[bknr-cvs] r2266 - branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data

bknr at bknr.net bknr at bknr.net
Sun Nov 11 21:35:53 UTC 2007

Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-11 16:35:49 -0500 (Sun, 11 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2266

Rename random-mixin to random-store-mixin, fix a bug.
Document another severe bug, including test case.
Clean up some of the messages, in particular do not use WARN to report restore

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/TODO
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/TODO	2007-11-11 13:16:06 UTC (rev 2265)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/TODO	2007-11-11 21:35:49 UTC (rev 2266)
@@ -7,10 +7,15 @@
 - import-image anschauen, nicht mehr failsafe
 - Revise and document make-object und initargs behaviour.  Upon
-restore, initargs for transient slots are ignored now, but this is not
-completely thought out.  It would better not to log initargs for
-transient slots in the first place.
+  restore, initargs for transient slots are ignored now, but this is
+  not completely thought out.  It would better not to log initargs for
+  transient slots in the first place.
 - tx-persistent-change-class does not maintain indices
 - XXXX broken initialize-persistent-instance (?)
+- Within anonymous transactions, circular dependencies are not
+  correctly serialized.  Thus, an object that is created in the
+  anonymous transactions links itself to another object, it may fail
+  to restore correctly.  See anon-circular-test.lisp for an example.

Added: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/anon-circular-test.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/anon-circular-test.lisp	2007-11-11 13:16:06 UTC (rev 2265)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/anon-circular-test.lisp	2007-11-11 21:35:49 UTC (rev 2266)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(in-package :bknr.datastore)
+(define-persistent-class parent ()
+  ((children :update :initform nil)))
+(define-persistent-class child ()
+  ())
+(defun test-circular (parent)
+  (with-transaction (:circular)
+    (push (make-object 'child) (parent-children parent))))
+(defvar *p* (make-object 'parent))
+(test-circular *p*)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp	2007-11-11 13:16:06 UTC (rev 2265)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp	2007-11-11 21:35:49 UTC (rev 2266)
@@ -446,7 +446,6 @@
 	    (error "Encoding reference to destroyed object with ID ~A from slot ~A of object ~A with ID ~A."
 		   id slot (type-of container) (store-object-id container))))
       ;;; Go ahead and serialize the object reference
       (progn (%write-char #\o stream)
 	     (%encode-integer (store-object-id object) stream))))
@@ -513,7 +512,7 @@
       (clear-class-indices (find-class class-name)))
     (setf (id-counter subsystem) 0)
     (when (probe-file snapshot)
-      (warn "loading snapshot file ~A" snapshot)
+      (format *trace-output* "loading snapshot file ~A~%" snapshot)
       (with-open-file (s snapshot
 			 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
 			 :direction :input)
@@ -526,12 +525,14 @@
 		     (finalize-object-subsystem "Finalize the object subsystem.")
-		    (when (= (mod created-objects 10000) 1)
+		    (when (and (plusp created-objects)
+			       (zerop (mod created-objects 10000)))
 		      #+nil(format t "Snapshot position ~A~%" (file-position s))
 		      (format t "~A objects created.~%" created-objects)
-		    (when (= (mod read-slots 10000) 1)
-		      (format t "~A slots set (of ~A).~%" read-slots created-objects)
+		    (when (and (plusp read-slots)
+			       (zerop (mod read-slots 10000)))
+		      (format t "~A of ~A slots set.~%" read-slots created-objects)
 		    (let ((char (%read-char s nil nil)))
 		      (unless (member char '(#\O #\L #\S nil))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/package.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/package.lisp	2007-11-11 13:16:06 UTC (rev 2265)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/package.lisp	2007-11-11 21:35:49 UTC (rev 2266)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	   ;; store
-	   #:random-mixin
+	   #:random-store-mixin

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/random-mixin.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/random-mixin.lisp	2007-11-11 13:16:06 UTC (rev 2265)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/random-mixin.lisp	2007-11-11 21:35:49 UTC (rev 2266)
@@ -5,31 +5,37 @@
 ;; (in-package :bknr.user)
-;; (defclass mystore (mp-store random-mixin)
+;; (defclass mystore (mp-store random-store-mixin)
 ;;   ())
 ;; (open-store "/tmp/db_123/" :class-name 'mystore
 ;; 	    :subsystems (list (make-instance 'store-object-subsystem)
 ;; 			      (make-instance 'random-mixin-subsystem)))
-(defclass random-mixin ()
+(defclass random-store-mixin ()
   ((random-state :accessor random-state-of :initform (make-random-state t))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((store random-mixin) &rest initargs)
+(defun random-subsystem-pathname (store)
+  (make-pathname :name "random-state" :defaults (ensure-store-current-directory store)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((store random-store-mixin) &rest initargs)
   (declare (ignore initargs))
   (let ((random-mixin-subsystem (find 'random-mixin-subsystem
 				      (store-subsystems store)
 				      :key #'type-of)))
-    (assert random-mixin-subsystem nil "Store ~s needs to have a random-mixin-subsystem."
+    (assert random-mixin-subsystem nil "Store ~S needs to have a random-mixin-subsystem."
-    (snapshot-subsystem store random-mixin-subsystem)))
+    (unless (probe-file (random-subsystem-pathname store))
+      (snapshot-subsystem store random-mixin-subsystem))))
-(defmethod restore-store :after ((store random-mixin) &key until)
+(defmethod restore-store :after ((store random-store-mixin) &key until)
   (declare (ignore until))
-  ;; see FIXME of (setf *random-state* (random-state-of store))
+  ;; During restore, we use the random state of the store (see
+  ;; restore-subsystem below).  Once finished with the restore, we
+  ;; save the current random state to be the store's random state:
   (setf (random-state-of store) *random-state*))
-(defmethod execute-transaction :around ((executor random-mixin) transaction)
+(defmethod execute-transaction :around ((executor random-store-mixin) transaction)
   (declare (ignore transaction))
   (let ((*random-state* (random-state-of executor)))
@@ -37,31 +43,28 @@
 (defclass random-mixin-subsystem ()
-(defmethod snapshot-subsystem ((store random-mixin)
+(defmethod snapshot-subsystem ((store random-store-mixin)
 			       (subsystem random-mixin-subsystem))
-  (let* ((store-dir (ensure-store-current-directory store))
-	 (random-state-pathname
-	  (make-pathname :name "random-state" :defaults store-dir)))
-    (with-open-file (s random-state-pathname
-		       :direction :output
-		       :if-exists :supersede)
-      (with-standard-io-syntax
-	(prin1 (random-state-of store) s)))))
+  (with-open-file (s (random-subsystem-pathname store)
+		     :direction :output
+		     :if-exists :supersede)
+    (with-standard-io-syntax
+      (prin1 (random-state-of store) s))))
-(defmethod restore-subsystem ((store random-mixin)
+(defmethod restore-subsystem ((store random-store-mixin)
 			      (subsystem random-mixin-subsystem) &key
   (declare (ignore until))
-  (let* ((store-dir (ensure-store-current-directory store))
-	 (random-state-pathname
-	  (make-pathname :name "random-state" :defaults store-dir)))
+  (let* ((random-state-pathname (random-subsystem-pathname store)))
 	(if (probe-file random-state-pathname)
 	    (with-open-file (s random-state-pathname :direction :input)
 	      (let ((random-state (read s)))
 		(setf (random-state-of store) random-state)))
-	      (warn "Could not find store random-state value, setting to (make-random-state t).")
+	      (format *trace-output* "Initializing random state of store.~%")
 	      (setf (random-state-of store) (make-random-state t))))
-      ;; FIXME
+      ;; Set global random state to the state of the store, so that
+      ;; the transactions that are restored afterwards are in the
+      ;; correct random context.
       (setf *random-state* (random-state-of store)))))

Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/txn.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/txn.lisp	2007-11-11 13:16:06 UTC (rev 2265)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/txn.lisp	2007-11-11 21:35:49 UTC (rev 2266)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
     (ensure-store-current-directory store)
     (dolist (subsystem (store-subsystems store))
       (when *store-debug*
-	(warn "Initializing subsystem ~A of ~A..." subsystem store))
+	(format *trace-output* "Initializing subsystem ~A of ~A~%" subsystem store))
       (initialize-subsystem subsystem store store-existed-p))
     (restore-store store))
   (setf (store-state store) :opened))
@@ -450,12 +450,10 @@
                  (with-store-state (:snapshot)
 		   (dolist (subsystem (store-subsystems store))
 		     (when *store-debug*
-		       (warn "Snapshotting subsystem ~A of ~A..."
-			     subsystem store))
+		       (format *trace-output* "Snapshotting subsystem ~A of ~A~%" subsystem store))
 		     (snapshot-subsystem store subsystem)
 		     (when *store-debug*
-		       (warn "Successfully snapshotted ~A of ~A."
-			     subsystem store)))
+		       (format *trace-output* "Successfully snapshotted ~A of ~A~%" subsystem store)))
 		   (setf (store-transaction-run-time store) 0)
                    (setf error nil))
               (when error
@@ -512,7 +510,7 @@
   (restore-store *store* :until until))
 (defmethod restore-store ((store store) &key until)
-  (warn "restoring ~A" store)
+  (format *trace-output* "restoring ~A~%" store)
   (let ((*store* store))
     (setf (store-state store) :opened)
     (with-store-state (:restore)
@@ -530,18 +528,17 @@
 		   (dolist (subsystem (store-subsystems store))
 		       ;;; check that UNTIL > snapshot date
 		     (when *store-debug*
-		       (warn "Restoring the subsystem ~A of ~A..."
-			     subsystem store))
+		       (format *trace-output* "Restoring the subsystem ~A of ~A~%" subsystem store))
 		     (restore-subsystem store subsystem :until until))
 		   (when (probe-file transaction-log)
-		     (warn "loading transaction log ~A" transaction-log)
+		     (format *trace-output* "loading transaction log ~A~%" transaction-log)
 		     (setf (store-transaction-run-time store) 0)
 		     (load-transaction-log transaction-log :until until))
 		   (setf error nil))
 	      (when error
 		(dolist (subsystem (store-subsystems store))
 		  (when *store-debug*
-		    (warn "Closing the subsystem ~A of ~A..."
+		    (format *trace-output* "Closing the subsystem ~A of ~A~%"
 			  subsystem store))
 		  (close-subsystem store subsystem)
 		  (setf (store-state store) :closed))))))))))

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