[bknr-cvs] r1840 - in trunk: bknr/src/data bknr/src/web bknr/src/xml-impex projects projects/bknr-website/templates projects/lisp-ecoop05/src

bknr at bknr.net bknr at bknr.net
Fri Feb 17 21:05:52 UTC 2006

Author: hhubner
Date: 2006-02-17 15:05:51 -0600 (Fri, 17 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 1840

Back out changes in trunk back to 1827 in the hopes to have trunk in a
useable state.  I'm moving my current project work to the branch
xml-class-rework as some of the changes will introduce incompatibilties
to the existing and documented xml-class API (among others).

Modified: trunk/bknr/src/data/object.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/src/data/object.lisp	2006-02-17 20:55:40 UTC (rev 1839)
+++ trunk/bknr/src/data/object.lisp	2006-02-17 21:05:51 UTC (rev 1840)
@@ -204,26 +204,20 @@
       (relaxed-object-reference-slot-p slot))))
 (defmacro define-persistent-class (class (&rest superclasses) slots &rest class-options)
-  (let ((superclasses (or superclasses '(store-object)))
-	(metaclass (cadr (assoc :metaclass class-options))))
-    (when (and metaclass
-	       (not (validate-superclass (find-class metaclass)
-					 (find-class 'persistent-class))))
-      (error "Can not define a persistent class with metaclass ~A." metaclass))
+  (let ((superclasses (or superclasses '(store-object))))
+    (when (member :metaclass class-options :key #'car)
+      (error "Can not define a persistent class with a metaclass."))
     `(define-bknr-class ,class ,superclasses ,slots
-      ,@(unless metaclass '(:metaclass persistent-class))
+      (:metaclass persistent-class)
       , at class-options)))
 (defmacro defpersistent-class (class (&rest superclasses) slots &rest class-options)
-  (let ((superclasses (or superclasses '(store-object)))
-	(metaclass (cadr (assoc :metaclass class-options))))
-    (when (and metaclass
-	       (not (validate-superclass (find-class metaclass)
-					 (find-class 'persistent-class))))
-      (error "Can not define a persistent class with metaclass ~A." metaclass))
+  (let ((superclasses (or superclasses '(store-object))))
+    (when (member :metaclass class-options :key #'car)
+      (error "Can not define a persistent class with a metaclass."))
     `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
        (defclass ,class ,superclasses ,slots
-	 ,@(unless metaclass '(:metaclass persistent-class))
+	 (:metaclass persistent-class)
 	 , at class-options))))

Modified: trunk/bknr/src/web/handlers.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/src/web/handlers.lisp	2006-02-17 20:55:40 UTC (rev 1839)
+++ trunk/bknr/src/web/handlers.lisp	2006-02-17 21:05:51 UTC (rev 1840)
@@ -446,10 +446,9 @@
 		:string-rod-fn #'cxml::utf8-string-to-rod))
 (defmethod handle-object ((handler xml-object-list-handler) object req)
-  (let ((element-name (xml-object-list-handler-toplevel-element-name handler)))
-    (cxml:with-element element-name
-      (dolist (object (object-list-handler-get-objects handler object req))
-	(object-list-handler-show-object-xml handler object req)))))
+  (cxml:with-element (xml-object-list-handler-toplevel-element-name handler)
+    (dolist (object (object-list-handler-get-objects handler object req))
+      (object-list-handler-show-object-xml handler object req))))
 (defclass blob-handler (object-handler)

Modified: trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-class.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-class.lisp	2006-02-17 20:55:40 UTC (rev 1839)
+++ trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-class.lisp	2006-02-17 21:05:51 UTC (rev 1840)
@@ -2,22 +2,8 @@
 (defclass xml-class (indexed-class)
   ((dtd :initarg :dtd :initform nil :accessor xml-class-dtd)
-   (element :initarg :element :initform nil :accessor xml-class-element)
-   (unique-id-slot   :initarg :unique-id-slot :initform nil
-		     :documentation "if set to a slot name, this
-signals that the slot can be used as a unique id to refer to an
-instance of the object in a n XML update operation")
-   (unique-id-reader :initarg :unique-id-reader :initform nil
-		     :documentation "if set to a function, this
-signals that the function can be used as a unique index-reader when
-used in XML update operations.")))
+   (element :initarg :element :initform nil :accessor xml-class-element)))
-(defmethod xml-class-unique-id-slot ((class xml-class))
-  (first (slot-value class 'unique-id-slot)))
-(defmethod xml-class-unique-id-reader ((class xml-class))
-  (eval (first (slot-value class 'unique-id-reader))))
 (defmethod validate-superclass ((sub xml-class) (super indexed-class))
@@ -45,7 +31,7 @@
    (object-to-id :initarg :object-to-id
 		 :initform nil
 		 :documentation "Function used to get the ID of the object stored in the slot.")
    (parent      :initarg :parent
 		:initform nil
 		:documentation "Slot is a pointer to the parent object.")))
@@ -115,14 +101,11 @@
 	   (error "Attribute ~A is not a CXML attdef." attribute))
-(defmethod initialize-elmdef ((class xml-class) dtd elm)
+(defmethod initialize-elmdef ((class xml-class) dtd elmdef)
   (let* ((dtd (get-dtd dtd))
-	 elmdef)
-    (when elm
-      (setf elmdef (get-dtd-elmdef dtd elm))
-      (unless elmdef
-	(error "Could not find an element definition for class ~A, elmdef ~A."
-	       (class-name class) elm)))
+	 (elmdef (when elmdef (get-dtd-elmdef dtd elmdef))))
+    (unless elmdef
+      (error "Could not find an element definition for ~A." class))
     (setf (xml-class-dtd class) dtd
 	  (xml-class-element class) elmdef)))

Modified: trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-import.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-import.lisp	2006-02-17 20:55:40 UTC (rev 1839)
+++ trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-import.lisp	2006-02-17 21:05:51 UTC (rev 1840)
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
    (root-elt   :initform nil :accessor importer-root-elt)
    (parent-elts :initform nil :accessor importer-parent-elts)))
+(defclass xml-class-instance ()
+  ((initforms :initform nil :initarg :initforms :reader instance-initforms)
+   (children  :initarg :children :accessor instance-children)
+   (elmdef    :initarg :elmdef :accessor instance-elmdef)
+   (class     :initarg :class :initform nil :accessor instance-class)))
 (defmethod slot-parse-value ((slot xml-effective-slot-definition) value)
   (with-slots (parser id-to-object) slot
     (when parser
@@ -14,149 +20,49 @@
       (setf value (funcall id-to-object value)))
-;;; description for an object instance to be created from the xml. The
-;;; data is gathered while parsing the XML, and at the end of an
-;;; element, the corresponding object is instanciated.
+(defmethod xml-class-attribute-initforms ((class xml-class) attributes)
+  (let (results)
+    (dolist (attr attributes)
+      (let ((slot (xml-class-find-attribute-slot class (sax:attribute-qname attr))))
+	(when slot
+	  (push (first (slot-definition-initargs slot)) results)
+	  (push (slot-parse-value slot (sax:attribute-value attr)) results))))
+    (nreverse results)))
-(defclass xml-node ()
-  ((element :initarg :element :accessor node-element)
-   (children :initarg :children :initform (make-hash-table) :accessor node-children)
-   (elmdef    :initarg :elmdef :accessor instance-elmdef)
-   (attributes :initarg :attributes :accessor node-attributes)
-   (data :initarg :data :initform nil :accessor node-data)))
-(defmethod print-object ((node xml-node) stream)
-  (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t)
-    (format stream "~a" (node-element node))))
-(defclass xml-class-instance (xml-node)
-  ((slots :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :accessor instance-slots)
-   (class     :initarg :class :initform nil :accessor instance-class)))
-(defmethod print-object ((instance xml-class-instance) stream)
-  (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t)
-    (format stream "~a" (instance-class instance))))
-(defgeneric importer-add-attribute (handler node attr))
-(defgeneric importer-add-characters (handler node data))
-(defgeneric importer-add-element (handler node element value))
-(defgeneric importer-finalize (handler node))
-(defmethod importer-add-attribute ((handler xml-class-importer)
-				 (class-instance xml-class-instance) attr)
-  (with-slots (class slots) class-instance
-    (let ((slot (xml-class-find-attribute-slot class (sax:attribute-qname attr))))
-      (when slot
-	(setf (gethash slot slots) (slot-parse-value slot (sax:attribute-value attr)))))))
-(defmethod importer-add-attribute ((handler xml-class-importer)
-				 (node xml-node) attr)
-  nil)
-(defmethod importer-add-characters ((handler xml-class-importer)
-				  (node xml-node) characters)
-  (unless (whitespace-p characters)
-    (setf characters (string-trim bknr.utils::+whitespace-chars+ characters))
-    (with-slots (data) node
-      (setf data (if data
-		     (concatenate 'string data characters)
-		     characters)))))
-(defmethod importer-add-characters ((handler xml-class-importer)
-				  (instance xml-class-instance) characters)
-  (with-slots (class elmdef slots children) instance
-    (let ((slot (xml-class-body-slot class)))
-      (when slot
-	(setf (gethash slot slots) (slot-parse-value slot characters))))))
-(defmethod importer-add-element ((handler xml-class-importer)
-			       (node xml-node) element value)
-  (with-slots (children) node
-    (push value (gethash (make-keyword-from-string element) children))))
-(defmethod importer-add-element ((handler xml-class-importer)
-			       (instance xml-class-instance) element value)
-  (with-slots (slots elmdef class children) instance
-    (let ((slot (xml-class-find-element-slot class element)))
-      (when slot
-	  ;; parse the value if necessary
-	  (setf value (slot-parse-value slot value))
-	  (let ((containment (xml-effective-slot-definition-containment slot)))
-	    (if (member containment '(:* :+))
-		;; if it has a plural containment, push the
-		;; created instance into the initargs hash
-		(push value (gethash slot slots))
-		;; else set the initarg hash to the new instance
-		(setf (gethash slot slots) value)))))))
-(defmethod importer-finalize ((handler xml-class-importer)
-			    (node xml-node))
-  (with-slots (data children) node
-    (cond
-      ((and data
-	    (= (hash-table-count children) 0)) data)
-      ((> (hash-table-count children) 0)
-       (children-to-initforms (node-children node)))
-      (t nil))))
-(defun add-parent (handler parent child)
-  (let* ((class (class-of child))
-	 (parent-slot (when (typep class 'xml-class)
-			(xml-class-parent-slot class))))
-    (when parent-slot
-      (set-slot-value handler child (slot-definition-name parent-slot) parent))))
-(defun slots-to-initforms (slots)
-  (let (initforms)
-    (loop for slot being the hash-keys of slots using (hash-value value)
-       when (listp value)
-       do (push (reverse value) initforms)
-       else do (push value initforms)
-       do (push (first (slot-definition-initargs slot)) initforms))
-    initforms))
-(defmethod importer-finalize ((handler xml-class-importer)
-			    (instance xml-class-instance))
-  (with-slots (class elmdef children slots) instance
-    (let* ((initforms (slots-to-initforms slots))
-	   (object (apply #'create-instance handler (class-name class) initforms)))
-      (loop for objs being the hash-values of slots
-	 when (listp objs)
-	 do (dolist (child objs)
-	      (add-parent handler object child))
-	 else do (add-parent handler object objs))
-      object)))
 (defmethod sax:start-document ((handler xml-class-importer))
   (setf (importer-root-elt handler) nil))
 (defmethod sax:start-element ((handler xml-class-importer) namespace-uri local-name qname attrs)
   (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name))
-  (let ((class (gethash qname (importer-class-hash handler)))
-	(element (cxml::string-rod qname))
-	instance)
+  (let ((class (gethash qname (importer-class-hash handler))))
     (if class
-	(setf instance
-	      (make-instance 'xml-class-instance
-			     :element element
-			     :elmdef (xml-class-element class)
-			     :class class))
-	(setf instance
-	      (make-instance 'xml-node
-			     :element element
-			     :elmdef (cxml::find-element element (importer-dtd handler)))))
+	(let ((instance (make-instance 'xml-class-instance
+				       :children (make-hash-table)
+				       :initforms (xml-class-attribute-initforms class attrs)
+				       :elmdef (xml-class-element class)
+				       :class class)))
+	  (push instance (importer-parent-elts handler)))
+	(let ((instance (make-instance 'xml-class-instance
+				       :children (make-hash-table)
+				       :initforms nil
+				       :elmdef (cxml::find-element (cxml::string-rod qname)
+								   (importer-dtd handler))
+				       :class nil)))
+	  (push instance (importer-parent-elts handler))))))
-    (dolist (attr attrs)
-      (importer-add-attribute handler instance attr))
-    (push instance (importer-parent-elts handler))))
 (defmethod sax:characters ((handler xml-class-importer) data)
   (unless (importer-parent-elts handler)
     (error "Can not parse SAX:CHARACTERS without a parent element."))
-  (importer-add-characters handler (first (importer-parent-elts handler)) data))
+  (let ((instance (first (importer-parent-elts handler))))
+    (with-slots (class elmdef initforms children) instance
+      (if class
+	  (let ((slot (xml-class-body-slot class)))
+	    (when slot
+	      (push (funcall (xml-effective-slot-definition-parser slot) data) initforms)
+	      (push (first (slot-definition-initargs slot)) initforms)))
+	  (unless (whitespace-p data)
+	    (setf data (string-trim bknr.utils::+whitespace-chars+ data))
+	    (setf initforms (if initforms (concatenate 'string initforms data) data)))))))
 (defmethod create-instance ((handler xml-class-importer) class-name &rest initargs)
   (apply #'make-instance class-name initargs))
@@ -166,15 +72,43 @@
 (defmethod sax:end-element ((handler xml-class-importer) namespace-uri local-name qname)
   (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name))
+  (let ((instance (pop (importer-parent-elts handler))))
+    (with-slots (class initforms elmdef children) instance
+      (loop for key being the hash-keys of children using (hash-value value)
+	    when (listp value)
+	    do (push (reverse value) initforms)
+	    else do (push value initforms)
+	    do (push key initforms))
+      (let ((instance (if class
+			  (apply #'create-instance handler (class-name class) initforms)
+			  initforms)))
-  (let* ((instance (pop (importer-parent-elts handler)))
-	 (final (importer-finalize handler instance))
-	 (parent (first (importer-parent-elts handler))))
+	(when class
+	  (loop for objs being the hash-values of children
+		when (listp objs)
+		do (loop for child in objs
+			 for child-class = (class-of child)
+			 for parent-slot = (when (typep child-class 'xml-class)
+					     (xml-class-parent-slot (class-of child)))
+			 when parent-slot
+			 do (set-slot-value handler child (slot-definition-name parent-slot) instance))))
-    (when parent
-      (importer-add-element handler parent qname final))
-    (setf (importer-root-elt handler) final)))
+	(let ((parent (first (importer-parent-elts handler))))
+	  (when parent
+	    (if (instance-class parent)
+		(let ((slot (xml-class-find-element-slot (instance-class parent) qname)))
+		  (when slot
+		    (setf instance (slot-parse-value slot instance))
+		    (let ((containment (xml-effective-slot-definition-containment slot)))
+		      (if (member containment '(:* :+))
+			  (push instance (gethash (first (slot-definition-initargs slot))
+						  (instance-children parent)))
+			  (setf (gethash (first (slot-definition-initargs slot))
+					 (instance-children parent)) instance)))))
+		(push instance (gethash (make-keyword-from-string qname)
+					(instance-children parent))))))
+	(setf (importer-root-elt handler) instance)))))
 (defun parse-xml-file (xml-file classes &key (recoder #'cxml::rod-string)
 		       (importer-class 'xml-class-importer))

Deleted: trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-update.lisp
--- trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-update.lisp	2006-02-17 20:55:40 UTC (rev 1839)
+++ trunk/bknr/src/xml-impex/xml-update.lisp	2006-02-17 21:05:51 UTC (rev 1840)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :bknr.impex)
-;;; sax parser for xml impex updater, reads updates to objects from an xml file
-(defclass xml-class-updater (xml-class-importer)
-  ())
-(defun class-find-slot (class slot-name)
-  (find-if #'(lambda (slot)
-	       (equal (slot-definition-name slot) slot-name))
-	   (mop:class-slots class)))
-(defmethod importer-finalize ((handler xml-class-updater)
-			      (instance xml-class-instance))
-  (with-slots (class slots) instance
-    (if (and (xml-class-unique-id-slot class)
-	     (xml-class-unique-id-reader class))
-	(let* ((id-slot (class-find-slot class (xml-class-unique-id-slot class)))
-	       (id-value (gethash id-slot slots))
-	       (obj (when id-value (funcall (xml-class-unique-id-reader class) id-value))))
-	  (if (and obj id-value)
-	      (progn
-		(loop for slot being the hash-keys of slots using (hash-value value)
-		   when (not (equal (slot-definition-name slot) (xml-class-unique-id-slot class)))
-		   do
-		     (format t "updating slot ~A with ~S~%" (slot-definition-name slot)
-			     value)
-		     (setf (slot-value obj (slot-definition-name slot))
-			    value))
-		obj)
-	      (progn
-		(warn "no id-value or object found, creating new~%")
-		(call-next-method))))
-	(call-next-method))))
-(defun parse-xml-update-file (xml-file classes &key (recoder #'cxml::rod-string)
-			      (importer-class 'xml-class-updater))
-  (parse-xml-file xml-file classes :recoder recoder :importer-class importer-class))

Modified: trunk/projects/bknr-website/templates/generate-html.xsl
--- trunk/projects/bknr-website/templates/generate-html.xsl	2006-02-17 20:55:40 UTC (rev 1839)
+++ trunk/projects/bknr-website/templates/generate-html.xsl	2006-02-17 21:05:51 UTC (rev 1840)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
  <xsl:output mode="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
  <xsl:template match="item">xsltproc --stringparam mode html -o ../html/<xsl:value-of select="@url"/>.html <xsl:value-of select="@url"/>.xml</xsl:template>
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: trunk/projects/lisp-ecoop05 (from rev 1827, trunk/projects/lisp-ecoop05)

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