[bknr-cvs] r1992 - in branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos: m2 payment-website/infosystem payment-website/infosystem/de worldpay-test

bknr at bknr.net bknr at bknr.net
Sat Oct 14 11:25:19 UTC 2006

Author: hhubner
Date: 2006-10-14 07:25:17 -0400 (Sat, 14 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 1992

Improved rendering of sold areas.  The rendering is now done on the server
side, which greatly improves performance with large contracts.

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
 ;;; CONTRACT-PAIDP (contract) => boolean
 ;;; CONTRACT-DATE (contract) => Universal-Timestamp
 ;;; CONTRACT-M2S (contract) => list of m2
+;;; CONTRACT-BOUNDING-BOX (contract) => (list left top width height)
 ;;; CONTRACT-SET-PAIDP (contract newval) => newval
@@ -266,6 +267,15 @@
+(defmethod contract-bounding-box ((contract contract))
+  (let (min-x min-y max-x max-y)
+    (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))
+      (setf min-x (min (m2-x m2) (or min-x (m2-x m2))))
+      (setf min-y (min (m2-y m2) (or min-y (m2-y m2))))
+      (setf max-x (max (m2-x m2) (or max-x (m2-x m2))))
+      (setf max-y (max (m2-y m2) (or max-y (m2-y m2)))))
+    (list min-x min-y (1+ (- max-x min-x)) (1+ (- max-y min-y)))))
 (defun tx-make-contract (sponsor m2-count &key date paidp expires)
   (warn "Old tx-make-contract transaction used, contract dates may be wrong")
   (tx-do-make-contract sponsor m2-count :date date :paidp paidp :expires expires))
@@ -321,30 +331,19 @@
   "Erzeugt das Quadratmeter-Javascript für die angegebenen Contracts"
   (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
     (let ((paid-contracts (remove nil (sponsor-contracts sponsor) :key #'contract-paidp)))
-      (format t "profil = [];~%")
-      (format t "qms = [ undefined ];~%")
+      (format t "profil = {};~%")
       (format t "profil['id'] = ~D;~%" (store-object-id sponsor))
       (format t "profil['name'] = ~S;~%" (string-safe (or (user-full-name sponsor) "[anonym]")))
       (format t "profil['country'] = ~S;~%" (or (sponsor-country sponsor) "[unbekannt]"))
       (format t "profil['anzahl'] = ~D;~%" (loop for contract in paid-contracts
 								  sum (length (contract-m2s contract))))
       (format t "profil['nachricht'] = '~A';~%" (string-safe (sponsor-info-text sponsor)))
+      (format t "profil['contracts'] = [ ];~%" (store-object-id (first paid-contracts)))
       (loop for contract in paid-contracts
-	    for m2s = (sort (copy-list (contract-m2s contract)) #'(lambda (a b) (if (eql (m2-y a) (m2-y b))
-										    (< (m2-x a) (m2-x b))
-										    (< (m2-y a) (m2-y b)))))
-	    do (progn
-		 (format t "var qm = [];~%")
-		 (format t "qm['x'] = ~D;~%" (m2-x (first (contract-m2s contract))))
-		 (format t "qm['y'] = ~D;~%" (m2-y (first (contract-m2s contract))))
-		 (format t "qm['datum'] = ~S;~%" (format-date-time (contract-date contract) :show-time nil))
-		 (format t "qm['qm_x'] = [0, ~D~{,~D~}];~%"
-			 (m2-x (first m2s))
-			 (mapcar #'m2-x (cdr m2s)))
-		 (format t "qm['qm_y'] = [0, ~D~{,~D~}];~%"
-			 (m2-y (first m2s))
-			 (mapcar #'m2-y (cdr m2s)))
-		 (format t "qms.push(qm);~%"))))))
+	    do (destructuring-bind (left top width height) (contract-bounding-box contract)
+		 (format t "profil.contracts.push({ left: ~A, top: ~A, width: ~A, height: ~A, date: ~S });~%"
+			 left top width height
+			 (format-date-time (contract-date contract) :show-time nil)))))))
 (defun delete-directory (pathname)
   (when (probe-file pathname)

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
+	   #:contract-bounding-box

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/payment-website/infosystem/de/satellitenkarte.htm
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/payment-website/infosystem/de/satellitenkarte.htm	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/payment-website/infosystem/de/satellitenkarte.htm	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -310,6 +310,9 @@
 	<div id="qmDetail" style="position:absolute; width:1px; height:1; z-index:4; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden;"> 
 	  <div id="qmDetailKarte" style="position:absolute; width:360px; height:390px; z-index:1; left: 169px; top: 100px; visibility: inherit;" class="KarteRahmen"> 
 		<div id="qmLupe" style="position:absolute; width:36px; height:24px; z-index:11; visibility: inherit;"><img src="../bilder/lupe.gif" width="36" height="24"/></div>
+		<div id="selected_contract" style="position:absolute; z-index:10; visibility: inherit;">
+		 <img id="selected_contract_img" src="../bilder/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"/>
+		</div>
 		<div id="LayersMenu" class="KarteRahmen" style="position: absolute; bottom: 31px; right: 1px; z-index: 15; visibility: inherit;">
 		  <table width="90" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/payment-website/infosystem/javascript.js
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/payment-website/infosystem/javascript.js	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/payment-website/infosystem/javascript.js	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 var qm = new Array; // Array in dem die Daten fuer die QM gespeichert werden
 var uebersicht_icons = new Array;  // Array in dem die Daten fuer die Icons der Übersichtskarte gespeichert werden
 var profil = new Array; // Array in dem die Daten fuer das Profil gespeichert werden
-var n_qm = new Array; // Array in dem die Daten fuer das nachbar-Quadratmeter gespeichert werden
 var n_profil = new Array; // Array in dem die Daten fuer das Nachbar-Profil gespeichert werden
 var loginstatus = false; // Status ob Anwender eingeloggt sind wird ueber login_pruefen() gefuellt
@@ -351,12 +350,8 @@
     n_profil['anzahl'] = 0;
     n_profil['datum'] = "";
     n_profil['nachricht'] = "";
-    n_qm = [];
-    n_qm[1] = false;
-    n_qm[1] = false;
     profil_variable = 'n_profil';
-    qm_variable = 'n_qm';
     m2complete = false;
     window.frames['data'].window.location.replace(http_pfad + "/m2-javascript/" + fremd_x + "/" + fremd_y);
@@ -389,8 +384,8 @@
 		+ '</td></tr><tr> <td colspan="2" class="PoiNavigation"><img src="/infosystem/bilder/spacer.gif" width="1" height="10"/></td></tr>'
 		+ '<tr> <td width="60" class="PoiNavigation">' + msg('gesponsort') + ':</td><td class="PoiNavigation">'
 		+ n_profil['anzahl']
-		+ ' m²</td></tr><tr> <td width="60" class="PoiNavigation">' + msg('seit') + ':</td><td class="PoiNavigation">'
-		+ n_qm[1]['datum']
+		+ ' m²</td></tr><tr> <td width="60" class="PoiNavigation">'
+		// + msg('seit') + ':</td><td class="PoiNavigation">' + 'XXX FIXME!' // n_qm[1]['datum']
 		+ '</td></tr><tr> <td colspan="2" class="PoiNavigation"><img src="/infosystem/bilder/spacer.gif" width="1" height="20"/></td></tr>'
 		+ '<tr> <td colspan="2" class="PoiNavigation">'
 		+ n_profil['nachricht']
@@ -398,7 +393,7 @@
 	// Inhalt der Ueberschrift und des Infotextes werden gesetzt
 	document.getElementById("qmLaden").style.visibility = "hidden";
-	if (n_qm[1]) {
+	if (true) {		// XXX FIXME!
 	    document.getElementById("Ueberschrift").innerHTML = msg("Verkaufte m²");
 	} else {
 	    document.getElementById("Ueberschrift").innerHTML = msg("zu verkaufen!");
@@ -418,51 +413,20 @@
 function n_qm_erzeugen() {
-    // Erzeugen der Nachbarquadratmeter	
-    // alte qm loeschen
-    if (n_zeilen > 0) {
-	for (var i  = 1; i < n_zeilen; i++) {
-	    var loeschen = eval("document.getElementById('n_qm" + i + "')");
-	    document.getElementById("qmAusschnitt").removeChild(loeschen);
-	}
-	schreibe_debugger("<br/> -> " + n_zeilen + " zeilen geloescht");		
-    }
-    // aktuelle qm einzeichnen
-    n_zeilen = 1;
-    objekt = n_qm[1];
+    // Erzeugen der Nachbarquadratmeter
+    var selected_contract_img = document.getElementById('selected_contract_img');
+    if (n_profil.contracts) {
+	var contract = n_profil.contracts[0];
-    if (objekt['qm_x']) {
-    	schreibe_debugger("<br/> -> Es sollen " + objekt['qm_x'].length + " erzeugt werden");			
-	for (i=1; i < objekt['qm_x'].length; i++) {
-	    // neue Ebene erstellen, Ebene ist abhaengig von <Uebersicht>
-	    var neueebene=document.createElement("DIV");
-	    document.getElementById("qmAusschnitt").appendChild(neueebene);
-	    // Testen ob Icon links oder rechts steht --> Ebene muß um 150 px versetzt werden oder nicht
-	    var x = parseInt(Math.round(objekt['qm_x'][i] - x_anf) * 5);
-	    var y = parseInt(Math.round(objekt['qm_y'][i] - y_anf) * 5);
-	    var width=5;
-	    while (objekt['qm_y'][i] == objekt['qm_y'][(i + 1)]) {
-		width += 5;
-		i++;
-	    }
-	    // definieren der Styles
-	    neueebene.style.position="absolute";
-	    neueebene.style.left = x + "px";
-	    neueebene.style.top = y + "px";
-	    neueebene.style.height = "5px";
-	    neueebene.style.width = width + "px";
-	    neueebene.style.zIndex ="9";
-	    neueebene.style.visibility = "inherit";
-	    neueebene.id = "n_qm" + n_zeilen;		
-	    neueebene.align = "left";
-	    neueebene.innerHTML = '<img src="/infosystem/bilder/gelb.gif" height="5" width="' + width + '"/>';
-	    n_zeilen++;
-	}
+	selected_contract_img.src = '/contract-image/' + contract.id;
+	selected_contract_img.width = contract.width;
+	selected_contract_img.height = contract.height;
+	document.getElementById('selected_contract').style.left = (contract.left - x_anf) + 'px';
+	document.getElementById('selected_contract').style.top = (contract.top - y_anf) + 'px';
+    } else {
+	selected_contract_img.src = '../bilder/spacer.gif';
-    schreibe_debugger("<br/> -> " + n_zeilen + " zeilen fuer die Nachbar-Quadratmeter erzeugt");		
-    return n_zeilen;
 function qm_zusammenfassen() {
@@ -1096,16 +1060,6 @@
     schreibe_debugger("<br/> -> " + erzeugte_zeilen + " zeilen geloescht");
-    // fremde Quadratmeter löschen
-    if (n_zeilen > 0) {
-	for (var i  = 1; i < n_zeilen; i++) {
-	    var loeschen = eval("document.getElementById('n_qm" + i + "')");
-	    document.getElementById("qmAusschnitt").removeChild(loeschen);
-	}
-	schreibe_debugger("<br/> -> " + n_zeilen + " zeilen geloescht");		
-	n_zeilen = 0;
-    }
     // qm loeschen
     for (var i  = 1; i <= erzeugte_positionen; i++) {
 	var loeschen = eval("document.getElementById('pos" + i + "')");

Added: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/contract-image-handler.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/contract-image-handler.lisp	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/contract-image-handler.lisp	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(in-package :worldpay-test)
+(defclass contract-image-handler (object-handler)
+  ()
+  (:default-initargs :class 'contract))
+(defmethod handle-object ((handler contract-image-handler) contract req)
+  "Create and return a GD image of the contract.  The returned
+rectangular image will have the size of the contracts' bounding box.
+All square meters will have yellow color, the background will be transparent."
+  (destructuring-bind (left top width height) (contract-bounding-box contract)
+    (cl-gd:with-image* (width height)
+      (setf (cl-gd:transparent-color) (cl-gd:allocate-color 0 0 0))
+      ;; We manipulate pixels in a temporary array which is copied to the GD image as
+      ;; a whole for performance reasons.  The FFI is way too slow to manipulate individual pixels.
+      (let ((work-array (make-array (list width height) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0))
+	    (yellow (cl-gd:allocate-color 255 255 0)))
+	(flet ((set-pixel (x y)
+		 (decf x left)
+		 (decf y top)
+		 (setf (aref work-array x y) yellow)))
+	  (dolist (m2 (contract-m2s contract))
+	    (set-pixel (m2-x m2) (m2-y m2))))
+	(cl-gd:do-rows (y)
+	  (cl-gd:do-pixels-in-row (x)
+	    (setf (cl-gd:raw-pixel) (aref work-array x y)))))
+      (emit-image-to-browser req cl-gd:*default-image* :png))))

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -235,10 +235,10 @@
 	(with-http-body (req *ent*)
 	  (let ((*standard-output* *html-stream*))
 	    (princ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">") (terpri)
-	    (princ "var profil; var qms;") (terpri)
+	    (princ "var profil;") (terpri)
 	    (when (and sponsor (find-if #'contract-paidp (sponsor-contracts sponsor)))
 	      (princ (make-m2-javascript sponsor)) (terpri))
-	    (princ "parent.qm_fertig(profil, qms);") (terpri)
+	    (princ "parent.qm_fertig(profil);") (terpri)
 	    (princ "</script>") (terpri)))))))
 (defclass sponsor-login-handler (page-handler)

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.asd
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.asd	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.asd	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 	       (:file "poi-handlers" :depends-on ("web-utils"))
 	       (:file "boi-handlers" :depends-on ("web-utils"))
 	       (:file "contract-handlers" :depends-on ("web-utils"))
+	       (:file "contract-image-handler" :depends-on ("web-utils"))
 	       (:file "reports-xml-handler" :depends-on ("boi-handlers"))
 	       (:file "sponsor-handlers" :depends-on ("web-utils"))
 	       (:file "news-handlers" :depends-on ("web-utils"))

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.lisp	2006-10-14 09:35:08 UTC (rev 1991)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/projects/bos/worldpay-test/worldpay-test.lisp	2006-10-14 11:25:17 UTC (rev 1992)
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@
 					("/create-allocation-area" create-allocation-area-handler)
 					("/allocation-area" allocation-area-handler)
 					("/allocation-area-gfx" allocation-area-gfx-handler)
+					("/contract-image" contract-image-handler)
 					("/certificate" certificate-handler)
 					("/cert-regen" cert-regen-handler)
 					("/admin" admin-handler)

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