[bknr-cvs] r2479 - in branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos: m2 web

ksprotte at common-lisp.net ksprotte at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 11 17:24:44 UTC 2008

Author: ksprotte
Date: Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
New Revision: 2479

bos changes for trunk-reorg; unfinished, committed for backup

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@
 (defclass editor-only-handler ()
-(defmethod bknr.web:authorized-p ((handler editor-only-handler) req)
-  (editor-p (bknr-request-user req)))
+(defmethod bknr.web:authorized-p ((handler editor-only-handler))
+  (editor-p bknr.web:*user*))
@@ -446,11 +446,12 @@
       (incf retval (length (contract-m2s contract))))
-(defun string-safe (string)
-  (if string
-      (escape-nl (with-output-to-string (s)
-		   (net.html.generator::emit-safe s string)))
-      ""))
+;; trunk-reorg adaption
+;; (defun string-safe (string)
+;;   (if string
+;;       (escape-nl (with-output-to-string (s)
+;; 		   (net.html.generator::emit-safe s string)))
+;;       ""))
 (defun make-m2-javascript (sponsor)
   "Erzeugt das Quadratmeter-Javascript für die angegebenen Contracts"

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/mail-generator.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/mail-generator.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/mail-generator.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@
     (delete-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract :print t))))
-(defun mail-backoffice-sponsor-data (contract req)
-  (with-query-params (req numsqm country email name address date language)
+(defun mail-backoffice-sponsor-data (contract)
+  (with-query-params (numsqm country email name address date language)
     (let ((parts (list (make-html-part (format nil "
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
       (mail-contract-data contract "Manually entered sponsor" parts))))
 (defun mail-manual-sponsor-data (req)
-  (with-query-params (req contract-id vorname name strasse plz ort email telefon want-print donationcert-yearly)
+  (with-query-params (contract-id vorname name strasse plz ort email telefon want-print donationcert-yearly)
     (let* ((contract (store-object-with-id (parse-integer contract-id)))
 	   (sponsor-id (store-object-id (contract-sponsor contract)))
 	   (parts (list (make-html-part (format nil "
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
       (error "cannot find WorldPay callback params for contract ~A~%" contract-id)))
 (defun mail-worldpay-sponsor-data (req)
-  (with-query-params (req contract-id)
+  (with-query-params (contract-id)
     (let* ((contract (store-object-with-id (parse-integer contract-id)))
 	   (params (get-worldpay-params contract-id))
 	   (parts (list (make-html-part (format nil "

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-	:net.post-office
+	:cl-smtp

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-area-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-area-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-area-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 (defclass allocation-area-handler (admin-only-handler edit-object-handler)
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler allocation-area-handler) action (allocation-area (eql nil)) req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Allocation Areas")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler allocation-area-handler) action (allocation-area (eql nil)))
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Allocation Areas")
      (:h2 "Defined allocation areas")
      ((:table :border "1")
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 		 (:td (:princ-safe (round (allocation-area-percent-used allocation-area))) "%")))))
      (:p (cmslink "create-allocation-area" "Create new allocation area")))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler allocation-area-handler) action allocation-area req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Allocation Area")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler allocation-area-handler) action allocation-area)
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Allocation Area")
     (with-slots (active-p left top width height) allocation-area
        ((:table :border "1")
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@
 			      do (html (:td ((:a :href #?"/enlarge-overview/$(tile-x)/$(tile-y)")
 					     ((:img :width "90" :height "90" :border "0" :src #?"/overview/$(tile-x)/$(tile-y)"))))))))))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler allocation-area-handler) (action (eql :delete)) allocation-area req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler allocation-area-handler) (action (eql :delete)) allocation-area)
   (delete-object allocation-area)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Allocation area has been deleted")
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Allocation area has been deleted")
     (:h2 "The allocation area has been deleted")))
 (defclass allocation-area-gfx-handler (editor-only-handler object-handler)
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler allocation-area-gfx-handler) allocation-area req)
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler allocation-area-gfx-handler) allocation-area)
   (cl-gd:with-image* ((allocation-area-width allocation-area)
 		      (allocation-area-height allocation-area) t)
     (with-slots (left top width height) allocation-area
@@ -128,29 +128,27 @@
 (defclass create-allocation-area-handler (admin-only-handler form-handler)
-(defmethod handle-form ((handler create-allocation-area-handler) action req)
-  (with-query-params (req x y left top)
+(defmethod handle-form ((handler create-allocation-area-handler) action)
+  (with-query-params (x y left top)
       ((and x y left top)
        (destructuring-bind (x y left top) (mapcar #'parse-integer (list x y left top))
 	 (if (or (some (complement #'plusp) (list x y left top))
 		   (<= x left)
 		   (<= y top))
-	     (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Invalid area selected")
+	     (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Invalid area selected")
 	       (:h2 "Choose upper left corner first, then lower-right corner"))
 	     (redirect (format nil "/allocation-area/~D" (store-object-id
-							  (make-allocation-rectangle left top (- x left) (- y top))))
-		   req))))
+							  (make-allocation-rectangle left top (- x left) (- y top))))))))
       ((and x y)
        (redirect (format nil "/map-browser/~A/~A?heading=~A&chosen-url=~A&"
 			 x y
 			 (uriencode-string "Choose lower right point of allocation area")
 			 (uriencode-string (format nil "~A?left=~A&top=~A&"
-						   (uri-path (request-uri req))
-						   x y)))
-		 req))
+						   (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri))
+						   x y)))))
-       (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Create allocation area")
+       (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Create allocation area")
 	 ((:form :method "POST" :enctype "multipart/form-data"))
 	 ((:table :border "0")
 	  (:tr ((:td :colspan "2")
@@ -163,23 +161,22 @@
 	  (:tr (:td "Start-Y") (:td (text-field "start-y" :value 0 :size 5)))
 	  (:tr (:td (submit-button "rectangle" "rectangle")))))))))
-(defmethod handle-form ((handler create-allocation-area-handler) (action (eql :rectangle)) req)
-  (with-query-params (req start-x start-y)
+(defmethod handle-form ((handler create-allocation-area-handler) (action (eql :rectangle)))
+  (with-query-params (start-x start-y)
     (redirect (format nil "/map-browser/~A/~A?heading=~A&chosen-url=~A&"
 		      start-x start-y
 		      (uriencode-string "Choose upper left point of allocation area")
-		      (uriencode-string (format nil "~A?" (uri-path (request-uri req)))))
-	      req)))
+		      (uriencode-string (format nil "~A?" (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri))))))))
-(defmethod handle-form ((handler create-allocation-area-handler) (action (eql :upload)) req)
-  (let ((uploaded-text-file (cdr (find "text-file" (request-uploaded-files req) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
+(defmethod handle-form ((handler create-allocation-area-handler) (action (eql :upload)))
+  (let ((uploaded-text-file (cdr (find "text-file" (request-uploaded-files) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
       ((not uploaded-text-file)
-       (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "No Text file uploaded")
+       (with-bos-cms-page (:title "No Text file uploaded")
 	 (:h2 "File not uploaded")
 	 (:p "Please upload your text file containing the allocation polygon UTM coordinates")))
-       (with-bos-cms-page (req :title #?"Importing allocation polygons from text file $(uploaded-text-file)")
+       (with-bos-cms-page (:title #?"Importing allocation polygons from text file $(uploaded-text-file)")
 	     (let* ((vertices (polygon-from-text-file uploaded-text-file))
 		    (existing-area (find (coerce vertices 'list)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-cache-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-cache-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/allocation-cache-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 (defclass allocation-cache-handler (admin-only-handler page-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler allocation-cache-handler) req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Allocation Cache")
+(defmethod handle ((handler allocation-cache-handler))
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Allocation Cache")
      (:pre (:princ
 	    (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/boi-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/boi-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/boi-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 (defclass boi-handler (page-handler)
-(defmethod authorized-p ((handler boi-handler) req)
-  (bos.m2:editor-p (bknr-request-user req)))
+(defmethod authorized-p ((handler boi-handler))
+  (bos.m2:editor-p bknr.web:*user*))
 (defclass create-contract-handler (boi-handler)
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
       (error "Invalid sponsor ID (wrong type)"))
-(defmethod handle ((handler create-contract-handler) req)
-  (with-xml-error-handler (req)
-    (with-query-params (req num-sqm country sponsor-id name paid expires)
+(defmethod handle ((handler create-contract-handler))
+  (with-xml-error-handler ()
+    (with-query-params (num-sqm country sponsor-id name paid expires)
       (setf num-sqm (ignore-errors (parse-integer num-sqm :junk-allowed t)))
       (unless num-sqm
 	(error "missing or invalid num-sqm parameter"))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (defclass pay-contract-handler (boi-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler pay-contract-handler) req)
-  (with-xml-error-handler (req)
-    (with-query-params (req contract-id name)
+(defmethod handle ((handler pay-contract-handler))
+  (with-xml-error-handler ()
+    (with-query-params (contract-id name)
       (unless contract-id
 	(error "missing contract-id parameter"))
       (let ((contract (get-contract (or (ignore-errors (parse-integer contract-id))
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	(with-transaction (:contract-paid)
 	  (contract-set-paidp contract (format nil "~A: manually set paid by ~A"
-					       (user-login (bknr-request-user req))))
+					       (user-login bknr.web:*user*)))
 	  (when name
 	    (setf (user-full-name (contract-sponsor contract)) name))))
       (with-xml-response ()
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@
 (defclass cancel-contract-handler (boi-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler cancel-contract-handler) req)
-  (with-xml-error-handler (req)
-    (with-query-params (req contract-id)
+(defmethod handle ((handler cancel-contract-handler))
+  (with-xml-error-handler ()
+    (with-query-params (contract-id)
       (unless contract-id
 	(error "missing contract-id parameter"))
       (let ((contract (get-contract (or (ignore-errors (parse-integer contract-id))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/bos.web.asd
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/bos.web.asd	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/bos.web.asd	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
   :description "worldpay test web server"
   :long-description ""
-  :depends-on (:bknr-web :bknr-modules :bos.m2 :cxml)
+  :depends-on (:bknr-web :bknr-modules :bos.m2 :cxml :acl-compat)
   :components ((:file "packages")
 	       (:file "utf-8" :depends-on ("packages"))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (defparameter *show-m2s* 5)
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler contract-handler) contract req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Displaying contract details")
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler contract-handler) contract)
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Displaying contract details")
     ((:table :border "0")
      (:tr (:td "sponsor")
 	  (:td (html-edit-link (contract-sponsor contract))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-image-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-image-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/contract-image-handler.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 	;; We manipulate pixels in a temporary array which is copied to the GD image as
 	;; a whole for performance reasons.  The FFI is way too slow to manipulate individual pixels.
 	(let ((work-array (make-array (list width height) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0))
-	      (color (parse-color (or (second (decoded-handler-path handler req)) "ffff00"))))
+	      (color (parse-color (or (second (decoded-handler-path handler)) "ffff00"))))
 	  (flet ((set-pixel (x y)
 		   (decf x left)
 		   (decf y top)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/kml-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/kml-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/kml-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (defclass contract-kml-handler (object-handler)
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler contract-kml-handler) (contract contract) req)
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler contract-kml-handler) (contract contract))
   (with-xml-response (:content-type "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml" :root-element "kml")
     ;; when name is xmlns, the attribute does not show up - why (?)
     ;; (attribute "xmlns" "http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2")
@@ -77,5 +77,5 @@
 		(with-element "coordinates"
 		  (text (kml-format-points (list (contract-center-lon-lat c)))))))))))))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handle-object contract-kml-handler) (object null) req)
+(defmethod handle-object ((handle-object contract-kml-handler) (object null))
   (error "Contract not found."))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/languages-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/languages-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/languages-handler.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 (defclass languages-handler (admin-only-handler form-handler)
-(defmethod handle-form ((handler languages-handler) action req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Languages")
+(defmethod handle-form ((handler languages-handler) action)
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Languages")
     (case action
       (:add (handler-case
-		(with-query-params (req code name)
+		(with-query-params (code name)
 		  (when (and code name)
 		    (make-object 'website-language :code code :name name)
 		    (html (:h2 "Language " (:princ-safe code) " (" (:princ-safe name) ") created"))))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 		(html (:h2 "Error creating language")
 		      (:pre (:princ-safe e))))))
       (:delete (handler-case
-		   (with-query-params (req delete-code)
+		   (with-query-params (delete-code)
 		     (when delete-code
 		       (delete-object (language-with-code delete-code))
 		       (html (:h2 "Language " (:princ-safe delete-code) " deleted"))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-browser-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-browser-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-browser-handler.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (defclass map-browser-handler (prefix-handler)
-(defun decode-coords-in-handler-path (handler req)
+(defun decode-coords-in-handler-path (handler)
   (labels ((ensure-valid-coordinates (x y)
 	     (setq x (parse-integer x))
 	     (setq y (parse-integer y))
@@ -30,30 +30,29 @@
 			  (<= 0 y 10800))
 	       (error "invalid coordinates ~A/~A" x y))
 	     (list x y)))
-    (with-query-params (req xcoord ycoord)
+    (with-query-params (xcoord ycoord)
       (when (and xcoord ycoord)
 	(return-from decode-coords-in-handler-path (ensure-valid-coordinates xcoord ycoord))))
-    (let ((handler-arguments (decoded-handler-path handler req)))
+    (let ((handler-arguments (decoded-handler-path handler)))
       (when (and handler-arguments
 		 (< 1 (length handler-arguments)))
 	(apply #'ensure-valid-coordinates handler-arguments)))))
-(defmethod handle ((handler map-browser-handler) req)
-  (with-query-params (req chosen-url)
+(defmethod handle ((handler map-browser-handler))
+  (with-query-params (chosen-url)
     (when chosen-url
       (setf (session-variable :chosen-url) chosen-url)))
-  (with-query-params (req view-x view-y)
-    (destructuring-bind (&optional click-x click-y) (decode-ismap-query-string req)
-      (destructuring-bind (&optional point-x point-y) (decode-coords-in-handler-path handler req)
-	(with-query-params (req action)
+  (with-query-params (view-x view-y)
+    (destructuring-bind (&optional click-x click-y) (decode-ismap-query-string)
+      (destructuring-bind (&optional point-x point-y) (decode-coords-in-handler-path handler)
+	(with-query-params (action)
 	  (when (equal action "save")
 	    (if (session-variable :chosen-url)
 		(redirect (format nil "~Ax=~D&y=~D"
 				  (session-variable :chosen-url)
-				  point-y)
-			  req)
-		(with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Map Point Chooser")
+				  point-y))
+		(with-bos-cms-page (:title "Map Point Chooser")
 		  (html (:princ-safe "You chose " point-x " / " point-y))))
 	    (return-from handle t)))
@@ -71,14 +70,14 @@
 		  (click-coord-y (+ (tile-nw-y start-tile) click-y)))
 	      (setq point-x click-coord-x
 		    point-y click-coord-y)
-	      (redirect (format nil "/map-browser/~D/~D" click-coord-x click-coord-y) req)
+	      (redirect (format nil "/map-browser/~D/~D" click-coord-x click-coord-y))
 	      (return-from handle t)))
 	    ((and click-y (not point-y))
-	     (redirect (format nil "/map-browser/~D/~D" (* 30 click-x) (* 30 click-y)) req))
+	     (redirect (format nil "/map-browser/~D/~D" (* 30 click-x) (* 30 click-y))))
-	     (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Map Point Chooser")
-	       (with-query-params (req heading)
+	     (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Map Point Chooser")
+	       (with-query-params (heading)
 		 (when heading
 		   (html (:h2 (:princ-safe heading)))))
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@
 			  ((:img :src "/images/map-cursor.png")))))))
 	       (map-navigator req point-x point-y "/map-browser/" :formcheck "return updateCoords();")))
-	     (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Map Point Chooser")
+	     (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Map Point Chooser")
 		((:a :href "/map-browser/")
 		 ((:img :ismap "ismap" :src "/image/sl_all"))))))))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/map-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	      (:tr (:td "Y:") (:td (text-field "ycoord" :size "5" :value y)))
 	      (:tr )))
-	     (with-query-params (req background areas contracts)
+	     (with-query-params (background areas contracts)
 	       ;; xxx should use tile-layers
 	       (unless (or background areas contracts)
 		 (setq background t
@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@
 (defclass image-tile-handler (object-handler)
-(defmethod object-handler-get-object ((handler image-tile-handler) req)
-  (destructuring-bind (x y &rest operations) (decoded-handler-path handler req)
+(defmethod object-handler-get-object ((handler image-tile-handler))
+  (destructuring-bind (x y &rest operations) (decoded-handler-path handler)
     (declare (ignore operations))
     (setf x (parse-integer x))
     (setf y (parse-integer y))
     (ensure-map-tile x y)))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler image-tile-handler) (tile (eql nil)) req)
-  (error-404 req))
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler image-tile-handler) (tile (eql nil)))
+  (error-404))
 (defun parse-operations (&rest operation-strings)
   (mapcar #'(lambda (operation-string)
@@ -68,32 +68,33 @@
 		(apply #'list (make-keyword-from-string operation) arguments)))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler image-tile-handler) tile req)
-  ;; xxx parse url another time - the parse result of
-  ;; object-handler-get-object should really be kept in the request
-  (destructuring-bind (x y &rest operation-strings) (decoded-handler-path handler req)
-    (declare (ignore x y))
-    (let ((changed-time (image-tile-changed-time tile))
-	  (ims (header-slot-value req :if-modified-since)))
-      (setf (net.aserve::last-modified *ent*) changed-time)
-      #+(or)
-      (format t "; image-tile-handler handle-object: changed-time: ~A if-modified-since: ~A~%" (format-date-time changed-time) ims)
-      (if (or (not ims)
-	      (> changed-time (date-to-universal-time ims)))
-	  (let ((image (image-tile-image tile (apply #'parse-operations operation-strings))))
-	    (emit-image-to-browser req image :png
-				   :date changed-time
-				   :max-age 60)
-	    (cl-gd:destroy-image image))
-	  (with-http-response (req *ent*)
-	    (with-http-body (req *ent*)
-	      ; do nothing
-	      ))))))
+;; trunk-reorg adaption
+;; (defmethod handle-object ((handler image-tile-handler) tile)
+;;   ;; xxx parse url another time - the parse result of
+;;   ;; object-handler-get-object should really be kept in the request
+;;   (destructuring-bind (x y &rest operation-strings) (decoded-handler-path handler)
+;;     (declare (ignore x y))
+;;     (let ((changed-time (image-tile-changed-time tile))
+;; 	  (ims (header-slot-value req :if-modified-since)))
+;;       (format t "Warning: not setting last-modified of *ent* to changed-time")
+;;       #+(or)
+;;       (format t "; image-tile-handler handle-object: changed-time: ~A if-modified-since: ~A~%" (format-date-time changed-time) ims)
+;;       (if (or (not ims)
+;; 	      (> changed-time (date-to-universal-time ims)))
+;; 	  (let ((image (image-tile-image tile (apply #'parse-operations operation-strings))))
+;; 	    (emit-image-to-browser req image :png
+;; 				   :date changed-time
+;; 				   :max-age 60)
+;; 	    (cl-gd:destroy-image image))
+;; 	  (with-http-response (*ent*)
+;; 	    (with-http-body ()
+;; 	      ; do nothing
+;; 	      ))))))
 (defclass enlarge-tile-handler (image-tile-handler)
-(defun tile-active-layers-from-request-params (tile req)
+(defun tile-active-layers-from-request-params (tile)
   (let (active-layers
 	(all-layer-names (mapcar #'symbol-name (image-tile-layers tile))))
     (dolist (layer-name all-layer-names)
@@ -101,25 +102,27 @@
 	(push layer-name active-layers)))
     (or (reverse active-layers) all-layer-names)))
-(defun tile-url (tile x y req)
+(defun tile-url (tile x y)
   (format nil "/overview/~D/~D~(~{/~A~}~)"
 	  x y
-	  (tile-active-layers-from-request-params tile req)))
+	  (tile-active-layers-from-request-params tile)))
+;; trunk-reorg adaption
+;; (defmethod handle-object ((handler enlarge-tile-handler) tile)
+;;   (let ((ismap-coords (decode-ismap-query-string req))
+;; 	(tile-x (tile-nw-x tile))
+;; 	(tile-y (tile-nw-y tile)))
+;;     (if ismap-coords
+;; 	(let* ((x (+ (floor (first ismap-coords) 4) tile-x))
+;; 	       (y (+ (floor (second ismap-coords) 4) tile-y))
+;; 	       (m2 (get-m2 x y))
+;; 	       (contract-id (and m2 (m2-contract m2) (store-object-id (m2-contract m2)))))
+;; 	  (if contract-id
+;; 	      (redirect #?"/contract/$(contract-id)")
+;; 	      (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Not sold")
+;; 		(html (:h2 "this square meter has not been sold yet")))))
+;; 	(with-bos-cms-page (:title "Browsing tile")
+;; 	  (:a ((:a :href (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri)))
+;; 	       ((:img :width "360" :ismap "ismap" :height "360" :border "0" :src (tile-url tile tile-x tile-y req)))))
+;; 	  (map-navigator req tile-x tile-y "/enlarge-overview/")))))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler enlarge-tile-handler) tile req)
-  (let ((ismap-coords (decode-ismap-query-string req))
-	(tile-x (tile-nw-x tile))
-	(tile-y (tile-nw-y tile)))
-    (if ismap-coords
-	(let* ((x (+ (floor (first ismap-coords) 4) tile-x))
-	       (y (+ (floor (second ismap-coords) 4) tile-y))
-	       (m2 (get-m2 x y))
-	       (contract-id (and m2 (m2-contract m2) (store-object-id (m2-contract m2)))))
-	  (if contract-id
-	      (redirect #?"/contract/$(contract-id)" req)
-	      (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Not sold")
-		(html (:h2 "this square meter has not been sold yet")))))
-	(with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Browsing tile")
-	  (:a ((:a :href (uri-path (request-uri req)))
-	       ((:img :width "360" :ismap "ismap" :height "360" :border "0" :src (tile-url tile tile-x tile-y req)))))
-	  (map-navigator req tile-x tile-y "/enlarge-overview/")))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/news-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/news-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/news-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
 (defclass edit-news-handler (editor-only-handler edit-object-handler)
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) action (news-item (eql nil)) req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) action (news-item (eql nil)))
   (let ((language (session-variable :language)))
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Edit news items")
-      (content-language-chooser req)
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Edit news items")
+      (content-language-chooser)
       (:h2 "Create new item")
       ((:form :method "post")
        (submit-button "new" "new"))
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
 	   (:h2 "No news items created yet"))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) (action (eql :new)) (news-item (eql nil)) req)
-  (redirect (format nil "/edit-news/~D" (store-object-id (make-news-item))) req))
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) (action (eql :new)) (news-item (eql nil)))
+  (redirect (format nil "/edit-news/~D" (store-object-id (make-news-item)))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) action news-item req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) action news-item)
   (let ((language (session-variable :language)))
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Edit news item")
-      (content-language-chooser req)
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Edit news item")
+      (content-language-chooser)
       ((:script :type "text/javascript")
        "tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'textareas', theme : 'advanced' });")
       ((:form :method "post")
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
 				   :value (news-item-text news-item language))))
 	 (:tr (:td (submit-button "save" "save") (submit-button "delete" "delete" :confirm "Really delete the news item?"))))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) (action (eql :save)) news-item req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) (action (eql :save)) news-item)
   (let ((language (session-variable :language)))
-    (with-query-params (req title text)
+    (with-query-params (title text)
       (update-news-item news-item language :title title :text text)
-      (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "News item updated")
+      (with-bos-cms-page (:title "News item updated")
 	(:h2 "Your changes have been saved")
 	"You may " (cmslink (edit-object-url news-item) "continue editing the news item")))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) (action (eql :delete)) news-item req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-news-handler) (action (eql :delete)) news-item)
   (delete-object news-item)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "News item has been deleted")
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "News item has been deleted")
     (:h2 "The news item has been deleted")))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/packages.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/packages.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
-	:net.aserve
-	:net.aserve.client
@@ -27,6 +25,5 @@
   (:nicknames :web :worldpay-test)
   (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol #:quote-meta-chars)
-  (:shadowing-import-from :acl-compat.mp #:process-kill #:process-wait)
-  (:import-from :net.html.generator #:*html-stream*)
+  (:shadowing-import-from :acl-compat.mp #:process-kill #:process-wait)  

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/poi-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/poi-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/poi-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -6,26 +6,26 @@
 (defclass make-poi-handler (page-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler make-poi-handler) req)
-  (with-query-params (req name)
+(defmethod handle ((handler make-poi-handler))
+  (with-query-params (name)
       ((find-store-object name :class 'poi)
-       (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Duplicate POI name")
+       (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Duplicate POI name")
 	 (html (:h2 "Duplicate POI name")
 	       "A POI with that name exists already, please choose a unique name")))
       ((not (scan #?r"(?i)^[a-z][-a-z0-9_]+$" name))
-       (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Bad technical name")
+       (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Bad technical name")
 	 (html (:h2 "Bad technical name")
 	       "Please use only alphanumerical characters, - and _ for technical POI names")))
-       (redirect (edit-object-url (make-poi (session-variable :language) name)) req)))))
+       (redirect (edit-object-url (make-poi (session-variable :language) name)))))))
 (defclass edit-poi-handler (editor-only-handler edit-object-handler)
   (:default-initargs :object-class 'poi :query-function #'find-poi))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler) action (object (eql nil)) req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Choose POI")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler) action (object (eql nil)))
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Choose POI")
     (if (store-objects-with-class 'poi)
 	 (:h2 "Choose a POI to edit")
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
     (html ((:img :src #?"/images/$(icon).gif")))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
-			       action (poi poi) req)
-  (with-query-params (req language shift shift-by)
+			       action (poi poi))
+  (with-query-params (language shift shift-by)
     (unless language (setq language (session-variable :language)))
     (when shift
       ;; change image order
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 	(setf (nth (+ shift-by old-position) new-images) tmp)
 	(change-slot-values poi 'bos.m2::images new-images)))
     (setf (session-variable :language) language)
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Edit POI")
-      (content-language-chooser req)
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Edit POI")
+      (content-language-chooser)
       (unless (poi-complete poi language)
 	(html (:h2 "This POI is not complete in the current language - Please check that "
 		   "the location and all text fields are set and that at least one image "
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
 		     (html (:princ-safe (format nil "~D/~D " (first (poi-area poi)) (second (poi-area poi)))))
 		     (cmslink (format nil "map-browser/~A/~A?chosen-url=~A"
 				      (first (poi-area poi)) (second (poi-area poi))
-				      (uriencode-string (format nil "~A?action=save&" (uri-path (request-uri req)))))
+				      (uriencode-string (format nil "~A?action=save&" (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri)))))
 		     (cmslink (format nil "map-browser/?chosen-url=~A"
-				      (uriencode-string (format nil "~A?action=save&" (uri-path (request-uri req)))))
+				      (uriencode-string (format nil "~A?action=save&" (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri)))))
 	(:tr (:td "icon")
 	     (:td (icon-chooser "icon" (poi-icon poi))))
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@
 		  (submit-button "delete" "delete" :confirm "Really delete the POI?"))))))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
-			       (action (eql :save)) (poi poi) req)
-  (with-query-params (req published title subtitle description language x y icon movie)
+			       (action (eql :save)) (poi poi))
+  (with-query-params (published title subtitle description language x y icon movie)
     (unless language (setq language (session-variable :language)))
     (let ((args (list :title title
 		      :published published
@@ -180,21 +180,20 @@
       (when movie
 	(setq args (append args (list :movies (list movie)))))
       (apply #'update-poi poi language args))
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "POI has been updated")
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "POI has been updated")
       (html (:h2 "Your changes have been saved")
 	    "You may " (cmslink (edit-object-url poi) "continue editing the POI") "."))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
 			       (action (eql :upload-airal))
-			       (poi poi)
-			       req)
-  (let ((uploaded-file (cdr (find "image-file" (request-uploaded-files req) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
+			       (poi poi))
+  (let ((uploaded-file (cdr (find "image-file" (request-uploaded-files) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
     (unless uploaded-file
       (error "no file uploaded in upload handler"))
     (cl-gd:with-image-from-file* (uploaded-file)
       (unless (and (eql (cl-gd:image-width) *poi-image-width*)
 		   (eql (cl-gd:image-height) *poi-image-height*))
-	(with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Invalid image size")
+	(with-bos-cms-page (:title "Invalid image size")
 	  (:h2 "Invalid image size")
 	  (:p "The image needs to be "
 	      (:princ-safe *poi-image-width*) " pixels wide and "
@@ -207,30 +206,27 @@
     (change-slot-values poi 'airals (list (import-image uploaded-file
 							:class-name 'store-image))))
   (redirect (format nil "/edit-poi/~D"
-		    (store-object-id poi)) req))
+		    (store-object-id poi))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
 			       (action (eql :delete-airal))
-			       (poi poi)
-			       req)
+			       (poi poi))
   (let ((airals (poi-airals poi)))
     (change-slot-values poi 'airals nil)
     (mapc #'delete-object airals))
   (redirect (format nil "/edit-poi/~D"
-		    (store-object-id poi)) req))
+		    (store-object-id poi))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
 			       (action (eql :delete-movie))
-			       (poi poi)
-			       req)
+			       (poi poi))
   (change-slot-values poi 'movies nil)
-  (redirect (format nil "/edit-poi/~D" (store-object-id poi)) req))
+  (redirect (format nil "/edit-poi/~D" (store-object-id poi))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
 			       (action (eql :upload-panorama))
-			       (poi poi)
-			       req)
-  (let ((uploaded-file (cdr (find "image-file" (request-uploaded-files req) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
+			       (poi poi))
+  (let ((uploaded-file (cdr (find "image-file" (request-uploaded-files) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
     (unless uploaded-file
       (error "no file uploaded in upload handler"))
     (cl-gd:with-image-from-file* (uploaded-file)
@@ -240,23 +236,22 @@
 							   :class-name 'store-image)
 					     (poi-panoramas poi))))
   (redirect (format nil "/edit-poi/~D"
-		    (store-object-id poi)) req))
+		    (store-object-id poi))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
 			       (action (eql :delete-panorama))
-			       (poi poi)
-			       req)
-  (with-query-params (req panorama-id)
+			       (poi poi))
+  (with-query-params (panorama-id)
     (let ((panorama (find-store-object (parse-integer panorama-id))))
       (change-slot-values poi 'panoramas (remove panorama (poi-panoramas poi)))
       (mapc #'delete-object panorama)))
   (redirect (format nil "/edit-poi/~D"
-		    (store-object-id poi)) req))
+		    (store-object-id poi))))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-handler)
-			       (action (eql :delete)) (poi poi) req)
+			       (action (eql :delete)) (poi poi))
   (delete-object poi)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "POI has been deleted")
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "POI has been deleted")
     (html (:h2 "POI has been deleted")
 	  "The POI has been deleted")))
@@ -266,9 +261,9 @@
   (:default-initargs :object-class 'poi-image))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) action (object (eql nil)) req)
-  (with-query-params (req poi)
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Upload new POI image")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) action (object (eql nil)))
+  (with-query-params (poi)
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Upload new POI image")
        (:h2 "Upload new image")
        ((:form :method "POST" :enctype "multipart/form-data"))
@@ -276,16 +271,16 @@
        (:p "Choose a file: " ((:input :type "file" :name "image-file")))
        (:p (submit-button "upload" "upload"))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) (action (eql :upload)) poi-image req)
-  (with-query-params (req poi)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) (action (eql :upload)) poi-image)
+  (with-query-params (poi)
     (setq poi (find-store-object (parse-integer poi) :class 'poi))
-    (let ((uploaded-file (cdr (find "image-file" (request-uploaded-files req) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
+    (let ((uploaded-file (cdr (find "image-file" (request-uploaded-files) :test #'equal :key #'car))))
       (unless uploaded-file
 	(error "no file uploaded in upload handler"))
       (cl-gd:with-image-from-file* (uploaded-file)
 	(unless (and (eql (cl-gd:image-width) *poi-image-width*)
 		     (eql (cl-gd:image-height) *poi-image-height*))
-	  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Invalid image size")
+	  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Invalid image size")
 	    (:h2 "Invalid image size")
 	    (:p "The image needs to be "
 		(:princ-safe *poi-image-width*) " pixels wide and "
@@ -302,15 +297,15 @@
 					:initargs `(:poi ,poi))))
       (redirect (format nil "/edit-poi-image/~D?poi=~D"
 			(store-object-id poi-image)
-			(store-object-id poi)) req))))
+			(store-object-id poi))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) action poi-image req)
-  (with-query-params (req language poi)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) action poi-image)
+  (with-query-params (language poi)
     (unless language (setq language (session-variable :language)))
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Edit POI Image")
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Edit POI Image")
        (cmslink (edit-object-url (poi-image-poi poi-image)) "Back to POI")
-       (content-language-chooser req)
+       (content-language-chooser)
        ((:form :method "post" :enctype "multipart/form-data")
 	((:input :type "hidden" :name "poi" :value poi))
 	(:table (:tr (:td "thumbnail")
@@ -334,21 +329,21 @@
 				    :cols 40)))
 	  (:tr (:td (submit-button "save" "save") (submit-button "delete" "delete" :confirm "Really delete the image?")))))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) (action (eql :save)) poi-image req)
-  (with-query-params (req title subtitle description language)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) (action (eql :save)) poi-image)
+  (with-query-params (title subtitle description language)
     (unless language (setq language (session-variable :language)))
     (update-poi-image poi-image language
 		      :title title
 		      :subtitle subtitle
 		      :description description)
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "POI image has been updated")
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "POI image has been updated")
       (:h2 "The POI image information has been updated")
       "You may " (cmslink (edit-object-url poi-image) "continue editing the POI image"))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) (action (eql :delete)) poi-image req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-poi-image-handler) (action (eql :delete)) poi-image)
   (let ((poi (poi-image-poi poi-image)))
     (delete-object poi-image)
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "POI image has been deleted")
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "POI image has been deleted")
       (:h2 "The POI image has been deleted")
       "You may " (cmslink (edit-object-url poi) "continue editing the POI"))))
@@ -363,12 +358,12 @@
 	  (sponsor-country (contract-sponsor contract))
 	  (length (contract-m2s contract))))
-(defmethod handle ((handler poi-javascript-handler) req)
-  (with-bknr-http-response (req :content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
-    (setf (reply-header-slot-value req :cache-control) "no-cache")
-      (setf (reply-header-slot-value req :pragma) "no-cache")
-      (setf (reply-header-slot-value req :expires) "-1")
-      (with-http-body (req *ent*)
+(defmethod handle ((handler poi-javascript-handler))
+  (with-http-response (:content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
+    (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :cache-control) "no-cache")
+      (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :pragma) "no-cache")
+      (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :expires) "-1")
+      (with-http-body ()
 	(let ((*standard-output* *html-stream*))
 	  (princ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">") (terpri)
 	  (princ (make-poi-javascript (or (session-variable :language) *default-language*))) (terpri)
@@ -380,18 +375,17 @@
   (:default-initargs :object-class 'poi :query-function #'find-poi))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler poi-image-handler) (poi (eql nil)) req)
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler poi-image-handler) (poi (eql nil)))
   (error "poi not found"))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler poi-image-handler) poi req)
-  (destructuring-bind (poi-name image-index-string &rest imageproc-arguments) (multiple-value-list (parse-handler-url handler req))
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler poi-image-handler) poi)
+  (destructuring-bind (poi-name image-index-string &rest imageproc-arguments) (multiple-value-list (parse-handler-url handler))
     (declare (ignore poi-name))
     (let ((image-index (1- (parse-integer image-index-string))))
       (if (and (not (minusp image-index))
 	       (< image-index (length (poi-images poi))))
 	  (redirect (format nil "/image/~D~@[~{/~a~}~]"
 			    (store-object-id (nth image-index (poi-images poi)))
-			    imageproc-arguments)
-		    req)
+			    imageproc-arguments))
 	  (error "image index ~a out of bounds for poi ~a" image-index poi)))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/reports-xml-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/reports-xml-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/reports-xml-handler.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 (defmethod handle ((handler reports-xml-handler) req)
   (with-xml-response ()
-    (destructuring-bind (name &optional *year* &rest arguments) (decoded-handler-path handler req)
+    (destructuring-bind (name &optional *year* &rest arguments) (decoded-handler-path handler)
       (setf *year* (and *year* (parse-integer *year*)))
       (let ((*contracts-to-process* (sort (remove-if (lambda (contract)
 						       (or (not (contract-paidp contract))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/sponsor-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/sponsor-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/sponsor-handlers.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 (defclass search-sponsors-handler (editor-only-handler form-handler)
-(defmethod handle-form ((handler search-sponsors-handler) action req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Search for sponsor")))
+(defmethod handle-form ((handler search-sponsors-handler) action)
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Search for sponsor")))
 (defclass edit-sponsor-handler (editor-only-handler edit-object-handler)
-(defmethod object-handler-get-object ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) req)
-  (let ((object (ignore-errors (find-store-object (parse-integer (first (decoded-handler-path handler req)))))))
+(defmethod object-handler-get-object ((handler edit-sponsor-handler))
+  (let ((object (ignore-errors (find-store-object (parse-integer (first (decoded-handler-path handler)))))))
     (typecase object
       (sponsor object)
       (contract (contract-sponsor object))
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@
 (defmethod language-selector ((contract contract))
   (language-selector (contract-sponsor contract)))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) action (sponsor (eql nil)) req)
-  (with-query-params (req id key count)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) action (sponsor (eql nil)))
+  (with-query-params (id key count)
     (when id
-      (redirect #?"/edit-sponsor/$(id)" req)
+      (redirect #?"/edit-sponsor/$(id)")
       (return-from handle-object-form))
     (when (or key count)
       (let ((regex (format nil "(?i)~A" key))
 	    (found 0))
 	(when count
 	  (setf count (parse-integer count)))
-	(with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Sponsor search results")
+	(with-bos-cms-page (:title "Sponsor search results")
 	  ((:table :border "1")
 	   (:tr (:th "ID") (:th "Date") (:th "Email") (:th "Name") (:th "SQM") (:th "Country") (:th "Cert-Type") (:th "Paid by"))
 	   (dolist (sponsor (sort (remove-if-not #'sponsor-contracts (class-instances 'sponsor))
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 	   (:tr ((:th :colspan "7") (:princ-safe (format nil "~A sponsor~:p ~A" found (if count "shown" "found"))))))))
       (return-from handle-object-form)))
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Find or Create Sponsor")
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Find or Create Sponsor")
      ((:form :name "form")
@@ -106,23 +106,23 @@
 (defun date-to-universal (date-string)
   (apply #'encode-universal-time 0 0 0 (mapcar #'parse-integer (split #?r"\." date-string))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) (action (eql :create)) (sponsor (eql nil)) req)
-  (with-query-params (req numsqm country email name address date language)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) (action (eql :create)) (sponsor (eql nil)))
+  (with-query-params (numsqm country email name address date language)
     (let* ((sponsor (make-sponsor :email email :country country :language language))
 	   (contract (make-contract sponsor (parse-integer numsqm)
 				    :paidp (format nil "~A: manually created by ~A"
 						   (format-date-time (get-universal-time))
-						   (user-login (bknr-request-user req)))
+						   (user-login bknr.web:*user*))
 				    :date (date-to-universal date))))
       (contract-issue-cert contract name :address address :language language)
-      (mail-backoffice-sponsor-data contract req)
-      (redirect (format nil "/edit-sponsor/~D" (store-object-id sponsor)) req))))
+      (mail-backoffice-sponsor-data contract)
+      (redirect (format nil "/edit-sponsor/~D" (store-object-id sponsor))))))
 (defun contract-checkbox-name (contract)
   (format nil "contract-~D-paid" (store-object-id contract)))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) action sponsor req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Edit Sponsor")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) action sponsor)
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Edit Sponsor")
      ((:form :method "post")
       (:h2 "Sponsor Data")
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@
       (:p (submit-button "save" "save")
 	  (submit-button "delete" "delete" :confirm "Really delete this sponsor?"))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) (action (eql :save)) sponsor req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) (action (eql :save)) sponsor)
   (let (changed)
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Saving sponsor data")
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Saving sponsor data")
       (dolist (field-name '(full-name email password country language info-text))
 	(let ((field-value (query-param req (string-downcase (symbol-name field-name)))))
 	  (when (and field-value
@@ -192,11 +192,11 @@
 	  (html (:p "Changed contract status to \"paid\""))))
       (unless changed
 	(html (:p "No changes have been made")))
-      (html (cmslink (uri-path (request-uri req))
+      (html (cmslink (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri))
 	      "Return to sponsor profile")))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) (action (eql :delete)) sponsor req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Sponsor deleted")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-sponsor-handler) (action (eql :delete)) sponsor)
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Sponsor deleted")
     (delete-object sponsor)
     (html (:p "The sponsor has been deleted"))))
@@ -204,17 +204,16 @@
   (:default-initargs :object-class 'contract))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler complete-transfer-handler) action (contract (eql nil)) req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Invalid contract ID")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler complete-transfer-handler) action (contract (eql nil)))
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Invalid contract ID")
     (html "Invalid contract ID, maybe the sponsor or the contract has been deleted")))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler complete-transfer-handler) action contract req)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler complete-transfer-handler) action contract)
   (if (contract-paidp contract)
-      (redirect (format nil "/edit-sponsor/~D" (store-object-id (contract-sponsor contract)))
-		req)
+      (redirect (format nil "/edit-sponsor/~D" (store-object-id (contract-sponsor contract))))
       (let ((numsqm (length (contract-m2s contract))))
-	(with-query-params (req email)
-	  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Complete square meter sale with wire transfer payment")
+	(with-query-params (email)
+	  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Complete square meter sale with wire transfer payment")
 	     ((:form :name "form")
 	      ((:input :type "hidden" :name "numsqm" :value #?"$(numsqm)"))
@@ -231,16 +230,16 @@
 		    (:td (text-field "email" :size 20 :value email)))
 	       (:tr (:td (submit-button "process" "process" :formcheck "javascript:return check_complete_sale()")))))))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler complete-transfer-handler) (action (eql :process)) contract req)
-  (with-query-params (req email country)
-    (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Square meter sale completion")
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler complete-transfer-handler) (action (eql :process)) contract)
+  (with-query-params (email country)
+    (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Square meter sale completion")
       (if (contract-paidp contract)
 	  (html (:h2 "This sale has already been completed"))
 	    (html (:h2 "Completing square meter sale"))
 	    (sponsor-set-country (contract-sponsor contract) country)
 	    (contract-set-paidp contract (format nil "~A: wire transfer processed by ~A"
-						 (format-date-time) (user-login (bknr-request-user req))))
+						 (format-date-time) (user-login bknr.web:*user*)))
 	    (when email
 	      (html (:p "Sending instruction email to " (:princ-safe email)))
 	      (mail-instructions-to-sponsor contract email))))
@@ -260,10 +259,10 @@
 		      (find-store-object (parse-integer sponsor-id-or-x) :class 'sponsor))
-		      (when (eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of (bknr-request-user req)))
-			(bknr-request-user req))))))
-      (with-bknr-http-response (req :content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
-	(with-http-body (req *ent*)
+		      (when (eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of bknr.web:*user*))
+			bknr.web:*user*)))))
+      (with-http-response (:content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
+	(with-http-body ()
 	  (let ((*standard-output* *html-stream*))
 	    (princ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">") (terpri)
 	    (princ "var profil;") (terpri)
@@ -275,16 +274,16 @@
 (defclass sponsor-login-handler (page-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler sponsor-login-handler) req)
-  (with-query-params (req __sponsorid)
-    (with-bknr-http-response (req :content-type "text/html")
-      (setf (reply-header-slot-value req :cache-control) "no-cache")
-      (setf (reply-header-slot-value req :pragma) "no-cache")
-      (setf (reply-header-slot-value req :expires) "-1")
-      (with-http-body (req *ent*)
+(defmethod handle ((handler sponsor-login-handler))
+  (with-query-params (__sponsorid)
+    (with-http-response (:content-type "text/html")
+      (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :cache-control) "no-cache")
+      (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :pragma) "no-cache")
+      (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :expires) "-1")
+      (with-http-body ()
 	(format *html-stream* "<script>~%parent.set_loginstatus('~A');~%</script>~%"
-		  ((eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of (bknr-request-user req)))
+		  ((eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of bknr.web:*user*))
@@ -295,8 +294,8 @@
   (:default-initargs :class 'contract))
-(defmethod object-handler-get-object ((handler cert-regen-handler) req)
-  (let* ((object-id-string (first (decoded-handler-path handler req)))
+(defmethod object-handler-get-object ((handler cert-regen-handler))
+  (let* ((object-id-string (first (decoded-handler-path handler)))
 	 (object (store-object-with-id (parse-integer object-id-string))))
       ((contract-p object)
@@ -305,8 +304,8 @@
        (first (sponsor-contracts object)))
       (t (error "invalid sponsor or contract id ~A" object-id-string)))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler cert-regen-handler) action (contract contract) req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title (format nil "Re-generate Certificate~@[~*s~]"
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler cert-regen-handler) action (contract contract))
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title (format nil "Re-generate Certificate~@[~*s~]"
 					 (not (contract-download-only-p contract))))
      ((:form :name "form")
@@ -322,10 +321,10 @@
         (:tr (:td (submit-button "regenerate" "regenerate")))))))))
-(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler cert-regen-handler) (action (eql :regenerate)) (contract contract) req)
-  (with-query-params (req name address language)
+(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler cert-regen-handler) (action (eql :regenerate)) (contract contract))
+  (with-query-params (name address language)
     (contract-issue-cert contract name :address address :language language))
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Certificate has been recreated")
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Certificate has been recreated")
     (html "The certificates for the sponsor have been re-generated." :br)
     (unless (contract-download-only-p contract)
       (mail-print-pdf contract)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/web-macros.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/web-macros.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/web-macros.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -2,26 +2,25 @@
-(defmacro with-bos-cms-page ((req &key title response) &rest body)
-  `(with-bknr-page (,req :title ,title :response ,response)
+(defmacro with-bos-cms-page ((&key title response) &rest body)
+  `(with-bknr-page (:title ,title :response ,response)
     , at body))
 (defvar *xml-sink*)
 (defmacro with-xml-response ((&key (content-type "text/xml") (root-element "response")) &body body)
-  `(with-http-response (*req* *ent* :content-type ,content-type)
-     (with-query-params (*req* download)
+  `(with-http-response (:content-type ,content-type)
+     (with-query-params (download)
        (when download
-	 (setf (reply-header-slot-value *req* :content-disposition)
-	       (format nil "attachment; filename=~A" download))))
-     (with-http-body (*req* *ent*)
-       (let ((*xml-sink* (make-character-stream-sink net.html.generator:*html-stream* :canonical nil)))
+	 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out :content-disposition)
+               (format nil "attachment; filename=~A" download))))
+     (with-http-body ()
+       (let ((*xml-sink* (make-character-stream-sink xhtml-generator:*html-sink* :canonical nil)))
 	 (with-xml-output *xml-sink*
 	   (with-element ,root-element
 	     , at body))))))
-(defmacro with-xml-error-handler (req &body body)
-  (declare (ignore req))
+(defmacro with-xml-error-handler (() &body body)
     (progn , at body)
     (error (e)
@@ -29,3 +28,5 @@
        (with-element "status"
 	 (attribute "failure" 1)
 	 (text (princ-to-string e)))))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/web-utils.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/web-utils.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/web-utils.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -46,20 +46,20 @@
     (setf (session-variable :language) *default-language*))
   (session-variable :language))
-(defun content-language-chooser (req)
+(defun content-language-chooser ()
    ((:p :class "languages")
     "Content languages: "
     (loop for (language-symbol language-name) in (website-languages)
 	  do (labels ((show-language-link ()
-			(html (cmslink (format nil "~A?language=~A" (uri-path (request-uri req)) language-symbol)
+			(html (cmslink (format nil "~A?language=~A" (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri)) language-symbol)
 				(:princ-safe language-name)))))
 	       (if (equal (session-variable :language) language-symbol)
 		   (html "[" (show-language-link) "]")
 		   (html (show-language-link)))
 	       (html " "))))))
-(defun decode-ismap-query-string (req)
+(defun decode-ismap-query-string ()
   (let ((coord-string (caar (request-query req))))
     (when (and coord-string (scan #?r"^\d*,\d*$" coord-string))
       (mapcar #'parse-integer (split "," coord-string)))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/web/webserver.lisp	Mon Feb 11 12:24:41 2008
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 				     "index" template-name)))))
   (call-next-method handler template-name))
-(defmethod initial-template-environment ((expander worldpay-template-handler) req)
+(defmethod initial-template-environment ((expander worldpay-template-handler))
   (append (list (cons :website-url *website-url*))
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 			(when (website-supports-language language)
-(defun find-browser-prefered-language (req)
+(defun find-browser-prefered-language ()
   "Determine the language prefered by the user, as determined by the Accept-Language header
 present in the HTTP request.  Header decoding is done according to RFC2616, considering individual
 language preference weights."
@@ -99,42 +99,41 @@
 (defclass index-handler (page-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler index-handler) req)
-  (redirect (format nil "/~A/index" (or (find-browser-prefered-language req)
+(defmethod handle ((handler index-handler))
+  (redirect (format nil "/~A/index" (or (find-browser-prefered-language)
-	    req
-	    *response-moved-permanently*))
+	    :permanently *response-moved-permanently*))
 (defclass infosystem-handler (page-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler infosystem-handler) req)
+(defmethod handle ((handler infosystem-handler))
   ;; XXX hier logout-parameter implementieren
-  (with-query-params (req logout)
+  (with-query-params (logout)
     (when logout
-      (bknr.web::drop-session (bknr-request-session req))))
+      (bknr.web::drop-session *session*)))
   (let ((language (session-variable :language)))
-    (redirect #?"/infosystem/$(language)/satellitenkarte.htm" req)))
+    (redirect #?"/infosystem/$(language)/satellitenkarte.htm")))
 (defclass certificate-handler (object-handler)
   (:default-initargs :class 'contract))
-(defmethod handle-object ((handler certificate-handler) contract req)
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler certificate-handler) contract)
   (unless contract
-    (setf contract (find-if #'contract-pdf-pathname (sponsor-contracts (bknr-request-user req)))))
-  (redirect (format nil "/certificates/~D.pdf" (store-object-id contract)) req))
+    (setf contract (find-if #'contract-pdf-pathname (sponsor-contracts bknr.web:*user*))))
+  (redirect (format nil "/certificates/~D.pdf" (store-object-id contract))))
 (defclass statistics-handler (editor-only-handler prefix-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler statistics-handler) req)
+(defmethod handle ((handler statistics-handler))
   (let ((stats-name (parse-url req)))
-       (redirect (format nil "~A.svg" stats-name) req))
+       (redirect (format nil "~A.svg" stats-name)))
-       (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Statistics browser")
+       (with-bos-cms-page (:title "Statistics browser")
 	  ((:select :id "selector" :onchange "return statistic_selected()")
 	   (dolist (file (directory (merge-pathnames #p"images/statistics/*.svg" *website-directory*)))
@@ -146,15 +145,15 @@
 (defclass admin-handler (editor-only-handler page-handler)
-(defmethod handle ((handler admin-handler) req)
-  (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "CMS and Administration")
+(defmethod handle ((handler admin-handler))
+  (with-bos-cms-page (:title "CMS and Administration")
     "Please choose an administration activity from the menu above"))
 (defclass bos-authorizer (bknr-authorizer)
-(defmethod find-user-from-request-parameters ((authorizer bos-authorizer) req)
-  (with-query-params (req __sponsorid __password)
+(defmethod find-user-from-request-parameters ((authorizer bos-authorizer))
+  (with-query-params (__sponsorid __password)
     (if (and __sponsorid __password)
 	    (let ((sponsor (find-store-object (parse-integer __sponsorid) :class 'sponsor)))
@@ -172,13 +171,13 @@
 (defmethod authorize :after ((authorizer bos-authorizer)
 			     (req http-request)
 			     (ent net.aserve::entity))
-  (let ((new-language (or (language-from-url (uri-path (request-uri req)))
+  (let ((new-language (or (language-from-url (uri-path (hunchentoot:request-uri)))
 			  (query-param req "language")))
-	(current-language (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables (bknr-request-session req)))))
+	(current-language (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables *session*))))
     (when (or (not current-language)
 	      (and new-language
 		   (not (equal new-language current-language))))
-      (setf (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables (bknr-request-session req)))
+      (setf (gethash :language (bknr-session-variables *session*))
 	    (or new-language
 		(find-browser-prefered-language req)

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