[bknr-cvs] r1968 - in branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src: . rss web

bknr at bknr.net bknr at bknr.net
Sat Jul 22 11:29:40 UTC 2006

Author: hhubner
Date: 2006-07-22 07:29:38 -0400 (Sat, 22 Jul 2006)
New Revision: 1968

fix smaller upload problems
rewrote rss module, still needs debugging to make it work with gmail

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/bknr.asd
--- branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/bknr.asd	2006-07-16 17:49:02 UTC (rev 1967)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/bknr.asd	2006-07-22 11:29:38 UTC (rev 1968)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+		 :kmrcl
 		 #+(not allegro)

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/packages.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/packages.lisp	2006-07-16 17:49:02 UTC (rev 1967)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/packages.lisp	2006-07-22 11:29:38 UTC (rev 1968)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (defpackage :bknr.rss
-  (:use :cl :cl-user :cl-ppcre :bknr.utils :puri :cxml-xmls)
+  (:use :cl :cl-user :cl-ppcre :bknr.utils :puri :cxml-xmls :bknr.datastore :bknr.indices :cxml)
   (:export #:xml-escape
@@ -37,14 +37,9 @@
-	   ;; feed
-	   #:rss-feed
-	   #:rss-feed-channel
-	   #:rss-feed-image
-	   #:rss-feed-items
 	   ;; channel
+	   #:rss-channel-cleanup
@@ -52,6 +47,7 @@
+	   #:rss-channel-xml
 	   ;; image
@@ -62,13 +58,16 @@
 	   ;; item
-	   #:rss-item-about
+	   #:rss-item-channel
-	   #:rss-item-desc
-	   #:rss-item-creator
-	   #:rss-item-date
-	   #:rss-item-orig-feed
+	   #:rss-item-description
+	   #:rss-item-author
+	   #:rss-item-category
+	   #:rss-item-comments
+	   #:rss-item-enclosure
+	   #:rss-item-guid
+	   #:rss-item-source
 	   ;; textinput
@@ -251,6 +250,12 @@
+	   #:upload
+	   #:upload-name
+	   #:upload-pathname
+	   #:upload-size
+	   #:upload-content-type
 	   ;; templates

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/rss/rss.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/rss/rss.lisp	2006-07-16 17:49:02 UTC (rev 1967)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/rss/rss.lisp	2006-07-22 11:29:38 UTC (rev 1968)
@@ -1,168 +1,134 @@
 (in-package :bknr.rss)
-(defconstant +rdf-ns+ "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
-(defconstant +rss-ns+ "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/")
-(defconstant +dc-ns+ "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
-(defconstant +content-ns+ "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/")
+;; RSS 2.0 Generation Package
-(defgeneric rss-to-xml (rss-element))
+;; This package aids in the automatic generation of RSS channels.
-(defun xml-escape (xml-string)
-  (apply #'concatenate 'string
-         (loop for c across xml-string
-	     collect (case c
-		       ((#\<) "<")
-		       ((#\>) ">")
-		       ((#\&) "&")
-		       ((#\') "'")
-		       ((#\") """)
-		       (t (string c))))))
+;; Class rss-channel models one rss channel.  Items are added to a
+;; channel by deriving other persistent classes from the (mixin) class
+;; rss-item.  When an object of such a derived class is created, it is
+;; automatically added to its RSS channel.  Likewise, it is
+;; automatically deleted from the channel when it is deleted.
+;; The channel that an item is put into is defined by the generic
+;; function rss-item-channel which needs to be specialized for each
+;; item class.  The default method of this generic function specifies
+;; nil as channel, which results in the creation of a warning message
+;; when an object of this class is created.
-(defun rss10-content (content)
-  `(("description") NIL ,content))
+;; The rss-item-channel method may return the channel either as a
+;; string or as a channel object.
-(defun rss10-tzd (zone)
-  (if (> zone 0)
-      (format nil "+~2,'0D" zone)
-      (format nil "-~2,'0D" (- zone))))
+;; Subclasses of rss-item should provide methods for some of the
+;; generic functions (rss-item-channel rss-item-title rss-item-link
+;; rss-item-description rss-item-author rss-item-category
+;; rss-item-comments rss-item-enclosure rss-item-guid
+;; rss-item-source).  These functions are called when the RSS file for
+;; the channel is generated and provide the
-(defun rss10-date (date)
-  (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year day daylight zone)
-      (decode-universal-time date)
-    (declare (ignore day daylight))
-    (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0DT~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D~a:00"
-	    year month date hour minute second
-	    (rss10-tzd  zone))))
+;; One rss-item can only be in one channel.
-(defclass rss-feed ()
-  ((channel :initarg :channel :accessor rss-feed-channel :initform nil)
-   (image :initform nil :initarg :image :accessor rss-feed-image)
-   (items :initarg :items :accessor rss-feed-items :initform nil)))
+;;; Paul Graham, On Lisp, p191
+(defmacro aif (test-form then-form &optional else-form)
+ `(let ((it ,test-form))
+   (if it ,then-form ,else-form)))
-(defmethod rss-feed-items-with-title ((feed rss-feed))
-  (let ((feed-title (rss-channel-title (rss-feed-channel feed))))
-    (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
-		(with-slots (title about link desc creator date) item
-		  (make-instance 'rss-item
-				 :title (format nil "~a - ~a"
-						feed-title title)
-				 :about about
-				 :orig-feed feed
-				 :link link
-				 :desc desc
-				 :creator creator
-				 :date date)))
-	    (rss-feed-items feed))))
+(define-persistent-class rss-channel ()
+  ((name :update
+	 :index-type string-unique-index
+	 :index-reader find-rss-channel)
+   (title :update)
+   (link :update)
+   (description :update)
+   (last-update :update :initform (get-universal-time))
+   (max-item-age :update :initform (* 7 3600))
+   (items :update :initform nil)))
-(defun merge-feeds (title url desc feeds)
-  (let ((items (subseq (sort (apply #'append (mapcar #'rss-feed-items-with-title feeds))
-			     #'> :key #'rss-item-date)
-		       0 30)))
-    (make-instance 'rss-feed
-		   :channel (make-instance 'rss-channel :title title
-					   :link url
-					   :desc desc
-					   :items (mapcar #'rss-item-link items))
-		   :items items)))
+(defun render-mandatory-element (channel element)
+  (with-element (string-downcase (symbol-name element))
+    (text (aif (and (slot-boundp channel element)
+		    (slot-value channel element))
+	       it
+	       (format nil "(channel ~(~A~) not defined)" element)))))
-(defmethod rss-to-xml ((feed rss-feed))
-  (make-node :name "rdf:RDF"
-	     :ns +rss-ns+
-	     :attrs `(("xmlns:rdf" ,+rdf-ns+)
-		      ("xmlns:dc" ,+dc-ns+))
-	     :children (append (list (rss-to-xml (rss-feed-channel feed)))
-			       (if (rss-feed-image feed)
-				   (list (rss-to-xml (rss-feed-image feed)))
-				   nil)
-			       (mapcar #'rss-to-xml (rss-feed-items feed)))))
+(defmethod rss-channel-xml ((channel rss-channel) stream)
+  (with-xml-output (make-character-stream-sink stream)
+    (with-element "rss"
+      (attribute "version" "2.0")
+      (with-element "channel"
+	(dolist (slot '(title description link))
+	  (render-mandatory-element channel slot))
+	(dolist (item (rss-channel-items channel))
+	  (rss-item-xml item))))))
-(defclass rss-channel ()
-  ((about :initarg :about :accessor rss-channel-about :initform nil)
-   (title :initarg :title :accessor rss-channel-title :initform nil)
-   (link :initarg :link :accessor rss-channel-link :initform nil)
-   (desc :initarg :desc :accessor rss-channel-desc :initform nil)
-   (image :initform nil :initarg :image :accessor rss-channel-image)
-   (textinput :initform nil :initarg :textinput :accessor rss-channel-textinput)
-   (items :initform nil :initarg :items :accessor rss-channel-items)))
+(defmethod rss-channel-items ((channel rss-channel))
+  "Return all non-expired items in channel."
+  (let ((expiry-time (- (get-universal-time) (rss-channel-max-item-age channel))))
+    (remove-if (lambda (item) (< (rss-item-pub-date item) expiry-time)) (slot-value channel 'items))))
-(defmethod rss-to-xml ((chan rss-channel))
-  `(("channel")
-    (("rdf:about" ,(or (rss-channel-about chan) "nothing")))
-    ,@(remove nil
-	      `((("title") NIL ,(rss-channel-title chan))
-		(("link" ) NIL ,(rss-channel-link chan))
-		,(when (rss-channel-desc chan)
-		       `(("description") NIL ,(rss-channel-desc chan)))
-		,(when (rss-channel-image chan)
-		       `(("image")
-			 (("rdf:resource" ,(rss-image-url (rss-channel-image chan))))))
-		,(when (rss-channel-items chan)
-		       `(("items")
-			 NIL
-			 ("rdf:Seq" NIL
-			  ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (item)
-					`("rdf:li" (("rdf:resource" 
-						     ,(if (typep item 'rss-item)
-							  (rss-item-link item)
-							  item)))))
-				    (rss-channel-items chan)))))
-		,(when (rss-channel-textinput chan)
-		       `(("textinput")
-			 (("rdf:resource" . ,(rss-textinput-link
-					      (rss-channel-textinput chan))))))))))
+(deftransaction rss-channel-cleanup (channel)
+  "Remove expired items from the items list.  Can be used to reduce
+the memory footprint of very high volume channels."
+  (setf (slot-value channel 'items) (rss-channel-items channel)))
-(defclass rss-image ()
-  ((about :initarg :about :accessor rss-image-about :initform nil)
-   (title :initarg :title :accessor rss-image-title :initform nil)
-   (url :initarg :url :accessor rss-image-url :initform nil)
-   (link :initarg :link :accessor rss-image-link :initform nil)))
+;; Internal helper functions to find a channel
-(defmethod rss-to-xml ((image rss-image))
-  `(("image")
-    (("rdf:about" ,(or (rss-image-about image) "nothing")))    
-    (("title") NIL ,(rss-image-title image))
-    (("link" ) NIL ,(rss-image-link image))
-    (("url" ) NIL ,(rss-image-url image))))
+(defmethod remove-item ((channel rss-channel) (item rss-item))
+  "Remove item from channel.  May only be called within transaction context."
+  (setf (slot-value channel 'items) (remove item (rss-channel-items channel))))
-(defclass rss-item ()
-  ((about :initarg :about :accessor rss-item-about :initform nil)
-   (title :initarg :title :accessor rss-item-title)
-   (link :initarg :link :accessor rss-item-link)
-   (desc :initform nil :initarg :desc :accessor rss-item-desc)
-   (creator :initarg :creator :accessor rss-item-creator :initform nil)
-   (date :initarg :date :accessor rss-item-date :initform 0)
-   (orig-feed :initarg :orig-feed :accessor rss-item-orig-feed :initform nil)))
+(defmethod remove-item ((channel string) (item rss-item))
+  (aif (find-rss-channel channel)
+       (remove-item it item)))
-(defmethod rss-to-xml ((item rss-item))
-  `(("item")
-    (("rdf:about" ,(or (rss-item-about item) "nothing")))
-    ,@(remove
-      nil
-      `((("title") NIL ,(rss-item-title item))
-	(("link" ) NIL ,(rss-item-link item))
-	,(when (rss-item-desc item)
-	       (rss10-content (rss-item-desc item)))
-	,(when (rss-item-creator item)
-	       `("dc:creator"
-		 NIL
-		 ,(rss-item-creator item)))
-	,(when (rss-item-date item)
-	       `("dc:date"
-		 NIL
-		 ,(rss10-date (rss-item-date item))))))))
+(defmethod remove-item ((channel (eql nil)) (item rss-item))
+  (warn "no RSS channel defined for item ~A" item))
-(defclass rss-textinput ()
-  ((about :initarg :about :accessor rss-textinput-about :initform nil)
-   (title :initarg :title :accessor rss-textinput-title)
-   (desc :initarg :desc :accessor rss-textinput-desc)
-   (link :initarg :link :accessor rss-textinput-link)
-   (name :initarg :name :accessor rss-textinput-name)))
+(defmethod add-item ((channel rss-channel) (item rss-item))
+  "Add item to channel.  May only be called within transaction context."
+  (setf (slot-value channel 'items) (cons item (rss-channel-items channel))))
-(defmethod rss-to-xml ((textinput rss-textinput))
-  `(("textinput")
-    (("rdf:about" ,(or (rss-textinput-about textinput) "nothing")))
-    (("title") NIL ,(rss-textinput-title textinput))
-    (("link" ) NIL ,(rss-textinput-link textinput))
-    (("name" ) NIL ,(rss-textinput-name textinput))
-    (("description") NIL ,(rss-textinput-desc textinput))))
+(defmethod add-item ((channel string) (item rss-item))
+  (aif (find-rss-channel channel)
+       (add-item it item)
+       (warn "can't find RSS channel ~A to add newly created item ~A to" channel item)))
+(defmethod add-item ((channel (eql nil)) (item rss-item))
+  (warn "no RSS channel defined for item ~A" item))
+;; Mixin for items
+(define-persistent-class rss-item ()
+  ((pub-date :read)))
+(defmethod initialize-persistent-instance :after ((rss-item rss-item))
+  (setf (slot-value rss-item 'pub-date) (get-universal-time))
+  (add-item (rss-item-channel rss-item) rss-item))
+(defmethod destroy-object :before ((rss-item rss-item))
+  (remove-item (rss-item-channel rss-item) rss-item))
+(defmethod rss-item-channel ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-title ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-link ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-description ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-author ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-category ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-comments ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-enclosure ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-guid ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defmethod rss-item-source ((rss-item rss-item)))
+(defun item-slot-element (item slot-name)
+  (let ((accessor (kmrcl:concat-symbol 'rss-item- slot-name)))
+    (aif (funcall accessor item)
+	 (with-element (string-downcase (symbol-name slot-name))
+	   (text it)))))
+(defmethod rss-item-xml ((item rss-item))
+  (with-element "item"
+    (dolist (slot '(title link description author category comments enclosure guid source))
+      (item-slot-element item slot))
+    (with-element "pubDate"
+      (text (format-date-time (rss-item-pub-date item) :mail-style t)))))

Added: branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/rss/test.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/rss/test.lisp	2006-07-16 17:49:02 UTC (rev 1967)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/rss/test.lisp	2006-07-22 11:29:38 UTC (rev 1968)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(make-package :bknr.rss.test)
+(in-package :bknr.rss.test)
+(use-package :bknr.rss)
+(use-package :bknr.datastore)
+(define-persistent-class test-item (rss-item)
+  ())
+(defmethod rss-item-channel ((item test-item))
+  "blub")
+(defmethod rss-item-author ((item test-item))
+  "Hans Hübner")
+(open-store "/tmp/datastore/")
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/web/handlers.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/web/handlers.lisp	2006-07-16 17:49:02 UTC (rev 1967)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/web/handlers.lisp	2006-07-22 11:29:38 UTC (rev 1968)
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 				  (error e))))
 	  (handle handler req)))
-	(mapcar #'delete-file (mapcar #'cdr (getf (request-reply-plist req) 'uploaded-files)))
+	(mapcar #'delete-file (mapcar #'cdr (request-uploaded-files req)))
       (error (e)
 	(warn "error ~A ignored while deleting uploaded files" e)))))

Modified: branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/web/web-utils.lisp
--- branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/web/web-utils.lisp	2006-07-16 17:49:02 UTC (rev 1967)
+++ branches/xml-class-rework/bknr/src/web/web-utils.lisp	2006-07-22 11:29:38 UTC (rev 1968)
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
+(defstruct upload name pathname content-type)
 (defgeneric object-url (obj))
 (defgeneric edit-object-url (obj))
 (defgeneric html-link (obj))
@@ -31,7 +33,6 @@
        (multiple-value-bind (kind part-name file-name content-type)
 	   (parse-multipart-header (get-multipart-header request))
-	 (declare (ignore content-type))
 	 (case kind
 	   (:eof (return))
 	   (:data (push (cons part-name (get-all-multipart-data request)) parameters))
@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@
 							 :if-exists :error
 							 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
 			   (write-sequence contents temporary-file))
-			 (push (cons part-name uploaded-file-name) uploaded-files))))))
+			 (push (make-upload :name part-name :pathname uploaded-file-name
+					    :content-type content-type) uploaded-files))))))
 	    (get-all-multipart-data request :limit *upload-file-size-limit*)))))
       (when file-size-limit-reached
@@ -91,10 +93,15 @@
     (parse-request-body request :uploads t)
     (setf (getf (request-reply-plist request) 'body-parsed) t)))
-(defun request-uploaded-files (request)
-  "Return a list of conses (NAME . PATHNAME) which contains files uploaded by the user"
+(defun request-uploaded-files (request &key all-info)
+  "Return a list of conses (NAME . PATHNAME) which contains files uploaded by the user.
+If :all-info is non-nil, the full upload file information is returned as a list"
   (get-parameters-from-body request)
-  (getf (request-reply-plist request) 'uploaded-files))
+  (if all-info
+      (getf (request-reply-plist request) 'uploaded-files)
+      (mapcar (lambda (upload) (cons (upload-name upload)
+				     (upload-pathname upload)))
+	      (getf (request-reply-plist request) 'uploaded-files))))
 (defun request-uploaded-file (request parameter-name)
   (cdr (find parameter-name (request-uploaded-files request) :test #'equal :key #'car)))

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