[bknr-cvs] r2458 - in branches/trunk-reorg/bknr: datastore/src/utils modules/bug web/src/images web/src/web

hhubner at common-lisp.net hhubner at common-lisp.net
Sun Feb 10 22:47:54 UTC 2008

Author: hhubner
Date: Sun Feb 10 17:47:54 2008
New Revision: 2458

openmcl fixes.

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/actor.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/actor.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/actor.lisp	Sun Feb 10 17:47:54 2008
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
 (defmethod actor-start ((actor bknr-actor))
   (actor-stop actor)
   (setf (slot-value actor 'process)
-    (mp:make-process (lambda ()
-		       (funcall #'run-function actor))
-		     :name (bknr-actor-name actor))))
+    (make-process (lambda ()
+                    (funcall #'run-function actor))
+                  :name (bknr-actor-name actor))))
 (defmethod actor-running-p ((actor bknr-actor))
   (and (slot-boundp actor 'process)
-       (mp:process-active-p (bknr-actor-process actor))))
+       (process-active-p (bknr-actor-process actor))))
 (defmethod actor-stop ((actor bknr-actor))
   (when (slot-boundp actor 'process)
-    (mp:destroy-process (bknr-actor-process actor))
+    (destroy-process (bknr-actor-process actor))
     (slot-makunbound actor 'process)))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/package.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/package.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/package.lisp	Sun Feb 10 17:47:54 2008
@@ -2,140 +2,144 @@
 (defpackage :bknr.utils
   (:use :cl
-	:cl-ppcre
-	:cl-interpol
-	:md5
+        :cl-ppcre
+        :cl-interpol
+        :md5
         #+cmu :extensions
-	#+sbcl :sb-ext)
+        #+sbcl :sb-ext
+        #+cmu :mp
+        #+openmcl :ccl)
+  #+openmcl
+  (:shadow :ccl #:copy-file)
   (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol quote-meta-chars)
   (:export #:define-bknr-class
            ;; byte size formatting
-	   ;; date format
-	   #:format-date-time
-	   #:format-time-interval
-	   #:format-duration
-	   #:year-interval
-	   #:month-interval
-	   #:day-interval
-	   #:timetag
-	   #:daytag
-	   #:get-daytime
-	   #:get-hourtime
-	   #:get-monthtime
-	   #:previous-day
-	   #:next-day
-	   #:month-num-days
+           ;; date format
+           #:format-date-time
+           #:format-time-interval
+           #:format-duration
+           #:year-interval
+           #:month-interval
+           #:day-interval
+           #:timetag
+           #:daytag
+           #:get-daytime
+           #:get-hourtime
+           #:get-monthtime
+           #:previous-day
+           #:next-day
+           #:month-num-days
-	   #:hostname
+           #:hostname
-	   ;; filesystem functions
-	   #:copy-stream
-	   #:copy-file
-	   #:move-file
-	   #:directory-empty-p
-	   #:subdir-p
-	   #:temporary-file
-	   #:with-temp-file
-	   #:file-contents
-	   #:parent-directory
+           ;; filesystem functions
+           #:copy-stream
+           #:copy-file
+           #:move-file
+           #:directory-empty-p
+           #:subdir-p
+           #:temporary-file
+           #:with-temp-file
+           #:file-contents
+           #:parent-directory
-	   ;; list functions
-	   #:delete-first
-	   #:make-keyword-from-string
-	   #:assoc-values
-	   #:assoc-to-keywords
-	   #:insert-at-index
-	   #:find-neighbourhood
-	   #:group-by
-	   #:group-on
-	   #:find-all
-	   #:genlist
-	   #:nrotate
-	   #:shift-until
-	   #:count-multiple
-	   ;; hash table
-	   #:hash-to-list
-	   #:hash-values
-	   #:hash-keys
-	   #:incf-hash
-	   ;; randomize
-	   #:random-elts
-	   #:randomize-list
-	   ;; md5
-	   #:hash-to-hex
-	   #:md5-string
-	   ;; capabilty
-	   #:make-capability-string
-	   ;; content-types
-	   #:pathname-type-symbol
-	   #:image-content-type
-	   #:pathname-content-type
-	   #:image-type-symbol
-	   ;; utf-8
-	   #:convert-utf8-to-latin1
-	   ;; strings
-	   #:find-matching-strings
-	   #:make-extendable-string
-	   ;; stream
-	   #:read-delimited
-	   #:read-file
-	   ;; smbpasswd
-	   #:set-smb-password
-	   #:smb-password-error
-	   ;; actor
-	   #:bknr-actor
-	   #:bknr-actor-name
-	   #:run-function
-	   #:actor-start
-	   #:actor-stop
-	   #:actor-running-p
-	   ;; cron
-	   #:cron-actor
-	   ;; reader
-	   #:whitespace-char-p
-	   #:whitespace-p
-	   #:bknr-read-delimited-list
-	   #:bknr-read
-	   #:string-beginning-with-p
-	   #:string-delimited-by-p
-	   ;; crypt-md5
-	   #:crypt-md5
-	   #:verify-md5-password
-	   ;; FDF creation
-	   #:make-fdf-file
-	   #:remove-keys
-	   #:eval-initargs
-	   ;; Package cleaning for the build process
-	   #:within-temporary-package
-	   ;; mp compatibility
-	   #:mp-make-lock
-	   #:mp-with-lock-held
-	   #:mp-with-recursive-lock-held
+           ;; list functions
+           #:delete-first
+           #:make-keyword-from-string
+           #:assoc-values
+           #:assoc-to-keywords
+           #:insert-at-index
+           #:find-neighbourhood
+           #:group-by
+           #:group-on
+           #:find-all
+           #:genlist
+           #:nrotate
+           #:shift-until
+           #:count-multiple
+           ;; hash table
+           #:hash-to-list
+           #:hash-values
+           #:hash-keys
+           #:incf-hash
+           ;; randomize
+           #:random-elts
+           #:randomize-list
+           ;; md5
+           #:hash-to-hex
+           #:md5-string
+           ;; capabilty
+           #:make-capability-string
+           ;; content-types
+           #:pathname-type-symbol
+           #:image-content-type
+           #:pathname-content-type
+           #:image-type-symbol
+           ;; utf-8
+           #:convert-utf8-to-latin1
+           ;; strings
+           #:find-matching-strings
+           #:make-extendable-string
+           ;; stream
+           #:read-delimited
+           #:read-file
+           ;; smbpasswd
+           #:set-smb-password
+           #:smb-password-error
+           ;; actor
+           #:bknr-actor
+           #:bknr-actor-name
+           #:run-function
+           #:actor-start
+           #:actor-stop
+           #:actor-running-p
+           ;; cron
+           #:cron-actor
+           ;; reader
+           #:whitespace-char-p
+           #:whitespace-p
+           #:bknr-read-delimited-list
+           #:bknr-read
+           #:string-beginning-with-p
+           #:string-delimited-by-p
+           ;; crypt-md5
+           #:crypt-md5
+           #:verify-md5-password
+           ;; FDF creation
+           #:make-fdf-file
+           #:remove-keys
+           #:eval-initargs
+           ;; Package cleaning for the build process
+           #:within-temporary-package
+           ;; mp compatibility
+           #:mp-make-lock
+           #:mp-with-lock-held
+           #:mp-with-recursive-lock-held
-	   ;; class utils
-	   #:class-subclasses
+           ;; class utils
+           #:class-subclasses
-	   ;; norvig
-	   #:find-all))
+           ;; norvig
+           #:find-all))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/modules/bug/package.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/modules/bug/package.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/modules/bug/package.lisp	Sun Feb 10 17:47:54 2008
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-  (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol quote-meta-chars)
+  (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol #:quote-meta-chars)
   (:export #:bug-tracker
@@ -32,6 +32,5 @@
-	   #:edit-bug-report-handler)
-  (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol #:quote-meta-chars))
+	   #:edit-bug-report-handler))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/images/image.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/images/image.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/images/image.lisp	Sun Feb 10 17:47:54 2008
@@ -194,4 +194,6 @@
 	  (unix:unix-rmdir (namestring file))
-	  (sb-posix:rmdir (namestring file)))))
+	  (sb-posix:rmdir (namestring file))
+      #+openmcl
+      (ccl::%rmdir (namestring file)))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/template-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/template-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/template-handler.lisp	Sun Feb 10 17:47:54 2008
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
-  (let ((env-catalog (sb-ext:posix-getenv "XMLCATALOG")))
+  (let ((env-catalog (#+sbcl sb-ext:posix-getenv #+openmcl ccl:getenv "XMLCATALOG")))
     (when env-catalog
       (pushnew env-catalog *template-dtd-catalog* :test #'equal)))
   (setf cxml:*catalog* (cxml:make-catalog (remove-if-not #'probe-file *template-dtd-catalog*))

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