix -> namespace-uri mapping begins.
+This will always be called immediatly before the `start-element' event
+for the element on which the namespaces are declared.
+Clients don't usually have to implement this except under special
+circumstances, for example when they have to deal with qualified names
+in textual content. The parser will handle namespaces of elements and
+attributes on its own.")
+(setf (documentation 'characters 'function)
+      "Called for textual element content.
+The data is passed as a rod, with all entity references resolved.
+It is possible that the character content of an element is reported
+via multiple subsequent calls to this generic function.")
+(setf (documentation 'processing-instruction 'function)
+      "Called when a processing instruction is read.
+Both target and data are rods.")
+(setf (documentation 'end-prefix-mapping 'function)
+      "Called when a prefix -> namespace-uri mapping goes out of scope.
+This will always be called immediatly after the `end-element' event
+for the element on which the namespace is declared. The order of the
+end-prefix-mapping events is otherwise not guaranteed.
+Clients don't usually have to implement this except under special
+circumstances, for example when they have to deal with qualified names
+in textual content. The parser will handle namespaces of elements and
+attributes on its own.")
+(setf (documentation 'end-element 'function)
+      "Called to report the end of an element.
+See the documentation for `start-element' for a description of the
+(setf (documentation 'end-document 'function)
+      "Called at the end of parsing a document.
+This is always the last function called in the parsing process.
+In contrast to all of the other methods, the return value of this gf
+is significant, it will be returned by the parse-file/stream/string function.")
+(setf (documentation 'start-cdata 'function)
+      "Called at the beginning of parsing a CDATA section.
+Handlers only have to implement this if they are interested in the
+lexical structure of the parsed document. The content of the CDATA
+section is reported via the `characters' generic function like all
+other textual content.")
+(setf (documentation 'end-cdata 'function)
+      "Called at the end of parsing a CDATA section.
+Handlers only have to implement this if they are interested in the
+lexical structure of the parsed document. The content of the CDATA
+section is reported via the `characters' generic function like all
+other textual content.")
+(setf (documentation 'start-dtd 'function)
+      "Called at the beginning of parsing a DTD.")
+(setf (documentation 'end-dtd 'function)
+      "Called at the end of parsing a DTD.")
+(setf (documentation 'start-internal-subset 'function)
+      "Reports that an internal subset is present.  Called before
+any definition from the internal subset is reported.")
+(setf (documentation 'end-internal-subset 'function)
+      "Called after processing of the internal subset has
+finished, if present.")
+(setf (documentation 'unparsed-internal-subset 'function)
+      "Reports that an internal subset is present, but has not
+been parsed and is available as a string.")
+(setf (documentation 'unparsed-entity-declaration 'function)
+      "Called when an unparsed entity declaration is seen in a DTD.")
+(setf (documentation 'external-entity-declaration 'function)
+      "Called when a parsed external entity declaration is seen in a DTD.")
+(setf (documentation 'internal-entity-declaration 'function)
+      "Called when an internal entity declaration is seen in a DTD.")
+(setf (documentation 'notation-declaration 'function)
+      "Called when a notation declaration is seen while parsing a DTD.")
+(setf (documentation 'element-declaration 'function)
+      "Called when a element declaration is seen in a DTD.  Model is not a string,
+    but a nested list, with *, ?, +, OR, and AND being the operators, rods
+    as names, :EMPTY and :PCDATA as special tokens.  (AND represents
+    sequences.)")
+(setf (documentation 'attribute-declaration 'function)
+      "Called when an attribute declaration is seen in a DTD.
+    type        one of :CDATA, :ID, :IDREF, :IDREFS,
+                (:NOTATION <name>*), or (:ENUMERATION <name>*)
+    default     :REQUIRED, :IMPLIED, (:FIXED content), or (:DEFAULT content)")
+(setf (documentation 'entity-resolver 'function)
+      "Called between sax:end-dtd and sax:end-document to register an entity
+    resolver, a function of two arguments: An entity name and SAX handler.
+    When called, the resolver function will parse the named entity's data.")
+(setf (documentation 'register-sax-parser 'function)
+      "Set the SAX-PARSER instance of this handler.")

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-proxy.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-proxy.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+;;;; sax-proxy.lisp
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2004 David Lichteblau
+;;;; Author: David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass broadcast-handler (sax:abstract-handler)
+  ((handlers :initform nil
+	     :initarg :handlers
+	     :accessor broadcast-handler-handlers)))
+(defun make-broadcast-handler (&rest handlers)
+  (make-instance 'broadcast-handler :handlers handlers))
+(defclass sax-proxy (broadcast-handler)
+  ())
+(defmethod initialize-instance
+    :after ((instance sax-proxy) &key chained-handler)
+  (setf (proxy-chained-handler instance) chained-handler))
+(defmethod proxy-chained-handler ((instance sax-proxy))
+  (car (broadcast-handler-handlers instance)))
+(defmethod (setf proxy-chained-handler) (newval (instance sax-proxy))
+  (setf (broadcast-handler-handlers instance) (list newval)))
+(defmethod hax:%want-strings-p ((handler broadcast-handler))
+  (hax:%want-strings-p (car (broadcast-handler-handlers instance))))
+(macrolet ((define-proxy-method (name (&rest args))
+             `(defmethod ,name ((handler broadcast-handler) , at args)
+                (let (result)
+		  (dolist (next (broadcast-handler-handlers handler))
+		    (setf result (,name next , at args)))
+		  result))))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-document ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-element (uri lname qname attributes))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-prefix-mapping (prefix uri))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:characters (data))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:processing-instruction (target data))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-prefix-mapping (prefix))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-element (namespace-uri local-name qname))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-document ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:comment (data))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-cdata ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-cdata ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-dtd (name public-id system-id))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-dtd ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-internal-subset ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-internal-subset ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:unparsed-entity-declaration (name pub sys not))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:external-entity-declaration (kind name pub sys))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:internal-entity-declaration (kind name value))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:notation-declaration (name public-id system-id))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:element-declaration (name model))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:attribute-declaration (elt attr type default))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:entity-resolver (resolver))
+  (define-proxy-method sax::dtd (dtd)))
+(defmethod sax:register-sax-parser :after ((handler broadcast-handler) parser)
+  (dolist (next (broadcast-handler-handlers handler))
+    (sax:register-sax-parser next parser)))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-tests/event-collecting-handler.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-tests/event-collecting-handler.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(in-package :sax-tests)
+(defclass event-collecting-handler ()
+  ((event-list :initform '() :accessor event-list)))
+(defmethod start-document ((handler event-collecting-handler))
+  (push (list :start-document) (event-list handler)))
+(defmethod start-element ((handler event-collecting-handler) ns-uri local-name qname attrs)
+  (push (list :start-element ns-uri local-name qname attrs)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod start-prefix-mapping ((handler event-collecting-handler) prefix uri)
+  (push (list :start-prefix-mapping prefix uri)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod characters ((handler event-collecting-handler) data)
+  (push (list :characters data)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod processing-instruction ((handler event-collecting-handler) target data)
+  (push (list :processing-instruction target data)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod end-prefix-mapping ((handler event-collecting-handler) prefix)
+  (push (list :end-prefix-mapping prefix)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod end-element ((handler event-collecting-handler) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (push (list :end-element namespace-uri local-name qname)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod end-document ((handler event-collecting-handler))
+  (push (list :end-document)
+	(event-list handler))
+  (nreverse (event-list handler)))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-tests/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-tests/package.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(defpackage :sax-tests
+  (:use :cl :xml :sax :glisp :rt)
+  (:export #:event-collecting-handler))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-tests/tests.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/sax-tests/tests.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+(in-package :sax-tests)
+(defun first-start-element-event (string)
+  (let ((events (cxml:parse-rod string (make-instance 'event-collecting-handler))))
+    (find :start-element events :key #'car)))
+;;; Attribute handling
+(deftest no-default-namespace-for-attributes
+  (let* ((evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com' a='b'/>"))
+	 (attr (car (fifth evt))))
+    (values
+     (attribute-namespace-uri attr)
+     (attribute-local-name attr)))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest attribute-uniqueness-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:a='http://example.com' xmlns:b='http://example.com' a:a='1' b:a='1'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest attribute-uniqueness-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:a='http://example.com' xmlns='http://example.com' a:a='1' a='1'/>")
+    (error () nil)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      t))
+  t)
+(deftest attribute-uniqueness-3
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:a='http://example.com' xmlns:b='http://example.com' a:a='1' b:a='1'/>")
+    (error () nil)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      t)))
+  t)
+;;; Namespace undeclaring
+(deftest undeclare-default-namespace-1
+  (let* ((evts (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns='http://example.com'><y xmlns='' a='1'/></x>"
+				   (make-instance 'event-collecting-handler)))
+	 (start-elt-events (remove :start-element evts :test (complement #'eql) :key #'car))
+	 (evt1 (first start-elt-events))
+	 (evt2 (second start-elt-events )))
+    (values
+     (rod= #"http://example.com" (second evt1))
+     (second evt2)
+     (third evt2)))
+  t nil nil)
+(deftest undeclare-other-namespace
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x:x xmlns:x='http://example.com'><x:y xmlns:x='' a='1'/></x:x>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+;;; Require names otherwise totally out of scope of the xmlns rec to be NcNames for no reason
+(deftest pi-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<?a:b c?><x/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest pi-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-2
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<?a:b c?><x/>")
+      (error () nil)
+      (:no-error (&rest junk)
+	(declare (ignore junk))
+	t)))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x>&y:z;</x>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-3
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x>&y:z;</x>")
+      (error () nil)
+      (:no-error (&rest junk)
+	(declare (ignore junk))
+	t)))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-4
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x/>")
+      (error () nil)
+      (:no-error (&rest junk)
+	(declare (ignore junk))
+	t)))
+  t)
+;;; Inclusion of xmlns attributes
+(deftest xmlns-attr-include-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (length attrs))
+  1)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-discard-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (length attrs))
+  0)
+;;; Namespace of xmlns attributes
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-2
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-3
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-local-name (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-2
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-local-name (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-3
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-local-name (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"foo" (attribute-local-name (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-2
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns:foo" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns:foo" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+;;; Predefined Namespaces
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xml='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'/>")
+    (error () nil)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      t))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xml='http://example.com/wrong-uri'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-3
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:wrong='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-4
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:wrong='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xmlns='http://example.com/wrong-ns'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-3
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:wrong='http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-4
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/space-normalizer.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/space-normalizer.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;;;; space-normalizer.lisp -- whitespace removal
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2005 David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass whitespace-normalizer (sax-proxy)
+    ((attributes :initform '(t) :accessor xml-space-attributes)
+     (models :initform nil :accessor xml-space-models)
+     (dtd :initarg :dtd :accessor xml-space-dtd)))
+(defun make-whitespace-normalizer (chained-handler &optional dtd)
+  (make-instance 'whitespace-normalizer
+    :dtd dtd
+    :chained-handler chained-handler))
+(defmethod sax::dtd ((handler whitespace-normalizer) dtd)
+  (unless (xml-space-dtd handler)
+    (setf (xml-space-dtd handler) dtd)))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((handler whitespace-normalizer) uri lname qname attrs)
+  (declare (ignore uri lname))
+  (let ((dtd (xml-space-dtd handler)))
+    (when dtd
+      (let ((xml-space
+	     (sax:find-attribute (if (stringp qname) "xml:space" #"xml:space")
+				 attrs)))
+	(push (if xml-space
+		  (rod= (rod (sax:attribute-value xml-space)) #"default")
+		  (car (xml-space-attributes handler)))
+	      (xml-space-attributes handler)))
+      (let* ((e (cxml::find-element (rod qname) dtd))
+	     (cspec (when e (cxml::elmdef-content e))))
+	(push (and (consp cspec)
+		   (not (and (eq (car cspec) '*)
+			     (let ((subspec (second cspec)))
+			       (and (eq (car subspec) 'or)
+				    (eq (cadr subspec) :PCDATA))))))
+	      (xml-space-models handler)))))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod sax:characters ((handler whitespace-normalizer) data)
+  (cond
+    ((and (xml-space-dtd handler)
+	  (car (xml-space-attributes handler))
+	  (car (xml-space-models handler)))
+      (unless (every #'white-space-rune-p (rod data))
+	(warn "non-whitespace character data in element content")
+	(call-next-method)))
+    (t
+      (call-next-method))))
+(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler whitespace-normalizer) uri lname qname)
+  (declare (ignore uri lname qname))
+  (when (xml-space-dtd handler)
+    (pop (xml-space-attributes handler))
+    (pop (xml-space-models handler)))
+  (call-next-method))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/split-sequence.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/split-sequence.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+;;; This code was based on Arthur Lemmens' in
+;;; <URL:http://groups.google.com/groups?as_umsgid=39F36F1A.B8F19D20%40simplex.nl>;
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defun split-sequence-if (predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied))
+  (let ((len (length seq))
+        (other-keys (when key-supplied 
+		      (list :key key))))
+    (unless end (setq end len))
+    (if from-end
+        (loop for right = end then left
+              for left = (max (or (apply #'position-if predicate seq 
+					 :end right
+					 :from-end t
+					 other-keys)
+				  -1)
+			      (1- start))
+              unless (and (= right (1+ left))
+                          remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
+              if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
+              ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
+              return (values (nreverse subseqs) right)
+              else 
+              collect (subseq seq (1+ left) right) into subseqs
+              and sum 1 into nr-elts
+              until (< left start)
+              finally (return (values (nreverse subseqs) (1+ left))))
+      (loop for left = start then (+ right 1)
+            for right = (min (or (apply #'position-if predicate seq 
+					:start left
+					other-keys)
+				 len)
+			     end)
+            unless (and (= right left) 
+                        remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
+            if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
+            ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
+            return (values subseqs left)
+            else
+            collect (subseq seq left right) into subseqs
+            and sum 1 into nr-elts
+            until (>= right end)
+            finally (return (values subseqs right))))))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/unparse.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/unparse.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CXML; readtable: runes; Encoding: utf-8; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Unparse XML
+;;;     Title: (including support for canonic XML according to J.Clark)
+;;;   Created: 1999-09-09
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;    Author: David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;;  (c) copyright 2004 by knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;;  (c) copyright 2004 by David Lichteblau (for headcraft.de)
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :cxml)
+;; | Canonical XML
+;; | =============
+;; |                                      
+;; | This document defines a subset of XML called canonical XML. The
+;; | intended use of canonical XML is in testing XML processors, as a
+;; | representation of the result of parsing an XML document.
+;; | 
+;; | Every well-formed XML document has a unique structurally equivalent
+;; | canonical XML document. Two structurally equivalent XML documents have
+;; | a byte-for-byte identical canonical XML document. Canonicalizing an
+;; | XML document requires only information that an XML processor is
+;; | required to make available to an application.
+;; | 
+;; | A canonical XML document conforms to the following grammar:
+;; |
+;; |    CanonXML    ::= Pi* element Pi*
+;; |    element     ::= Stag (Datachar | Pi | element)* Etag
+;; |    Stag        ::= '<'  Name Atts '>'
+;; |    Etag        ::= '</' Name '>'
+;; |    Pi          ::= '<?' Name ' ' (((Char - S) Char*)? - (Char* '?>' Char*)) '?>'
+;; |    Atts        ::= (' ' Name '=' '"' Datachar* '"')*
+;; |    Datachar    ::= '&' | '<' | '>' | '"'
+;; |                     | '	'| '
'| '
+;; |                     | (Char - ('&' | '<' | '>' | '"' | #x9 | #xA | #xD))
+;; |    Name        ::= (see XML spec)
+;; |    Char        ::= (see XML spec)
+;; |    S           ::= (see XML spec)
+;; |
+;; | Attributes are in lexicographical order (in Unicode bit order).
+;; |  
+;; | A canonical XML document is encoded in UTF-8.
+;; |  
+;; | Ignorable white space is considered significant and is treated
+;; | equivalently to data.
+;; -- James Clark (jjc at jclark.com)
+;;;; SINK: an xml output sink
+(defclass sink (sax:content-handler)
+    ((ystream :initarg :ystream :accessor sink-ystream)
+     (width :initform 79 :initarg :width :accessor width)
+     (canonical :initform nil :initarg :canonical :accessor canonical)
+     (indentation :initform nil :initarg :indentation :accessor indentation)
+     (current-indentation :initform 0 :accessor current-indentation)
+     (notations :initform (make-buffer :element-type t) :accessor notations)
+     (name-for-dtd :accessor name-for-dtd)
+     (previous-notation :initform nil :accessor previous-notation)
+     (have-doctype :initform nil :accessor have-doctype)
+     (have-internal-subset :initform nil :accessor have-internal-subset)
+     (stack :initform nil :accessor stack)))
+(defmethod hax:%want-strings-p ((handler sink))
+  nil)
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance sink) &key)
+  (when (eq (canonical instance) t)
+    (setf (canonical instance) 1))
+  (unless (member (canonical instance) '(nil 1 2))
+    (error "Invalid canonical form: ~A" (canonical instance)))
+  (when (and (canonical instance) (indentation instance))
+    (error "Cannot indent XML in canonical mode")))
+(defun make-buffer (&key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+  (make-array 1
+              :element-type element-type
+              :adjustable t
+              :fill-pointer 0))
+;; bisschen unschoen hier die ganze api zu duplizieren, aber die
+;; ystreams sind noch undokumentiert
+(macrolet ((define-maker (make-sink make-ystream &rest args)
+	     `(defun ,make-sink (, at args &rest initargs)
+		(apply #'make-instance
+		       'sink
+		       :ystream (,make-ystream , at args)
+		       initargs))))
+  (define-maker make-octet-vector-sink make-octet-vector-ystream)
+  (define-maker make-octet-stream-sink make-octet-stream-ystream stream)
+  (define-maker make-rod-sink make-rod-ystream)
+  #+rune-is-character
+  (define-maker make-character-stream-sink make-character-stream-ystream stream)
+  #-rune-is-character
+  (define-maker make-string-sink/utf8 make-string-ystream/utf8)
+  #-rune-is-character
+  (define-maker make-character-stream-sink/utf8
+      make-character-stream-ystream/utf8
+    stream))
+(defun make-string-sink (&rest args) (apply #'make-rod-sink args))
+(defmethod sax:end-document ((sink sink))
+  (close-ystream (sink-ystream sink)))
+;;;; doctype and notations
+(defmethod sax:start-document ((sink sink))
+  (unless (canonical sink)
+    (%write-rod #"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" sink)
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)))
+(defmethod sax:start-dtd ((sink sink) name public-id system-id)
+  (setf (name-for-dtd sink) name)
+  (unless (canonical sink)
+    (ensure-doctype sink public-id system-id)))
+(defun ensure-doctype (sink &optional public-id system-id)
+  (unless (have-doctype sink)
+    (setf (have-doctype sink) t)
+    (%write-rod #"<!DOCTYPE " sink)
+    (%write-rod (name-for-dtd sink) sink)
+    (cond
+      ((not (zerop (length public-id)))
+        (%write-rod #" PUBLIC \"" sink)
+        (unparse-string public-id sink)
+        (%write-rod #"\" \"" sink)
+        (unparse-string system-id sink)
+        (%write-rod #"\"" sink))
+      ((not (zerop (length system-id)))
+        (%write-rod #" SYSTEM \"" sink)
+        (unparse-string system-id sink)
+        (%write-rod #"\"" sink)))))
+(defmethod sax:start-internal-subset ((sink sink))
+  (when (have-internal-subset sink)
+    (error "duplicate internal subset"))
+  (setf (have-internal-subset sink) t)
+  (ensure-doctype sink)
+  (%write-rod #" [" sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:end-internal-subset ((sink sink))
+  (ensure-doctype sink)
+  (%write-rod #"]" sink))
+(defmethod sax:unparsed-internal-subset ((sink sink) str)
+  (when (have-internal-subset sink)
+    (error "duplicate internal subset"))
+  (setf (have-internal-subset sink) t)
+  (ensure-doctype sink)
+  (%write-rod #" [" sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)
+  (%write-rod str sink)
+  (%write-rod #"]" sink))
+;; for the benefit of the XML test suite, prefer ' over "
+(defun write-quoted-rod (x sink)
+  (let ((q (if (find #/' x) #/" #/'
+               ;; '" (thanks you Emacs indentation, the if ends here)
+		     )))
+    (%write-rune q sink)
+    (%write-rod x sink)
+    (%write-rune q sink)))
+(defmethod sax:notation-declaration ((sink sink) name public-id system-id)
+  (let ((prev (previous-notation sink)))
+    (when (and (and (canonical sink) (>= (canonical sink) 2))
+	       prev
+	       (not (rod< prev name)))
+      (error "misordered notations; cannot unparse canonically"))
+    (setf (previous-notation sink) name)) 
+  (%write-rod #"<!NOTATION " sink)
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length public-id))
+      (%write-rod #" SYSTEM " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod system-id sink))
+    ((zerop (length system-id))
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod public-id sink))
+    (t 
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod public-id sink)
+      (%write-rod #" " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod system-id sink)))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:unparsed-entity-declaration
+    ((sink sink) name public-id system-id notation-name)
+  (unless (and (canonical sink) (< (canonical sink) 3))
+    (%write-rod #"<!ENTITY " sink)
+    (%write-rod name sink)
+    (cond
+      ((zerop (length public-id))
+	(%write-rod #" SYSTEM " sink)
+	(write-quoted-rod system-id sink))
+      ((zerop (length system-id))
+	(%write-rod #" PUBLIC " sink)
+	(write-quoted-rod public-id sink))
+      (t 
+	(%write-rod #" PUBLIC " sink)
+	(write-quoted-rod public-id sink)
+	(%write-rod #" " sink)
+	(write-quoted-rod system-id sink)))
+    (%write-rod #" NDATA " sink)
+    (%write-rod notation-name sink)
+    (%write-rune #/> sink)
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)))
+(defmethod sax:external-entity-declaration
+    ((sink sink) kind name public-id system-id)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize parsed entities in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ENTITY " sink)
+  (when (eq kind :parameter)
+    (%write-rod #" % " sink))
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length public-id))
+      (%write-rod #" SYSTEM " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod system-id sink))
+    ((zerop (length system-id))
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod public-id sink))
+    (t 
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod public-id sink)
+      (%write-rod #" " sink)
+      (write-quoted-rod system-id sink)))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:internal-entity-declaration ((sink sink) kind name value)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize parsed entities in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ENTITY " sink)
+  (when (eq kind :parameter)
+    (%write-rod #" % " sink))
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+  (unparse-dtd-string value sink)
+  (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:element-declaration ((sink sink) name model)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize element type declarations in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ELEMENT " sink)
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (labels ((walk (m)
+	     (cond
+	       ((eq m :EMPTY)
+		 (%write-rod "EMPTY" sink))
+	       ((eq m :PCDATA)
+		 (%write-rod "#PCDATA" sink))
+	       ((atom m)
+		 (unparse-string m sink))
+	       (t
+		 (ecase (car m)
+		   (and
+		     (%write-rune #/\( sink)
+		     (loop for (n . rest) on (cdr m) do
+			   (walk n)
+			   (when rest
+			     (%write-rune #\, sink)))
+		     (%write-rune #/\) sink))
+		   (or
+		     (%write-rune #/\( sink)
+		     (loop for (n . rest) on (cdr m) do
+			   (walk n)
+			   (when rest
+			     (%write-rune #\| sink)))
+		     (%write-rune #/\) sink))
+		   (*
+		     (walk (second m))
+		     (%write-rod #/* sink))
+		   (+
+		     (walk (second m))
+		     (%write-rod #/+ sink))
+		   (?
+		     (walk (second m))
+		     (%write-rod #/? sink)))))))
+    (walk model))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:attribute-declaration ((sink sink) ename aname type default)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize attribute type declarations in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ATTLIST " sink)
+  (%write-rod ename sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (%write-rod aname sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (cond
+    ((atom type)
+      (%write-rod (rod (string-upcase (symbol-name type))) sink))
+    (t
+      (when (eq :NOTATION (car type))
+	(%write-rod #"NOTATION " sink))
+      (%write-rune #/\( sink)
+      (loop for (n . rest) on (cdr type) do
+	    (%write-rod n sink)
+	    (when rest
+	      (%write-rune #\| sink)))
+      (%write-rune #/\) sink)))
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (cond
+    ((atom default)
+      (%write-rune #/# sink)
+      (%write-rod (rod (string-upcase (symbol-name default))) sink))
+    (t
+      (when (eq :FIXED (car default))
+	(%write-rod #"#FIXED " sink))
+      (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+      (unparse-string (second default) sink)
+      (%write-rune #/\" sink)))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:end-dtd ((sink sink))
+  (when (have-doctype sink)
+    (%write-rod #">" sink)
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)))
+;;;; elements
+(defstruct (tag (:constructor make-tag (name)))
+  name
+  (n-children 0)
+  (have-gt nil))
+(defun sink-fresh-line (sink)
+  (unless (zerop (ystream-column (sink-ystream sink)))
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)		;newline
+    (indent sink)))
+(defun maybe-close-tag (sink)
+  (let ((tag (car (stack sink))))
+    (when (and (tag-p tag) (not (tag-have-gt tag)))
+      (setf (tag-have-gt tag) t)
+      (%write-rune #/> sink))))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((sink sink) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name))
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (when (stack sink)
+    (incf (tag-n-children (first (stack sink)))))
+  (push (make-tag qname) (stack sink))
+  (when (indentation sink)
+    (sink-fresh-line sink)
+    (start-indentation-block sink))
+  (%write-rune #/< sink)
+  (%write-rod qname sink)
+  (dolist (a (if (canonical sink)
+		 (sort (copy-list attributes)
+		       #'rod<
+		       :key #'sax:attribute-qname)
+		 attributes))
+    (%write-rune #/space sink)
+    (%write-rod (sax:attribute-qname a) sink)
+    (%write-rune #/= sink)
+    (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+    (unparse-string (sax:attribute-value a) sink)
+    (%write-rune #/\" sink))
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (maybe-close-tag sink)))
+(defmethod sax:end-element
+    ((sink sink) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name))
+  (let ((tag (pop (stack sink))))
+    (unless (tag-p tag)
+      (error "output does not nest: not in an element"))
+    (unless (rod= (tag-name tag) qname)
+      (error "output does not nest: expected ~A but got ~A"
+             (rod qname) (rod (tag-name tag))))
+    (when (indentation sink)
+      (end-indentation-block sink)
+      (unless (zerop (tag-n-children tag))
+        (sink-fresh-line sink)))
+    (cond
+      ((tag-have-gt tag)
+       (%write-rod '#.(string-rod "</") sink)
+       (%write-rod qname sink)
+       (%write-rod '#.(string-rod ">") sink))
+      (t
+       (%write-rod #"/>" sink)))))
+(defmethod sax:processing-instruction ((sink sink) target data)
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (unless (rod-equal target '#.(string-rod "xml"))
+    (%write-rod '#.(string-rod "<?") sink)
+    (%write-rod target sink)
+    (cond
+      ((plusp (length data))
+       (%write-rune #/space sink)
+       (%write-rod data sink))
+      ((canonical sink)
+       (%write-rune #/space sink)))
+    (%write-rod '#.(string-rod "?>") sink)))
+(defmethod sax:start-cdata ((sink sink))
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (push :cdata (stack sink)))
+(defmethod sax:characters ((sink sink) data)
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (cond
+    ((and (eq (car (stack sink)) :cdata)
+          (not (canonical sink))
+          (not (search #"]]" data)))
+      (when (indentation sink)
+        (sink-fresh-line sink))
+      (%write-rod #"<![CDATA[" sink)
+      ;; XXX signal error if body is unprintable?
+      (map nil (lambda (c) (%write-rune c sink)) data)
+      (%write-rod #"]]>" sink))
+    (t
+      (if (indentation sink)
+          (unparse-indented-text data sink)
+	  (let ((y (sink-ystream sink)))
+	    (if (canonical sink)
+		(loop for c across data do (unparse-datachar c y))
+		(loop for c across data do (unparse-datachar-readable c y))))))))
+(defmethod sax:comment ((sink sink) data)
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (unless (canonical sink)
+    ;; XXX signal error if body is unprintable?
+    (%write-rod #"<!--" sink)
+    (map nil (lambda (c) (%write-rune c sink)) data)
+    (%write-rod #"-->" sink)))
+(defmethod sax:end-cdata ((sink sink))
+  (unless (eq (pop (stack sink)) :cdata)
+    (error "output does not nest: not in a cdata section")))
+(defun indent (sink)
+  (dotimes (x (current-indentation sink))
+    (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink))) ; space
+(defun start-indentation-block (sink)
+  (incf (current-indentation sink) (indentation sink)))
+(defun end-indentation-block (sink)
+  (decf (current-indentation sink) (indentation sink)))
+(defun unparse-indented-text (data sink)
+  (flet ((whitespacep (x)
+           (or (rune= x #/U+000A) (rune= x #/U+0020))))
+    (let* ((n (length data))
+           (pos (position-if-not #'whitespacep data))
+           (need-whitespace-p nil))
+      (cond
+        ((zerop n))
+        (pos
+          (sink-fresh-line sink)
+          (while (< pos n)
+            (let* ((w (or (position-if #'whitespacep data :start (1+ pos)) n))
+                   (next (or (position-if-not #'whitespacep data :start w) n)))
+              (when need-whitespace-p
+                (if (< (+ (ystream-column (sink-ystream sink)) w (- pos))
+		       (width sink))
+                    (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+                    (sink-fresh-line sink)))
+              (loop
+		  with y = (sink-ystream sink)
+                  for i from pos below w do
+                    (unparse-datachar-readable (elt data i) y))
+              (setf need-whitespace-p (< w n))
+              (setf pos next))))
+        (t
+          (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink))))))
+(defun unparse-string (str sink)
+  (let ((y (sink-ystream sink)))
+    (loop for rune across str do (unparse-datachar rune y))))
+(defun unparse-datachar (c ystream)
+  (cond ((rune= c #/&) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "&") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/<) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "<") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/>) (write-rod '#.(string-rod ">") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/\") (write-rod '#.(string-rod """) ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+0009) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "	") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+000A) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "
") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+000D) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "
") ystream))
+        (t
+         (write-rune c ystream))))
+(defun unparse-datachar-readable (c ystream)
+  (cond ((rune= c #/&) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "&") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/<) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "<") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/>) (write-rod '#.(string-rod ">") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/\") (write-rod '#.(string-rod """) ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+000D) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "
") ystream))
+        (t
+          (write-rune c ystream))))
+(defun unparse-dtd-string (str sink)
+  (let ((y (sink-ystream sink)))
+    (loop for rune across str do (unparse-dtd-char rune y))))
+(defun unparse-dtd-char (c ystream)
+  (cond ((rune= c #/%) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "%") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/&) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "&") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/<) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "<") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/>) (write-rod '#.(string-rod ">") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/\") (write-rod '#.(string-rod """) ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+0009) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "	") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+000A) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "
") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+000D) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "
") ystream))
+        (t
+         (write-rune c ystream))))
+(defun %write-rune (c sink)
+  (write-rune c (sink-ystream sink)))
+(defun %write-rod (r sink)
+  (write-rod r (sink-ystream sink)))
+;;;; convenience functions for DOMless XML serialization
+(defvar *current-element*)
+(defvar *sink*)
+(defvar *unparse-namespace-bindings*)
+(defvar *current-namespace-bindings*)
+(defmacro with-xml-output (sink &body body)
+  `(invoke-with-xml-output (lambda () , at body) ,sink))
+(defmacro with-output-sink ((var) &body body)
+  `(invoke-with-output-sink (lambda (,var) , at body)))
+(defun invoke-with-xml-output (fn sink)
+  (let ((*sink* sink)
+        (*current-element* nil)
+	(*unparse-namespace-bindings* *initial-namespace-bindings*)
+	(*current-namespace-bindings* nil))
+    (sax:start-document *sink*)
+    (funcall fn)
+    (sax:end-document *sink*)))
+(defun invoke-with-output-sink (fn)
+  (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+  (funcall fn *sink*))
+(defmacro with-element (qname &body body)
+  `(invoke-with-element (lambda () , at body) ,qname))
+(defmacro with-element* ((prefix lname) &body body)
+  `(invoke-with-element* (lambda () , at body) ,prefix ,lname))
+(defmacro with-namespace ((prefix uri) &body body)
+  `(invoke-with-namespace (lambda () , at body) ,prefix ,uri))
+(defun doctype (name public-id system-id &optional internal-subset)
+  (sax:start-dtd *sink* name public-id system-id)
+  (when internal-subset
+    (sax:unparsed-internal-subset *sink* internal-subset))
+  (sax:end-dtd *sink*))
+(defun maybe-emit-start-tag ()
+  (when *current-element*
+    ;; starting child node, need to emit opening tag of parent first:
+    (destructuring-bind ((uri lname qname) &rest attributes) *current-element*
+      (sax:start-element *sink* uri lname qname (reverse attributes)))
+    (setf *current-element* nil)))
+(defun invoke-with-namespace (fn prefix uri)
+  (let ((*unparse-namespace-bindings*
+	 (acons prefix uri *unparse-namespace-bindings*))
+	(*current-namespace-bindings*
+	 (acons prefix uri *current-namespace-bindings*)))
+    (sax:start-prefix-mapping *sink* prefix uri)
+    (multiple-value-prog1
+	(funcall fn)
+      (sax:end-prefix-mapping *sink* prefix))))
+(defun invoke-with-element (fn qname)
+  (setf qname (rod qname))
+  (multiple-value-bind (prefix lname)
+      (split-qname qname)
+    (invoke-with-element* fn prefix lname qname)))
+(defun find-unparse-namespace (prefix)
+  (cdr (assoc prefix *unparse-namespace-bindings* :test 'equal)))
+(defun invoke-with-element* (fn prefix lname &optional qname)
+  (setf prefix (when prefix (rod prefix)))
+  (setf lname (rod lname))
+  (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+  (let* ((qname (or qname
+		    (if prefix (concatenate 'rod prefix #":" lname) lname)))
+	 (uri (find-unparse-namespace (or prefix #"")))
+	 (*current-element*
+	  (cons (list uri lname qname)
+		(mapcar (lambda (x)
+			  (destructuring-bind (prefix &rest uri) x
+			    (sax:make-attribute
+			     :namespace-uri #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"
+			     :local-name prefix
+			     :qname (if (zerop (length prefix))
+					#"xmlns"
+					(concatenate 'rod #"xmlns:" prefix))
+			     :value uri)))
+			*current-namespace-bindings*))))
+    (multiple-value-prog1
+        (let ((*current-namespace-bindings* nil))
+	  (funcall fn))
+      (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+      (sax:end-element *sink* uri lname qname))))
+(defgeneric unparse-attribute (value))
+(defmethod unparse-attribute ((value string)) value)
+(defmethod unparse-attribute ((value null)) nil)
+(defmethod unparse-attribute ((value integer)) (write-to-string value))
+(defun attribute (qname value)
+  (setf qname (rod qname))
+  (multiple-value-bind (prefix lname)
+      (split-qname qname)
+    (attribute* prefix lname value qname)))
+(defun attribute* (prefix lname value &optional qname)
+  (setf value (unparse-attribute value))
+  (when value
+    (setf prefix (when prefix (rod prefix)))
+    (setf lname (rod lname))
+    (push (sax:make-attribute
+	   :namespace-uri (find-unparse-namespace prefix)
+	   :local-name lname
+	   :qname (or qname
+		      (if prefix (concatenate 'rod prefix #":" lname) lname))
+	   :value (rod value))
+	  (cdr *current-element*))))
+(defun cdata (data)
+  (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+  (sax:start-cdata *sink*)
+  (sax:characters *sink* (rod data))
+  (sax:end-cdata *sink*)
+  data)
+(defun text (data)
+  (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+  (sax:characters *sink* (rod data))
+  data)

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/util.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/util.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: RUNES; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Some common utilities for the Closure browser
+;;;   Created: 1997-12-27
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1997-1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as clarified
+;;; by the "Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License" found in
+;;; the file COPYING.
+;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
+;;; COPYING that was distributed with this file.  If it is not present,
+;;; you can access it from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until
+;;; superseded by a newer version) or write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+;; Changes
+;;  When        Who     What
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;  1999-08-24  GB      = fixed MULTIPLE-VALUE-OR it now takes any number of
+;;                        subforms
+(in-package :cxml)
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  Meta functions
+(defun curry (fun &rest args)
+  #'(lambda (&rest more)
+      (apply fun (append args more))))
+(defun rcurry (fun &rest args)
+  #'(lambda (&rest more)
+      (apply fun (append more args))))
+(defun compose (f g)
+  #'(lambda (&rest args)
+      (funcall f (apply g args))))
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  while and until
+(defmacro while (test &body body)
+  `(until (not ,test) , at body))
+(defmacro until (test &body body)
+  `(do () (,test) , at body))
+;; prime numbers
+(defun primep (n)
+  "Returns true, iff `n' is prime."
+  (and (> n 2)
+       (do ((i 2 (+ i 1)))
+           ((> (* i i) n) t)
+         (cond ((zerop (mod n i)) (return nil))))))
+(defun nearest-greater-prime (n)
+  "Returns the smallest prime number no less than `n'."
+  (cond ((primep n) n)
+        ((nearest-greater-prime (+ n 1)))))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xml-name-rune-p.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xml-name-rune-p.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+;;;; xml-name-rune-p -- character class definitions
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+(in-package :cxml)
+   (compile 
+    nil
+    '(lambda ()
+      (let ((+max+ #xD800)
+	    (base-char-ranges
+	     #((#x0041 #x005A) (#x0061 #x007A) (#x00C0 #x00D6) (#x00D8 #x00F6)
+	       (#x00F8 #x00FF) (#x0100 #x0131) (#x0134 #x013E) (#x0141 #x0148)
+	       (#x014A #x017E) (#x0180 #x01C3) (#x01CD #x01F0) (#x01F4 #x01F5)
+	       (#x01FA #x0217) (#x0250 #x02A8) (#x02BB #x02C1) (#x0386 #x0386)
+	       (#x0388 #x038A) (#x038C #x038C) (#x038E #x03A1) (#x03A3 #x03CE)
+	       (#x03D0 #x03D6) (#x03DA #x03DA) (#x03DC #x03DC) (#x03DE #x03DE)
+	       (#x03E0 #x03E0) (#x03E2 #x03F3) (#x0401 #x040C) (#x040E #x044F)
+	       (#x0451 #x045C) (#x045E #x0481) (#x0490 #x04C4) (#x04C7 #x04C8)
+	       (#x04CB #x04CC) (#x04D0 #x04EB) (#x04EE #x04F5) (#x04F8 #x04F9)
+	       (#x0531 #x0556) (#x0559 #x0559) (#x0561 #x0586) (#x05D0 #x05EA)
+	       (#x05F0 #x05F2) (#x0621 #x063A) (#x0641 #x064A) (#x0671 #x06B7)
+	       (#x06BA #x06BE) (#x06C0 #x06CE) (#x06D0 #x06D3) (#x06D5 #x06D5)
+	       (#x06E5 #x06E6) (#x0905 #x0939) (#x093D #x093D) (#x0958 #x0961)
+	       (#x0985 #x098C) (#x098F #x0990) (#x0993 #x09A8) (#x09AA #x09B0)
+	       (#x09B2 #x09B2) (#x09B6 #x09B9) (#x09DC #x09DD) (#x09DF #x09E1)
+	       (#x09F0 #x09F1) (#x0A05 #x0A0A) (#x0A0F #x0A10) (#x0A13 #x0A28)
+	       (#x0A2A #x0A30) (#x0A32 #x0A33) (#x0A35 #x0A36) (#x0A38 #x0A39)
+	       (#x0A59 #x0A5C) (#x0A5E #x0A5E) (#x0A72 #x0A74) (#x0A85 #x0A8B)
+	       (#x0A8D #x0A8D) (#x0A8F #x0A91) (#x0A93 #x0AA8) (#x0AAA #x0AB0)
+	       (#x0AB2 #x0AB3) (#x0AB5 #x0AB9) (#x0ABD #x0ABD) (#x0AE0 #x0AE0)
+	       (#x0B05 #x0B0C) (#x0B0F #x0B10) (#x0B13 #x0B28) (#x0B2A #x0B30)
+	       (#x0B32 #x0B33) (#x0B36 #x0B39) (#x0B3D #x0B3D) (#x0B5C #x0B5D)
+	       (#x0B5F #x0B61) (#x0B85 #x0B8A) (#x0B8E #x0B90) (#x0B92 #x0B95)
+	       (#x0B99 #x0B9A) (#x0B9C #x0B9C) (#x0B9E #x0B9F) (#x0BA3 #x0BA4)
+	       (#x0BA8 #x0BAA) (#x0BAE #x0BB5) (#x0BB7 #x0BB9) (#x0C05 #x0C0C)
+	       (#x0C0E #x0C10) (#x0C12 #x0C28) (#x0C2A #x0C33) (#x0C35 #x0C39)
+	       (#x0C60 #x0C61) (#x0C85 #x0C8C) (#x0C8E #x0C90) (#x0C92 #x0CA8)
+	       (#x0CAA #x0CB3) (#x0CB5 #x0CB9) (#x0CDE #x0CDE) (#x0CE0 #x0CE1)
+	       (#x0D05 #x0D0C) (#x0D0E #x0D10) (#x0D12 #x0D28) (#x0D2A #x0D39)
+	       (#x0D60 #x0D61) (#x0E01 #x0E2E) (#x0E30 #x0E30) (#x0E32 #x0E33)
+	       (#x0E40 #x0E45) (#x0E81 #x0E82) (#x0E84 #x0E84) (#x0E87 #x0E88)
+	       (#x0E8A #x0E8A) (#x0E8D #x0E8D) (#x0E94 #x0E97) (#x0E99 #x0E9F)
+	       (#x0EA1 #x0EA3) (#x0EA5 #x0EA5) (#x0EA7 #x0EA7) (#x0EAA #x0EAB)
+	       (#x0EAD #x0EAE) (#x0EB0 #x0EB0) (#x0EB2 #x0EB3) (#x0EBD #x0EBD)
+	       (#x0EC0 #x0EC4) (#x0F40 #x0F47) (#x0F49 #x0F69) (#x10A0 #x10C5)
+	       (#x10D0 #x10F6) (#x1100 #x1100) (#x1102 #x1103) (#x1105 #x1107)
+	       (#x1109 #x1109) (#x110B #x110C) (#x110E #x1112) (#x113C #x113C)
+	       (#x113E #x113E) (#x1140 #x1140) (#x114C #x114C) (#x114E #x114E)
+	       (#x1150 #x1150) (#x1154 #x1155) (#x1159 #x1159) (#x115F #x1161)
+	       (#x1163 #x1163) (#x1165 #x1165) (#x1167 #x1167) (#x1169 #x1169)
+	       (#x116D #x116E) (#x1172 #x1173) (#x1175 #x1175) (#x119E #x119E)
+	       (#x11A8 #x11A8) (#x11AB #x11AB) (#x11AE #x11AF) (#x11B7 #x11B8)
+	       (#x11BA #x11BA) (#x11BC #x11C2) (#x11EB #x11EB) (#x11F0 #x11F0)
+	       (#x11F9 #x11F9) (#x1E00 #x1E9B) (#x1EA0 #x1EF9) (#x1F00 #x1F15)
+	       (#x1F18 #x1F1D) (#x1F20 #x1F45) (#x1F48 #x1F4D) (#x1F50 #x1F57)
+	       (#x1F59 #x1F59) (#x1F5B #x1F5B) (#x1F5D #x1F5D) (#x1F5F #x1F7D)
+	       (#x1F80 #x1FB4) (#x1FB6 #x1FBC) (#x1FBE #x1FBE) (#x1FC2 #x1FC4)
+	       (#x1FC6 #x1FCC) (#x1FD0 #x1FD3) (#x1FD6 #x1FDB) (#x1FE0 #x1FEC)
+	       (#x1FF2 #x1FF4) (#x1FF6 #x1FFC) (#x2126 #x2126) (#x212A #x212B)
+	       (#x212E #x212E) (#x2180 #x2182) (#x3041 #x3094) (#x30A1 #x30FA)
+	       (#x3105 #x312C) (#xAC00 #xD7A3)))
+	    (ideographic-ranges #((#x3007 #x3007) (#x3021 #x3029)(#x4E00 #x9FA5)))
+	    (combining-char-ranges
+	     #((#x0300 #x0345) (#x0360 #x0361) (#x0483 #x0486) (#x0591 #x05A1)
+	       (#x05A3 #x05B9) (#x05BB #x05BD) (#x05BF #x05BF) (#x05C1 #x05C2)
+	       (#x05C4 #x05C4) (#x064B #x0652) (#x0670 #x0670) (#x06D6 #x06DC)
+	       (#x06DD #x06DF) (#x06E0 #x06E4) (#x06E7 #x06E8) (#x06EA #x06ED)
+	       (#x0901 #x0903) (#x093C #x093C) (#x093E #x094C) (#x094D #x094D)
+	       (#x0951 #x0954) (#x0962 #x0963) (#x0981 #x0983) (#x09BC #x09BC)
+	       (#x09BE #x09BE) (#x09BF #x09BF) (#x09C0 #x09C4) (#x09C7 #x09C8)
+	       (#x09CB #x09CD) (#x09D7 #x09D7) (#x09E2 #x09E3) (#x0A02 #x0A02)
+	       (#x0A3C #x0A3C) (#x0A3E #x0A3E) (#x0A3F #x0A3F) (#x0A40 #x0A42)
+	       (#x0A47 #x0A48) (#x0A4B #x0A4D) (#x0A70 #x0A71) (#x0A81 #x0A83)
+	       (#x0ABC #x0ABC) (#x0ABE #x0AC5) (#x0AC7 #x0AC9) (#x0ACB #x0ACD)
+	       (#x0B01 #x0B03) (#x0B3C #x0B3C) (#x0B3E #x0B43) (#x0B47 #x0B48)
+	       (#x0B4B #x0B4D) (#x0B56 #x0B57) (#x0B82 #x0B83) (#x0BBE #x0BC2)
+	       (#x0BC6 #x0BC8) (#x0BCA #x0BCD) (#x0BD7 #x0BD7) (#x0C01 #x0C03)
+	       (#x0C3E #x0C44) (#x0C46 #x0C48) (#x0C4A #x0C4D) (#x0C55 #x0C56)
+	       (#x0C82 #x0C83) (#x0CBE #x0CC4) (#x0CC6 #x0CC8) (#x0CCA #x0CCD)
+	       (#x0CD5 #x0CD6) (#x0D02 #x0D03) (#x0D3E #x0D43) (#x0D46 #x0D48)
+	       (#x0D4A #x0D4D) (#x0D57 #x0D57) (#x0E31 #x0E31) (#x0E34 #x0E3A)
+	       (#x0E47 #x0E4E) (#x0EB1 #x0EB1) (#x0EB4 #x0EB9) (#x0EBB #x0EBC)
+	       (#x0EC8 #x0ECD) (#x0F18 #x0F19) (#x0F35 #x0F35) (#x0F37 #x0F37)
+	       (#x0F39 #x0F39) (#x0F3E #x0F3E) (#x0F3F #x0F3F) (#x0F71 #x0F84)
+	       (#x0F86 #x0F8B) (#x0F90 #x0F95) (#x0F97 #x0F97) (#x0F99 #x0FAD)
+	       (#x0FB1 #x0FB7) (#x0FB9 #x0FB9) (#x20D0 #x20DC) (#x20E1 #x20E1)
+	       (#x302A #x302F) (#x3099 #x3099) (#x309A #x309A))
+	      )
+	    (digit-ranges
+	     #((#x0030 #x0039) (#x0660 #x0669) (#x06F0 #x06F9) (#x0966 #x096F)
+	       (#x09E6 #x09EF) (#x0A66 #x0A6F) (#x0AE6 #x0AEF) (#x0B66 #x0B6F)
+	       (#x0BE7 #x0BEF) (#x0C66 #x0C6F) (#x0CE6 #x0CEF) (#x0D66 #x0D6F)
+	       (#x0E50 #x0E59) (#x0ED0 #x0ED9) (#x0F20 #x0F29)))
+	    (extender-ranges
+	     #((#x00B7 #x00B7) (#x02D0 #x02D0) (#x02D1 #x02D1) (#x0387 #x0387)
+	       (#x0640 #x0640) (#x0E46 #x0E46) (#x0EC6 #x0EC6) (#x3005 #x3005)
+	       (#x3031 #x3035) (#x309D #x309E) (#x30FC #x30FE))))
+        (labels
+            ((rune-in-range-p (code range-vector)
+	       (declare (type simple-vector range-vector))
+	       ;;we were always dealing with a sorted vector... bin search it
+	       (let ((start 0)
+		     (end (length range-vector)))
+		 (while (< start end)
+		   (let ((mid-index (+ start (floor (- end start) 2))))
+		     (destructuring-bind (mid-item-low mid-item-high)
+			 (aref range-vector mid-index)
+		       (cond
+			 ((< mid-item-high code)
+			   (setf start (1+ mid-index)))
+			 ((< code mid-item-low)
+			   (setf end mid-index))
+			 (t
+			   (return t))))))))
+	     (name-start-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (letter-rune-p rune)
+                   (= #.(char-code #\_) rune)
+                   (= #.(char-code #\:) rune)))
+             (name-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (letter-rune-p rune)
+                   (digit-rune-p* rune)
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\.))
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\-))
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\_))
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\:))
+                   (combining-rune-p rune)
+                   (extender-rune-p rune)))
+             (letter-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (base-rune-p rune)
+                   (ideographic-rune-p rune)))
+             (digit-rune-p* (rune)
+               (rune-in-range-p rune digit-ranges))
+             (combining-rune-p (rune)
+               (rune-in-range-p rune combining-char-ranges))
+             (extender-rune-p (rune)
+               (rune-in-range-p rune extender-ranges))
+             (base-rune-p (rune)
+               (rune-in-range-p rune base-char-ranges))
+             (ideographic-rune-p (rune)
+               (rune-in-range-p rune ideographic-ranges))
+             (predicate-to-bv (p)
+               (let ((r (make-array +max+ :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)))
+                 (dotimes (i +max+ r)
+                   (when (funcall p i)
+                     (setf (aref r i) 1))))) )
+          `(progn
+				(type fixnum rune))
+		(AND (<= 0 RUNE ,+max+)
+		     (= 1 (SBIT ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-rune-p)
+				RUNE)))))
+				(type fixnum rune))
+		(AND (<= 0 RUNE ,+MAX+)
+		     (= 1 (SBIT ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-start-rune-p)
+				RUNE)))))
+	    (definline valid-name-p (rod)
+	      (and (plusp (length rod))
+		   (name-start-rune-p (elt rod 0))
+		   (every #'name-rune-p rod)))
+	    (definline valid-nmtoken-p (rod)
+	      (and (plusp (length rod))
+		   (every #'name-rune-p rod)))))))))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xml-parse.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xml-parse.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,3732 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CXML; readtable: runes; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: XML parser
+;;;   Created: 1999-07-17
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;    Author: Henrik Motakef <hmot at henrik-motakef.de>
+;;;    Author: David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;;  (c) copyright 2003 by Henrik Motakef
+;;;  (c) copyright 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;;  (c) copyright 2004 David Lichteblau
+;;;  (c) copyright 2005 David Lichteblau
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+;;; Streams
+;;; xstreams
+;; For reading runes, I defined my own streams, called xstreams,
+;; because we want to be fast. A function call or even a method call
+;; per character is not acceptable, instead of that we define a
+;; buffered stream with and advertised buffer layout, so that we
+;; could use the trick stdio uses: READ-RUNE and PEEK-RUNE are macros,
+;; directly accessing the buffer and only calling some underflow
+;; handler in case of stream underflows. This will yield to quite a
+;; performance boost vs calling READ-BYTE per character.
+;; Also we need to do encoding t conversion on ; this better done at large chunks of data rather than on a character
+;; by character basis. This way we need a dispatch on the active
+;; encoding only once in a while, instead of for each character. This
+;; allows us to use a CLOS interface to do the underflow handling.
+;;; zstreams
+;; Now, for reading tokens, we define another kind of streams, called
+;; zstreams. These zstreams also maintain an input stack to implement
+;; inclusion of external entities. This input stack contains xstreams
+;; or the special marker :STOP. Such a :STOP marker indicates, that
+;; input should not continue there, but well stop; that is simulate an
+;; EOF. The user is then responsible to pop this marker off the input
+;; stack.
+;; This input stack is also used to detect circular entity inclusion.
+;; The zstream tokenizer recognizes the following types of tokens and
+;; is controlled by the *DATA-BEHAVIOUR* flag. (Which should become a
+;; slot of zstreams instead).
+;; Common
+;;    :xml-decl (<target> . <content>)    ;processing-instruction starting with "<?xml"
+;;    :pi (<target> . <content>)        ;processing-instruction
+;;    :stag (<name> . <atts>)           ;start tag
+;;    :etag (<name> . <atts>)           ;end tag
+;;    :ztag (<name> . <atts>)           ;empty tag
+;;    :<!ELEMENT
+;;    :<!ENTITY
+;;    :<!ATTLIST
+;;    :<!NOTATION
+;;    :<!DOCTYPE
+;;    :<![
+;;    :comment <content>
+;; *data-behaviour* = :DTD
+;;    :nmtoken <interned-rod>
+;;    :#required
+;;    :#implied
+;;    :#fixed
+;;    :#pcdata
+;;    :s
+;;    :\[ :\] :\( :\) :|\ :\> :\" :\' :\, :\? :\* :\+
+;; *data-behaviour* = :DOC
+;;    :entity-ref <interned-rod>
+;;    :cdata <rod>
+;;; TODO
+;; o provide for a faster DOM
+;; o morph zstream into a context object and thus also get rid of
+;;   special variables. Put the current DTD there too.
+;;   [partly done]
+;; o the *scratch-pad* hack should become something much more
+;;   reentrant, we could either define a system-wide resource
+;;   or allocate some scratch-pads per context.
+;;   [for thread-safety reasons the array are allocated per context now,
+;;   reentrancy is still open]
+;; o CR handling in utf-16 deocders
+;; o UCS-4 reader
+;; o max depth together with circle detection
+;;   (or proof, that our circle detection is enough).
+;;   [gemeint ist zstream-push--david]
+;; o better extensibility wrt character representation, one may want to
+;;   have
+;;    - UCS-4  in vectoren
+;; o xstreams auslagern, documententieren und dann auch in SGML und
+;;   CSS parser verwenden. (halt alles was zeichen liest).
+;;   [ausgelagert sind sie; dokumentiert "so la la"; die Reintegration
+;;   in Closure ist ein ganz anderes Thema]
+;; o recording of source locations for nodes.
+;; o based on the DTD and xml:space attribute implement HTML white
+;;   space rules.
+;; o on a parser option, do not expand external entities.
+;;;; Validity constraints:
+;;;; (00) Root Element Type                     like (03), c.f. MAKE-ROOT-MODEL
+;;;; (01) Proper Declaration/PE Nesting         P/MARKUP-DECL
+;;;; (02) Standalone Document Declaration       all over the place [*]
+;;;; (03) Element Valid                         VALIDATE-*-ELEMENT, -CHARACTERS
+;;;; (04) Attribute Value Type                  VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (05) Unique Element Type Declaration       DEFINE-ELEMENT
+;;;; (06) Proper Group/PE Nesting               P/CSPEC
+;;;; (07) No Duplicate Types                    LEGAL-CONTENT-MODEL-P
+;;;; (08) ID                                    VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (09) One ID per Element Type               DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (10) ID Attribute Default                  DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (11) IDREF                                 VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE, P/DOCUMENT
+;;;; (12) Entity Name                           VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (13) Name Token                            VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (14) Notation Attributes                   VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE, P/ATT-TYPE
+;;;; (15) One Notation Per Element Type         DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (16) No Notation on Empty Element          DEFINE-ELEMENT, -ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (17) Enumeration                           VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (18) Required Attribute                    PROCESS-ATTRIBUTES
+;;;; (19) Attribute Default Legal               DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (20) Fixed Attribute Default               VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (21) Proper Conditional Section/PE Nesting P/CONDITIONAL-SECT, ...
+;;;; (22) Entity Declared                       [**]
+;;;; (23) Notation Declared                     P/ENTITY-DEF, P/DOCUMENT
+;;;; (24) Unique Notation Name                  DEFINE-NOTATION
+;;;; [*] Perhaps we could revert the explicit checks of (02), if we did
+;;;; _not_ read external subsets of standalone documents when parsing in
+;;;; validating mode.  Violations of VC (02) constraints would then appear as
+;;;; wellformedness violations, right?
+;;;; [**] Although I haven't investigated this properly yet, I believe that
+;;;; we check this VC together with the WFC even in non-validating mode.
+(in-package :cxml)
+(setf (excl:named-readtable :runes) *readtable*)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defparameter *fast* '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+  ;;(defparameter *fast* '(optimize (speed 2) (safety 3)))
+  )
+;;; parser context
+(defvar *ctx* nil)
+(defstruct (context (:conc-name nil))
+  handler
+  (dtd nil)
+  model-stack
+  ;; xml:base machen wir fuer klacks mal gleich als expliziten stack:
+  base-stack
+  (referenced-notations '())
+  (id-table (%make-rod-hash-table))
+  ;; FIXME: Wofuer ist name-hashtable da?  Will man das wissen?
+  (name-hashtable (make-rod-hashtable :size 2000))
+  (standalone-p nil)
+  (entity-resolver nil)
+  (disallow-internal-subset nil)
+  main-zstream)
+(defvar *expand-pe-p* nil)
+(defparameter *initial-namespace-bindings*
+  '((#"" . nil)
+    (#"xmlns" . #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+    (#"xml" . #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")))
+(defparameter *namespace-bindings* *initial-namespace-bindings*)
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; xstreams
+(defstruct (stream-name
+	    (:print-function print-stream-name))
+  entity-name
+  entity-kind
+  uri)
+(defun print-stream-name (object stream depth)
+  (declare (ignore depth))
+  (format stream "[~A ~S ~A]"
+	  (rod-string (stream-name-entity-name object))
+	  (stream-name-entity-kind object)
+	  (stream-name-uri object)))
+(deftype read-element () 'rune)
+(defun call-with-open-xstream (fn stream)
+  (unwind-protect
+      (funcall fn stream)
+    (close-xstream stream)))
+(defmacro with-open-xstream ((var value) &body body)
+  `(call-with-open-xstream (lambda (,var) , at body) ,value))
+(defun call-with-open-xfile (continuation &rest open-args)
+  (let ((input (apply #'open (car open-args) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) (cdr open-args))))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (progn
+          (funcall continuation (make-xstream input)))
+      (close input))))
+(defmacro with-open-xfile ((stream &rest open-args) &body body)
+  `(call-with-open-xfile (lambda (,stream) .,body) .,open-args))
+;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Rechnen mit Runen
+;; Let us first define fast fixnum arithmetric get rid of type
+;; checks. (After all we know what we do here).
+(defmacro fx-op (op &rest xs)
+  `(the fixnum (,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs))))
+(defmacro fx-pred (op &rest xs)
+  `(,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs)))
+(defmacro %+   (&rest xs) `(fx-op + , at xs))
+(defmacro %-   (&rest xs) `(fx-op - , at xs))
+(defmacro %*   (&rest xs) `(fx-op * , at xs))
+(defmacro %/   (&rest xs) `(fx-op floor , at xs))
+(defmacro %and (&rest xs) `(fx-op logand , at xs))
+(defmacro %ior (&rest xs) `(fx-op logior , at xs))
+(defmacro %xor (&rest xs) `(fx-op logxor , at xs))
+(defmacro %ash (&rest xs) `(fx-op ash , at xs))
+(defmacro %mod (&rest xs) `(fx-op mod , at xs))
+(defmacro %=  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred = , at xs))
+(defmacro %<= (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred <= , at xs))
+(defmacro %>= (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred >= , at xs))
+(defmacro %<  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred < , at xs))
+(defmacro %>  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred > , at xs))
+;;; XXX Geschwindigkeit dieser Definitionen untersuchen!
+(defmacro rune-op (op &rest xs)
+  `(code-rune (,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(rune-code ,x)) xs))))
+(defmacro rune-pred (op &rest xs)
+  `(,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(rune-code ,x)) xs)))
+(defmacro %rune+   (&rest xs) `(rune-op + , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-   (&rest xs) `(rune-op - , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune*   (&rest xs) `(rune-op * , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune/   (&rest xs) `(rune-op floor , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-and (&rest xs) `(rune-op logand , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-ior (&rest xs) `(rune-op logior , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-xor (&rest xs) `(rune-op logxor , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-ash (a b) `(code-rune (ash (rune-code ,a) ,b)))
+(defmacro %rune-mod (&rest xs) `(rune-op mod , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune=  (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred = , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune<= (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred <= , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune>= (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred >= , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune<  (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred < , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune>  (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred > , at xs))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; rod hashtable
+;;; make-rod-hashtable
+;;; rod-hash-get hashtable rod &optional start end -> value ; successp
+;;; (setf (rod-hash-get hashtable rod &optional start end) new-value
+(defstruct (rod-hashtable (:constructor make-rod-hashtable/low))
+  size          ;size of table
+  table         ;
+  )
+(defun make-rod-hashtable (&key (size 200))
+  (setf size (nearest-greater-prime size))
+  (make-rod-hashtable/low
+   :size size
+   :table (make-array size :initial-element nil)))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defconstant +fixnum-bits+
+      (1- (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))
+    "Pessimistic approximation of the number of bits of fixnums.")
+  (defconstant +fixnum-mask+
+      (1- (expt 2 +fixnum-bits+))
+    "Pessimistic approximation of the largest bit-mask, still being a fixnum."))
+(definline stir (a b)
+  (%and +fixnum-mask+
+        (%xor (%ior (%ash (%and a #.(ash +fixnum-mask+ -5)) 5)
+                    (%ash a #.(- 5 +fixnum-bits+)))
+              b)))
+(definline rod-hash (rod start end)
+  "Compute a hash code out of a rod."
+  (let ((res (%- end start)))
+    (do ((i start (%+ i 1)))
+        ((%= i end))
+      (declare (type fixnum i))
+      (setf res (stir res (rune-code (%rune rod i)))))
+    res))
+(definline rod=* (x y &key (start1 0) (end1 (length x))
+                          (start2 0) (end2 (length y)))
+  (and (%= (%- end1 start1) (%- end2 start2))
+       (do ((i start1 (%+ i 1))
+            (j start2 (%+ j 1)))
+           ((%= i end1)
+            t)
+         (unless (rune= (%rune x i) (%rune y j))
+           (return nil)))))
+(definline rod=** (x y start1 end1 start2 end2)
+  (and (%= (%- end1 start1) (%- end2 start2))
+       (do ((i start1 (%+ i 1))
+            (j start2 (%+ j 1)))
+           ((%= i end1)
+            t)
+         (unless (rune= (%rune x i) (%rune y j))
+           (return nil)))))
+(defun rod-hash-get (hashtable rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) rod))
+  (let ((j (%mod (rod-hash rod start end)
+                 (rod-hashtable-size hashtable))))
+    (dolist (q (svref (rod-hashtable-table hashtable) j)
+               (values nil nil nil))
+      (declare (type cons q))
+      (when (rod=** (car q) rod 0 (length (the (simple-array rune (*)) (car q))) start end)
+        (return (values (cdr q) t (car q)))))))
+(defun rod-hash-set (new-value hashtable rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (let ((j (%mod (rod-hash rod start end)
+                 (rod-hashtable-size hashtable)))
+        (key nil))
+    (dolist (q (svref (rod-hashtable-table hashtable) j)
+              (progn
+                (setf key (rod-subseq* rod start end))
+                (push (cons key new-value)
+                      (aref (rod-hashtable-table hashtable) j))))
+      (when (rod=* (car q) rod :start2 start :end2 end)
+        (setf key (car q))
+        (setf (cdr q) new-value)
+        (return)))
+    (values new-value key)))
+(defun rod-subseq* (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (unless (and (typep start 'fixnum) (>= start 0))
+    (error "~S is not a non-negative fixnum." start))
+  (unless (and (typep end 'fixnum) (>= end start))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, is not a fixnum no less than START, ~S." end start))
+  (when (> start (length source))
+    (error "START argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." start))
+  (when (> end (length source))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." end))
+  (locally
+      (declare (type fixnum start end))
+    (let ((res (make-rod (- end start))))
+      (declare (type rod res))
+      (do ((i (- (- end start) 1) (the fixnum (- i 1))))
+          ((< i 0) res)
+        (declare (type fixnum i))
+        (setf (%rune res i) (aref source (the fixnum (+ i start))))))))
+(defun rod-subseq* (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (subseq source start end))
+(deftype ufixnum () `(unsigned-byte ,(integer-length most-positive-fixnum)))
+(defun rod-subseq** (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) source)
+           (type ufixnum start)
+           (type ufixnum end)
+           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+  (let ((res (make-array (%- end start) :element-type 'rune)))
+    (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) res))
+    (let ((i (%- end start)))
+      (declare (type ufixnum i))
+      (loop
+        (setf i (- i 1))
+        (when (= i 0)
+          (return))
+        (setf (%rune res i) (%rune source (the ufixnum (+ i start))))))
+    res))
+(defun rod-subseq** (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (subseq source start end))
+(defun (setf rod-hash-get) (new-value hashtable rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (rod-hash-set new-value hashtable rod start end))
+(defun intern-name (rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (value successp key) (rod-hash-get (name-hashtable *ctx*) rod start end)
+    (declare (ignore value))
+    (if successp
+        key
+      (nth-value 1 (rod-hash-set t (name-hashtable *ctx*) rod start end)))))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  rod collector
+(defvar *scratch-pad*)
+(defvar *scratch-pad-2*)
+(defvar *scratch-pad-3*)
+(defvar *scratch-pad-4*)
+(declaim (type (simple-array rune (*))
+               *scratch-pad* *scratch-pad-2* *scratch-pad-3* *scratch-pad-4*))
+(defmacro with-scratch-pads ((&optional) &body body)
+  `(let ((*scratch-pad* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune))
+         (*scratch-pad-2* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune))
+         (*scratch-pad-3* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune))
+         (*scratch-pad-4* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune)))
+     , at body))
+(defmacro %put-unicode-char (code-var put)
+  `(progn
+     (cond ((%> ,code-var #xFFFF)
+          (,put (the rune (code-rune (%+ #xD7C0 (%ash ,code-var -10)))))
+          (,put (the rune (code-rune (%ior #xDC00 (%and ,code-var #x03FF))))))
+         (t
+          (,put (code-rune ,code-var))))))
+(defun adjust-array-by-copying (old-array new-size)
+  "Adjust an array by copying and thus ensures, that result is a SIMPLE-ARRAY."
+  (let ((res (make-array new-size :element-type (array-element-type old-array))))
+    (replace res old-array
+             :start1 0 :end1 (length old-array)
+             :start2 0 :end2 (length old-array))
+    res))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-aux (scratch collect body mode)
+  (let ((rod (gensym))
+        (n (gensym))
+        (i (gensym))
+        (b (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,n (length ,scratch))
+           (,i 0)
+           (,b ,scratch))
+       (declare (type fixnum ,n ,i))
+       (macrolet
+           ((,collect (x)
+              `((lambda (x)
+                  (locally
+                      (declare #.*fast*)
+                    (when (%>= ,',i ,',n)
+                      (setf ,',n (* 2 ,',n))
+                      (setf ,',b
+                            (setf ,',scratch
+                                  (adjust-array-by-copying ,',scratch ,',n))))
+                    (setf (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,',b) ,',i) x)
+                    (incf ,',i)))
+                ,x)))
+         , at body
+         ,(ecase mode
+            (:intern
+             `(intern-name ,b 0 ,i))
+            (:copy
+             `(let ((,rod (make-rod ,i)))
+                (while (not (%= ,i 0))
+                       (setf ,i (%- ,i 1))
+                       (setf (%rune ,rod ,i)
+                         (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,b) ,i)))
+                ,rod))
+            (:raw
+             `(values ,b 0 ,i))
+            )))))
+'(defmacro with-rune-collector-aux (scratch collect body mode)
+  (let ((rod (gensym))
+        (n (gensym))
+        (i (gensym))
+        (b (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,n (length ,scratch))
+           (,i 0))
+       (declare (type fixnum ,n ,i))
+       (macrolet
+           ((,collect (x)
+              `((lambda (x)
+                  (locally
+                      (declare #.*fast*)
+                    (when (%>= ,',i ,',n)
+                      (setf ,',n (* 2 ,',n))
+                      (setf ,',scratch
+                            (setf ,',scratch
+                                  (adjust-array-by-copying ,',scratch ,',n))))
+                    (setf (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,',scratch) ,',i) x)
+                    (incf ,',i)))
+                ,x)))
+         , at body
+         ,(ecase mode
+            (:intern
+             `(intern-name ,scratch 0 ,i))
+            (:copy
+             `(let ((,rod (make-rod ,i)))
+                (while (%> ,i 0)
+                       (setf ,i (%- ,i 1))
+                       (setf (%rune ,rod ,i)
+                         (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,scratch) ,i)))
+                ,rod))
+            (:raw
+             `(values ,scratch 0 ,i))
+            )))))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-2 ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad-2* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-3 ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad-3* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-4 ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad-4* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector/intern ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad* ,collect ,body :intern))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector/raw ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad* ,collect ,body :raw))
+(defmacro while-reading-runes ((reader stream-in) &rest body)
+  ;; Thou shalt not leave body via a non local exit
+  (let ((stream (make-symbol "STREAM"))
+        (rptr (make-symbol "RPTR"))
+        (fptr (make-symbol "FPTR"))
+        (buf  (make-symbol "BUF")) )
+    `(let* ((,stream ,stream-in)
+            (,rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,stream))
+            (,fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,stream))
+            (,buf  (xstream-buffer ,stream)))
+       (declare (type fixnum ,rptr ,fptr)
+                (type xstream ,stream))
+       (macrolet ((,reader (res-var)
+                    `(cond ((%= ,',rptr ,',fptr)
+                            (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,',stream) ,',rptr)
+                            (setf ,res-var (xstream-underflow ,',stream))
+                            (setf ,',rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,',stream))
+                            (setf ,',fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,',stream))
+                            (setf ,',buf  (xstream-buffer ,',stream)))
+                           (t
+                            (setf ,res-var
+                              (aref (the (simple-array read-element (*)) ,',buf)
+                                    (the fixnum ,',rptr)))
+                            (setf ,',rptr (%+ ,',rptr 1))))))
+         (prog1
+             (let () .,body)
+           (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,stream) ,rptr) )))))
+;;;;  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  DTD
+(define-condition xml-parse-error (simple-error) ())
+(define-condition well-formedness-violation (xml-parse-error) ())
+(define-condition validity-error (xml-parse-error) ())
+;; We make some effort to signal end of file as a special condition, but we
+;; don't actually try very hard.  Not sure whether we should.  Right now I
+;; would prefer not to document this class.
+(define-condition end-of-xstream (well-formedness-violation) ())
+(defun describe-xstream (x s)
+  (format s "  Line ~D, column ~D in ~A~%"
+	  (xstream-line-number x)
+	  (xstream-column-number x)
+	  (let ((name (xstream-name x)))
+	    (cond
+	      ((null name)
+		"<anonymous stream>")
+	      ((eq :main (stream-name-entity-kind name))
+		(stream-name-uri name))
+	      (t
+		name)))))
+(defun %error (class stream message)
+  (let* ((zmain (if *ctx* (main-zstream *ctx*) nil))
+	 (zstream (if (zstream-p stream) stream zmain))
+	 (xstream (if (xstream-p stream) stream nil))
+	 (s (make-string-output-stream)))
+    (write-line message s)
+    (when xstream
+      (write-line "Location:" s)
+      (describe-xstream xstream s))
+    (when zstream
+      (let ((stack
+	     (remove xstream (remove :stop (zstream-input-stack zstream)))))
+	(when stack
+	  (write-line "Context:" s)
+	  (dolist (x stack)
+	    (describe-xstream x s)))))
+    (when (and zmain (not (eq zstream zmain)))
+      (let ((stack
+	     (remove xstream (remove :stop (zstream-input-stack zmain)))))
+	(when stack
+	  (write-line "Context in main document:" s)
+	  (dolist (x stack)
+	    (describe-xstream x s)))))
+    (error class
+	   :format-control "~A"
+	   :format-arguments (list (get-output-stream-string s)))))
+(defun validity-error (fmt &rest args)
+  (%error 'validity-error
+	  nil
+	  (format nil "Document not valid: ~?" fmt args)))
+(defun wf-error (stream fmt &rest args)
+  (%error 'well-formedness-violation
+	  stream
+	  (format nil "Document not well-formed: ~?" fmt args)))
+(defun eox (stream &optional x &rest args)
+  (%error 'end-of-xstream
+	  stream
+	  (format nil "End of file~@[: ~?~]" x args)))
+(defclass cxml-parser (sax:sax-parser) ((ctx :initarg :ctx)))
+(defun parser-xstream (parser)
+  (car (zstream-input-stack (main-zstream (slot-value parser 'ctx)))))
+(defun parser-stream-name (parser)
+  (let ((xstream (parser-xstream parser)))
+    (if xstream
+	(xstream-name xstream)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod sax:line-number ((parser cxml-parser))
+  (let ((x (parser-xstream parser)))
+    (if x
+	(xstream-line-number x)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod sax:column-number ((parser cxml-parser))
+  (let ((x (parser-xstream parser)))
+    (if x
+	(xstream-column-number x)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod sax:system-id ((parser cxml-parser))
+  (let ((name (parser-stream-name parser)))
+    (if name
+	(stream-name-uri name)
+	nil)))
+(defmethod sax:xml-base ((parser cxml-parser))
+  (car (base-stack (slot-value parser 'ctx))))
+(defvar *validate* t)
+(defvar *external-subset-p* nil)
+(defun validate-start-element (ctx name)
+  (when *validate*
+    (let* ((pair (car (model-stack ctx)))
+           (newval (funcall (car pair) name)))
+      (unless newval
+        (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: ~A" (rod-string name)))
+      (setf (car pair) newval)
+      (let ((e (find-element name (dtd ctx))))
+        (unless e
+          (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: no definition for ~A"
+                          (rod-string name)))
+        (maybe-compile-cspec e)
+        (push (copy-cons (elmdef-compiled-cspec e)) (model-stack ctx))))))
+(defun copy-cons (x)
+  (cons (car x) (cdr x)))
+(defun validate-end-element (ctx name)
+  (when *validate*
+    (let ((pair (car (model-stack ctx))))
+      (unless (eq (funcall (car pair) nil) t)
+        (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: ~A" (rod-string name)))
+      (pop (model-stack ctx)))))
+(defun validate-characters (ctx rod)
+  (when *validate*
+    (let ((pair (car (model-stack ctx))))
+      (unless (funcall (cdr pair) rod)
+        (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: unexpected PCDATA")))))
+(defun standalone-check-necessary-p (def)
+  (and *validate*
+       (standalone-p *ctx*)
+       (etypecase def
+         (elmdef (elmdef-external-p def))
+         (attdef (attdef-external-p def)))))
+;; attribute validation, defaulting, and normalization -- except for for
+;; uniqueness checks, which are done after namespaces have been declared
+(defun process-attributes (ctx name attlist)
+  (let ((e (find-element name (dtd ctx))))
+    (cond
+      (e
+        (dolist (ad (elmdef-attributes e)) ;handle default values
+          (unless (get-attribute (attdef-name ad) attlist)
+            (case (attdef-default ad)
+              (:IMPLIED)
+              (:REQUIRED
+                (when *validate*
+                  (validity-error "(18) Required Attribute: ~S not specified"
+                                  (rod-string (attdef-name ad)))))
+              (t
+                (when (standalone-check-necessary-p ad)
+                  (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: missing attribute value"))
+                (push (sax:make-attribute :qname (attdef-name ad)
+					  :value (cadr (attdef-default ad))
+					  :specified-p nil)
+                      attlist)))))
+        (dolist (a attlist)		;normalize non-CDATA values
+          (let* ((qname (sax:attribute-qname a))
+                 (adef (find-attribute e qname)))
+	    (when adef
+	      (when (and *validate*
+			 sax:*namespace-processing*
+			 (eq (attdef-type adef) :ID)
+			 (find #/: (sax:attribute-value a)))
+		(validity-error "colon in ID attribute"))
+	      (unless (eq (attdef-type adef) :CDATA)
+		(let ((canon (canon-not-cdata-attval (sax:attribute-value a))))
+		  (when (and (standalone-check-necessary-p adef)
+			     (not (rod= (sax:attribute-value a) canon)))
+		    (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: attribute value not normalized"))
+		  (setf (sax:attribute-value a) canon))))))
+        (when *validate*		;maybe validate attribute values
+          (dolist (a attlist)
+            (validate-attribute ctx e a))))
+      ((and *validate* attlist)
+        (validity-error "(04) Attribute Value Type: no definition for element ~A"
+                        (rod-string name)))))
+  attlist)
+(defun get-attribute (name attributes)
+  (member name attributes :key #'sax:attribute-qname :test #'rod=))
+(defun validate-attribute (ctx e a)
+  (when (sax:attribute-specified-p a)   ;defaults checked by DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+    (let* ((qname (sax:attribute-qname a))
+           (adef
+            (or (find-attribute e qname)
+                (validity-error "(04) Attribute Value Type: not declared: ~A"
+                                (rod-string qname)))))
+      (validate-attribute* ctx adef (sax:attribute-value a)))))
+(defun validate-attribute* (ctx adef value)
+  (let ((type (attdef-type adef))
+        (default (attdef-default adef)))
+    (when (and (listp default)
+               (eq (car default) :FIXED)
+               (not (rod= value (cadr default))))
+      (validity-error "(20) Fixed Attribute Default: expected ~S but got ~S"
+                      (rod-string (cadr default))
+                      (rod-string value)))
+    (ecase (if (listp type) (car type) type)
+      (:ID
+        (unless (valid-name-p value)
+          (validity-error "(08) ID: not a name: ~S" (rod-string value)))
+        (when (eq (gethash value (id-table ctx)) t)
+          (validity-error "(08) ID: ~S not unique" (rod-string value)))
+        (setf (gethash value (id-table ctx)) t))
+      (:IDREF
+        (validate-idref ctx value))
+      (:IDREFS
+        (let ((names (split-names value)))
+          (unless names
+            (validity-error "(11) IDREF: malformed names"))
+          (mapc (curry #'validate-idref ctx) names)))
+      (:NMTOKEN
+        (validate-nmtoken value))
+      (:NMTOKENS
+        (let ((tokens (split-names value)))
+          (unless tokens
+            (validity-error "(13) Name Token: malformed NMTOKENS"))
+          (mapc #'validate-nmtoken tokens)))
+        (unless (member value (cdr type) :test #'rod=)
+          (validity-error "(17) Enumeration: value not declared: ~S"
+                          (rod-string value))))
+      (:NOTATION
+        (unless (member value (cdr type) :test #'rod=)
+          (validity-error "(14) Notation Attributes: ~S" (rod-string value))))
+      (:ENTITY
+        (validate-entity value))
+      (:ENTITIES
+        (let ((names (split-names value)))
+          (unless names
+            (validity-error "(13) Name Token: malformed NMTOKENS"))
+          (mapc #'validate-entity names)))
+      (:CDATA))))
+(defun validate-idref (ctx value)
+  (unless (valid-name-p value)
+    (validity-error "(11) IDREF: not a name: ~S" (rod-string value)))
+  (unless (gethash value (id-table ctx))
+    (setf (gethash value (id-table ctx)) nil)))
+(defun validate-nmtoken (value)
+  (unless (valid-nmtoken-p value)
+    (validity-error "(13) Name Token: not a NMTOKEN: ~S"
+                    (rod-string value))))
+(defstruct (entdef (:constructor)))
+(defstruct (internal-entdef
+            (:include entdef)
+            (:constructor make-internal-entdef (value))
+            (:conc-name #:entdef-))
+  (value (error "missing argument") :type rod)
+  (expansion nil)
+  (external-subset-p *external-subset-p*))
+(defstruct (external-entdef
+            (:include entdef)
+            (:constructor make-external-entdef (extid ndata))
+            (:conc-name #:entdef-))
+  (extid (error "missing argument") :type extid)
+  (ndata nil :type (or rod null)))
+(defun validate-entity (value)
+  (unless (valid-name-p value)
+    (validity-error "(12) Entity Name: not a name: ~S" (rod-string value)))
+  (let ((def (let ((*validate*
+                    ;; Similarly the entity refs are internal and
+                    ;; don't need normalization ... the unparsed
+                    ;; entities (and entities) aren't "references"
+                    ;;   -- sun/valid/sa03.xml
+                    nil))
+               (get-entity-definition value :general (dtd *ctx*)))))
+    (unless (and (typep def 'external-entdef) (entdef-ndata def))
+      ;; unparsed entity
+      (validity-error "(12) Entity Name: ~S" (rod-string value)))))
+(defun split-names (rod)
+  (flet ((whitespacep (x)
+           (or (rune= x #/U+0009)
+               (rune= x #/U+000A)
+               (rune= x #/U+000D)
+               (rune= x #/U+0020))))
+    (if (let ((n (length rod)))
+          (and (not (zerop n))
+               (or (whitespacep (rune rod 0))
+                   (whitespacep (rune rod (1- n))))))
+        nil
+        (split-sequence-if #'whitespacep rod :remove-empty-subseqs t))))
+(defun zstream-base-sysid (zstream)
+  (let ((base-sysid
+         (dolist (k (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+           (let ((base-sysid (stream-name-uri (xstream-name k))))
+             (when base-sysid (return base-sysid))))))
+    base-sysid))
+(defun absolute-uri (sysid source-stream)
+  (let ((base-sysid (zstream-base-sysid source-stream)))
+    ;; XXX is the IF correct?
+    (if base-sysid
+        (puri:merge-uris sysid base-sysid)
+        sysid)))
+(defstruct (extid (:constructor make-extid (public system)))
+  (public nil :type (or rod null))
+  (system (error "missing argument") :type (or puri:uri null)))
+(defun absolute-extid (source-stream extid)
+  (let ((sysid (extid-system extid))
+        (result (copy-extid extid)))
+    (setf (extid-system result) (absolute-uri sysid source-stream))
+    result))
+(defun define-entity (source-stream name kind def)
+  (setf name (intern-name name))
+  (when (and sax:*namespace-processing* (find #/: name))
+    (wf-error source-stream "colon in entity name"))
+  (let ((table
+         (ecase kind
+           (:general (dtd-gentities (dtd *ctx*)))
+           (:parameter (dtd-pentities (dtd *ctx*))))))
+    (unless (gethash name table)
+      (when (and source-stream (handler *ctx*))
+        (report-entity (handler *ctx*) kind name def))
+      (when (typep def 'external-entdef)
+        (setf (entdef-extid def)
+              (absolute-extid source-stream (entdef-extid def))))
+      (setf (gethash name table)
+            (cons *external-subset-p* def)))))
+(defun get-entity-definition (entity-name kind dtd)
+  (unless dtd
+    (wf-error nil "entity not defined: ~A" (rod-string entity-name)))
+  (destructuring-bind (extp &rest def)
+      (gethash entity-name
+               (ecase kind
+                 (:general (dtd-gentities dtd))
+                 (:parameter (dtd-pentities dtd)))
+               '(nil))
+    (when (and *validate* (standalone-p *ctx*) extp)
+      (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: entity reference: ~S"
+                      (rod-string entity-name)))
+    def))
+(defun entity->xstream (zstream entity-name kind &optional internalp)
+  ;; `zstream' is for error messages
+  (let ((def (get-entity-definition entity-name kind (dtd *ctx*))))
+    (unless def
+      (wf-error zstream "Entity '~A' is not defined." (rod-string entity-name)))
+    (let (r)
+      (etypecase def
+        (internal-entdef
+	 (when (and (standalone-p *ctx*)
+		    (entdef-external-subset-p def))
+	   (wf-error
+	    zstream
+	    "entity declared in external subset, but document is standalone"))
+         (setf r (make-rod-xstream (entdef-value def)))
+         (setf (xstream-name r)
+           (make-stream-name :entity-name entity-name
+                             :entity-kind kind
+                             :uri nil)))
+        (external-entdef
+         (when internalp
+	   (wf-error zstream
+		     "entity not internal: ~A" (rod-string entity-name)))
+         (when (entdef-ndata def)
+	   (wf-error zstream
+		     "reference to unparsed entity: ~A"
+		     (rod-string entity-name)))
+         (setf r (xstream-open-extid (extid-using-catalog (entdef-extid def))))
+         (setf (stream-name-entity-name (xstream-name r)) entity-name
+               (stream-name-entity-kind (xstream-name r)) kind)))
+      r)))
+(defun checked-get-entdef (name type)
+  (let ((def (get-entity-definition name type (dtd *ctx*))))
+    (unless def
+      (wf-error nil "Entity '~A' is not defined." (rod-string name)))
+    def))
+(defun xstream-open-extid* (entity-resolver pubid sysid)
+  (let* ((stream
+          (or (funcall (or entity-resolver (constantly nil)) pubid sysid)
+              (open (uri-to-pathname sysid)
+                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                    :direction :input))))
+    (make-xstream stream
+                  :name (make-stream-name :uri sysid)
+                  :initial-speed 1)))
+(defun xstream-open-extid (extid)
+  (xstream-open-extid* (entity-resolver *ctx*)
+		       (extid-public extid)
+		       (extid-system extid)))
+(defun call-with-entity-expansion-as-stream (zstream cont name kind internalp)
+  ;; `zstream' is for error messages
+  (let ((in (entity->xstream zstream name kind internalp)))
+    (push (stream-name-uri (xstream-name in)) (base-stack *ctx*))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (funcall cont in)
+      (pop (base-stack *ctx*))
+      (close-xstream in))))
+(defun ensure-dtd ()
+  (unless (dtd *ctx*)
+    (setf (dtd *ctx*) (make-dtd))
+    (define-default-entities)))
+(defun define-default-entities ()
+  (define-entity nil #"lt"   :general (make-internal-entdef #"<"))
+  (define-entity nil #"gt"   :general (make-internal-entdef #">"))
+  (define-entity nil #"amp"  :general (make-internal-entdef #"&"))
+  (define-entity nil #"apos" :general (make-internal-entdef #"'"))
+  (define-entity nil #"quot" :general (make-internal-entdef #"\"")))
+(defstruct attdef
+  ;; an attribute definition
+  element       ;name of element this attribute belongs to
+  name          ;name of attribute
+  type          ;type of attribute; either one of :CDATA, :ID, :IDREF, :IDREFS,
+                ; :ENTITY, :ENTITIES, :NMTOKEN, :NMTOKENS, or
+                ; (:NOTATION <name>*)
+                ; (:ENUMERATION <name>*)
+  default       ;default value of attribute:
+                ; :REQUIRED, :IMPLIED, (:FIXED content) or (:DEFAULT content)
+  (external-p *external-subset-p*)
+  )
+(defstruct elmdef
+  ;; an element definition
+  name          ;name of the element
+  content       ;content model            [*]
+  attributes    ;list of defined attributes
+  compiled-cspec ;cons of validation function for contentspec
+  (external-p *external-subset-p*)
+  )
+;; [*] in XML it is possible to define attributes before the element
+;; itself is defined and since we hang attribute definitions into the
+;; relevant element definitions, the `content' slot indicates whether an
+;; element was actually defined.  It is NIL until set to a content model
+;; when the element type declaration is processed.
+(defun %make-rod-hash-table ()
+  ;; XXX with portable hash tables, this is the only way to case-sensitively
+  ;; use rods.  However, EQUALP often has horrible performance!  Most Lisps
+  ;; provide extensions for user-defined equality, we should use them!  There
+  ;; is also a home-made hash table for rods defined below, written by
+  ;; Gilbert (I think).  We could also use that one, but I would prefer the
+  ;; first method, even if it's unportable.
+  (make-hash-table :test
+                   #+rune-is-character 'equal
+                   #-rune-is-character 'equalp))
+(defstruct dtd
+  (elements (%make-rod-hash-table))     ;elmdefs
+  (gentities (%make-rod-hash-table))    ;general entities
+  (pentities (%make-rod-hash-table))    ;parameter entities
+  (notations (%make-rod-hash-table)))
+(defun make-dtd-cache ()
+  (puri:make-uri-space))
+(defvar *cache-all-dtds* nil)
+(defvar *dtd-cache* (make-dtd-cache))
+(defun remdtd (uri dtd-cache)
+  (setf uri (puri:intern-uri uri dtd-cache))
+  (prog1
+      (and (getf (puri:uri-plist uri) 'dtd) t)
+    (puri:unintern-uri uri dtd-cache)))
+(defun clear-dtd-cache (dtd-cache)
+  (puri:unintern-uri t dtd-cache))
+(defun getdtd (uri dtd-cache)
+  (getf (puri:uri-plist (puri:intern-uri uri dtd-cache)) 'dtd))
+(defun (setf getdtd) (newval uri dtd-cache)
+  (setf (getf (puri:uri-plist (puri:intern-uri uri dtd-cache)) 'dtd) newval)
+  newval)
+(defun find-element (name dtd)
+  (gethash name (dtd-elements dtd)))
+(defun define-element (dtd element-name &optional content-model)
+  (let ((e (find-element element-name dtd)))
+    (cond
+      ((null e)
+       (prog1
+	   (setf (gethash element-name (dtd-elements dtd))
+		 (make-elmdef :name element-name :content content-model))
+	 (sax:element-declaration (handler *ctx*) element-name content-model)))
+      ((null content-model)
+        e)
+      (t
+        (when *validate*
+          (when (elmdef-content e)
+            (validity-error "(05) Unique Element Type Declaration"))
+          (when (eq content-model :EMPTY)
+            (dolist (ad (elmdef-attributes e))
+              (let ((type (attdef-type ad)))
+                (when (and (listp type) (eq (car type) :NOTATION))
+                  (validity-error "(16) No Notation on Empty Element: ~S"
+                                  (rod-string element-name)))))))
+        (sax:element-declaration (handler *ctx*) element-name content-model)
+        (setf (elmdef-content e) content-model)
+        (setf (elmdef-external-p e) *external-subset-p*)
+        e))))
+(defvar *redefinition-warning* nil)
+(defun define-attribute (dtd element name type default)
+  (let ((adef (make-attdef :element element
+                           :name name
+                           :type type
+                           :default default))
+        (e (or (find-element element dtd)
+               (define-element dtd element))))
+    (when (and *validate* (listp default))
+      (unless (eq (attdef-type adef) :CDATA)
+        (setf (second default) (canon-not-cdata-attval (second default))))
+      (validate-attribute* *ctx* adef (second default)))
+    (cond ((find-attribute e name)
+           (when *redefinition-warning*
+             (warn "Attribute \"~A\" of \"~A\" not redefined."
+                   (rod-string name)
+                   (rod-string element))))
+          (t
+           (when *validate*
+             (when (eq type :ID)
+               (when (find :ID (elmdef-attributes e) :key #'attdef-type)
+                 (validity-error "(09) One ID per Element Type: element ~A"
+                                 (rod-string element)))
+               (unless (member default '(:REQUIRED :IMPLIED))
+                 (validity-error "(10) ID Attribute Default: ~A"
+                                 (rod-string element))))
+             (flet ((notationp (type)
+                      (and (listp type) (eq (car type) :NOTATION))))
+               (when (notationp type)
+                 (when (find-if #'notationp (elmdef-attributes e)
+                                :key #'attdef-type)
+                   (validity-error "(15) One Notation Per Element Type: ~S"
+                                   (rod-string element)))
+                 (when (eq (elmdef-content e) :EMPTY)
+                   (validity-error "(16) No Notation on Empty Element: ~S"
+                                   (rod-string element))))))
+           (sax:attribute-declaration (handler *ctx*) element name type default)
+           (push adef (elmdef-attributes e))))))
+(defun find-attribute (elmdef name)
+  (find name (elmdef-attributes elmdef) :key #'attdef-name :test #'rod=))
+(defun define-notation (dtd name id)
+  (let ((ns (dtd-notations dtd)))
+    (when (gethash name ns)
+      (validity-error "(24) Unique Notation Name: ~S" (rod-string name)))
+    (setf (gethash name ns) id)))
+(defun find-notation (name dtd)
+  (gethash name (dtd-notations dtd)))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  z streams and lexer
+(defstruct zstream
+  token-category
+  token-semantic
+  input-stack)
+(defun call-with-zstream (fn zstream)
+  (unwind-protect
+      (funcall fn zstream)
+    (dolist (input (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+      (cond #-x&y-streams-are-stream
+	    ((xstream-p input)
+	     (close-xstream input))
+	    #+x&y-streams-are-stream
+	    ((streamp input)
+	     (close input))))))
+(defmacro with-zstream ((zstream &rest args) &body body)
+  `(call-with-zstream (lambda (,zstream) , at body)
+		      (make-zstream , at args)))
+(defun read-token (input)
+  (cond ((zstream-token-category input)
+         (multiple-value-prog1
+             (values (zstream-token-category input)
+                     (zstream-token-semantic input))
+           (setf (zstream-token-category input) nil
+                 (zstream-token-semantic input) nil)))
+        (t
+         (read-token-2 input))))
+(defun peek-token (input)
+  (cond ((zstream-token-category input)
+         (values
+          (zstream-token-category input)
+          (zstream-token-semantic input)))
+        (t
+         (multiple-value-bind (c s) (read-token input)
+           (setf (zstream-token-category input) c
+                 (zstream-token-semantic input) s))
+         (values (zstream-token-category input)
+                 (zstream-token-semantic input)))))
+(defun read-token-2 (input)
+  (cond ((null (zstream-input-stack input))
+         (values :eof nil))
+        (t
+         (let ((c (peek-rune (car (zstream-input-stack input)))))
+           (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                  (cond ((eq (cadr (zstream-input-stack input)) :stop)
+                         (values :eof nil))
+                        (t
+                         (close-xstream (pop (zstream-input-stack input)))
+                         (if (null (zstream-input-stack input))
+                             (values :eof nil)
+                           (values :S nil) ;fake #x20 after PE expansion
+                           ))))
+                 (t
+                  (read-token-3 input)))))))
+(defvar *data-behaviour*
+    )           ;either :DTD or :DOC
+(defun read-token-3 (zinput)
+  (let ((input (car (zstream-input-stack zinput))))
+    ;; PI Comment
+    (let ((c (read-rune input)))
+      (cond
+       ;; first the common tokens
+       ((rune= #/< c)
+        (read-token-after-|<| zinput input))
+       ;; now dispatch
+       (t
+        (ecase *data-behaviour*
+          (:DTD
+           (cond ((rune= #/\[ c) :\[)
+                 ((rune= #/\] c) :\])
+                 ((rune= #/\( c) :\()
+                 ((rune= #/\) c) :\))
+                 ((rune= #/\| c) :\|)
+                 ((rune= #/\> c) :\>)
+                 ((rune= #/\" c) :\")
+                 ((rune= #/\' c) :\')
+                 ((rune= #/\, c) :\,)
+                 ((rune= #/\? c) :\?)
+                 ((rune= #/\* c) :\*)
+                 ((rune= #/\+ c) :\+)
+                 ((name-rune-p c)
+                  (unread-rune c input)
+                  (values :nmtoken (read-name-token input)))
+                 ((rune= #/# c)
+                  (let ((q (read-name-token input)))
+                    (cond ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "REQUIRED")) :|#REQUIRED|)
+                          ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "IMPLIED")) :|#IMPLIED|)
+                          ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "FIXED"))   :|#FIXED|)
+                          ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "PCDATA"))  :|#PCDATA|)
+                          (t
+                           (wf-error zinput "Unknown token: ~S." q)))))
+                 ((or (rune= c #/U+0020)
+                      (rune= c #/U+0009)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000D)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000A))
+                  (values :S nil))
+                 ((rune= #/% c)
+                  (cond ((name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+                         ;; an entity reference
+                         (read-pe-reference zinput))
+                        (t
+                         (values :%))))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error zinput "Unexpected character ~S." c))))
+          (:DOC
+           (cond
+            ((rune= c #/&)
+             (multiple-value-bind (kind data) (read-entity-like input)
+               (cond ((eq kind :ENTITY-REFERENCE)
+                      (values :ENTITY-REF data))
+                     ((eq kind :CHARACTER-REFERENCE)
+                      (values :CDATA
+                              (with-rune-collector (collect)
+                                (%put-unicode-char data collect)))))))
+            (t
+             (unread-rune c input)
+             (values :CDATA (read-cdata input)))))))))))
+(definline check-rune (input actual expected)
+  (unless (eql actual expected)
+    (wf-error input "expected #/~A but found #/~A"
+	      (rune-char expected)
+	      (rune-char actual))))
+(defun read-pe-reference (zinput)
+  (let* ((input (car (zstream-input-stack zinput)))
+         (nam (read-name-token input)))
+    (check-rune input #/\; (read-rune input))
+    (cond (*expand-pe-p*
+           ;; no external entities here!
+           (let ((i2 (entity->xstream  zinput nam :parameter)))
+             (zstream-push i2 zinput))
+           (values :S nil) ;space before inserted PE expansion.
+           )
+          (t
+           (values :PE-REFERENCE nam)) )))
+(defun read-token-after-|<| (zinput input)
+  (let ((d (read-rune input)))
+    (cond ((eq d :eof)
+           (eox input "EOF after '<'"))
+          ((rune= #/! d)
+           (read-token-after-|<!| input))
+          ((rune= #/? d)
+           (multiple-value-bind (target content) (read-pi input)
+             (cond ((rod= target '#.(string-rod "xml"))
+                    (values :xml-decl (cons target content)))
+                   ((rod-equal target '#.(string-rod "XML"))
+                    (wf-error zinput
+			      "You lost -- no XML processing instructions."))
+		   ((and sax:*namespace-processing* (position #/: target))
+		    (wf-error zinput
+			      "Processing instruction target ~S is not a ~
+                               valid NcName."
+			      (mu target)))
+                   (t
+                    (values :PI (cons target content))))))
+          ((eq *data-behaviour* :DTD)
+	    (unread-rune d input)
+	    (unless (or (rune= #// d) (name-start-rune-p d))
+	      (wf-error zinput "Expected '!' or '?' after '<' in DTD."))
+	    (values :seen-< nil))
+          ((rune= #// d)
+           (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+             (cond ((name-start-rune-p c)
+                    (read-tag-2 zinput input :etag))
+                   (t
+                    (wf-error zinput
+			      "Expecting name start rune after \"</\".")))))
+          ((name-start-rune-p d)
+           (unread-rune d input)
+           (read-tag-2 zinput input :stag))
+          (t
+           (wf-error zinput "Expected '!' or '?' after '<' in DTD.")))))
+(defun read-token-after-|<!| (input)
+  (let ((d (read-rune input)))
+    (cond ((eq d :eof)
+           (eox input "EOF after \"<!\"."))
+          ((name-start-rune-p d)
+           (unread-rune d input)
+           (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+             (cond ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "ELEMENT")) :|<!ELEMENT|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "ENTITY")) :|<!ENTITY|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "ATTLIST")) :|<!ATTLIST|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "NOTATION")) :|<!NOTATION|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "DOCTYPE")) :|<!DOCTYPE|)
+                   (t
+                    (wf-error  input"`<!~A' unknown." (rod-string name))))))
+          ((rune= #/\[ d)
+           (values :|<![| nil))
+          ((rune= #/- d)
+           (setf d (read-rune input))
+           (cond ((rune= #/- d)
+                  (values
+                   :COMMENT
+                   (read-comment-content input)))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error input"Bad character ~S after \"<!-\"" d))))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "Bad character ~S after \"<!\"" d)))))
+(definline read-S? (input)
+  (while (member (peek-rune input) '(#/U+0020 #/U+0009 #/U+000A #/U+000D)
+                 :test #'eql)
+    (consume-rune input)))
+(defun read-attribute-list (zinput input imagine-space-p)
+  (cond ((or imagine-space-p
+             (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+               (and (not (eq c :eof))
+                    (space-rune-p c))))
+         (read-S? input)
+         (cond ((eq (peek-rune input) :eof)
+                nil)
+               ((name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+                (cons (read-attribute zinput input)
+                      (read-attribute-list zinput input nil)))
+               (t
+                nil)))
+        (t
+         nil)))
+(defun read-entity-like (input)
+  "Read an entity reference off the xstream `input'. Returns two values:
+   either :ENTITY-REFERENCE <interned-rod> in case of a named entity
+   or     :CHARACTER-REFERENCE <integer> in case of character references.
+   The initial #\\& is considered to be consumed already."
+  (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+    (cond ((eq c :eof)
+           (eox input "EOF after '&'"))
+          ((rune= c #/#)
+           (values :CHARACTER-REFERENCE (read-character-reference input)))
+          (t
+           (unless (name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+             (wf-error input "Expecting name after &."))
+           (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+             (setf c (read-rune input))
+             (unless (rune= c #/\;)
+               (wf-error input "Expected \";\"."))
+             (values :ENTITY-REFERENCE name))))))
+(defun read-tag-2 (zinput input kind)
+  (let ((name (read-name-token input))
+        (atts nil))
+    (setf atts (read-attribute-list zinput input nil))
+    ;; check for double attributes
+    (do ((q atts (cdr q)))
+        ((null q))
+      (cond ((find (caar q) (cdr q) :key #'car)
+             (wf-error zinput "Attribute ~S has two definitions in element ~S."
+		       (rod-string (caar q))
+		       (rod-string name)))))
+    (cond ((eq (peek-rune input) #/>)
+           (consume-rune input)
+           (values kind (cons name atts)))
+          ((eq (peek-rune input) #//)
+           (consume-rune input)
+           (check-rune input #/> (read-rune input))
+           (values :ztag (cons name atts)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error zinput "syntax error in read-tag-2.")) )))
+(defun read-attribute (zinput input)
+  (unless (name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+    (wf-error zinput "Expected name."))
+  ;; arg thanks to the post mortem nature of name space declarations,
+  ;; we could only process the attribute values post mortem.
+  (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+    (while (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+             (and (not (eq c :eof))
+                  (or (rune= c #/U+0020)
+                      (rune= c #/U+0009)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000A)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000D))))
+      (consume-rune input))
+    (unless (eq (read-rune input) #/=)
+      (wf-error zinput "Expected \"=\"."))
+    (while (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+             (and (not (eq c :eof))
+                  (or (rune= c #/U+0020)
+                      (rune= c #/U+0009)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000A)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000D))))
+      (consume-rune input))
+    (cons name (read-att-value-2 input))))
+(defun canon-not-cdata-attval (value)
+  ;; | If the declared value is not CDATA, then the XML processor must
+  ;; | further process the normalized attribute value by discarding any
+  ;; | leading and trailing space (#x20) characters, and by replacing
+  ;; | sequences of space (#x20) characters by a single space (#x20)
+  ;; | character.
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (let ((gimme-20 nil)
+          (anything-seen-p nil))
+      (map nil (lambda (c)
+                 (cond ((rune= c #/u+0020)
+                        (setf gimme-20 t))
+                       (t
+                        (when (and anything-seen-p gimme-20)
+                          (collect #/u+0020))
+                        (setf gimme-20 nil)
+                        (setf anything-seen-p t)
+                        (collect c))))
+           value))))
+(definline data-rune-p (rune)
+  ;; any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF.
+  ;;
+  ;; FIXME: das halte ich fuer verkehrt.  Surrogates als Unicode-Zeichen
+  ;; sind verboten.  Das liegt hier aber nicht vor, denn wir arbeiten
+  ;; ja tatsaechlich mit UTF-16.  Verboten ist es nur, wenn wir ein
+  ;; solches Zeichen beim Dekodieren finden, das wird aber eben
+  ;; in encodings.lisp bereits geprueft.  --david
+  (let ((c (rune-code rune)))
+    (or (= c #x9) (= c #xA) (= c #xD)
+        (<= #x20 c #xD7FF)
+        (<= #xE000 c #xFFFD)
+        (<= #xD800 c #xDBFF)
+        (<= #xDC00 c #xDFFF))))
+(defun read-att-value (zinput input mode &optional canon-space-p (delim nil))
+  (with-rune-collector-2 (collect)
+    (labels ((muffle (input delim)
+               (let (c)
+                 (loop
+                   (setf c (read-rune input))
+                   (cond ((eql delim c)
+                          (return))
+                         ((eq c :eof)
+                          (eox input "EOF"))
+                         ((rune= c #/&)
+                          (setf c (peek-rune input))
+                          (cond ((eql c :eof)
+			         (eox input))
+			        ((rune= c #/#)
+                                 (let ((c (read-character-reference input)))
+                                   (%put-unicode-char c collect)))
+                                (t
+                                 (unless (name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+                                   (wf-error zinput "Expecting name after &."))
+                                 (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+                                   (setf c (read-rune input))
+                                   (check-rune input c #/\;)
+                                   (ecase mode
+                                     (:ATT
+                                      (recurse-on-entity
+                                       zinput name :general
+                                       (lambda (zinput)
+                                         (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput))
+                                                 :eof))
+				       t))
+                                     (:ENT
+                                      ;; bypass, but never the less we
+                                      ;; need to check for legal
+                                      ;; syntax.
+                                      ;; Must it be defined?
+                                      ;; allerdings: unparsed sind verboten
+                                      (collect #/&)
+                                      (map nil (lambda (x) (collect x)) name)
+                                      (collect #/\; )))))))
+                         ((and (eq mode :ENT) (rune= c #/%))
+                          (let ((d (peek-rune input)))
+			    (when (eq d :eof)
+			      (eox input))
+			    (unless (name-start-rune-p d)
+			      (wf-error zinput "Expecting name after %.")))
+                          (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+                            (setf c (read-rune input))
+                            (check-rune input c #/\;)
+                            (cond (*expand-pe-p*
+                                   (recurse-on-entity
+                                    zinput name :parameter
+                                    (lambda (zinput)
+                                      (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput))
+                                              :eof))))
+                                  (t
+                                   (wf-error zinput "No PE here.")))))
+                         ((and (eq mode :ATT) (rune= c #/<))
+			   (wf-error zinput "unexpected #\/<"))
+                         ((and canon-space-p (space-rune-p c))
+                          (collect #/space))
+                         ((not (data-rune-p c))
+                          (wf-error zinput "illegal char: ~S." c))
+                         (t
+                          (collect c)))))))
+      (declare (dynamic-extent #'muffle))
+      (muffle input (or delim
+                        (let ((delim (read-rune input)))
+                          (unless (member delim '(#/\" #/\') :test #'eql)
+			    (wf-error zinput "invalid attribute delimiter"))
+                          delim))))))
+(defun read-character-reference (input)
+  ;; The #/& is already read
+  (let ((res
+         (let ((c (read-rune input)))
+           (check-rune input c #/#)
+           (setq c (read-rune input))
+           (cond ((eql c :eof)
+		  (eox input))
+	         ((eql c #/x)
+                  ;; hexadecimal
+                  (setq c (read-rune input))
+		  (when (eql c :eof)
+		    (eox input))
+                  (unless (digit-rune-p c 16)
+		    (wf-error input "garbage in character reference"))
+                  (prog1
+                      (parse-integer
+                       (with-output-to-string (sink)
+                         (write-char (rune-char c) sink)
+                         (while (progn
+				  (setq c (read-rune input))
+				  (when (eql c :eof)
+				    (eox input))
+				  (digit-rune-p c 16))
+                           (write-char (rune-char c) sink)))
+                       :radix 16)
+                    (check-rune input c #/\;)))
+                 ((rune<= #/0 c #/9)
+                  ;; decimal
+                  (prog1
+                      (parse-integer
+                       (with-output-to-string (sink)
+                         (write-char (rune-char c) sink)
+                         (while (progn
+				  (setq c (read-rune input))
+				  (when (eql c :eof)
+				    (eox input))
+				  (rune<= #/0 c #/9))
+                           (write-char (rune-char c) sink)))
+                       :radix 10)
+                    (check-rune input c #/\;)))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error input "Bad char in numeric character entity."))))))
+    (unless (code-data-char-p res)
+      (wf-error
+       input
+       "expansion of numeric character reference (#x~X) is no data char."
+       res))
+    res))
+(defun read-pi (input)
+  ;; "<?" is already read
+  (let (name)
+    (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+      (unless (name-start-rune-p c)
+        (wf-error input "Expecting name after '<?'"))
+      (setf name (read-name-token input)))
+    (cond
+      ((member (peek-rune input) '(#/U+0020 #/U+0009 #/U+000A #/U+000D)
+	       :test #'eql)
+	(values name (read-pi-content input)))
+      (t
+	(unless (and (eql (read-rune input) #/?)
+		     (eql (read-rune input) #/>))
+	  (wf-error input "malformed processing instruction"))
+	(values name "")))))
+(defun read-pi-content (input)
+  (read-S? input)
+  (let (d)
+    (with-rune-collector (collect)
+      (block nil
+	(tagbody
+	 state-1
+	  (setf d (read-rune input))
+	  (when (eq d :eof)
+	    (eox input))
+	  (unless (data-rune-p d)
+	    (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	  (when (rune= d #/?) (go state-2))
+	  (collect d)
+	  (go state-1)
+	 state-2 ;; #/? seen
+	  (setf d (read-rune input))
+	  (when (eq d :eof)
+	    (eox input))
+	  (unless (data-rune-p d)
+	    (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	  (when (rune= d #/>) (return))
+	  (when (rune= d #/?)
+	    (collect #/?)
+	    (go state-2))
+	  (collect #/?)
+	  (collect d)
+	  (go state-1))))))
+(defun read-comment-content (input &aux d)
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (block nil
+      (tagbody
+       state-1
+	(setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+	(unless (data-rune-p d)
+	  (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	(when (rune= d #/-) (go state-2))
+	(collect d)
+	(go state-1)
+       state-2 ;; #/- seen
+	(setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+	(unless (data-rune-p d)
+	  (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	(when (rune= d #/-) (go state-3))
+	(collect #/-)
+	(collect d)
+	(go state-1)
+       state-3 ;; #/- #/- seen
+	(setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+	(unless (data-rune-p d)
+	  (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	(when (rune= d #/>) (return))
+	(wf-error input "'--' not allowed in a comment")
+	(when (rune= d #/-)
+	  (collect #/-)
+	  (go state-3))
+	(collect #/-)
+	(collect #/-)
+	(collect d)
+	(go state-1)))))
+(defun read-cdata-sect (input &aux d)
+  ;; <![CDATA[ is already read
+  ;; read anything up to ]]>
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (block nil
+      (tagbody
+       state-1
+        (setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+        (unless (data-rune-p d)
+          (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+        (when (rune= d #/\]) (go state-2))
+        (collect d)
+        (go state-1)
+       state-2 ;; #/] seen
+        (setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+        (unless (data-rune-p d)
+          (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+        (when (rune= d #/\]) (go state-3))
+        (collect #/\])
+        (collect d)
+        (go state-1)
+       state-3 ;; #/\] #/\] seen
+        (setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+        (unless (data-rune-p d)
+          (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+        (when (rune= d #/>)
+          (return))
+        (when (rune= d #/\])
+          (collect #/\])
+          (go state-3))
+        (collect #/\])
+        (collect #/\])
+        (collect d)
+        (go state-1)))))
+;; some character categories
+(defun space-rune-p (rune)
+  (declare (type rune rune))
+  (or (rune= rune #/U+0020)
+      (rune= rune #/U+0009)
+      (rune= rune #/U+000A)
+      (rune= rune #/U+000D)))
+(defun code-data-char-p (c)
+  ;; any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF.
+  (or (= c #x9) (= c #xA) (= c #xD)
+      (<= #x20 c #xD7FF)
+      (<= #xE000 c #xFFFD)
+      (<= #x10000 c #x10FFFF)))
+(defun pubid-char-p (c)
+  (or (rune= c #/u+0020) (rune= c #/u+000D) (rune= c #/u+000A)
+      (rune<= #/a c #/z)
+      (rune<= #/A c #/Z)
+      (rune<= #/0 c #/9)
+      (member c '(#/- #/' #/\( #/\) #/+ #/, #/. #//
+                  #/: #/= #/? #/\; #/! #/* #/#
+                  #/@ #/$ #/_ #/%))))
+(defun expect (input category)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (unless (eq cat category)
+      (wf-error input "Expected ~S saw ~S [~S]" category cat sem))
+    (values cat sem)))
+(defun consume-token (input)
+  (read-token input))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  Parser
+(defun p/S (input)
+  ;; S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
+  (expect input :S)
+  (while (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+    (consume-token input)))
+(defun p/S? (input)
+  ;; S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
+  (while (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+    (consume-token input)))
+(defun p/nmtoken (input)
+  (nth-value 1 (expect input :nmtoken)))
+(defun p/name (input)
+  (let ((result (p/nmtoken input)))
+    (unless (name-start-rune-p (elt result 0))
+      (wf-error input "Expected name."))
+    result))
+(defun p/attlist-decl (input)
+  ;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name (S AttDef)* S? '>'
+  (let (elm-name)
+    (expect input :|<!ATTLIST|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf elm-name (p/nmtoken input))
+    (loop
+      (let ((tok (read-token input)))
+        (case tok
+          (:S
+           (p/S? input)
+           (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :>)
+                  (consume-token input)
+                  (return))
+                 (t
+                  (multiple-value-bind (name type default) (p/attdef input)
+                    (define-attribute (dtd *ctx*) elm-name name type default)) )))
+          (:>
+           (return))
+          (otherwise
+           (wf-error input
+		     "Expected either another AttDef or end of \"<!ATTLIST\". -- saw ~S."
+		     tok)))))))
+(defun p/attdef (input)
+  ;; [53] AttDef ::= Name S AttType S DefaultDecl
+  (let (name type default)
+    (setf name (p/nmtoken input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf type (p/att-type input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf default (p/default-decl input))
+    (values name type default)))
+(defun p/list (input item-parser delimiter)
+  ;; Parse something like S? <item> (S? <delimiter> <item>)* S?
+  ;;
+  (declare (type function item-parser))
+  (let (res)
+    (p/S? input)
+    (setf res (list (funcall item-parser input)))
+    (loop
+      (p/S? input)
+      (cond ((eq (peek-token input) delimiter)
+             (consume-token input)
+             (p/S? input)
+             (push (funcall item-parser input) res))
+            (t
+             (return))))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (reverse res)))
+(defun p/att-type (input)
+  ;; [54] AttType ::= StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType
+  ;; [55] StringType ::= 'CDATA'
+  ;; [56] TokenizedType ::= 'ID'                          /*VC: ID */
+  ;;                                                        /*VC: One ID per Element Type */
+  ;;                                                        /*VC: ID Attribute Default */
+  ;;                          | 'IDREF'                     /*VC: IDREF */
+  ;;                          | 'IDREFS'                    /*VC: IDREF */
+  ;;                          | 'ENTITY'                    /*VC: Entity Name */
+  ;;                          | 'ENTITIES'                  /*VC: Entity Name */
+  ;;                          | 'NMTOKEN'                   /*VC: Name Token */
+  ;;                          | 'NMTOKENS'                  /*VC: Name Token */
+  ;; [57] EnumeratedType ::= NotationType | Enumeration
+  ;; [58]   NotationType ::= 'NOTATION' S '(' S? Name (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')'
+  ;; /* VC: Notation Attributes */
+  ;; [59] Enumeration ::= '(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' S? Nmtoken)* S? ')' /* VC: Enumeration */
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (cond ((eq cat :nmtoken)
+           (cond ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "CDATA"))    :CDATA)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ID"))       :ID)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "IDREF"))    :IDREFS)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "IDREFS"))   :IDREFS)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ENTITY"))   :ENTITY)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ENTITIES")) :ENTITIES)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "NMTOKEN"))  :NMTOKEN)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "NMTOKENS")) :NMTOKENS)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "NOTATION"))
+                  (let (names)
+                    (p/S input)
+                    (expect input :\()
+                    (setf names (p/list input #'p/nmtoken :\| ))
+                    (expect input :\))
+                    (when *validate*
+                      (setf (referenced-notations *ctx*)
+                            (append names (referenced-notations *ctx*))))
+                    (cons :NOTATION names)))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error input "In p/att-type: ~S ~S." cat sem))))
+          ((eq cat :\()
+           ;; XXX Die Nmtoken-Syntax pruefen wir derzeit nur beim Validieren.
+           (let (names)
+             ;;(expect input :\()
+             (setf names (p/list input #'p/nmtoken :\| ))
+             (expect input :\))
+             (cons :ENUMERATION names)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "In p/att-type: ~S ~S." cat sem)) )))
+(defun p/default-decl (input)
+  ;; [60] DefaultDecl ::= '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED'
+  ;;                       | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue) /* VC: Required Attribute */
+  ;;
+  ;; /* VC: Attribute Default Legal */
+  ;; /* WFC: No < in Attribute Values */
+  ;; /* VC: Fixed Attribute Default */
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+    (cond ((eq cat :|#REQUIRED|)
+           (consume-token input) :REQUIRED)
+          ((eq cat :|#IMPLIED|)
+           (consume-token input) :IMPLIED)
+          ((eq cat :|#FIXED|)
+           (consume-token input)
+           (p/S input)
+           (list :FIXED (p/att-value input)))
+          ((or (eq cat :\') (eq cat :\"))
+           (list :DEFAULT (p/att-value input)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "p/default-decl: ~S ~S." cat sem)) )))
+;;  [70] EntityDecl ::= GEDecl | PEDecl
+;;  [71]     GEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>'
+;;  [72]     PEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>'
+;;  [73]  EntityDef ::= EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?)
+;;  [74]      PEDef ::= EntityValue | ExternalID
+;;  [75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral
+;;                      | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral
+;;  [76]  NDataDecl ::= S 'NDATA' S Name                /* VC: Notation Declared */
+(defun p/entity-decl (input)
+  (let (name def kind)
+    (expect input :|<!ENTITY|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :%)
+           (setf kind :parameter)
+           (consume-token input)
+           (p/S input))
+          (t
+           (setf kind :general)))
+    (setf name (p/name input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf def (p/entity-def input kind))
+    (define-entity input name kind def)
+    (p/S? input)
+    (expect input :\>)))
+(defun report-entity (h kind name def)
+  (etypecase def
+    (external-entdef
+      (let ((extid (entdef-extid def))
+            (ndata (entdef-ndata def)))
+        (if ndata
+            (sax:unparsed-entity-declaration h
+                                             name
+                                             (extid-public extid)
+                                             (uri-rod (extid-system extid))
+                                             ndata)
+            (sax:external-entity-declaration h
+                                             kind
+                                             name
+                                             (extid-public extid)
+                                             (uri-rod (extid-system extid))))))
+    (internal-entdef
+      (sax:internal-entity-declaration h kind name (entdef-value def)))))
+(defun p/entity-def (input kind)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+    (cond ((member cat '(:\" :\'))
+           (make-internal-entdef (p/entity-value input)))
+          ((and (eq cat :nmtoken)
+                (or (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "SYSTEM"))
+                    (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "PUBLIC"))))
+           (let (extid ndata)
+             (setf extid (p/external-id input nil))
+             (when (eq kind :general)   ;NDATA allowed at all?
+               (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :S)
+                      (p/S? input)
+                      (when (and (eq (peek-token input) :nmtoken)
+                                 (rod= (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))
+                                         '#.(string-rod "NDATA")))
+                        (consume-token input)
+                        (p/S input)
+                        (setf ndata (p/nmtoken input))
+                        (when *validate*
+                          (push ndata (referenced-notations *ctx*)))))))
+             (make-external-entdef extid ndata)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "p/entity-def: ~S / ~S." cat sem)) )))
+(defun p/entity-value (input)
+  (let ((delim (if (eq (read-token input) :\") #/\" #/\')))
+    (read-att-value input
+                    (car (zstream-input-stack input))
+                    :ENT
+                    nil
+                    delim)))
+(defun p/att-value (input)
+  (let ((delim (if (eq (read-token input) :\") #/\" #/\')))
+    (read-att-value input
+                    (car (zstream-input-stack input))
+                    :ATT
+                    t
+                    delim)))
+(defun p/external-id (input &optional (public-only-ok-p nil))
+  ;; xxx public-only-ok-p
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (cond ((and (eq cat :nmtoken) (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "SYSTEM")))
+           (p/S input)
+           (make-extid nil (p/system-literal input)))
+          ((and (eq cat :nmtoken) (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "PUBLIC")))
+           (let (pub sys)
+             (p/S input)
+             (setf pub (p/pubid-literal input))
+             (when (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+               (p/S input)
+               (when (member (peek-token input) '(:\" :\'))
+                 (setf sys (p/system-literal input))))
+             (when (and (not public-only-ok-p)
+                        (null sys))
+               (wf-error input "System identifier needed for this PUBLIC external identifier."))
+             (make-extid pub sys)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "Expected external-id: ~S / ~S." cat sem)))))
+;;  [11] SystemLiteral ::= ('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'")
+;;  [12]  PubidLiteral ::= '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'"
+;;  [13]     PubidChar ::= #x20 | #xD | #xA | [a-zA-Z0-9]
+;;                         | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]
+(defun p/id (input)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat) (read-token input)
+    (cond ((member cat '(:\" :\'))
+           (let ((delim (if (eq cat :\") #/\" #/\')))
+             (with-rune-collector (collect)
+               (loop
+                 (let ((c (read-rune (car (zstream-input-stack input)))))
+                   (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                          (eox input "EOF in system literal."))
+                         ((rune= c delim)
+                          (return))
+                         (t
+                          (collect c))))))))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "Expect either \" or \'.")))))
+;; it is important to cache the orginal URI rod, since the re-serialized
+;; uri-string can be different from the one parsed originally.
+(defun uri-rod (uri)
+  (if uri
+      (or (getf (puri:uri-plist uri) 'original-rod)
+          (rod (puri:render-uri uri nil)))
+      nil))
+(defun safe-parse-uri (str)
+  ;; puri doesn't like strings starting with file:///, although that is a very
+  ;; common is practise.  Cut it away, we don't distinguish between scheme
+  ;; :FILE and NIL anway.
+  (when (eql (search "file://" str) 0)
+    (setf str (subseq str (length "file://"))))
+  (puri:parse-uri (coerce str 'simple-string)))
+(defun p/system-literal (input)
+  (let* ((rod (p/id input))
+         (result (safe-parse-uri (rod-string rod))))
+    (setf (getf (puri:uri-plist result) 'original-rod) rod)
+    result))
+(defun p/pubid-literal (input)
+  (let ((result (p/id input)))
+    (unless (every #'pubid-char-p result)
+      (wf-error input "Illegal pubid: ~S." (rod-string result)))
+    result))
+(defun p/element-decl (input)
+  (let (name content)
+    (expect input :|<!ELEMENT|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf name (p/nmtoken input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf content (normalize-mixed-cspec (p/cspec input)))
+    (unless (legal-content-model-p content *validate*)
+      (wf-error input "Malformed or invalid content model: ~S." (mu content)))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (expect input :\>)
+    (when *validate*
+      (define-element (dtd *ctx*) name content))
+    (list :element name content)))
+(defun maybe-compile-cspec (e)
+  (or (elmdef-compiled-cspec e)
+      (setf (elmdef-compiled-cspec e)
+            (let ((cspec (elmdef-content e)))
+              (unless cspec
+                (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: no definition for ~A"
+                                (rod-string (elmdef-name e))))
+              (multiple-value-call #'cons
+                (compile-cspec cspec (standalone-check-necessary-p e)))))))
+(defun make-root-model (name)
+  (cons (lambda (actual-name)
+          (if (rod= actual-name name)
+              (constantly :dummy)
+              nil))
+        (constantly t)))
+;;; content spec validation:
+;;; Given a `contentspec', COMPILE-CSPEC returns as multiple values two
+;;; functions A and B of one argument to be called for every
+;;;   A. child element
+;;;   B. text child node
+;;; Function A will be called with
+;;;   - the element name rod as its argument.  If that element may appear
+;;;     at the current position, a new function to be called for the next
+;;;     child is returned.  Otherwise NIL is returned.
+;;;   - argument NIL at the end of the element, it must then return T or NIL
+;;;     to indicate whether the end tag is valid.
+;;; Function B will be called with the character data rod as its argument, it
+;;; returns a boolean indicating whether this text node is allowed.
+;;; That is, if one of the functions ever returns NIL, the node is
+;;; rejected as invalid.
+(defun cmodel-done (actual-value)
+  (null actual-value))
+(defun compile-cspec (cspec &optional standalone-check)
+  (cond
+    ((atom cspec)
+      (ecase cspec
+        (:EMPTY (values #'cmodel-done (constantly nil)))
+        (:PCDATA (values #'cmodel-done (constantly t)))
+        (:ANY
+          (values (labels ((doit (name) (if name #'doit t))) #'doit)
+                  (constantly t)))))
+    ((and (eq (car cspec) '*)
+          (let ((subspec (second cspec)))
+            (and (eq (car subspec) 'or) (eq (cadr subspec) :PCDATA))))
+      (values (compile-mixed (second cspec))
+              (constantly t)))
+    (t
+      (values (compile-content-model cspec)
+              (lambda (rod)
+                (when standalone-check
+                  (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: whitespace"))
+                (every #'white-space-rune-p rod))))))
+(defun compile-mixed (cspec)
+  ;; das koennten wir theoretisch auch COMPILE-CONTENT-MODEL erledigen lassen
+  (let ((allowed-names (cddr cspec)))
+    (labels ((doit (actual-name)
+               (cond
+                 ((null actual-name) t)
+                 ((member actual-name allowed-names :test #'rod=) #'doit)
+                 (t nil))))
+      #'doit)))
+(defun compile-content-model (cspec &optional (continuation #'cmodel-done))
+  (if (vectorp cspec)
+      (lambda (actual-name)
+        (if (and actual-name (rod= cspec actual-name))
+            continuation
+            nil))
+      (ecase (car cspec)
+        (and
+          (labels ((traverse (seq)
+                     (compile-content-model (car seq)
+                                            (if (cdr seq)
+                                                (traverse (cdr seq))
+                                                continuation))))
+            (traverse (cdr cspec))))
+        (or
+          (let ((options (mapcar (rcurry #'compile-content-model continuation)
+                                 (cdr cspec))))
+            (lambda (actual-name)
+              (some (rcurry #'funcall actual-name) options))))
+        (?
+          (let ((maybe (compile-content-model (second cspec) continuation)))
+            (lambda (actual-name)
+              (or (funcall maybe actual-name)
+                  (funcall continuation actual-name)))))
+        (*
+          (let (maybe-continuation)
+            (labels ((recurse (actual-name)
+                       (if (null actual-name)
+                           (funcall continuation actual-name)
+                           (or (funcall maybe-continuation actual-name)
+                               (funcall continuation actual-name)))))
+              (setf maybe-continuation
+                    (compile-content-model (second cspec) #'recurse))
+              #'recurse)))
+        (+
+          (let ((it (cadr cspec)))
+            (compile-content-model `(and ,it (* ,it)) continuation))))))
+(defun setp (list &key (test 'eql))
+  (equal list (remove-duplicates list :test test)))
+(defun legal-content-model-p (cspec &optional validate)
+  (or (eq cspec :PCDATA)
+      (eq cspec :ANY)
+      (eq cspec :EMPTY)
+      (and (consp cspec)
+           (eq (car cspec) '*)
+           (consp (cadr cspec))
+           (eq (car (cadr cspec)) 'or)
+           (eq (cadr (cadr cspec)) :PCDATA)
+           (every #'vectorp (cddr (cadr cspec)))
+           (if (and validate (not (setp (cddr (cadr cspec)) :test #'rod=)))
+               (validity-error "VC: No Duplicate Types (07)")
+               t))
+      (labels ((walk (x)
+                 (cond ((member x '(:PCDATA :ANY :EMPTY))
+                        nil)
+                       ((atom x) t)
+                       ((and (walk (car x))
+                             (walk (cdr x)))))))
+        (walk cspec))))
+;; wir fahren besser, wenn wir machen:
+;; cspec ::= 'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | '#PCDATA'
+;;         | Name
+;;         | cs
+;;    cs ::= '(' S? cspec ( S? '|' S? cspec)* S? ')' ('?' | '*' | '+')?
+;; und eine post factum analyse
+(defun p/cspec (input &optional recursivep)
+  (let ((term
+         (let ((names nil) op-cat op res stream)
+           (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+             (cond ((eq cat :nmtoken)
+                    (consume-token input)
+                    (cond ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "EMPTY"))
+                           :EMPTY)
+                          ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ANY"))
+                           :ANY)
+                          ((not recursivep)
+			   (wf-error input "invalid content spec"))
+		          (t
+			   sem)))
+                   ((eq cat :\#PCDATA)
+                    (consume-token input)
+                    :PCDATA)
+                   ((eq cat :\()
+                    (setf stream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+                    (consume-token input)
+                    (p/S? input)
+                    (setq names (list (p/cspec input t)))
+                    (p/S? input)
+                    (cond ((member (peek-token input) '(:\| :\,))
+                            (setf op-cat (peek-token input))
+                            (setf op (if (eq op-cat :\,) 'and 'or))
+                            (while (eq (peek-token input) op-cat)
+                              (consume-token input)
+                              (p/S? input)
+                              (push (p/cspec input t) names)
+                              (p/S? input))
+                            (setf res (cons op (reverse names))))
+                      (t
+                        (setf res (cons 'and names))))
+                    (p/S? input)
+                    (expect input :\))
+                    (when *validate*
+                      (unless (eq stream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+                        (validity-error "(06) Proper Group/PE Nesting")))
+                    res)
+                   (t
+                    (wf-error input "p/cspec - ~s / ~s" cat sem)))))))
+    (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :?) (consume-token input) (list '? term))
+          ((eq (peek-token input) :+) (consume-token input) (list '+ term))
+          ((eq (peek-token input) :*) (consume-token input) (list '* term))
+          (t
+           term))))
+(defun normalize-mixed-cspec (cspec)
+  ;; der Parser oben funktioniert huebsch fuer die children-Regel, aber
+  ;; fuer Mixed ist das Ergebnis nicht praktisch, denn dort wollen wir
+  ;; eigentlich auf eine Liste von Namen in einheitlichem Format hinaus.
+  ;; Dazu normalisieren wir einfach in eine der beiden folgenden Formen:
+  ;;   (* (or :PCDATA ...rods...))     -- und zwar exakt so!
+  ;;   :PCDATA                         -- sonst ganz trivial
+  (flet ((trivialp (c)
+           (and (consp c)
+                (and (eq (car c) 'and)
+                     (eq (cadr c) :PCDATA)
+                     (null (cddr c))))))
+    (if (or (trivialp cspec)            ;(and PCDATA)
+            (and (consp cspec)          ;(* (and PCDATA))
+                 (and (eq (car cspec) '*)
+                      (null (cddr cspec))
+                      (trivialp (cadr cspec)))))
+        :PCDATA
+        cspec)))
+;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S? '>'
+;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDefs S? '>'
+;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name S? '>'
+;; [53] AttDefs ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl AttDefs
+;; [53] AttDefs ::=
+(defun p/notation-decl (input)
+  (let (name id)
+    (expect input :|<!NOTATION|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf name (p/name input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf id (p/external-id input t))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (expect input :\>)
+    (sax:notation-declaration (handler *ctx*)
+                              name
+                              (if (extid-public id)
+                                  (normalize-public-id (extid-public id))
+                                  nil)
+                              (uri-rod (extid-system id)))
+    (when (and sax:*namespace-processing* (find #/: name))
+      (wf-error input "colon in notation name"))
+    (when *validate*
+      (define-notation (dtd *ctx*) name id))
+    (list :notation-decl name id)))
+(defun normalize-public-id (rod)
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (let ((gimme-20 nil)
+          (anything-seen-p nil))
+      (map nil (lambda (c)
+                 (cond
+                   ((or (rune= c #/u+0009)
+                        (rune= c #/u+000A)
+                        (rune= c #/u+000D)
+                        (rune= c #/u+0020))
+                     (setf gimme-20 t))
+                   (t
+                     (when (and anything-seen-p gimme-20)
+                       (collect #/u+0020))
+                     (setf gimme-20 nil)
+                     (setf anything-seen-p t)
+                     (collect c))))
+           rod))))
+(defun p/conditional-sect (input)
+  (expect input :<!\[ )
+  (let ((stream (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+      (cond ((and (eq cat :nmtoken)
+                  (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "INCLUDE")))
+             (p/include-sect input stream))
+            ((and (eq cat :nmtoken)
+                  (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "IGNORE")))
+             (p/ignore-sect input stream))
+            (t
+             (wf-error input "Expected INCLUDE or IGNORE after \"<![\"."))))))
+(defun p/cond-expect (input cat initial-stream)
+  (expect input cat)
+  (when *validate*
+    (unless (eq (car (zstream-input-stack input)) initial-stream)
+      (validity-error "(21) Proper Conditional Section/PE Nesting"))))
+(defun p/include-sect (input initial-stream)
+  ;; <![INCLUDE is already read.
+  (p/S? input)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\[ initial-stream)
+  (p/ext-subset-decl input)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\] initial-stream)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\] initial-stream)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\> initial-stream))
+(defun p/ignore-sect (input initial-stream)
+  ;; <![IGNORE is already read.
+  ;; XXX Is VC 21 being checked for nested sections?
+  (p/S? input)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\[ initial-stream)
+  (let ((input (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (let ((level 0))
+      (do ((c1 (read-rune input) (read-rune input))
+           (c2 #/U+0000 c1)
+           (c3 #/U+0000 c2))
+          ((= level -1))
+        (declare (type fixnum level))
+        (cond ((eq c1 :eof)
+               (eox input "EOF in <![IGNORE ... >")))
+        (cond ((and (rune= c3 #/<) (rune= c2 #/!) (rune= c1 #/\[))
+               (incf level)))
+        (cond ((and (rune= c3 #/\]) (rune= c2 #/\]) (rune= c1 #/>))
+               (decf level))) )))
+  (unless (eq (car (zstream-input-stack input)) initial-stream)
+    (validity-error "(21) Proper Conditional Section/PE Nesting")))
+(defun p/ext-subset-decl (input)
+  ;; ( markupdecl | conditionalSect | S )*
+  (loop
+    (case (let ((*expand-pe-p* nil)) (peek-token input))
+      (:|<![| (let ((*expand-pe-p* t)) (p/conditional-sect input)))
+      (:S     (consume-token input))
+      (:eof   (return))
+      ((:|<!ELEMENT| :|<!ATTLIST| :|<!ENTITY| :|<!NOTATION| :PI :COMMENT)
+       (let ((*expand-pe-p* t)
+             (*external-subset-p* t))
+         (p/markup-decl input)))
+      ((:PE-REFERENCE)
+       (let ((name (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
+         (recurse-on-entity input name :parameter
+                            (lambda (input)
+                              (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :parameter)
+                                (external-entdef
+                                 (p/ext-subset input))
+                                (internal-entdef
+                                 (p/ext-subset-decl input)))
+                              (unless (eq :eof (peek-token input))
+                                (wf-error input "Trailing garbage."))))))
+      (otherwise (return)))) )
+(defun p/markup-decl (input)
+  (peek-token input)
+  (let ((stream (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (multiple-value-prog1
+        (p/markup-decl-unsafe input)
+      (when *validate*
+        (unless (eq stream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+          (validity-error "(01) Proper Declaration/PE Nesting"))))))
+(defun p/markup-decl-unsafe (input)
+  ;; markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl       /* VC: Proper Declaration/PE Nesting */
+  ;;              | EntityDecl | NotationDecl
+  ;;              | PI | Comment               /* WFC: PEs in Internal Subset */
+  (let ((token (peek-token input))
+	(*expand-pe-p* (and *expand-pe-p* *external-subset-p*)))
+    (case token
+      (:|<!ELEMENT|  (p/element-decl input))
+      (:|<!ATTLIST|  (p/attlist-decl input))
+      (:|<!ENTITY|   (p/entity-decl input))
+      (:|<!NOTATION| (p/notation-decl input))
+      (:PI
+	(let ((sem (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
+	  (sax:processing-instruction (handler *ctx*) (car sem) (cdr sem))))
+      (:COMMENT      (consume-token input))
+      (otherwise
+	(wf-error input "p/markup-decl ~S" (peek-token input))))))
+(defun setup-encoding (input xml-header)
+  (when (xml-header-encoding xml-header)
+    (let ((enc (find-encoding (xml-header-encoding xml-header))))
+      (cond (enc
+             (setf (xstream-encoding (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+               enc))
+            (t
+             (warn "There is no such encoding: ~S." (xml-header-encoding xml-header)))))))
+(defun set-full-speed (input)
+  (let ((xstream (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (when xstream
+      (set-to-full-speed xstream))))
+(defun p/ext-subset (input)
+  (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :xml-decl)
+         (let ((hd (parse-text-decl (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+           (setup-encoding input hd))
+         (consume-token input)))
+  (set-full-speed input)
+  (p/ext-subset-decl input)
+  (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+    (wf-error input "Trailing garbage - ~S." (peek-token input))))
+(defvar *catalog* nil)
+(defun extid-using-catalog (extid)
+  (if *catalog*
+      (let ((sysid
+             (resolve-extid (extid-public extid)
+                            (extid-system extid)
+                            *catalog*)))
+        (if sysid
+            (make-extid nil sysid)
+            extid))
+      extid))
+(defun p/doctype-decl (input &optional dtd-extid)
+  (let ()
+    (let ((*expand-pe-p* nil)
+          name extid)
+      (expect input :|<!DOCTYPE|)
+      (p/S input)
+      (setq name (p/nmtoken input))
+      (when *validate*
+        (setf (model-stack *ctx*) (list (make-root-model name))))
+      (when (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+        (p/S input)
+        (unless (or (eq (peek-token input) :\[ )
+                    (eq (peek-token input) :\> ))
+          (setf extid (p/external-id input t))))
+      (when dtd-extid
+        (setf extid dtd-extid))
+      (p/S? input)
+      (sax:start-dtd (handler *ctx*)
+                     name
+                     (and extid (extid-public extid))
+                     (and extid (uri-rod (extid-system extid))))
+      (when (eq (peek-token input) :\[ )
+        (when (disallow-internal-subset *ctx*)
+          (wf-error input "document includes an internal subset"))
+        (ensure-dtd)
+        (consume-token input)
+	(sax:start-internal-subset (handler *ctx*))
+        (while (progn (p/S? input)
+                      (not (eq (peek-token input) :\] )))
+          (if (eq (peek-token input) :PE-REFERENCE)
+              (let ((name (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
+                (recurse-on-entity input name :parameter
+                                   (lambda (input)
+                                     (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :parameter)
+                                       (external-entdef
+                                        (p/ext-subset input))
+                                       (internal-entdef
+                                        (p/ext-subset-decl input)))
+                                     (unless (eq :eof (peek-token input))
+                                       (wf-error input "Trailing garbage.")))))
+              (let ((*expand-pe-p* t))
+                (p/markup-decl input))))
+        (consume-token input)
+	(sax:end-internal-subset (handler *ctx*))
+        (p/S? input))
+      (expect input :>)
+      (when extid
+        (let* ((effective-extid
+                (extid-using-catalog (absolute-extid input extid)))
+               (sysid (extid-system effective-extid))
+               (fresh-dtd-p (null (dtd *ctx*)))
+               (cached-dtd
+                (and fresh-dtd-p
+                     (not (standalone-p *ctx*))
+                     (getdtd sysid *dtd-cache*))))
+          (cond
+            (cached-dtd
+              (setf (dtd *ctx*) cached-dtd)
+              (report-cached-dtd cached-dtd))
+            (t
+              (let ((xi2 (xstream-open-extid effective-extid)))
+		(with-zstream (zi2 :input-stack (list xi2))
+		  (ensure-dtd)
+		  (p/ext-subset zi2)
+		  (when (and fresh-dtd-p
+			     *cache-all-dtds*
+			     *validate*
+			     (not (standalone-p *ctx*)))
+		    (setf (getdtd sysid *dtd-cache*) (dtd *ctx*)))))))))
+      (sax:end-dtd (handler *ctx*))
+      (let ((dtd (dtd *ctx*)))
+        (sax:entity-resolver
+         (handler *ctx*)
+         (lambda (name handler) (resolve-entity name handler dtd)))
+        (sax::dtd (handler *ctx*) dtd))
+      (list :DOCTYPE name extid))))
+(defun report-cached-dtd (dtd)
+  (maphash (lambda (k v)
+             (report-entity (handler *ctx*) :general k (cdr v)))
+           (dtd-gentities dtd))
+  (maphash (lambda (k v)
+             (report-entity (handler *ctx*) :parameter k (cdr v)))
+           (dtd-pentities dtd))
+  (maphash (lambda (k v)
+             (sax:notation-declaration
+              (handler *ctx*)
+              k
+              (if (extid-public v)
+                  (normalize-public-id (extid-public v))
+                  nil)
+              (uri-rod (extid-system v))))
+           (dtd-notations dtd)))
+(defun p/misc*-2 (input)
+  ;; Misc*
+  (while (member (peek-token input) '(:COMMENT :PI :S))
+    (case (peek-token input)
+      (:COMMENT
+        (sax:comment (handler *ctx*) (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))
+      (:PI
+        (sax:processing-instruction
+         (handler *ctx*)
+         (car (nth-value 1 (peek-token input)))
+         (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+    (consume-token input)))
+(defun p/document
+    (input handler
+     &key validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-internal-subset
+	  (recode t))
+  ;; check types of user-supplied arguments for better error messages:
+  (check-type validate boolean)
+  (check-type recode boolean)
+  (check-type dtd (or null extid))
+  (check-type root (or null rod))
+  (check-type entity-resolver (or null function symbol))
+  (check-type disallow-internal-subset boolean)
+  #+rune-is-integer
+  (when recode
+    (setf handler (make-recoder handler #'rod-to-utf8-string)))
+  (let* ((xstream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+	 (name (xstream-name xstream))
+	 (base (when name (stream-name-uri name)))
+	 (*ctx*
+	  (make-context :handler handler
+			:main-zstream input
+			:entity-resolver entity-resolver
+			:base-stack (list (or base ""))
+			:disallow-internal-subset disallow-internal-subset))
+	 (*validate* validate)
+	 (*namespace-bindings* *initial-namespace-bindings*))
+    (sax:register-sax-parser handler (make-instance 'cxml-parser :ctx *ctx*))
+    (sax:start-document handler)
+    ;; document ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)? element Misc*
+    ;; Misc ::= Comment | PI |  S
+    ;; xmldecl::='<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
+    ;; sddecl::= S 'standalone' Eq (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
+    (let ((*data-behaviour* :DTD))
+      ;; optional XMLDecl?
+      (p/xmldecl input)
+      ;; Misc*
+      (p/misc*-2 input)
+      ;; (doctypedecl Misc*)?
+      (cond
+        ((eq (peek-token input) :<!DOCTYPE)
+          (p/doctype-decl input dtd)
+          (p/misc*-2 input))
+        (dtd
+	  (synthesize-doctype dtd input))
+        ((and validate (not dtd))
+          (validity-error "invalid document: no doctype")))
+      (ensure-dtd)
+      ;; Override expected root element if asked to
+      (when root
+        (setf (model-stack *ctx*) (list (make-root-model root))))
+      ;; element
+      (let ((*data-behaviour* :DOC))
+	(fix-seen-< input)
+        (p/element input))
+      ;; optional Misc*
+      (p/misc*-2 input)
+      (p/eof input)
+      (sax:end-document handler))))
+(defun synthesize-doctype (dtd input)
+  (let ((dummy (string->xstream "<!DOCTYPE dummy>")))
+    (setf (xstream-name dummy)
+	  (make-stream-name
+	   :entity-name "dummy doctype"
+	   :entity-kind :main
+	   :uri (zstream-base-sysid input)))
+    (with-zstream (zstream :input-stack (list dummy))
+      (p/doctype-decl zstream dtd))))
+(defun fix-seen-< (input)
+  (when (eq (peek-token input) :seen-<)
+    (multiple-value-bind (c s)
+	(read-token-after-|<| input (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+      (setf (zstream-token-category input) c
+	    (zstream-token-semantic input) s))))
+(defun p/xmldecl (input)
+  ;; we will use the attribute-value parser for the xml decl.
+  (prog1
+      (when (eq (peek-token input) :xml-decl)
+	(let ((hd (parse-xml-decl (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+	  (setf (standalone-p *ctx*) (eq (xml-header-standalone-p hd) :yes))
+	  (setup-encoding input hd)
+	  (read-token input)
+	  hd))
+    (set-full-speed input)))
+(defun p/eof (input)
+  (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+    (wf-error input "Garbage at end of document."))
+  (when *validate*
+    (maphash (lambda (k v)
+	       (unless v
+		 (validity-error "(11) IDREF: ~S not defined" (rod-string k))))
+	     (id-table *ctx*))
+    (dolist (name (referenced-notations *ctx*))
+      (unless (find-notation name (dtd *ctx*))
+	(validity-error "(23) Notation Declared: ~S" (rod-string name))))))
+(defun p/element (input)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat n-b new-b uri lname qname attrs) (p/sztag input)
+    (sax:start-element (handler *ctx*) uri lname qname attrs)
+    (when (eq cat :stag)
+      (let ((*namespace-bindings* n-b))
+	(p/content input))
+      (p/etag input qname))
+    (sax:end-element (handler *ctx*) uri lname qname)
+    (undeclare-namespaces new-b)
+    (pop (base-stack *ctx*))
+    (validate-end-element *ctx* qname)))
+(defun p/sztag (input)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (case cat
+      ((:stag :ztag))
+      (:eof (eox input))
+      (t (wf-error input "element expected")))
+    (destructuring-bind (&optional name &rest raw-attrs) sem
+      (validate-start-element *ctx* name)
+      (let* ((attrs
+	      (process-attributes *ctx* name (build-attribute-list raw-attrs)))
+	     (*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
+	     new-namespaces)
+	(when sax:*namespace-processing*
+	  (setf new-namespaces (declare-namespaces attrs))
+	  (mapc #'set-attribute-namespace attrs))
+	(push (compute-base attrs) (base-stack *ctx*))
+	(multiple-value-bind (uri prefix local-name)
+	    (if sax:*namespace-processing*
+		(decode-qname name)
+		(values nil nil nil))
+	  (declare (ignore prefix))
+	  (check-attribute-uniqueness attrs)
+	  (unless (or sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*
+		      (null sax:*namespace-processing*))
+	    (setf attrs
+		  (remove-if (compose #'xmlns-attr-p #'sax:attribute-qname)
+			     attrs))) 
+	  (values cat
+		  *namespace-bindings*
+		  new-namespaces
+		  uri local-name name attrs))))))
+(defun p/etag (input qname)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat2 sem2) (read-token input)
+    (unless (and (eq cat2 :etag)
+		 (eq (car sem2) qname))
+      (wf-error input "Bad nesting. ~S / ~S"
+		(mu qname)
+		(mu (cons cat2 sem2))))
+    (when (cdr sem2)
+      (wf-error input "no attributes allowed in end tag"))))
+;; copy&paste from cxml-rng
+(defun escape-uri (string)
+  (with-output-to-string (out)
+    (loop for c across (cxml::rod-to-utf8-string string) do
+	  (let ((code (char-code c)))
+	    ;; http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/#link-locators
+	    (if (or (>= code 127) (<= code 32) (find c "<>\"{}|\\^`"))
+		(format out "%~2,'0X" code)
+		(write-char c out))))))
+(defun compute-base (attrs)
+  (let ((new (sax:find-attribute #"xml:base" attrs))
+	(current (car (base-stack *ctx*))))
+    (if new
+	(puri:merge-uris (escape-uri (sax:attribute-value new)) current)
+	current)))
+(defun process-characters (input sem)
+  (consume-token input)
+  (when (search #"]]>" sem)
+    (wf-error input "']]>' not allowed in CharData"))
+  (validate-characters *ctx* sem))
+(defun process-cdata-section (input)
+  (consume-token input)
+  (let ((input (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (unless (and (rune= #/C (read-rune input))
+		 (rune= #/D (read-rune input))
+		 (rune= #/A (read-rune input))
+		 (rune= #/T (read-rune input))
+		 (rune= #/A (read-rune input))
+		 (rune= #/\[ (read-rune input)))
+      (wf-error input "After '<![', 'CDATA[' is expected."))
+    (validate-characters *ctx* #"hack")	;anything other than whitespace
+    (read-cdata-sect input)))
+(defun p/content (input)
+  ;; [43] content ::= (element | CharData | Reference | CDSect | PI | Comment)*
+  (loop
+     (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+       (case cat
+	 ((:stag :ztag)
+	  (p/element input))
+	 ((:CDATA)
+	  (process-characters input sem)
+	  (sax:characters (handler *ctx*) sem))
+	  (let ((name sem))
+	    (consume-token input)
+	    (recurse-on-entity input name :general
+			       (lambda (input)
+				 (prog1
+				     (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :general)
+				       (internal-entdef (p/content input))
+				       (external-entdef (p/ext-parsed-ent input)))
+				   (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+				     (wf-error input "Trailing garbage. - ~S"
+					       (peek-token input))))))))
+	 ((:<!\[)
+	  (let ((data (process-cdata-section input)))
+	    (sax:start-cdata (handler *ctx*))
+	    (sax:characters (handler *ctx*) data)
+	    (sax:end-cdata (handler *ctx*))))
+	 ((:PI)
+	  (consume-token input)
+	  (sax:processing-instruction (handler *ctx*) (car sem) (cdr sem)))
+	 ((:COMMENT)
+	  (consume-token input)
+	  (sax:comment (handler *ctx*) sem))
+	 (otherwise
+	  (return))))))
+;; [78] extParsedEnt ::= TextDecl? contentw
+;; [79]        extPE ::= TextDecl? extSubsetDecl
+(defstruct xml-header
+  version
+  encoding
+  (standalone-p nil))
+(defun p/ext-parsed-ent (input)
+  ;; [78] extParsedEnt ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>' content
+  (when (eq (peek-token input) :xml-decl)
+    (let ((hd (parse-text-decl (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+      (setup-encoding input hd))
+    (consume-token input))
+  (set-full-speed input)
+  (p/content input))
+(defun parse-xml-decl (content)
+  (let* ((res (make-xml-header))
+	 (i (make-rod-xstream content)))
+    (with-zstream (z :input-stack (list i))
+      (let ((atts (read-attribute-list z i t)))
+	(unless (eq (peek-rune i) :eof)
+	  (wf-error i "Garbage at end of XMLDecl."))
+	;; versioninfo muss da sein
+	;; dann ? encodingdecl
+	;; dann ? sddecl
+	;; dann ende
+	(unless (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "version")))
+	  (wf-error i "XMLDecl needs version."))
+	(unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+		     (every (lambda (x)
+			      (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+				  (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+				  (rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+				  (rune= x #/_)
+				  (rune= x #/.)
+				  (rune= x #/:)
+				  (rune= x #/-)))
+			    (cdar atts)))
+	  (wf-error i"Bad XML version number: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+	(setf (xml-header-version res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+	(pop atts)
+	(when (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "encoding")))
+	  (unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+		       (every (lambda (x)
+				(or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+				    (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+				    (rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+				    (rune= x #/_)
+				    (rune= x #/.)
+				    (rune= x #/-)))
+			      (cdar atts))
+		       ((lambda (x)
+			  (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+			      (rune<= #/A x #/Z)))
+			(aref (cdar atts) 0)))
+	    (wf-error i "Bad XML encoding name: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+	  (setf (xml-header-encoding res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+	  (pop atts))
+	(when (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "standalone")))
+	  (unless (or (rod= (cdar atts) '#.(string-rod "yes"))
+		      (rod= (cdar atts) '#.(string-rod "no")))
+	    (wf-error i "XMLDecl's 'standalone' attribute must be exactly \"yes\" or \"no\" and not ~S."
+		      (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+	  (setf (xml-header-standalone-p res)
+		(if (rod-equal '#.(string-rod "yes") (cdar atts))
+		    :yes
+		    :no))
+	  (pop atts))
+	(when atts
+	  (wf-error i "Garbage in XMLDecl: ~A" (rod-string content)))
+	res))))
+(defun parse-text-decl (content)
+  (let* ((res (make-xml-header))
+         (i (make-rod-xstream content)))
+    (with-zstream (z :input-stack (list i))
+      (let ((atts (read-attribute-list z i t)))
+	(unless (eq (peek-rune i) :eof)
+	  (wf-error i "Garbage at end of TextDecl"))
+	;; versioninfo optional
+	;; encodingdecl muss da sein
+	;; dann ende
+	(when (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "version")))
+	  (unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+		       (every (lambda (x)
+				(or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+				    (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+				    (rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+				    (rune= x #/_)
+				    (rune= x #/.)
+				    (rune= x #/:)
+				    (rune= x #/-)))
+			      (cdar atts)))
+	    (wf-error i "Bad XML version number: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+	  (setf (xml-header-version res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+	  (pop atts)) 
+	(unless (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "encoding")))
+	  (wf-error i "TextDecl needs encoding."))
+	(unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+		     (every (lambda (x)
+			      (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+				  (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+				  (rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+				  (rune= x #/_)
+				  (rune= x #/.)
+				  (rune= x #/-)))
+			    (cdar atts))
+		     ((lambda (x)
+			(or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+			    (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+			    (rune<= #/0 x #/9)))
+		      (aref (cdar atts) 0)))
+	  (wf-error i "Bad XML encoding name: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+	(setf (xml-header-encoding res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+	(pop atts)
+	(when atts
+	  (wf-error i "Garbage in TextDecl: ~A" (rod-string content)))))
+    res))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  mu
+(defun mu (x)
+  (cond ((stringp x) x)
+        ((vectorp x) (rod-string x))
+        ((consp x)
+         (cons (mu (car x)) (mu (cdr x))))
+        (x)))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; User interface ;;;;
+(defun specific-or (component &optional (alternative nil))
+  (if (eq component :unspecific)
+      alternative
+      component))
+(defun string-or (str &optional (alternative nil))
+  (if (zerop (length str))
+      alternative
+      str))
+(defun make-uri (&rest initargs &key path query &allow-other-keys)
+  (apply #'make-instance
+         'puri:uri
+         :path (and path (escape-path path))
+         :query (and query (escape-query query))
+         initargs))
+(defun escape-path (list)
+  (puri::render-parsed-path list t))
+(defun escape-query (pairs)
+  (flet ((escape (str)
+           (puri::encode-escaped-encoding str puri::*reserved-characters* t)))
+    (let ((first t))
+      (with-output-to-string (s)
+        (dolist (pair pairs)
+          (if first
+              (setf first nil)
+              (write-char #\& s))
+          (write-string (escape (car pair)) s)
+          (write-char #\= s)
+          (write-string (escape (cdr pair)) s))))))
+(defun uri-parsed-query (uri)
+  (flet ((unescape (str)
+           (puri::decode-escaped-encoding str t puri::*reserved-characters*)))
+    (let ((str (puri:uri-query uri)))
+      (cond
+        (str
+          (let ((pairs '()))
+            (dolist (s (split-sequence-if (lambda (x) (eql x #\&)) str))
+              (destructuring-bind (name value)
+                  (split-sequence-if (lambda (x) (eql x #\=)) s)
+                (push (cons (unescape name) (unescape value)) pairs)))
+            (reverse pairs)))
+        (t
+          nil)))))
+(defun query-value (name alist)
+  (cdr (assoc name alist :test #'equal)))
+(defun pathname-to-uri (pathname)
+  (let ((path
+         (append (pathname-directory pathname)
+                 (list
+                  (if (specific-or (pathname-type pathname))
+                      (concatenate 'string
+                        (pathname-name pathname)
+                        "."
+                        (pathname-type pathname))
+                      (pathname-name pathname))))))
+    (if (eq (car path) :relative)
+        (make-uri :path path)
+        (make-uri :scheme :file
+                  :host (concatenate 'string
+                          (string-or (host-namestring pathname))
+                          "+"
+                          (specific-or (pathname-device pathname)))
+                  :path path))))
+(defun pathname-to-uri (pathname)
+  (puri:parse-uri (namestring pathname)))
+(defun parse-name.type (str)
+  (if str
+      (let ((i (position #\. str :from-end t)))
+        (if i
+            (values (subseq str 0 i) (subseq str (1+ i)))
+            (values str nil)))
+      (values nil nil)))
+(defun uri-to-pathname (uri)
+  (let ((scheme (puri:uri-scheme uri))
+        (path (puri:uri-parsed-path uri)))
+    (unless (member scheme '(nil :file))
+      (error 'xml-parse-error
+             :format-control "URI scheme ~S not supported"
+             :format-arguments (list scheme)))
+    (if (eq (car path) :relative)
+        (multiple-value-bind (name type)
+            (parse-name.type (car (last path)))
+          (make-pathname :directory (butlast path)
+                         :name name
+                         :type type))
+        (multiple-value-bind (name type)
+            (parse-name.type (car (last (cdr path))))
+          (destructuring-bind (host device)
+              (split-sequence-if (lambda (x) (eql x #\+))
+                                 (or (puri:uri-host uri) "+"))
+            (make-pathname :host (string-or host)
+                           :device (string-or device)
+                           :directory (cons :absolute (butlast (cdr path)))
+                           :name name
+                           :type type))))))
+(defun uri-to-pathname (uri)
+  (let ((pathname (puri:render-uri uri nil)))
+    (when (equalp (pathname-host pathname) "+")
+      (setf (slot-value pathname 'lisp::host) "localhost"))
+    pathname))
+(defun parse
+    (input handler &rest args
+     &key validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-internal-subset
+          recode pathname)
+  (declare (ignore validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-internal-subset
+		   recode))
+  (let ((args
+	 (loop
+	    for (name value) on args by #'cddr
+	    unless (eq name :pathname)
+	    append (list name value))))
+    (etypecase input
+      (xstream  (apply #'parse-xstream input handler args))
+      (pathname (apply #'parse-file input handler args))
+      (rod      (apply #'parse-rod input handler args))
+      (array    (apply #'parse-octets input handler args))
+      (stream 
+       (let ((xstream (make-xstream input :speed 8192)))
+	 (setf (xstream-name xstream)
+	       (make-stream-name
+		:entity-name "main document"
+		:entity-kind :main
+		:uri (pathname-to-uri
+		      (merge-pathnames (or pathname (pathname input))))))
+	 (apply #'parse-xstream xstream handler args))))))
+(defun parse-xstream (xstream handler &rest args)
+  (let ((*ctx* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(with-zstream (zstream :input-stack (list xstream))
+	  (peek-rune xstream)
+	  (with-scratch-pads ()
+	    (apply #'p/document zstream handler args)))
+      (runes-encoding:encoding-error (c)
+	(wf-error xstream "~A" c)))))
+(defun parse-file (filename handler &rest args)
+  (with-open-xfile (input filename)
+    (setf (xstream-name input)
+      (make-stream-name
+       :entity-name "main document"
+       :entity-kind :main
+       :uri (pathname-to-uri (merge-pathnames filename))))
+    (apply #'parse-xstream input handler args)))
+(defun resolve-synonym-stream (stream)
+  (while (typep stream 'synonym-stream)
+    (setf stream (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream))))
+  stream)
+(defun safe-stream-sysid (stream)
+  (if (and (typep (resolve-synonym-stream stream) 'file-stream)
+	   ;; ignore-errors, because sb-bsd-sockets creates instances of
+	   ;; FILE-STREAMs that aren't
+           (ignore-errors (pathname stream)))
+      (pathname-to-uri (merge-pathnames (pathname stream)))
+      nil))
+(defun parse-stream (stream handler &rest args)
+  (let ((xstream
+         (make-xstream
+          stream
+          :name (make-stream-name
+                 :entity-name "main document"
+                 :entity-kind :main
+                 :uri (safe-stream-sysid stream))
+          :initial-speed 1)))
+    (apply #'parse-xstream xstream handler args)))
+(defun parse-empty-document
+    (uri qname handler &key public-id system-id entity-resolver (recode t))
+  (check-type uri (or null rod))
+  (check-type qname (or null rod))
+  (check-type public-id (or null rod))
+  (check-type system-id (or null puri:uri))
+  (check-type entity-resolver (or null function symbol))
+  (check-type recode boolean)
+  #+rune-is-integer
+  (when recode
+    (setf handler (make-recoder handler #'rod-to-utf8-string)))
+  (let ((*ctx*
+         (make-context :handler handler :entity-resolver entity-resolver))
+        (*validate* nil)
+	(extid
+	 (when (or public-id system-id)
+	   (extid-using-catalog (make-extid public-id system-id)))))
+    (sax:start-document handler)
+    (when extid
+      (sax:start-dtd handler
+                     qname
+                     (and public-id)
+                     (and system-id (uri-rod system-id)))
+      (setf (dtd *ctx*) (getdtd (extid-system extid) *dtd-cache*))
+      (unless (dtd *ctx*)
+	(with-scratch-pads ()
+	  (let ((*data-behaviour* :DTD))
+	    (let ((xi2 (xstream-open-extid extid)))
+	      (with-zstream (zi2 :input-stack (list xi2))
+		(ensure-dtd)
+		(p/ext-subset zi2))))))
+      (sax:end-dtd handler)
+      (let ((dtd (dtd *ctx*)))
+        (sax:entity-resolver handler (lambda (n h) (resolve-entity n h dtd)))
+        (sax::dtd handler dtd)))
+    (ensure-dtd)
+    (when (or uri qname)
+      (let* ((attrs
+	      (when uri
+		(list (sax:make-attribute :qname #"xmlns"
+					  :value (rod uri)
+					  :specified-p t))))
+	     (*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
+	     new-namespaces)
+	(when sax:*namespace-processing*
+	  (setf new-namespaces (declare-namespaces attrs))
+	  (mapc #'set-attribute-namespace attrs))
+	(multiple-value-bind (uri prefix local-name)
+	    (if sax:*namespace-processing* (decode-qname qname) nil)
+	  (declare (ignore prefix))
+	  (unless (or sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*
+		      (null sax:*namespace-processing*))
+	    (setf attrs nil)) 
+	  (sax:start-element (handler *ctx*) uri local-name qname attrs)
+	  (sax:end-element (handler *ctx*) uri local-name qname))
+	(undeclare-namespaces new-namespaces)))
+    (sax:end-document handler)))
+(defun parse-dtd-file (filename &optional handler)
+  (with-open-file (s filename :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (parse-dtd-stream s handler)))
+(defun parse-dtd-stream (stream &optional handler)
+  (let ((input (make-xstream stream)))
+    (setf (xstream-name input)
+          (make-stream-name
+           :entity-name "dtd"
+           :entity-kind :main
+           :uri (safe-stream-sysid stream)))
+    (let ((*ctx* (make-context :handler handler))
+          (*validate* t)
+          (*data-behaviour* :DTD))
+      (with-zstream (zstream :input-stack (list input))
+	(with-scratch-pads ()
+	  (ensure-dtd)
+	  (peek-rune input)
+	  (p/ext-subset zstream)
+	  (dtd *ctx*))))))
+(defun parse-rod (string handler &rest args)
+  (let ((xstream (string->xstream string)))
+    (setf (xstream-name xstream)
+	  (make-stream-name
+	   :entity-name "main document"
+	   :entity-kind :main
+	   :uri nil))
+    (apply #'parse-xstream xstream handler args)))
+(defun string->xstream (string)
+  (make-rod-xstream (string-rod string)))
+(defun parse-octets (octets handler &rest args)
+  (apply #'parse-stream (make-octet-input-stream octets) handler args))
+(defun zstream-push (new-xstream zstream)
+  (cond ((find-if (lambda (x)
+                    (and (xstream-p x)
+                         (eql (stream-name-entity-name (xstream-name x))
+                              (stream-name-entity-name (xstream-name new-xstream)))
+                         (eql (stream-name-entity-kind (xstream-name x))
+                              (stream-name-entity-kind (xstream-name new-xstream)))))
+                  (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+         (wf-error zstream "Infinite recursion.")))
+  (push new-xstream (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+  zstream)
+(defun recurse-on-entity (zstream name kind continuation &optional internalp)
+  (assert (not (zstream-token-category zstream)))
+  (call-with-entity-expansion-as-stream
+   zstream
+   (lambda (new-xstream)
+     (push :stop (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+     (zstream-push new-xstream zstream)
+     (prog1
+         (funcall continuation zstream)
+       (assert (eq (peek-token zstream) :eof))
+       (assert (eq (pop (zstream-input-stack zstream)) new-xstream))
+       (close-xstream new-xstream)
+       (assert (eq (pop (zstream-input-stack zstream)) :stop))
+       (setf (zstream-token-category zstream) nil)
+       '(consume-token zstream)) )
+   name
+   kind
+   internalp))
+(defmacro read-data-until* ((predicate input res res-start res-end) &body body)
+  ;; fast variant -- for now disabled for no apparent reason
+  ;; -> res, res-start, res-end
+  `(let* ((rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,input))
+          (p0   rptr)
+          (fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,input))
+          (buf  (xstream-buffer ,input))
+          ,res ,res-start ,res-end)
+    (declare (type fixnum rptr fptr p0)
+             (type (simple-array read-element (*)) buf))
+    (loop
+      (cond ((%= rptr fptr)
+             ;; underflow -- hmm inject the scratch-pad with what we
+             ;; read and continue, while using read-rune and collecting
+             ;; d.h. besser waere hier auch while-reading zu benutzen.
+             (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+             (multiple-value-setq (,res ,res-start ,res-end)
+               (with-rune-collector/raw (collect)
+                 (do ((i p0 (%+ i 1)))
+                     ((%= i rptr))
+                   (collect (%rune buf i)))
+                 (let (c)
+                   (loop
+                     (cond ((%= rptr fptr)
+                            (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+                            (setf c (peek-rune input))
+                            (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                                   (return)))
+                            (setf rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,input)
+                                  fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,input)
+                                  buf  (xstream-buffer ,input)))
+                           (t
+                            (setf c (%rune buf rptr))))
+                     (cond ((,predicate c)
+                            ;; we stop
+                            (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+                            (return))
+                           (t
+                            ;; we continue
+                            (collect c)
+                            (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1))) )))))
+             (return))
+            ((,predicate (%rune buf rptr))
+             ;; we stop
+             (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+             (setf ,res buf ,res-start p0 ,res-end rptr)
+             (return) )
+            (t
+            we continue
+             (sf rptr (%+ rptr 1))) ))
+    , at body ))
+(defmacro read-data-until* ((predicate input res res-start res-end) &body body)
+  "Read data from `input' until `predicate' applied to the read char
+   turns true. Then execute `body' with `res', `res-start', `res-end'
+   bound to denote a subsequence (of RUNEs) containing the read portion.
+   The rune upon which `predicate' turned true is neither consumed from
+   the stream, nor included in `res'.
+   Keep the predicate short, this it may be included more than once into
+   the macro's expansion."
+  ;;
+  (let ((input-var (gensym))
+        (collect (gensym))
+        (c (gensym)))
+    `(LET ((,input-var ,input))
+       (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (,res ,res-start ,res-end)
+           (WITH-RUNE-COLLECTOR/RAW (,collect)
+             (LOOP
+               (LET ((,c (PEEK-RUNE ,input-var)))
+                 (COND ((EQ ,c :EOF)
+                        ;; xxx error message
+                        (RETURN))
+                       ((FUNCALL ,predicate ,c)
+                        (RETURN))
+                       (t
+                        (,collect ,c)
+                        (CONSUME-RUNE ,input-var))))))
+         (LOCALLY
+           , at body)))))
+(defun read-name-token (input)
+  (read-data-until* ((lambda (rune)
+                       (declare (type rune rune))
+                       (not (name-rune-p rune)))
+                     input
+                     r rs re)
+                    (intern-name r rs re)))
+(defun read-cdata (input)
+  (read-data-until* ((lambda (rune)
+                       (declare (type rune rune))
+		       (when (and (%rune< rune #/U+0020)
+				  (not (or (%rune= rune #/U+0009)
+					   (%rune= rune #/U+000a)
+					   (%rune= rune #/U+000d))))
+			 (wf-error input "code point invalid: ~A" rune))
+                       (or (%rune= rune #/<) (%rune= rune #/&)))
+                     input
+                     source start end)
+                    (locally
+                     (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) source)
+                              (type ufixnum start)
+                              (type ufixnum end)
+                              (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+                     (let ((res (make-array (%- end start) :element-type 'rune)))
+                       (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) res))
+                       (let ((i (%- end start)))
+                         (declare (type ufixnum i))
+                         (loop
+                           (setf i (- i 1))
+                           (setf (%rune res i) (%rune source (the ufixnum (+ i start))))
+                           (when (= i 0)
+                             (return))))
+                       res))))
+;; used only by read-att-value-2
+(defun internal-entity-expansion (name)
+  (let ((def (get-entity-definition name :general (dtd *ctx*))))
+    (unless def
+      (wf-error nil "Entity '~A' is not defined." (rod-string name)))
+    (unless (typep def 'internal-entdef)
+      (wf-error nil "Entity '~A' is not an internal entity." name))
+    (or (entdef-expansion def)
+        (setf (entdef-expansion def) (find-internal-entity-expansion name)))))
+;; used only by read-att-value-2
+(defun find-internal-entity-expansion (name)
+  (with-zstream (zinput)
+    (with-rune-collector-3 (collect)
+      (labels ((muffle (input)
+		 (let (c)
+		   (loop
+		    (setf c (read-rune input))
+		    (cond ((eq c :eof)
+			   (return))
+			  ((rune= c #/&)
+			   (setf c (peek-rune input))
+			   (cond ((eql c :eof)
+				  (eox input))
+				 ((rune= c #/#)
+				  (let ((c (read-character-reference input)))
+				    (%put-unicode-char c collect)))
+				 (t
+				  (unless (name-start-rune-p c)
+				    (wf-error zinput "Expecting name after &."))
+				  (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+				    (setf c (read-rune input))
+				    (check-rune input c #/\;)
+				    (recurse-on-entity
+				     zinput name :general
+				     (lambda (zinput)
+				       (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput)))))))))
+			  ((rune= c #/<)
+			   (wf-error zinput "unexpected #\/<"))
+			  ((space-rune-p c)
+			   (collect #/space))
+			  ((not (data-rune-p c))
+			   (wf-error zinput "illegal char: ~S." c))
+			  (t
+			   (collect c)))))))
+	(declare (dynamic-extent #'muffle))
+	(recurse-on-entity
+	 zinput name :general
+	 (lambda (zinput)
+	   (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput)))))))))
+;; callback for DOM
+(defun resolve-entity (name handler dtd)
+  (let ((*validate* nil))
+    (if (get-entity-definition name :general dtd)
+        (let* ((*ctx* (make-context :handler handler :dtd dtd))
+               (*data-behaviour* :DOC))
+	  (with-zstream (input)
+	    (with-scratch-pads ()
+	      (recurse-on-entity
+	       input name :general
+	       (lambda (input)
+		 (prog1
+		     (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :general)
+		       (internal-entdef (p/content input))
+		       (external-entdef (p/ext-parsed-ent input)))
+		   (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+		     (wf-error input "Trailing garbage. - ~S"
+			       (peek-token input)))))))))
+        nil)))
+(defun read-att-value-2 (input)
+  (let ((delim (read-rune input)))
+    (when (eql delim :eof)
+      (eox input))
+    (unless (member delim '(#/\" #/\') :test #'eql)
+      (wf-error input
+		"Bad attribute value delimiter ~S, must be either #\\\" or #\\\'."
+		(rune-char delim)))
+    (with-rune-collector-4 (collect)
+      (loop
+        (let ((c (read-rune input)))
+          (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                 (eox input "EOF"))
+                ((rune= c delim)
+                 (return))
+                ((rune= c #/<)
+		 (wf-error input "'<' not allowed in attribute values"))
+                ((rune= #/& c)
+                 (multiple-value-bind (kind sem) (read-entity-like input)
+                   (ecase kind
+                     (:CHARACTER-REFERENCE
+                      (%put-unicode-char sem collect))
+                     (:ENTITY-REFERENCE
+                      (let* ((exp (internal-entity-expansion sem))
+                             (n (length exp)))
+                        (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) exp))
+                        (do ((i 0 (%+ i 1)))
+                            ((%= i n))
+                          (collect (%rune exp i))))))))
+                ((space-rune-p c)
+                 (collect #/u+0020))
+                (t
+                 (collect c))))))))
+;;; Namespace stuff
+;; We already know that name is part of a valid XML name, so all we
+;; have to check is that the first rune is a name-start-rune and that
+;; there is not colon in it.
+(defun nc-name-p (name)
+  (and (plusp (length name))
+       (name-start-rune-p (rune name 0))
+       (notany #'(lambda (rune) (rune= #/: rune)) name)))
+(defun split-qname (qname)
+  (declare (type runes:simple-rod qname))
+  (let ((pos (position  #/: qname)))
+    (if pos
+	(let ((prefix (subseq qname 0 pos))
+	      (local-name (subseq qname (1+ pos))))
+	  (when (zerop pos)
+	    (wf-error nil "empty namespace prefix"))
+	  (if (nc-name-p local-name)
+	      (values prefix local-name)
+	      (wf-error nil "~S is not a valid NcName."
+			(rod-string local-name))))
+	(values () qname))))
+(defun decode-qname (qname)
+  "decode-qname name => namespace-uri, prefix, local-name"
+  (declare (type runes:simple-rod qname))
+  (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name) (split-qname qname)
+    (let ((uri (find-namespace-binding prefix)))
+      (if uri
+	  (values uri prefix local-name)
+	  (values nil nil qname)))))
+(defun find-namespace-binding (prefix)
+  (cdr (or (assoc (or prefix #"") *namespace-bindings* :test #'rod=)
+	   (wf-error nil "Undeclared namespace prefix: ~A" (rod-string prefix)))))
+;; FIXME: Should probably be refactored by adding :start and :end to rod=/rod-equal
+(defun rod-starts-with (prefix rod)
+  (and (<= (length prefix) (length rod))
+       (dotimes (i (length prefix) t)
+         (unless (rune= (rune prefix i) (rune rod i))
+           (return nil)))))
+(defun xmlns-attr-p (attr-name)
+  (rod-starts-with #.(string-rod "xmlns") attr-name))
+(defun attrname->prefix (attrname)
+  (if (< 5 (length attrname))
+      (subseq attrname 6)
+      nil))
+(defun find-namespace-declarations (attributes)
+  (loop
+      for attribute in attributes
+      for qname = (sax:attribute-qname attribute)
+      when (xmlns-attr-p qname)
+      collect (cons (attrname->prefix qname) (sax:attribute-value attribute))))
+(defun declare-namespaces (attributes)
+  (let ((ns-decls (find-namespace-declarations attributes)))
+    (dolist (ns-decl ns-decls)
+      ;; check some namespace validity constraints
+      (let ((prefix (car ns-decl))
+	    (uri (cdr ns-decl)))
+	(cond
+	  ((and (rod= prefix #"xml")
+		(not (rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")))
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Attempt to rebind the prefix \"xml\" to ~S." (mu uri)))
+	  ((and (rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
+		(not (rod= prefix #"xml")))
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "The namespace ~
+                      URI \"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\" may not ~
+                      be bound to the prefix ~S, only \"xml\" is legal."
+		     (mu prefix)))
+	  ((and (rod= prefix #"xmlns")
+		(rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"))
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Attempt to bind the prefix \"xmlns\" to its predefined ~
+                      URI \"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/\", which is ~
+                      forbidden for no good reason."))
+	  ((rod= prefix #"xmlns")
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Attempt to bind the prefix \"xmlns\" to the URI ~S, ~
+                      but it may not be declared." (mu uri)))
+	  ((rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "The namespace URI \"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/\" may ~
+                      not be bound to prefix ~S (or any other)." (mu prefix)))
+	  ((and (rod= uri #"") prefix)
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Only the default namespace (the one without a prefix) ~
+                      may be bound to an empty namespace URI, thus ~
+                      undeclaring it."))
+	  (t
+	   (push (cons prefix (if (rod= #"" uri) nil uri))
+		 *namespace-bindings*)
+	   (sax:start-prefix-mapping (handler *ctx*)
+				     (car ns-decl)
+				     (cdr ns-decl))))))
+    ns-decls))
+(defun undeclare-namespaces (ns-decls)
+  (dolist (ns-decl ns-decls)
+    (sax:end-prefix-mapping (handler *ctx*) (car ns-decl))))
+(defun build-attribute-list (attr-alist)
+  ;; fixme: if there is a reason this function reverses attribute order,
+  ;; it should be documented.
+  (let (attributes)
+    (dolist (pair attr-alist)
+      (push (sax:make-attribute :qname (car pair)
+				:value (cdr pair)
+				:specified-p t)
+	    attributes))
+    attributes))
+(defun check-attribute-uniqueness (attributes)
+  ;; 5.3 Uniqueness of Attributes
+  ;; In XML documents conforming to [the xmlns] specification, no
+  ;; tag may contain two attributes which:
+  ;; 1. have identical names, or
+  ;; 2. have qualified names with the same local part and with
+  ;; prefixes which have been bound to namespace names that are
+  ;; identical.
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. is checked by read-tag-2, so we only deal with 2 here
+  (loop for (attr-1 . rest) on attributes do
+	(when (and (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-1)
+		   (find-if (lambda (attr-2)
+			      (and (rod= (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-1)
+					 (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-2))
+				   (rod= (sax:attribute-local-name attr-1)
+					 (sax:attribute-local-name attr-2))))
+			    rest))
+	  (wf-error nil
+		    "Multiple definitions of attribute ~S in namespace ~S."
+		    (mu (sax:attribute-local-name attr-1))
+		    (mu (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-1))))))
+(defun set-attribute-namespace (attribute)
+  (let ((qname (sax:attribute-qname attribute)))
+    (if (and sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* (rod= qname #"xmlns"))
+	(setf (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attribute)
+	      #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+	(multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name) (split-qname qname)
+	  (when (and prefix ;; default namespace doesn't apply to attributes
+		     (or (not (rod= #"xmlns" prefix))
+			 sax:*use-xmlns-namespace*))
+	    (setf (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attribute)
+		  (decode-qname qname)))
+	  (setf (sax:attribute-local-name attribute) local-name)))))
+;; System Identifier Protocol
+;; A system identifier is an object obeying to the system identifier
+;; protocol. Often something like an URL or a pathname.
+;; OPEN-SYS-ID sys-id                                   [generic function]
+;; Opens the resource associated with the system identifier `sys-id'
+;; for reading and returns a stream. For now it is expected, that the
+;; stream is an octet stream (one of element type (unsigned-byte 8)).
+;; More precisely: The returned object only has to obey to the xstream
+;; controller protocol. (That is it has to provide implementations for
+;; MERGE-SYS-ID sys-id base                             [generic function]
+;; Merges two system identifiers. That is resolve `sys-id' relative to
+;; `base' yielding an absolute system identifier suitable for
+;;; SAX validation handler
+(defclass validator ()
+    ((context :initarg :context :accessor context)
+     (cdatap :initform nil :accessor cdatap)))
+(defun make-validator (dtd root)
+  (make-instance 'validator
+    :context (make-context
+              :handler nil
+              :dtd dtd
+              :model-stack (list (make-root-model root)))))
+(macrolet ((with-context ((validator) &body body)
+             `(let ((*ctx* (context ,validator))
+                    (*validate* t))
+                (with-scratch-pads ()   ;nicht schoen
+                  , at body))))
+  (defmethod sax:start-element ((handler validator) uri lname qname attributes)
+    uri lname
+    (with-context (handler)
+      (validate-start-element *ctx* qname)
+      (process-attributes *ctx* qname attributes)))
+  (defmethod sax:start-cdata ((handler validator))
+    (setf (cdatap handler) t))
+  (defmethod sax:characters ((handler validator) data)
+    (with-context (handler)
+      (validate-characters *ctx* (if (cdatap handler) #"hack" data))))
+  (defmethod sax:end-cdata ((handler validator))
+    (setf (cdatap handler) nil))
+  (defmethod sax:end-element ((handler validator) uri lname qname)
+    uri lname
+    (with-context (handler)
+      (validate-end-element *ctx* qname))))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xmlns-normalizer.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xmlns-normalizer.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+;;;; xmlns-normalizer.lisp -- DOM 3-style namespace normalization
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2005 David Lichteblau
+;;;; Hier eine Variante des reichlich furchtbaren Algorithmus zur
+;;;; Namespace-Normalisierung aus DOM 3 Core.[1]
+;;;; Gebraucht wir die Sache, weil Element- und Attributknoten in DOM
+;;;; zwar ein Prefix-Attribut speichern, massgeblich fuer ihren Namespace
+;;;; aber nur die URI sein soll.  Und eine Anpassung der zugehoerigen
+;;;; xmlns-Attribute findet bei Veraenderungen im DOM-Baum nicht statt,
+;;;; bzw. wird dem Nutzer ueberlassen.
+;;;; Daher muss letztlich spaetestens beim Serialisieren eine
+;;;; Namespace-Deklaration fuer die angegebene URI nachgetragen und das
+;;;; Praefix ggf. umbenannt werden, damit am Ende doch etwas
+;;;; Namespace-konformes heraus kommt.
+;;;; Und das nennen sie dann Namespace-Support.
+;;;; [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/namespaces-algorithms.html#normalizeDocumentAlgo
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass namespace-normalizer (sax-proxy)
+    ((xmlns-stack :initarg :xmlns-stack :accessor xmlns-stack)))
+(defvar *xmlns-namespace* #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+(defun make-namespace-normalizer (chained-handler)
+  (make-instance 'namespace-normalizer
+    :xmlns-stack (list (mapcar (lambda (cons)
+				 (make-xmlns-attribute (car cons) (cdr cons)))
+			       *initial-namespace-bindings*))
+    :chained-handler chained-handler))
+(defun normalizer-find-prefix (handler prefix)
+  (when (zerop (length prefix))
+    (setf prefix #"xmlns"))
+  (block t
+    (dolist (bindings (xmlns-stack handler))
+      (dolist (attribute bindings)
+	(when (rod= (sax:attribute-local-name attribute) prefix)
+	  (return-from t attribute))))))
+(defun normalizer-find-uri (handler uri)
+  (block t
+    (dolist (bindings (xmlns-stack handler))
+      (dolist (attribute bindings)
+	(when (and (rod= (sax:attribute-value attribute) uri)
+		   ;; default-namespace interessiert uns nicht
+		   (not (rod= (sax:attribute-qname attribute) #"xmlns")))
+	  (return-from t attribute))))))
+(defun make-xmlns-attribute (prefix uri)
+  (if (and (plusp (length prefix)) (not (equal prefix #"xmlns")))
+      (sax:make-attribute
+       :qname (concatenate 'rod #"xmlns:" prefix)
+       :namespace-uri *xmlns-namespace*
+       :local-name prefix
+       :value uri)
+      (sax:make-attribute
+       :qname #"xmlns"
+       :namespace-uri *xmlns-namespace*
+       :local-name #"xmlns"
+       :value uri)))
+(defun rename-attribute (a new-prefix)
+  (setf (sax:attribute-qname a)
+	(concatenate 'rod new-prefix #":" (sax:attribute-local-name a))))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((handler namespace-normalizer) uri lname qname attrs)
+  (when (null uri)
+    (setf uri #""))
+  (let ((normal-attrs '()))
+    (push nil (xmlns-stack handler))
+    (dolist (a attrs)
+      (if (rod= *xmlns-namespace* (sax:attribute-namespace-uri a))
+	  (push a (car (xmlns-stack handler)))
+	  (push a normal-attrs)))
+    (flet ((push-namespace (prefix uri)
+	     (let ((new (make-xmlns-attribute prefix uri)))
+	       (unless (find (sax:attribute-qname new)
+			     attrs
+			     :test #'rod=
+			     :key #'sax:attribute-qname)
+		 (push new (car (xmlns-stack handler)))
+		 (push new attrs)))))
+      (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name) (split-qname qname)
+	(setf lname local-name)
+	(let ((binding (normalizer-find-prefix handler prefix)))
+	  (cond
+	    ((null binding)
+	      (unless (and (null prefix) (zerop (length uri)))
+		(push-namespace prefix uri)))
+	    ((rod= (sax:attribute-value binding) uri))
+	    ((member binding (car (xmlns-stack handler)))
+	      (setf (sax:attribute-value binding) uri))
+	    (t
+	      (push-namespace prefix uri)))))
+      (dolist (a normal-attrs)
+	(let ((u (sax:attribute-namespace-uri a)))
+	  (when u
+	    (let* ((prefix (split-qname (sax:attribute-qname a)))
+		   (prefix-binding
+		    (when prefix
+		      (normalizer-find-prefix handler prefix))))
+	      (when (or (null prefix-binding)
+			(not (rod= (sax:attribute-value prefix-binding) u)))
+		(let ((uri-binding (normalizer-find-uri handler u)))
+		  (cond
+		    (uri-binding
+		      (rename-attribute
+		       a
+		       (sax:attribute-local-name uri-binding)))
+		    ((and prefix (null prefix-binding))
+		      (push-namespace prefix u))
+		    (t
+		      (loop
+			  for i from 1
+			  for prefix = (rod (format nil "NS~D" i))
+			  unless (normalizer-find-prefix handler prefix)
+			  do
+			    (push-namespace prefix u)
+			    (rename-attribute a prefix)
+			    (return))))))))))))
+  (sax:start-element (proxy-chained-handler handler) uri lname qname attrs))
+(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler namespace-normalizer) uri lname qname)
+  (declare (ignore qname))
+  (pop (xmlns-stack handler))
+  (sax:end-element (proxy-chained-handler handler) (or uri #"") lname qname))

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xmls-compat.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cxml-2007-10-21/xml/xmls-compat.lisp	Sun Feb 17 09:26:33 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+;;;; xml-compat.lisp -- XMLS-compatible data structures
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Developed 2004 for headcraft - http://headcraft.de/
+;;;; Copyright: David Lichteblau
+(defpackage cxml-xmls
+  (:use :cl :runes)
+  (:export #:make-node #:node-name #:node-ns #:node-attrs #:node-children
+           #:make-xmls-builder #:map-node))
+(in-package :cxml-xmls)
+;;;; Knoten
+(defun make-node (&key name ns attrs children)
+  `(,(if ns (cons name ns) name)
+       ,attrs
+       , at children))
+(defun node-name (node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (car car)
+        car)))
+(defun (setf node-name) (newval node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (setf (car car) newval)
+        (setf (car node) newval))))
+(defun node-ns (node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (cdr car)
+        nil)))
+(defun (setf node-ns) (newval node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (setf (cdr car) newval)
+        (setf (car node) (cons car newval)))
+    newval))
+(defun node-attrs (node)
+  (cadr node))
+(defun (setf node-attrs) (newval node)
+  (setf (cadr node) newval))
+(defun node-children (node)
+  (cddr node))
+(defun (setf node-children) (newval node)
+  (setf (cddr node) newval))
+;;;; SAX-Handler (Parser)
+(defclass xmls-builder ()
+    ((element-stack :initform nil :accessor element-stack)
+     (root :initform nil :accessor root)
+     (include-default-values :initform t
+                             :initarg :include-default-values
+                             :accessor include-default-values)
+     (include-namespace-uri :initform t
+			    :initarg :include-namespace-uri
+			    :accessor include-namespace-uri)))
+(defun make-xmls-builder (&key (include-default-values t)
+		               (include-namespace-uri t))
+  "Make a XMLS style builder.  When 'include-namespace-uri is true a modified
+  XMLS tree is generated that includes the element namespace URI rather than
+  the qualified name prefix and also includes the namespace URI for attributes."
+  (make-instance 'xmls-builder
+		 :include-default-values include-default-values
+		 :include-namespace-uri include-namespace-uri))
+(defmethod sax:end-document ((handler xmls-builder))
+  (root handler))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((handler xmls-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+  (let* ((include-default-values (include-default-values handler))
+	 (include-namespace-uri (include-namespace-uri handler))
+	 (attributes
+          (loop
+              for attr in attributes
+	      for attr-namespace-uri = (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr)
+	      for attr-local-name = (sax:attribute-local-name attr)
+              when (and (or (sax:attribute-specified-p attr)
+			    include-default-values)
+			#+(or)
+			(or (not include-namespace-uri)
+			    (not attr-namespace-uri)
+			    attr-local-name))
+              collect
+                (list (cond (include-namespace-uri
+			     (cond (attr-namespace-uri
+				    (cons attr-local-name attr-namespace-uri))
+				   (t
+				    (sax:attribute-qname attr))))
+                            (t
+                             (sax:attribute-qname attr)))
+                      (sax:attribute-value attr))))
+	 (namespace (when include-namespace-uri namespace-uri))
+         (node (make-node :name local-name
+                          :ns namespace
+                          :attrs attributes))
+         (parent (car (element-stack handler))))
+    (if parent
+        (push node (node-children parent))
+        (setf (root handler) node))
+    (push node (element-stack handler))))
+(defmethod sax:end-element
+    ((handler xmls-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname))
+  (let ((node (pop (element-stack handler))))
+    (setf (node-children node) (reverse (node-children node)))))
+(defmethod sax:characters ((handler xmls-builder) data)
+  (let* ((parent (car (element-stack handler)))
+         (prev (car (node-children parent))))
+    ;; Be careful to accept both rods and strings here, so that xmls can be
+    ;; used with strings even if cxml is configured to use octet string rods.
+    (if (typep prev '(or rod string))
+        ;; um entities herum wird SAX:CHARACTERS mehrfach aufgerufen fuer
+        ;; den gleichen Textknoten.  Hier muessen wir den bestehenden Knoten
+        ;; erweitern, sonst ist das Dokument nicht normalisiert.
+        ;; (XXX Oder sollte man besser den Parser entsprechend aendern?)
+        (setf (car (node-children parent))
+              (concatenate `(vector ,(array-element-type prev))
+                           prev
+                           data))
+        (push data (node-children parent)))))
+;;;; SAX-Treiber (fuer Serialisierung)
+(defun map-node
+    (handler node
+     &key (include-xmlns-attributes sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*)
+          (include-namespace-uri t))
+  (if include-namespace-uri
+      (map-node/lnames (cxml:make-namespace-normalizer handler)
+		       node
+		       include-xmlns-attributes)
+      (map-node/qnames handler node include-xmlns-attributes)))
+(defun map-node/lnames (handler node include-xmlns-attributes)
+  (sax:start-document handler)
+  (labels ((walk (node)
+	     (unless (node-ns node)
+	       (error "serializing with :INCLUDE-NAMESPACE-URI, but node ~
+                       was created without namespace URI"))
+	     (let* ((attlist
+		     (compute-attributes/lnames node include-xmlns-attributes))
+		    (uri (node-ns node))
+		    (lname (node-name node))
+		    (qname lname)	;let the normalizer fix it
+		    )
+	       (sax:start-element handler uri lname qname attlist)
+	       (dolist (child (node-children node))
+		 (typecase child
+		   (list (walk child))
+		   ((or string rod)
+		    (sax:characters handler (string-rod child)))))
+	       (sax:end-element handler uri lname qname))))
+    (walk node))
+  (sax:end-document handler))
+(defun map-node/qnames (handler node include-xmlns-attributes)
+  (sax:start-document handler)
+  (labels ((walk (node)
+	     (when (node-ns node)
+	       (error "serializing without :INCLUDE-NAMESPACE-URI, but node ~
+                       was created with a namespace URI"))
+             (let* ((attlist
+		     (compute-attributes/qnames node include-xmlns-attributes))
+		    (qname (string-rod (node-name node)))
+                    (lname (nth-value 1 (cxml::split-qname qname))))
+               (sax:start-element handler nil lname qname attlist)
+               (dolist (child (node-children node))
+                 (typecase child
+                   (list (walk child))
+                   ((or string rod)
+		    (sax:characters handler (string-rod child)))))
+               (sax:end-element handler nil lname qname))))
+    (walk node))
+  (sax:end-document handler))
+(defun compute-attributes/lnames (node xmlnsp)
+  (remove nil
+          (mapcar (lambda (a)
+                    (destructuring-bind (name value) a
+		      (unless (listp name)
+			(setf name (cons name nil)))
+                      (destructuring-bind (lname &rest uri) name
+			(cond
+			  ((not (equal uri "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"))
+			   (sax:make-attribute
+			    ;; let the normalizer fix the qname
+			    :qname (if uri
+				       (string-rod (concatenate 'string
+							 "dummy:"
+							 lname))
+				       (string-rod lname))
+			    :local-name (string-rod lname)
+			    :namespace-uri uri
+			    :value (string-rod value)
+			    :specified-p t))
+			  (xmlnsp
+			   (sax:make-attribute
+			    :qname (string-rod
+				    (if lname
+					(concatenate 'string "xmlns:" lname)
+					"xmlns"))
+			    :local-name (string-rod lname)
+			    :namespace-uri uri
+			    :value (string-rod value)
+			    :specified-p t))))))
+                  (node-attrs node))))
+(defun compute-attributes/qnames (node xmlnsp)
+  (remove nil
+          (mapcar (lambda (a)
+                    (destructuring-bind (name value) a
+		      (when (listp name)
+			(error "serializing without :INCLUDE-NAMESPACE-URI, ~
+                                but attribute was created with a namespace ~
+                                URI"))
+                      (if (or xmlnsp
+			      (not (cxml::xmlns-attr-p (string-rod name))))
+                          (sax:make-attribute :qname (string-rod name)
+                                              :value (string-rod value)
+                                              :specified-p t)
+                          nil)))
+                  (node-attrs node))))

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