[bknr-cvs] r1845 - / vendor vendor/cxml vendor/cxml/CVS vendor/cxml/sax-tests vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS

bknr at bknr.net bknr at bknr.net
Sat Feb 18 09:34:19 UTC 2006

Author: hhubner
Date: 2006-02-18 03:34:15 -0600 (Sat, 18 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 1845

importing current cxml

Added: vendor/cxml/CVS/Entries
--- vendor/cxml/CVS/Entries	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/CVS/Entries	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/catalog.lisp/1.4/Mon Jan 23 21:49:42 2006//
+/characters.lisp/1.2/Mon Nov 28 22:33:47 2005//
+/package.lisp/1.11/Thu Dec 29 00:31:36 2005//
+/recoder.lisp/1.5/Thu Dec 29 00:31:36 2005//
+/sax-handler.lisp/1.4/Thu Dec 29 00:31:36 2005//
+/sax-proxy.lisp/1.4/Thu Dec 29 00:31:36 2005//
+/space-normalizer.lisp/1.2/Thu Dec 29 00:39:25 2005//
+/split-sequence.lisp/ Mar 13 18:02:35 2005//
+/unparse.lisp/1.9/Fri Feb 17 12:53:19 2006//
+/util.lisp/1.2/Mon Nov 28 22:33:47 2005//
+/xml-name-rune-p.lisp/1.6/Mon Nov 28 22:33:47 2005//
+/xml-parse.lisp/1.59/Mon Jan 23 21:45:48 2006//
+/xmlns-normalizer.lisp/1.2/Tue Dec 27 20:01:32 2005//
+/xmls-compat.lisp/1.2/Mon Nov 28 22:33:47 2005//

Added: vendor/cxml/CVS/Entries.Log
--- vendor/cxml/CVS/Entries.Log	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/CVS/Entries.Log	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+A D/sax-tests////

Added: vendor/cxml/CVS/Repository
--- vendor/cxml/CVS/Repository	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/CVS/Repository	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: vendor/cxml/CVS/Root
--- vendor/cxml/CVS/Root	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/CVS/Root	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:pserver:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/cxml/cvsroot

Added: vendor/cxml/CVS/Template

Added: vendor/cxml/catalog.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/catalog.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/catalog.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+;;;; catalogs.lisp -- XML Catalogs  -*- Mode: Lisp; readtable: runes -*-
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Developed 2004 for headcraft - http://headcraft.de/
+;;;; Copyright: David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+;;; http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec.html
+;;; Bugs:
+;;;   - We validate using the Catalog DTD while parsing, which is too strict
+;;;     and will will fail to parse files using other parser's extensions.
+;;;     (Jedenfalls behauptet das die Spec.)
+;;;     A long-term solution might be an XML Schema validator.
+(defvar *prefer* :public)
+(defvar *default-catalog*
+    '(;; libxml standard
+      "/etc/xml/catalog"
+      ;; FreeBSD
+      "/usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports"))
+(defstruct (catalog (:constructor %make-catalog ()))
+  main-files
+  (dtd-cache (make-dtd-cache))
+  (file-table (puri:make-uri-space)))
+(defstruct (entry-file (:conc-name ""))
+  (system-entries)                      ;extid 2
+  (rewrite-system-entries)              ;      3
+  (delegate-system-entries)             ;      4
+  (public-entries)                      ;      5
+  (delegate-public-entries)             ;      6
+  (uri-entries)                         ;uri 2
+  (rewrite-uri-entries)                 ;    3
+  (delegate-uri-entries)                ;    4
+  (next-catalog-entries)                ;    5/7
+  )
+(defun starts-with-p (string prefix)
+  (let ((mismatch (mismatch string prefix)))
+    (or (null mismatch) (= mismatch (length prefix)))))
+(defun normalize-public (str)
+  (setf str (rod-to-utf8-string (rod str)))
+  (flet ((whitespacep (c)
+           (find c #.(map 'string #'code-char '(#x9 #xa #xd #x20)))))
+    (let ((start (position-if-not #'whitespacep str))
+          (end (position-if-not #'whitespacep str :from-end t))
+          (spacep nil))
+      (with-output-to-string (out)
+        (when start
+          (loop for i from start to end do
+                (let ((c (char str i)))
+                  (cond
+                    ((whitespacep c)
+                      (unless spacep
+                        (setf spacep t)
+                        (write-char #\space out)))
+                    (t
+                      (setf spacep nil)
+                      (write-char c out))))))))))
+(defun normalize-uri (str)
+  (when (typep str 'puri:uri)
+    (setf str (puri:render-uri str nil)))
+  (setf str (rod-to-utf8-string (rod str)))
+  (with-output-to-string (out)
+    (loop for ch across str do
+          (let ((c (char-code ch)))
+            (if (< c 15)
+                (write-string (string-upcase (format nil "%~2,'0X" c)) out)
+                (write-char ch out))))))
+(defun unwrap-publicid (str)
+  (normalize-public
+   (with-output-to-string (out)
+     (let ((i (length "urn:publicid:"))
+           (n (length str)))
+       (while (< i n)
+         (let ((c (char str i)))
+           (case c
+             (#\+ (write-char #\space out))
+             (#\: (write-string "//" out))
+             (#\; (write-string "::" out))
+             (#\%
+               (let ((code
+                      (parse-integer str
+                                     :start (+ i 1)
+                                     :end (+ i 3)
+                                     :radix 16)))
+                 (write-char (code-char code) out))
+               (incf i 2))
+             (t (write-char c out))))
+         (incf i))))))
+(defun match-exact (key table &optional check-prefer)
+  (dolist (pair table)
+    (destructuring-bind (from to &optional prefer) pair
+      (when (and (equal key from) (or (not check-prefer) (eq prefer :public)))
+        (return to)))))
+(defun match-prefix/rewrite (key table &optional check-prefer)
+  (let ((match nil)
+        (match-length -1))
+    (dolist (pair table)
+      (destructuring-bind (from to &optional prefer) pair
+        (when (and (or (not check-prefer) (eq prefer :public))
+                   (starts-with-p key from)
+                   (> (length from) match-length))
+          (setf match-length (length from))
+          (setf match to))))
+    (if match
+        (concatenate 'string
+          match
+          (subseq key match-length))
+        nil)))
+(defun match-prefix/sorted (key table &optional check-prefer)
+  (let ((result '()))
+    (dolist (pair table)
+      (destructuring-bind (from to &optional prefer) pair
+        (when (and (or (not check-prefer) (eq prefer :public))
+                   (starts-with-p key from))
+          (push (cons (length from) to) result))))
+    (mapcar #'cdr (sort result #'> :key #'car))))
+(defun resolve-extid (public system catalog)
+  (when public (setf public (normalize-public public)))
+  (when system (setf system (normalize-uri system)))
+  (when (and system (starts-with-p system "urn:publicid:"))
+    (let ((new-public (unwrap-publicid system)))
+      (assert (or (null public) (equal public new-public)))
+      (setf public new-public
+            system nil)))
+  (let ((files (catalog-main-files catalog))
+        (seen '()))
+    (while files
+      (let ((file (pop files))
+            (delegates nil))
+        (unless (typep file 'entry-file)
+          (setf file (find-catalog-file file catalog)))
+        (unless (or (null file) (member file seen))
+          (push file seen)
+          (when system
+            (let ((result
+                   (or (match-exact system (system-entries file))
+                       (match-prefix/rewrite
+                        system
+                        (rewrite-system-entries file)))))
+              (when result
+                (return result))
+              (setf delegates
+                    (match-prefix/sorted
+                     system
+                     (delegate-system-entries file)))))
+          (when (and public (not delegates))
+            (let* ((check-prefer (and system t))
+                   (result
+                    (match-exact public
+                                 (public-entries file)
+                                 check-prefer)))
+              (when result
+                (return result))
+              (setf delegates
+                    (match-prefix/sorted
+                     public
+                     (delegate-public-entries file)
+                     check-prefer))))
+          (if delegates
+              (setf files delegates)
+              (setf files (append (next-catalog-entries file) files))))))))
+(defun resolve-uri (uri catalog)
+  (setf uri (normalize-uri uri))
+  (when (starts-with-p uri "urn:publicid:")
+    (return-from resolve-uri
+      (resolve-extid (unwrap-publicid uri) nil catalog)))
+  (let ((files (catalog-main-files catalog))
+        (seen '()))
+    (while files
+      (let ((file (pop files)))
+        (unless (typep file 'entry-file)
+          (setf file (find-catalog-file file catalog)))
+        (unless (or (null file) (member file seen))
+          (push file seen)
+          (let ((result
+                 (or (match-exact uri (uri-entries file))
+                     (match-prefix/rewrite uri (rewrite-uri-entries file)))))
+            (when result
+              (return result))
+            (let* ((delegate-entries
+                    (delegate-uri-entries file))
+                   (delegates
+                    (match-prefix/sorted uri delegate-entries)))
+              (if delegates
+                  (setf files delegates)
+                  (setf files (append (next-catalog-entries file) files))))))))))
+(defun find-catalog-file (uri catalog)
+  (setf uri (if (stringp uri) (safe-parse-uri uri) uri))
+  (let* ((*dtd-cache* (catalog-dtd-cache catalog))
+         (*cache-all-dtds* t)
+         (file (parse-catalog-file uri)))
+    (when file
+      (let ((interned (puri:intern-uri uri (catalog-file-table catalog))))
+        (setf (getf (puri:uri-plist interned) 'catalog) file)))
+    file))
+(defun make-catalog (&optional (uris *default-catalog*))
+  (let ((result (%make-catalog)))
+    (setf (catalog-main-files result)
+          (loop
+              for uri in uris
+              for file = (find-catalog-file uri result)
+              when file collect file))
+    result))
+(defun parse-catalog-file (uri)
+  (handler-case
+      (parse-catalog-file/strict uri)
+    ((or file-error xml-parse-error) (c)
+      (warn "ignoring catalog error: ~A" c))))
+(defparameter *catalog-dtd*
+    (let* ((cxml
+            (slot-value (asdf:find-system :cxml) 'asdf::relative-pathname))
+           (dtd (merge-pathnames "catalog.dtd" cxml)))
+      (with-open-file (s dtd :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+        (let ((bytes
+               (make-array (file-length s) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+          (read-sequence bytes s)
+          bytes))))
+(defun parse-catalog-file/strict (uri)
+  (let* ((*catalog* nil)
+         (dtd-sysid
+          (puri:parse-uri "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/release/1.0/catalog.dtd")))
+    (flet ((entity-resolver (public system)
+             (declare (ignore public))
+             (if (puri:uri= system dtd-sysid)
+                 (make-octet-input-stream *catalog-dtd*)
+                 nil)))
+      (with-open-stream (s (open (uri-to-pathname uri)
+                                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                                 :direction :input))
+        (parse-stream s
+                      (make-instance 'catalog-parser :uri uri)
+                      :validate nil
+                      :dtd (make-extid nil dtd-sysid)
+                      :root #"catalog"
+                      :entity-resolver #'entity-resolver)))))
+(defclass catalog-parser ()
+  ((result :initform (make-entry-file) :accessor result)
+   (next :initform '() :accessor next)
+   (prefer-stack :initform (list *prefer*) :accessor prefer-stack)
+   (base-stack :accessor base-stack)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after
+    ((instance catalog-parser) &key uri)
+  (setf (base-stack instance) (list uri)))
+(defmethod prefer ((handler catalog-parser))
+  (car (prefer-stack handler)))
+(defmethod base ((handler catalog-parser))
+  (car (base-stack handler)))
+(defun get-attribute/lname (name attributes)
+  (let ((a (find name attributes
+                 :key (lambda (a)
+                        (or (sax:attribute-local-name a)
+                            (sax:attribute-qname a)))
+                 :test #'string=)))
+    (and a (sax:attribute-value a))))
+(defmethod sax:start-element ((handler catalog-parser) uri lname qname attrs)
+  (declare (ignore uri))
+  (setf lname (or lname qname))
+  ;; we can dispatch on lnames only because we validate against the DTD,
+  ;; which disallows other namespaces.
+  (push (let ((new (get-attribute/lname "prefer" attrs)))
+          (cond
+            ((equal new "public") :public)
+            ((equal new "system") :system)
+            ((null new) (prefer handler))))
+        (prefer-stack handler))
+  (push (string-or (get-attribute/lname "base" attrs) (base handler))
+        (base-stack handler))
+  (flet ((geturi (lname)
+           (puri:merge-uris
+            (safe-parse-uri (get-attribute/lname lname attrs))
+            (base handler))))
+    (cond
+      ((string= lname "public")
+        (push (list (normalize-public (get-attribute/lname "publicId" attrs))
+                    (geturi "uri")
+                    (prefer handler))
+              (public-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "system")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri (get-attribute/lname "systemId" attrs))
+                    (geturi "uri"))
+              (system-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "uri")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri (get-attribute/lname "name" attrs))
+                    (geturi "uri"))
+              (uri-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "rewriteSystem")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "systemIdStartString" attrs))
+                    (get-attribute/lname "rewritePrefix" attrs))
+              (rewrite-system-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "rewriteURI")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "uriStartString" attrs))
+                    (get-attribute/lname "rewritePrefix" attrs))
+              (rewrite-uri-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "delegatePublic")
+        (push (list (normalize-public
+                     (get-attribute/lname "publicIdStartString" attrs))
+                    (geturi "catalog")
+                    (prefer handler))
+              (delegate-public-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "delegateSystem")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "systemIdStartString" attrs))
+                    (geturi "catalog"))
+              (delegate-system-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "delegateURI")
+        (push (list (normalize-uri
+                     (get-attribute/lname "uriStartString" attrs))
+                    (geturi "catalog"))
+              (delegate-uri-entries (result handler))))
+      ((string= lname "nextCatalog")
+        (push (geturi "catalog")
+              (next-catalog-entries (result handler)))))))
+(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler catalog-parser) uri lname qname)
+  (declare (ignore uri lname qname))
+  (pop (base-stack handler))
+  (pop (prefer-stack handler)))
+(defmethod sax:end-document ((handler catalog-parser))
+  (result handler))

Added: vendor/cxml/characters.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/characters.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/characters.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+;;;; characters.lisp -- character class definitions
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Author: David Lichteblau
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;; XXX xml-name-rune-p.lisp habe ich erst nach dem Schreiben dieses
+;;; Files gefunden...
+;;; XXX wird derzeit in DOM:CREATE-ATTRIBUTE verwendet.  Muesste aber
+;;; wohl vom Parser auch schon geprueft werden (oder tut der das
+;;; schon?).  Vorher sollte man allerdings die Geschwindigkeit der Sache
+;;; mal untersuchen.
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defparameter *base-char-ranges*
+    #((#x0041 #x005A) (#x0061 #x007A) (#x00C0 #x00D6) (#x00D8 #x00F6)
+      (#x00F8 #x00FF) (#x0100 #x0131) (#x0134 #x013E) (#x0141 #x0148)
+      (#x014A #x017E) (#x0180 #x01C3) (#x01CD #x01F0) (#x01F4 #x01F5)
+      (#x01FA #x0217) (#x0250 #x02A8) (#x02BB #x02C1) (#x0386 #x0386)
+      (#x0388 #x038A) (#x038C #x038C) (#x038E #x03A1) (#x03A3 #x03CE)
+      (#x03D0 #x03D6) (#x03DA #x03DA) (#x03DC #x03DC) (#x03DE #x03DE)
+      (#x03E0 #x03E0) (#x03E2 #x03F3) (#x0401 #x040C) (#x040E #x044F)
+      (#x0451 #x045C) (#x045E #x0481) (#x0490 #x04C4) (#x04C7 #x04C8)
+      (#x04CB #x04CC) (#x04D0 #x04EB) (#x04EE #x04F5) (#x04F8 #x04F9)
+      (#x0531 #x0556) (#x0559 #x0559) (#x0561 #x0586) (#x05D0 #x05EA)
+      (#x05F0 #x05F2) (#x0621 #x063A) (#x0641 #x064A) (#x0671 #x06B7)
+      (#x06BA #x06BE) (#x06C0 #x06CE) (#x06D0 #x06D3) (#x06D5 #x06D5)
+      (#x06E5 #x06E6) (#x0905 #x0939) (#x093D #x093D) (#x0958 #x0961)
+      (#x0985 #x098C) (#x098F #x0990) (#x0993 #x09A8) (#x09AA #x09B0)
+      (#x09B2 #x09B2) (#x09B6 #x09B9) (#x09DC #x09DD) (#x09DF #x09E1)
+      (#x09F0 #x09F1) (#x0A05 #x0A0A) (#x0A0F #x0A10) (#x0A13 #x0A28)
+      (#x0A2A #x0A30) (#x0A32 #x0A33) (#x0A35 #x0A36) (#x0A38 #x0A39)
+      (#x0A59 #x0A5C) (#x0A5E #x0A5E) (#x0A72 #x0A74) (#x0A85 #x0A8B)
+      (#x0A8D #x0A8D) (#x0A8F #x0A91) (#x0A93 #x0AA8) (#x0AAA #x0AB0)
+      (#x0AB2 #x0AB3) (#x0AB5 #x0AB9) (#x0ABD #x0ABD) (#x0AE0 #x0AE0)
+      (#x0B05 #x0B0C) (#x0B0F #x0B10) (#x0B13 #x0B28) (#x0B2A #x0B30)
+      (#x0B32 #x0B33) (#x0B36 #x0B39) (#x0B3D #x0B3D) (#x0B5C #x0B5D)
+      (#x0B5F #x0B61) (#x0B85 #x0B8A) (#x0B8E #x0B90) (#x0B92 #x0B95)
+      (#x0B99 #x0B9A) (#x0B9C #x0B9C) (#x0B9E #x0B9F) (#x0BA3 #x0BA4)
+      (#x0BA8 #x0BAA) (#x0BAE #x0BB5) (#x0BB7 #x0BB9) (#x0C05 #x0C0C)
+      (#x0C0E #x0C10) (#x0C12 #x0C28) (#x0C2A #x0C33) (#x0C35 #x0C39)
+      (#x0C60 #x0C61) (#x0C85 #x0C8C) (#x0C8E #x0C90) (#x0C92 #x0CA8)
+      (#x0CAA #x0CB3) (#x0CB5 #x0CB9) (#x0CDE #x0CDE) (#x0CE0 #x0CE1)
+      (#x0D05 #x0D0C) (#x0D0E #x0D10) (#x0D12 #x0D28) (#x0D2A #x0D39)
+      (#x0D60 #x0D61) (#x0E01 #x0E2E) (#x0E30 #x0E30) (#x0E32 #x0E33)
+      (#x0E40 #x0E45) (#x0E81 #x0E82) (#x0E84 #x0E84) (#x0E87 #x0E88)
+      (#x0E8A #x0E8A) (#x0E8D #x0E8D) (#x0E94 #x0E97) (#x0E99 #x0E9F)
+      (#x0EA1 #x0EA3) (#x0EA5 #x0EA5) (#x0EA7 #x0EA7) (#x0EAA #x0EAB)
+      (#x0EAD #x0EAE) (#x0EB0 #x0EB0) (#x0EB2 #x0EB3) (#x0EBD #x0EBD)
+      (#x0EC0 #x0EC4) (#x0F40 #x0F47) (#x0F49 #x0F69) (#x10A0 #x10C5)
+      (#x10D0 #x10F6) (#x1100 #x1100) (#x1102 #x1103) (#x1105 #x1107)
+      (#x1109 #x1109) (#x110B #x110C) (#x110E #x1112) (#x113C #x113C)
+      (#x113E #x113E) (#x1140 #x1140) (#x114C #x114C) (#x114E #x114E)
+      (#x1150 #x1150) (#x1154 #x1155) (#x1159 #x1159) (#x115F #x1161)
+      (#x1163 #x1163) (#x1165 #x1165) (#x1167 #x1167) (#x1169 #x1169)
+      (#x116D #x116E) (#x1172 #x1173) (#x1175 #x1175) (#x119E #x119E)
+      (#x11A8 #x11A8) (#x11AB #x11AB) (#x11AE #x11AF) (#x11B7 #x11B8)
+      (#x11BA #x11BA) (#x11BC #x11C2) (#x11EB #x11EB) (#x11F0 #x11F0)
+      (#x11F9 #x11F9) (#x1E00 #x1E9B) (#x1EA0 #x1EF9) (#x1F00 #x1F15)
+      (#x1F18 #x1F1D) (#x1F20 #x1F45) (#x1F48 #x1F4D) (#x1F50 #x1F57)
+      (#x1F59 #x1F59) (#x1F5B #x1F5B) (#x1F5D #x1F5D) (#x1F5F #x1F7D)
+      (#x1F80 #x1FB4) (#x1FB6 #x1FBC) (#x1FBE #x1FBE) (#x1FC2 #x1FC4)
+      (#x1FC6 #x1FCC) (#x1FD0 #x1FD3) (#x1FD6 #x1FDB) (#x1FE0 #x1FEC)
+      (#x1FF2 #x1FF4) (#x1FF6 #x1FFC) (#x2126 #x2126) (#x212A #x212B)
+      (#x212E #x212E) (#x2180 #x2182) (#x3041 #x3094) (#x30A1 #x30FA)
+      (#x3105 #x312C) (#xAC00 #xD7A3)))
+(defparameter *ideographic-ranges*
+    #((#x3007 #x3007) (#x3021 #x3029)(#x4E00 #x9FA5)))
+(defparameter *combining-char-ranges*
+  #((#x0300 #x0345) (#x0360 #x0361) (#x0483 #x0486) (#x0591 #x05A1)
+    (#x05A3 #x05B9) (#x05BB #x05BD) (#x05BF #x05BF) (#x05C1 #x05C2)
+    (#x05C4 #x05C4) (#x064B #x0652) (#x0670 #x0670) (#x06D6 #x06DC)
+    (#x06DD #x06DF) (#x06E0 #x06E4) (#x06E7 #x06E8) (#x06EA #x06ED)
+    (#x0901 #x0903) (#x093C #x093C) (#x093E #x094C) (#x094D #x094D)
+    (#x0951 #x0954) (#x0962 #x0963) (#x0981 #x0983) (#x09BC #x09BC)
+    (#x09BE #x09BE) (#x09BF #x09BF) (#x09C0 #x09C4) (#x09C7 #x09C8)
+    (#x09CB #x09CD) (#x09D7 #x09D7) (#x09E2 #x09E3) (#x0A02 #x0A02)
+    (#x0A3C #x0A3C) (#x0A3E #x0A3E) (#x0A3F #x0A3F) (#x0A40 #x0A42)
+    (#x0A47 #x0A48) (#x0A4B #x0A4D) (#x0A70 #x0A71) (#x0A81 #x0A83)
+    (#x0ABC #x0ABC) (#x0ABE #x0AC5) (#x0AC7 #x0AC9) (#x0ACB #x0ACD)
+    (#x0B01 #x0B03) (#x0B3C #x0B3C) (#x0B3E #x0B43) (#x0B47 #x0B48)
+    (#x0B4B #x0B4D) (#x0B56 #x0B57) (#x0B82 #x0B83) (#x0BBE #x0BC2)
+    (#x0BC6 #x0BC8) (#x0BCA #x0BCD) (#x0BD7 #x0BD7) (#x0C01 #x0C03)
+    (#x0C3E #x0C44) (#x0C46 #x0C48) (#x0C4A #x0C4D) (#x0C55 #x0C56)
+    (#x0C82 #x0C83) (#x0CBE #x0CC4) (#x0CC6 #x0CC8) (#x0CCA #x0CCD)
+    (#x0CD5 #x0CD6) (#x0D02 #x0D03) (#x0D3E #x0D43) (#x0D46 #x0D48)
+    (#x0D4A #x0D4D) (#x0D57 #x0D57) (#x0E31 #x0E31) (#x0E34 #x0E3A)
+    (#x0E47 #x0E4E) (#x0EB1 #x0EB1) (#x0EB4 #x0EB9) (#x0EBB #x0EBC)
+    (#x0EC8 #x0ECD) (#x0F18 #x0F19) (#x0F35 #x0F35) (#x0F37 #x0F37)
+    (#x0F39 #x0F39) (#x0F3E #x0F3E) (#x0F3F #x0F3F) (#x0F71 #x0F84)
+    (#x0F86 #x0F8B) (#x0F90 #x0F95) (#x0F97 #x0F97) (#x0F99 #x0FAD)
+    (#x0FB1 #x0FB7) (#x0FB9 #x0FB9) (#x20D0 #x20DC) (#x20E1 #x20E1)
+    (#x302A #x302F) (#x3099 #x3099) (#x309A #x309A)))
+(defparameter *digit-ranges*
+    #((#x0030 #x0039) (#x0660 #x0669) (#x06F0 #x06F9) (#x0966 #x096F)
+      (#x09E6 #x09EF) (#x0A66 #x0A6F) (#x0AE6 #x0AEF) (#x0B66 #x0B6F)
+      (#x0BE7 #x0BEF) (#x0C66 #x0C6F) (#x0CE6 #x0CEF) (#x0D66 #x0D6F)
+      (#x0E50 #x0E59) (#x0ED0 #x0ED9) (#x0F20 #x0F29)))
+(defparameter *extender-ranges*
+    #((#x00B7 #x00B7) (#x02D0 #x02D0) (#x02D1 #x02D1) (#x0387 #x0387)
+      (#x0640 #x0640) (#x0E46 #x0E46) (#x0EC6 #x0EC6) (#x3005 #x3005)
+      (#x3031 #x3035) (#x309D #x309E) (#x30FC #x30FE)))
+(defun valid-name-p (rod)
+  (and (not (zerop (length rod)))
+       (let ((initial (elt rod 0)))
+         (or (rune-in-range-p initial *base-char-ranges*)
+             (rune-in-range-p initial *ideographic-ranges*)
+             (rune= initial #/_)
+             (eql initial #/:)))
+       (every #'rune-name-char-p rod)))
+(defun valid-nmtoken-p (rod)
+  (and (not (zerop (length rod)))
+       (every #'rune-name-char-p rod)))
+(defun rune-name-char-p (rune)
+  (or (rune-in-range-p rune *base-char-ranges*)
+      (rune-in-range-p rune *ideographic-ranges*)
+      (rune-in-range-p rune *digit-ranges*)
+      (eql rune #/.)
+      (eql rune #/-)
+      (eql rune #/_)
+      (eql rune #/:)
+      (rune-in-range-p rune *combining-char-ranges*)
+      (rune-in-range-p rune *extender-ranges*)))
+(defun rune-in-range-p (rune range)
+  ;; XXX FIXME, das geht doch besser
+  (let ((code (rune-code rune)))
+    (block nil
+      (map nil (lambda (range)
+                 (when (< code (car range))
+                   (return nil))
+                 (when (<= code (cadr range))
+                   (return t)))
+           range))))

Added: vendor/cxml/package.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/package.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/package.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+;;;; package.lisp -- Paketdefinition
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :cxml
+  (:use :cl :runes :runes-encoding :trivial-gray-streams)
+  (:export
+   ;; xstreams
+   #:make-xstream
+   #:make-rod-xstream
+   #:close-xstream
+   #:read-rune
+   #:peek-rune
+   #:unread-rune
+   #:fread-rune
+   #:fpeek-rune
+   #:xstream-position
+   #:xstream-line-number
+   #:xstream-column-number
+   #:xstream-plist
+   #:xstream-encoding
+   ;; xstream controller protocol
+   #:read-octects
+   #:xstream/close
+   #:attribute-namespace-uri
+   #:attribute-local-name
+   #:attribute-qname
+   #:attribute-value
+   #:parse-file
+   #:parse-stream
+   #:parse-rod
+   #:parse-octets
+   #:make-octet-vector-sink
+   #:make-octet-stream-sink
+   #:make-rod-sink
+   #+rune-is-character #:make-string-sink
+   #+rune-is-character #:make-character-stream-sink
+   #-rune-is-character #:make-string-sink/utf8
+   #-rune-is-character #:make-character-stream-sink/utf8
+   #:with-xml-output
+   #:with-element
+   #:attribute
+   #:cdata
+   #:text
+   #:xml-parse-error
+   #:well-formedness-violation
+   #:validity-error
+   #:parse-dtd-file
+   #:parse-dtd-stream
+   #:make-validator
+   #:*cache-all-dtds*
+   #:*dtd-cache*
+   #:getdtd
+   #:remdtd
+   #:make-dtd-cache
+   #:clear-dtd-cache
+   #:make-extid
+   #:*catalog*
+   #:*prefer*
+   #:make-catalog
+   #:resolve-uri
+   #:resolve-extid
+   #:make-recoder
+   #:sax-proxy
+   #:proxy-chained-handler
+   #:make-namespace-normalizer
+   #:make-whitespace-normalizer
+   #:rod-to-utf8-string
+   #:utf8-string-to-rod))

Added: vendor/cxml/recoder.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/recoder.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/recoder.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+;;;; recoder.lisp -- SAX handler for string conversion
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Developed 2004 for headcraft - http://headcraft.de/
+;;;; Copyright: David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass recoder ()
+    ((recoder :initarg :recoder :accessor recoder)
+     (chained-handler :initarg :chained-handler :accessor chained-handler)))
+(defun make-recoder (chained-handler recoder-fn)
+  (make-instance 'recoder
+    :recoder recoder-fn
+    :chained-handler chained-handler))
+(macrolet ((%string (rod)
+             `(let ((rod ,rod))
+                (if (typep rod '(or rod string))
+                    (funcall (recoder handler) rod)
+                    rod)))
+           (defwrapper (name (&rest args) &rest forms)
+             `(defmethod ,name ((handler recoder) , at args)
+                (,name (chained-handler handler) , at forms))))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-document ())
+  (defwrapper sax:start-element
+      (namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+    (%string namespace-uri)
+    (%string local-name)
+    (%string qname)
+    (mapcar (lambda (attr)
+              (sax:make-attribute
+               :namespace-uri (%string (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr))
+               :local-name (%string (sax:attribute-local-name attr))
+               :qname (%string (sax:attribute-qname attr))
+               :value (%string (sax:attribute-value attr))
+               :specified-p (sax:attribute-specified-p attr)))
+            attributes))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-prefix-mapping (prefix uri)
+    (%string prefix)
+    (%string uri))
+  (defwrapper sax:characters (data)
+    (%string data))
+  (defwrapper sax:processing-instruction (target data)
+    (%string target)
+    (%string data))
+  (defwrapper sax:end-prefix-mapping (prefix)
+    (%string prefix))
+  (defwrapper sax:end-element (namespace-uri local-name qname)
+    (%string namespace-uri)
+    (%string local-name)
+    (%string qname))
+  (defwrapper sax:end-document ())
+  (defwrapper sax:comment (data)
+    (%string data))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-cdata ())
+  (defwrapper sax:end-cdata ())
+  (defwrapper sax:start-dtd (name public-id system-id)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id))
+  (defwrapper sax:start-internal-subset ())
+  (defwrapper sax:end-internal-subset ())
+  (defwrapper sax:end-dtd ())
+  (defwrapper sax:unparsed-entity-declaration
+      (name public-id system-id notation-name)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id)
+    (%string notation-name))
+  (defwrapper sax:external-entity-declaration
+      (kind name public-id system-id)
+    (%string kind)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id))
+  (defwrapper sax:internal-entity-declaration
+      (kind name value)
+    kind
+    (%string name)
+    (%string value))
+  (defwrapper sax:notation-declaration
+      (name public-id system-id)
+    (%string name)
+    (%string public-id)
+    (%string system-id))
+  (defwrapper sax:element-declaration (name model)
+    (%string name)
+    model)
+  (defwrapper sax:attribute-declaration
+      (element-name attribute-name type default)
+    (%string element-name)
+    (%string attribute-name)
+    (%string type)
+    (%string default))
+  (defwrapper sax:entity-resolver
+      (resolver)
+    resolver)
+  (defwrapper sax::dtd
+      (dtd)
+    dtd))

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-handler.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/sax-handler.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-handler.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SAX; readtable: runes; Encoding: utf-8; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: A SAX2-like API for the xml parser
+;;;   Created: 2003-06-30
+;;;    Author: Henrik Motakef <hmot at henrik-motakef.de>
+;;;    Author: David Lichteblau (DTD-related changes)
+;;;   License: BSD
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  © copyright 2003 by Henrik Motakef
+;;;  © copyright 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;; Redistribution and use  in source and binary   forms, with or  without
+;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+;;; met:                                                                  
+;;; 1. Redistributions  of  source  code  must retain  the above copyright
+;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.      
+;;; 2. Redistributions in  binary form must reproduce  the above copyright
+;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+;;;    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution
+;;; TODO/ Open Questions:
+;; o Should there be a predefined "handler" class, or even several
+;;   (like Java SAX' ContentHandler, DTDHandler, LexicalHandler etc? I
+;;   don't really see why.
+;; o Missing stuff from Java SAX2:
+;;   * ignorable-whitespace
+;;   * document-locator/(setf document-locator)
+;;     (probably implies a handler class with an appropriate slot)
+;;   * skipped-entity
+;;   * The whole ErrorHandler class, this is better handled using
+;;     conditions (but isn't yet)
+;;   * The LexicalHandler (start-cdata etc) would be nice  [-- partly done]
+(defpackage :sax
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:export #:*namespace-processing*
+	   #:*include-xmlns-attributes*
+	   #:*use-xmlns-namespace*
+           #:make-attribute
+           #:find-attribute
+           #:find-attribute-ns
+           #:attribute-namespace-uri
+           #:attribute-local-name
+           #:attribute-qname
+           #:attribute-value
+           #:attribute-specified-p
+	   #:start-document
+	   #:start-prefix-mapping
+	   #:start-element
+	   #:characters
+	   #:processing-instruction
+	   #:end-element
+	   #:end-prefix-mapping
+	   #:end-document
+	   #:comment
+	   #:start-cdata
+	   #:end-cdata
+	   #:start-dtd
+	   #:end-dtd
+	   #:start-internal-subset
+	   #:end-internal-subset
+           #:unparsed-entity-declaration
+           #:external-entity-declaration
+           #:internal-entity-declaration
+           #:notation-declaration
+           #:element-declaration
+           #:attribute-declaration
+           #:entity-resolver))
+(in-package :sax)
+;; The http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces property
+(defvar *namespace-processing* t
+  "If non-nil (the default), namespace processing is enabled.
+See also `start-element' and `end-element' for a detailed description
+of the consequences of modifying this variable, and
+`*include-xmlns-attributes*' and `*use-xmlns-namespace*' for further
+related options.")
+;; The http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes property.
+(defvar *include-xmlns-attributes* t
+  "If non-nil, namespace declarations are reported as normal
+This variable has no effect unless `*namespace-processing*' is
+See also `*use-xmlns-namespace*', and `start-element' for a detailed
+description of the consequences of setting this variable.")
+(defvar *use-xmlns-namespace* t
+  "If this variable is nil (the default), attributes with a name like
+'xmlns:x' are not considered to be in a namespace, following the
+'Namespaces in XML' specification.
+If it is non-nil, such attributes are considered to be in a namespace
+with the URI 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', following an
+incompatible change silently introduced in the errata to that spec,
+and adopted by some W3C standards.
+For example, an attribute like xmlns:ex='http://example.com' would be
+reported like this:
+*use-xmlns-namespace*: nil
+namespace-uri:         nil
+local-name:            nil
+qname:                 #\"xmlns:ex\"
+*use-xmlns-namespace*: t
+namespace-uri:         #\"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/\"
+local-name:            #\"ex\"
+qname:                 #\"xmlns:ex\"
+Setting this variable has no effect unless both
+`*namespace-processing*' and `*include-xmlns-attributes*' are non-nil.")
+(defstruct attribute
+  namespace-uri
+  local-name
+  qname
+  value
+  specified-p)
+(defun %rod= (x y)
+  ;; allow rods *and* strings *and* null
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length x)) (zerop (length y)))
+    ((zerop (length y)) nil)
+    ((stringp x) (string= x y))
+    (t (runes:rod= x y))))
+(defun find-attribute (qname attrs)
+  (find qname attrs :key #'attribute-qname :test #'%rod=))
+(defun find-attribute-ns (uri lname attrs)
+  (find-if (lambda (attr)
+	     (and (%rod= uri (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr))
+		  (%rod= lname (sax:attribute-local-name attr))))
+	   attrs))
+(defgeneric start-document (handler)
+  (:documentation "Called at the beginning of the parsing process,
+before any element, processing instruction or comment is reported.
+Handlers that need to maintain internal state may use this to perform
+any neccessary initializations.")
+  (:method ((handler t)) nil))
+(defgeneric start-element (handler namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+  (:documentation "Called to report the beginning of an element.
+There will always be a corresponding call to end-element, even in the
+case of an empty element (i.e. <foo/>).
+If the value of *namespaces* is non-nil, namespace-uri, local-name and
+qname are rods. If it is nil, namespace-uri and local-name are always
+nil, and it is not an error if the qname is not a well-formed
+qualified element name (for example, if it contains more than one
+The attributes parameter is a list (in arbitrary order) of instances
+of the `attribute' structure class. The for their namespace-uri and
+local-name properties, the same rules as for the element name
+apply. Additionally, namespace-declaring attributes (those whose name
+is \"xmlns\" or starts with \"xmlns:\") are only included if
+*namespace-prefixes* is non-nil.")
+  (:method ((handler t) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+    (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname attributes))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric start-prefix-mapping (handler prefix uri)
+  (:documentation "Called when the scope of a new prefix -> namespace-uri mapping begins.
+This will always be called immediatly before the `start-element' event
+for the element on which the namespaces are declared.
+Clients don't usually have to implement this except under special
+circumstances, for example when they have to deal with qualified names
+in textual content. The parser will handle namespaces of elements and
+attributes on its own.")
+  (:method ((handler t) prefix uri) (declare (ignore prefix uri)) nil))
+(defgeneric characters (handler data)
+  (:documentation "Called for textual element content.
+The data is passed as a rod, with all entity references resolved.
+It is possible that the character content of an element is reported
+via multiple subsequent calls to this generic function.")
+  (:method ((handler t) data) (declare (ignore data)) nil))
+(defgeneric processing-instruction (handler target data)
+  (:documentation "Called when a processing instruction is read.
+Both target and data are rods.")
+  (:method ((handler t) target data) (declare (ignore target data)) nil))
+(defgeneric end-prefix-mapping (handler prefix)
+  (:documentation "Called when a prefix -> namespace-uri mapping goes out of scope.
+This will always be called immediatly after the `end-element' event
+for the element on which the namespace is declared. The order of the
+end-prefix-mapping events is otherwise not guaranteed.
+Clients don't usually have to implement this except under special
+circumstances, for example when they have to deal with qualified names
+in textual content. The parser will handle namespaces of elements and
+attributes on its own.")
+  (:method ((handler t) prefix) prefix nil))
+(defgeneric end-element (handler namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (:documentation "Called to report the end of an element.
+See the documentation for `start-element' for a description of the
+  (:method ((handler t) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+    (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric end-document (handler)
+  (:documentation "Called at the end of parsing a document.
+This is always the last function called in the parsing process.
+In contrast to all of the other methods, the return value of this gf
+is significant, it will be returned by the parse-file/stream/string function.")
+  (:method ((handler t)) nil))
+;; LexicalHandler
+(defgeneric comment (handler data)
+  (:method ((handler t) data) data nil))
+(defgeneric start-cdata (handler)
+  (:documentation "Called at the beginning of parsing a CDATA section.
+Handlers only have to implement this if they are interested in the
+lexical structure of the parsed document. The content of the CDATA
+section is reported via the `characters' generic function like all
+other textual content.")
+  (:method ((handler t)) nil))
+(defgeneric end-cdata (handler)
+  (:documentation "Called at the end of parsing a CDATA section.
+Handlers only have to implement this if they are interested in the
+lexical structure of the parsed document. The content of the CDATA
+section is reported via the `characters' generic function like all
+other textual content.")
+  (:method ((handler t)) nil))
+(defgeneric start-dtd (handler name public-id system-id)
+  (:documentation "Called at the beginning of parsing a DTD.")
+  (:method ((handler t) name public-id system-id)
+    (declare (ignore name public-id system-id))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric end-dtd (handler)
+  (:documentation "Called at the end of parsing a DTD.")
+  (:method ((handler t)) nil))
+(defgeneric start-internal-subset (handler)
+  (:documentation "Reports that an internal subset is present.  Called before
+any definition from the internal subset is reported.")
+  (:method ((handler t)) nil))
+(defgeneric end-internal-subset (handler)
+  (:documentation "Called after processing of the internal subset has
+finished, if present.")
+  (:method ((handler t)) nil))
+(defgeneric unparsed-entity-declaration
+    (handler name public-id system-id notation-name)
+  (:documentation
+   "Called when an unparsed entity declaration is seen in a DTD.")
+  (:method ((handler t) name public-id system-id notation-name)
+    (declare (ignore name public-id system-id notation-name))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric external-entity-declaration
+    (handler kind name public-id system-id)
+  (:documentation
+   "Called when a parsed external entity declaration is seen in a DTD.")
+  (:method ((handler t) kind name public-id system-id)
+    (declare (ignore kind name public-id system-id))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric internal-entity-declaration
+    (handler kind name value)
+  (:documentation
+   "Called when an internal entity declaration is seen in a DTD.")
+  (:method ((handler t) kind name value)
+    (declare (ignore kind name value))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric notation-declaration
+    (handler name public-id system-id)
+  (:documentation
+   "Called when a notation declaration is seen while parsing a DTD.")
+  (:method ((handler t) name public-id system-id)
+    (declare (ignore name public-id system-id))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric element-declaration (handler name model)
+  (:documentation
+   "Called when a element declaration is seen in a DTD.  Model is not a string,
+    but a nested list, with *, ?, +, OR, and AND being the operators, rods
+    as names, :EMPTY and :PCDATA as special tokens.  (AND represents
+    sequences.)")
+  (:method ((handler t) name model)
+    (declare (ignore name model))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric attribute-declaration
+    (handler element-name attribute-name type default)
+  (:documentation
+   "Called when an attribute declaration is seen in a DTD.
+    type        one of :CDATA, :ID, :IDREF, :IDREFS,
+                (:NOTATION <name>*), or (:ENUMERATION <name>*)
+    default     :REQUIRED, :IMPLIED, (:FIXED content), or (:DEFAULT content)")
+  (:method ((handler t) element-name attribute-name type value)
+    (declare (ignore element-name attribute-name type value))
+    nil))
+(defgeneric entity-resolver
+    (handler resolver)
+  (:documentation
+   "Called between sax:end-dtd and sax:end-document to register an entity
+    resolver, a function of two arguments: An entity name and SAX handler.
+    When called, the resolver function will parse the named entity's data.")
+  (:method ((handler t) resolver)
+    (declare (ignore resolver))
+    nil))
+;; internal for now
+(defgeneric dtd (handler dtd)
+  (:method ((handler t) dtd) (declare (ignore dtd)) nil))

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-proxy.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/sax-proxy.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-proxy.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+;;;; sax-proxy.lisp
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2004 David Lichteblau
+;;;; Author: David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass sax-proxy ()
+  ((chained-handler :initform nil
+                    :initarg :chained-handler
+                    :accessor proxy-chained-handler)))
+(macrolet ((define-proxy-method (name (&rest args))
+             `(defmethod ,name ((handler sax-proxy) , at args)
+                (,name (proxy-chained-handler handler) , at args))))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-document ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-element (uri lname qname attributes))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-prefix-mapping (prefix uri))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:characters (data))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:processing-instruction (target data))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-prefix-mapping (prefix))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-element (namespace-uri local-name qname))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-document ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:comment (data))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-cdata ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-cdata ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-dtd (name public-id system-id))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-dtd ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:start-internal-subset ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:end-internal-subset ())
+  (define-proxy-method sax:unparsed-entity-declaration (name pub sys not))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:external-entity-declaration (kind name pub sys))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:internal-entity-declaration (kind name value))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:notation-declaration (name public-id system-id))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:element-declaration (name model))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:attribute-declaration (elt attr type default))
+  (define-proxy-method sax:entity-resolver (resolver))
+  (define-proxy-method sax::dtd (dtd)))

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Entries
--- vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Entries	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Entries	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+/event-collecting-handler.lisp/ Mar 13 18:02:10 2005//
+/package.lisp/ Mar 13 18:02:10 2005//
+/tests.lisp/1.2/Wed Dec 28 23:18:07 2005//

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Repository
--- vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Repository	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Repository	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Root
--- vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Root	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Root	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:pserver:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/cxml/cvsroot

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-tests/CVS/Template

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-tests/event-collecting-handler.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/sax-tests/event-collecting-handler.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-tests/event-collecting-handler.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(in-package :sax-tests)
+(defclass event-collecting-handler ()
+  ((event-list :initform '() :accessor event-list)))
+(defmethod start-document ((handler event-collecting-handler))
+  (push (list :start-document) (event-list handler)))
+(defmethod start-element ((handler event-collecting-handler) ns-uri local-name qname attrs)
+  (push (list :start-element ns-uri local-name qname attrs)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod start-prefix-mapping ((handler event-collecting-handler) prefix uri)
+  (push (list :start-prefix-mapping prefix uri)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod characters ((handler event-collecting-handler) data)
+  (push (list :characters data)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod processing-instruction ((handler event-collecting-handler) target data)
+  (push (list :processing-instruction target data)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod end-prefix-mapping ((handler event-collecting-handler) prefix)
+  (push (list :end-prefix-mapping prefix)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod end-element ((handler event-collecting-handler) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (push (list :end-element namespace-uri local-name qname)
+	(event-list handler)))
+(defmethod end-document ((handler event-collecting-handler))
+  (push (list :end-document)
+	(event-list handler))
+  (nreverse (event-list handler)))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-tests/package.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/sax-tests/package.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-tests/package.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(defpackage :sax-tests
+  (:use :cl :xml :sax :glisp :rt)
+  (:export #:event-collecting-handler))

Added: vendor/cxml/sax-tests/tests.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/sax-tests/tests.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/sax-tests/tests.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+(in-package :sax-tests)
+(defun first-start-element-event (string)
+  (let ((events (cxml:parse-rod string (make-instance 'event-collecting-handler))))
+    (find :start-element events :key #'car)))
+;;; Attribute handling
+(deftest no-default-namespace-for-attributes
+  (let* ((evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com' a='b'/>"))
+	 (attr (car (fifth evt))))
+    (values
+     (attribute-namespace-uri attr)
+     (attribute-local-name attr)))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest attribute-uniqueness-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:a='http://example.com' xmlns:b='http://example.com' a:a='1' b:a='1'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest attribute-uniqueness-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:a='http://example.com' xmlns='http://example.com' a:a='1' a='1'/>")
+    (error () nil)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      t))
+  t)
+(deftest attribute-uniqueness-3
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:a='http://example.com' xmlns:b='http://example.com' a:a='1' b:a='1'/>")
+    (error () nil)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      t)))
+  t)
+;;; Namespace undeclaring
+(deftest undeclare-default-namespace-1
+  (let* ((evts (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns='http://example.com'><y xmlns='' a='1'/></x>"
+				   (make-instance 'event-collecting-handler)))
+	 (start-elt-events (remove :start-element evts :test (complement #'eql) :key #'car))
+	 (evt1 (first start-elt-events))
+	 (evt2 (second start-elt-events )))
+    (values
+     (rod= #"http://example.com" (second evt1))
+     (second evt2)
+     (third evt2)))
+  t nil nil)
+(deftest undeclare-other-namespace
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x:x xmlns:x='http://example.com'><x:y xmlns:x='' a='1'/></x:x>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+;;; Require names otherwise totally out of scope of the xmlns rec to be NcNames for no reason
+(deftest pi-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<?a:b c?><x/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest pi-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-2
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<?a:b c?><x/>")
+      (error () nil)
+      (:no-error (&rest junk)
+	(declare (ignore junk))
+	t)))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x>&y:z;</x>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-3
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x>&y:z;</x>")
+      (error () nil)
+      (:no-error (&rest junk)
+	(declare (ignore junk))
+	t)))
+  t)
+(deftest entity-names-are-ncnames-when-namespace-processing-4
+  (let ((sax:*namespace-processing* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(cxml:parse-rod "<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y:z 'foo'> ]><x/>")
+      (error () nil)
+      (:no-error (&rest junk)
+	(declare (ignore junk))
+	t)))
+  t)
+;;; Inclusion of xmlns attributes
+(deftest xmlns-attr-include-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (length attrs))
+  1)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-discard-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (length attrs))
+  0)
+;;; Namespace of xmlns attributes
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-2
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-3
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-uri-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" (attribute-namespace-uri (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-local-name (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-2
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-local-name (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-3
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (attribute-local-name (car attrs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-ns-local-name-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"foo" (attribute-local-name (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-1
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-2
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* nil)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns:foo" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+(deftest xmlns-attr-qname-4
+  (let* ((sax:*namespace-processing* t)
+	 (sax:*include-xmlns-attributes* t)
+	 (sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* t)
+	 (evt (first-start-element-event "<x xmlns:foo='http://example.com'/>"))
+	 (attrs (fifth evt)))
+    (rod= #"xmlns:foo" (attribute-qname (car attrs))))
+  t)
+;;; Predefined Namespaces
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xml='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'/>")
+    (error () nil)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      t))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xml='http://example.com/wrong-uri'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-3
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:wrong='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xml-namespace-4
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:wrong='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-1
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-2
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:xmlns='http://example.com/wrong-ns'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-3
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns:wrong='http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)
+(deftest redefine-xmlns-namespace-4
+  (handler-case
+      (cxml:parse-rod "<x xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'/>")
+    (error () t)
+    (:no-error (&rest junk)
+      (declare (ignore junk))
+      nil))
+  t)

Added: vendor/cxml/space-normalizer.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/space-normalizer.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/space-normalizer.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;;;; space-normalizer.lisp -- whitespace removal
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2005 David Lichteblau
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass whitespace-normalizer (sax-proxy)
+    ((attributes :initform '(t) :accessor xml-space-attributes)
+     (models :initform nil :accessor xml-space-models)
+     (dtd :initarg :dtd :accessor xml-space-dtd)))
+(defun make-whitespace-normalizer (chained-handler &optional dtd)
+  (make-instance 'whitespace-normalizer
+    :dtd dtd
+    :chained-handler chained-handler))
+(defmethod sax::dtd ((handler whitespace-normalizer) dtd)
+  (unless (xml-space-dtd handler)
+    (setf (xml-space-dtd handler) dtd)))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((handler whitespace-normalizer) uri lname qname attrs)
+  (declare (ignore uri lname))
+  (let ((dtd (xml-space-dtd handler)))
+    (when dtd
+      (let ((xml-space
+	     (sax:find-attribute (if (stringp qname) "xml:space" #"xml:space")
+				 attrs)))
+	(push (if xml-space
+		  (rod= (rod (sax:attribute-value xml-space)) #"default")
+		  (car (xml-space-attributes handler)))
+	      (xml-space-attributes handler)))
+      (let* ((e (cxml::find-element (rod qname) dtd))
+	     (cspec (when e (cxml::elmdef-content e))))
+	(push (and (consp cspec)
+		   (not (and (eq (car cspec) '*)
+			     (let ((subspec (second cspec)))
+			       (and (eq (car subspec) 'or)
+				    (eq (cadr subspec) :PCDATA))))))
+	      (xml-space-models handler)))))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod sax:characters ((handler whitespace-normalizer) data)
+  (cond
+    ((and (xml-space-dtd handler)
+	  (car (xml-space-attributes handler))
+	  (car (xml-space-models handler)))
+      (unless (every #'white-space-rune-p (rod data))
+	(warn "non-whitespace character data in element content")
+	(call-next-method)))
+    (t
+      (call-next-method))))
+(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler whitespace-normalizer) uri lname qname)
+  (declare (ignore uri lname qname))
+  (when (xml-space-dtd handler)
+    (pop (xml-space-attributes handler))
+    (pop (xml-space-models handler)))
+  (call-next-method))

Added: vendor/cxml/split-sequence.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/split-sequence.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/split-sequence.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+;;; This code was based on Arthur Lemmens' in
+;;; <URL:http://groups.google.com/groups?as_umsgid=39F36F1A.B8F19D20%40simplex.nl>;
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defun split-sequence-if (predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied))
+  (let ((len (length seq))
+        (other-keys (when key-supplied 
+		      (list :key key))))
+    (unless end (setq end len))
+    (if from-end
+        (loop for right = end then left
+              for left = (max (or (apply #'position-if predicate seq 
+					 :end right
+					 :from-end t
+					 other-keys)
+				  -1)
+			      (1- start))
+              unless (and (= right (1+ left))
+                          remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
+              if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
+              ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
+              return (values (nreverse subseqs) right)
+              else 
+              collect (subseq seq (1+ left) right) into subseqs
+              and sum 1 into nr-elts
+              until (< left start)
+              finally (return (values (nreverse subseqs) (1+ left))))
+      (loop for left = start then (+ right 1)
+            for right = (min (or (apply #'position-if predicate seq 
+					:start left
+					other-keys)
+				 len)
+			     end)
+            unless (and (= right left) 
+                        remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
+            if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
+            ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
+            return (values subseqs left)
+            else
+            collect (subseq seq left right) into subseqs
+            and sum 1 into nr-elts
+            until (>= right end)
+            finally (return (values subseqs right))))))

Added: vendor/cxml/unparse.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/unparse.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/unparse.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CXML; readtable: runes; Encoding: utf-8; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Unparse XML
+;;;     Title: (including support for canonic XML according to J.Clark)
+;;;   Created: 1999-09-09
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;    Author: David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  Â© copyright 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;;  Â© copyright 2004 by knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;;  Â© copyright 2004 by David Lichteblau (for headcraft.de)
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :cxml)
+;; | Canonical XML
+;; | =============
+;; |                                      
+;; | This document defines a subset of XML called canonical XML. The
+;; | intended use of canonical XML is in testing XML processors, as a
+;; | representation of the result of parsing an XML document.
+;; | 
+;; | Every well-formed XML document has a unique structurally equivalent
+;; | canonical XML document. Two structurally equivalent XML documents have
+;; | a byte-for-byte identical canonical XML document. Canonicalizing an
+;; | XML document requires only information that an XML processor is
+;; | required to make available to an application.
+;; | 
+;; | A canonical XML document conforms to the following grammar:
+;; |
+;; |    CanonXML    ::= Pi* element Pi*
+;; |    element     ::= Stag (Datachar | Pi | element)* Etag
+;; |    Stag        ::= '<'  Name Atts '>'
+;; |    Etag        ::= '</' Name '>'
+;; |    Pi          ::= '<?' Name ' ' (((Char - S) Char*)? - (Char* '?>' Char*)) '?>'
+;; |    Atts        ::= (' ' Name '=' '"' Datachar* '"')*
+;; |    Datachar    ::= '&' | '<' | '>' | '"'
+;; |                     | '	'| '
'| '
+;; |                     | (Char - ('&' | '<' | '>' | '"' | #x9 | #xA | #xD))
+;; |    Name        ::= (see XML spec)
+;; |    Char        ::= (see XML spec)
+;; |    S           ::= (see XML spec)
+;; |
+;; | Attributes are in lexicographical order (in Unicode bit order).
+;; |  
+;; | A canonical XML document is encoded in UTF-8.
+;; |  
+;; | Ignorable white space is considered significant and is treated
+;; | equivalently to data.
+;; -- James Clark (jjc at jclark.com)
+;;;; SINK: an xml output sink
+(defclass sink ()
+    ((ystream :initarg :ystream :accessor sink-ystream)
+     (width :initform 79 :initarg :width :accessor width)
+     (canonical :initform t :initarg :canonical :accessor canonical)
+     (indentation :initform nil :initarg :indentation :accessor indentation)
+     (current-indentation :initform 0 :accessor current-indentation)
+     (notations :initform (make-buffer :element-type t) :accessor notations)
+     (name-for-dtd :accessor name-for-dtd)
+     (previous-notation :initform nil :accessor previous-notation)
+     (have-doctype :initform nil :accessor have-doctype)
+     (stack :initform nil :accessor stack)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance sink) &key)
+  (when (eq (canonical instance) t)
+    (setf (canonical instance) 1))
+  (unless (member (canonical instance) '(nil 1 2))
+    (error "Invalid canonical form: ~A" (canonical instance)))
+  (when (and (canonical instance) (indentation instance))
+    (error "Cannot indent XML in canonical mode")))
+(defun make-buffer (&key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+  (make-array 1
+              :element-type element-type
+              :adjustable t
+              :fill-pointer 0))
+;; total haesslich, aber die ystreams will ich im moment eigentlich nicht
+;; dokumentieren
+(macrolet ((define-maker (make-sink make-ystream &rest args)
+	     `(defun ,make-sink (, at args &rest initargs)
+		(apply #'make-instance
+		       'sink
+		       :ystream (,make-ystream , at args)
+		       initargs))))
+  (define-maker make-octet-vector-sink make-octet-vector-ystream)
+  (define-maker make-octet-stream-sink make-octet-stream-ystream stream)
+  (define-maker make-rod-sink make-rod-ystream)
+  #+rune-is-character
+  (define-maker make-character-stream-sink make-character-stream-ystream stream)
+  #-rune-is-character
+  (define-maker make-string-sink/utf8 make-string-ystream/utf8)
+  #-rune-is-character
+  (define-maker make-character-stream-sink/utf8
+      make-character-stream-ystream/utf8
+    stream))
+(defun make-string-sink (&rest args) (apply #'make-rod-sink args))
+(defmethod sax:end-document ((sink sink))
+  (close-ystream (sink-ystream sink)))
+;;;; doctype and notations
+(defmethod sax:start-document ((sink sink))
+  (unless (canonical sink)
+    (%write-rod #"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" sink)
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)))
+(defmethod sax:start-dtd ((sink sink) name public-id system-id)
+  (setf (name-for-dtd sink) name)
+  (unless (canonical sink)
+    (ensure-doctype sink public-id system-id)))
+(defun ensure-doctype (sink &optional public-id system-id)
+  (unless (have-doctype sink)
+    (setf (have-doctype sink) t)
+    (%write-rod #"<!DOCTYPE " sink)
+    (%write-rod (name-for-dtd sink) sink)
+    (cond
+      (public-id
+        (%write-rod #" PUBLIC \"" sink)
+        (unparse-string public-id sink)
+        (%write-rod #"\" \"" sink)
+        (unparse-string system-id sink)
+        (%write-rod #"\"" sink))
+      (system-id
+        (%write-rod #" SYSTEM \"" sink)
+        (unparse-string public-id sink)
+        (%write-rod #"\"" sink)))))
+(defmethod sax:start-internal-subset ((sink sink))
+  (ensure-doctype sink)
+  (%write-rod #" [" sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:end-internal-subset ((sink sink))
+  (ensure-doctype sink)
+  (%write-rod #"]" sink))
+(defmethod sax:notation-declaration ((sink sink) name public-id system-id)
+  (let ((prev (previous-notation sink)))
+    (when (and (and (canonical sink) (>= (canonical sink) 2))
+	       prev
+	       (not (rod< prev name)))
+      (error "misordered notations; cannot unparse canonically"))
+    (setf (previous-notation sink) name)) 
+  (%write-rod #"<!NOTATION " sink)
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length public-id))
+      (%write-rod #" SYSTEM '" sink)
+      (%write-rod system-id sink)
+      (%write-rune #/' sink))
+    ((zerop (length system-id))
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC '" sink)
+      (%write-rod public-id sink)
+      (%write-rune #/' sink))
+    (t 
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC '" sink)
+      (%write-rod public-id sink)
+      (%write-rod #"' '" sink)
+      (%write-rod system-id sink)
+      (%write-rune #/' sink)))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:unparsed-entity-declaration
+    ((sink sink) name public-id system-id notation-name)
+  (unless (and (canonical sink) (< (canonical sink) 3))
+    (%write-rod #"<!ENTITY " sink)
+    (%write-rod name sink)
+    (cond
+      ((zerop (length public-id))
+	(%write-rod #" SYSTEM '" sink)
+	(%write-rod system-id sink)
+	(%write-rune #/' sink))
+      ((zerop (length system-id))
+	(%write-rod #" PUBLIC '" sink)
+	(%write-rod public-id sink)
+	(%write-rune #/' sink))
+      (t 
+	(%write-rod #" PUBLIC '" sink)
+	(%write-rod public-id sink)
+	(%write-rod #"' '" sink)
+	(%write-rod system-id sink)
+	(%write-rune #/' sink)))
+    (%write-rod #" NDATA " sink)
+    (%write-rod notation-name sink)
+    (%write-rune #/> sink)
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)))
+(defmethod sax:external-entity-declaration
+    ((sink sink) kind name public-id system-id)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize parsed entities in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ENTITY " sink)
+  (when (eq kind :parameter)
+    (%write-rod #" % " sink))
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (cond
+    ((zerop (length public-id))
+      (%write-rod #" SYSTEM '" sink)
+      (%write-rod system-id sink)
+      (%write-rune #/' sink))
+    ((zerop (length system-id))
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC '" sink)
+      (%write-rod public-id sink)
+      (%write-rune #/' sink))
+    (t 
+      (%write-rod #" PUBLIC '" sink)
+      (%write-rod public-id sink)
+      (%write-rod #"' '" sink)
+      (%write-rod system-id sink)
+      (%write-rune #/' sink)))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:internal-entity-declaration ((sink sink) kind name value)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize parsed entities in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ENTITY " sink)
+  (when (eq kind :parameter)
+    (%write-rod #" % " sink))
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+  (unparse-string value sink)
+  (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:element-declaration ((sink sink) name model)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize element type declarations in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ELEMENT " sink)
+  (%write-rod name sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (labels ((walk (m)
+	     (cond
+	       ((eq m :EMPTY)
+		 (%write-rod "EMPTY" sink))
+	       ((eq m :PCDATA)
+		 (%write-rod "#PCDATA" sink))
+	       ((atom m)
+		 (unparse-string m sink))
+	       (t
+		 (ecase (car m)
+		   (and
+		     (%write-rune #/\( sink)
+		     (loop for (n . rest) on (cdr m) do
+			   (walk n)
+			   (when rest
+			     (%write-rune #\, sink)))
+		     (%write-rune #/\) sink))
+		   (or
+		     (%write-rune #/\( sink)
+		     (loop for (n . rest) on (cdr m) do
+			   (walk n)
+			   (when rest
+			     (%write-rune #\| sink)))
+		     (%write-rune #/\) sink))
+		   (*
+		     (walk (second m))
+		     (%write-rod #/* sink))
+		   (+
+		     (walk (second m))
+		     (%write-rod #/+ sink))
+		   (?
+		     (walk (second m))
+		     (%write-rod #/? sink)))))))
+    (walk model))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:attribute-declaration ((sink sink) ename aname type default)
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (error "cannot serialize attribute type declarations in canonical mode"))
+  (%write-rod #"<!ATTLIST " sink)
+  (%write-rod ename sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (%write-rod aname sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+  (cond
+    ((atom type)
+      (%write-rod (rod (string-upcase (symbol-name type))) sink))
+    (t
+      (when (eq :NOTATION (car type))
+	(%write-rod #"NOTATION " sink))
+      (%write-rune #/\( sink)
+      (loop for (n . rest) on (cdr type) do
+	    (%write-rod n sink)
+	    (when rest
+	      (%write-rune #\| sink)))
+      (%write-rune #/\) sink)))
+  (cond
+    ((atom default)
+      (%write-rune #/# sink)
+      (%write-rod (rod (string-upcase (symbol-name default))) sink))
+    (t
+      (when (eq :FIXED (car default))
+	(%write-rod #"#FIXED " sink))
+      (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+      (unparse-string (second default) sink)
+      (%write-rune #/\" sink)))
+  (%write-rune #/> sink)
+  (%write-rune #/U+000A sink))
+(defmethod sax:end-dtd ((sink sink))
+  (when (have-doctype sink)
+    (%write-rod #">" sink)
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)))
+;;;; elements
+(defstruct (tag (:constructor make-tag (name)))
+  name
+  (n-children 0)
+  (have-gt nil))
+(defun sink-fresh-line (sink)
+  (unless (zerop (ystream-column (sink-ystream sink)))
+    (%write-rune #/U+000A sink)		;newline
+    (indent sink)))
+(defun maybe-close-tag (sink)
+  (let ((tag (car (stack sink))))
+    (when (and (tag-p tag) (not (tag-have-gt tag)))
+      (setf (tag-have-gt tag) t)
+      (%write-rune #/> sink))))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((sink sink) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name))
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (when (stack sink)
+    (incf (tag-n-children (first (stack sink)))))
+  (push (make-tag qname) (stack sink))
+  (when (indentation sink)
+    (sink-fresh-line sink)
+    (start-indentation-block sink))
+  (%write-rune #/< sink)
+  (%write-rod qname sink)
+  (let ((atts (sort (copy-list attributes) #'rod< :key #'sax:attribute-qname)))
+    (dolist (a atts)
+      (%write-rune #/space sink)
+      (%write-rod (sax:attribute-qname a) sink)
+      (%write-rune #/= sink)
+      (%write-rune #/\" sink)
+      (unparse-string (sax:attribute-value a) sink)
+      (%write-rune #/\" sink)))
+  (when (canonical sink)
+    (maybe-close-tag sink)))
+(defmethod sax:end-element
+    ((sink sink) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name))
+  (let ((tag (pop (stack sink))))
+    (unless (tag-p tag)
+      (error "output does not nest: not in an element"))
+    (unless (rod= (tag-name tag) qname)
+      (error "output does not nest: expected ~A but got ~A"
+             (rod qname) (rod (tag-name tag))))
+    (when (indentation sink)
+      (end-indentation-block sink)
+      (unless (zerop (tag-n-children tag))
+        (sink-fresh-line sink)))
+    (cond
+      ((tag-have-gt tag)
+       (%write-rod '#.(string-rod "</") sink)
+       (%write-rod qname sink)
+       (%write-rod '#.(string-rod ">") sink))
+      (t
+       (%write-rod #"/>" sink)))))
+(defmethod sax:processing-instruction ((sink sink) target data)
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (unless (rod-equal target '#.(string-rod "xml"))
+    (%write-rod '#.(string-rod "<?") sink)
+    (%write-rod target sink)
+    (when data
+      (%write-rune #/space sink)
+      (%write-rod data sink))
+    (%write-rod '#.(string-rod "?>") sink)))
+(defmethod sax:start-cdata ((sink sink))
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (push :cdata (stack sink)))
+(defmethod sax:characters ((sink sink) data)
+  (maybe-close-tag sink)
+  (cond
+    ((and (eq (car (stack sink)) :cdata)
+          (not (canonical sink))
+          (not (search #"]]" data)))
+      (when (indentation sink)
+        (sink-fresh-line sink))
+      (%write-rod #"<![CDATA[" sink)
+      ;; XXX signal error if body is unprintable?
+      (map nil (lambda (c) (%write-rune c sink)) data)
+      (%write-rod #"]]>" sink))
+    (t
+      (if (indentation sink)
+          (unparse-indented-text data sink)
+	  (let ((y (sink-ystream sink)))
+	    (if (canonical sink)
+		(loop for c across data do (unparse-datachar c y))
+		(loop for c across data do (unparse-datachar-readable c y))))))))
+(defmethod sax:end-cdata ((sink sink))
+  (unless (eq (pop (stack sink)) :cdata)
+    (error "output does not nest: not in a cdata section")))
+(defun indent (sink)
+  (dotimes (x (current-indentation sink))
+    (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink))) ; space
+(defun start-indentation-block (sink)
+  (incf (current-indentation sink) (indentation sink)))
+(defun end-indentation-block (sink)
+  (decf (current-indentation sink) (indentation sink)))
+(defun unparse-indented-text (data sink)
+  (flet ((whitespacep (x)
+           (or (rune= x #/U+000A) (rune= x #/U+0020))))
+    (let* ((n (length data))
+           (pos (position-if-not #'whitespacep data))
+           (need-whitespace-p nil))
+      (cond
+        ((zerop n))
+        (pos
+          (sink-fresh-line sink)
+          (while (< pos n)
+            (let* ((w (or (position-if #'whitespacep data :start (1+ pos)) n))
+                   (next (or (position-if-not #'whitespacep data :start w) n)))
+              (when need-whitespace-p
+                (if (< (+ (ystream-column (sink-ystream sink)) w (- pos))
+		       (width sink))
+                    (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink)
+                    (sink-fresh-line sink)))
+              (loop
+		  with y = (sink-ystream sink)
+                  for i from pos below w do
+                    (unparse-datachar-readable (elt data i) y))
+              (setf need-whitespace-p (< w n))
+              (setf pos next))))
+        (t
+          (%write-rune #/U+0020 sink))))))
+(defun unparse-string (str sink)
+  (let ((y (sink-ystream sink)))
+    (loop for rune across str do (unparse-datachar rune y))))
+(defun unparse-datachar (c ystream)
+  (cond ((rune= c #/&) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "&") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/<) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "<") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/>) (write-rod '#.(string-rod ">") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/\") (write-rod '#.(string-rod """) ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+0009) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "	") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+000A) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "
") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/U+000D) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "
") ystream))
+        (t
+         (write-rune c ystream))))
+(defun unparse-datachar-readable (c ystream)
+  (cond ((rune= c #/&) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "&") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/<) (write-rod '#.(string-rod "<") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/>) (write-rod '#.(string-rod ">") ystream))
+        ((rune= c #/\") (write-rod '#.(string-rod """) ystream))
+        (t
+          (write-rune c ystream))))
+(defun %write-rune (c sink)
+  (write-rune c (sink-ystream sink)))
+(defun %write-rod (r sink)
+  (write-rod r (sink-ystream sink)))
+;;;; convenience functions for DOMless XML serialization
+(defvar *current-element*)
+(defvar *sink*)
+(defmacro with-xml-output (sink &body body)
+  `(invoke-with-xml-output (lambda () , at body) ,sink))
+(defun invoke-with-xml-output (fn sink)
+  (let ((*sink* sink)
+        (*current-element* nil))
+    (sax:start-document *sink*)
+    (funcall fn)
+    (sax:end-document *sink*)))
+(defmacro with-element (qname &body body)
+  `(invoke-with-element (lambda () , at body) ,qname))
+(defun maybe-emit-start-tag ()
+  (when *current-element*
+    ;; starting child node, need to emit opening tag of parent first:
+    (destructuring-bind (qname &rest attributes) *current-element*
+      (sax:start-element *sink* nil nil qname (reverse attributes)))
+    (setf *current-element* nil)))
+(defun invoke-with-element (fn qname)
+  (setf qname (rod qname))
+  (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+  (let ((*current-element* (list qname)))
+    (multiple-value-prog1
+        (funcall fn)
+      (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+      (sax:end-element *sink* nil nil qname))))
+(defun attribute (name value)
+  (push (sax:make-attribute :qname (rod name) :value (rod value))
+        (cdr *current-element*))
+  value)
+(defun cdata (data)
+  (sax:start-cdata *sink*)
+  (sax:characters *sink* (rod data))
+  (sax:end-cdata *sink*)
+  data)
+(defun text (data)
+  (maybe-emit-start-tag)
+  (sax:characters *sink* (rod data))
+  data)
+(defun rod-to-utf8-string (rod)
+  (let ((out (make-buffer :element-type 'character)))
+    (runes-to-utf8/adjustable-string out rod (length rod))
+    out))
+(defun utf8-string-to-rod (str)
+  (let* ((bytes (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code str))
+         (buffer (make-array (length bytes) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)))
+         (n (decode-sequence :utf-8 bytes 0 (length bytes) buffer 0 0 nil))
+         (result (make-array n :element-type 'rune)))
+    (map-into result #'code-rune buffer)
+    result))

Added: vendor/cxml/util.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/util.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/util.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: RUNES; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: Some common utilities for the Closure browser
+;;;   Created: 1997-12-27
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 1997-1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as clarified
+;;; by the "Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License" found in
+;;; the file COPYING.
+;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
+;;; COPYING that was distributed with this file.  If it is not present,
+;;; you can access it from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until
+;;; superseded by a newer version) or write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+;; Changes
+;;  When        Who     What
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;  1999-08-24  GB      = fixed MULTIPLE-VALUE-OR it now takes any number of
+;;                        subforms
+(in-package :cxml)
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  Meta functions
+(defun curry (fun &rest args)
+  #'(lambda (&rest more)
+      (apply fun (append args more))))
+(defun rcurry (fun &rest args)
+  #'(lambda (&rest more)
+      (apply fun (append more args))))
+(defun compose (f g)
+  #'(lambda (&rest args)
+      (funcall f (apply g args))))
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  while and until
+(defmacro while (test &body body)
+  `(until (not ,test) , at body))
+(defmacro until (test &body body)
+  `(do () (,test) , at body))
+;; prime numbers
+(defun primep (n)
+  "Returns true, iff `n' is prime."
+  (and (> n 2)
+       (do ((i 2 (+ i 1)))
+           ((> (* i i) n) t)
+         (cond ((zerop (mod n i)) (return nil))))))
+(defun nearest-greater-prime (n)
+  "Returns the smallest prime number no less than `n'."
+  (cond ((primep n) n)
+        ((nearest-greater-prime (+ n 1)))))

Added: vendor/cxml/xml-name-rune-p.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/xml-name-rune-p.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/xml-name-rune-p.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+;;;; xml-name-rune-p -- character class definitions
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+(in-package :cxml)
+   (compile 
+    nil
+    '(lambda ()
+      (let ((+max+ #xD800))
+        (labels
+            ((name-start-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (letter-rune-p rune)
+                   (= #.(char-code #\_) rune)
+                   (= #.(char-code #\:) rune)))
+             (name-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (letter-rune-p rune)
+                   (digit-rune-p* rune)
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\.))
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\-))
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\_))
+                   (= rune #.(char-code #\:))
+                   (combining-rune-p rune)
+                   (extender-rune-p rune)))
+             (letter-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (base-rune-p rune)
+                   (ideographic-rune-p rune)))
+             (digit-rune-p* (rune)
+               (or (<= 48 rune 57)
+                   (<= 1632 rune 1641)
+                   (<= 1776 rune 1785)
+                   (<= 2406 rune 2415)
+                   (<= 2534 rune 2543)
+                   (<= 2662 rune 2671)
+                   (<= 2790 rune 2799)
+                   (<= 2918 rune 2927)
+                   (<= 3047 rune 3055)
+                   (<= 3174 rune 3183)
+                   (<= 3302 rune 3311)
+                   (<= 3430 rune 3439)
+                   (<= 3664 rune 3673)
+                   (<= 3792 rune 3801)
+                   (<= 3872 rune 3881)))
+             (combining-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (<= 768 rune 837)
+                   (<= 864 rune 865)
+                   (<= 1155 rune 1158)
+                   (<= 1425 rune 1441)
+                   (<= 1443 rune 1465)
+                   (<= 1467 rune 1469)
+                   (= 1471 rune)
+                   (<= 1473 rune 1474)
+                   (= 1476 rune)
+                   (<= 1611 rune 1618)
+                   (= 1648 rune)
+                   (<= 1750 rune 1756)
+                   (<= 1757 rune 1759)
+                   (<= 1760 rune 1764)
+                   (<= 1767 rune 1768)
+                   (<= 1770 rune 1773)
+                   (<= 2305 rune 2307)
+                   (= 2364 rune)
+                   (<= 2366 rune 2380)
+                   (= 2381 rune)
+                   (<= 2385 rune 2388)
+                   (<= 2402 rune 2403)
+                   (<= 2433 rune 2435)
+                   (= 2492 rune)
+                   (= 2494 rune)
+                   (= 2495 rune)
+                   (<= 2496 rune 2500)
+                   (<= 2503 rune 2504)
+                   (<= 2507 rune 2509)
+                   (= 2519 rune)
+                   (<= 2530 rune 2531)
+                   (= 2562 rune)
+                   (= 2620 rune)
+                   (= 2622 rune)
+                   (= 2623 rune)
+                   (<= 2624 rune 2626)
+                   (<= 2631 rune 2632)
+                   (<= 2635 rune 2637)
+                   (<= 2672 rune 2673)
+                   (<= 2689 rune 2691)
+                   (= 2748 rune)
+                   (<= 2750 rune 2757)
+                   (<= 2759 rune 2761)
+                   (<= 2763 rune 2765)
+                   (<= 2817 rune 2819)
+                   (= 2876 rune)
+                   (<= 2878 rune 2883)
+                   (<= 2887 rune 2888)
+                   (<= 2891 rune 2893)
+                   (<= 2902 rune 2903)
+                   (<= 2946 rune 2947)
+                   (<= 3006 rune 3010)
+                   (<= 3014 rune 3016)
+                   (<= 3018 rune 3021)
+                   (= 3031 rune)
+                   (<= 3073 rune 3075)
+                   (<= 3134 rune 3140)
+                   (<= 3142 rune 3144)
+                   (<= 3146 rune 3149)
+                   (<= 3157 rune 3158)
+                   (<= 3202 rune 3203)
+                   (<= 3262 rune 3268)
+                   (<= 3270 rune 3272)
+                   (<= 3274 rune 3277)
+                   (<= 3285 rune 3286)
+                   (<= 3330 rune 3331)
+                   (<= 3390 rune 3395)
+                   (<= 3398 rune 3400)
+                   (<= 3402 rune 3405)
+                   (= 3415 rune)
+                   (= 3633 rune)
+                   (<= 3636 rune 3642)
+                   (<= 3655 rune 3662)
+                   (= 3761 rune)
+                   (<= 3764 rune 3769)
+                   (<= 3771 rune 3772)
+                   (<= 3784 rune 3789)
+                   (<= 3864 rune 3865)
+                   (= 3893 rune)
+                   (= 3895 rune)
+                   (= 3897 rune)
+                   (= 3902 rune)
+                   (= 3903 rune)
+                   (<= 3953 rune 3972)
+                   (<= 3974 rune 3979)
+                   (<= 3984 rune 3989)
+                   (= 3991 rune)
+                   (<= 3993 rune 4013)
+                   (<= 4017 rune 4023)
+                   (= 4025 rune)
+                   (<= 8400 rune 8412)
+                   (= 8417 rune)
+                   (<= 12330 rune 12335)
+                   (= 12441 rune)
+                   (= 12442 rune)))
+             (extender-rune-p (rune)
+               (or
+                (= 183 rune)
+                (= 720 rune)
+                (= 721 rune)
+                (= 903 rune)
+                (= 1600 rune)
+                (= 3654 rune)
+                (= 3782 rune)
+                (= 12293 rune)
+                (<= 12337 rune 12341)
+                (<= 12445 rune 12446)
+                (<= 12540 rune 12542)))
+             (base-rune-p (rune)
+               ;; split into two ORs for LispWorks...
+               (or
+                 (or (<= 65 rune 90) (<= 97 rune 122) (<= 192 rune 214) (<= 216 rune 246) (<= 248 rune 255) (<= 256 rune 305)
+                     (<= 308 rune 318) (<= 321 rune 328) (<= 330 rune 382) (<= 384 rune 451) (<= 461 rune 496) (<= 500 rune 501)
+                     (<= 506 rune 535) (<= 592 rune 680) (<= 699 rune 705) (= 902 rune) (<= 904 rune 906) (= 908 rune)
+                     (<= 910 rune 929) (<= 931 rune 974) (<= 976 rune 982) (= 986 rune) (= 988 rune) (= 990 rune) (= 992 rune)
+                     (<= 994 rune 1011) (<= 1025 rune 1036) (<= 1038 rune 1103) (<= 1105 rune 1116) (<= 1118 rune 1153)
+                     (<= 1168 rune 1220) (<= 1223 rune 1224) (<= 1227 rune 1228) (<= 1232 rune 1259) (<= 1262 rune 1269)
+                     (<= 1272 rune 1273) (<= 1329 rune 1366) (= 1369 rune) (<= 1377 rune 1414) (<= 1488 rune 1514)
+                     (<= 1520 rune 1522) (<= 1569 rune 1594) (<= 1601 rune 1610) (<= 1649 rune 1719) (<= 1722 rune 1726)
+                     (<= 1728 rune 1742) (<= 1744 rune 1747) (= 1749 rune) (<= 1765 rune 1766) (<= 2309 rune 2361) (= 2365 rune)
+                     (<= 2392 rune 2401) (<= 2437 rune 2444) (<= 2447 rune 2448) (<= 2451 rune 2472) (<= 2474 rune 2480)
+                     (= 2482 rune) (<= 2486 rune 2489) (<= 2524 rune 2525) (<= 2527 rune 2529) (<= 2544 rune 2545)
+                     (<= 2565 rune 2570) (<= 2575 rune 2576) (<= 2579 rune 2600) (<= 2602 rune 2608) (<= 2610 rune 2611)
+                     (<= 2613 rune 2614) (<= 2616 rune 2617) (<= 2649 rune 2652) (= 2654 rune) (<= 2674 rune 2676)
+                     (<= 2693 rune 2699) (= 2701 rune) (<= 2703 rune 2705) (<= 2707 rune 2728) (<= 2730 rune 2736)
+                     (<= 2738 rune 2739) (<= 2741 rune 2745) (= 2749 rune) (= 2784 rune) (<= 2821 rune 2828) (<= 2831 rune 2832)
+                     (<= 2835 rune 2856) (<= 2858 rune 2864) (<= 2866 rune 2867) (<= 2870 rune 2873) (= 2877 rune)
+                     (<= 2908 rune 2909) (<= 2911 rune 2913) (<= 2949 rune 2954) (<= 2958 rune 2960) (<= 2962 rune 2965)
+                     (<= 2969 rune 2970) (= 2972 rune))
+                 (or (<= 2974 rune 2975) (<= 2979 rune 2980) (<= 2984 rune 2986)
+                     (<= 2990 rune 2997) (<= 2999 rune 3001) (<= 3077 rune 3084) (<= 3086 rune 3088) (<= 3090 rune 3112)
+                     (<= 3114 rune 3123) (<= 3125 rune 3129) (<= 3168 rune 3169) (<= 3205 rune 3212) (<= 3214 rune 3216)
+                     (<= 3218 rune 3240) (<= 3242 rune 3251) (<= 3253 rune 3257) (= 3294 rune) (<= 3296 rune 3297)
+                     (<= 3333 rune 3340) (<= 3342 rune 3344) (<= 3346 rune 3368) (<= 3370 rune 3385) (<= 3424 rune 3425)
+                     (<= 3585 rune 3630) (= 3632 rune) (<= 3634 rune 3635) (<= 3648 rune 3653) (<= 3713 rune 3714) (= 3716 rune)
+                     (<= 3719 rune 3720) (= 3722 rune) (= 3725 rune) (<= 3732 rune 3735) (<= 3737 rune 3743) (<= 3745 rune 3747)
+                     (= 3749 rune) (= 3751 rune) (<= 3754 rune 3755) (<= 3757 rune 3758) (= 3760 rune) (<= 3762 rune 3763) (= 3773 rune)
+                     (<= 3776 rune 3780) (<= 3904 rune 3911) (<= 3913 rune 3945) (<= 4256 rune 4293) (<= 4304 rune 4342)
+                     (= 4352 rune) (<= 4354 rune 4355) (<= 4357 rune 4359) (= 4361 rune) (<= 4363 rune 4364) (<= 4366 rune 4370)
+                     (= 4412 rune) (= 4414 rune) (= 4416 rune) (= 4428 rune) (= 4430 rune) (= 4432 rune) (<= 4436 rune 4437) (= 4441 rune)
+                     (<= 4447 rune 4449) (= 4451 rune) (= 4453 rune) (= 4455 rune) (= 4457 rune) (<= 4461 rune 4462) (<= 4466 rune 4467)
+                     (= 4469 rune) (= 4510 rune) (= 4520 rune) (= 4523 rune) (<= 4526 rune 4527) (<= 4535 rune 4536) (= 4538 rune)
+                     (<= 4540 rune 4546) (= 4587 rune) (= 4592 rune) (= 4601 rune) (<= 7680 rune 7835) (<= 7840 rune 7929)
+                     (<= 7936 rune 7957) (<= 7960 rune 7965) (<= 7968 rune 8005) (<= 8008 rune 8013) (<= 8016 rune 8023)
+                     (= 8025 rune) (= 8027 rune) (= 8029 rune) (<= 8031 rune 8061) (<= 8064 rune 8116) (<= 8118 rune 8124) (= 8126 rune)
+                     (<= 8130 rune 8132) (<= 8134 rune 8140) (<= 8144 rune 8147) (<= 8150 rune 8155) (<= 8160 rune 8172)
+                     (<= 8178 rune 8180) (<= 8182 rune 8188) (= 8486 rune) (<= 8490 rune 8491) (= 8494 rune) (<= 8576 rune 8578)
+                     (<= 12353 rune 12436) (<= 12449 rune 12538) (<= 12549 rune 12588) (<= 44032 rune 55203))))
+             (ideographic-rune-p (rune)
+               (or (<= 19968 rune 40869) (= 12295 rune) (<= 12321 rune 12329)))
+             (predicate-to-bv (p)
+               (let ((r (make-array +max+ :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)))
+                 (dotimes (i #x10000 r)
+                   (when (funcall p i)
+                     (setf (aref r i) 1))))) )
+          `(progn
+               (SETF RUNE (RUNE-CODE RUNE))
+               (AND (<= 0 RUNE ,+max+)
+                    (LOCALLY (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE (SAFETY 0) (SPEED 3)))
+                             (= 1 (SBIT ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-rune-p)
+                                        (THE FIXNUM RUNE))))))
+               (SETF RUNE (RUNE-CODE RUNE))
+               (AND (<= 0 RUNE ,+MAX+)
+                    (LOCALLY (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE (SAFETY 0) (SPEED 3)))
+                             (= 1 (SBIT ',(predicate-to-bv #'name-start-rune-p)
+                                        (THE FIXNUM RUNE)))))))) ))))

Added: vendor/cxml/xml-parse.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/xml-parse.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/xml-parse.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,3544 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CXML; readtable: runes; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: XML parser
+;;;   Created: 1999-07-17
+;;;    Author: Gilbert Baumann <unk6 at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
+;;;    Author: Henrik Motakef <hmot at henrik-motakef.de>
+;;;    Author: David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com>
+;;;   License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  © copyright 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
+;;;  © copyright 2003 by Henrik Motakef
+;;;  © copyright 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
+;;;  © copyright 2004 David Lichteblau
+;;;  © copyright 2005 David Lichteblau
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+;;; Streams
+;;; xstreams
+;; For reading runes, I defined my own streams, called xstreams,
+;; because we want to be fast. A function call or even a method call
+;; per character is not acceptable, instead of that we define a
+;; buffered stream with and advertised buffer layout, so that we
+;; could use the trick stdio uses: READ-RUNE and PEEK-RUNE are macros,
+;; directly accessing the buffer and only calling some underflow
+;; handler in case of stream underflows. This will yield to quite a
+;; performance boost vs calling READ-BYTE per character.
+;; Also we need to do encoding t conversion on ; this better done at large chunks of data rather than on a character
+;; by character basis. This way we need a dispatch on the active
+;; encoding only once in a while, instead of for each character. This
+;; allows us to use a CLOS interface to do the underflow handling.
+;;; zstreams
+;; Now, for reading tokens, we define another kind of streams, called
+;; zstreams. These zstreams also maintain an input stack to implement
+;; inclusion of external entities. This input stack contains xstreams
+;; or the special marker :STOP. Such a :STOP marker indicates, that
+;; input should not continue there, but well stop; that is simulate an
+;; EOF. The user is then responsible to pop this marker off the input
+;; stack.
+;; This input stack is also used to detect circular entity inclusion.
+;; The zstream tokenizer recognizes the following types of tokens and
+;; is controlled by the *DATA-BEHAVIOUR* flag. (Which should become a
+;; slot of zstreams instead).
+;; Common
+;;    :xml-decl (<target> . <content>)    ;processing-instruction starting with "<?xml"
+;;    :pi (<target> . <content>)        ;processing-instruction
+;;    :stag (<name> . <atts>)           ;start tag
+;;    :etag (<name> . <atts>)           ;end tag
+;;    :ztag (<name> . <atts>)           ;empty tag
+;;    :<!element
+;;    :<!entity
+;;    :<!attlist
+;;    :<!notation
+;;    :<!doctype
+;;    :<![
+;;    :comment <content>
+;; *data-behaviour* = :DTD
+;;    :nmtoken <interned-rod>
+;;    :#required
+;;    :#implied
+;;    :#fixed
+;;    :#pcdata
+;;    :s
+;;    :\[ :\] :\( :\) :|\ :\> :\" :\' :\, :\? :\* :\+
+;; *data-behaviour* = :DOC
+;;    :entity-ref <interned-rod>
+;;    :cdata <rod>
+;;; TODO
+;; o provide for a faster DOM
+;; o morph zstream into a context object and thus also get rid of
+;;   special variables. Put the current DTD there too.
+;;   [partly done]
+;; o the *scratch-pad* hack should become something much more
+;;   reentrant, we could either define a system-wide resource
+;;   or allocate some scratch-pads per context.
+;;   [for thread-safety reasons the array are allocated per context now,
+;;   reentrancy is still open]
+;; o CR handling in utf-16 deocders
+;; o UCS-4 reader
+;; o max depth together with circle detection
+;;   (or proof, that our circle detection is enough).
+;;   [gemeint ist zstream-push--david]
+;; o better extensibility wrt character representation, one may want to
+;;   have
+;;    - UCS-4  in vectoren
+;; o xstreams auslagern, documententieren und dann auch in SGML und
+;;   CSS parser verwenden. (halt alles was zeichen liest).
+;;   [ausgelagert sind sie; dokumentiert "so la la"; die Reintegration
+;;   in Closure ist ein ganz anderes Thema]
+;; o recording of source locations for nodes.
+;; o based on the DTD and xml:space attribute implement HTML white
+;;   space rules.
+;; o on a parser option, do not expand external entities.
+;;;; Validity constraints:
+;;;; (00) Root Element Type                     like (03), c.f. MAKE-ROOT-MODEL
+;;;; (01) Proper Declaration/PE Nesting         P/MARKUP-DECL
+;;;; (02) Standalone Document Declaration       all over the place [*]
+;;;; (03) Element Valid                         VALIDATE-*-ELEMENT, -CHARACTERS
+;;;; (04) Attribute Value Type                  VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (05) Unique Element Type Declaration       DEFINE-ELEMENT
+;;;; (06) Proper Group/PE Nesting               P/CSPEC
+;;;; (07) No Duplicate Types                    LEGAL-CONTENT-MODEL-P
+;;;; (08) ID                                    VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (09) One ID per Element Type               DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (10) ID Attribute Default                  DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (11) IDREF                                 VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE, P/DOCUMENT
+;;;; (12) Entity Name                           VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (13) Name Token                            VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (14) Notation Attributes                   VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE, P/ATT-TYPE
+;;;; (15) One Notation Per Element Type         DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (16) No Notation on Empty Element          DEFINE-ELEMENT, -ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (17) Enumeration                           VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (18) Required Attribute                    PROCESS-ATTRIBUTES
+;;;; (19) Attribute Default Legal               DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (20) Fixed Attribute Default               VALIDATE-ATTRIBUTE
+;;;; (21) Proper Conditional Section/PE Nesting P/CONDITIONAL-SECT, ...
+;;;; (22) Entity Declared                       [**]
+;;;; (23) Notation Declared                     P/ENTITY-DEF, P/DOCUMENT
+;;;; (24) Unique Notation Name                  DEFINE-NOTATION
+;;;; [*] Perhaps we could revert the explicit checks of (02), if we did
+;;;; _not_ read external subsets of standalone documents when parsing in
+;;;; validating mode.  Violations of VC (02) constraints would then appear as
+;;;; wellformedness violations, right?
+;;;; [**] Although I haven't investigated this properly yet, I believe that
+;;;; we check this VC together with the WFC even in non-validating mode.
+(in-package :cxml)
+(setf (excl:named-readtable :runes) *readtable*)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defparameter *fast* '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+  ;;(defparameter *fast* '(optimize (speed 2) (safety 3)))
+  )
+;;; parser context
+(defvar *ctx* nil)
+(defstruct (context (:conc-name nil))
+  handler
+  (dtd nil)
+  model-stack
+  (referenced-notations '())
+  (id-table (%make-rod-hash-table))
+  ;; FIXME: Wofuer ist name-hashtable da?  Will man das wissen?
+  (name-hashtable (make-rod-hashtable :size 2000))
+  (standalone-p nil)
+  (entity-resolver nil)
+  (disallow-internal-subset nil)
+  main-zstream)
+(defvar *expand-pe-p* nil)
+(defparameter *namespace-bindings*
+  '((#"" . nil)
+    (#"xmlns" . #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+    (#"xml" . #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; xstreams
+(defstruct (stream-name
+	    (:print-function print-stream-name))
+  entity-name
+  entity-kind
+  uri)
+(defun print-stream-name (object stream depth)
+  (declare (ignore depth))
+  (format stream "[~A ~S ~A]"
+	  (rod-string (stream-name-entity-name object))
+	  (stream-name-entity-kind object)
+	  (stream-name-uri object)))
+(deftype read-element () 'rune)
+(defun call-with-open-xstream (fn stream)
+  (unwind-protect
+      (funcall fn stream)
+    (close-xstream stream)))
+(defmacro with-open-xstream ((var value) &body body)
+  `(call-with-open-xstream (lambda (,var) , at body) ,value))
+(defun call-with-open-xfile (continuation &rest open-args)
+  (let ((input (apply #'open (car open-args) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) (cdr open-args))))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (progn
+          (funcall continuation (make-xstream input)))
+      (close input))))
+(defmacro with-open-xfile ((stream &rest open-args) &body body)
+  `(call-with-open-xfile (lambda (,stream) .,body) .,open-args))
+;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Rechnen mit Runen
+;; Let us first define fast fixnum arithmetric get rid of type
+;; checks. (After all we know what we do here).
+(defmacro fx-op (op &rest xs)
+  `(the fixnum (,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs))))
+(defmacro fx-pred (op &rest xs)
+  `(,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the fixnum ,x)) xs)))
+(defmacro %+   (&rest xs) `(fx-op + , at xs))
+(defmacro %-   (&rest xs) `(fx-op - , at xs))
+(defmacro %*   (&rest xs) `(fx-op * , at xs))
+(defmacro %/   (&rest xs) `(fx-op floor , at xs))
+(defmacro %and (&rest xs) `(fx-op logand , at xs))
+(defmacro %ior (&rest xs) `(fx-op logior , at xs))
+(defmacro %xor (&rest xs) `(fx-op logxor , at xs))
+(defmacro %ash (&rest xs) `(fx-op ash , at xs))
+(defmacro %mod (&rest xs) `(fx-op mod , at xs))
+(defmacro %=  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred = , at xs))
+(defmacro %<= (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred <= , at xs))
+(defmacro %>= (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred >= , at xs))
+(defmacro %<  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred < , at xs))
+(defmacro %>  (&rest xs)  `(fx-pred > , at xs))
+;;; XXX Geschwindigkeit dieser Definitionen untersuchen!
+(defmacro rune-op (op &rest xs)
+  `(code-rune (,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(rune-code ,x)) xs))))
+(defmacro rune-pred (op &rest xs)
+  `(,op ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(rune-code ,x)) xs)))
+(defmacro %rune+   (&rest xs) `(rune-op + , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-   (&rest xs) `(rune-op - , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune*   (&rest xs) `(rune-op * , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune/   (&rest xs) `(rune-op floor , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-and (&rest xs) `(rune-op logand , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-ior (&rest xs) `(rune-op logior , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-xor (&rest xs) `(rune-op logxor , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune-ash (a b) `(code-rune (ash (rune-code ,a) ,b)))
+(defmacro %rune-mod (&rest xs) `(rune-op mod , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune=  (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred = , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune<= (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred <= , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune>= (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred >= , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune<  (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred < , at xs))
+(defmacro %rune>  (&rest xs)  `(rune-pred > , at xs))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; rod hashtable
+;;; make-rod-hashtable
+;;; rod-hash-get hashtable rod &optional start end -> value ; successp
+;;; (setf (rod-hash-get hashtable rod &optional start end) new-value
+(defstruct (rod-hashtable (:constructor make-rod-hashtable/low))
+  size          ;size of table
+  table         ;
+  )
+(defun make-rod-hashtable (&key (size 200))
+  (setf size (nearest-greater-prime size))
+  (make-rod-hashtable/low
+   :size size
+   :table (make-array size :initial-element nil)))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defconstant +fixnum-bits+
+      (1- (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))
+    "Pessimistic approximation of the number of bits of fixnums.")
+  (defconstant +fixnum-mask+
+      (1- (expt 2 +fixnum-bits+))
+    "Pessimistic approximation of the largest bit-mask, still being a fixnum."))
+(definline stir (a b)
+  (%and +fixnum-mask+
+        (%xor (%ior (%ash (%and a #.(ash +fixnum-mask+ -5)) 5)
+                    (%ash a #.(- 5 +fixnum-bits+)))
+              b)))
+(definline rod-hash (rod start end)
+  "Compute a hash code out of a rod."
+  (let ((res (%- end start)))
+    (do ((i start (%+ i 1)))
+        ((%= i end))
+      (declare (type fixnum i))
+      (setf res (stir res (rune-code (%rune rod i)))))
+    res))
+(definline rod=* (x y &key (start1 0) (end1 (length x))
+                          (start2 0) (end2 (length y)))
+  (and (%= (%- end1 start1) (%- end2 start2))
+       (do ((i start1 (%+ i 1))
+            (j start2 (%+ j 1)))
+           ((%= i end1)
+            t)
+         (unless (rune= (%rune x i) (%rune y j))
+           (return nil)))))
+(definline rod=** (x y start1 end1 start2 end2)
+  (and (%= (%- end1 start1) (%- end2 start2))
+       (do ((i start1 (%+ i 1))
+            (j start2 (%+ j 1)))
+           ((%= i end1)
+            t)
+         (unless (rune= (%rune x i) (%rune y j))
+           (return nil)))))
+(defun rod-hash-get (hashtable rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) rod))
+  (let ((j (%mod (rod-hash rod start end)
+                 (rod-hashtable-size hashtable))))
+    (dolist (q (svref (rod-hashtable-table hashtable) j)
+               (values nil nil nil))
+      (declare (type cons q))
+      (when (rod=** (car q) rod 0 (length (the (simple-array rune (*)) (car q))) start end)
+        (return (values (cdr q) t (car q)))))))
+(defun rod-hash-set (new-value hashtable rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (let ((j (%mod (rod-hash rod start end)
+                 (rod-hashtable-size hashtable)))
+        (key nil))
+    (dolist (q (svref (rod-hashtable-table hashtable) j)
+              (progn
+                (setf key (rod-subseq* rod start end))
+                (push (cons key new-value)
+                      (aref (rod-hashtable-table hashtable) j))))
+      (when (rod=* (car q) rod :start2 start :end2 end)
+        (setf key (car q))
+        (setf (cdr q) new-value)
+        (return)))
+    (values new-value key)))
+(defun rod-subseq* (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (unless (and (typep start 'fixnum) (>= start 0))
+    (error "~S is not a non-negative fixnum." start))
+  (unless (and (typep end 'fixnum) (>= end start))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, is not a fixnum no less than START, ~S." end start))
+  (when (> start (length source))
+    (error "START argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." start))
+  (when (> end (length source))
+    (error "END argument, ~S, should be no greater than length of rod." end))
+  (locally
+      (declare (type fixnum start end))
+    (let ((res (make-rod (- end start))))
+      (declare (type rod res))
+      (do ((i (- (- end start) 1) (the fixnum (- i 1))))
+          ((< i 0) res)
+        (declare (type fixnum i))
+        (setf (%rune res i) (aref source (the fixnum (+ i start))))))))
+(defun rod-subseq* (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (subseq source start end))
+(deftype ufixnum () `(unsigned-byte ,(integer-length most-positive-fixnum)))
+(defun rod-subseq** (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) source)
+           (type ufixnum start)
+           (type ufixnum end)
+           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+  (let ((res (make-array (%- end start) :element-type 'rune)))
+    (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) res))
+    (let ((i (%- end start)))
+      (declare (type ufixnum i))
+      (loop
+        (setf i (- i 1))
+        (when (= i 0)
+          (return))
+        (setf (%rune res i) (%rune source (the ufixnum (+ i start))))))
+    res))
+(defun rod-subseq** (source start &optional (end (length source)))
+  (subseq source start end))
+(defun (setf rod-hash-get) (new-value hashtable rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (rod-hash-set new-value hashtable rod start end))
+(defun intern-name (rod &optional (start 0) (end (length rod)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (value successp key) (rod-hash-get (name-hashtable *ctx*) rod start end)
+    (declare (ignore value))
+    (if successp
+        key
+      (nth-value 1 (rod-hash-set t (name-hashtable *ctx*) rod start end)))))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  rod collector
+(defvar *scratch-pad*)
+(defvar *scratch-pad-2*)
+(defvar *scratch-pad-3*)
+(defvar *scratch-pad-4*)
+(declaim (type (simple-array rune (*))
+               *scratch-pad* *scratch-pad-2* *scratch-pad-3* *scratch-pad-4*))
+(defmacro with-scratch-pads ((&optional) &body body)
+  `(let ((*scratch-pad* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune))
+         (*scratch-pad-2* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune))
+         (*scratch-pad-3* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune))
+         (*scratch-pad-4* (make-array 1024 :element-type 'rune)))
+     , at body))
+(defmacro %put-unicode-char (code-var put)
+  `(progn
+     (cond ((%> ,code-var #xFFFF)
+          (,put (the rune (code-rune (%+ #xD7C0 (%ash ,code-var -10)))))
+          (,put (the rune (code-rune (%ior #xDC00 (%and ,code-var #x03FF))))))
+         (t
+          (,put (code-rune ,code-var))))))
+(defun adjust-array-by-copying (old-array new-size)
+  "Adjust an array by copying and thus ensures, that result is a SIMPLE-ARRAY."
+  (let ((res (make-array new-size :element-type (array-element-type old-array))))
+    (replace res old-array
+             :start1 0 :end1 (length old-array)
+             :start2 0 :end2 (length old-array))
+    res))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-aux (scratch collect body mode)
+  (let ((rod (gensym))
+        (n (gensym))
+        (i (gensym))
+        (b (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,n (length ,scratch))
+           (,i 0)
+           (,b ,scratch))
+       (declare (type fixnum ,n ,i))
+       (macrolet
+           ((,collect (x)
+              `((lambda (x)
+                  (locally
+                      (declare #.*fast*)
+                    (when (%>= ,',i ,',n)
+                      (setf ,',n (* 2 ,',n))
+                      (setf ,',b
+                            (setf ,',scratch
+                                  (adjust-array-by-copying ,',scratch ,',n))))
+                    (setf (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,',b) ,',i) x)
+                    (incf ,',i)))
+                ,x)))
+         , at body
+         ,(ecase mode
+            (:intern
+             `(intern-name ,b 0 ,i))
+            (:copy
+             `(let ((,rod (make-rod ,i)))
+                (while (not (%= ,i 0))
+                       (setf ,i (%- ,i 1))
+                       (setf (%rune ,rod ,i)
+                         (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,b) ,i)))
+                ,rod))
+            (:raw
+             `(values ,b 0 ,i))
+            )))))
+'(defmacro with-rune-collector-aux (scratch collect body mode)
+  (let ((rod (gensym))
+        (n (gensym))
+        (i (gensym))
+        (b (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,n (length ,scratch))
+           (,i 0))
+       (declare (type fixnum ,n ,i))
+       (macrolet
+           ((,collect (x)
+              `((lambda (x)
+                  (locally
+                      (declare #.*fast*)
+                    (when (%>= ,',i ,',n)
+                      (setf ,',n (* 2 ,',n))
+                      (setf ,',scratch
+                            (setf ,',scratch
+                                  (adjust-array-by-copying ,',scratch ,',n))))
+                    (setf (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,',scratch) ,',i) x)
+                    (incf ,',i)))
+                ,x)))
+         , at body
+         ,(ecase mode
+            (:intern
+             `(intern-name ,scratch 0 ,i))
+            (:copy
+             `(let ((,rod (make-rod ,i)))
+                (while (%> ,i 0)
+                       (setf ,i (%- ,i 1))
+                       (setf (%rune ,rod ,i)
+                         (aref (the (simple-array rune (*)) ,scratch) ,i)))
+                ,rod))
+            (:raw
+             `(values ,scratch 0 ,i))
+            )))))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-2 ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad-2* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-3 ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad-3* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector-4 ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad-4* ,collect ,body :copy))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector/intern ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad* ,collect ,body :intern))
+(defmacro with-rune-collector/raw ((collect) &body body)
+  `(with-rune-collector-aux *scratch-pad* ,collect ,body :raw))
+(defmacro while-reading-runes ((reader stream-in) &rest body)
+  ;; Thou shalt not leave body via a non local exit
+  (let ((stream (make-symbol "STREAM"))
+        (rptr (make-symbol "RPTR"))
+        (fptr (make-symbol "FPTR"))
+        (buf  (make-symbol "BUF")) )
+    `(let* ((,stream ,stream-in)
+            (,rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,stream))
+            (,fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,stream))
+            (,buf  (xstream-buffer ,stream)))
+       (declare (type fixnum ,rptr ,fptr)
+                (type xstream ,stream))
+       (macrolet ((,reader (res-var)
+                    `(cond ((%= ,',rptr ,',fptr)
+                            (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,',stream) ,',rptr)
+                            (setf ,res-var (xstream-underflow ,',stream))
+                            (setf ,',rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,',stream))
+                            (setf ,',fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,',stream))
+                            (setf ,',buf  (xstream-buffer ,',stream)))
+                           (t
+                            (setf ,res-var
+                              (aref (the (simple-array read-element (*)) ,',buf)
+                                    (the fixnum ,',rptr)))
+                            (setf ,',rptr (%+ ,',rptr 1))))))
+         (prog1
+             (let () .,body)
+           (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,stream) ,rptr) )))))
+;;;;  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  DTD
+(define-condition xml-parse-error (simple-error) ())
+(define-condition well-formedness-violation (xml-parse-error) ())
+(define-condition validity-error (xml-parse-error) ())
+;; We make some effort to signal end of file as a special condition, but we
+;; don't actually try very hard.  Not sure whether we should.  Right now I
+;; would prefer not to document this class.
+(define-condition end-of-xstream (well-formedness-violation) ())
+(defun describe-xstream (x s)
+  (format s "  Line ~D, column ~D in ~A~%"
+	  (xstream-line-number x)
+	  (xstream-column-number x)
+	  (let ((name (xstream-name x)))
+	    (cond
+	      ((null name)
+		"<anonymous stream>")
+	      ((eq :main (stream-name-entity-kind name))
+		(stream-name-uri name))
+	      (t
+		name)))))
+(defun %error (class stream message)
+  (let* ((zmain (if *ctx* (main-zstream *ctx*) nil))
+	 (zstream (if (zstream-p stream) stream zmain))
+	 (xstream (if (xstream-p stream) stream nil))
+	 (s (make-string-output-stream)))
+    (write-line message s)
+    (when xstream
+      (write-line "Location:" s)
+      (describe-xstream xstream s))
+    (when zstream
+      (let ((stack
+	     (remove xstream (remove :stop (zstream-input-stack zstream)))))
+	(when stack
+	  (write-line "Context:" s)
+	  (dolist (x stack)
+	    (describe-xstream x s)))))
+    (when (and zmain (not (eq zstream zmain)))
+      (let ((stack
+	     (remove xstream (remove :stop (zstream-input-stack zmain)))))
+	(when stack
+	  (write-line "Context in main document:" s)
+	  (dolist (x stack)
+	    (describe-xstream x s)))))
+    (error class
+	   :format-control "~A"
+	   :format-arguments (list (get-output-stream-string s)))))
+(defun validity-error (fmt &rest args)
+  (%error 'validity-error
+	  nil
+	  (format nil "Document not valid: ~?" fmt args)))
+(defun wf-error (stream fmt &rest args)
+  (%error 'well-formedness-violation
+	  stream
+	  (format nil "Document not well-formed: ~?" fmt args)))
+(defun eox (stream &optional x &rest args)
+  (%error 'end-of-xstream
+	  stream
+	  (format nil "End of file~@[: ~?~]" x args)))
+(defvar *validate* t)
+(defvar *external-subset-p* nil)
+(defun validate-start-element (ctx name)
+  (when *validate*
+    (let* ((pair (car (model-stack ctx)))
+           (newval (funcall (car pair) name)))
+      (unless newval
+        (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: ~A" (rod-string name)))
+      (setf (car pair) newval)
+      (let ((e (find-element name (dtd ctx))))
+        (unless e
+          (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: no definition for ~A"
+                          (rod-string name)))
+        (maybe-compile-cspec e)
+        (push (copy-cons (elmdef-compiled-cspec e)) (model-stack ctx))))))
+(defun copy-cons (x)
+  (cons (car x) (cdr x)))
+(defun validate-end-element (ctx name)
+  (when *validate*
+    (let ((pair (car (model-stack ctx))))
+      (unless (eq (funcall (car pair) nil) t)
+        (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: ~A" (rod-string name)))
+      (pop (model-stack ctx)))))
+(defun validate-characters (ctx rod)
+  (when *validate*
+    (let ((pair (car (model-stack ctx))))
+      (unless (funcall (cdr pair) rod)
+        (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: unexpected PCDATA")))))
+(defun standalone-check-necessary-p (def)
+  (and *validate*
+       (standalone-p *ctx*)
+       (etypecase def
+         (elmdef (elmdef-external-p def))
+         (attdef (attdef-external-p def)))))
+;; attribute validation, defaulting, and normalization -- except for for
+;; uniqueness checks, which are done after namespaces have been declared
+(defun process-attributes (ctx name attlist)
+  (let ((e (find-element name (dtd ctx))))
+    (cond
+      (e
+        (dolist (ad (elmdef-attributes e)) ;handle default values
+          (unless (get-attribute (attdef-name ad) attlist)
+            (case (attdef-default ad)
+              (:IMPLIED)
+              (:REQUIRED
+                (when *validate*
+                  (validity-error "(18) Required Attribute: ~S not specified"
+                                  (rod-string (attdef-name ad)))))
+              (t
+                (when (standalone-check-necessary-p ad)
+                  (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: missing attribute value"))
+                (push (sax:make-attribute :qname (attdef-name ad)
+					  :value (cadr (attdef-default ad))
+					  :specified-p nil)
+                      attlist)))))
+        (dolist (a attlist)		;normalize non-CDATA values
+          (let* ((qname (sax:attribute-qname a))
+                 (adef (find-attribute e qname)))
+	    (when adef
+	      (when (and *validate*
+			 sax:*namespace-processing*
+			 (eq (attdef-type adef) :ID)
+			 (find #/: (sax:attribute-value a)))
+		(validity-error "colon in ID attribute"))
+	      (unless (eq (attdef-type adef) :CDATA)
+		(let ((canon (canon-not-cdata-attval (sax:attribute-value a))))
+		  (when (and (standalone-check-necessary-p adef)
+			     (not (rod= (sax:attribute-value a) canon)))
+		    (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: attribute value not normalized"))
+		  (setf (sax:attribute-value a) canon))))))
+        (when *validate*		;maybe validate attribute values
+          (dolist (a attlist)
+            (validate-attribute ctx e a))))
+      ((and *validate* attlist)
+        (validity-error "(04) Attribute Value Type: no definition for element ~A"
+                        (rod-string name)))))
+  attlist)
+(defun get-attribute (name attributes)
+  (member name attributes :key #'sax:attribute-qname :test #'rod=))
+(defun validate-attribute (ctx e a)
+  (when (sax:attribute-specified-p a)   ;defaults checked by DEFINE-ATTRIBUTE
+    (let* ((qname (sax:attribute-qname a))
+           (adef
+            (or (find-attribute e qname)
+                (validity-error "(04) Attribute Value Type: not declared: ~A"
+                                (rod-string qname)))))
+      (validate-attribute* ctx adef (sax:attribute-value a)))))
+(defun validate-attribute* (ctx adef value)
+  (let ((type (attdef-type adef))
+        (default (attdef-default adef)))
+    (when (and (listp default)
+               (eq (car default) :FIXED)
+               (not (rod= value (cadr default))))
+      (validity-error "(20) Fixed Attribute Default: expected ~S but got ~S"
+                      (rod-string (cadr default))
+                      (rod-string value)))
+    (ecase (if (listp type) (car type) type)
+      (:ID
+        (unless (valid-name-p value)
+          (validity-error "(08) ID: not a name: ~S" (rod-string value)))
+        (when (eq (gethash value (id-table ctx)) t)
+          (validity-error "(08) ID: ~S not unique" (rod-string value)))
+        (setf (gethash value (id-table ctx)) t))
+      (:IDREF
+        (validate-idref ctx value))
+      (:IDREFS
+        (let ((names (split-names value)))
+          (unless names
+            (validity-error "(11) IDREF: malformed names"))
+          (mapc (curry #'validate-idref ctx) names)))
+      (:NMTOKEN
+        (validate-nmtoken value))
+      (:NMTOKENS
+        (let ((tokens (split-names value)))
+          (unless tokens
+            (validity-error "(13) Name Token: malformed NMTOKENS"))
+          (mapc #'validate-nmtoken tokens)))
+        (unless (member value (cdr type) :test #'rod=)
+          (validity-error "(17) Enumeration: value not declared: ~S"
+                          (rod-string value))))
+      (:NOTATION
+        (unless (member value (cdr type) :test #'rod=)
+          (validity-error "(14) Notation Attributes: ~S" (rod-string value))))
+      (:ENTITY
+        (validate-entity value))
+      (:ENTITIES
+        (let ((names (split-names value)))
+          (unless names
+            (validity-error "(13) Name Token: malformed NMTOKENS"))
+          (mapc #'validate-entity names)))
+      (:CDATA))))
+(defun validate-idref (ctx value)
+  (unless (valid-name-p value)
+    (validity-error "(11) IDREF: not a name: ~S" (rod-string value)))
+  (unless (gethash value (id-table ctx))
+    (setf (gethash value (id-table ctx)) nil)))
+(defun validate-nmtoken (value)
+  (unless (valid-nmtoken-p value)
+    (validity-error "(13) Name Token: not a NMTOKEN: ~S"
+                    (rod-string value))))
+(defstruct (entdef (:constructor)))
+(defstruct (internal-entdef
+            (:include entdef)
+            (:constructor make-internal-entdef (value))
+            (:conc-name #:entdef-))
+  (value (error "missing argument") :type rod)
+  (expansion nil)
+  (external-subset-p *external-subset-p*))
+(defstruct (external-entdef
+            (:include entdef)
+            (:constructor make-external-entdef (extid ndata))
+            (:conc-name #:entdef-))
+  (extid (error "missing argument") :type extid)
+  (ndata nil :type (or rod null)))
+(defun validate-entity (value)
+  (unless (valid-name-p value)
+    (validity-error "(12) Entity Name: not a name: ~S" (rod-string value)))
+  (let ((def (let ((*validate*
+                    ;; Similarly the entity refs are internal and
+                    ;; don't need normalization ... the unparsed
+                    ;; entities (and entities) aren't "references"
+                    ;;   -- sun/valid/sa03.xml
+                    nil))
+               (get-entity-definition value :general (dtd *ctx*)))))
+    (unless (and (typep def 'external-entdef) (entdef-ndata def))
+      ;; unparsed entity
+      (validity-error "(12) Entity Name: ~S" (rod-string value)))))
+(defun split-names (rod)
+  (flet ((whitespacep (x)
+           (or (rune= x #/U+0009)
+               (rune= x #/U+000A)
+               (rune= x #/U+000D)
+               (rune= x #/U+0020))))
+    (if (let ((n (length rod)))
+          (and (not (zerop n))
+               (or (whitespacep (rune rod 0))
+                   (whitespacep (rune rod (1- n))))))
+        nil
+        (split-sequence-if #'whitespacep rod :remove-empty-subseqs t))))
+(defun zstream-base-sysid (zstream)
+  (let ((base-sysid
+         (dolist (k (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+           (let ((base-sysid (stream-name-uri (xstream-name k))))
+             (when base-sysid (return base-sysid))))))
+    base-sysid))
+(defun absolute-uri (sysid source-stream)
+  (let ((base-sysid (zstream-base-sysid source-stream)))
+    ;; XXX is the IF correct?
+    (if base-sysid
+        (puri:merge-uris sysid base-sysid)
+        sysid)))
+(defstruct (extid (:constructor make-extid (public system)))
+  (public nil :type (or rod null))
+  (system (error "missing argument") :type (or puri:uri null)))
+(defun absolute-extid (source-stream extid)
+  (let ((sysid (extid-system extid))
+        (result (copy-extid extid)))
+    (setf (extid-system result) (absolute-uri sysid source-stream))
+    result))
+(defun define-entity (source-stream name kind def)
+  (setf name (intern-name name))
+  (when (and sax:*namespace-processing* (find #/: name))
+    (wf-error source-stream "colon in entity name"))
+  (let ((table
+         (ecase kind
+           (:general (dtd-gentities (dtd *ctx*)))
+           (:parameter (dtd-pentities (dtd *ctx*))))))
+    (unless (gethash name table)
+      (when (and source-stream (handler *ctx*))
+        (report-entity (handler *ctx*) kind name def))
+      (when (typep def 'external-entdef)
+        (setf (entdef-extid def)
+              (absolute-extid source-stream (entdef-extid def))))
+      (setf (gethash name table)
+            (cons *external-subset-p* def)))))
+(defun get-entity-definition (entity-name kind dtd)
+  (unless dtd
+    (wf-error nil "entity not defined: ~A" (rod-string entity-name)))
+  (destructuring-bind (extp &rest def)
+      (gethash entity-name
+               (ecase kind
+                 (:general (dtd-gentities dtd))
+                 (:parameter (dtd-pentities dtd)))
+               '(nil))
+    (when (and *validate* (standalone-p *ctx*) extp)
+      (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: entity reference: ~S"
+                      (rod-string entity-name)))
+    def))
+(defun entity->xstream (zstream entity-name kind &optional internalp)
+  ;; `zstream' is for error messages
+  (let ((def (get-entity-definition entity-name kind (dtd *ctx*))))
+    (unless def
+      (wf-error zstream "Entity '~A' is not defined." (rod-string entity-name)))
+    (let (r)
+      (etypecase def
+        (internal-entdef
+	 (when (and (standalone-p *ctx*)
+		    (entdef-external-subset-p def))
+	   (wf-error
+	    zstream
+	    "entity declared in external subset, but document is standalone"))
+         (setf r (make-rod-xstream (entdef-value def)))
+         (setf (xstream-name r)
+           (make-stream-name :entity-name entity-name
+                             :entity-kind kind
+                             :uri nil)))
+        (external-entdef
+         (when internalp
+	   (wf-error zstream
+		     "entity not internal: ~A" (rod-string entity-name)))
+         (when (entdef-ndata def)
+	   (wf-error zstream
+		     "reference to unparsed entity: ~A"
+		     (rod-string entity-name)))
+         (setf r (xstream-open-extid (extid-using-catalog (entdef-extid def))))
+         (setf (stream-name-entity-name (xstream-name r)) entity-name
+               (stream-name-entity-kind (xstream-name r)) kind)))
+      r)))
+(defun checked-get-entdef (name type)
+  (let ((def (get-entity-definition name type (dtd *ctx*))))
+    (unless def
+      (wf-error nil "Entity '~A' is not defined." (rod-string name)))
+    def))
+(defun xstream-open-extid (extid)
+  (let* ((sysid (extid-system extid))
+         (stream
+          (or (funcall (or (entity-resolver *ctx*) (constantly nil))
+                       (extid-public extid)
+                       (extid-system extid))
+              (open (uri-to-pathname sysid)
+                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                    :direction :input))))
+    (make-xstream stream
+                  :name (make-stream-name :uri sysid)
+                  :initial-speed 1)))
+(defun call-with-entity-expansion-as-stream (zstream cont name kind internalp)
+  ;; `zstream' is for error messages
+  (let ((in (entity->xstream zstream name kind internalp)))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (funcall cont in)
+      (close-xstream in))))
+(defun ensure-dtd ()
+  (unless (dtd *ctx*)
+    (setf (dtd *ctx*) (make-dtd))
+    (define-default-entities)))
+(defun define-default-entities ()
+  (define-entity nil #"lt"   :general (make-internal-entdef #"<"))
+  (define-entity nil #"gt"   :general (make-internal-entdef #">"))
+  (define-entity nil #"amp"  :general (make-internal-entdef #"&"))
+  (define-entity nil #"apos" :general (make-internal-entdef #"'"))
+  (define-entity nil #"quot" :general (make-internal-entdef #"\"")))
+(defstruct attdef
+  ;; an attribute definition
+  element       ;name of element this attribute belongs to
+  name          ;name of attribute
+  type          ;type of attribute; either one of :CDATA, :ID, :IDREF, :IDREFS,
+                ; :ENTITY, :ENTITIES, :NMTOKEN, :NMTOKENS, or
+                ; (:NOTATION <name>*)
+                ; (:ENUMERATION <name>*)
+  default       ;default value of attribute:
+                ; :REQUIRED, :IMPLIED, (:FIXED content) or (:DEFAULT content)
+  (external-p *external-subset-p*)
+  )
+(defstruct elmdef
+  ;; an element definition
+  name          ;name of the element
+  content       ;content model            [*]
+  attributes    ;list of defined attributes
+  compiled-cspec ;cons of validation function for contentspec
+  (external-p *external-subset-p*)
+  )
+;; [*] in XML it is possible to define attributes before the element
+;; itself is defined and since we hang attribute definitions into the
+;; relevant element definitions, the `content' slot indicates whether an
+;; element was actually defined.  It is NIL until set to a content model
+;; when the element type declaration is processed.
+(defun %make-rod-hash-table ()
+  ;; XXX with portable hash tables, this is the only way to case-sensitively
+  ;; use rods.  However, EQUALP often has horrible performance!  Most Lisps
+  ;; provide extensions for user-defined equality, we should use them!  There
+  ;; is also a home-made hash table for rods defined below, written by
+  ;; Gilbert (I think).  We could also use that one, but I would prefer the
+  ;; first method, even if it's unportable.
+  (make-hash-table :test
+                   #+rune-is-character 'equal
+                   #-rune-is-character 'equalp))
+(defstruct dtd
+  (elements (%make-rod-hash-table))     ;elmdefs
+  (gentities (%make-rod-hash-table))    ;general entities
+  (pentities (%make-rod-hash-table))    ;parameter entities
+  (notations (%make-rod-hash-table)))
+(defun make-dtd-cache ()
+  (puri:make-uri-space))
+(defvar *cache-all-dtds* nil)
+(defvar *dtd-cache* (make-dtd-cache))
+(defun remdtd (uri dtd-cache)
+  (setf uri (puri:intern-uri uri dtd-cache))
+  (prog1
+      (and (getf (puri:uri-plist uri) 'dtd) t)
+    (puri:unintern-uri uri dtd-cache)))
+(defun clear-dtd-cache (dtd-cache)
+  (puri:unintern-uri t dtd-cache))
+(defun getdtd (uri dtd-cache)
+  (getf (puri:uri-plist (puri:intern-uri uri dtd-cache)) 'dtd))
+(defun (setf getdtd) (newval uri dtd-cache)
+  (setf (getf (puri:uri-plist (puri:intern-uri uri dtd-cache)) 'dtd) newval)
+  newval)
+(defun find-element (name dtd)
+  (gethash name (dtd-elements dtd)))
+(defun define-element (dtd element-name &optional content-model)
+  (let ((e (find-element element-name dtd)))
+    (cond
+      ((null e)
+        (setf (gethash element-name (dtd-elements dtd))
+              (make-elmdef :name element-name :content content-model)))
+      ((null content-model)
+        e)
+      (t
+        (when *validate*
+          (when (elmdef-content e)
+            (validity-error "(05) Unique Element Type Declaration"))
+          (when (eq content-model :EMPTY)
+            (dolist (ad (elmdef-attributes e))
+              (let ((type (attdef-type ad)))
+                (when (and (listp type) (eq (car type) :NOTATION))
+                  (validity-error "(16) No Notation on Empty Element: ~S"
+                                  (rod-string element-name)))))))
+        (sax:element-declaration (handler *ctx*) element-name content-model)
+        (setf (elmdef-content e) content-model)
+        (setf (elmdef-external-p e) *external-subset-p*)
+        e))))
+(defvar *redefinition-warning* nil)
+(defun define-attribute (dtd element name type default)
+  (let ((adef (make-attdef :element element
+                           :name name
+                           :type type
+                           :default default))
+        (e (or (find-element element dtd)
+               (define-element dtd element))))
+    (when (and *validate* (listp default))
+      (unless (eq (attdef-type adef) :CDATA)
+        (setf (second default) (canon-not-cdata-attval (second default))))
+      (validate-attribute* *ctx* adef (second default)))
+    (cond ((find-attribute e name)
+           (when *redefinition-warning*
+             (warn "Attribute \"~A\" of \"~A\" not redefined."
+                   (rod-string name)
+                   (rod-string element))))
+          (t
+           (when *validate*
+             (when (eq type :ID)
+               (when (find :ID (elmdef-attributes e) :key #'attdef-type)
+                 (validity-error "(09) One ID per Element Type: element ~A"
+                                 (rod-string element)))
+               (unless (member default '(:REQUIRED :IMPLIED))
+                 (validity-error "(10) ID Attribute Default: ~A"
+                                 (rod-string element))))
+             (flet ((notationp (type)
+                      (and (listp type) (eq (car type) :NOTATION))))
+               (when (notationp type)
+                 (when (find-if #'notationp (elmdef-attributes e)
+                                :key #'attdef-type)
+                   (validity-error "(15) One Notation Per Element Type: ~S"
+                                   (rod-string element)))
+                 (when (eq (elmdef-content e) :EMPTY)
+                   (validity-error "(16) No Notation on Empty Element: ~S"
+                                   (rod-string element))))))
+           (sax:attribute-declaration (handler *ctx*) element name type default)
+           (push adef (elmdef-attributes e))))))
+(defun find-attribute (elmdef name)
+  (find name (elmdef-attributes elmdef) :key #'attdef-name :test #'rod=))
+(defun define-notation (dtd name id)
+  (let ((ns (dtd-notations dtd)))
+    (when (gethash name ns)
+      (validity-error "(24) Unique Notation Name: ~S" (rod-string name)))
+    (setf (gethash name ns) id)))
+(defun find-notation (name dtd)
+  (gethash name (dtd-notations dtd)))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  z streams and lexer
+(defstruct zstream
+  token-category
+  token-semantic
+  input-stack)
+(defun read-token (input)
+  (cond ((zstream-token-category input)
+         (multiple-value-prog1
+             (values (zstream-token-category input)
+                     (zstream-token-semantic input))
+           (setf (zstream-token-category input) nil
+                 (zstream-token-semantic input) nil)))
+        (t
+         (read-token-2 input))))
+(defun peek-token (input)
+  (cond ((zstream-token-category input)
+         (values
+          (zstream-token-category input)
+          (zstream-token-semantic input)))
+        (t
+         (multiple-value-bind (c s) (read-token input)
+           (setf (zstream-token-category input) c
+                 (zstream-token-semantic input) s))
+         (values (zstream-token-category input)
+                 (zstream-token-semantic input)))))
+(defun read-token-2 (input)
+  (cond ((null (zstream-input-stack input))
+         (values :eof nil))
+        (t
+         (let ((c (peek-rune (car (zstream-input-stack input)))))
+           (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                  (cond ((eq (cadr (zstream-input-stack input)) :stop)
+                         (values :eof nil))
+                        (t
+                         (close-xstream (pop (zstream-input-stack input)))
+                         (if (null (zstream-input-stack input))
+                             (values :eof nil)
+                           (values :S nil) ;fake #x20 after PE expansion
+                           ))))
+                 (t
+                  (read-token-3 input)))))))
+(defvar *data-behaviour*
+    )           ;either :DTD or :DOC
+(defun read-token-3 (zinput)
+  (let ((input (car (zstream-input-stack zinput))))
+    ;; PI Comment
+    (let ((c (read-rune input)))
+      (cond
+       ;; first the common tokens
+       ((rune= #/< c)
+        (read-token-after-|<| zinput input))
+       ;; now dispatch
+       (t
+        (ecase *data-behaviour*
+          (:DTD
+           (cond ((rune= #/\[ c) :\[)
+                 ((rune= #/\] c) :\])
+                 ((rune= #/\( c) :\()
+                 ((rune= #/\) c) :\))
+                 ((rune= #/\| c) :\|)
+                 ((rune= #/\> c) :\>)
+                 ((rune= #/\" c) :\")
+                 ((rune= #/\' c) :\')
+                 ((rune= #/\, c) :\,)
+                 ((rune= #/\? c) :\?)
+                 ((rune= #/\* c) :\*)
+                 ((rune= #/\+ c) :\+)
+                 ((name-rune-p c)
+                  (unread-rune c input)
+                  (values :nmtoken (read-name-token input)))
+                 ((rune= #/# c)
+                  (let ((q (read-name-token input)))
+                    (cond ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "REQUIRED")) :|#REQUIRED|)
+                          ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "IMPLIED")) :|#IMPLIED|)
+                          ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "FIXED"))   :|#FIXED|)
+                          ((rod= q '#.(string-rod "PCDATA"))  :|#PCDATA|)
+                          (t
+                           (wf-error zinput "Unknown token: ~S." q)))))
+                 ((or (rune= c #/U+0020)
+                      (rune= c #/U+0009)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000D)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000A))
+                  (values :S nil))
+                 ((rune= #/% c)
+                  (cond ((name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+                         ;; an entity reference
+                         (read-pe-reference zinput))
+                        (t
+                         (values :%))))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error zinput "Unexpected character ~S." c))))
+          (:DOC
+           (cond
+            ((rune= c #/&)
+             (multiple-value-bind (kind data) (read-entity-like input)
+               (cond ((eq kind :ENTITY-REFERENCE)
+                      (values :ENTITY-REF data))
+                     ((eq kind :CHARACTER-REFERENCE)
+                      (values :CDATA
+                              (with-rune-collector (collect)
+                                (%put-unicode-char data collect)))))))
+            (t
+             (unread-rune c input)
+             (values :CDATA (read-cdata input)))))))))))
+(definline check-rune (input actual expected)
+  (unless (eql actual expected)
+    (wf-error input "expected #/~A but found #/~A"
+	      (rune-char expected)
+	      (rune-char actual))))
+(defun read-pe-reference (zinput)
+  (let* ((input (car (zstream-input-stack zinput)))
+         (nam (read-name-token input)))
+    (check-rune input #/\; (read-rune input))
+    (cond (*expand-pe-p*
+           ;; no external entities here!
+           (let ((i2 (entity->xstream  zinput nam :parameter)))
+             (zstream-push i2 zinput))
+           (values :S nil) ;space before inserted PE expansion.
+           )
+          (t
+           (values :PE-REFERENCE nam)) )))
+(defun read-token-after-|<| (zinput input)
+  (let ((d (read-rune input)))
+    (cond ((eq d :eof)
+           (eox input "EOF after '<'"))
+          ((rune= #/! d)
+           (read-token-after-|<!| input))
+          ((rune= #/? d)
+           (multiple-value-bind (target content) (read-pi input)
+             (cond ((rod= target '#.(string-rod "xml"))
+                    (values :xml-decl (cons target content)))
+                   ((rod-equal target '#.(string-rod "XML"))
+                    (wf-error zinput
+			      "You lost -- no XML processing instructions."))
+		   ((and sax:*namespace-processing* (position #/: target))
+		    (wf-error zinput
+			      "Processing instruction target ~S is not a ~
+                               valid NcName."
+			      (mu target)))
+                   (t
+                    (values :PI (cons target content))))))
+          ((rune= #// d)
+           (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+             (cond ((name-start-rune-p c)
+                    (read-tag-2 zinput input :etag))
+                   (t
+                    (wf-error zinput
+			      "Expecting name start rune after \"</\".")))))
+          ((name-start-rune-p d)
+           (unread-rune d input)
+           (read-tag-2 zinput input :stag))
+          (t
+           (wf-error zinput "Expected '!' or '?' after '<' in DTD.")))))
+(defun read-token-after-|<!| (input)
+  (let ((d (read-rune input)))
+    (cond ((eq d :eof)
+           (eox input "EOF after \"<!\"."))
+          ((name-start-rune-p d)
+           (unread-rune d input)
+           (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+             (cond ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "ELEMENT")) :|<!ELEMENT|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "ENTITY")) :|<!ENTITY|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "ATTLIST")) :|<!ATTLIST|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "NOTATION")) :|<!NOTATION|)
+                   ((rod= name '#.(string-rod "DOCTYPE")) :|<!DOCTYPE|)
+                   (t
+                    (wf-error  input"`<!~A' unknown." (rod-string name))))))
+          ((rune= #/\[ d)
+           (values :|<![| nil))
+          ((rune= #/- d)
+           (setf d (read-rune input))
+           (cond ((rune= #/- d)
+                  (values
+                   :COMMENT
+                   (read-comment-content input)))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error input"Bad character ~S after \"<!-\"" d))))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "Bad character ~S after \"<!\"" d)))))
+(definline read-S? (input)
+  (while (member (peek-rune input) '(#/U+0020 #/U+0009 #/U+000A #/U+000D)
+                 :test #'eql)
+    (consume-rune input)))
+(defun read-attribute-list (zinput input imagine-space-p)
+  (cond ((or imagine-space-p
+             (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+               (and (not (eq c :eof))
+                    (space-rune-p c))))
+         (read-S? input)
+         (cond ((eq (peek-rune input) :eof)
+                nil)
+               ((name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+                (cons (read-attribute zinput input)
+                      (read-attribute-list zinput input nil)))
+               (t
+                nil)))
+        (t
+         nil)))
+(defun read-entity-like (input)
+  "Read an entity reference off the xstream `input'. Returns two values:
+   either :ENTITY-REFERENCE <interned-rod> in case of a named entity
+   or     :CHARACTER-REFERENCE <integer> in case of character references.
+   The initial #\\& is considered to be consumed already."
+  (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+    (cond ((eq c :eof)
+           (eox input "EOF after '&'"))
+          ((rune= c #/#)
+           (values :CHARACTER-REFERENCE (read-character-reference input)))
+          (t
+           (unless (name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+             (wf-error input "Expecting name after &."))
+           (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+             (setf c (read-rune input))
+             (unless (rune= c #/\;)
+               (wf-error input "Expected \";\"."))
+             (values :ENTITY-REFERENCE name))))))
+(defun read-tag-2 (zinput input kind)
+  (let ((name (read-name-token input))
+        (atts nil))
+    (setf atts (read-attribute-list zinput input nil))
+    ;; check for double attributes
+    (do ((q atts (cdr q)))
+        ((null q))
+      (cond ((find (caar q) (cdr q) :key #'car)
+             (wf-error zinput "Attribute ~S has two definitions in element ~S."
+		       (rod-string (caar q))
+		       (rod-string name)))))
+    (cond ((eq (peek-rune input) #/>)
+           (consume-rune input)
+           (values kind (cons name atts)))
+          ((eq (peek-rune input) #//)
+           (consume-rune input)
+           (check-rune input #/> (read-rune input))
+           (values :ztag (cons name atts)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error zinput "syntax error in read-tag-2.")) )))
+(defun read-attribute (zinput input)
+  (unless (name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+    (wf-error zinput "Expected name."))
+  ;; arg thanks to the post mortem nature of name space declarations,
+  ;; we could only process the attribute values post mortem.
+  (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+    (while (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+             (and (not (eq c :eof))
+                  (or (rune= c #/U+0020)
+                      (rune= c #/U+0009)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000A)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000D))))
+      (consume-rune input))
+    (unless (eq (read-rune input) #/=)
+      (wf-error zinput "Expected \"=\"."))
+    (while (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+             (and (not (eq c :eof))
+                  (or (rune= c #/U+0020)
+                      (rune= c #/U+0009)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000A)
+                      (rune= c #/U+000D))))
+      (consume-rune input))
+    (cons name (read-att-value-2 input))))
+(defun canon-not-cdata-attval (value)
+  ;; | If the declared value is not CDATA, then the XML processor must
+  ;; | further process the normalized attribute value by discarding any
+  ;; | leading and trailing space (#x20) characters, and by replacing
+  ;; | sequences of space (#x20) characters by a single space (#x20)
+  ;; | character.
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (let ((gimme-20 nil)
+          (anything-seen-p nil))
+      (map nil (lambda (c)
+                 (cond ((rune= c #/u+0020)
+                        (setf gimme-20 t))
+                       (t
+                        (when (and anything-seen-p gimme-20)
+                          (collect #/u+0020))
+                        (setf gimme-20 nil)
+                        (setf anything-seen-p t)
+                        (collect c))))
+           value))))
+(definline data-rune-p (rune)
+  ;; any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF.
+  ;;
+  ;; FIXME: das halte ich fuer verkehrt.  Surrogates als Unicode-Zeichen
+  ;; sind verboten.  Das liegt hier aber nicht vor, denn wir arbeiten
+  ;; ja tatsaechlich mit UTF-16.  Verboten ist es nur, wenn wir ein
+  ;; solches Zeichen beim Dekodieren finden, das wird aber eben
+  ;; in encodings.lisp bereits geprueft.  --david
+  (let ((c (rune-code rune)))
+    (or (= c #x9) (= c #xA) (= c #xD)
+        (<= #x20 c #xD7FF)
+        (<= #xE000 c #xFFFD)
+        (<= #xD800 c #xDBFF)
+        (<= #xDC00 c #xDFFF))))
+(defun read-att-value (zinput input mode &optional canon-space-p (delim nil))
+  (with-rune-collector-2 (collect)
+    (labels ((muffle (input delim)
+               (let (c)
+                 (loop
+                   (setf c (read-rune input))
+                   (cond ((eql delim c)
+                          (return))
+                         ((eq c :eof)
+                          (eox input "EOF"))
+                         ((rune= c #/&)
+                          (setf c (peek-rune input))
+                          (cond ((eql c :eof)
+			         (eox input))
+			        ((rune= c #/#)
+                                 (let ((c (read-character-reference input)))
+                                   (%put-unicode-char c collect)))
+                                (t
+                                 (unless (name-start-rune-p (peek-rune input))
+                                   (wf-error zinput "Expecting name after &."))
+                                 (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+                                   (setf c (read-rune input))
+                                   (check-rune input c #/\;)
+                                   (ecase mode
+                                     (:ATT
+                                      (recurse-on-entity
+                                       zinput name :general
+                                       (lambda (zinput)
+                                         (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput))
+                                                 :eof))
+				       t))
+                                     (:ENT
+                                      ;; bypass, but never the less we
+                                      ;; need to check for legal
+                                      ;; syntax.
+                                      ;; Must it be defined?
+                                      ;; allerdings: unparsed sind verboten
+                                      (collect #/&)
+                                      (map nil (lambda (x) (collect x)) name)
+                                      (collect #/\; )))))))
+                         ((and (eq mode :ENT) (rune= c #/%))
+                          (let ((d (peek-rune input)))
+			    (when (eq d :eof)
+			      (eox input))
+			    (unless (name-start-rune-p d)
+			      (wf-error zinput "Expecting name after %.")))
+                          (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+                            (setf c (read-rune input))
+                            (check-rune input c #/\;)
+                            (cond (*expand-pe-p*
+                                   (recurse-on-entity
+                                    zinput name :parameter
+                                    (lambda (zinput)
+                                      (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput))
+                                              :eof))))
+                                  (t
+                                   (wf-error zinput "No PE here.")))))
+                         ((and (eq mode :ATT) (rune= c #/<))
+			   (wf-error zinput "unexpected #\/<"))
+                         ((and canon-space-p (space-rune-p c))
+                          (collect #/space))
+                         ((not (data-rune-p c))
+                          (wf-error zinput "illegal char: ~S." c))
+                         (t
+                          (collect c)))))))
+      (declare (dynamic-extent #'muffle))
+      (muffle input (or delim
+                        (let ((delim (read-rune input)))
+                          (unless (member delim '(#/\" #/\') :test #'eql)
+			    (wf-error zinput "invalid attribute delimiter"))
+                          delim))))))
+(defun read-character-reference (input)
+  ;; The #/& is already read
+  (let ((res
+         (let ((c (read-rune input)))
+           (check-rune input c #/#)
+           (setq c (read-rune input))
+           (cond ((eql c :eof)
+		  (eox input))
+	         ((eql c #/x)
+                  ;; hexadecimal
+                  (setq c (read-rune input))
+		  (when (eql c :eof)
+		    (eox input))
+                  (unless (digit-rune-p c 16)
+		    (wf-error input "garbage in character reference"))
+                  (prog1
+                      (parse-integer
+                       (with-output-to-string (sink)
+                         (write-char (rune-char c) sink)
+                         (while (progn
+				  (setq c (read-rune input))
+				  (when (eql c :eof)
+				    (eox input))
+				  (digit-rune-p c 16))
+                           (write-char (rune-char c) sink)))
+                       :radix 16)
+                    (check-rune input c #/\;)))
+                 ((rune<= #/0 c #/9)
+                  ;; decimal
+                  (prog1
+                      (parse-integer
+                       (with-output-to-string (sink)
+                         (write-char (rune-char c) sink)
+                         (while (progn
+				  (setq c (read-rune input))
+				  (when (eql c :eof)
+				    (eox input))
+				  (rune<= #/0 c #/9))
+                           (write-char (rune-char c) sink)))
+                       :radix 10)
+                    (check-rune input c #/\;)))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error input "Bad char in numeric character entity."))))))
+    (unless (code-data-char-p res)
+      (wf-error
+       input
+       "expansion of numeric character reference (#x~X) is no data char."
+       res))
+    res))
+(defun read-pi (input)
+  ;; "<?" is already read
+  (let (name)
+    (let ((c (peek-rune input)))
+      (unless (name-start-rune-p c)
+        (wf-error input "Expecting name after '<?'"))
+      (setf name (read-name-token input)))
+    (cond
+      ((member (peek-rune input) '(#/U+0020 #/U+0009 #/U+000A #/U+000D)
+	       :test #'eql)
+	(values name (read-pi-content input)))
+      (t
+	(unless (and (eql (read-rune input) #/?)
+		     (eql (read-rune input) #/>))
+	  (wf-error input "malformed processing instruction"))
+	(values name "")))))
+(defun read-pi-content (input)
+  (read-S? input)
+  (let (d)
+    (with-rune-collector (collect)
+      (block nil
+	(tagbody
+	 state-1
+	  (setf d (read-rune input))
+	  (when (eq d :eof)
+	    (eox input))
+	  (unless (data-rune-p d)
+	    (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	  (when (rune= d #/?) (go state-2))
+	  (collect d)
+	  (go state-1)
+	 state-2 ;; #/? seen
+	  (setf d (read-rune input))
+	  (when (eq d :eof)
+	    (eox input))
+	  (unless (data-rune-p d)
+	    (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	  (when (rune= d #/>) (return))
+	  (when (rune= d #/?)
+	    (collect #/?)
+	    (go state-2))
+	  (collect #/?)
+	  (collect d)
+	  (go state-1))))))
+(defun read-comment-content (input &aux d)
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (block nil
+      (tagbody
+       state-1
+	(setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+	(unless (data-rune-p d)
+	  (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	(when (rune= d #/-) (go state-2))
+	(collect d)
+	(go state-1)
+       state-2 ;; #/- seen
+	(setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+	(unless (data-rune-p d)
+	  (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	(when (rune= d #/-) (go state-3))
+	(collect #/-)
+	(collect d)
+	(go state-1)
+       state-3 ;; #/- #/- seen
+	(setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+	(unless (data-rune-p d)
+	  (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+	(when (rune= d #/>) (return))
+	(wf-error input "'--' not allowed in a comment")
+	(when (rune= d #/-)
+	  (collect #/-)
+	  (go state-3))
+	(collect #/-)
+	(collect #/-)
+	(collect d)
+	(go state-1)))))
+(defun read-cdata-sect (input &aux d)
+  ;; <![CDATA[ is already read
+  ;; read anything up to ]]>
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (block nil
+      (tagbody
+       state-1
+        (setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+        (unless (data-rune-p d)
+          (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+        (when (rune= d #/\]) (go state-2))
+        (collect d)
+        (go state-1)
+       state-2 ;; #/] seen
+        (setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+        (unless (data-rune-p d)
+          (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+        (when (rune= d #/\]) (go state-3))
+        (collect #/\])
+        (collect d)
+        (go state-1)
+       state-3 ;; #/\] #/\] seen
+        (setf d (read-rune input))
+	(when (eq d :eof)
+	  (eox input))
+        (unless (data-rune-p d)
+          (wf-error input "Illegal char: ~S." d))
+        (when (rune= d #/>)
+          (return))
+        (when (rune= d #/\])
+          (collect #/\])
+          (go state-3))
+        (collect #/\])
+        (collect #/\])
+        (collect d)
+        (go state-1)))))
+;; some character categories
+(defun space-rune-p (rune)
+  (declare (type rune rune))
+  (or (rune= rune #/U+0020)
+      (rune= rune #/U+0009)
+      (rune= rune #/U+000A)
+      (rune= rune #/U+000D)))
+(defun code-data-char-p (c)
+  ;; any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF.
+  (or (= c #x9) (= c #xA) (= c #xD)
+      (<= #x20 c #xD7FF)
+      (<= #xE000 c #xFFFD)
+      (<= #x10000 c #x10FFFF)))
+(defun pubid-char-p (c)
+  (or (rune= c #/u+0020) (rune= c #/u+000D) (rune= c #/u+000A)
+      (rune<= #/a c #/z)
+      (rune<= #/A c #/Z)
+      (rune<= #/0 c #/9)
+      (member c '(#/- #/' #/\( #/\) #/+ #/, #/. #//
+                  #/: #/= #/? #/\; #/! #/* #/#
+                  #/@ #/$ #/_ #/%))))
+(defun expect (input category)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (unless (eq cat category)
+      (wf-error input "Expected ~S saw ~S [~S]" category cat sem))
+    (values cat sem)))
+(defun consume-token (input)
+  (read-token input))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  Parser
+(defun p/S (input)
+  ;; S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
+  (expect input :S)
+  (while (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+    (consume-token input)))
+(defun p/S? (input)
+  ;; S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
+  (while (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+    (consume-token input)))
+(defun p/nmtoken (input)
+  (nth-value 1 (expect input :nmtoken)))
+(defun p/name (input)
+  (let ((result (p/nmtoken input)))
+    (unless (name-start-rune-p (elt result 0))
+      (wf-error input "Expected name."))
+    result))
+(defun p/attlist-decl (input)
+  ;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name (S AttDef)* S? '>'
+  (let (elm-name)
+    (expect input :|<!ATTLIST|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf elm-name (p/nmtoken input))
+    (loop
+      (let ((tok (read-token input)))
+        (case tok
+          (:S
+           (p/S? input)
+           (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :>)
+                  (consume-token input)
+                  (return))
+                 (t
+                  (multiple-value-bind (name type default) (p/attdef input)
+                    (define-attribute (dtd *ctx*) elm-name name type default)) )))
+          (:>
+           (return))
+          (otherwise
+           (wf-error input
+		     "Expected either another AttDef or end of \"<!ATTLIST\". -- saw ~S."
+		     tok)))))))
+(defun p/attdef (input)
+  ;; [53] AttDef ::= Name S AttType S DefaultDecl
+  (let (name type default)
+    (setf name (p/nmtoken input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf type (p/att-type input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf default (p/default-decl input))
+    (values name type default)))
+(defun p/list (input item-parser delimiter)
+  ;; Parse something like S? <item> (S? <delimiter> <item>)* S?
+  ;;
+  (declare (type function item-parser))
+  (let (res)
+    (p/S? input)
+    (setf res (list (funcall item-parser input)))
+    (loop
+      (p/S? input)
+      (cond ((eq (peek-token input) delimiter)
+             (consume-token input)
+             (p/S? input)
+             (push (funcall item-parser input) res))
+            (t
+             (return))))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (reverse res)))
+(defun p/att-type (input)
+  ;; [54] AttType ::= StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType
+  ;; [55] StringType ::= 'CDATA'
+  ;; [56] TokenizedType ::= 'ID'                          /*VC: ID */
+  ;;                                                        /*VC: One ID per Element Type */
+  ;;                                                        /*VC: ID Attribute Default */
+  ;;                          | 'IDREF'                     /*VC: IDREF */
+  ;;                          | 'IDREFS'                    /*VC: IDREF */
+  ;;                          | 'ENTITY'                    /*VC: Entity Name */
+  ;;                          | 'ENTITIES'                  /*VC: Entity Name */
+  ;;                          | 'NMTOKEN'                   /*VC: Name Token */
+  ;;                          | 'NMTOKENS'                  /*VC: Name Token */
+  ;; [57] EnumeratedType ::= NotationType | Enumeration
+  ;; [58]   NotationType ::= 'NOTATION' S '(' S? Name (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')'
+  ;; /* VC: Notation Attributes */
+  ;; [59] Enumeration ::= '(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' S? Nmtoken)* S? ')' /* VC: Enumeration */
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (cond ((eq cat :nmtoken)
+           (cond ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "CDATA"))    :CDATA)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ID"))       :ID)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "IDREF"))    :IDREFS)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "IDREFS"))   :IDREFS)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ENTITY"))   :ENTITY)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ENTITIES")) :ENTITIES)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "NMTOKEN"))  :NMTOKEN)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "NMTOKENS")) :NMTOKENS)
+                 ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "NOTATION"))
+                  (let (names)
+                    (p/S input)
+                    (expect input :\()
+                    (setf names (p/list input #'p/nmtoken :\| ))
+                    (expect input :\))
+                    (when *validate*
+                      (setf (referenced-notations *ctx*)
+                            (append names (referenced-notations *ctx*))))
+                    (cons :NOTATION names)))
+                 (t
+                  (wf-error input "In p/att-type: ~S ~S." cat sem))))
+          ((eq cat :\()
+           ;; XXX Die Nmtoken-Syntax pruefen wir derzeit nur beim Validieren.
+           (let (names)
+             ;;(expect input :\()
+             (setf names (p/list input #'p/nmtoken :\| ))
+             (expect input :\))
+             (cons :ENUMERATION names)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "In p/att-type: ~S ~S." cat sem)) )))
+(defun p/default-decl (input)
+  ;; [60] DefaultDecl ::= '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED'
+  ;;                       | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue) /* VC: Required Attribute */
+  ;;
+  ;; /* VC: Attribute Default Legal */
+  ;; /* WFC: No < in Attribute Values */
+  ;; /* VC: Fixed Attribute Default */
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+    (cond ((eq cat :|#REQUIRED|)
+           (consume-token input) :REQUIRED)
+          ((eq cat :|#IMPLIED|)
+           (consume-token input) :IMPLIED)
+          ((eq cat :|#FIXED|)
+           (consume-token input)
+           (p/S input)
+           (list :FIXED (p/att-value input)))
+          ((or (eq cat :\') (eq cat :\"))
+           (list :DEFAULT (p/att-value input)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "p/default-decl: ~S ~S." cat sem)) )))
+;;  [70] EntityDecl ::= GEDecl | PEDecl
+;;  [71]     GEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>'
+;;  [72]     PEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>'
+;;  [73]  EntityDef ::= EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?)
+;;  [74]      PEDef ::= EntityValue | ExternalID
+;;  [75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral
+;;                      | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral
+;;  [76]  NDataDecl ::= S 'NDATA' S Name                /* VC: Notation Declared */
+(defun p/entity-decl (input)
+  (let (name def kind)
+    (expect input :|<!ENTITY|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :%)
+           (setf kind :parameter)
+           (consume-token input)
+           (p/S input))
+          (t
+           (setf kind :general)))
+    (setf name (p/name input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf def (p/entity-def input kind))
+    (define-entity input name kind def)
+    (p/S? input)
+    (expect input :\>)))
+(defun report-entity (h kind name def)
+  (etypecase def
+    (external-entdef
+      (let ((extid (entdef-extid def))
+            (ndata (entdef-ndata def)))
+        (if ndata
+            (sax:unparsed-entity-declaration h
+                                             name
+                                             (extid-public extid)
+                                             (uri-rod (extid-system extid))
+                                             ndata)
+            (sax:external-entity-declaration h
+                                             kind
+                                             name
+                                             (extid-public extid)
+                                             (uri-rod (extid-system extid))))))
+    (internal-entdef
+      (sax:internal-entity-declaration h kind name (entdef-value def)))))
+(defun p/entity-def (input kind)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+    (cond ((member cat '(:\" :\'))
+           (make-internal-entdef (p/entity-value input)))
+          ((and (eq cat :nmtoken)
+                (or (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "SYSTEM"))
+                    (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "PUBLIC"))))
+           (let (extid ndata)
+             (setf extid (p/external-id input nil))
+             (when (eq kind :general)   ;NDATA allowed at all?
+               (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :S)
+                      (p/S? input)
+                      (when (and (eq (peek-token input) :nmtoken)
+                                 (rod= (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))
+                                         '#.(string-rod "NDATA")))
+                        (consume-token input)
+                        (p/S input)
+                        (setf ndata (p/nmtoken input))
+                        (when *validate*
+                          (push ndata (referenced-notations *ctx*)))))))
+             (make-external-entdef extid ndata)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "p/entity-def: ~S / ~S." cat sem)) )))
+(defun p/entity-value (input)
+  (let ((delim (if (eq (read-token input) :\") #/\" #/\')))
+    (read-att-value input
+                    (car (zstream-input-stack input))
+                    :ENT
+                    nil
+                    delim)))
+(defun p/att-value (input)
+  (let ((delim (if (eq (read-token input) :\") #/\" #/\')))
+    (read-att-value input
+                    (car (zstream-input-stack input))
+                    :ATT
+                    t
+                    delim)))
+(defun p/external-id (input &optional (public-only-ok-p nil))
+  ;; xxx public-only-ok-p
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (cond ((and (eq cat :nmtoken) (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "SYSTEM")))
+           (p/S input)
+           (make-extid nil (p/system-literal input)))
+          ((and (eq cat :nmtoken) (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "PUBLIC")))
+           (let (pub sys)
+             (p/S input)
+             (setf pub (p/pubid-literal input))
+             (when (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+               (p/S input)
+               (when (member (peek-token input) '(:\" :\'))
+                 (setf sys (p/system-literal input))))
+             (when (and (not public-only-ok-p)
+                        (null sys))
+               (wf-error input "System identifier needed for this PUBLIC external identifier."))
+             (make-extid pub sys)))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "Expected external-id: ~S / ~S." cat sem)))))
+;;  [11] SystemLiteral ::= ('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'")
+;;  [12]  PubidLiteral ::= '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'"
+;;  [13]     PubidChar ::= #x20 | #xD | #xA | [a-zA-Z0-9]
+;;                         | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]
+(defun p/id (input)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat) (read-token input)
+    (cond ((member cat '(:\" :\'))
+           (let ((delim (if (eq cat :\") #/\" #/\')))
+             (with-rune-collector (collect)
+               (loop
+                 (let ((c (read-rune (car (zstream-input-stack input)))))
+                   (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                          (eox input "EOF in system literal."))
+                         ((rune= c delim)
+                          (return))
+                         (t
+                          (collect c))))))))
+          (t
+           (wf-error input "Expect either \" or \'.")))))
+;; it is important to cache the orginal URI rod, since the re-serialized
+;; uri-string can be different from the one parsed originally.
+(defun uri-rod (uri)
+  (if uri
+      (or (getf (puri:uri-plist uri) 'original-rod)
+          (rod (puri:render-uri uri nil)))
+      nil))
+(defun safe-parse-uri (str)
+  ;; puri doesn't like strings starting with file:///, although that is a very
+  ;; common is practise.  Cut it away, we don't distinguish between scheme
+  ;; :FILE and NIL anway.
+  (when (eql (search "file://" str) 0)
+    (setf str (subseq str (length "file://"))))
+  (puri:parse-uri (coerce str 'simple-string)))
+(defun p/system-literal (input)
+  (let* ((rod (p/id input))
+         (result (safe-parse-uri (rod-string rod))))
+    (setf (getf (puri:uri-plist result) 'original-rod) rod)
+    result))
+(defun p/pubid-literal (input)
+  (let ((result (p/id input)))
+    (unless (every #'pubid-char-p result)
+      (wf-error input "Illegal pubid: ~S." (rod-string result)))
+    result))
+(defun p/element-decl (input)
+  (let (name content)
+    (expect input :|<!ELEMENT|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf name (p/nmtoken input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf content (normalize-mixed-cspec (p/cspec input)))
+    (unless (legal-content-model-p content *validate*)
+      (wf-error input "Malformed or invalid content model: ~S." (mu content)))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (expect input :\>)
+    (when *validate*
+      (define-element (dtd *ctx*) name content))
+    (list :element name content)))
+(defun maybe-compile-cspec (e)
+  (or (elmdef-compiled-cspec e)
+      (setf (elmdef-compiled-cspec e)
+            (let ((cspec (elmdef-content e)))
+              (unless cspec
+                (validity-error "(03) Element Valid: no definition for ~A"
+                                (rod-string (elmdef-name e))))
+              (multiple-value-call #'cons
+                (compile-cspec cspec (standalone-check-necessary-p e)))))))
+(defun make-root-model (name)
+  (cons (lambda (actual-name)
+          (if (rod= actual-name name)
+              (constantly :dummy)
+              nil))
+        (constantly t)))
+;;; content spec validation:
+;;; Given a `contentspec', COMPILE-CSPEC returns as multiple values two
+;;; functions A and B of one argument to be called for every
+;;;   A. child element
+;;;   B. text child node
+;;; Function A will be called with
+;;;   - the element name rod as its argument.  If that element may appear
+;;;     at the current position, a new function to be called for the next
+;;;     child is returned.  Otherwise NIL is returned.
+;;;   - argument NIL at the end of the element, it must then return T or NIL
+;;;     to indicate whether the end tag is valid.
+;;; Function B will be called with the character data rod as its argument, it
+;;; returns a boolean indicating whether this text node is allowed.
+;;; That is, if one of the functions ever returns NIL, the node is
+;;; rejected as invalid.
+(defun cmodel-done (actual-value)
+  (null actual-value))
+(defun compile-cspec (cspec &optional standalone-check)
+  (cond
+    ((atom cspec)
+      (ecase cspec
+        (:EMPTY (values #'cmodel-done (constantly nil)))
+        (:PCDATA (values #'cmodel-done (constantly t)))
+        (:ANY
+          (values (labels ((doit (name) (if name #'doit t))) #'doit)
+                  (constantly t)))))
+    ((and (eq (car cspec) '*)
+          (let ((subspec (second cspec)))
+            (and (eq (car subspec) 'or) (eq (cadr subspec) :PCDATA))))
+      (values (compile-mixed (second cspec))
+              (constantly t)))
+    (t
+      (values (compile-content-model cspec)
+              (lambda (rod)
+                (when standalone-check
+                  (validity-error "(02) Standalone Document Declaration: whitespace"))
+                (every #'white-space-rune-p rod))))))
+(defun compile-mixed (cspec)
+  ;; das koennten wir theoretisch auch COMPILE-CONTENT-MODEL erledigen lassen
+  (let ((allowed-names (cddr cspec)))
+    (labels ((doit (actual-name)
+               (cond
+                 ((null actual-name) t)
+                 ((member actual-name allowed-names :test #'rod=) #'doit)
+                 (t nil))))
+      #'doit)))
+(defun compile-content-model (cspec &optional (continuation #'cmodel-done))
+  (if (vectorp cspec)
+      (lambda (actual-name)
+        (if (and actual-name (rod= cspec actual-name))
+            continuation
+            nil))
+      (ecase (car cspec)
+        (and
+          (labels ((traverse (seq)
+                     (compile-content-model (car seq)
+                                            (if (cdr seq)
+                                                (traverse (cdr seq))
+                                                continuation))))
+            (traverse (cdr cspec))))
+        (or
+          (let ((options (mapcar (rcurry #'compile-content-model continuation)
+                                 (cdr cspec))))
+            (lambda (actual-name)
+              (some (rcurry #'funcall actual-name) options))))
+        (?
+          (let ((maybe (compile-content-model (second cspec) continuation)))
+            (lambda (actual-name)
+              (or (funcall maybe actual-name)
+                  (funcall continuation actual-name)))))
+        (*
+          (let (maybe-continuation)
+            (labels ((recurse (actual-name)
+                       (if (null actual-name)
+                           (funcall continuation actual-name)
+                           (or (funcall maybe-continuation actual-name)
+                               (funcall continuation actual-name)))))
+              (setf maybe-continuation
+                    (compile-content-model (second cspec) #'recurse))
+              #'recurse)))
+        (+
+          (let ((it (cadr cspec)))
+            (compile-content-model `(and ,it (* ,it)) continuation))))))
+(defun setp (list &key (test 'eql))
+  (equal list (remove-duplicates list :test test)))
+(defun legal-content-model-p (cspec &optional validate)
+  (or (eq cspec :PCDATA)
+      (eq cspec :ANY)
+      (eq cspec :EMPTY)
+      (and (consp cspec)
+           (eq (car cspec) '*)
+           (consp (cadr cspec))
+           (eq (car (cadr cspec)) 'or)
+           (eq (cadr (cadr cspec)) :PCDATA)
+           (every #'vectorp (cddr (cadr cspec)))
+           (if (and validate (not (setp (cddr (cadr cspec)) :test #'rod=)))
+               (validity-error "VC: No Duplicate Types (07)")
+               t))
+      (labels ((walk (x)
+                 (cond ((member x '(:PCDATA :ANY :EMPTY))
+                        nil)
+                       ((atom x) t)
+                       ((and (walk (car x))
+                             (walk (cdr x)))))))
+        (walk cspec))))
+;; wir fahren besser, wenn wir machen:
+;; cspec ::= 'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | '#PCDATA'
+;;         | Name
+;;         | cs
+;;    cs ::= '(' S? cspec ( S? '|' S? cspec)* S? ')' ('?' | '*' | '+')?
+;; und eine post factum analyse
+(defun p/cspec (input &optional recursivep)
+  (let ((term
+         (let ((names nil) op-cat op res stream)
+           (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+             (cond ((eq cat :nmtoken)
+                    (consume-token input)
+                    (cond ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "EMPTY"))
+                           :EMPTY)
+                          ((rod= sem '#.(string-rod "ANY"))
+                           :ANY)
+                          ((not recursivep)
+			   (wf-error input "invalid content spec"))
+		          (t
+			   sem)))
+                   ((eq cat :\#PCDATA)
+                    (consume-token input)
+                    :PCDATA)
+                   ((eq cat :\()
+                    (setf stream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+                    (consume-token input)
+                    (p/S? input)
+                    (setq names (list (p/cspec input t)))
+                    (p/S? input)
+                    (cond ((member (peek-token input) '(:\| :\,))
+                            (setf op-cat (peek-token input))
+                            (setf op (if (eq op-cat :\,) 'and 'or))
+                            (while (eq (peek-token input) op-cat)
+                              (consume-token input)
+                              (p/S? input)
+                              (push (p/cspec input t) names)
+                              (p/S? input))
+                            (setf res (cons op (reverse names))))
+                      (t
+                        (setf res (cons 'and names))))
+                    (p/S? input)
+                    (expect input :\))
+                    (when *validate*
+                      (unless (eq stream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+                        (validity-error "(06) Proper Group/PE Nesting")))
+                    res)
+                   (t
+                    (wf-error input "p/cspec - ~s / ~s" cat sem)))))))
+    (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :?) (consume-token input) (list '? term))
+          ((eq (peek-token input) :+) (consume-token input) (list '+ term))
+          ((eq (peek-token input) :*) (consume-token input) (list '* term))
+          (t
+           term))))
+(defun normalize-mixed-cspec (cspec)
+  ;; der Parser oben funktioniert huebsch fuer die children-Regel, aber
+  ;; fuer Mixed ist das Ergebnis nicht praktisch, denn dort wollen wir
+  ;; eigentlich auf eine Liste von Namen in einheitlichem Format hinaus.
+  ;; Dazu normalisieren wir einfach in eine der beiden folgenden Formen:
+  ;;   (* (or :PCDATA ...rods...))     -- und zwar exakt so!
+  ;;   :PCDATA                         -- sonst ganz trivial
+  (flet ((trivialp (c)
+           (and (consp c)
+                (and (eq (car c) 'and)
+                     (eq (cadr c) :PCDATA)
+                     (null (cddr c))))))
+    (if (or (trivialp cspec)            ;(and PCDATA)
+            (and (consp cspec)          ;(* (and PCDATA))
+                 (and (eq (car cspec) '*)
+                      (null (cddr cspec))
+                      (trivialp (cadr cspec)))))
+        :PCDATA
+        cspec)))
+;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S? '>'
+;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDefs S? '>'
+;; [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name S? '>'
+;; [53] AttDefs ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl AttDefs
+;; [53] AttDefs ::=
+(defun p/notation-decl (input)
+  (let (name id)
+    (expect input :|<!NOTATION|)
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf name (p/name input))
+    (p/S input)
+    (setf id (p/external-id input t))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (expect input :\>)
+    (sax:notation-declaration (handler *ctx*)
+                              name
+                              (if (extid-public id)
+                                  (normalize-public-id (extid-public id))
+                                  nil)
+                              (uri-rod (extid-system id)))
+    (when (and sax:*namespace-processing* (find #/: name))
+      (wf-error input "colon in notation name"))
+    (when *validate*
+      (define-notation (dtd *ctx*) name id))
+    (list :notation-decl name id)))
+(defun normalize-public-id (rod)
+  (with-rune-collector (collect)
+    (let ((gimme-20 nil)
+          (anything-seen-p nil))
+      (map nil (lambda (c)
+                 (cond
+                   ((or (rune= c #/u+0009)
+                        (rune= c #/u+000A)
+                        (rune= c #/u+000D)
+                        (rune= c #/u+0020))
+                     (setf gimme-20 t))
+                   (t
+                     (when (and anything-seen-p gimme-20)
+                       (collect #/u+0020))
+                     (setf gimme-20 nil)
+                     (setf anything-seen-p t)
+                     (collect c))))
+           rod))))
+(defun p/conditional-sect (input)
+  (expect input :<!\[ )
+  (let ((stream (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (p/S? input)
+    (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+      (cond ((and (eq cat :nmtoken)
+                  (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "INCLUDE")))
+             (p/include-sect input stream))
+            ((and (eq cat :nmtoken)
+                  (rod= sem '#.(string-rod "IGNORE")))
+             (p/ignore-sect input stream))
+            (t
+             (wf-error input "Expected INCLUDE or IGNORE after \"<![\"."))))))
+(defun p/cond-expect (input cat initial-stream)
+  (expect input cat)
+  (when *validate*
+    (unless (eq (car (zstream-input-stack input)) initial-stream)
+      (validity-error "(21) Proper Conditional Section/PE Nesting"))))
+(defun p/include-sect (input initial-stream)
+  ;; <![INCLUDE is already read.
+  (p/S? input)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\[ initial-stream)
+  (p/ext-subset-decl input)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\] initial-stream)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\] initial-stream)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\> initial-stream))
+(defun p/ignore-sect (input initial-stream)
+  ;; <![IGNORE is already read.
+  ;; XXX Is VC 21 being checked for nested sections?
+  (p/S? input)
+  (p/cond-expect input :\[ initial-stream)
+  (let ((input (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (let ((level 0))
+      (do ((c1 (read-rune input) (read-rune input))
+           (c2 #/U+0000 c1)
+           (c3 #/U+0000 c2))
+          ((= level -1))
+        (declare (type fixnum level))
+        (cond ((eq c1 :eof)
+               (eox input "EOF in <![IGNORE ... >")))
+        (cond ((and (rune= c3 #/<) (rune= c2 #/!) (rune= c1 #/\[))
+               (incf level)))
+        (cond ((and (rune= c3 #/\]) (rune= c2 #/\]) (rune= c1 #/>))
+               (decf level))) )))
+  (unless (eq (car (zstream-input-stack input)) initial-stream)
+    (validity-error "(21) Proper Conditional Section/PE Nesting")))
+(defun p/ext-subset-decl (input)
+  ;; ( markupdecl | conditionalSect | S )*
+  (loop
+    (case (let ((*expand-pe-p* nil)) (peek-token input))
+      (:|<![| (let ((*expand-pe-p* t)) (p/conditional-sect input)))
+      (:S     (consume-token input))
+      (:eof   (return))
+      ((:|<!ELEMENT| :|<!ATTLIST| :|<!ENTITY| :|<!NOTATION| :PI :COMMENT)
+       (let ((*expand-pe-p* t)
+             (*external-subset-p* t))
+         (p/markup-decl input)))
+      ((:PE-REFERENCE)
+       (let ((name (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
+         (recurse-on-entity input name :parameter
+                            (lambda (input)
+                              (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :parameter)
+                                (external-entdef
+                                 (p/ext-subset input))
+                                (internal-entdef
+                                 (p/ext-subset-decl input)))
+                              (unless (eq :eof (peek-token input))
+                                (wf-error input "Trailing garbage."))))))
+      (otherwise (return)))) )
+(defun p/markup-decl (input)
+  (peek-token input)
+  (let ((stream (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (multiple-value-prog1
+        (p/markup-decl-unsafe input)
+      (when *validate*
+        (unless (eq stream (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+          (validity-error "(01) Proper Declaration/PE Nesting"))))))
+(defun p/markup-decl-unsafe (input)
+  ;; markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl       /* VC: Proper Declaration/PE Nesting */
+  ;;              | EntityDecl | NotationDecl
+  ;;              | PI | Comment               /* WFC: PEs in Internal Subset */
+  (let ((token (peek-token input))
+	(*expand-pe-p* (and *expand-pe-p* *external-subset-p*)))
+    (case token
+      (:|<!ELEMENT|  (p/element-decl input))
+      (:|<!ATTLIST|  (p/attlist-decl input))
+      (:|<!ENTITY|   (p/entity-decl input))
+      (:|<!NOTATION| (p/notation-decl input))
+      (:PI
+	(let ((sem (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
+	  (sax:processing-instruction (handler *ctx*) (car sem) (cdr sem))))
+      (:COMMENT      (consume-token input))
+      (otherwise
+	(wf-error input "p/markup-decl ~S" (peek-token input))))))
+(defun setup-encoding (input xml-header)
+  (when (xml-header-encoding xml-header)
+    (let ((enc (find-encoding (xml-header-encoding xml-header))))
+      (cond (enc
+             (setf (xstream-encoding (car (zstream-input-stack input)))
+               enc))
+            (t
+             (warn "There is no such encoding: ~S." (xml-header-encoding xml-header)))))))
+(defun set-full-speed (input)
+  (let ((xstream (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+    (when xstream
+      (set-to-full-speed xstream))))
+(defun p/ext-subset (input)
+  (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :xml-decl)
+         (let ((hd (parse-text-decl (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+           (setup-encoding input hd))
+         (consume-token input)))
+  (set-full-speed input)
+  (p/ext-subset-decl input)
+  (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+    (wf-error input "Trailing garbage - ~S." (peek-token input))))
+(defvar *catalog* nil)
+(defun extid-using-catalog (extid)
+  (if *catalog*
+      (let ((sysid
+             (resolve-extid (extid-public extid)
+                            (extid-system extid)
+                            *catalog*)))
+        (if sysid
+            (make-extid nil sysid)
+            extid))
+      extid))
+(defun p/doctype-decl (input &optional dtd-extid)
+  (let ()
+    (let ((*expand-pe-p* nil)
+          name extid)
+      (expect input :|<!DOCTYPE|)
+      (p/S input)
+      (setq name (p/nmtoken input))
+      (when *validate*
+        (setf (model-stack *ctx*) (list (make-root-model name))))
+      (when (eq (peek-token input) :S)
+        (p/S input)
+        (unless (or (eq (peek-token input) :\[ )
+                    (eq (peek-token input) :\> ))
+          (setf extid (p/external-id input t))))
+      (when dtd-extid
+        (setf extid dtd-extid))
+      (p/S? input)
+      (sax:start-dtd (handler *ctx*)
+                     name
+                     (and extid (extid-public extid))
+                     (and extid (uri-rod (extid-system extid))))
+      (when (eq (peek-token input) :\[ )
+        (when (disallow-internal-subset *ctx*)
+          (wf-error input "document includes an internal subset"))
+        (ensure-dtd)
+        (consume-token input)
+	(sax:start-internal-subset (handler *ctx*))
+        (while (progn (p/S? input)
+                      (not (eq (peek-token input) :\] )))
+          (if (eq (peek-token input) :PE-REFERENCE)
+              (let ((name (nth-value 1 (read-token input))))
+                (recurse-on-entity input name :parameter
+                                   (lambda (input)
+                                     (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :parameter)
+                                       (external-entdef
+                                        (p/ext-subset input))
+                                       (internal-entdef
+                                        (p/ext-subset-decl input)))
+                                     (unless (eq :eof (peek-token input))
+                                       (wf-error input "Trailing garbage.")))))
+              (let ((*expand-pe-p* t))
+                (p/markup-decl input))))
+        (consume-token input)
+	(sax:end-internal-subset (handler *ctx*))
+        (p/S? input))
+      (expect input :>)
+      (when extid
+        (let* ((effective-extid
+                (extid-using-catalog (absolute-extid input extid)))
+               (sysid (extid-system effective-extid))
+               (fresh-dtd-p (null (dtd *ctx*)))
+               (cached-dtd
+                (and fresh-dtd-p
+                     (not (standalone-p *ctx*))
+                     (getdtd sysid *dtd-cache*))))
+          (cond
+            (cached-dtd
+              (setf (dtd *ctx*) cached-dtd)
+              (report-cached-dtd cached-dtd))
+            (t
+              (let* ((xi2 (xstream-open-extid effective-extid))
+                     (zi2 (make-zstream :input-stack (list xi2))))
+                (ensure-dtd)
+                (p/ext-subset zi2)
+                (when (and fresh-dtd-p
+                           *cache-all-dtds*
+                           *validate*
+                           (not (standalone-p *ctx*)))
+                  (setf (getdtd sysid *dtd-cache*) (dtd *ctx*))))))))
+      (sax:end-dtd (handler *ctx*))
+      (let ((dtd (dtd *ctx*)))
+        (sax:entity-resolver
+         (handler *ctx*)
+         (lambda (name handler) (resolve-entity name handler dtd)))
+        (sax::dtd (handler *ctx*) dtd))
+      (list :DOCTYPE name extid))))
+(defun report-cached-dtd (dtd)
+  (maphash (lambda (k v)
+             (report-entity (handler *ctx*) :general k (cdr v)))
+           (dtd-gentities dtd))
+  (maphash (lambda (k v)
+             (report-entity (handler *ctx*) :parameter k (cdr v)))
+           (dtd-pentities dtd))
+  (maphash (lambda (k v)
+             (sax:notation-declaration
+              (handler *ctx*)
+              k
+              (if (extid-public v)
+                  (normalize-public-id (extid-public v))
+                  nil)
+              (uri-rod (extid-system v))))
+           (dtd-notations dtd)))
+(defun p/misc*-2 (input)
+  ;; Misc*
+  (while (member (peek-token input) '(:COMMENT :PI :S))
+    (case (peek-token input)
+      (:COMMENT
+        (sax:comment (handler *ctx*) (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))
+      (:PI
+        (sax:processing-instruction
+         (handler *ctx*)
+         (car (nth-value 1 (peek-token input)))
+         (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+    (consume-token input)))
+(defun p/document
+    (input handler
+     &key validate dtd root entity-resolver disallow-internal-subset
+	  (recode t))
+  ;; check types of user-supplied arguments for better error messages:
+  (check-type validate boolean)
+  (check-type recode boolean)
+  (check-type dtd (or null extid))
+  (check-type root (or null rod))
+  (check-type entity-resolver (or null function symbol))
+  (check-type disallow-internal-subset boolean)
+  #+rune-is-integer
+  (when recode
+    (setf handler (make-recoder handler #'rod-to-utf8-string)))
+  (let ((*ctx*
+         (make-context :handler handler
+		       :main-zstream input
+                       :entity-resolver entity-resolver
+                       :disallow-internal-subset disallow-internal-subset))
+        (*validate* validate))
+    (sax:start-document handler)
+    ;; document ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)? element Misc*
+    ;; Misc ::= Comment | PI |  S
+    ;; xmldecl::='<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
+    ;; sddecl::= S 'standalone' Eq (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
+    ;;
+    ;; we will use the attribute-value parser for the xml decl.
+    (let ((*data-behaviour* :DTD))
+      ;; optional XMLDecl?
+      (cond ((eq (peek-token input) :xml-decl)
+             (let ((hd (parse-xml-decl (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+               (setf (standalone-p *ctx*) (eq (xml-header-standalone-p hd) :yes))
+               (setup-encoding input hd))
+             (read-token input)))
+      (set-full-speed input)
+      ;; Misc*
+      (p/misc*-2 input)
+      ;; (doctypedecl Misc*)?
+      (cond
+        ((eq (peek-token input) :<!DOCTYPE)
+          (p/doctype-decl input dtd)
+          (p/misc*-2 input))
+        (dtd
+          (let ((dummy (string->xstream "<!DOCTYPE dummy>")))
+            (setf (xstream-name dummy)
+                  (make-stream-name
+                   :entity-name "dummy doctype"
+                   :entity-kind :main
+                   :uri (zstream-base-sysid input)))
+            (p/doctype-decl (make-zstream :input-stack (list dummy)) dtd)))
+        ((and validate (not dtd))
+          (validity-error "invalid document: no doctype")))
+      (ensure-dtd)
+      ;; Override expected root element if asked to
+      (when root
+        (setf (model-stack *ctx*) (list (make-root-model root))))
+      ;; element
+      (let ((*data-behaviour* :DOC))
+        (p/element input))
+      ;; optional Misc*
+      (p/misc*-2 input)
+      (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+        (wf-error input "Garbage at end of document."))
+      (when *validate*
+        (maphash (lambda (k v)
+                   (unless v
+                     (validity-error "(11) IDREF: ~S not defined" (rod-string k))))
+                 (id-table *ctx*))
+        (dolist (name (referenced-notations *ctx*))
+          (unless (find-notation name (dtd *ctx*))
+            (validity-error "(23) Notation Declared: ~S" (rod-string name)))))
+      (sax:end-document handler))))
+(defun p/element (input)
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (read-token input)
+    (case cat
+      ((:stag :ztag))
+      (:eof (eox input))
+      (t (wf-error input "element expected")))
+    (destructuring-bind (&optional name &rest raw-attrs) sem
+      (validate-start-element *ctx* name)
+      (let* ((attrs
+	      (process-attributes *ctx* name (build-attribute-list raw-attrs)))
+	     (*namespace-bindings* *namespace-bindings*)
+	     new-namespaces)
+	(when sax:*namespace-processing*
+	  (setf new-namespaces (declare-namespaces attrs))
+	  (mapc #'set-attribute-namespace attrs))
+	(multiple-value-bind (uri prefix local-name)
+	    (if sax:*namespace-processing*
+		(decode-qname name)
+		(values nil nil nil))
+	  (declare (ignore prefix))
+	  (check-attribute-uniqueness attrs)
+	  (unless (or sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*
+		      (null sax:*namespace-processing*))
+	    (setf attrs
+		  (remove-if (compose #'xmlns-attr-p #'sax:attribute-qname)
+			     attrs))) 
+	  (cond
+	    ((eq cat :ztag)
+	      (sax:start-element (handler *ctx*) uri local-name name attrs)
+	      (sax:end-element (handler *ctx*) uri local-name name))
+	    ((eq cat :stag)
+	      (sax:start-element (handler *ctx*) uri local-name name attrs)
+	      (p/content input)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (cat2 sem2) (read-token input)
+		(unless (and (eq cat2 :etag)
+			     (eq (car sem2) name))
+		  (wf-error input "Bad nesting. ~S / ~S"
+			    (mu name)
+			    (mu (cons cat2 sem2))))
+		(when (cdr sem2)
+		  (wf-error input "no attributes allowed in end tag")))
+	      (sax:end-element (handler *ctx*) uri local-name name))
+	    (t
+	      (wf-error input "Expecting element, got ~S." cat))))
+	(undeclare-namespaces new-namespaces))
+      (validate-end-element *ctx* name))))
+(defun p/content (input)
+  ;; [43] content ::= (element | CharData | Reference | CDSect | PI | Comment)*
+  (multiple-value-bind (cat sem) (peek-token input)
+    (case cat
+      ((:stag :ztag)
+       (p/element input)
+       (p/content input))
+      ((:CDATA)
+       (consume-token input)
+       (when (search #"]]>" sem)
+	 (wf-error input "']]>' not allowed in CharData"))
+       (validate-characters *ctx* sem)
+       (sax:characters (handler *ctx*) sem)
+       (p/content input))
+      ((:ENTITY-REF)
+       (let ((name sem))
+         (consume-token input)
+         (append
+          (recurse-on-entity input name :general
+                             (lambda (input)
+                               (prog1
+                                   (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :general)
+                                     (internal-entdef (p/content input))
+                                     (external-entdef (p/ext-parsed-ent input)))
+                                 (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+                                   (wf-error input "Trailing garbage. - ~S"
+					     (peek-token input))))))
+          (p/content input))))
+      ((:<!\[)
+       (consume-token input)
+       (cons
+        (let ((input (car (zstream-input-stack input))))
+          (unless (and (rune= #/C (read-rune input))
+                       (rune= #/D (read-rune input))
+                       (rune= #/A (read-rune input))
+                       (rune= #/T (read-rune input))
+                       (rune= #/A (read-rune input))
+                       (rune= #/\[ (read-rune input)))
+            (wf-error input "After '<![', 'CDATA[' is expected."))
+	  (validate-characters *ctx* #"hack") ;anything other than whitespace
+	  (sax:start-cdata (handler *ctx*))
+	  (sax:characters (handler *ctx*) (read-cdata-sect input))
+	  (sax:end-cdata (handler *ctx*)))
+        (p/content input)))
+      ((:PI)
+       (consume-token input)
+       (sax:processing-instruction (handler *ctx*) (car sem) (cdr sem))
+       (p/content input))
+      ((:COMMENT)
+       (consume-token input)
+       (sax:comment (handler *ctx*) sem)
+       (p/content input))
+      (otherwise
+       nil))))
+;; [78] extParsedEnt ::= TextDecl? contentw
+;; [79]        extPE ::= TextDecl? extSubsetDecl
+(defstruct xml-header
+  version
+  encoding
+  (standalone-p nil))
+(defun p/ext-parsed-ent (input)
+  ;; [78] extParsedEnt ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>' content
+  (when (eq (peek-token input) :xml-decl)
+    (let ((hd (parse-text-decl (cdr (nth-value 1 (peek-token input))))))
+      (setup-encoding input hd))
+    (consume-token input))
+  (set-full-speed input)
+  (p/content input))
+(defun parse-xml-decl (content)
+  (let* ((res (make-xml-header))
+         (i (make-rod-xstream content))
+	 (z (make-zstream :input-stack (list i)))
+         (atts (read-attribute-list z i t)))
+    (unless (eq (peek-rune i) :eof)
+      (wf-error i "Garbage at end of XMLDecl."))
+    ;; versioninfo muss da sein
+    ;; dann ? encodingdecl
+    ;; dann ? sddecl
+    ;; dann ende
+    (unless (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "version")))
+      (wf-error i "XMLDecl needs version."))
+    (unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+		 (every (lambda (x)
+			  (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+			      (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+			      (rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+			      (rune= x #/_)
+			      (rune= x #/.)
+			      (rune= x #/:)
+			      (rune= x #/-)))
+			(cdar atts)))
+      (wf-error i"Bad XML version number: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+    (setf (xml-header-version res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+    (pop atts)
+    (when (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "encoding")))
+      (unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+                   (every (lambda (x)
+                            (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+                                (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+                                (rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+                                (rune= x #/_)
+                                (rune= x #/.)
+                                (rune= x #/-)))
+                          (cdar atts))
+                   ((lambda (x)
+                      (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+                          (rune<= #/A x #/Z)))
+                    (aref (cdar atts) 0)))
+        (wf-error i "Bad XML encoding name: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+      (setf (xml-header-encoding res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+      (pop atts))
+    (when (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "standalone")))
+      (unless (or (rod= (cdar atts) '#.(string-rod "yes"))
+                  (rod= (cdar atts) '#.(string-rod "no")))
+        (wf-error i "XMLDecl's 'standalone' attribute must be exactly \"yes\" or \"no\" and not ~S."
+               (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+      (setf (xml-header-standalone-p res)
+	    (if (rod-equal '#.(string-rod "yes") (cdar atts))
+		:yes
+		:no))
+      (pop atts))
+    (when atts
+      (wf-error i "Garbage in XMLDecl: ~A" (rod-string content)))
+    res))
+(defun parse-text-decl (content)
+  (let* ((res (make-xml-header))
+         (i (make-rod-xstream content))
+	 (z (make-zstream :input-stack (list i)))
+         (atts (read-attribute-list z i t)))
+    (unless (eq (peek-rune i) :eof)
+      (wf-error i "Garbage at end of TextDecl"))
+    ;; versioninfo optional
+    ;; encodingdecl muss da sein
+    ;; dann ende
+    (when (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "version")))
+      (unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+		   (every (lambda (x)
+			    (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+				(rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+				(rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+				(rune= x #/_)
+				(rune= x #/.)
+				(rune= x #/:)
+				(rune= x #/-)))
+			  (cdar atts)))
+	(wf-error i "Bad XML version number: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+      (setf (xml-header-version res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+      (pop atts)) 
+    (unless (eq (caar atts) (intern-name '#.(string-rod "encoding")))
+      (wf-error i "TextDecl needs encoding."))
+    (unless (and (>= (length (cdar atts)) 1)
+		 (every (lambda (x)
+			  (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+			      (rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+			      (rune<= #/0 x #/9)
+			      (rune= x #/_)
+			      (rune= x #/.)
+			      (rune= x #/-)))
+			(cdar atts))
+		 ((lambda (x)
+		    (or (rune<= #/a x #/z)
+			(rune<= #/A x #/Z)
+			(rune<= #/0 x #/9)))
+		  (aref (cdar atts) 0)))
+      (wf-error i "Bad XML encoding name: ~S." (rod-string (cdar atts))))
+    (setf (xml-header-encoding res) (rod-string (cdar atts)))
+    (pop atts)
+    (when atts
+      (wf-error i "Garbage in TextDecl: ~A" (rod-string content)))
+    res))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;;  mu
+(defun mu (x)
+  (cond ((stringp x) x)
+        ((vectorp x) (rod-string x))
+        ((consp x)
+         (cons (mu (car x)) (mu (cdr x))))
+        (x)))
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; User interface ;;;;
+(defun specific-or (component &optional (alternative nil))
+  (if (eq component :unspecific)
+      alternative
+      component))
+(defun string-or (str &optional (alternative nil))
+  (if (zerop (length str))
+      alternative
+      str))
+(defun make-uri (&rest initargs &key path query &allow-other-keys)
+  (apply #'make-instance
+         'puri:uri
+         :path (and path (escape-path path))
+         :query (and query (escape-query query))
+         initargs))
+(defun escape-path (list)
+  (puri::render-parsed-path list t))
+(defun escape-query (pairs)
+  (flet ((escape (str)
+           (puri::encode-escaped-encoding str puri::*reserved-characters* t)))
+    (let ((first t))
+      (with-output-to-string (s)
+        (dolist (pair pairs)
+          (if first
+              (setf first nil)
+              (write-char #\& s))
+          (write-string (escape (car pair)) s)
+          (write-char #\= s)
+          (write-string (escape (cdr pair)) s))))))
+(defun uri-parsed-query (uri)
+  (flet ((unescape (str)
+           (puri::decode-escaped-encoding str t puri::*reserved-characters*)))
+    (let ((str (puri:uri-query uri)))
+      (cond
+        (str
+          (let ((pairs '()))
+            (dolist (s (split-sequence-if (lambda (x) (eql x #\&)) str))
+              (destructuring-bind (name value)
+                  (split-sequence-if (lambda (x) (eql x #\=)) s)
+                (push (cons (unescape name) (unescape value)) pairs)))
+            (reverse pairs)))
+        (t
+          nil)))))
+(defun query-value (name alist)
+  (cdr (assoc name alist :test #'equal)))
+(defun pathname-to-uri (pathname)
+  (let ((path
+         (append (pathname-directory pathname)
+                 (list
+                  (if (specific-or (pathname-type pathname))
+                      (concatenate 'string
+                        (pathname-name pathname)
+                        "."
+                        (pathname-type pathname))
+                      (pathname-name pathname))))))
+    (if (eq (car path) :relative)
+        (make-uri :path path)
+        (make-uri :scheme :file
+                  :host (concatenate 'string
+                          (string-or (host-namestring pathname))
+                          "+"
+                          (specific-or (pathname-device pathname)))
+                  :path path))))
+(defun parse-name.type (str)
+  (if str
+      (let ((i (position #\. str :from-end t)))
+        (if i
+            (values (subseq str 0 i) (subseq str (1+ i)))
+            (values str nil)))
+      (values nil nil)))
+(defun uri-to-pathname (uri)
+  (let ((scheme (puri:uri-scheme uri))
+        (path (puri:uri-parsed-path uri)))
+    (unless (member scheme '(nil :file))
+      (error 'xml-parse-error
+             :format-control "URI scheme ~S not supported"
+             :format-arguments (list scheme)))
+    (if (eq (car path) :relative)
+        (multiple-value-bind (name type)
+            (parse-name.type (car (last path)))
+          (make-pathname :directory (butlast path)
+                         :name name
+                         :type type))
+        (multiple-value-bind (name type)
+            (parse-name.type (car (last (cdr path))))
+          (destructuring-bind (host device)
+              (split-sequence-if (lambda (x) (eql x #\+))
+                                 (or (puri:uri-host uri) "+"))
+            (make-pathname :host (string-or host)
+                           :device (string-or device)
+                           :directory (cons :absolute (butlast (cdr path)))
+                           :name name
+                           :type type))))))
+(defun parse-xstream (xstream handler &rest args)
+  (let ((*ctx* nil))
+    (handler-case
+	(let ((zstream (make-zstream :input-stack (list xstream))))
+	  (peek-rune xstream)
+	  (with-scratch-pads ()
+	    (apply #'p/document zstream handler args)))
+      (runes-encoding:encoding-error (c)
+	(wf-error xstream "~A" c)))))
+(defun parse-file (filename handler &rest args)
+  (with-open-xfile (input filename)
+    (setf (xstream-name input)
+      (make-stream-name
+       :entity-name "main document"
+       :entity-kind :main
+       :uri (pathname-to-uri filename)))
+    (apply #'parse-xstream input handler args)))
+(defun resolve-synonym-stream (stream)
+  (while (typep stream 'synonym-stream)
+    (setf stream (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream))))
+  stream)
+(defun safe-stream-sysid (stream)
+  (if (and (typep (resolve-synonym-stream stream) 'file-stream)
+	   ;; ignore-errors, because sb-bsd-sockets creates instances of
+	   ;; FILE-STREAMs that aren't
+           (ignore-errors (pathname stream)))
+      (pathname-to-uri (pathname stream))
+      nil))
+(defun parse-stream (stream handler &rest args)
+  (let ((xstream
+         (make-xstream
+          stream
+          :name (make-stream-name
+                 :entity-name "main document"
+                 :entity-kind :main
+                 :uri (safe-stream-sysid stream))
+          :initial-speed 1)))
+    (apply #'parse-xstream xstream handler args)))
+(defun parse-dtd-file (filename &optional handler)
+  (with-open-file (s filename :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+    (parse-dtd-stream s handler)))
+(defun parse-dtd-stream (stream &optional handler)
+  (let ((input (make-xstream stream)))
+    (setf (xstream-name input)
+          (make-stream-name
+           :entity-name "dtd"
+           :entity-kind :main
+           :uri (safe-stream-sysid stream)))
+    (let ((zstream (make-zstream :input-stack (list input)))
+          (*ctx* (make-context :handler handler))
+          (*validate* t)
+          (*data-behaviour* :DTD))
+      (with-scratch-pads ()
+        (ensure-dtd)
+        (peek-rune input)
+        (p/ext-subset zstream)
+        (dtd *ctx*)))))
+(defun parse-rod (string handler &rest args)
+  (apply #'parse-xstream (string->xstream string) handler args))
+(defun string->xstream (string)
+  (make-rod-xstream (string-rod string)))
+(defclass octet-input-stream
+    (trivial-gray-stream-mixin fundamental-binary-input-stream)
+    ((octets :initarg :octets)
+     (pos :initform 0)))
+(defmethod close ((stream octet-input-stream) &key abort)
+  (declare (ignore abort))
+  (open-stream-p stream))
+(defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream octet-input-stream))
+  (with-slots (octets pos) stream
+    (if (>= pos (length octets))
+        :eof
+        (prog1
+            (elt octets pos)
+          (incf pos)))))
+(defmethod stream-read-sequence
+    ((stream octet-input-stream) sequence start end &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (with-slots (octets pos) stream
+    (let* ((length (min (- end start) (- (length octets) pos)))
+           (end1 (+ start length))
+           (end2 (+ pos length)))
+      (replace sequence octets :start1 start :end1 end1 :start2 pos :end2 end2)
+      (setf pos end2)
+      end1)))
+(defun make-octet-input-stream (octets)
+  (make-instance 'octet-input-stream :octets octets))
+(defun parse-octets (octets handler &rest args)
+  (apply #'parse-stream (make-octet-input-stream octets) handler args))
+(defun zstream-push (new-xstream zstream)
+  (cond ((find-if (lambda (x)
+                    (and (xstream-p x)
+                         (eql (stream-name-entity-name (xstream-name x))
+                              (stream-name-entity-name (xstream-name new-xstream)))
+                         (eql (stream-name-entity-kind (xstream-name x))
+                              (stream-name-entity-kind (xstream-name new-xstream)))))
+                  (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+         (wf-error zstream "Infinite recursion.")))
+  (push new-xstream (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+  zstream)
+(defun recurse-on-entity (zstream name kind continuation &optional internalp)
+  (assert (not (zstream-token-category zstream)))
+  (call-with-entity-expansion-as-stream
+   zstream
+   (lambda (new-xstream)
+     (push :stop (zstream-input-stack zstream))
+     (zstream-push new-xstream zstream)
+     (prog1
+         (funcall continuation zstream)
+       (assert (eq (peek-token zstream) :eof))
+       (assert (eq (pop (zstream-input-stack zstream)) new-xstream))
+       (close-xstream new-xstream)
+       (assert (eq (pop (zstream-input-stack zstream)) :stop))
+       (setf (zstream-token-category zstream) nil)
+       '(consume-token zstream)) )
+   name
+   kind
+   internalp))
+(defmacro read-data-until* ((predicate input res res-start res-end) &body body)
+  ;; fast variant -- for now disabled for no apparent reason
+  ;; -> res, res-start, res-end
+  `(let* ((rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,input))
+          (p0   rptr)
+          (fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,input))
+          (buf  (xstream-buffer ,input))
+          ,res ,res-start ,res-end)
+    (declare (type fixnum rptr fptr p0)
+             (type (simple-array read-element (*)) buf))
+    (loop
+      (cond ((%= rptr fptr)
+             ;; underflow -- hmm inject the scratch-pad with what we
+             ;; read and continue, while using read-rune and collecting
+             ;; d.h. besser wäre hier auch while-reading zu benutzen.
+             (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+             (multiple-value-setq (,res ,res-start ,res-end)
+               (with-rune-collector/raw (collect)
+                 (do ((i p0 (%+ i 1)))
+                     ((%= i rptr))
+                   (collect (%rune buf i)))
+                 (let (c)
+                   (loop
+                     (cond ((%= rptr fptr)
+                            (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+                            (setf c (peek-rune input))
+                            (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                                   (return)))
+                            (setf rptr (xstream-read-ptr ,input)
+                                  fptr (xstream-fill-ptr ,input)
+                                  buf  (xstream-buffer ,input)))
+                           (t
+                            (setf c (%rune buf rptr))))
+                     (cond ((,predicate c)
+                            ;; we stop
+                            (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+                            (return))
+                           (t
+                            ;; we continue
+                            (collect c)
+                            (setf rptr (%+ rptr 1))) )))))
+             (return))
+            ((,predicate (%rune buf rptr))
+             ;; we stop
+             (setf (xstream-read-ptr ,input) rptr)
+             (setf ,res buf ,res-start p0 ,res-end rptr)
+             (return) )
+            (t
+            we continue
+             (sf rptr (%+ rptr 1))) ))
+    , at body ))
+(defmacro read-data-until* ((predicate input res res-start res-end) &body body)
+  "Read data from `input' until `predicate' applied to the read char
+   turns true. Then execute `body' with `res', `res-start', `res-end'
+   bound to denote a subsequence (of RUNEs) containing the read portion.
+   The rune upon which `predicate' turned true is neither consumed from
+   the stream, nor included in `res'.
+   Keep the predicate short, this it may be included more than once into
+   the macro's expansion."
+  ;;
+  (let ((input-var (gensym))
+        (collect (gensym))
+        (c (gensym)))
+    `(LET ((,input-var ,input))
+       (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (,res ,res-start ,res-end)
+           (WITH-RUNE-COLLECTOR/RAW (,collect)
+             (LOOP
+               (LET ((,c (PEEK-RUNE ,input-var)))
+                 (COND ((EQ ,c :EOF)
+                        ;; xxx error message
+                        (RETURN))
+                       ((FUNCALL ,predicate ,c)
+                        (RETURN))
+                       (t
+                        (,collect ,c)
+                        (CONSUME-RUNE ,input-var))))))
+         (LOCALLY
+           , at body)))))
+(defun read-name-token (input)
+  (read-data-until* ((lambda (rune)
+                       (declare (type rune rune))
+                       (not (name-rune-p rune)))
+                     input
+                     r rs re)
+                    (intern-name r rs re)))
+(defun read-cdata (input)
+  (read-data-until* ((lambda (rune)
+                       (declare (type rune rune))
+		       (when (and (%rune< rune #/U+0020)
+				  (not (or (%rune= rune #/U+0009)
+					   (%rune= rune #/U+000a)
+					   (%rune= rune #/U+000d))))
+			 (wf-error input "code point invalid: ~A" rune))
+                       (or (%rune= rune #/<) (%rune= rune #/&)))
+                     input
+                     source start end)
+                    (locally
+                     (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) source)
+                              (type ufixnum start)
+                              (type ufixnum end)
+                              (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+                     (let ((res (make-array (%- end start) :element-type 'rune)))
+                       (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) res))
+                       (let ((i (%- end start)))
+                         (declare (type ufixnum i))
+                         (loop
+                           (setf i (- i 1))
+                           (setf (%rune res i) (%rune source (the ufixnum (+ i start))))
+                           (when (= i 0)
+                             (return))))
+                       res))))
+(defun internal-entity-expansion (name)
+  (let ((def (get-entity-definition name :general (dtd *ctx*))))
+    (unless def
+      (wf-error nil "Entity '~A' is not defined." (rod-string name)))
+    (unless (typep def 'internal-entdef)
+      (wf-error nil "Entity '~A' is not an internal entity." name))
+    (or (entdef-expansion def)
+        (setf (entdef-expansion def) (find-internal-entity-expansion name)))))
+(defun find-internal-entity-expansion (name)
+  (let ((zinput (make-zstream)))
+    (with-rune-collector-3 (collect)
+      (labels ((muffle (input)
+                 (let (c)
+                   (loop
+                     (setf c (read-rune input))
+                     (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                            (return))
+                           ((rune= c #/&)
+                            (setf c (peek-rune input))
+                            (cond ((eql c :eof)
+				   (eox input))
+			          ((rune= c #/#)
+                                   (let ((c (read-character-reference input)))
+                                     (%put-unicode-char c collect)))
+                                  (t
+                                   (unless (name-start-rune-p c)
+                                     (wf-error zinput "Expecting name after &."))
+                                   (let ((name (read-name-token input)))
+                                     (setf c (read-rune input))
+                                     (check-rune input c #/\;)
+                                     (recurse-on-entity
+                                      zinput name :general
+                                      (lambda (zinput)
+                                        (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput)))))))))
+                           ((rune= c #/<)
+			    (wf-error zinput "unexpected #\/<"))
+                           ((space-rune-p c)
+                            (collect #/space))
+                           ((not (data-rune-p c))
+                            (wf-error zinput "illegal char: ~S." c))
+                           (t
+                            (collect c)))))))
+        (declare (dynamic-extent #'muffle))
+        (recurse-on-entity
+         zinput name :general
+         (lambda (zinput)
+           (muffle (car (zstream-input-stack zinput))))) ))))
+(defun resolve-entity (name handler dtd)
+  (let ((*validate* nil))
+    (if (get-entity-definition name :general dtd)
+        (let* ((*ctx* (make-context :handler handler :dtd dtd))
+               (input (make-zstream))
+               (*data-behaviour* :DOC))
+          (with-scratch-pads ()
+            (recurse-on-entity
+             input name :general
+             (lambda (input)
+               (prog1
+                   (etypecase (checked-get-entdef name :general)
+                     (internal-entdef (p/content input))
+                     (external-entdef (p/ext-parsed-ent input)))
+                 (unless (eq (peek-token input) :eof)
+                   (wf-error input "Trailing garbage. - ~S"
+			     (peek-token input))))))))
+        nil)))
+(defun read-att-value-2 (input)
+  (let ((delim (read-rune input)))
+    (when (eql delim :eof)
+      (eox input))
+    (unless (member delim '(#/\" #/\') :test #'eql)
+      (wf-error input
+		"Bad attribute value delimiter ~S, must be either #\\\" or #\\\'."
+		(rune-char delim)))
+    (with-rune-collector-4 (collect)
+      (loop
+        (let ((c (read-rune input)))
+          (cond ((eq c :eof)
+                 (eox input "EOF"))
+                ((rune= c delim)
+                 (return))
+                ((rune= c #/<)
+		 (wf-error input "'<' not allowed in attribute values"))
+                ((rune= #/& c)
+                 (multiple-value-bind (kind sem) (read-entity-like input)
+                   (ecase kind
+                     (:CHARACTER-REFERENCE
+                      (%put-unicode-char sem collect))
+                     (:ENTITY-REFERENCE
+                      (let* ((exp (internal-entity-expansion sem))
+                             (n (length exp)))
+                        (declare (type (simple-array rune (*)) exp))
+                        (do ((i 0 (%+ i 1)))
+                            ((%= i n))
+                          (collect (%rune exp i))))))))
+                ((space-rune-p c)
+                 (collect #/u+0020))
+                (t
+                 (collect c))))))))
+;;; Namespace stuff
+;; We already know that name is part of a valid XML name, so all we
+;; have to check is that the first rune is a name-start-rune and that
+;; there is not colon in it.
+(defun nc-name-p (name)
+  (and (plusp (length name))
+       (name-start-rune-p (rune name 0))
+       (notany #'(lambda (rune) (rune= #/: rune)) name)))
+(defun split-qname (qname)
+  (declare (type runes:simple-rod qname))
+  (let ((pos (position  #/: qname)))
+    (if pos
+	(let ((prefix (subseq qname 0 pos))
+	      (local-name (subseq qname (1+ pos))))
+	  (when (zerop pos)
+	    (wf-error nil "empty namespace prefix"))
+	  (if (nc-name-p local-name)
+	      (values prefix local-name)
+	      (wf-error nil "~S is not a valid NcName."
+			(rod-string local-name))))
+	(values () qname))))
+(defun decode-qname (qname)
+  "decode-qname name => namespace-uri, prefix, local-name"
+  (declare (type runes:simple-rod qname))
+  (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name) (split-qname qname)
+    (let ((uri (find-namespace-binding prefix)))
+      (if uri
+	  (values uri prefix local-name)
+	  (values nil nil qname)))))
+(defun find-namespace-binding (prefix)
+  (cdr (or (assoc (or prefix #"") *namespace-bindings* :test #'rod=)
+	   (wf-error nil "Undeclared namespace prefix: ~A" (rod-string prefix)))))
+;; FIXME: Should probably be refactored by adding :start and :end to rod=/rod-equal
+(defun rod-starts-with (prefix rod)
+  (and (<= (length prefix) (length rod))
+       (dotimes (i (length prefix) t)
+         (unless (rune= (rune prefix i) (rune rod i))
+           (return nil)))))
+(defun xmlns-attr-p (attr-name)
+  (rod-starts-with #.(string-rod "xmlns") attr-name))
+(defun attrname->prefix (attrname)
+  (if (< 5 (length attrname))
+      (subseq attrname 6)
+      nil))
+(defun find-namespace-declarations (attributes)
+  (loop
+      for attribute in attributes
+      for qname = (sax:attribute-qname attribute)
+      when (xmlns-attr-p qname)
+      collect (cons (attrname->prefix qname) (sax:attribute-value attribute))))
+(defun declare-namespaces (attributes)
+  (let ((ns-decls (find-namespace-declarations attributes)))
+    (dolist (ns-decl ns-decls)
+      ;; check some namespace validity constraints
+      (let ((prefix (car ns-decl))
+	    (uri (cdr ns-decl)))
+	(cond
+	  ((and (rod= prefix #"xml")
+		(not (rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")))
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Attempt to rebind the prefix \"xml\" to ~S." (mu uri)))
+	  ((and (rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
+		(not (rod= prefix #"xml")))
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "The namespace ~
+                      URI \"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\" may not ~
+                      be bound to the prefix ~S, only \"xml\" is legal."
+		     (mu prefix)))
+	  ((and (rod= prefix #"xmlns")
+		(rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"))
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Attempt to bind the prefix \"xmlns\" to its predefined ~
+                      URI \"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/\", which is ~
+                      forbidden for no good reason."))
+	  ((rod= prefix #"xmlns")
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Attempt to bind the prefix \"xmlns\" to the URI ~S, ~
+                      but it may not be declared." (mu uri)))
+	  ((rod= uri #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "The namespace URI \"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/\" may ~
+                      not be bound to prefix ~S (or any other)." (mu prefix)))
+	  ((and (rod= uri #"") prefix)
+	   (wf-error nil
+		     "Only the default namespace (the one without a prefix) ~
+                      may be bound to an empty namespace URI, thus ~
+                      undeclaring it."))
+	  (t
+	   (push (cons prefix (if (rod= #"" uri) nil uri))
+		 *namespace-bindings*)
+	   (sax:start-prefix-mapping (handler *ctx*)
+				     (car ns-decl)
+				     (cdr ns-decl))))))
+    ns-decls))
+(defun undeclare-namespaces (ns-decls)
+  (dolist (ns-decl ns-decls)
+    (sax:end-prefix-mapping (handler *ctx*) (car ns-decl))))
+(defun build-attribute-list (attr-alist)
+  ;; fixme: if there is a reason this function reverses attribute order,
+  ;; it should be documented.
+  (let (attributes)
+    (dolist (pair attr-alist)
+      (push (sax:make-attribute :qname (car pair)
+				:value (cdr pair)
+				:specified-p t)
+	    attributes))
+    attributes))
+(defun check-attribute-uniqueness (attributes)
+  ;; 5.3 Uniqueness of Attributes
+  ;; In XML documents conforming to [the xmlns] specification, no
+  ;; tag may contain two attributes which:
+  ;; 1. have identical names, or
+  ;; 2. have qualified names with the same local part and with
+  ;; prefixes which have been bound to namespace names that are
+  ;; identical.
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. is checked by read-tag-2, so we only deal with 2 here
+  (loop for (attr-1 . rest) on attributes do
+	(when (and (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-1)
+		   (find-if (lambda (attr-2)
+			      (and (rod= (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-1)
+					 (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-2))
+				   (rod= (sax:attribute-local-name attr-1)
+					 (sax:attribute-local-name attr-2))))
+			    rest))
+	  (wf-error nil
+		    "Multiple definitions of attribute ~S in namespace ~S."
+		    (mu (sax:attribute-local-name attr-1))
+		    (mu (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr-1))))))
+(defun set-attribute-namespace (attribute)
+  (let ((qname (sax:attribute-qname attribute)))
+    (if (and sax:*use-xmlns-namespace* (rod= qname #"xmlns"))
+	(setf (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attribute)
+	      #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+	(multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name) (split-qname qname)
+	  (declare (ignorable local-name))
+	  (when (and prefix ;; default namespace doesn't apply to attributes
+		     (or (not (rod= #"xmlns" prefix))
+			 sax:*use-xmlns-namespace*))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (uri prefix local-name)
+		(decode-qname qname)
+	      (declare (ignore prefix))
+	      (setf (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attribute) uri)
+	      (setf (sax:attribute-local-name attribute) local-name)))))))
+;; System Identifier Protocol
+;; A system identifier is an object obeying to the system identifier
+;; protocol. Often something like an URL or a pathname.
+;; OPEN-SYS-ID sys-id                                   [generic function]
+;; Opens the resource associated with the system identifier `sys-id'
+;; for reading and returns a stream. For now it is expected, that the
+;; stream is an octet stream (one of element type (unsigned-byte 8)).
+;; More precisely: The returned object only has to obey to the xstream
+;; controller protocol. (That is it has to provide implementations for
+;; MERGE-SYS-ID sys-id base                             [generic function]
+;; Merges two system identifiers. That is resolve `sys-id' relative to
+;; `base' yielding an absolute system identifier suitable for
+;;; SAX validation handler
+(defclass validator ()
+    ((context :initarg :context :accessor context)
+     (cdatap :initform nil :accessor cdatap)))
+(defun make-validator (dtd root)
+  (make-instance 'validator
+    :context (make-context
+              :handler nil
+              :dtd dtd
+              :model-stack (list (make-root-model root)))))
+(macrolet ((with-context ((validator) &body body)
+             `(let ((*ctx* (context ,validator))
+                    (*validate* t))
+                (with-scratch-pads ()   ;nicht schoen
+                  , at body))))
+  (defmethod sax:start-element ((handler validator) uri lname qname attributes)
+    uri lname
+    (with-context (handler)
+      (validate-start-element *ctx* qname)
+      (process-attributes *ctx* qname attributes)))
+  (defmethod sax:start-cdata ((handler validator))
+    (setf (cdatap handler) t))
+  (defmethod sax:characters ((handler validator) data)
+    (with-context (handler)
+      (validate-characters *ctx* (if (cdatap handler) #"hack" data))))
+  (defmethod sax:end-cdata ((handler validator))
+    (setf (cdatap handler) nil))
+  (defmethod sax:end-element ((handler validator) uri lname qname)
+    uri lname
+    (with-context (handler)
+      (validate-end-element *ctx* qname))))

Added: vendor/cxml/xmlns-normalizer.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/xmlns-normalizer.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/xmlns-normalizer.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+;;;; xmlns-normalizer.lisp -- DOM 3-style namespace normalization
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2005 David Lichteblau
+;;;; Hier eine Variante des reichlich furchtbaren Algorithmus zur
+;;;; Namespace-Normalisierung aus DOM 3 Core.[1]
+;;;; Gebraucht wir die Sache, weil Element- und Attributknoten in DOM
+;;;; zwar ein Prefix-Attribut speichern, massgeblich fuer ihren Namespace
+;;;; aber nur die URI sein soll.  Und eine Anpassung der zugehoerigen
+;;;; xmlns-Attribute findet bei Veraenderungen im DOM-Baum nicht statt,
+;;;; bzw. wird dem Nutzer ueberlassen.
+;;;; Daher muss letztlich spaetestens beim Serialisieren eine
+;;;; Namespace-Deklaration fuer die angegebene URI nachgetragen und das
+;;;; Praefix ggf. umbenannt werden, damit am Ende doch etwas
+;;;; Namespace-konformes heraus kommt.
+;;;; Und das nennen sie dann Namespace-Support.
+;;;; [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/namespaces-algorithms.html#normalizeDocumentAlgo
+(in-package :cxml)
+(defclass namespace-normalizer (sax-proxy)
+    ((xmlns-stack :initarg :xmlns-stack :accessor xmlns-stack)))
+(defvar *xmlns-namespace* #"http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+(defun make-namespace-normalizer (chained-handler)
+  (make-instance 'namespace-normalizer
+    :xmlns-stack (list (mapcar (lambda (cons)
+				 (make-xmlns-attribute (car cons) (cdr cons)))
+			       *namespace-bindings*))
+    :chained-handler chained-handler))
+(defun normalizer-find-prefix (handler prefix)
+  (block t
+    (dolist (bindings (xmlns-stack handler))
+      (dolist (attribute bindings)
+	(when (rod= (sax:attribute-local-name attribute) prefix)
+	  (return-from t attribute))))))
+(defun normalizer-find-uri (handler uri)
+  (block t
+    (dolist (bindings (xmlns-stack handler))
+      (dolist (attribute bindings)
+	(when (and (rod= (sax:attribute-value attribute) uri)
+		   ;; default-namespace interessiert uns nicht
+		   (not (rod= (sax:attribute-qname attribute) #"xmlns")))
+	  (return-from t attribute))))))
+(defun make-xmlns-attribute (prefix uri)
+  (if prefix
+      (sax:make-attribute
+       :qname (concatenate 'rod #"xmlns:" prefix)
+       :namespace-uri *xmlns-namespace*
+       :local-name prefix
+       :value uri)
+      (sax:make-attribute
+       :qname #"xmlns"
+       :namespace-uri *xmlns-namespace*
+       :local-name #"xmlns"
+       :value uri)))
+(defun rename-attribute (a new-prefix)
+  (setf (sax:attribute-qname a)
+	(concatenate 'rod new-prefix #":" (sax:attribute-local-name a))))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((handler namespace-normalizer) uri lname qname attrs)
+  (declare (ignore qname))
+  (when (null uri)
+    (setf uri #""))
+  (let ((normal-attrs '()))
+    (push nil (xmlns-stack handler))
+    (dolist (a attrs)
+      (if (rod= *xmlns-namespace* (sax:attribute-namespace-uri a))
+	  (push a (car (xmlns-stack handler)))
+	  (push a normal-attrs)))
+    (flet ((push-namespace (prefix uri)
+	     (let ((new (make-xmlns-attribute prefix uri)))
+	       (push new (car (xmlns-stack handler)))
+	       (push new attrs))))
+      (multiple-value-bind (prefix local-name) (split-qname qname)
+	(setf lname local-name)
+	(let ((binding (normalizer-find-prefix handler prefix)))
+	  (cond
+	    ((null binding)
+	      (unless (and (null prefix) (zerop (length uri)))
+		(push-namespace prefix uri)))
+	    ((rod= (sax:attribute-value binding) uri))
+	    ((member binding (car (xmlns-stack handler)))
+	      (setf (sax:attribute-value binding) uri))
+	    (t
+	      (push-namespace prefix uri)))))
+      (dolist (a normal-attrs)
+	(let ((u (sax:attribute-namespace-uri a)))
+	  (when u
+	    (let* ((prefix (split-qname (sax:attribute-qname a)))
+		   (prefix-binding
+		    (when prefix
+		      (normalizer-find-prefix handler prefix))))
+	      (when (or (null prefix-binding)
+			(not (rod= (sax:attribute-value prefix-binding) u)))
+		(let ((uri-binding (normalizer-find-uri handler u)))
+		  (cond
+		    (uri-binding
+		      (rename-attribute
+		       a
+		       (sax:attribute-local-name uri-binding)))
+		    ((null prefix-binding)
+		      (push-namespace prefix u))
+		    (t
+		      (loop
+			  for i from 1
+			  for prefix = (rod (format nil "NS~D" i))
+			  unless (normalizer-find-prefix handler prefix)
+			  do
+			    (push-namespace prefix u)
+			    (rename-attribute a prefix)
+			    (return))))))))))))
+  (sax:start-element (proxy-chained-handler handler) uri lname qname attrs))
+(defmethod sax:end-element ((handler namespace-normalizer) uri lname qname)
+  (declare (ignore qname))
+  (pop (xmlns-stack handler))
+  (sax:end-element (proxy-chained-handler handler) (or uri #"") lname qname))

Added: vendor/cxml/xmls-compat.lisp
--- vendor/cxml/xmls-compat.lisp	2006-02-18 09:24:24 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ vendor/cxml/xmls-compat.lisp	2006-02-18 09:34:15 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+;;;; xml-compat.lisp -- XMLS-compatible data structures
+;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
+;;;; See file COPYING for details.
+;;;; Developed 2004 for headcraft - http://headcraft.de/
+;;;; Copyright: David Lichteblau
+;;;; XXX Der namespace-Support in xmls kommt mir zweifelhaft vor.
+;;;; Wir immitieren das soweit es gebraucht wurde bisher.
+(defpackage cxml-xmls
+  (:use :cl :runes)
+  (:export #:make-node #:node-name #:node-ns #:node-attrs #:node-children
+           #:make-xmls-builder #:map-node))
+(in-package :cxml-xmls)
+;;;; Knoten
+(defun make-node (&key name ns attrs children)
+  `(,(if ns (cons name ns) name)
+       ,attrs
+       , at children))
+(defun node-name (node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (car car)
+        car)))
+(defun (setf node-name) (newval node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (setf (car car) newval)
+        (setf (car node) newval))))
+(defun node-ns (node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (cdr car)
+        nil)))
+(defun (setf node-ns) (newval node)
+  (let ((car (car node)))
+    (if (consp car)
+        (setf (cdr car) newval)
+        (setf (car node) (cons car newval)))
+    newval))
+(defun node-attrs (node)
+  (cadr node))
+(defun (setf node-attrs) (newval node)
+  (setf (cadr node) newval))
+(defun node-children (node)
+  (cddr node))
+(defun (setf node-children) (newval node)
+  (setf (cddr node) newval))
+;;;; SAX-Handler (Parser)
+(defclass xmls-builder ()
+    ((element-stack :initform nil :accessor element-stack)
+     (root :initform nil :accessor root)
+     (include-default-values :initform t
+                             :initarg :include-default-values
+                             :accessor include-default-values)))
+(defun make-xmls-builder (&key (include-default-values t))
+  (make-instance 'xmls-builder :include-default-values include-default-values))
+(defmethod sax:end-document ((handler xmls-builder))
+  (root handler))
+(defmethod sax:start-element
+    ((handler xmls-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri))
+  (setf local-name (or local-name qname))
+  (let* ((attributes
+          (loop
+              for attr in attributes
+              when (or (sax:attribute-specified-p attr)
+                       (include-default-values handler))
+              collect
+                (list (sax:attribute-qname attr)
+                      (sax:attribute-value attr))))
+         (node (make-node :name local-name
+                          :ns (let ((lq (length qname))
+                                    (ll (length local-name)))
+                                (if (eql lq ll)
+                                    nil
+                                    (subseq qname 0 (- lq ll 1))))
+                          :attrs attributes))
+         (parent (car (element-stack handler))))
+    (if parent
+        (push node (node-children parent))
+        (setf (root handler) node))
+    (push node (element-stack handler))))
+(defmethod sax:end-element
+    ((handler xmls-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname)
+  (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname))
+  (let ((node (pop (element-stack handler))))
+    (setf (node-children node) (reverse (node-children node)))))
+(defmethod sax:characters ((handler xmls-builder) data)
+  (let* ((parent (car (element-stack handler)))
+         (prev (car (node-children parent))))
+    ;; Be careful to accept both rods and strings here, so that xmls can be
+    ;; used with strings even if cxml is configured to use octet string rods.
+    (if (typep prev '(or rod string))
+        ;; um entities herum wird SAX:CHARACTERS mehrfach aufgerufen fuer
+        ;; den gleichen Textknoten.  Hier muessen wir den bestehenden Knoten
+        ;; erweitern, sonst ist das Dokument nicht normalisiert.
+        ;; (XXX Oder sollte man besser den Parser entsprechend aendern?)
+        (setf (car (node-children parent))
+              (concatenate `(vector ,(array-element-type prev))
+                           prev
+                           data))
+        (push data (node-children parent)))))
+;;;; SAX-Treiber (fuer Serialisierung)
+(defun map-node
+    (handler node
+     &key (include-xmlns-attributes sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*))
+  (sax:start-document handler)
+  (labels ((walk (node)
+             (let* ((attlist
+                     (compute-attributes node include-xmlns-attributes))
+                    (lname (rod (node-name node)))
+                    (ns (rod (node-ns node)))
+                    (qname (concatenate 'rod ns (rod ":") lname)))
+               ;; fixme: namespaces
+               (sax:start-element handler nil lname qname attlist)
+               (dolist (child (node-children node))
+                 (typecase child
+                   (list (walk child))
+                   ((or string rod) (sax:characters handler (rod child)))))
+               (sax:end-element handler nil lname qname))))
+    (walk node))
+  (sax:end-document handler))
+(defun compute-attributes (node xmlnsp)
+  (remove nil
+          (mapcar (lambda (a)
+                    (destructuring-bind (name value) a
+                      (if (or xmlnsp (not (cxml::xmlns-attr-p (rod name))))
+                          (sax:make-attribute :qname (rod name)
+                                              :value (rod value)
+                                              :specified-p t)
+                          nil)))
+                  (node-attrs node))))

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