It seems that the UCW version of parenscript adds slashes to it's argument when printing it. This is contrary to what the parenscript manual says ("The regex<br>form actually does nothing at all to its argument, and prints it as is."), and makes it impossible to do things like "/bla/i" (case-insensitive compare). I can't download the latest non-ucw parenscript because that site (the one linked from CLiki) has been down forever, but the ASDF-install version of parenscript does not add these slashes.
<br><br>So think the UCW version shouldn't do that either. Simply a matter of changing <br><br>(defmethod js-to-strings ((regex regex) start-pos)<br> (declare (ignore start-pos))<br> (list (format nil "/~A/" (value regex))))
<br><br>in src/js.lisp and removing the slashes in the string.<br><br>Regards,<br>Marijn Haverbeke<br>