[bknr-cvs] r2488 - in branches/trunk-reorg: bknr/web/src/images bknr/web/src/web projects/bos/web projects/quickhoney/src xhtmlgen

hhubner at common-lisp.net hhubner at common-lisp.net
Wed Feb 13 20:22:23 UTC 2008

Author: hhubner
Date: Wed Feb 13 15:22:21 2008
New Revision: 2488

Fixes for templater and toplevel, BOS templates now work a bit better.

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/images/imageproc-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/images/imageproc-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/images/imageproc-handler.lisp	Wed Feb 13 15:22:21 2008
@@ -16,35 +16,35 @@
 (defun apply-imageproc-operation (operation-name args image)
   (apply (or (gethash (make-keyword-from-string operation-name) *imageproc-operations*)
-	     (error "invalid imageproc operation name ~A" operation-name))
-	 image args))
+             (error "invalid imageproc operation name ~A" operation-name))
+         image args))
 (defun imageproc (image operations)
   (with-store-image (input-image image)
     (setf (save-alpha-p :image input-image) t)
     (let ((working-image input-image))
       (dolist (operation operations)
-	(destructuring-bind (operation-name &rest args) (substitute nil "" (split "," operation) :test #'equal)
-	  (let ((returned-image (apply-imageproc-operation operation-name args working-image)))
-	    (unless (not returned-image)
-	      (unless (or (eq working-image returned-image)
-			  (eq working-image input-image))
-		(destroy-image working-image))
-	      (setf working-image returned-image)))))
+        (destructuring-bind (operation-name &rest args) (substitute nil "" (split "," operation) :test #'equal)
+          (let ((returned-image (apply-imageproc-operation operation-name args working-image)))
+            (unless (not returned-image)
+              (unless (or (eq working-image returned-image)
+                          (eq working-image input-image))
+                (destroy-image working-image))
+              (setf working-image returned-image)))))
       (when (and (true-color-p working-image)
-		 (not (true-color-p input-image)))
-	(true-color-to-palette :dither t :image working-image :colors-wanted 256))
+                 (not (true-color-p input-image)))
+        (true-color-to-palette :dither t :image working-image :colors-wanted 256))
       (let ((stream (send-headers)))
-	(setf (flex:flexi-stream-element-type stream) 'flex:octet)
-	(write-image-to-stream stream (image-type-keyword image) :image working-image))
+        (setf (flex:flexi-stream-element-type stream) 'flex:octet)
+        (write-image-to-stream stream (image-type-keyword image) :image working-image))
       (unless (eq working-image input-image)
-	(destroy-image working-image)))))
+        (destroy-image working-image)))))
 (unless (member type '(:jpg :jpeg))
   (when (true-color-p input-image)
     (true-color-to-palette :dither t :image input-image
-		       :colors-wanted 256)))
+                           :colors-wanted 256)))
 (defparameter *cell-border-width* 5)
@@ -54,38 +54,38 @@
   (setf bgcolor (if (and (stringp bgcolor) (not (zerop (length bgcolor)))) bgcolor nil))
   (setq border-width (if border-width (parse-integer border-width) *cell-border-width*))
   (let* ((width (image-width input-image))
-	 (height (image-height input-image))
-	 (ratio (max (/ width (- cell-width (* border-width 2)))
-		     (/ height (- cell-height (* border-width 2)))))
-	 (thumbnail-width (min width (round (/ width ratio))))
-	 (thumbnail-height (min height (round (/ height ratio))))
-	 (x-offset (round (/ (- cell-width thumbnail-width) 2)))
-	 (y-offset (round (/ (- cell-height thumbnail-height) 2)))
-	 (cell (create-image cell-width cell-height t)))
+         (height (image-height input-image))
+         (ratio (max (/ width (- cell-width (* border-width 2)))
+                     (/ height (- cell-height (* border-width 2)))))
+         (thumbnail-width (min width (round (/ width ratio))))
+         (thumbnail-height (min height (round (/ height ratio))))
+         (x-offset (round (/ (- cell-width thumbnail-width) 2)))
+         (y-offset (round (/ (- cell-height thumbnail-height) 2)))
+         (cell (create-image cell-width cell-height t)))
     (with-default-image (cell)
       (let ((color (if bgcolor
-		       (parse-color bgcolor)
-		       (allocate-color 255 255 255))))
-	(fill-image 0 0 :color color)
-	(copy-image input-image cell
-		    0 0
-		    x-offset
-		    y-offset
-		    width height
-		    :resize t :resample t
-		    :dest-width thumbnail-width :dest-height thumbnail-height)
-	(unless bgcolor
-	  (setf (transparent-color) color)
-	  (let ((cr (ldb (byte 8 16) color))
-		(cg (ldb (byte 8 8) color))
-		(cb (ldb (byte 8 0) color)))
-	    (flet ((color-distance (c)
-		     (+ (abs (- (ldb (byte 8 16) c) cr))
-			(abs (- (ldb (byte 8 8) c) cg))
-			(abs (- (ldb (byte 8 0) c) cb)))))
-	      (do-pixels ()
-		(when (< (color-distance (raw-pixel)) 6)
-		  (setf (raw-pixel) color))))))))
+                       (parse-color bgcolor)
+                       (allocate-color 255 255 255))))
+        (fill-image 0 0 :color color)
+        (copy-image input-image cell
+                    0 0
+                    x-offset
+                    y-offset
+                    width height
+                    :resize t :resample t
+                    :dest-width thumbnail-width :dest-height thumbnail-height)
+        (unless bgcolor
+          (setf (transparent-color) color)
+          (let ((cr (ldb (byte 8 16) color))
+                (cg (ldb (byte 8 8) color))
+                (cb (ldb (byte 8 0) color)))
+            (flet ((color-distance (c)
+                     (+ (abs (- (ldb (byte 8 16) c) cr))
+                        (abs (- (ldb (byte 8 8) c) cg))
+                        (abs (- (ldb (byte 8 0) c) cb)))))
+              (do-pixels ()
+                (when (< (color-distance (raw-pixel)) 6)
+                  (setf (raw-pixel) color))))))))
 (define-imageproc-handler thumbnail (input-image &optional bgcolor max-width max-height)
@@ -93,50 +93,50 @@
   (setf max-width (if max-width (parse-integer max-width) *thumbnail-max-width*))
   (setf max-height (if max-height (parse-integer max-height) *thumbnail-max-height*))
   (let ((width (image-width input-image))
-	(height (image-height input-image)))
+        (height (image-height input-image)))
     (when (or (< max-width width)
-	      (< max-height height))
+              (< max-height height))
       (let* ((ratio (max (/ width max-width)
-			 (/ height max-height)))
-	     (thumbnail-width (round (/ width ratio)))
-	     (thumbnail-height (round (/ height ratio)))
-	     (thumbnail (create-image thumbnail-width
-				      thumbnail-height
-				      t)))
-	(with-default-image (thumbnail)
-	  (fill-image 0 0 :color (parse-color bgcolor))
-	  (copy-image input-image thumbnail
-		      0 0 0 0
-		      width height
-		      :resize t :resample t
-		      :dest-width thumbnail-width :dest-height thumbnail-height))
-	thumbnail))))
+                         (/ height max-height)))
+             (thumbnail-width (round (/ width ratio)))
+             (thumbnail-height (round (/ height ratio)))
+             (thumbnail (create-image thumbnail-width
+                                      thumbnail-height
+                                      t)))
+        (with-default-image (thumbnail)
+          (fill-image 0 0 :color (parse-color bgcolor))
+          (copy-image input-image thumbnail
+                      0 0 0 0
+                      width height
+                      :resize t :resample t
+                      :dest-width thumbnail-width :dest-height thumbnail-height))
+        thumbnail))))
 (define-imageproc-handler double (input-image &optional (times "2"))
   (let* ((width (image-width input-image))
-	 (height (image-height input-image))
-	 (ratio (/ 1 (parse-integer times)))
-	 (double-image-width (round (/ width ratio)))
-	 (double-image-height (round (/ height ratio)))
-	 (double-image (create-image double-image-width double-image-height nil)))
+         (height (image-height input-image))
+         (ratio (/ 1 (parse-integer times)))
+         (double-image-width (round (/ width ratio)))
+         (double-image-height (round (/ height ratio)))
+         (double-image (create-image double-image-width double-image-height nil)))
     (with-default-image (double-image)
       (setf (transparent-color double-image)
-	    (find-color-from-image (transparent-color input-image) input-image :alpha t :resolve t))
+            (find-color-from-image (transparent-color input-image) input-image :alpha t :resolve t))
       (fill-image 0 0 :color (transparent-color double-image))
       (copy-image input-image double-image
-		  0 0 0 0 width height
-		  :resize t
-		  :dest-width double-image-width :dest-height double-image-height))
+                  0 0 0 0 width height
+                  :resize t
+                  :dest-width double-image-width :dest-height double-image-height))
 (define-imageproc-handler color (input-image &rest color-mappings)
   (with-default-image (input-image)
     (let ((colors (loop for (old new) on color-mappings by #'cddr
-			collect (cons (parse-color old) (parse-color new)))))
+                        collect (cons (parse-color old) (parse-color new)))))
       (do-pixels (input-image)
-	(let ((new-color (assoc (ldb (byte 24 0) (raw-pixel)) colors)))
-	  (when (cdr new-color)
-	    (setf (raw-pixel) (cdr new-color)))))))
+        (let ((new-color (assoc (ldb (byte 24 0) (raw-pixel)) colors)))
+          (when (cdr new-color)
+            (setf (raw-pixel) (cdr new-color)))))))
 (defun image-url (image &key process (prefix "/image"))
@@ -146,19 +146,19 @@
   (if (string-equal color-string "transparent")
       (transparent-color image)
       (let ((components (multiple-value-bind (match strings)
-			    (scan-to-strings "^#?(..)(..)(..)?$" color-string)
-			  (if match
-			      (mapcar #'(lambda (string) (when string (parse-integer string :radix 16)))
-				      (coerce strings 'list))
-			      (progn
-				(warn "can't parse color spec ~a" color-string)
-				'(0 0 0))))))
-	(let ((color (find-color (first components) (second components) (third components)
-				 :exact t :image image)))
-	  (unless color
-	    (setf color (find-color (first components) (second components) (third components)
-				    :exact nil :resolve t :image image)))
-	  color))))
+                            (scan-to-strings "^#?(..)(..)(..)?$" color-string)
+                          (if match
+                              (mapcar #'(lambda (string) (when string (parse-integer string :radix 16)))
+                                      (coerce strings 'list))
+                              (progn
+                                (warn "can't parse color spec ~a" color-string)
+                                '(0 0 0))))))
+        (let ((color (find-color (first components) (second components) (third components)
+                                 :exact t :image image)))
+          (unless color
+            (setf color (find-color (first components) (second components) (third components)
+                                    :exact nil :resolve t :image image)))
+          color))))
 (defclass imageproc-handler (image-handler)
@@ -174,14 +174,14 @@
   (with-http-response (:content-type (image-content-type (image-type-keyword image)))
     (let ((ims (header-in :if-modified-since))
-	  (changed-time (blob-timestamp image)))
+          (changed-time (blob-timestamp image)))
       (setf (header-out :last-modified) (rfc-1123-date changed-time))
-	(if (and ims
-		 (<= changed-time (date-to-universal-time ims)))
-	    (progn
-	      (setf (return-code) +http-not-modified+)
-	      (format t "; image ~A not changed~%" image)
-	      (with-http-body ()))
-	    (with-http-body ()
-	      (imageproc image (cdr (decoded-handler-path page-handler))))))))
+      (if (and ims
+               (<= changed-time (date-to-universal-time ims)))
+          (progn
+            (setf (return-code) +http-not-modified+)
+            (format t "; image ~A not changed~%" image)
+            (with-http-body ()))
+          (with-http-body ()
+            (imageproc image (cdr (decoded-handler-path page-handler))))))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/tags.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/tags.lisp	Wed Feb 13 15:22:21 2008
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 (defvar *toplevel-children*)
-(define-bknr-tag toplevel (&key children title (template "toplevel"))
+(define-bknr-tag toplevel (&key title (template "toplevel"))
   (setf (get-template-var :title) title)
   (when (and (not (scan "^/" template))
 	     (scan "/" (request-variable :template-path)))
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
   (let* ((expander *template-expander*)
          (pathname (find-template-pathname expander template))
          (toplevel (get-cached-template pathname expander))
-         (*toplevel-children* children))
-    (emit-template-node toplevel)))
+         (*toplevel-children* *tag-children*))
+    (emit-template-node *template-expander* toplevel)))
 (define-bknr-tag tag-body ()
   (let ((*tag-children* *toplevel-children*))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp	Wed Feb 13 15:22:21 2008
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@
   (setf *worldpay-test-mode* worldpay-test-mode)
   (setf bknr.web:*upload-file-size-limit* 20000000)
+  (setf hunchentoot::*hunchentoot-default-external-format* (flex:make-external-format :utf-8 :eol-style :lf))
   (make-instance 'bos-website
 		 :name "create-rainforest.org CMS"

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/imageproc.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/imageproc.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/imageproc.lisp	Wed Feb 13 15:22:21 2008
@@ -4,36 +4,35 @@
 (define-imageproc-handler cutout-button (input-image &optional keyword (background-color "ffffff"))
   (let ((button-image (create-image *button-size* *button-size* t))
-	(square-size (min (image-width input-image) (image-height input-image)))
-	(x-offset (if (> (image-width input-image) (image-height input-image))
-		      (round (/ (- (image-width input-image) (image-height input-image)) 2))
-		      0)))
+        (square-size (min (image-width input-image) (image-height input-image)))
+        (x-offset (if (> (image-width input-image) (image-height input-image))
+                      (round (/ (- (image-width input-image) (image-height input-image)) 2))
+                      0)))
     (copy-image input-image button-image
-		x-offset 0
-		0 0
-		square-size square-size
-		:resize t :resample t
-		:dest-width *button-size* :dest-height *button-size*)
+                x-offset 0
+                0 0
+                square-size square-size
+                :resize t :resample t
+                :dest-width *button-size* :dest-height *button-size*)
     (when keyword
       (let ((type-store-image (store-image-with-name (format nil "type-~(~A~)" keyword))))
-	(unless type-store-image
-	  (error "can't find type image for keyword ~A" keyword))
-	(with-store-image (type-image type-store-image)
-	  (copy-image type-image button-image
-		      0 0
-		      0 0
-		      (image-width type-image) (image-height type-image)))))
+        (unless type-store-image
+          (error "can't find type image for keyword ~A" keyword))
+        (with-store-image (type-image type-store-image)
+          (copy-image type-image button-image
+                      0 0
+                      0 0
+                      (image-width type-image) (image-height type-image)))))
     (with-store-image (mask-image (store-image-with-name "button-mask"))
-      #-(or) ;; notyet
       (let ((color (parse-color background-color :image mask-image))
-	    (white (parse-color "ffffff" :image mask-image)))
-	(do-pixels (mask-image)
-	  (if (eql (ldb (byte 24 0) (raw-pixel)) white)
-	      (setf (raw-pixel) color))))
+            (white (parse-color "ffffff" :image mask-image)))
+        (do-pixels (mask-image)
+          (when t (eql (ldb (byte 24 0) (raw-pixel)) white)
+              (setf (raw-pixel) color))))
       (copy-image mask-image button-image
-		  0 0
-		  0 0
-		  *button-size* *button-size*))
+                  0 0
+                  0 0
+                  *button-size* *button-size*))
 (define-imageproc-handler center-thumbnail (input-image width height)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/tags.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/tags.lisp	Wed Feb 13 15:22:21 2008
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 (define-bknr-tag version-and-last-change (&rest args)
   (format *debug-io* "hello world: ~A~%" args)
-  (html "v1.1 | updated " (:princ-safe (string-downcase
-					(substitute #\Space #\-
-						    (format-date-time (last-image-upload-timestamp) :vms-style t :show-time nil))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (html "v1.1 | updated "
+        (:princ-safe (string-downcase
+                      (substitute #\Space #\-
+                                  (format-date-time (last-image-upload-timestamp)
+                                                    :vms-style t :show-time nil))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/xhtmlgen/xhtmlgen.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/xhtmlgen/xhtmlgen.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/xhtmlgen/xhtmlgen.lisp	Wed Feb 13 15:22:21 2008
@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@
 (defun emit-without-quoting (str)
   ;; das ist fuer WPDISPLAY
+  (format t "emit-without-quoting does not work~%")
+  #+(or)
   (let ((s (cxml::chained-handler *html-sink*)))
     (cxml::maybe-close-tag s)
     (map nil (lambda (c) (cxml::write-rune c s)) str)))

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