Hi.<br><br>This is a minor issue, actually. In yaclml/src/tal/xmls.lisp, we read:<br><br> (defun make-node (&key name ns attrs child children)<br> (cons #<Datum for name, ns and attrs> #<Datum for child or children>))<br>
<br>and, correspondingly,<br><br> (defun (setf node-children) (children elem) <br> (setf (CDR elem) children)<br> (node-children elem))<br><br>but, at the same time,<br><br> (defun node-children (elem)<br>
(CDDR elem))<br>
<br>which results in the first child being lost.<br><br>Attached is a patch to fix this issue.<br><br>Sincerely,<br> - B. Smilga.<br><br>