Hi,<br><br>serve-file method doesn't expose content-disposition parameter. Is<br>that intentional?.<br><br>I was looking at how to serve static content with ucw and found<br>serve-file. Unfortunately it assumes that content disposition is<br>
"attachment" and doesn't provide a way for one to specify an<br>alternative.<br><br>It was easy to change it, so that it could be used as: <br><br>(serve-file (make-pathname ...)<br> :content-disposition "inline"<br>
:content-type "text/html; charset=\"...\"")<br><br>but I'm wondering whether there is a reason or it's only a matter of<br>unintentional omission.<br><br>Is "attachment" really the preferred way to serve static content,<br>
especially for html files? I tried using<br>static-roots-application-mixin and was surprised to see download<br>dialog opening.<br><br>Regards,<br>Anton<br><br>