[bknr-cvs] r2438 - in branches/trunk-reorg: bknr/datastore/src bknr/datastore/src/utils bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex bknr/web/src bknr/web/src/web projects/bos/worldpay-test projects/eboy/src projects/gpn projects/lisp-ecoop/src projects/quickhoney/src projects/quickhoney/website/templates projects/saugnapf/src thirdparty/cl+ssl

hhubner at common-lisp.net hhubner at common-lisp.net
Sat Feb 2 22:54:17 UTC 2008

Author: hhubner
Date: Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
New Revision: 2438

      - copied, changed from r2434, branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/templates.lisp
Fix templater to work with current CXML.
Began porting lisp-ecoop over to the new framework.

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/bknr-utils.asd
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/bknr-utils.asd	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/bknr-utils.asd	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -35,5 +35,6 @@
 					       (:file "capability" :depends-on ("utils"))
 					       (:file "make-fdf-file" :depends-on ("utils"))
 					       (:file "date-calc")
+					       (:file "parse-time")
 					       (:file "acl-mp-compat" :depends-on ("package"))))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/package.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/package.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/package.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+           #:parse-time
 	   ;; filesystem functions

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/parse-time.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/utils/parse-time.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+(in-package :bknr.utils)
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
+;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
+;;; It was subsequently borrowed and modified slightly by Daniel
+;;; Barlow <dan at telent.net> to become part of the net-telent-date
+;;; package.  Daniel, Tue May 22 05:45:27 BST 2001
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; Parsing routines for time and date strings. PARSE-TIME returns the
+;;; universal time integer for the time and/or date given in the string.
+;;; Written by Jim Healy, June 1987.
+;;; **********************************************************************
+(defvar whitespace-chars '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\, #\' #\`))
+(defvar time-dividers '(#\: #\.))
+(defvar date-dividers '(#\\ #\/ #\-))
+(defvar *error-on-mismatch* nil
+  "If t, an error will be signalled if parse-time is unable
+   to determine the time/date format of the string.")
+;;; Set up hash tables for month, weekday, zone, and special strings.
+;;; Provides quick, easy access to associated information for these items.
+;;; Hashlist takes an association list and hashes each pair into the
+;;; specified tables using the car of the pair as the key and the cdr as
+;;; the data object.
+(defmacro hashlist (list table)
+  `(dolist (item ,list)
+     (setf (gethash (car item) ,table) (cdr item))))
+(defparameter weekday-table-size 23)
+(defparameter month-table-size 31)
+(defparameter zone-table-size 11)
+(defparameter special-table-size 11)
+(defvar *weekday-strings* (make-hash-table :test #'equal
+					 :size weekday-table-size))
+(defvar *month-strings* (make-hash-table :test #'equal
+				       :size month-table-size))
+(defvar *zone-strings* (make-hash-table :test #'equal
+				      :size zone-table-size))
+(defvar *special-strings* (make-hash-table :test #'equal
+					 :size special-table-size))

+;;; Load-time creation of the hash tables.
+(hashlist '(("monday" . 0)    ("mon" . 0)
+	    ("tuesday" . 1)   ("tues" . 1)   ("tue" . 1)
+	    ("wednesday" . 2) ("wednes" . 2) ("wed" . 2)
+	    ("thursday" . 3)  ("thurs" . 3)  ("thu" . 3)
+	    ("friday" . 4)    ("fri" . 4)
+	    ("saturday" . 5)  ("sat" . 5)
+	    ("sunday" . 6)    ("sun" . 6))
+	  *weekday-strings*)
+(hashlist '(("january" . 1)   ("jan" . 1)
+	    ("february" . 2)  ("feb" . 2)
+	    ("march" . 3)     ("mar" . 3)
+	    ("april" . 4)     ("apr" . 4)
+	    ("may" . 5)       ("june" . 6)
+	    ("jun" . 6)       ("july" . 7)
+	    ("jul" . 7)	      ("august" . 8)
+	    ("aug" . 8)       ("september" . 9)
+	    ("sept" . 9)      ("sep" . 9)
+	    ("october" . 10)  ("oct" . 10)
+	    ("november" . 11) ("nov" . 11)
+	    ("december" . 12) ("dec" . 12))
+	  *month-strings*)
+(hashlist '(("gmt" . 0) ("est" . 5)
+	    ("edt" . 4) ("cst" . 6)
+	    ("cdt" . 5) ("mst" . 7)
+	    ("mdt" . 6)	("pst" . 8)
+	    ("pdt" . 7)) 
+	  *zone-strings*)
+(hashlist '(("yesterday" . yesterday)  ("today" . today)
+	    ("tomorrow" . tomorrow)   ("now" . now))
+	  *special-strings*)

+;;; Time/date format patterns are specified as lists of symbols repre-
+;;; senting the elements.  Optional elements can be specified by
+;;; enclosing them in parentheses.  Note that the order in which the
+;;; patterns are specified below determines the order of search.
+;;; Choices of pattern symbols are: second, minute, hour, day, month,
+;;; year, time-divider, date-divider, am-pm, zone, izone, weekday,
+;;; noon-midn, and any special symbol.
+(defparameter *default-date-time-patterns*
+  '( 
+     ;; Date formats.
+    ((weekday) month (date-divider) day (date-divider) year (noon-midn))
+    ((weekday) day (date-divider) month (date-divider) year (noon-midn))
+    ((weekday) month (date-divider) day (noon-midn))
+    (year (date-divider) month (date-divider) day (noon-midn))
+    (month (date-divider) year (noon-midn))
+    (year (date-divider) month (noon-midn))
+    ((noon-midn) (weekday) month (date-divider) day (date-divider) year)
+    ((noon-midn) (weekday) day (date-divider) month (date-divider) year)
+    ((noon-midn) (weekday) month (date-divider) day)
+    ((noon-midn) year (date-divider) month (date-divider) day)
+    ((noon-midn) month (date-divider) year)
+    ((noon-midn) year (date-divider) month)
+     ;; Time formats.
+    (hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm) 
+	  (date-divider) (zone))
+    (noon-midn)
+    (hour (noon-midn))
+     ;; Time/date combined formats.
+    ((weekday) month (date-divider) day (date-divider) year
+	   hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp)
+	   (am-pm) (date-divider) (zone))
+    ((weekday) day (date-divider) month (date-divider) year
+	 hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp)
+	 (am-pm) (date-divider) (zone))
+    ((weekday) month (date-divider) day
+	   hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp)
+	   (am-pm) (date-divider) (zone))
+    (year (date-divider) month (date-divider) day
+	  hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp)
+	  (am-pm) (date-divider) (zone))
+    (month (date-divider) year
+	   hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp)
+	   (am-pm) (date-divider) (zone))
+    (year (date-divider) month
+	  hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp)
+	  (am-pm) (date-divider) (zone))
+    (hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+	  (date-divider) (zone) (weekday) month (date-divider)
+	  day (date-divider) year)
+    (hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+	  (date-divider) (zone) (weekday) day (date-divider)
+	  month (date-divider) year)
+    (hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+	  (date-divider) (zone) (weekday) month (date-divider)
+	  day)
+    (hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+	  (date-divider) (zone) year (date-divider) month
+	  (date-divider) day)
+    (hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+	  (date-divider) (zone) month (date-divider) year)
+    (hour (time-divider) (minute) (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+	  (date-divider) (zone) year (date-divider) month)
+     ;; Weird, non-standard formats.
+    (weekday month day hour (time-divider) minute (time-divider)
+	     secondp (am-pm)
+	     (zone) year)
+    ((weekday) day (date-divider) month (date-divider) year hour
+     (time-divider) minute (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+     (date-divider) (zone))
+    ((weekday) month (date-divider) day (date-divider) year hour
+     (time-divider) minute (time-divider) (secondp) (am-pm)
+     (date-divider) (zone))
+    ;; Special-string formats.
+    (now (yesterday))
+    ((yesterday) now)
+    (now (today))
+    ((today) now)
+    (now (tomorrow))
+    ((tomorrow) now)
+    (yesterday (noon-midn))
+    ((noon-midn) yesterday)
+    (today (noon-midn))
+    ((noon-midn) today)
+    (tomorrow (noon-midn))
+    ((noon-midn) tomorrow)
+;;; HTTP header style date/time patterns: RFC1123/RFC822, RFC850, ANSI-C.
+(defparameter *http-date-time-patterns*
+  '( 
+     ;; RFC1123/RFC822 and RFC850.
+    ((weekday) day (date-divider) month (date-divider) year
+     hour time-divider minute (time-divider) (secondp) izone)
+    ((weekday) day (date-divider) month (date-divider) year
+     hour time-divider minute (time-divider) (secondp) (zone))
+     ;; ANSI-C.
+    ((weekday) month day
+     hour time-divider minute (time-divider) (secondp) year)))

+;;; The decoded-time structure holds the time/date values which are
+;;; eventually passed to 'encode-universal-time' after parsing.
+;;; Note: Currently nothing is done with the day of the week.  It might
+;;; be appropriate to add a function to see if it matches the date.
+(defstruct decoded-time
+  (second 0    :type integer)    ; Value between 0 and 59.
+  (minute 0    :type integer)    ; Value between 0 and 59.
+  (hour   0    :type integer)    ; Value between 0 and 23.
+  (day    1    :type integer)    ; Value between 1 and 31.
+  (month  1    :type integer)    ; Value between 1 and 12.
+  (year   1900 :type integer)    ; Value above 1899 or between 0 and 99.
+  (zone   0    :type rational)   ; Value between -24 and 24 inclusive.
+  (dotw   0    :type integer))   ; Value between 0 and 6.
+;;; Make-default-time returns a decoded-time structure with the default
+;;; time values already set.  The default time is currently 00:00 on
+;;; the current day, current month, current year, and current time-zone.
+(defun make-default-time (def-sec def-min def-hour def-day
+			   def-mon def-year def-zone def-dotw)
+  (let ((default-time (make-decoded-time)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day mon year dotw dst zone)
+			 (get-decoded-time)
+      (declare (ignore dst))
+      (if def-sec
+	  (if (eq def-sec :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-second default-time) sec)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-second default-time) def-sec))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-second default-time) 0))
+      (if def-min
+	  (if (eq def-min :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-minute default-time) min)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-minute default-time) def-min))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-minute default-time) 0))
+      (if def-hour
+	  (if (eq def-hour :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-hour default-time) hour)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-hour default-time) def-hour))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-hour default-time) 0))
+      (if def-day
+	  (if (eq def-day :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-day default-time) day)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-day default-time) def-day))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-day default-time) day))
+      (if def-mon
+	  (if (eq def-mon :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-month default-time) mon)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-month default-time) def-mon))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-month default-time) mon))
+      (if def-year
+	  (if (eq def-year :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-year default-time) year)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-year default-time) def-year))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-year default-time) year))
+      (if def-zone
+	  (if (eq def-zone :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-zone default-time) zone)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-zone default-time) def-zone))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-zone default-time) zone))
+      (if def-dotw
+	  (if (eq def-dotw :current)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-dotw default-time) dotw)
+	      (setf (decoded-time-dotw default-time) def-dotw))
+	  (setf (decoded-time-dotw default-time) dotw))
+      default-time)))
+;;; Converts the values in the decoded-time structure to universal time
+;;; by calling encode-universal-time.
+;;; If zone is in numerical form, tweeks it appropriately.
+(defun convert-to-unitime (parsed-values)
+  (let ((zone (decoded-time-zone parsed-values)))
+    (encode-universal-time (decoded-time-second parsed-values)
+			   (decoded-time-minute parsed-values)
+			   (decoded-time-hour parsed-values)
+			   (decoded-time-day parsed-values)
+			   (decoded-time-month parsed-values)
+			   (decoded-time-year parsed-values)
+			   (if (or (> zone 24) (< zone -24))
+			       (let ((new-zone (/ zone 100)))
+				 (cond ((minusp new-zone) (- new-zone))
+				       ((plusp new-zone) (- 24 new-zone))
+				       ;; must be zero (GMT)
+				       (t new-zone)))
+			       zone))))
+;;; Sets the current values for the time and/or date parts of the 
+;;; decoded time structure.
+(defun set-current-value (values-structure &key (time nil) (date nil)
+						(zone nil))
+  (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day mon year dotw dst tz)
+      (get-decoded-time)
+    (declare (ignore dst))
+    (when time
+      (setf (decoded-time-second values-structure) sec)
+      (setf (decoded-time-minute values-structure) min)
+      (setf (decoded-time-hour values-structure) hour))
+    (when date
+      (setf (decoded-time-day values-structure) day)
+      (setf (decoded-time-month values-structure) mon)
+      (setf (decoded-time-year values-structure) year)
+      (setf (decoded-time-dotw values-structure) dotw))
+    (when zone
+      (setf (decoded-time-zone values-structure) tz))))

+;;; Special function definitions.  To define a special substring, add
+;;; a dotted pair consisting of the substring and a symbol in the
+;;; *special-strings* hashlist statement above.  Then define a function
+;;; here which takes one argument- the decoded time structure- and
+;;; sets the values of the structure to whatever is necessary.  Also,
+;;; add a some patterns to the patterns list using whatever combinations
+;;; of special and pre-existing symbols desired.
+(defun yesterday (parsed-values)
+  (set-current-value parsed-values :date t :zone t)
+  (setf (decoded-time-day parsed-values)
+	(1- (decoded-time-day parsed-values))))
+(defun today (parsed-values)
+  (set-current-value parsed-values :date t :zone t))
+(defun tomorrow (parsed-values)
+  (set-current-value parsed-values :date t :zone t)
+  (setf (decoded-time-day parsed-values)
+	(1+ (decoded-time-day parsed-values))))
+(defun now (parsed-values)
+  (set-current-value parsed-values :time t))

+;;; Predicates for symbols.  Each symbol has a corresponding function
+;;; defined here which is applied to a part of the datum to see if
+;;; it matches the qualifications.
+(defun am-pm (string)
+  (and (simple-string-p string)
+       (cond ((string= string "am") 'am)
+	     ((string= string "pm") 'pm)
+	     (t nil))))
+(defun noon-midn (string)
+  (and (simple-string-p string)
+       (cond ((string= string "noon") 'noon)
+	     ((string= string "midnight") 'midn)
+	     (t nil))))
+(defun weekday (string)
+  (and (simple-string-p string) (gethash string *weekday-strings*)))
+(defun month (thing)
+  (or (and (simple-string-p thing) (gethash thing *month-strings*))
+      (and (integerp thing) (<= 1 thing 12))))
+(defun zone (thing)
+  (or (and (simple-string-p thing) (gethash thing *zone-strings*))
+      (if (integerp thing)
+	  (let ((zone (/ thing 100)))
+	    (and (integerp zone) (<= -24 zone 24))))))
+;;; Internet numerical time zone, e.g. RFC1123, in hours and minutes.
+(defun izone (thing)
+  (if (integerp thing)
+      (multiple-value-bind (hours mins)
+	  (truncate thing 100)
+	(and (<= -24 hours 24) (<= -59 mins 59)))))
+(defun special-string-p (string)
+  (and (simple-string-p string) (gethash string *special-strings*)))
+(defun secondp (number)
+  (and (integerp number) (<= 0 number 59)))
+(defun minute (number)
+  (and (integerp number) (<= 0 number 59)))
+(defun hour (number)
+  (and (integerp number) (<= 0 number 23)))
+(defun day (number)
+  (and (integerp number) (<= 1 number 31)))
+(defun year (number)
+  (and (integerp number)
+       (or (<= 0 number 99)
+	   (<= 1900 number))))
+(defun time-divider (character)
+  (and (characterp character)
+       (member character time-dividers :test #'char=)))
+(defun date-divider (character)
+  (and (characterp character)
+       (member character date-dividers :test #'char=)))

+;;; Match-substring takes a string argument and tries to match it with
+;;; the strings in one of the four hash tables: *weekday-strings*, *month-
+;;; strings*, *zone-strings*, *special-strings*.  It returns a specific
+;;; keyword and/or the object it finds in the hash table.  If no match
+;;; is made then it immediately signals an error.
+(defun match-substring (substring)
+  (let ((substring (nstring-downcase substring)))
+    (or (let ((test-value (month substring)))
+	  (if test-value (cons 'month test-value)))
+	(let ((test-value (weekday substring)))
+	  (if test-value (cons 'weekday test-value)))
+	(let ((test-value (am-pm substring)))
+	  (if test-value (cons 'am-pm test-value)))
+	(let ((test-value (noon-midn substring)))
+	  (if test-value (cons 'noon-midn test-value)))
+	(let ((test-value (zone substring)))
+	  (if test-value (cons 'zone test-value)))
+	(let ((test-value (special-string-p substring)))
+	  (if test-value  (cons 'special test-value)))
+	(if *error-on-mismatch*
+	    (error "\"~A\" is not a recognized word or abbreviation."
+		   substring)
+	    (return-from match-substring nil)))))

+;;; Decompose-string takes the time/date string and decomposes it into a
+;;; list of alphabetic substrings, numbers, and special divider characters.
+;;; It matches whatever strings it can and replaces them with a dotted pair
+;;; containing a symbol and value.
+(defun decompose-string (string &key (start 0) (end (length string)) (radix 10))
+  (do ((string-index start)
+       (next-negative nil)
+       (parts-list nil))
+      ((eq string-index end) (nreverse parts-list))
+    (let ((next-char (char string string-index))
+	  (prev-char (if (= string-index start)
+			 nil
+			 (char string (1- string-index)))))
+      (cond ((alpha-char-p next-char)
+	     ;; Alphabetic character - scan to the end of the substring.
+	     (do ((scan-index (1+ string-index) (1+ scan-index)))
+		 ((or (eq scan-index end)
+		      (not (alpha-char-p (char string scan-index))))
+		  (let ((match-symbol (match-substring
+				       (subseq string string-index scan-index))))
+		    (if match-symbol
+			(push match-symbol parts-list)
+			(return-from decompose-string nil)))
+		  (setf string-index scan-index))))
+	    ((digit-char-p next-char radix)
+	     ;; Numeric digit - convert digit-string to a decimal value.
+	     (do ((scan-index string-index (1+ scan-index))
+		  (numeric-value 0 (+ (* numeric-value radix)
+				      (digit-char-p (char string scan-index) radix))))
+		 ((or (eq scan-index end)
+		      (not (digit-char-p (char string scan-index) radix)))
+		  ;; If next-negative is t, set the numeric value to it's
+		  ;; opposite and reset next-negative to nil.
+		  (when next-negative
+		    (setf next-negative nil)
+		    (setf numeric-value (- numeric-value)))
+		  (push numeric-value parts-list)
+		  (setf string-index scan-index))))
+	    ((and (char= next-char #\-)
+		  (or (not prev-char)
+		      (member prev-char whitespace-chars :test #'char=)))
+	     ;; If we see a minus sign before a number, but not after one,
+	     ;; it is not a date divider, but a negative offset from GMT, so
+	     ;; set next-negative to t and continue.
+	     (setf next-negative t)
+	     (incf string-index))	     
+	    ((member next-char time-dividers :test #'char=)
+ 	     ;; Time-divider - add it to the parts-list with symbol.
+	     (push (cons 'time-divider next-char) parts-list)
+	     (incf string-index))
+	    ((member next-char date-dividers :test #'char=)
+	     ;; Date-divider - add it to the parts-list with symbol.
+	     (push (cons 'date-divider next-char) parts-list)
+	     (incf string-index))
+	    ((member next-char whitespace-chars :test #'char=)
+	     ;; Whitespace character - ignore it completely.
+	     (incf string-index))
+	    ((char= next-char #\()
+	     ;; Parenthesized string - scan to the end and ignore it.
+	     (do ((scan-index string-index (1+ scan-index)))
+		 ((or (eq scan-index end)
+		      (char= (char string scan-index) #\)))
+ 		  (setf string-index (1+ scan-index)))))
+	    (t
+	     ;; Unrecognized character - barf voraciously.
+	     (if *error-on-mismatch*
+		 (error
+		  'simple-error
+		  :format-control "Can't parse time/date string.~%>>> ~A~
+				   ~%~VT^-- Bogus character encountered here."
+		  :format-arguments (list string (+ string-index 4)))
+		 (return-from decompose-string nil)))))))

+;;; Match-pattern-element tries to match a pattern element with a datum
+;;; element and returns the symbol associated with the datum element if
+;;; successful.  Otherwise nil is returned.
+(defun match-pattern-element (pattern-element datum-element)
+  (cond ((listp datum-element)
+	 (let ((datum-type (if (eq (car datum-element) 'special)
+			       (cdr datum-element)
+			       (car datum-element))))
+	   (if (eq datum-type pattern-element) datum-element)))
+	((funcall pattern-element datum-element)
+	 (cons pattern-element datum-element))
+	(t nil)))
+;;; Match-pattern matches a pattern against a datum, returning the
+;;; pattern if successful and nil otherwise.
+(defun match-pattern (pattern datum datum-length)
+  (if (>= (length pattern) datum-length)
+      (let ((form-list nil))
+	(do ((pattern pattern (cdr pattern))
+	     (datum datum (cdr datum)))
+	    ((or (null pattern) (null datum))
+	     (cond ((and (null pattern) (null datum))
+		    (nreverse form-list))
+		   ((null pattern) nil)
+		   ((null datum) (dolist (element pattern
+						  (nreverse form-list))
+				   (if (not (listp element))
+				       (return nil))))))
+	  (let* ((pattern-element (car pattern))
+		 (datum-element (car datum))
+		 (optional (listp pattern-element))
+		 (matching (match-pattern-element (if optional
+						      (car pattern-element)
+						      pattern-element)
+						  datum-element)))
+	    (cond (matching (let ((form-type (car matching)))
+			      (unless (or (eq form-type 'time-divider)
+					  (eq form-type 'date-divider))
+				(push matching form-list))))
+		  (optional (push datum-element datum))
+		  (t (return-from match-pattern nil))))))))

+;;; Deal-with-noon-midn sets the decoded-time values to either noon
+;;; or midnight depending on the argument form-value.  Form-value
+;;; can be either 'noon or 'midn.
+(defun deal-with-noon-midn (form-value parsed-values)
+  (cond ((eq form-value 'noon)
+	 (setf (decoded-time-hour parsed-values) 12))
+	((eq form-value 'midn)
+	 (setf (decoded-time-hour parsed-values) 0))
+	(t (error "Unrecognized symbol: ~A" form-value)))
+  (setf (decoded-time-minute parsed-values) 0)
+  (setf (decoded-time-second parsed-values) 0))
+;;; Deal-with-am-pm sets the decoded-time values to be in the am
+;;; or pm depending on the argument form-value.  Form-value can
+;;; be either 'am or 'pm.
+(defun deal-with-am-pm (form-value parsed-values)
+  (let ((hour (decoded-time-hour parsed-values)))
+    (cond ((eq form-value 'am)
+	   (cond ((eq hour 12)
+		  (setf (decoded-time-hour parsed-values) 0))
+		 ((not (<= 0 hour 12))
+		  (if *error-on-mismatch*
+		      (error "~D is not an AM hour, dummy." hour)))))
+	  ((eq form-value 'pm)
+	   (if (<= 0 hour 11)
+	       (setf (decoded-time-hour parsed-values)
+		     (mod (+ hour 12) 24))))
+	  (t (error "~A isn't AM/PM - this shouldn't happen." form-value)))))
+;;; Internet numerical time zone, e.g. RFC1123, in hours and minutes.
+(defun deal-with-izone (form-value parsed-values)
+  (multiple-value-bind (hours mins)
+      (truncate form-value 100)
+    (setf (decoded-time-zone parsed-values) (- (+ hours (/ mins 60))))))
+;;; Set-time-values uses the association list of symbols and values
+;;; to set the time in the decoded-time structure.
+(defun set-time-values (string-form parsed-values)
+  (dolist (form-part string-form t)
+    (let ((form-type (car form-part))
+	  (form-value (cdr form-part)))
+      (case form-type
+	(secondp (setf (decoded-time-second parsed-values) form-value))
+	(minute (setf (decoded-time-minute parsed-values) form-value))
+	(hour (setf (decoded-time-hour parsed-values) form-value))
+	(day (setf (decoded-time-day parsed-values) form-value))
+	(month (setf (decoded-time-month parsed-values) form-value))
+	(year (setf (decoded-time-year parsed-values) form-value))
+	(zone (setf (decoded-time-zone parsed-values) form-value))
+	(izone (deal-with-izone form-value parsed-values))
+	(weekday (setf (decoded-time-dotw parsed-values) form-value))
+	(am-pm (deal-with-am-pm form-value parsed-values))
+	(noon-midn (deal-with-noon-midn form-value parsed-values))
+	(special (funcall form-value parsed-values))
+	(t (error "Unrecognized symbol in form list: ~A." form-type))))))

+(defun parse-time (time-string &key (start 0) (end (length time-string))
+			       (error-on-mismatch nil)
+			       (patterns *default-date-time-patterns*)
+			       (default-seconds nil) (default-minutes nil)
+			       (default-hours nil) (default-day nil)
+			       (default-month nil) (default-year nil)
+			       (default-zone nil) (default-weekday nil))
+  "Tries very hard to make sense out of the argument time-string and
+   returns a single integer representing the universal time if
+   successful.  If not, it returns nil.  If the :error-on-mismatch
+   keyword is true, parse-time will signal an error instead of
+   returning nil.  Default values for each part of the time/date
+   can be specified by the appropriate :default- keyword.  These
+   keywords can be given a numeric value or the keyword :current
+   to set them to the current value.  The default-default values
+   are 00:00:00 on the current date, current time-zone."
+  (setq *error-on-mismatch* error-on-mismatch)
+  (let* ((string-parts (decompose-string time-string :start start :end end))
+	 (parts-length (length string-parts))
+	 (string-form (dolist (pattern patterns)
+			(let ((match-result (match-pattern pattern
+							   string-parts
+							   parts-length)))
+			  (if match-result (return match-result))))))
+    (if string-form
+	(let ((parsed-values (make-default-time default-seconds default-minutes
+						default-hours default-day
+						default-month default-year
+						default-zone default-weekday)))
+	  (set-time-values string-form parsed-values)
+	  (convert-to-unitime parsed-values))
+	(if *error-on-mismatch*
+	  (error "\"~A\" is not a recognized time/date format." time-string)
+	  nil))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex/xml-class.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex/xml-class.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/xml-impex/xml-class.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
 	 (xml-direct (first xml-directs)))
+    ;; Commented out this check because I could not determine what it does and it warned me.
+    #+(or)
     (when (> (length xml-directs) 1)
       (dolist (slot-def (class-slots (class-of (first xml-directs))))
         (unless (apply #'equal (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (slot-value slot (slot-definition-name slot-def))) xml-directs))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/bknr-web.asd
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/bknr-web.asd	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/bknr-web.asd	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
-					     (:file "templates"
+					     (:file "template-handler"
 						    :depends-on ("handlers"))
 					     (:file "rss-handlers"
 						    :depends-on ("handlers"))
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 					     (:file "tags"
 						    :depends-on ("handlers"
-								 "templates"
+								 "template-handler"
 			  :depends-on ("sysclasses" "packages" "rss"))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/packages.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/packages.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@
+	   #:emit-tag-children

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/tags.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/tags.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
     (emit-template-node toplevel)))
 (define-bknr-tag tag-body ()
-  (mapc #'emit-template-node *toplevel-children*))
+  (let ((*tag-children* *toplevel-children*))
+    (emit-tag-children)))
 (define-bknr-tag redirect-request (&key target)
   (redirect target))

Copied: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/template-handler.lisp (from r2434, branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/templates.lisp)
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/templates.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/web/src/web/template-handler.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -6,16 +6,19 @@
 (defvar *template-expander*)
 (defvar *template-env*)
-(defvar *template-dtd-catalog* `(;; libxml standard
-                                 "/etc/xml/catalog"
-                                 ;; FreeBSD
-                                 "/usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports"))
+(defparameter *template-dtd-catalog* `(;; libxml standard
+				       "/etc/xml/catalog"
+				       ;; FreeBSD
+				       "/usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports"
+				       "/usr/local/share/xml/catalog"))
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
   (let ((env-catalog (sb-ext:posix-getenv "XMLCATALOG")))
     (when env-catalog
-      (pushnew env-catalog *template-dtd-catalog* :test #'equal))))
+      (pushnew env-catalog *template-dtd-catalog* :test #'equal)))
+  (setf cxml:*catalog* (cxml:make-catalog (remove-if-not #'probe-file *template-dtd-catalog*))
+	cxml:*dtd-cache* (cxml:make-dtd-cache)
+	cxml:*cache-all-dtds* t))
 ;; user-error is supposed to be raised when an error is provoked by
 ;; the user (i.e. by supplying invalid form data).
@@ -37,10 +40,15 @@
 (defclass template-expander ()
   ((command-packages :initarg :command-packages
 		     :initform nil
-		     :reader template-expander-command-packages)))
+		     :reader template-expander-command-packages)
+   (destination :initarg :destination
+		:reader template-expander-destination)
+   (cached-templates :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+                     :accessor template-expander-cached-templates)))
 (defmethod find-tag-function ((expander template-expander) name ns)
-  (let ((package-name (cdr (assoc (make-keyword-from-string ns) (template-expander-command-packages expander))))
+  (let ((package-name (cdr (find ns (template-expander-command-packages expander)
+				 :test #'equal :key #'car)))
 	(function-name (string-upcase name)))
     (or (gethash function-name (or (gethash (symbol-name package-name) *template-functions*)
 				   (error "can't find package ~A in tag function registry" package-name)))
@@ -100,23 +108,6 @@
 	       (t (format nil "~A" val))))))
-(defun emit-template (expander stream node env)
-  (let* ((*template-expander* expander)
-         (*template-env* env)
-         (sink (cxml:make-character-stream-sink stream :canonical nil))
-         (*html-sink* (cxml:make-recoder sink #'cxml::utf8-string-to-rod)))
-    (if (node-attribute node "suppress-xml-headers")
-	(emit-template-node node)
-	(progn
-	  (sax:start-document *html-sink*)
-	  (sax:start-dtd *html-sink*
-			 "html"
-			 "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-			 "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd")
-	  (sax:end-dtd *html-sink*)
-	  (emit-template-node node)))
-    (sax:end-document *html-sink*)))
 (defun xmls-attributes-to-sax (fn attrs)
   (mapcar (lambda (a)
             (destructuring-bind (name value) a
@@ -131,55 +122,109 @@
 				      :specified-p t))))
-(defun emit-template-node (node)
+(defun parse-template (template-pathname)
+  (let ((sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t))
+    (cxml:parse-file (namestring (probe-file template-pathname))
+		     (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder)
+                     :validate nil)))
+(defvar *tag-children*)
+(defun emit-tag-children ()
+  "Function to be called by application defined tags to emit their children."
+  (mapc (curry #'emit-template-node *template-expander*) *tag-children*))
+(defun emit-template-node (expander node)
   (if (stringp node)
       (sax:characters *html-sink* (expand-variables node))
       (let* ((name (node-name node))
              (ns (node-ns node))
              (children (node-children node))
              (attrs (cxml-xmls:node-attrs node)))
-        ;; XML-technisch waere es korrekter, nicht auf das Praefix zu gucken,
-        ;; sondern auf die Namespace-URI.
-          ((and ns
-		(not (find #\: ns)))
-           (apply (find-tag-function *template-expander* name ns)
-		  (append (loop for (key name) in (remove-if #'(lambda (attr) (scan "^xmlns" (car attr))) attrs)
-				collect (make-keyword-from-string key)
-				collect (expand-variables name))
-			  (when children
-			    (list :children children)))))
+          ((find ns (template-expander-command-packages expander)
+		 :test #'equal :key #'car)
+	   (let ((*tag-children* children))
+	     (apply (find-tag-function expander name ns)
+		    (append (loop for (key name) in attrs
+				  collect (make-keyword-from-string key)
+				  collect (expand-variables name))))))
            (sax:start-element *html-sink* nil nil name
                               (xmls-attributes-to-sax #'expand-variables attrs))
            (dolist (child children)
-             (emit-template-node child))
+             (emit-template-node expander child))
            (sax:end-element *html-sink* nil nil name))))))
+(defun emit-parsed-template (expander toplevel)
+  "Emit the given XMLS compatible structure as XML to *HTML-SINK*."
+  ;; In order to generate xmlns attributes, we use the internal
+  ;; CXML-XMLS::COMPUTE-ATTRIBUTES/LNAMES function.  This may need to
+  ;; be revised with newer cxml releases.
+  (sax:start-element *html-sink* (node-ns toplevel) (node-name toplevel) (node-name toplevel)
+		     (cxml-xmls::compute-attributes/lnames toplevel t))
+  (let ((*template-expander* expander))
+    (mapc (curry #'emit-template-node expander) (node-children toplevel)))
+  (sax:end-element *html-sink* (node-ns toplevel) (node-name toplevel) (node-name toplevel)))
+(defun find-template (dir components)
+  (if (null components)
+      nil
+      (let ((next-dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (list :relative (first components)))
+				       dir)))
+	(when (probe-file next-dir)
+	  (let ((result (multiple-value-list (find-template next-dir (cdr components)))))
+	    (when (car result)
+	      (return-from find-template (values-list result)))))
+	(let ((file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "xml"
+						    :name (first components))
+				     dir)))
+	  (when (probe-file file)
+	    (values file (cdr components)))))))
+(defmethod find-template-pathname ((expander template-expander) template-name)
+  (let ((components (remove "" (split "/" template-name) :test #'equal)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (pathname ret-components)
+	(find-template (template-expander-destination expander) components)
+      (unless pathname
+	(template-not-found template-name))
+      (values pathname
+	      ret-components
+	      (with-output-to-string (s)
+		(dolist (component (subseq components 0 (- (length components)
+							   (length ret-components))))
+		  (write-char #\/ s)
+		  (write-string component s)))))))
+(defun get-cached-template (pathname expander)
+  (let* ((table (template-expander-cached-templates expander))
+         (namestring (namestring pathname))
+         (cache-entry (gethash namestring table))
+         (current-write-date (file-write-date namestring)))
+    (unless (and cache-entry (eql (car cache-entry) current-write-date))
+      (setf cache-entry
+            (cons current-write-date (parse-template pathname)))
+      (setf (gethash namestring table) cache-entry))
+    (cdr cache-entry)))
+(defun emit-template (expander stream node env)
+  (let* ((*template-env* env)
+         (*html-sink* (cxml:make-character-stream-sink stream :canonical nil)))
+    (if (node-attribute node "suppress-xml-headers")
+	(emit-parsed-template expander node)
+	(progn
+	  (sax:start-document *html-sink*)
+	  (sax:start-dtd *html-sink*
+			 "html"
+			 "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+			 "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd")
+	  (sax:end-dtd *html-sink*)
+	  (emit-parsed-template expander node)))
+    (sax:end-document *html-sink*)))
 ;; template handler
 (defclass template-handler (prefix-handler template-expander)
-  ((destination :initarg :destination
-		:reader template-handler-destination)
-   (cached-templates :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-                     :accessor template-handler-cached-templates)
-   (dtd-cache :initform (cxml:make-dtd-cache)
-              :reader template-handler-dtd-cache)
-   (catalog :initform (cxml:make-catalog *template-dtd-catalog*)
-            :reader template-handler-catalog)))
-(defconstant +max-template-expansions-per-request+ 100
-  "Maximum number of template expansions in one template request (circular dependency safeguard")
-(defun parse-template (handler template-pathname)
-  (let ((cxml:*dtd-cache* (template-handler-dtd-cache handler))
-        (cxml:*cache-all-dtds* t)
-        (cxml:*catalog* (template-handler-catalog handler))
-        (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t))
-    (cxml:parse-file (namestring (probe-file template-pathname))
-		     (cxml:make-recoder (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder)
-                                        #'cxml::rod-to-utf8-string)
-                     :validate nil)))
+  ())
 (defmethod expand-template ((handler template-handler)
 			    template-name &key env)
@@ -216,46 +261,6 @@
         (template-not-found template-pathname))))
-(defun find-template (dir components)
-  (if (null components)
-      nil
-      (let ((next-dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory (list :relative (first components)))
-				       dir)))
-	(when (probe-file next-dir)
-	  (let ((result (multiple-value-list (find-template next-dir (cdr components)))))
-	    (when (car result)
-	      (return-from find-template (values-list result)))))
-	(let ((file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "xml"
-						    :name (first components))
-				     dir)))
-	  (when (probe-file file)
-	    (values file (cdr components)))))))
-(defmethod find-template-pathname ((handler template-handler) template-name)
-  (let ((components (remove "" (split "/" template-name) :test #'equal)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (pathname ret-components)
-	(find-template (template-handler-destination handler) components)
-      (unless pathname
-	(template-not-found template-name))
-      (values pathname
-	      ret-components
-	      (with-output-to-string (s)
-		(dolist (component (subseq components 0 (- (length components)
-							   (length ret-components))))
-		  (write-char #\/ s)
-		  (write-string component s)))))))
-(defun get-cached-template (pathname handler)
-  (let* ((table (template-handler-cached-templates handler))
-         (namestring (namestring pathname))
-         (cache-entry (gethash namestring table))
-         (current-write-date (file-write-date namestring)))
-    (unless (and cache-entry (eql (car cache-entry) current-write-date))
-      (setf cache-entry
-            (cons current-write-date (parse-template handler pathname)))
-      (setf (gethash namestring table) cache-entry))
-    (cdr cache-entry)))
 (defun send-error-response (handler message &key (response-code +http-internal-server-error+))
   (with-http-response (:content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
 				     :response response-code)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/boi-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/boi-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/boi-handlers.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (defmethod authorized-p ((handler boi-handler))
-  (let ((user (bknr-request-user)))
+  (let ((user (bknr-session-user)))
     (or (admin-p user)
 	(user-has-flag user :boi))))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 	(with-transaction (:contract-paid)
 	  (contract-set-paidp contract (format nil "~A: manually set paid by ~A"
-					       (user-login (bknr-request-user))))
+					       (user-login (bknr-session-user))))
 	  (when name
 	    (setf (user-full-name (contract-sponsor contract)) name))))
       (with-xml-response ()

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 	   (contract (make-contract sponsor (parse-integer numsqm)
 				    :paidp (format nil "~A: manually created by ~A"
 						   (format-date-time (get-universal-time))
-						   (user-login (bknr-request-user)))
+						   (user-login (bknr-session-user)))
 				    :date (date-to-universal date))))
       (contract-issue-cert contract name :address address :language language)
       (mail-backoffice-sponsor-data contract)
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
 	    (html (:h2 "Completing square meter sale"))
 	    (sponsor-set-country (contract-sponsor contract) country)
 	    (contract-set-paidp contract (format nil "~A: wire transfer processed by ~A"
-						 (format-date-time) (user-login (bknr-request-user))))
+						 (format-date-time) (user-login (bknr-session-user))))
 	    (when email
 	      (html (:p "Sending instruction email to " (:princ-safe email)))
 	      (mail-instructions-to-sponsor contract email))))
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@
 		      (find-store-object (parse-integer sponsor-id-or-x) :class 'sponsor))
-		      (when (eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of (bknr-request-user)))
-			(bknr-request-user))))))
+		      (when (eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of (bknr-session-user)))
+			(bknr-session-user))))))
       (with-http-response (:content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
 	(with-http-body ()
 	  (let ((*standard-output* *html-stream*))
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
       (with-http-body ()
 	(format *html-stream* "<script>~%parent.set_loginstatus('~A');~%</script>~%"
-		  ((eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of (bknr-request-user)))
+		  ((eq (find-class 'sponsor) (class-of (bknr-session-user)))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/tags.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/tags.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 (define-bknr-tag worldpay-receipt ()
   (emit-without-quoting "<WPDISPLAY ITEM=banner>"))
-(define-bknr-tag process-payment (&key children)
+(define-bknr-tag process-payment ()
   (with-template-vars (cartId transId email country)
     (let* ((contract (get-contract (parse-integer cartId)))
 	   (sponsor (contract-sponsor contract)))
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
       (contract-set-paidp contract (format nil "~A: paid via worldpay" (format-date-time)))
       (setf (get-template-var :master-code) (sponsor-master-code sponsor))
       (setf (get-template-var :sponsor-id) (sponsor-id sponsor))))
-  (mapc #'emit-template-node children))
+  (emit-tag-children))
 (define-bknr-tag generate-cert ()
   (with-template-vars (gift email name address)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 			  (if donationcert-yearly "1" "0")
 			  (if gift "1" "0")
 			  (when *worldpay-test-mode* "&testMode=100"))))))
-    (mapc #'emit-template-node children)))
+    (emit-tag-children)))
 (define-bknr-tag mail-transfer ()
   (with-query-params ((get-template-var :request)
@@ -126,16 +126,16 @@
 			   :language (session-variable :language))
       (mail-manual-sponsor-data (get-template-var :request)))))
-(define-bknr-tag when-certificate (&key children)
+(define-bknr-tag when-certificate ()
   (let ((sponsor (bknr-request-user (get-template-var :request))))
     (when (some #'contract-pdf-pathname (sponsor-contracts sponsor))
-      (mapc #'emit-template-node children))))
+      (emit-tag-children))))
-(define-bknr-tag send-info-request (&key children email)
+(define-bknr-tag send-info-request (&key email)
   (mail-info-request email)
-  (mapc #'emit-template-node children))
+  (emit-tag-children))
-(define-bknr-tag save-profile (&key children)
+(define-bknr-tag save-profile ()
   (let ((sponsor (bknr-request-user (get-template-var :request))))
     (with-template-vars (email name password infotext anonymize)
       (when anonymize
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 			    'info-text nil
 			    'email nil))
       (when name
-	(change-slot-values sponsor 'full-name name))
+	(change-sLot-values sponsor 'full-name name))
       (when email
 	(change-slot-values sponsor 'bknr.web::email email))
       (when password
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
     (setf (get-template-var :numsqm)
 	  (format nil "~D"
 		  (apply #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (contract) (length (contract-m2s contract))) (sponsor-contracts sponsor))))))
-  (mapc #'emit-template-node children))
+  (emit-tag-children))
-(define-bknr-tag admin-login-page (&key children)
+(define-bknr-tag admin-login-page ()
   (if (admin-p (bknr-request-user (get-template-var :request)))
       (html (:head ((:meta :http-equiv "refresh" :content "0; url=/admin"))))
-      (mapc #'emit-template-node children)))
\ No newline at end of file
+      (emit-tag-children)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/web-utils.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/web-utils.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/web-utils.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 	((:p :class "footer")
 	 "local time is " (:princ-safe (format-date-time))
 	 " - "
-	 (if (bknr-request-user)
-	     (html "logged in as " (html-link (bknr-request-user)))
+	 (if (bknr-session-user)
+	     (html "logged in as " (html-link (bknr-session-user)))
 	     (html "not logged in"))
 	 " - current content language is "
 	(cmslink "change-language"

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 (defmethod handle-object ((handler certificate-handler) contract)
   (unless contract
-    (setf contract (find-if #'contract-pdf-pathname (sponsor-contracts (bknr-request-user)))))
+    (setf contract (find-if #'contract-pdf-pathname (sponsor-contracts (bknr-session-user)))))
   (redirect (format nil "/certificates/~D.pdf" (store-object-id contract))))
 (defclass statistics-handler (admin-only-handler prefix-handler)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/eboy/src/item-handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/eboy/src/item-handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/eboy/src/item-handlers.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
                                          :confirm "Really delete item?")))))))
 (defmethod authorized-p ((handler edit-item-handler))
-  (admin-p (bknr-request-user)))
+  (admin-p (bknr-session-user)))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-item-handler)
 			       action item)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/gpn/gpn-tags.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/gpn/gpn-tags.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/gpn/gpn-tags.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
 				 ((:a :class "headlink" :href (second button))
 				  (:princ-safe (first button))))))
 		      (html (:td))))
-		(if (eql (find-user "anonymous") (bknr-request-user))
+		(if (eql (find-user "anonymous") (bknr-session-user))
 		  (html ((:td :class "headbar")
 			 ((:a :class "headlogin" :href "/login") "LOGIN")))
 		  (html ((:td :class "headbar")
 			 ((:a :class "headlogin" :href (format nil "/gpn-user/~a"
-							       (user-login (bknr-request-user))))
+							       (user-login (bknr-session-user))))
-			(when (admin-p (bknr-request-user))
+			(when (admin-p (bknr-session-user))
 			  (html ((:td :class "headbar")
 				 ((:a :class "headlogin" :href "/admin") "ADMIN"))))
 			((:td :class "headbar")
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 		      (html "ANONYMOUS")) ", "
 		  (:princ-safe (format-date-time (article-time item)
 						 :show-weekday t))
-		  (when (equal (article-author item) (bknr-request-user))
+		  (when (equal (article-author item) (bknr-session-user))
 		    (html ((:a :href (format nil "/edit-article/~A" (store-object-id item))) " (edit)")))
 	(html ((:a :class "rss" :href (format nil "~a/~a" (handler-url :blog-rss)
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 		 (when email
 		   (html ((:div :class "email")
 			  "EMAIL: " (:princ-safe (string-upcase (user-email user))))))))
-	  (when (string-equal (user-login user) (user-login (bknr-request-user)))
+	  (when (string-equal (user-login user) (user-login (bknr-session-user)))
 	    (html ((:div :class "user-edit")
 		   ((:p :class "news")
 		    "Zum Importieren von Bildern zuerst die Bilder auf ftp://fiep/ hochladen,
@@ -278,11 +278,11 @@
 (define-bknr-tag logged-in ()
   (html ((:div :class "logged-in") "logged in as "
-	 (if (string-equal (user-login (bknr-request-user)) "anonymous")
+	 (if (string-equal (user-login (bknr-session-user)) "anonymous")
 	     (html "anonymous")
 	     (html ((:a :style "color:#cc3333;"
-			:href (format nil "/gpn-user/~a" (user-login (bknr-request-user))))
-		    (:princ-safe (user-login (bknr-request-user)))))))))
+			:href (format nil "/gpn-user/~a" (user-login (bknr-session-user))))
+		    (:princ-safe (user-login (bknr-session-user)))))))))
 (define-bknr-tag gpn-fahrplan (&key location)
   (let ((events (sort (remove-if #'(lambda (event) (< (zeitplan-event-end-time event) (get-universal-time)))
@@ -414,5 +414,5 @@
 		      (html "ANONYMOUS")) ", "
 		  (:princ-safe (format-date-time (article-time article)
 						 :show-weekday t))
-		  (when (equal (article-author article) (bknr-request-user))
+		  (when (equal (article-author article) (bknr-session-user))
 		    (html ((:a :href (format nil "/edit-article/~A" (store-object-id article))) " (edit)"))))))))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/gpn/import-handler.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/gpn/import-handler.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/gpn/import-handler.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 (defmethod import-handler-import-pathname ((handler gpn-import-handler))
-  (let* ((user (bknr-request-user))
+  (let* ((user (bknr-session-user))
 	 (spool-dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory
 						    (list :relative (user-login user)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   (let* ((keywords (keywords-from-query-param-list (query-param-list "keyword")))
 	 (spool-dir (import-handler-import-pathname handler)))
     (import-directory spool-dir
-		      :user (bknr-request-user)
+		      :user (bknr-session-user)
 		      :keywords (when (admin-p *user*) keywords)
 		      :spool (import-handler-spool-dir handler)
 		      :keywords-from-dir (if (admin-p *user*)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/config.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/config.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/config.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   (when (probe-file "site.lisp")
     (load "site.lisp")))
-(defparameter *root-directory* #p"home:bknr-svn/projects/lisp-ecoop/")
+(defparameter *root-directory* (merge-pathnames #P"../" *load-pathname*))
 (defparameter *store-directory* (merge-pathnames #p"datastore/" *root-directory*))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/handlers.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/handlers.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/handlers.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 (defun format-object-id (format object &rest args)
   (apply #'format nil format (store-object-id object) args))
-(defmacro with-lisp-ecoop-page ((req title) &body body)
-  `(with-bknr-page (,req :title ,title)
+(defmacro with-lisp-ecoop-page ((title) &body body)
+  `(with-bknr-page (:title ,title)
      , at body))
 (defclass edit-participant-handler (edit-object-handler)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   (:default-initargs :class 'participant :query-function #'find-user))
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-participant-handler) (action (eql nil)) (participant participant))
-  (with-lisp-ecoop-page (req #?"Edit participant $((user-login participant))")
+  (with-lisp-ecoop-page (#?"Edit participant $((user-login participant))")
     ((:form :method "post" :enctype "multipart/form-data")
      ((:table :border "1")
       (:tr (:th "Login")
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 (defmethod handle-object-form ((handler edit-participant-handler) (action (eql :reset-password)) (participant participant))
   (participant-reset-password participant)
-  (with-lisp-ecoop-page (req "Password reset")
+  (with-lisp-ecoop-page ("Password reset")
     "The participant's password has been reset and sent by mail"))
 (defclass pdf-handler (object-handler)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 (defmethod handle-object ((handler pdf-handler) (document document))
   (let ((pdf (file-contents (blob-pathname document))))
     (with-http-response (:content-type "application/pdf")
-      (setf (request-reply-content-length) (length pdf))
+      (setf (content-length) (length pdf))
       (with-http-body (:external-format '(unsigned-byte 8))
 	(write-sequence pdf *html-stream*)))))
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 (defmethod handle ((handler make-submission-handler))
   (with-query-params (type title abstract)
     (let ((submission (make-object (if (string-equal type "paper") 'paper 'breakout-group-proposal) :title title :abstract abstract)))
-      (with-lisp-ecoop-page (req #?"Submission created")
+      (with-lisp-ecoop-page (#?"Submission created")
         (html ((:script :type "text/javascript")
                (:princ-safe #?"
 if (window.opener) {
@@ -80,7 +80,9 @@
                  (let ((document (make-object 'document :info info :submission submission)))
                    (blob-from-file document file-name)
                    (redirect (format-object-id "/upload/~A?success=1" submission)))
-                 (redirect (format-object-id "/upload/~A?failure=~A" submission (uriencode-string "Uploaded file does not appear to be a PDF file")))))))))
+                 (redirect (format-object-id "/upload/~A?failure=~A"
+					     submission
+					     (url-encode "Uploaded file does not appear to be a PDF file")))))))))
      (redirect (format-object-id "/upload/~A" submission)))))
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@
 (defmethod handle ((handler page-handler))
-  (with-lisp-ecoop-page (req "LISP-ECOOP Administration")
+  (with-lisp-ecoop-page ("LISP-ECOOP Administration")
     "Please choose an administrative task from the menu"))
 (define-bknr-webserver-module participants

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/init.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/init.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/init.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
     (make-user "admin" :password "wispleb" :full-name "Administrator" :flags '(:admin))
     (import-image "bknr-logo.png" :keywords '(:banner :bknr)))
+  #+(or)
-  (publish-lisp-ecoop))
+  (publish-lisp-ecoop)
+  (start-webserver))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/lisp-ecoop.asd
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/lisp-ecoop.asd	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/lisp-ecoop.asd	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -18,20 +18,17 @@
   :depends-on (:bknr-datastore
+	       :closer-mop
+	       :cl-smtp
   :components ((:file "packages")
 	       (:file "config" :depends-on ("packages"))
 	       (:file "macros" :depends-on ("config"))
-               #+(or)
 	       (:file "schedule" :depends-on ("macros"))
-               #+(or)
 	       (:file "participant" :depends-on ("macros" "schedule"))
-               #+(or)
 	       (:file "mail" :depends-on ("participant"))
-               #+(or)
 	       (:file "tags" :depends-on ("participant"))
-               #+(or)
 	       (:file "handlers" :depends-on ("participant"))
-	       (:file "webserver" :depends-on (#+(or) "handlers"))
+	       (:file "webserver" :depends-on ("handlers"))
 	       (:file "init" :depends-on ("webserver"))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/load.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/load.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/load.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :lisp-ecoop)
 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :swank)
-(swank::create-swank-server 4005 :spawn #'swank::simple-announce-function t)
+(swank::create-server :port 4005)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/macros.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/macros.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/macros.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
 		  access slot class)))
       (cons name rest))))
-(defmacro define-lisp-ecoop-class (class (&rest superclasses) slots &rest class-options)
+(defmacro define-lisp-ecoop-class (class-name (&rest superclasses) slots &rest class-options)
   (let ((superclasses (or superclasses '(store-object)))
-	(slots (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (compute-slot class slot))
+	(slots (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (compute-slot class-name slot))
     ;; the eval-when is there to create the index access functions at compile time
     `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-      (defclass ,class ,superclasses
+      (defclass ,class-name ,superclasses
 	((bknr.datastore::id :attribute t)
          , at slots)
 	(:metaclass persistent-xml-class)

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/packages.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/packages.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -77,5 +77,4 @@
-  (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol #:quote-meta-chars)
-  (:export #:hello))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol #:quote-meta-chars))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/participant.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/participant.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/participant.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     (with-slots (documents) submission
       (setf documents (remove document documents)))))
-(define-lisp-ecoop-class submission ()
+y(define-lisp-ecoop-class submission ()
   ((title :update :documentation "Title of the submission" :initform nil :attribute t)
    (abstract :update :documentation "Abstract or short description" :initform nil :element t)
    (submitters :update :documentation "List of participants who submitted this" :initform nil :element t :containment :+)
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
   "Generic submission")
 (defun submission-edit-permitted-p (submission)
-  (or (admin-p (bknr-request-user))
-      (find (bknr-request-user) (submission-submitters submission))))
+  (or (admin-p (bknr-session-user))
+      (find (bknr-session-user) (submission-submitters submission))))
 (defmethod submission-add-submitter ((submission submission) submitter)
   (pushnew submitter (submission-submitters submission))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/schedule.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/schedule.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/schedule.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     ("/schedule" schedule-handler)
   ("/edit-timeslot" edit-timeslot-handler))
-(defun show-day-schedule (&key day children)
+(defun show-day-schedule (&key day)
   (let* ((begin (parse-time-spec day))
 	 (end (+ begin (* 24 60 60))))
     (labels ((timeslot-wanted (timeslot)
@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@
 			      #'< :key #'timeslot-begin-time))
 	    ((time ()
-		   (if (admin-p (bknr-request-user))
+		   (if (admin-p (bknr-session-user))
 		       (html ((:a :href #?"/edit-timeslot/$((store-object-id timeslot))")
 			      (:princ-safe (timeslot-time-string timeslot))))
 		       (html (:princ-safe (timeslot-time-string timeslot)))))
 	     (content ()
 		      (print-object-as-html (timeslot-content timeslot))))
-	  (mapc #'emit-template-node children))))))
+	  (emit-tag-children))))))
 (in-package :lisp-ecoop.tags)
-(define-bknr-tag show-day-schedule (&key day children)
-  (lisp-ecoop::show-day-schedule :day day :children children))
+(define-bknr-tag show-day-schedule (&key day)
+  (lisp-ecoop::show-day-schedule :day day))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/tags.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/tags.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 (defun object-to-template-vars (object)
-  (dolist (slot-name (mapcar #'mop:slot-definition-name (mop:class-slots (class-of object))))
+  (dolist (slot-name (mapcar #'closer-mop:slot-definition-name (closer-mop:class-slots (class-of object))))
     (when (and (slot-boundp object slot-name)
 	       (slot-value object slot-name))
       (setf (get-template-var (make-keyword-from-string (symbol-name slot-name)))
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
 	(if (parse-integer key :junk-allowed t)
 	    (find-store-object (parse-integer key :junk-allowed t))
 	    (find-user key))
-	(bknr-request-user))))
+	(bknr-session-user))))
-(define-bknr-tag profile-editor (&key children)
-  (when (anonymous-p (bknr-request-user))
+(define-bknr-tag profile-editor ()
+  (when (anonymous-p (bknr-session-user))
     (warn "User not logged in")
     (html (:h2 "Please log in to edit the profile"))
     (return-from profile-editor))
   (let ((participant (participant-from-request)))
-    (unless (or (admin-p (bknr-request-user))
-		(eq participant (bknr-request-user)))
+    (unless (or (admin-p (bknr-session-user))
+		(eq participant (bknr-session-user)))
       (html (:h2 "can't edit this profile"))
       (return-from profile-editor))
     (when (eq :post (request-method))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 	    (setf (participant-text participant) text)))))
     (object-to-template-vars participant)
     (let ((*participant* participant))
-      (mapc #'emit-template-node children))))
+      (emit-tag-children))))
 (defun document-file-info (document)
   (with-open-file (document-file (blob-pathname document))
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 (defun submission-from-request ()
   (find-store-object (parse-integer (get-template-var :*path-arg*))))
-(define-bknr-tag submission-editor (&key children)
+(define-bknr-tag submission-editor ()
   (let ((submission (submission-from-request)))
     (unless submission
       (html (:h2 "Invalid submission ID"))
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@
 	    (setf (submission-abstract submission) abstract)))))
     (object-to-template-vars submission)
     (let ((*submission* submission))
-      (mapc #'emit-template-node children))))
+      (emit-tag-children))))
-(define-bknr-tag add-participant (&key children)
-  (unless (admin-p (bknr-request-user))
+(define-bknr-tag add-participant ()
+  (unless (admin-p (bknr-session-user))
     (html "You must be logged in as adminstrator to create new participants")
     (return-from add-participant))
   (with-query-params (action)
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
         (make-participant login :full-name full-name :email email :text text :submission submission)
          (:princ-safe #?"The participant $(login) has been created in the database and a welcome mail has been sent.")))))
-  (mapc #'emit-template-node children))
+  (emit-tag-children))
 (define-bknr-tag submission-option-list ()
   (dolist (submission (sort (copy-list (class-instances 'submission))
@@ -193,14 +193,14 @@
                   (dolist (participant (set-difference (class-instances 'participant) submitters))
                     (html (:li ((:a :href (format nil "~A?add-submitter-id=~A"
-						  (puri:uri-path (request-uri))
+						  (script-name)
 						  (store-object-id participant)))
                                 (:princ-safe (user-full-name participant)))))))))
            (html (:strong "Remove Submitter")
                   (dolist (participant submitters)
-                    (html (:li ((:a :href (format nil "~A?remove-submitter-id=~A" (puri:uri-path (request-uri)) (store-object-id participant)))
+                    (html (:li ((:a :href (format nil "~A?remove-submitter-id=~A" (script-name) (store-object-id participant)))
                                 (:princ-safe (user-full-name participant))))))))))))))
 (define-bknr-tag submission-uploader ()
@@ -252,27 +252,27 @@
 	  (html ((:img :src (format-object-id "/image/~A/cell" image)))))
 	(:span ((:a :href (format-object-id "/profile/~A" participant))
 		(:princ-safe (user-full-name participant)))
-	       (when (or (eq participant (bknr-request-user))
-			 (admin-p (bknr-request-user)))
+	       (when (or (eq participant (bknr-session-user))
+			 (admin-p (bknr-session-user)))
 		 (html " " ((:a :href (format-object-id "/edit-profile/~A" participant)) "[Edit]")))))))))
-(define-bknr-tag participants-only (&key children error)
-  (if (participant-p (bknr-request-user))
-      (mapc #'emit-template-node children)
+(define-bknr-tag participants-only (&key error)
+  (if (participant-p (bknr-session-user))
+      (emit-tag-children)
       (when error
 	(html (:princ-safe error)))))
-(define-bknr-tag admin-only (&key children error)
-  (if (admin-p (bknr-request-user))
-      (mapc #'emit-template-node children)
+(define-bknr-tag admin-only (&key error)
+  (if (admin-p (bknr-session-user))
+      (emit-tag-children)
       (when error
 	(html (:princ-safe error)))))
-(define-bknr-tag profile (&key children)
+(define-bknr-tag profile ()
   (let* ((participant (participant-from-request)))
     (object-to-template-vars participant)
     (let ((*participant* participant))
-      (mapc #'emit-template-node children))))
+      (emit-tag-children))))
 (define-bknr-tag participant-picture-image (&key (width 20) (height 20))
   (when (participant-picture *participant*)
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
       (html "[no submission]")))
 (define-bknr-tag login-widget ()
-  (let ((user (bknr-request-user)))
+  (let ((user (bknr-session-user)))
       ((anonymous-p user)
        (html ((:form :method "post")
@@ -300,15 +300,15 @@
               ((:button :type "submit" :name "action" :value "login") "login"))))
        (html ((:form :method "post" :action (website-make-path *website* "logout"))
-              ((:input :type "hidden" :name "url" :value (puri:uri-path (request-uri))))
+              ((:input :type "hidden" :name "url" :value (script-name)))
 	      (:div "Logged in as " :br
 		    ((:a :href (format-object-id "/edit-profile/~A" user))
 		     (:princ-safe (user-full-name user))))
 	      (:div ((:button :type "submit" :name "action" :value "logout") "logout"))))))))
-(define-bknr-tag admin-only (&key children)
-  (when (admin-p (bknr-request-user))
-    (mapc #'emit-template-node children)))
+(define-bknr-tag admin-only ()
+  (when (admin-p (bknr-session-user))
+    (emit-tag-children)))
 (defun parse-duration (string)
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
 (define-bknr-tag schedule-submission ()
   (when (eq :post (request-method))
     (with-query-params (date time duration submission freetext)
-      (let ((start (ext:parse-time (format nil "~A ~A" date time) :default-zone -2)) ; XXX hardcoded time zone
+      (let ((start (parse-time (format nil "~A ~A" date time) :default-zone -2)) ; XXX hardcoded time zone
 	    (duration (parse-duration duration))
 	    (submission (ignore-errors (store-object-with-id (parse-integer submission :junk-allowed t)))))
@@ -380,17 +380,17 @@
       (html (:li ((:a :href (format-object-id "/pdf/~A" document) :target "_new")
                   (:princ-safe (document-info document)) " " (:princ-safe (document-file-info document)))))))))
-(define-bknr-tag load-argument-object (&key children)
+(define-bknr-tag load-argument-object ()
   (let* ((object (object-from-request)))
     (object-to-template-vars object)
     (setf (get-template-var :object-id) (store-object-id object))
-    (mapc #'emit-template-node children)))
+    (emit-tag-children)))
-(define-bknr-tag page (&key children name)
+(define-bknr-tag page (&key name)
   (setf (get-template-var :title) name)
   (setf (get-template-var :base) (website-base-href *website*))
   (let* ((expander bknr.web::*template-expander*)
          (pathname (find-template-pathname expander "toplevel"))
          (toplevel (bknr.web::get-cached-template pathname expander))
-         (bknr.web::*toplevel-children* children))
+         (bknr.web::*toplevel-children* bknr.web::*tag-children*))
     (emit-template-node toplevel)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/webserver.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/webserver.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/lisp-ecoop/src/webserver.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 (defun make-daily-statistics ()
   (bknr.stats::make-yesterdays-stats :delete-events t :remove-referer-hosts '("lisp-ecoop.bknr.net")))
-(defun publish-lisp-ecoop (&key (port *webserver-port*) (listeners 20) (base-href *base-path*))
+(defun publish-lisp-ecoop (&key (base-href *base-path*))
   (unless (bknr.cron:cron-job-with-name "daily webserver statistics")
     (bknr.cron:make-cron-job "daily webserver statistics" 'make-daily-statistics
@@ -23,24 +22,23 @@
                  :template-command-packages '((:lisp-ecoop . :lisp-ecoop.tags)
                                               (:bknr . :bknr.web)
                                               (:menu . :bknr.site-menu))
-		 :handler-definitions `(("/" redirect-handler
+		 :handler-definitions `(user images
+					#+(or) stats
+					#+(or) mailinglist
+					#+(or) mailinglist-registration
+					participants schedule
+					("/" redirect-handler
 					 :to "home")
 					("/static" directory-handler
-					 :destination ,(unix-namestring (merge-pathnames #p"static/" *website-directory*))))
-		 :modules '(user images stats mailinglist mailinglist-registration participants schedule)
+					 :destination ,(probe-file (merge-pathnames #p"static/" *website-directory*))))
 		 :admin-navigation nil
 		 :authorizer (make-instance 'bknr-authorizer)
 		 :style-sheet-urls (list (format nil "~Astatic/styles.css" base-href))
-		 :javascript-urls (list (format nil "~Astatic/javascript.js" base-href)))
-  (start :port port :listeners listeners))
+		 :javascript-urls (list (format nil "~Astatic/javascript.js" base-href))))
 (defun start-webserver (&key (port 9000))
   (when (and (boundp '*server*) *server*)
     (stop-server *server*))
-  (setq *dispatch-table*
-	(list 'dispatch-easy-handlers
-	      (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler "/" *website-directory*)))
+  (publish-lisp-ecoop)
   (setq *server* (start-server :port port)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/tags.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/tags.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/tags.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 (in-package :quickhoney.tags)
-(define-bknr-tag version-and-last-change ()
-  (html "v1.0 | updated " (:princ-safe (string-downcase (substitute #\Space #\- (format-date-time (last-image-upload-timestamp) :vms-style t :show-time nil))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+(define-bknr-tag version-and-last-change (&rest args)
+  (format *debug-io* "hello world: ~A~%" args)
+  (html "v1.1 | updated " (:princ-safe (string-downcase
+					(substitute #\Space #\-
+						    (format-date-time (last-image-upload-timestamp) :vms-style t :show-time nil))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/webserver.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/webserver.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/src/webserver.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 					 :content-type "application/x-icon")
 					("/" template-handler
 					 :destination ,(namestring (merge-pathnames "templates/" *website-directory*))
-					 :command-packages ((:quickhoney . :quickhoney.tags)
-							    (:bknr . :bknr.web))))
+					 :command-packages (("http://quickhoney.com/" . :quickhoney.tags)
+							    ("http://bknr.net/" . :bknr.web))))
 		 :admin-navigation '(("user" . "/user/")
 				     ("images" . "/edit-images")
 				     ("import" . "/import")

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/website/templates/frontpage.xml
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/website/templates/frontpage.xml	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/website/templates/frontpage.xml	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/styles.css" />
-		<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS Feed"
-		      href="http://quickhoney.com/rss/quickhoney" />
+		<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS Feed" href="/rss/quickhoney" />
 		<script src="/static/javascript.js" type="text/javascript"><!-- x -->	
 		<title>QuickHoney - Nana Rausch + Peter Stemmler</title>

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/website/templates/index.xml
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/website/templates/index.xml	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/quickhoney/website/templates/index.xml	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
-  xmlns:bknr="http://bknr.net"
-  xmlns:quickhoney="http://quickhoney.com"
+  xmlns:bknr="http://bknr.net/"
+  xmlns:quickhoney="http://quickhoney.com/"
 		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/styles.css" />
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 		<p id="path" class="text"> </p>
-		<p id="version" class="text"><quickhoney:version-and-last-change /></p>
+		<p id="version" class="text"><quickhoney:version-and-last-change foo="1" bar="2" /></p>
 		<div id="elements">
 			<div id="quickhoney">

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/saugnapf/src/saugnapf.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/saugnapf/src/saugnapf.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/saugnapf/src/saugnapf.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 (defmethod authorized-p ((handler saugnapf-track-handler))
   (let* ((track (object-handler-get-object handler))
-	 (user (bknr-request-user))
+	 (user (bknr-session-user))
 	 (action (query-param "action"))
 	 (action-keyword (when action (make-keyword-from-string action))))
     (cond ((anonymous-p user) nil)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 			      :artist artist
 			      :description description
 			      :url url
-			      :submitter (bknr-request-user)
+			      :submitter (bknr-session-user)
 			      :date (get-universal-time))))
       (redirect (edit-object-url track)))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cl+ssl/ffi.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cl+ssl/ffi.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cl+ssl/ffi.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -244,5 +244,6 @@
 (defun reload ()
   (cffi:load-foreign-library 'libssl)
   (cffi:load-foreign-library 'libeay32)
+  (cffi:load-foreign-library 'libcrypto)
   (setf *ssl-global-context* nil)
   (setf *ssl-global-method* nil))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cl+ssl/reload.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cl+ssl/reload.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/cl+ssl/reload.lisp	Sat Feb  2 17:54:13 2008
@@ -27,3 +27,8 @@
   (:windows "libeay32.dll"))
 (cffi:use-foreign-library libeay32)
+(cffi:define-foreign-library libcrypto
+  #+freebsd (:unix "libcrypto.so"))
+(cffi:use-foreign-library libcrypto)
\ No newline at end of file

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