[bknr-cvs] r2276 - in branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble: src website

bknr at bknr.net bknr at bknr.net
Wed Nov 14 05:27:46 UTC 2007

Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-14 00:27:46 -0500 (Wed, 14 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2276


Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/game.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/game.lisp	2007-11-14 05:26:34 UTC (rev 2275)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/game.lisp	2007-11-14 05:27:46 UTC (rev 2276)
@@ -17,12 +17,10 @@
       (let ((tmp (aref tiles i))
 	    (random-index (random (fill-pointer tiles))))
 	(setf (aref tiles i) (aref tiles random-index))
-	(setf (aref tiles random-index) tmp)))))
+	(setf (aref tiles random-index) tmp))))
+  tile-bag)
-(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((tile-bag tile-bag))
-  (shake-tile-bag tile-bag))
-(defun make-tile-bag (language)
+(deftransaction make-tile-bag (language)
   (let ((tiles (make-array 102 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
     (mapcar (lambda (entry)
               (destructuring-bind (letter value count) entry
@@ -30,7 +28,7 @@
                   (vector-push-extend (make-tile letter value) tiles))))
             (or (getf *tile-sets* language)
 		(error "language ~A not defined" language)))
-    (make-object 'tile-bag :tiles tiles)))
+    (shake-tile-bag (make-object 'tile-bag :tiles tiles))))
 (define-condition no-tiles-remaining (simple-error)
@@ -76,8 +74,8 @@
   ((participant :initarg :participant
 		:reader participant-of)
    (placed-tiles :initarg :placed-tiles
-		 :reader placed-tiles)
-   (new-tiles-drawn :initarg :new-letters-drawn
+		 :reader placed-tiles-of)
+   (new-tiles-drawn :initarg :new-tiles-drawn
 		      :reader new-tiles-drawn-of
 		      :documentation "New letters that have been drawn after
 the move, should the move need to be undone")
@@ -91,7 +89,7 @@
   (print-unreadable-object (move stream :type t)
     (format stream "by ~A, ~A points (~{~A~^, ~})"
 	    (player-of (participant-of move))
-	    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'cdr (words-formed-of move)))
+	    (score-of move)
 	    (words-formed-of move))))
 (defclass game (store-object)
@@ -159,14 +157,13 @@
   (let ((tray-letters (mapcar #'letter-of (tray-of participant)))
 	(placed-letters (mapcar (compose #'letter-of #'tile-of) placed-tiles)))
     (dolist (letter placed-letters)
-      (let ((has-letter (find letter tray-letters :test #'letter-equal))
-	    (has-blank (find nil tray-letters)))
-      (unless (or has-letter has-blank)
-	(error "participant ~A does not have tile ~A" participant letter))
-      (setf tray-letters
-	    (if has-letter
-		(remove letter tray-letters :test #'letter-equal :count 1)
-		(remove nil tray-letters :key #'letter-of :count 1)))))))
+      (let ((has-letter (find letter tray-letters :test #'letter-equal)))
+	(unless (or has-letter (find nil tray-letters))
+	  (error "participant ~A does not have tile ~A" participant letter))
+	(setf tray-letters
+	      (if has-letter
+		  (remove letter tray-letters :test #'letter-equal :count 1)
+		  (remove nil tray-letters :key #'letter-of :count 1)))))))
 (defun remove-letters-from-participant-tray (participant tiles)
   (let (removed-tiles)
@@ -182,30 +179,35 @@
 	  (append drawn (tray-of participant)))
+(deftransaction make-move% (game participant placed-tiles)
+  (let ((words-formed (mapcar (lambda (word-result)
+				(cons (word-text word-result) (word-score word-result)))
+			      (words-formed (board-of game) placed-tiles))))
+    (dolist (placed-tile placed-tiles)
+      (put-letter (board-of game) (tile-of placed-tile) (x-of placed-tile) (y-of placed-tile)))
+    (let ((tiles-used (remove-letters-from-participant-tray participant (mapcar #'tile-of placed-tiles)))
+	  (tiles-drawn (draw-new-letters (tile-bag-of game) participant (length placed-tiles)))
+	  (score (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'cdr words-formed))))
+      (when (eql 7 (length tiles-used))
+	(incf score 50))
+      (incf (score-of participant) score)
+      (let ((move (make-object 'move
+			       :participant participant
+			       :placed-tiles placed-tiles
+			       :new-tiles-drawn tiles-drawn
+			       :words-formed words-formed
+			       :score score)))
+	(push move (moves-of game))
+	(rotate-participants game)
+	move))))
 (defun make-move (game participant placed-tiles)
   (ensure-participants-turn game participant)
   (ensure-participant-has-tiles participant placed-tiles)
   (check-move-legality (board-of game) placed-tiles)
-  (with-transaction (:make-move)
-    (let ((words-formed (mapcar (lambda (word-result)
-				  (cons (word-text word-result) (word-score word-result)))
-				(words-formed (board-of game) placed-tiles))))
-      (dolist (placed-tile placed-tiles)
-	(put-letter (board-of game) (tile-of placed-tile) (x-of placed-tile) (y-of placed-tile)))
-      (let ((tiles-used (remove-letters-from-participant-tray participant (mapcar #'tile-of placed-tiles)))
-	    (tiles-drawn (draw-new-letters (tile-bag-of game) participant (length placed-tiles)))
-	    (score (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'cdr words-formed))))
-	(when (= 7 (length tiles-used))
-	  (incf score 50))
-	(incf (score-of participant) score)
-	(push (make-object 'move
-			   :participant participant
-			   :placed-tiles placed-tiles
-			   :new-tiles-drawn tiles-drawn
-			   :words-formed words-formed
-			   :score score)
-	      (moves-of game))))
-    (rotate-participants game)))
+  (make-move% game participant (mapcar (lambda (placement)
+					 (list (x-of placement) (y-of placement) (tile-of placement)))
+				       placed-tiles)))
 (defclass move-withdrawal (store-object)
   ((participant :initarg :participant
@@ -214,26 +216,28 @@
 	   :reader reason-of))
   (:metaclass persistent-class))
+(deftransaction withdraw-last-move% (game reason move)
+  (with-slots (participant placed-tiles new-tiles-drawn score) move
+    (decf (score-of participant) score)
+    (setf (tray-of participant)
+	  (append (set-difference (tray-of participant) new-tiles-drawn)
+		  (mapcar #'tile-of placed-tiles)))
+    (undraw-tiles (tile-bag-of game) new-tiles-drawn)
+    (dolist (placement placed-tiles)
+      (put-letter (board-of game) nil (x-of placement) (y-of placement)))
+    (unrotate-participants game)
+    (push (make-object 'move-withdrawal
+		       :participant participant
+		       :reason reason)
+	  (moves-of game))))
 (defun withdraw-last-move (game reason)
   (let ((move (car (moves-of game))))
     (unless move
       (error "no move in game to withdraw"))
-    (unless (typep game 'move)
+    (unless (typep move 'move)
       (error "last move was not a letter placement, can't be withdrawn"))
-    (with-transaction (:withdraw-last-move)
-      (with-slots (participant placed-tiles new-tiles-drawn score) move
-	(decf (score-of participant) score)
-	(setf (tiles-of (tray-of participant))
-	      (append (set-difference (tiles-of (tray-of participant))
-				      new-tiles-drawn)
-		      (mapcar #'tile-of placed-tiles)))
-	(undraw-tiles (tile-bag-of game) new-tiles-drawn)
-	(dolist (placement placed-tiles)
-	  (put-letter (board-of game) nil (x-of placement) (y-of placement)))
-	(push (make-object 'move-withdrawal
-			   :participant participant
-			   :reason reason)
-	      (moves-of game))))))
+    (withdraw-last-move% game reason move)))
 (defclass tile-swap (store-object)
   ((participant :initarg :participant
@@ -247,8 +251,7 @@
     (error "not enough remaining tiles to swap"))
   (with-transaction (:swap-tiles)
     (setf (tray-of participant)
-	  (append (set-difference (tray-of participant)
-				  tiles)
+	  (append (set-difference (tray-of participant) tiles)
 		  (draw-tiles (tile-bag-of game) (length tiles))))
     (undraw-tiles (tile-bag-of game) tiles)
     (push (make-object 'tile-swap

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/package.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/package.lisp	2007-11-14 05:26:34 UTC (rev 2275)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/package.lisp	2007-11-14 05:27:46 UTC (rev 2276)
@@ -28,11 +28,16 @@
+	   "X-OF"
+	   "Y-OF"
+	   "TILE-OF"

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/rules.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/rules.lisp	2007-11-14 05:26:34 UTC (rev 2275)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/rules.lisp	2007-11-14 05:27:46 UTC (rev 2276)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   (and (= (x-of tile-placement-1) (x-of tile-placement-2))
        (= (y-of tile-placement-1) (y-of tile-placement-2))))
-(defmethod position-equal ((position list) (tile-placement tile-placement))
+(defmethod position-equal ((position list) tile-placement)
   "Return non-nil if the given POSITION is at the position of PLACED-TILE"
   (and (= (first position) (x-of tile-placement))
        (= (second position) (y-of tile-placement))))
@@ -63,14 +63,13 @@
         (format stream "~C " (aif (at-xy board x y) (letter-of it) #\.)))
       (terpri stream))))
 (defmethod at-xy ((board board) x y)
   (aref (placed-tiles-of board) x y))
 (defmethod at-placement ((board board) tile-placement)
   (at-xy board (x-of tile-placement) (y-of tile-placement)))
-(defun put-letter (board tile x y)
+(deftransaction put-letter (board tile x y)
   (setf (aref (placed-tiles-of board) x y) tile))
 (defclass tile (store-object)
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@
 (defmethod print-object ((tile tile) stream)
   (print-unreadable-object (tile stream :type t :identity nil)
     (with-slots (letter value) tile
-      (format stream "~A (~A)" (when letter (char-name letter)) value))))
+      (format stream "~A (~A) ID:~A" (when letter (char-name letter)) value (store-object-id tile)))))
 (defun make-tile (letter value)
   (make-object 'tile :letter letter :value value))
@@ -146,6 +145,15 @@
+(defmethod x-of ((placement list))
+  (first placement))
+(defmethod y-of ((placement list))
+  (second placement))
+(defmethod tile-of ((placement list))
+  (third placement))
 (defun words-formed% (board placed-tiles verticalp)
   "Scan for words that would be formed by placing PLACED-TILES on
 BOARD.  VERTICALP determines the scan order, if nil, the board is

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/start-webserver.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/start-webserver.lisp	2007-11-14 05:26:34 UTC (rev 2275)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/start-webserver.lisp	2007-11-14 05:27:46 UTC (rev 2276)
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
 (in-package :scrabble.web)
-(defclass scrabble-store (mp-store random-mixin)
-  ())
 (defun open-scrabble-store (&optional delete-old-p)
   (ignore-errors (close-store))
   (when delete-old-p    
     (asdf:run-shell-command "rm -rf /tmp/scrabble-store/"))
-  (make-instance 'scrabble-store :directory "/tmp/scrabble-store/"
-		 :subsystems (list (make-instance 'store-object-subsystem)
-				   (make-instance 'random-mixin-subsystem)))
+  (make-instance 'mp-store :directory "/tmp/scrabble-store/"
+		 :subsystems (list (make-instance 'store-object-subsystem)))
   (unless (class-instances 'user)
     (format t "creating test users and game~%")
     (let ((user1 (make-user "user1" :class 'player :full-name "User Eins"))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp	2007-11-14 05:26:34 UTC (rev 2275)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp	2007-11-14 05:27:46 UTC (rev 2276)
@@ -28,15 +28,22 @@
   (encode-json-plist (list :remaining-tiles (remaining-tile-count tile-bag)) stream))
 (defmethod encode-json ((move move) stream)
-  (encode-json-plist (list :participant-login (user-login (player-of (participant-of move)))
+  (encode-json-plist (list :type "move"
+			   :participant-login (user-login (player-of (participant-of move)))
 			   :score (score-of move)
+			   :placed-tiles (placed-tiles-of move)
 			   :words (mapcar (lambda (word-cons)
 					    (list :word (car word-cons)
 						  :score (cdr word-cons)))
 					  (words-formed-of move)))
+(defmethod encode-json ((move move-withdrawal) stream)
+  (encode-json-plist (list :type "move-withdrawal"
+			   :participant-login (user-login (player-of (participant-of move)))
+			   :reason (or (reason-of move) ""))
+		     stream))
 (defmethod encode-json ((board board) stream)
   (princ #\[ stream)
   (dotimes (x 15)
@@ -57,16 +64,15 @@
                                        (length (tray-of participant)))))
-(define-easy-handler (login :uri "/login" :default-request-type :post)
+(define-easy-handler (login :uri "/login" :default-request-type :get)
     (login password)
   (format t "warning:  password not checked~*~%" password)
   (when (and login
 	     (find-user login))
     (setf (session-value :user) login)
-    (redirect "/games"))
+    (redirect "/scrabble.html"))
   (with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil)
       (:title "scrabble login"))
@@ -121,10 +127,11 @@
 	  (let* ((game (find-game game))
 		 (participant (find (find-user (session-value :user)) (participants-of game) :key #'player-of)))
-	    (scrabble:make-move game
-				participant
-				(parse-move participant move))
-	    (encode-json-plist (list :game game) s)))
+	    (encode-json-plist
+	     (list :move (scrabble:make-move game
+					     participant
+					     (parse-move participant move))
+		   :tray (tray-of participant)) s)))
       (error (e)
 	(encode-json-plist (list :error (princ-to-string e)) s)))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.html
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.html	2007-11-14 05:26:34 UTC (rev 2275)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.html	2007-11-14 05:27:46 UTC (rev 2276)
@@ -12,5 +12,7 @@
  <body onload="init()">
   <div id='playfield'>
+  <div style="position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 20px;"><a style="color: white;" href="/login?login=user1">user1</a></div>
+  <div style="position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 40px;"><a style="color: white;" href="/login?login=user2">user2</a></div>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js	2007-11-14 05:26:34 UTC (rev 2275)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js	2007-11-14 05:27:46 UTC (rev 2276)
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@
     } else {
+	makeMyTray(map(function (entry) { return entry.letter }, response.tray))

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