[bknr-cvs] r2178 - in branches/bos: bknr/src bknr/src/indices bknr/src/utils bknr/src/xml bknr/src/xml-impex projects/bos/worldpay-test thirdparty/ironclad

bknr at bknr.net bknr at bknr.net
Wed Oct 3 01:20:42 UTC 2007

Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-10-02 21:20:42 -0400 (Tue, 02 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 2178

Patch from Kamen Tomov to isolate CXML from the datastore.  In order to get
this compiled, I moved FIND-ALL from the BOS project to bknr/src/utils.

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-impex.asd
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-impex.asd	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-impex.asd	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   :description "BKNR XML import/export"
   :long-description ""
-  :depends-on (:cl-interpol :cxml :bknr-utils :bknr-indices)
+  :depends-on (:cl-interpol :cxml :bknr-utils :bknr-xml :bknr-indices)
   :components ((:module "xml-impex"

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-utils.asd
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-utils.asd	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-utils.asd	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
     :description "baikonour - launchpad for lisp satellites"
     :depends-on (:cl-interpol :cl-ppcre
-			      :cxml
 			      #+(not allegro)
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
 					       (:file "base64" :depends-on ("utils"))
 					       (:file "capability" :depends-on ("utils"))
 					       (:file "make-fdf-file" :depends-on ("utils"))
-					       (:file "xml" :depends-on ("utils"))
 					       (:file "date-calc")
 					       (:file "acl-mp-compat" :depends-on ("package"))))))

Added: branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-xml.asd
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-xml.asd	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr-xml.asd	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+;; -*-Lisp-*-
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :bknr.xml.system
+  (:use :cl :asdf))
+(in-package :bknr.xml.system)
+(defsystem :bknr-xml
+    :name "baikonour"
+    :author "Hans Huebner <hans at huebner.org>"
+    :author "Manuel Odendahl <manuel at bl0rg.net>"
+    :version "0"
+    :maintainer "Manuel Odendahl <manuel at bl0rg.net>"
+    :licence "BSD"
+    :description "baikonour - launchpad for lisp satellites"
+    :depends-on (:cl-interpol :cxml)
+    :components ((:module "xml" :components ((:file "package")
+					     (:file "xml")))))
+;; -*-Lisp-*-
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :bknr.xml.system
+  (:use :cl :asdf))
+(in-package :bknr.xml.system)
+(defsystem :bknr-xml
+    :name "baikonour"
+    :author "Hans Huebner <hans at huebner.org>"
+    :author "Manuel Odendahl <manuel at bl0rg.net>"
+    :version "0"
+    :maintainer "Manuel Odendahl <manuel at bl0rg.net>"
+    :licence "BSD"
+    :description "baikonour - launchpad for lisp satellites"
+    :depends-on (:cl-interpol :cxml)
+    :components ((:module "xml" :components ((:file "package")
+                                            (:file "xml")))))

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr.asd
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr.asd	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/bknr.asd	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+		 :bknr-xml

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/indices/package.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/indices/package.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/indices/package.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 	#+cmu :ext
 	#+sbcl :sb-ext
-	:cxml
 	#+allegro :aclmop

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/packages.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/packages.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/packages.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (defpackage :bknr.rss
-  (:use :cl :cl-user :cl-ppcre :bknr.utils :puri :cxml-xmls :bknr.datastore :bknr.indices :cxml)
+  (:use :cl :cl-user :cl-ppcre :bknr.utils :bknr.xml :puri :cxml-xmls :bknr.datastore :bknr.indices :cxml)
   (:export #:xml-escape
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
+	:bknr.xml
   (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol #:quote-meta-chars)

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/package.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/package.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/package.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
   (:use :cl
-	:cxml-xmls
         #+cmu :extensions
 ;	#+sbcl :sb-ext
@@ -122,15 +121,6 @@
-	   ;; xml
-	   #:node-children-nodes
-	   #:find-child
-	   #:find-children
-	   #:node-string-body
-	   #:node-attribute
-	   #:node-child-string-body
-	   #:node-to-html
 	   ;; crypt-md5
@@ -150,4 +140,7 @@
 	   ;; class utils
-	   #:class-subclasses))
+	   #:class-subclasses
+	   ;; norvig
+	   #:find-all))

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/utils.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/utils.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/utils.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -545,4 +545,15 @@
      (format nil "~3,1F KB" (/ byte-count 1024)))
      (format nil "~A" byte-count))))
\ No newline at end of file
+;;; from norvig
+(defun find-all (item sequence &rest keyword-args
+                 &key (test #'eql) test-not &allow-other-keys)
+  "Find all those elements of sequence that match item,
+  according to the keywords.  Doesn't alter sequence."
+  (if test-not
+      (apply #'remove item sequence 
+             :test-not (complement test-not) keyword-args)
+      (apply #'remove item sequence
+             :test (complement test) keyword-args)))

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/xml.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/xml.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/utils/xml.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :bknr.utils)
-(defun node-children-nodes (xml)
-  (remove-if-not #'consp (node-children xml)))
-(defun find-child (xml node-name)
-  (let ((children (node-children-nodes xml)))
-    (find node-name children :test #'string-equal :key #'node-name)))
-(defun find-children (xml node-name)
-  (let ((children (node-children-nodes xml)))
-    (find-all node-name children :test #'string-equal :key #'node-name)))
-(defun node-string-body (xml)
-  (let ((children (remove-if #'consp (node-children xml))))
-    (if (every #'stringp children)
-	(apply #'concatenate 'string children)
-	(error "Some children are not strings"))))
-(defun node-attribute (xml attribute-name)
-  (cadr (assoc attribute-name (node-attrs xml) :test #'string-equal)))
-(defun node-child-string-body (xml node-name)
-  (let ((child (find-child xml node-name)))
-    (if (and child (consp child))
-	(node-string-body child)
-	nil)))
-(defun node-to-html (node &optional (stream *standard-output*))
-  (when (stringp node)
-    (write-string node)
-    (return-from node-to-html))
-  (write-char #\< stream)
-  (when (node-ns node)
-    (write-string (node-ns node) stream)
-    (write-char #\: stream))
-  (write-string (node-name node) stream)
-  (loop for (key value) in (node-attrs node)
-	do (write-char #\Space stream)
-	(write-string key stream)
-	(write-char #\= stream)
-	(write-char #\" stream)
-	(write-string value stream)
-	(write-char #\" stream))
-  (if (node-children node)
-      (progn 
-	(write-char #\> stream)
-	(write-char #\Newline stream)
-	(dolist (child (node-children node))
-	  (node-to-html child stream))
-	(write-char #\< stream)
-	(write-char #\/ stream)
-	(when (node-ns node)
-	  (write-string (node-ns node) stream)
-	  (write-char #\: stream))
-	(write-string (node-name node) stream)
-	(write-char #\> stream)
-	(write-char #\Newline stream))
-      (progn (write-char #\Space stream)
-	     (write-char #\/ stream)
-	     (write-char #\> stream)
-	     (write-char #\Newline stream))))

Added: branches/bos/bknr/src/xml/package.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/xml/package.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/xml/package.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :bknr.xml
+  (:use :cl
+	:cl-ppcre
+        :cl-interpol
+	:cxml-xmls)
+  (:shadowing-import-from :cl-interpol "QUOTE-META-CHARS")
+  (:export
+   #:node-children-nodes
+   #:find-child
+   #:find-children
+   #:node-string-body
+   #:node-attribute
+   #:node-child-string-body
+   #:node-to-html))

Added: branches/bos/bknr/src/xml/xml.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/xml/xml.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/xml/xml.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(in-package :bknr.xml)
+(defun node-children-nodes (xml)
+  (remove-if-not #'consp (node-children xml)))
+(defun find-child (xml node-name)
+  (let ((children (node-children-nodes xml)))
+    (find node-name children :test #'string-equal :key #'node-name)))
+(defun find-children (xml node-name)
+  (let ((children (node-children-nodes xml)))
+    (find-all node-name children :test #'string-equal :key #'node-name)))
+(defun node-string-body (xml)
+  (let ((children (remove-if #'consp (node-children xml))))
+    (if (every #'stringp children)
+	(apply #'concatenate 'string children)
+	(error "Some children are not strings"))))
+(defun node-attribute (xml attribute-name)
+  (cadr (assoc attribute-name (node-attrs xml) :test #'string-equal)))
+(defun node-child-string-body (xml node-name)
+  (let ((child (find-child xml node-name)))
+    (if (and child (consp child))
+	(node-string-body child)
+	nil)))
+(defun node-to-html (node &optional (stream *standard-output*))
+  (when (stringp node)
+    (write-string node)
+    (return-from node-to-html))
+  (write-char #\< stream)
+  (when (node-ns node)
+    (write-string (node-ns node) stream)
+    (write-char #\: stream))
+  (write-string (node-name node) stream)
+  (loop for (key value) in (node-attrs node)
+	do (write-char #\Space stream)
+	(write-string key stream)
+	(write-char #\= stream)
+	(write-char #\" stream)
+	(write-string value stream)
+	(write-char #\" stream))
+  (if (node-children node)
+      (progn 
+	(write-char #\> stream)
+	(write-char #\Newline stream)
+	(dolist (child (node-children node))
+	  (node-to-html child stream))
+	(write-char #\< stream)
+	(write-char #\/ stream)
+	(when (node-ns node)
+	  (write-string (node-ns node) stream)
+	  (write-char #\: stream))
+	(write-string (node-name node) stream)
+	(write-char #\> stream)
+	(write-char #\Newline stream))
+      (progn (write-char #\Space stream)
+	     (write-char #\/ stream)
+	     (write-char #\> stream)
+	     (write-char #\Newline stream))))
+(in-package :bknr.xml)
+(defun node-children-nodes (xml)
+  (remove-if-not #'consp (node-children xml)))
+(defun find-child (xml node-name)
+  (let ((children (node-children-nodes xml)))
+    (find node-name children :test #'string-equal :key #'node-name)))
+(defun find-children (xml node-name)
+  (let ((children (node-children-nodes xml)))
+    (find-all node-name children :test #'string-equal :key #'node-name)))
+(defun node-string-body (xml)
+  (let ((children (remove-if #'consp (node-children xml))))
+    (if (every #'stringp children)
+       (apply #'concatenate 'string children)
+       (error "Some children are not strings"))))
+(defun node-attribute (xml attribute-name)
+  (cadr (assoc attribute-name (node-attrs xml) :test #'string-equal)))
+(defun node-child-string-body (xml node-name)
+  (let ((child (find-child xml node-name)))
+    (if (and child (consp child))
+       (node-string-body child)
+       nil)))
+(defun node-to-html (node &optional (stream *standard-output*))
+  (when (stringp node)
+    (write-string node)
+    (return-from node-to-html))
+  (write-char #\< stream)
+  (when (node-ns node)
+    (write-string (node-ns node) stream)
+    (write-char #\: stream))
+  (write-string (node-name node) stream)
+  (loop for (key value) in (node-attrs node)
+       do (write-char #\Space stream)
+       (write-string key stream)
+       (write-char #\= stream)
+       (write-char #\" stream)
+       (write-string value stream)
+       (write-char #\" stream))
+  (if (node-children node)
+      (progn
+       (write-char #\> stream)
+       (write-char #\Newline stream)
+       (dolist (child (node-children node))
+         (node-to-html child stream))
+       (write-char #\< stream)
+       (write-char #\/ stream)
+       (when (node-ns node)
+         (write-string (node-ns node) stream)
+         (write-char #\: stream))
+       (write-string (node-name node) stream)
+       (write-char #\> stream)
+       (write-char #\Newline stream))
+      (progn (write-char #\Space stream)
+            (write-char #\/ stream)
+            (write-char #\> stream)
+            (write-char #\Newline stream))))

Modified: branches/bos/bknr/src/xml-impex/package.lisp
--- branches/bos/bknr/src/xml-impex/package.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/bknr/src/xml-impex/package.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+	:bknr.xml
   (:export #:xml-class

Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/worldpay-test/utils.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/worldpay-test/utils.lisp	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/worldpay-test/utils.lisp	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -260,17 +260,6 @@
        ((funcall test i num)
 	(append l (nreverse smaller)))))
-;;; from norvig
-(defun find-all (item sequence &rest keyword-args
-                 &key (test #'eql) test-not &allow-other-keys)
-  "Find all those elements of sequence that match item,
-  according to the keywords.  Doesn't alter sequence."
-  (if test-not
-      (apply #'remove item sequence 
-             :test-not (complement test-not) keyword-args)
-      (apply #'remove item sequence
-             :test (complement test) keyword-args)))
 ;;; hash table
 (defun hash-to-list (hash &key (key #'cdr) (compare #'>) num)
   (let ((results (sort (loop for key being the hash-key of hash using (hash-value val)

Deleted: branches/bos/thirdparty/ironclad/digest.lisp.orig
--- branches/bos/thirdparty/ironclad/digest.lisp.orig	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/thirdparty/ironclad/digest.lisp.orig	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-;;;; digest.lisp -- common functions for hashing
-(in-package :crypto)

-;;; defining digest (hash) functions
-;;; general inlinable functions for implementing the higher-level functions
-(declaim (inline digest-sequence-body digest-stream-body digest-file-body))
-(defun digest-sequence-body (sequence state-creation-fn
-                                      state-update-fn
-                                      state-finalize-fn
-                                      &key (start 0) end)
-  (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) sequence) (type index start))
-  (let ((state (funcall state-creation-fn)))
-    #+cmu
-    (lisp::with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
-      (funcall state-update-fn state data
-               :start real-start :end (or real-end (length sequence))))
-    #+sbcl
-    (sb-kernel:with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
-      (funcall state-update-fn state data
-               :start real-start :end (or real-end (length sequence))))
-    #-(or cmu sbcl)
-    (let ((real-end (or end (length sequence))))
-      (declare (type index real-end))
-      (funcall state-update-fn state sequence
-               :start start :end (or real-end (length sequence))))
-    (funcall state-finalize-fn state)))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
-(defconstant +buffer-size+ (* 128 1024))
-(deftype buffer-index () `(integer 0 (,+buffer-size+)))
-(defun digest-stream-body (stream state-creation-fn
-                                  state-update-fn
-                                  state-finalize-fn)
-  (let ((state (funcall state-creation-fn)))
-    (cond
-      ((equal (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8))
-       (let ((buffer (make-array +buffer-size+
-                                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
-         (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (#.+buffer-size+))
-                        buffer))
-         (declare (dynamic-extent buffer))
-         (loop for n-bytes of-type buffer-index = (read-sequence buffer stream)
-               do (funcall state-update-fn state buffer :end n-bytes)
-               until (< n-bytes +buffer-size+)
-               finally (return (funcall state-finalize-fn state)))))
-      (t
-       (error "Unsupported stream element-type ~S for stream ~S."
-              (stream-element-type stream) stream)))))
-(defun digest-file-body (pathname state-creation-fn
-                                  state-update-fn
-                                  state-finalize-fn)
-  (with-open-file (stream pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
-                          :direction :input
-                          :if-does-not-exist :error)
-    (digest-stream-body stream state-creation-fn state-update-fn
-                        state-finalize-fn)))

-;;; high-level generic function drivers
-;;; These three functions are intended to be one-shot ways to digest
-;;; an object of some kind.  You could write these in terms of the more
-;;; familiar digest interface below, but these are likely to be slightly
-;;; more efficient, as well as more obvious about what you're trying to
-;;; do.
-(defgeneric digest-file (digest-name pathname)
-  (:documentation "Return the digest of PATHNAME using the algorithm DIGEST-NAME."))
-(defgeneric digest-stream (digest-name stream)
-  (:documentation "Return the digest of STREAM using the algorithm DIGEST-NAME.
-(defgeneric digest-sequence (digest-name sequence &key start end)
-  (:documentation "Return the digest of the subsequence of SEQUENCE
-specified by START and END using the algorithm DIGEST-NAME.  For CMUCL
-and SBCL, SEQUENCE can be any vector with an element-type of
-(UNSIGNED-BYTE 8); for other implementations, SEQUENCE must be a
-;;; These four functions represent the common interface for digests in
-;;; other crypto toolkits (OpenSSL, Botan, Python, etc.).  You obtain
-;;; some state object for a particular digest, you update it with some
-;;; data, and then you get the actual digest.  Flexibility is the name
-;;; of the game with these functions.
-(defgeneric make-digest (digest-name)
-  (:documentation "Return a digest object which uses the algorithm DIGEST-NAME."))
-(defgeneric copy-digest (digest)
-  (:documentation "Return a copy of DIGEST.  The copy is a deep copy, not a
-shallow copy as might be returned by COPY-STRUCTURE."))
-(defgeneric update-digest (digest sequence &key start end)
-  (:documentation "Update the internal state of DIGEST with the subsequence
-of SEQUENCE specified by START and END.  For CMUCL and SBCL, SEQUENCE
-can be any vector with an element-type of (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8); for other
-implementations, SEQUENCE must be a SIMPLE-ARRAY."))
-(defgeneric produce-digest (digest)
-  (:documentation "Return the hash of the data processed by DIGEST so far.
-This function does not modify the internal state of DIGEST."))

-;;; the digest-defining macro
-(defvar *supported-digests* nil)
-(defun list-all-digests ()
-  (copy-seq *supported-digests*))
-(defun digest-supported-p (name)
-  "Return T if the digest NAME is a valid digest name."
-  (member name *supported-digests*))
-(defgeneric digest-length (digest)
-  (:documentation "Return the number of bytes in a digest generated by DIGEST."))
-(defmacro defdigest (name &rest initargs)
-  (%defdigest name initargs))
-(defun %defdigest (name initargs)
-  (let ((creation-function nil)
-        (copy-function nil)
-        (update-function nil)
-        (finalize-function nil)
-        (state-type nil)
-        (digest-length nil)
-        (digest-name (intern (string name) (find-package :keyword))))
-    (loop for (arg value) in initargs
-          do
-          (case arg
-            (:creation-function 
-             (if (not creation-function)
-                 (setf creation-function value)
-                 (error "Specified :CREATION-FUNCTION multiple times.")))
-            (:copy-function
-             (if (not copy-function)
-                 (setf copy-function value)
-                 (error "Specified :COPY-FUNCTION multiple times.")))
-            (:update-function
-             (if (not update-function)
-                 (setf update-function value)
-                 (error "Specified :UPDATE-FUNCTION multiple times.")))
-            (:finalize-function
-             (if (not finalize-function)
-                 (setf finalize-function value)
-                 (error "Specified :FINALIZE-FUNCTION multiple times.")))
-            (:state-type
-             (if (not state-type)
-                 (setf state-type value)
-                 (error "Specified :STATE-TYPE multiple times.")))
-            (:digest-length
-             (if (not digest-length)
-                 (setf digest-length value)
-                 (error "Specified :DIGEST-LENGTH multiple times."))))
-          finally (if (and creation-function copy-function update-function
-                           finalize-function state-type digest-length)
-                      (return (generate-digest-forms digest-name state-type
-                                                     digest-length
-                                                     creation-function
-                                                     copy-function update-function
-                                                     finalize-function))
-                      (error "Didn't specify all required options for DEFDIGEST")))))
-(defun generate-digest-forms (digest-name state-type digest-length
-                                          creation-function copy-function
-                                          update-function finalize-function)
-  `(progn
-    (push ,digest-name *supported-digests*)
-    (defmethod digest-length ((digest (eql ,digest-name)))
-      ,digest-length)
-    (defmethod digest-length ((digest ,state-type))
-      ,digest-length)
-    (defmethod make-digest ((digest-name (eql ,digest-name)))
-      (,creation-function))
-    (defmethod copy-digest ((digest ,state-type))
-      (,copy-function digest))
-    (defmethod update-digest ((digest ,state-type) sequence &key (start 0) end)
-      (,update-function digest sequence
-                        :start start :end (or end (length sequence))))
-    (defmethod produce-digest ((digest ,state-type))
-      (,finalize-function (,copy-function digest)))
-    (defmethod digest-file ((digest-name (eql ,digest-name)) pathname)
-      (digest-file-body pathname #',creation-function #',update-function #',finalize-function))
-    (defmethod digest-stream ((digest-name (eql ,digest-name)) stream)
-      (digest-stream-body stream #',creation-function #',update-function #',finalize-function))
-    (defmethod digest-sequence ((digest-name (eql ,digest-name)) sequence &key (start 0) end)
-      (digest-sequence-body sequence #',creation-function #',update-function #',finalize-function :start start :end end))))

Deleted: branches/bos/thirdparty/ironclad/package.lisp.orig
--- branches/bos/thirdparty/ironclad/package.lisp.orig	2007-10-02 10:54:15 UTC (rev 2177)
+++ branches/bos/thirdparty/ironclad/package.lisp.orig	2007-10-03 01:20:42 UTC (rev 2178)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :ironclad
-  (:use :cl)
-  (:nicknames :crypto)
-  (:export
-   ;; hash functions
-   #:digest-sequence #:digest-stream #:digest-file
-   #:make-digest #:copy-digest #:update-digest #:produce-digest
-   ;; HMACs
-   #:make-hmac #:update-hmac #:hmac-digest
-   ;; introspection
-   #:cipher-supported-p #:list-all-ciphers
-   #:digest-supported-p #:list-all-digests
-   #:mode-supported-p #:list-all-modes
-   #:block-length #:digest-length
-   ;; high-level operators
-   #:make-cipher #:encrypt #:decrypt
-   ;; classes
-   #:aes-context #:square-context #:blowfish-context #:idea-context
-   #:twofish-context
-   #:des-context #:cast5-context #:tea-context #:xtea-context
-   ;; conditions
-   #:ironclad-error #:initialization-vector-not-supplied
-   #:invalid-initialization-vector #:invalid-key-length))
\ No newline at end of file

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