[bknr-cvs] r2481 - branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web

ksprotte at common-lisp.net ksprotte at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 12 12:19:26 UTC 2008

Author: ksprotte
Date: Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
New Revision: 2481

bos trunk-reorg compiles for the first time

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-area-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-area-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-area-handlers.lisp	Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 		       do (incf dest-x copy-width))
 	      do (incf dest-y copy-height))
 	(cl-gd:draw-polygon vertices :color (elt colors 1))
-	(emit-image-to-browser req cl-gd:*default-image* :png)))))
+	(emit-image-to-browser cl-gd:*default-image* :png)))))
 (defclass create-allocation-area-handler (admin-only-handler form-handler)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-image-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-image-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-image-handler.lisp	Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   (:default-initargs :class 'contract))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler contract-image-handler) contract req)
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler contract-image-handler) contract)
   "Create and return a GD image of the contract.  The returned
 rectangular image will have the size of the contracts' bounding box.
 All square meters will have yellow color, the background will be transparent."
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
 	  (cl-gd:do-rows (y)
 	    (cl-gd:do-pixels-in-row (x)
 	      (setf (cl-gd:raw-pixel) (aref work-array x y)))))
-	(emit-image-to-browser req cl-gd:*default-image* :png :cache-sticky t))))
\ No newline at end of file
+	(emit-image-to-browser cl-gd:*default-image* :png :cache-sticky t))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-handlers.lisp	Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 ;;       (if (or (not ims)
 ;; 	      (> changed-time (date-to-universal-time ims)))
 ;; 	  (let ((image (image-tile-image tile (apply #'parse-operations operation-strings))))
-;; 	    (emit-image-to-browser req image :png
+;; 	    (emit-image-to-browser image :png
 ;; 				   :date changed-time
 ;; 				   :max-age 60)
 ;; 	    (cl-gd:destroy-image image))
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
   (let (active-layers
 	(all-layer-names (mapcar #'symbol-name (image-tile-layers tile))))
     (dolist (layer-name all-layer-names)
-      (when (query-param req layer-name)
+      (when (query-param layer-name)
 	(push layer-name active-layers)))
     (or (reverse active-layers) all-layer-names)))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/reports-xml-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/reports-xml-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/reports-xml-handler.lisp	Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
     (declare (ignore second minute hour date month day-of-week is-dst tz))
-(defmethod handle ((handler reports-xml-handler) req)
+(defmethod handle ((handler reports-xml-handler))
   (with-xml-response ()
     (destructuring-bind (name &optional *year* &rest arguments) (decoded-handler-path handler)
       (setf *year* (and *year* (parse-integer *year*)))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/sponsor-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/sponsor-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/sponsor-handlers.lisp	Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
@@ -178,14 +178,14 @@
   (let (changed)
     (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Saving sponsor data")
       (dolist (field-name '(full-name email password country language info-text))
-	(let ((field-value (query-param req (string-downcase (symbol-name field-name)))))
+	(let ((field-value (query-param (string-downcase (symbol-name field-name)))))
 	  (when (and field-value
 		     (not (equal field-value (slot-value sponsor field-name))))
 	    (change-slot-values sponsor field-name field-value)
 	    (setf changed t)
 	    (html (:p "Changed " (:princ-safe (string-downcase (symbol-name field-name))))))))
       (dolist (contract (sponsor-contracts sponsor))
-	(when (and (query-param req (contract-checkbox-name contract))
+	(when (and (query-param (contract-checkbox-name contract))
 		   (not (contract-paidp contract)))
 	  (change-slot-values contract 'paidp t)
 	  (setf changed t)
@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@
 (defclass m2-javascript-handler (prefix-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler m2-javascript-handler) req)
-  (multiple-value-bind (sponsor-id-or-x y) (parse-url req)
+(defmethod handle ((handler m2-javascript-handler))
+  (multiple-value-bind (sponsor-id-or-x y) (parse-url)
     (let ((sponsor (cond
 		      (let ((m2 (get-m2 (parse-integer sponsor-id-or-x) (parse-integer y))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/startup.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/startup.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/startup.lisp	Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
@@ -42,10 +42,6 @@
 			    :website-url *website-url*
 			    :worldpay-test-mode *worldpay-test-mode*)
   (format t "~&; Starting aserve~@[ in debug mode~].~%" debug)
-  (force-output)
-  (setq *webserver*
-	(if debug
-	    (progn (net.aserve::debug-on :notrap)
-		   (net.aserve:start :port *port* :listeners 0))
-	    (progn (net.aserve::debug-off :all)
-		   (net.aserve:start :port *port* :listeners *listeners*)))))
+  (force-output)  
+  (setq hunchentoot:*catch-errors-p* (not debug))
+  (hunchentoot:start-server :port *port*))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp	Tue Feb 12 07:19:24 2008
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
 ;; If the requested URL is /handle-sale, we do the sales processing
 ;; and change the template name according to the outcome.
-(defmethod find-template-pathname ((handler worldpay-template-handler) template-name &key request)
+(defmethod find-template-pathname ((Handler worldpay-template-handler) template-name)
     ((scan #?r"(^|.*/)handle-sale" template-name)
-     (with-query-params (request cartId name address country transStatus lang MC_gift)      
+     (with-query-params (cartId name address country transStatus lang MC_gift)      
        (unless (website-supports-language lang)
 	 (setf lang *default-language*))
-       (bos.m2::remember-worldpay-params cartId (all-request-params request))
+       (bos.m2::remember-worldpay-params cartId (all-request-params))
        (let ((contract (get-contract (parse-integer cartId))))
 	 (sponsor-set-language (contract-sponsor contract) lang)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 (defmethod handle ((handler statistics-handler))
-  (let ((stats-name (parse-url req)))
+  (let ((stats-name (parse-url)))
        (redirect (format nil "~A.svg" stats-name)))
@@ -168,19 +168,20 @@
-(defmethod authorize :after ((authorizer bos-authorizer)
-			     (req http-request)
-			     (ent net.aserve::entity))
-  (let ((new-language (or (language-from-url (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri)))
-			  (query-param req "language")))
-	(current-language (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables *session*))))
-    (when (or (not current-language)
-	      (and new-language
-		   (not (equal new-language current-language))))
-      (setf (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables *session*))
-	    (or new-language
-		(find-browser-prefered-language req)
-		*default-language*)))))
+;; trunk-reorg adaption
+;; (defmethod authorize :after ((authorizer bos-authorizer)
+;; 			     (req http-request)
+;; 			     (ent net.aserve::entity))
+;;   (let ((new-language (or (language-from-url (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri)))
+;; 			  (query-param "language")))
+;; 	(current-language (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables *session*))))
+;;     (when (or (not current-language)
+;; 	      (and new-language
+;; 		   (not (equal new-language current-language))))
+;;       (setf (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables *session*))
+;; 	    (or new-language
+;; 		(find-browser-prefered-language req)
+;; 		*default-language*)))))
 (defun publish-website (&key website-directory website-url (worldpay-test-mode t) (vhosts :wild))
   (setf *website-directory* website-directory)

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